askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
As long as it isn't a trouble!
PMDU Requests!
Since the ask box is empty and I’m staring down a few lab hours with nothing but math to do, I thought I’d put out an offer to doodle some teams!  Rules
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
(Apologies for the hiatus! If you still want to continue with the RP the... ;w;)
The Quilava shifted anxiously as the Vaporeon appeared to melt! She had never seen anything so scary yet beautiful in her life!
After asking to repeat the question, due to getting distracted she paused to think for a moment and answered in a delicate voice,
"W-well, um, that’s true… B-but, i-it’s too expensive to move to the city a-and establish our tea house there…"
Violet’s voice drifted off as she stood there thinking more into the matter of their tea shop. She eventually remembered something her mother said but gave a quick glance to Oseye and Nono’s expressions before she continued, wondering whether she would bore them by the end of her monologue.
"Oh, but in the past our tea house was part of the city! Um, m-mum said a, um, d-disaster happened many years ago s-separating the city in two. T-the forest and trees around us used to be homes and houses, b-but they were never rebuilt so all the plants grew back again. I-It was before I was born, so um, I’m not too sure of all the details though…"
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
(Ah apologies! I had a hiatus too ;w; If you're still up for RPing with me...)
The berries fell down to the ground, but not before cushioning their fall on the Quilava’s head.
"Ahh! W-wha!?"
The Quilava squealed in confusion, oblivious to the Kirlia and Litwick above her. She dropped her basket, spilling the berries, and quickly covered her head.
"Uh, ah- w-what was that?!"
She said in a loud voice, slightly trembling, uncertain of what just happened.
(RP alert! Hope this is ok :) ) It was early morning in Andalusst and most of Pokemon were just beginning to wake up from their long slumber. However, deep in the forest a Quilava was already awake and busy doing her daily duties by herself. She scurried around the forest collecting ripe berries and placed them delicately in her basket.
((So SO sorry for the delayed response!! I need not explain what’s been going on, since I already made a post for that. Just do know I wasn’t ignoring you!! ;A;))
In one of the many large trees that stood in the forest, a Kirlia holding a Litwick was sitting on top one of the bulky branches. She slouched against the trunk of the tree, lying in a not so comfortable position. In one of her hands she held a few tiny berries that looked quite old. Despite the unappetizing look however, the Kirlia didn’t hesitate to pop a berry in her mouth. Her expression alone told that the berry didn’t taste good, but she still insisted in swallowing. It wasn’t long til she tossed the rest of the berries behind her shoulder disappointed.
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"Breakfast can never be satisfying…can it?" The Kirlia mumbled to herself as she held her stomach. "I suppose I’m used to it…"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
"Err, t-thank you! W-W-We're a very large family but I love all my brothers and sisters, a lot!" Violet flashed another warm smile 
Violet just giggled at the reaction of Oseye and Nono, blushing red as she did so, honoured to hear the lovely compliments.
" Hehe, y-you both look like little Skitty's!! Ah, but t-thank you very much!! W-We pick the freshest berry's everyday and umm, u-use recipes passed down in our family!!" As she spoke she got more excited, obviously having a large passion for tea.
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Violet quickly turned round and could be heard stuttering as she tried to say something toward the other fire types. However, the Quilava by the doorway just seemed to giggle and drag the Cyndaquil and herself behind the door again, before Violet could say anything.
Violet gave a little sigh and returned her attention back at the Vaporeon. "S-Sorry, t-that's just my sisters~ Aha, we don't get many visitors here you see..." She gave a little smile as she said her words.
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
(omg yes ;w; )
After a few minutes Violet returned to the Vaporeon and Noibat, holding their cups of tea carefully on a large plate. At the doorway where she left, the head of a small Cyndaquil and another Quilava could be seen spying on them.
"Umm, here is your M-Maglong Tea! P-Please be careful it is very hot!" Violet said as she placed the cups down on the table in front of them.
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
"Ah! U-U-Umm, t-t-thank you M-Miss Oseye, y-you’re very kind t-to say so!" The Quilava blushed violently as she spoke, not expecting to hear such a nice compliment. "Ah! I-I mean ‘O-Oseye’!" She quickly corrected herself, still not used to calling everyone by just their first name.
Violet’s cheeks continued to emit a hot red glow, until she quickly brought the notepad she was holding up to her face, as an attempt to hide behind it. The notepad was very small so was not very effective.
"U-Umm, t-thank you for your order! P-Please wait for a while, a-as we prepare it." She scribbled the order down in front of her face and made a small bow at both of the Pokemon before she left the room, leaving the customers to talk among themselves for a little while. 
(So sorry, for late reply and hope you don’t mind I changed the Tea flavour! Thought I needed to make a menu for this sort of thing so made an official one this morning! You can see the menu here, though it’s still half complete!)
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Reassured by the kind Braixen, Violet watched the pair continue on their journey and gestured a shy wave at them. 
As she walked away she smiled contently, happy to have met another pair of friendly Pokemon. She repeated their names in her head, hoping to fully memorise them by their next meeting.
(I'd like to RP if you're available for one) A Braixen and Sneasel pair padded their way through the city in an attempt to get to know the area a little better, as well as get some much needed exercise. The fire type was clinging on to her staff, utilizing it as a cane as she was still getting used to walking on her hind legs. As she clumsily walked through the crowd, she unintentionally tripped over a Quilava. Her cane had entangled with the other fire type, causing her to lose her balance.
((Of course of course! Though please forgive my lack of icons!))
"I-I think that’s all the berries we need today, Leo!" A timid looking Quilava said to the Sentret beside her. She was holding a little basket filled with a variety of pretty coloured berries.
"W-W-We should probably head hom-"
Leo moved back slightly leaving room for the Quilava to fall to the ground with a loud thud. It seems as though she tripped over a large wooden object belonging to a Braixen, causing both of them to fall over.
The Quilava winced slightly as she rubbed her body. Despite dropping her basket of berries she immediately went to attend to the Braixen laying beside her, mistaking for an elderly member, she quickly said,
"Ah! I-I-I’m s-s-sorry! A-Are you ok Madam? Um, er, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t,er, looking w-where I was going! Umm, d-do you need a doctor or anything?!” The Quilava’s face was slightly red as she stammered and stuttered over her words.
The Sentret just seemed to stand there as his partner fussed over the Braixen. Maybe he had gotten used to the Quilava’s over reaction to such situations or maybe he just didn’t care what was happening. He glared at the ‘funny-looking’ Sneasel next to the Braixen and clicked his tongue in annoyance.
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Violet nodded happily and waited until the pair was comfortably sitting down, before giving them a neatly hand written piece of paper, detailing different flavour tea's and the berries used in each one.
"Umm, hello there Mr Nono!" She giggled slightly at the peculiar name and gave a little polite wave to the small Noibat.
"Ah! Umm s-sorry, I-I'm Violet! I-It's nice to meet you Miss-?" Violet tilted her head as she let her sentence drift off, so the Vaporeon could answer.
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
((( Hello. :) Can I have a little Rp with you?))) A Vaporeon walked in the forest with her Noibat friend, when she suddenly stopped, stoping a building. She watched it for a while, then head to the house. The little bat sighed followed her. When they entered, the water type saw a Quilava. With a big smile, the Vaporeon jumped next to the fire type. "Hi there! My name is Oseye! And you?"
(Omg yes! Sorry I literally punched the air, phew~)
Slightly startled the Quilava made a small yelp as she stopped cleaning the nearby table. She turned round almost dazed, obviously not catching the introduction of the Pokemon. Meeting the gaze of the smiling Vaporeon standing very close to her, she quickly retreated back a few steps as she tried to avoid shaking too much in the presence of the water type.
"S-S-Sorry! Umm… oh! You must be a customer!" Her face suddenly beamed with warmth and happiness as she made a little bow and gestured her paws to a nearby table, "Welcome to Hue Tea’s! I-I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!"
Oseye blinked a few times. Did she just shaking a little, she thought. Maybe she scared her? “Oh, so this is a tea house then, right?” asked while she wagged her tail happily. “I’m pretty sure we will enjoy our stay.” the she sat one of the tables with the Noibat. “By the way, this is my friend Nono. And I think I didn’t catch your name. What’s your name?”
Violet nodded happily and waited until the pair was comfortably sitting down, before giving them a neatly hand written piece of paper, detailing different flavour tea’s and the berries used in each one.
"Umm, hello there Mr Nono!" She giggled slightly at the peculiar name and gave a little polite wave to the small Noibat.
"Ah! Umm s-sorry, I-I’m Violet! I-It’s nice to meet you Miss-?" Violet tilted her head as she let her sentence drift off, so the Vaporeon could answer.
Nono waved back, hiding his blushing face under his wing.
"It’s Oseye." said the Vaporeon. "And please, call us Oseye and Nono without ‘Mr.’ or ‘Miss’." she started reading the menu. "Hmmm, I can’t choose, they all sounds good to me. What abot you, Nono? Wait, did you have a fever or something?" she said the last  phrase laught from ear to ear.
squeaked the Noibat.
"Okay. Then we like to have a Maglong Tea for two person." the Vaporeon smiled the Quilava. "By the way, you have a really nice name, Violet."
"Ah! U-U-Umm, t-t-thank you M-Miss Oseye, y-you’re very kind t-to say so!" The Quilava blushed violently as she spoke, not expecting to hear such a nice compliment. "Ah! I-I mean ‘O-Oseye’!" She quickly corrected herself, still not used to calling everyone by just their first name.
Violet’s cheeks continued to emit a hot red glow, until she quickly brought the notepad she was holding up to her face, as an attempt to hide behind it. The notepad was very small so was not very effective.
"U-Umm, t-thank you for your order! P-Please wait for a while, a-as we prepare it." She scribbled the order down in front of her face and made a small bow at both of the Pokemon before she left the room, leaving the customers to talk among themselves for a little while. 
(So sorry, for late reply and hope you don’t mind I changed the Tea flavour! Thought I needed to make a menu for this sort of thing so made an official one this morning! You can see the menuhere, though it’s still half complete!)
((( That’s okay, and don’t worry. To be honest, I don’t really know what kind of tea they have so I think one. Thank you for the link to the menu, I keep in mind for the ‘next visit’ >:3)))
said Nono.
"You said she’s cute." the Vaporeon gave the little bat a big grin, that the Noibat blushed. Oseye looked around the building. "Hmmm, I wonder why this place is almost in the middle of nowhere…"
asked the Noibat.
Oseye nodded. “It’s under my neck fin, so don’t worry.” the water ‘mon looked the way where Violet left, waiting for her return.
After a few minutes Violet returned to the Vaporeon and Noibat, holding their cups of tea carefully on a large plate. At the doorway where she left, the head of a small Cyndaquil and another Quilava could be seen spying on them.
"Umm, here is your M-Maglong Tea! P-Please be careful it is very hot!" Violet said as she placed the cups down on the table in front of them.
"Thank you!" said Oseye. She looked the way where the two fire types spying at them. "Ummm, are they friend of yours Violet?"
Nono already started drinking his tea carefully. As he drank, his eye open up wide sparkling, started blushing and screeching in a cute, soft voice. squaeked.
Violet quickly turned round and could be heard stuttering as she tried to say something toward the other fire types. However, the Quilava by the doorway just seemed to giggle and drag the Cyndaquil and herself behind the door again, before Violet could say anything.
Violet gave a little sigh and returned her attention back at the Vaporeon. “S-Sorry, t-that’s just my sisters~ Aha, we don’t get many visitors here you see…” She gave a little smile as she said her words.
"Oh, I see. I’m not really sure why. But what I’m sure that you lucky you have siblings." the Vaporeon turned back to her tea and friend. She blink by suprise when she saw the funny, but cute expression on Nono’s face. And he sounds like, his purring?
"Pfff, he’s looks like a little Skitty." Oseye wonder that this tea is that great that makes the bat like this. She started drink it….then she just make a blushy face. "This tea…is…amazing. Makes me so warm and fuzzy." she looked at Violet with sparkling eyes.
"Err, t-thank you! W-W-We’re a very large family but I love all my brothers and sisters, a lot!" Violet flashed another warm smile 
Violet just giggled at the reaction of Oseye and Nono, blushing red as she did so, honoured to hear the lovely compliments.
" Hehe, y-you both look like little Skitty’s!! Ah, but t-thank you very much!! W-We pick the freshest berry’s everyday and umm, u-use recipes passed down in our family!!" As she spoke she got more excited, obviously having a large passion for tea.
"That sounds nice. Even in the teas of city tea house don’t make me fell like this. Like, I’m going to melt right away." she put down her cup. Her blue body turned to purple and becameliquefy (Acid Armor), melt in the chair. She fast put herself together then and shook her head. "Sorry. You, if you don’t mind, why is this tea house is in the forest? I mean, won’t you have more customers in the city?"
Nono continued drinking his tea.
The Quilava shifted anxiously as the Vaporeon appeared to melt! She had never seen anything so scary yet beautiful in her life!
After asking to repeat the question, due to getting distracted she paused to think for a moment and answered in a delicate voice,
"W-well, um, that’s true… B-but, i-it’s too expensive to move to the city a-and establish our tea house there…"
Violet’s voice drifted off as she stood there thinking more into the matter of their tea shop. She eventually remembered something her mother said but gave a quick glance to Oseye and Nono’s expressions before she continued, wondering whether she would bore them by the end of her monologue.
"Oh, but in the past our tea house was part of the city! Um, m-mum said a, um, d-disaster happened many years ago s-separating the city in two. T-the forest and trees around us used to be homes and houses, b-but they were never rebuilt so all the plants grew back again. I-It was before I was born, so um, I’m not too sure of all the details though…"
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Leo seeing this as a chance to escape and end the conversation, walked away continuing on his original path before it would be interrupted again.
Violet being left behind, stood slightly confused at how their current situation unfolded. She wanted to continue talking to the Braixen and maybe get a chance to talk to the Sneasel too, but felt obligated to follow Leo instead. She gave a little bow accompanied with a sigh of defeat and sadness.
"I-I’m sorry Miss Dawn and M-Mr Yue, I think I should take my leave now as well. I-I-I hope we can meet again! Um, please have a good day." Violet said giving a small weak smile.
(I'd like to RP if you're available for one) A Braixen and Sneasel pair padded their way through the city in an attempt to get to know the area a little better, as well as get some much needed exercise. The fire type was clinging on to her staff, utilizing it as a cane as she was still getting used to walking on her hind legs. As she clumsily walked through the crowd, she unintentionally tripped over a Quilava. Her cane had entangled with the other fire type, causing her to lose her balance.
((Of course of course! Though please forgive my lack of icons!))
"I-I think that’s all the berries we need today, Leo!" A timid looking Quilava said to the Sentret beside her. She was holding a little basket filled with a variety of pretty coloured berries.
"W-W-We should probably head hom-"
Leo moved back slightly leaving room for the Quilava to fall to the ground with a loud thud. It seems as though she tripped over a large wooden object belonging to a Braixen, causing both of them to fall over.
The Quilava winced slightly as she rubbed her body. Despite dropping her basket of berries she immediately went to attend to the Braixen laying beside her, mistaking for an elderly member, she quickly said,
"Ah! I-I-I’m s-s-sorry! A-Are you ok Madam? Um, er, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t,er, looking w-where I was going! Umm, d-do you need a doctor or anything?!” The Quilava’s face was slightly red as she stammered and stuttered over her words.
The Sentret just seemed to stand there as his partner fussed over the Braixen. Maybe he had gotten used to the Quilava’s over reaction to such situations or maybe he just didn’t care what was happening. He glared at the ‘funny-looking’ Sneasel next to the Braixen and clicked his tongue in annoyance.
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Leo’s frowning face shifted into a single second of shock, before returning to an even more moody state. Maybe he was slightly surprised by the cheeky remark, but it was clear he didn’t find it very funny.
He was on the verge of saying something, but Violet interrupted him, appearing to take what Dawn said personally, “Ah but -LLeo’s very easy to talk to a-and, umm… he’s-!”
“We going to move out the road or what?” Leo said, cutting into the Quilava’s attempt at defending him. He seemed much more annoyed than he should be, as if he had repeated his question numerous times without a response. His precious standing up energy was being wasted with some girly idle chit-chat, after all.
(I'd like to RP if you're available for one) A Braixen and Sneasel pair padded their way through the city in an attempt to get to know the area a little better, as well as get some much needed exercise. The fire type was clinging on to her staff, utilizing it as a cane as she was still getting used to walking on her hind legs. As she clumsily walked through the crowd, she unintentionally tripped over a Quilava. Her cane had entangled with the other fire type, causing her to lose her balance.
((Of course of course! Though please forgive my lack of icons!))
"I-I think that’s all the berries we need today, Leo!" A timid looking Quilava said to the Sentret beside her. She was holding a little basket filled with a variety of pretty coloured berries.
"W-W-We should probably head hom-"
Leo moved back slightly leaving room for the Quilava to fall to the ground with a loud thud. It seems as though she tripped over a large wooden object belonging to a Braixen, causing both of them to fall over.
The Quilava winced slightly as she rubbed her body. Despite dropping her basket of berries she immediately went to attend to the Braixen laying beside her, mistaking for an elderly member, she quickly said,
"Ah! I-I-I’m s-s-sorry! A-Are you ok Madam? Um, er, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t,er, looking w-where I was going! Umm, d-do you need a doctor or anything?!” The Quilava’s face was slightly red as she stammered and stuttered over her words.
The Sentret just seemed to stand there as his partner fussed over the Braixen. Maybe he had gotten used to the Quilava’s over reaction to such situations or maybe he just didn’t care what was happening. He glared at the ‘funny-looking’ Sneasel next to the Braixen and clicked his tongue in annoyance.
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
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Last batch of the messy sketch requests! Sorry it's taken so long, but everyone who reblogged my post, got their request drawn! Yay! :D
Hopefully I was able to portray even half the awesomeness of these teams!
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
The Quilava couldn't help but giggle slightly, it seemed as though the Braixen missed her previous form and was struggling in her new body. “I-I’m sure you’ll get used to it soon!” She said giving a little supportive smile
"Yue?" Confused she looked behind the Braixen in order to see who she was talking to. The Quilava made a small gulp and retreated slightly as she looked at the tall intimidating Sneasel. How did she not notice him until now?! She considered asking him a question but, he seemed to be making a scary face, so she decided against the idea. The Quilava, again, began to fret, unsure if she had done something wrong, until she remembered and quickly said,
“Ah! I’m sorry, I-I don’t think we've introduced ourselves yet! U-umm, I’m, er, V-Violet a-and this is my team mate Leo!”
Leo finally looked away from the Sneasel and gave his attention to the Braixen. As studied her in a similar way, Leo made a disgusted annoyed face at her glossy fur and muttered something.
(I'd like to RP if you're available for one) A Braixen and Sneasel pair padded their way through the city in an attempt to get to know the area a little better, as well as get some much needed exercise. The fire type was clinging on to her staff, utilizing it as a cane as she was still getting used to walking on her hind legs. As she clumsily walked through the crowd, she unintentionally tripped over a Quilava. Her cane had entangled with the other fire type, causing her to lose her balance.
((Of course of course! Though please forgive my lack of icons!))
"I-I think that’s all the berries we need today, Leo!" A timid looking Quilava said to the Sentret beside her. She was holding a little basket filled with a variety of pretty coloured berries.
"W-W-We should probably head hom-"
Leo moved back slightly leaving room for the Quilava to fall to the ground with a loud thud. It seems as though she tripped over a large wooden object belonging to a Braixen, causing both of them to fall over.
The Quilava winced slightly as she rubbed her body. Despite dropping her basket of berries she immediately went to attend to the Braixen laying beside her, mistaking for an elderly member, she quickly said,
"Ah! I-I-I’m s-s-sorry! A-Are you ok Madam? Um, er, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t,er, looking w-where I was going! Umm, d-do you need a doctor or anything?!” The Quilava’s face was slightly red as she stammered and stuttered over her words.
The Sentret just seemed to stand there as his partner fussed over the Braixen. Maybe he had gotten used to the Quilava’s over reaction to such situations or maybe he just didn’t care what was happening. He glared at the ‘funny-looking’ Sneasel next to the Braixen and clicked his tongue in annoyance.
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
The Quilava gave a little sigh of a relief, glad to see that the Braixen was unhurt. Having a clearer view of her face now, it seemed the Braixen was much younger than she originally thought, not to mention very pretty. The Quilava paused to blush slightly, but quickly recovered to lift herself off the floor and collect the few, still usable, berries.
"T-Two legs?" The Quilava pondered over these words much longer than one would normally need, "Hmm…Oh! Umm, d-does that mean you e-evolved recently…Ah! O-O-Or m-maybe you had an accident before, so you couldn’t use your legs!?"
Mostly ignoring the conversation between the two fire types, Leo began to frown deeper as he got more annoyed by the Sneasel glaring at him. He disliked the Sneasel species anyway, but the weird hair and eyes of this particular Pokemon irked him incredibly. Leo studied the Sneasel’s body casually as though analysing him and almost belittling him at the same time.
(I'd like to RP if you're available for one) A Braixen and Sneasel pair padded their way through the city in an attempt to get to know the area a little better, as well as get some much needed exercise. The fire type was clinging on to her staff, utilizing it as a cane as she was still getting used to walking on her hind legs. As she clumsily walked through the crowd, she unintentionally tripped over a Quilava. Her cane had entangled with the other fire type, causing her to lose her balance.
((Of course of course! Though please forgive my lack of icons!))
"I-I think that’s all the berries we need today, Leo!" A timid looking Quilava said to the Sentret beside her. She was holding a little basket filled with a variety of pretty coloured berries.
"W-W-We should probably head hom-"
Leo moved back slightly leaving room for the Quilava to fall to the ground with a loud thud. It seems as though she tripped over a large wooden object belonging to a Braixen, causing both of them to fall over.
The Quilava winced slightly as she rubbed her body. Despite dropping her basket of berries she immediately went to attend to the Braixen laying beside her, mistaking for an elderly member, she quickly said,
"Ah! I-I-I’m s-s-sorry! A-Are you ok Madam? Um, er, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t,er, looking w-where I was going! Umm, d-do you need a doctor or anything?!” The Quilava’s face was slightly red as she stammered and stuttered over her words.
The Sentret just seemed to stand there as his partner fussed over the Braixen. Maybe he had gotten used to the Quilava’s over reaction to such situations or maybe he just didn’t care what was happening. He glared at the ‘funny-looking’ Sneasel next to the Braixen and clicked his tongue in annoyance.
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Raiken: V-Violet, what are your interests, if I may ask? *smiles* Last time that incident, it didn't hurt you, did it?
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Violet: Oh, umm, n-n-no you don’t have to worry, really! I-I’m ok, thank you!
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askteam2s-cubed · 10 years
Currently working hard on some much needed RP icons for Violet and Leo!
Leo's icons does seem to all be themed around annoyance though XD 
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