astrosweet · 2 years
please report this tiktok account. it stole most of my astrology observations WITHOUT CREDIT! do whatever you can to report them, or contact them about giving credit to @guxciestone. people need to start doing their own work instead of stealing others’.
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astrosweet · 3 years
Neptune :
Part 1 Part 2
Astro observations:
1 2
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astrosweet · 3 years
☆ libra should also be ruled by mercury and I don't know how its not. they are so fast pace always bouncing off the walls, they talk so much and so fast, their really smart, their intelligence is important to them, they love networking and all kinds of communication
☆capricorn placements have crazy imaginations, like pisces but they have the Saturn discipline of putting it into writing or art or keeping it to only fantasizing when reading/ night time. and most fantasy writers have major cap placements
☆ Leos are always loyal to their mothers. even if their mothers are a psycho murders they will always love their mama
☆ Evolved Virgos love astrology and they love to teach astrology and make a job out of it.
☆ a lot of actresses/actors have mars in Leo.
☆ south node in the sixth or aspecting Jupiter means you should lay off the sugar
☆ Virgo moons are so nice they probably when through a bitchy phase in their teens but they are the queens of niceness(especially with air sun) like just pure sweet souls.
☆scorpio placements are amazing music producers/ musicians
☆ underdeveloped Leos hate attention and are very closed of/ cold to people. they take a while to get use to people. so if your close to a Leo take that as a compliment. and if ur not don't take it to heart 99% of people aren't.
☆libras have 👏🏼fashion👏🏼confidence👏🏼. they were also the girlies that would wear high heels in middle school.
☆ Aries moons are very clean(messy but clean up after ourselves) and generally get overly stimulated from messiness. I thought it was just me but I've heard like 10 Aries moons say the same thing.
☆ Taurus and libra Venus's always date someone wealthy. like they will genuinely like someone and later find out their a Muti millionaire.
☆ gemini / scorpio combos have long torsos
☆ cancer risings have wide feet
☆Aquarius are concert junkies
☆ ive noticed a lot of libra venus people date younger people. 100% likely to be cougars.
☆ having major planets in the 12th house is like finding a punch card of un-learned past life lessons on the sidewalk. and the universe is kinda like "okay you need to learn all these life lessons in one life bc your not taking that shit along anymore. and I know you didn't do anything to deserve it this life time but still you have to do it". and instead of getting a free coffee you get ✨trauma✨
☆ scorpio placements just kinda shut down in the slightest of stressful situations.
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astrosweet · 3 years
🔱✨Makeup in astrology✨🔱
                                                       Part 2
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆。⋆˚。⋆. Neptune through the houses  .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆。⋆˚。⋆
☆Neptune represents your flashy or showier side its the planet of illusions and rules over makeup, glamour, fashion, theatre, films, T.V. ( Neptune is like Venus minus relationships and romance).
☆Your Neptune placements/aspects can tell you about your makeup style and what will suit you best.
🔱 Neptune in the 6th house could be sensitive/allergic to makeup or it could break you out or you already use clean natural makeup. I would say try to take a break from it for about three days to see if it is affecting your skin but the 6th house is also the house of daily life so you wear it every day either because you like to or you have to wear a specific makeup look for work. your pet always watches you do your makeup. you probably do your makeup in a weird order like mascara first then foundation after that eyeshadow/liner or have a different approach to your makeup every day, but you do it so fast and probably without a mirror because the routine is branded in your brain. the 6th house is ruled by Virgo/ mercury so similar to the 3rd house the innocent and doe-eyed looks are gorgeous on you. also try to do something different with your makeup every day. a daily routine of artistic self-expression is important for you.
🔱 Neptune in the 7th house (this one was hard ngl. it’s literally the opposite of self and individuality). People will admire your makeup. It’s something you bonder with friends. your significant other can also love how you do your makeup. similar to the 1st house people can give you a lot of shit for your makeup or will use it as a quick jab to your ego but it’s really because they’re jealous of your beauty. the 2nd & 7th are ruled by Venus but the 7th/Libra energy is much more showy, masculine, and dramatized glamor compared to 2nd/Taurus which is more of sweet feminine glamour. this placement kinda reminds me of New Year’s makeup lol but really glamorous and extravagant yet you still want some classiness compared to just a normal party look. gold looks great on you and as well as bronzy contour.
🔱 Neptune in the 8th house. I have this placement so I’m gonna try to not project myself onto this one. but tell me why we all had an fx/gore makeup phase lol. your makeup is bought by someone else or just not with your money. you could also get makeup from other people like the stuff they never used. when you go through transformations you change the way you do your makeup. your makeup is dark even if you didn’t mean for it to be. mascara will always smudge and look like you used lower eyeliner so might as well just add some lower line eyeshadow anyways. darker makeup looks best on you but if you are not comfortable with the dark looks just add a little brown (I just use my bronzer) as eyeliner. just a little flick on the end and maybe some on the lower lash line. overall this placement gives me maleficent vibes. you can get Inspo from people who are sex symbols or exude dominant femme fatale energy. Neptune in the 8th house can be really secretive with their creativeness and self-expression and a lesson you have to learn this life is to claim your power and natural creative talents and learn to show them to the world. we naturally have bad bitch, femme fatale energy so embrace it bb ;). you have the power to manifest creative abilities if you want.
🔱 Neptune in the 9th house you could be into culturally different kinds of makeup like Korean makeup, or French makeup, also you could be into cosplay or specific aesthetics like dark academia, and cottage core. you might have lived in a strict household and you were not been allowed to wear makeup. or it’s just something that didn’t interest you till you got older. as you get older you get better at doing your makeup and if you are good at it and like a specific niche the best look for you is bronzy and sun-kissed. you could be into different makeup aesthetics from different countries and generally like to be adventurous with your makeup.
🔱 Neptune in the 10th house. you could have gotten public praise for your makeup or for being creative. Creative careers are generally best for you. you also could have been told that you need to wear makeup in public or at work. your father(or if you have a dominant mother) could have also been kinda an ass about you and makeup. if you’re not into makeup now and you are young you might learn how to do it because it will be an expectation in your career when you’re older. bronzy looks and heavy contour can look good on you as well as dramatic but neutrals in more of a glamour way.
🔱  Neptune in the 11th house. you probably learned to do makeup through YouTube and friends. I know you have a makeup inspo Pinterest board with a thousand pins in it. makeup can be a creative outlet for you. a common interest you have with your friends is makeup and beauty gurus.. this placement also gives me euphoria vibezz. y'all can pull off crazy wild looks. the 11th house is ruled by Aquarius which reminds me of blue/greens and glitter lol. also pale regal-like skin and soft features. post ur looks on TikTok/ YouTube/insta you have luck with publishing ur art and posting it can be a service to people by inspiring them and teaching people
🔱  Neptune in the 12th house. I love this energy Pisces rules both Neptune and the 12th house. though this placement does kinda remind me of Neptune in the 8th where you keep your talents and creative abilities a secret. you can get inspiration from your dreams. or your dream of being showier with your talents. a big lesson for you in this lifetime is understanding and showing your hidden talents as well as overcoming the fear of judgment towards your creative abilities. you’re amazing at drunk makeup. if Pisces is dominant in ur chart then you won’t be as shy with your skills. light blush on ur cheekbones will look amazing on you also white liner in your waterline. and reddish-pink lips but not overdramatic. similar to the 8th you have the power to manifest creative abilities if you want.
Sorry this one took a while I posted part 1 on my birthday and we all know a Leo birthday is not just one day it’s a Multi-day event lol.
this one was kind of hard to write bc my birth chart is very left side dominate. part 1 was more intuitive and natural for me to write but for part 2 I had to do a lot more research which my Gemini north node loved. so let me know if you resonate :)
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astrosweet · 3 years
Can I ask a stupid question? but I really need someone explain this to me like how can I be aries sun and moon, leo rising and yet so depressed and unconfident 😩
im so sorry youre feeling this way . honestly Aries and Leo aren't naturally confident people. but astrologers associate them with confidence ,strength, and leadership not because its a natural talent but because its our life lesson.but no one is really born confident its something we are taught and we build through out self development. what you do have is amazing passion, leadership skills, incredible strength, loyalty, optimism, persistence, and creativity. Your mother could have been the “father figure” in your life. And could have been really dominant, strict, religious or your childhood could have been like a “war zone”. This means you have to learn true independence not the independence learned from your mother /childhood . You will have to work on your inner child and reparent yourself. Finding that your childhood doesn’t define you will help you.education, philosophy, travel, spirituality can help you with discovering your authentic self.
You should identify your personal core values and have them as a 'end' goal for everything you do. Personal values quiz > https://personalvalu.es
Journaling is a great way to express yourself and give you an outlet for your emotions
Links to therapy
Links to Amazing free online workbooks/ exercises >
Specifically for confidence
Healing your inner child 2
Anxiety and Depression
<multiple pdfs
Links to Helpful books>
Links to Apps>
Hey! Check this app out: https://iamaffirmations.app
Hey, I use this great app. Daylio enables you to keep a private diary without having to type a single line.
you have a beautiful soul and youre more amazing than you can even imagine. "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. trust the process, there will always be push back to new boundaries and changes we try to make. the universe is always working in your favor and never against you. have an amazing day :) I believe in you, you matter, and You're worthy of amazing things in life.
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astrosweet · 3 years
I love when I see girls completely rebrand themselves and transform into a better more refined version of themselves
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astrosweet · 3 years
This month, you will get sick of familiar consistency, and you will want to explore new foods, projects, creative endeavors, new places, etc.; you could also be more joyful and child-like with excitement. This is a great time to gift your inner child something, whether it's a toy you always wanted as a child or something you loved to eat or do as a kid. Take time to relax, have fun, and be a bit selfish ;)This entire month, you will also be more passionate about your health, beauty, and, more specifically, being physically and mentally active. Your daily routine will start to speed up. You will want to change your lifestyle completely. This is a time that will supercharge your motivation and energy. You must spend this month being active and busy/productive daily, especially as an Aries. If you aren't effectively using this energy, it will manifest as anxiety and be overwhelming. One thing I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend is to do brain dumps. A brain dump is basically writing everything you are thinking, from the tasks you need to get done to non-physical stressors and random things that keep popping up in your brain. A great video to explain brain dumps more in depth> https://youtu.be/Jqd4Ocex8CQ .You will be more likely to work in groups and with partners in your daily life. This is a time to further develop your cooperation and teamwork skills. Activity work towards being patient with people and non-assertive. If you don't work on this, it will give you the wrong impression, especially during this time. In the romantic sense, It's a time to work on your relationship with your partner, and you might spend a lot more time with them/ your day-to-day may be more centered around you and your partner's relationship you could also start think about long term with them like Marriage, kids ect. if your single You may start getting "serious" with someone you've been "talking" to. Or you could just think, "aww, I want a BF/GF 🥺" lol.
Sun in Leo: August 1st - 23rd (5th house)
Mars in Virgo: August 1st - 31st (6th house)
Venus in Virgo: August 1st - 16th. (6th house)
Sun in Virgo: August 23rd - 21st (6th house)
Venus in Libra: August 17th - 31st (7th house)
Mercury in Libra: August 31st (7th house)
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astrosweet · 3 years
Astro observations
✨ Venus 1st house are considered the most beautiful but they are also the most likely to get cosmetic surgery because they think their beauty Is their main worth and purpose
✨Libras use emojis so well and I’m jealous 
✨Sag risings hate mint flavored things
✨Pisces placements lie a lot and abt the tiniest things. They aren’t even good liars in the beginning of a lie but people always believe them bc they get so into the lie and convince themselves the lie is true.
✨Underdeveloped Scorpios hate getting deep and their own darkness/shadow self. this makes scorpios get into that emo/e-girl or a dark aesthetic bc they are trying to avoid their internal darkness so they distract them selfs with an external form that they can control.
✨Capricorns do give me more edgy vibes than scorpios they love the grudge aesthetic and go in-between 70s hippie, rock, and boss women professional/ classy aesthetic 
✨most chefs are Aquarius,pisces and most bakers are Virgos, Leos
✨Pisces are obsessed with them selves like they put the stigma of Leos to shame. I need to use both of my hands to count how many times I’ve seen a pisces that have printed their literal face on a t-shirt or blanket ect. its unreal. a Leo will look in every reflective surface they pass but pisces phew they turn every surface into them. they are fucking hot and they know it and I’m all here for it.
✨sag risings cook a lot and the food they make isn’t bad ,but its like healthy with a lot of salt they love salt and wake up with the most swollen eyes bc of it.
✨Virgo placements say they hate sweets but will eat ice cream everyday. and snack on candy all day.
✨Leos, libras and capricorns have the same hair color its like the lion hair color, brassy, golden, brown-blond hair lol. but caps dye their hair that color a lot and it looks rlly good on them :) 
✨Taurus are more liked by men and their fathers and get more hate from women. Libras are more liked by women, and their mothers
✨sag moons are always very spiritual and when you first meet them you would think they would be very religious or aetheist like ethier extreme but the are veryyy spiritual but they keep it to them selfs 
✨gem moons or moon 3h are amazing writers and have a natural talent for scripting their reality (type of manifestation) and journaling can be a very helpful form of therapy
✨Sagittarius mars are fighters. they aren’t like Leo or Aries mars who will just yell or argue . sag mars will go straight to physically fighting especially if they are drunk 
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astrosweet · 3 years
Heyy what's your opinion on Cancer Lilith in 2nd house?
cancer is the sign of hospitality and give (ect.) the 2nd house is the house of personal finances, possessions and self worth; and Lilith isn't a physical object but its a mathematical point of the moons orbit that is farthest away from earth (we can't see it but we can "feel" it) so Lilith is kinda like our hidden power. Lilith in cancer and in the 2nd house can bring hidden power with money. people or your family may have used you for money or told you how much money you have defines how worthy you are. people could use money and material things to deflate yourself esteem. your power and self confidence grows when you invest in yourself from the quality of clothes that you buy, the quality food that you eat, time you work on improving yourself mentally, even down to your talents and skills. so every time you overextend yourself for others plz give back to yourself even if its looking in the mirror and telling yourself your a good person or a pat on the back. your a natural when it comes to manifesting money in general and money spells/magick (put some cinnamon or cloves in your wallet ;) ) also manifesting self confidence, material things, food, jobs, talents + manifesting with vision boards. the power is hidden inside of you it just depends on weather you will use it or not. you can also can recognition from sexualizing money or like glamours rich old timey aesthetics, but not necessarily sugar daddy energy but untouchable woman boss energy if that makes sense.
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astrosweet · 3 years
Cancer rising and 5'7 🧍🏼‍♀️
whats your rising and how tall are you?😩
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astrosweet · 3 years
Heyy what's your opinion on Cancer Lilith in 2nd house?
cancer is the sign of hospitality and give (ect.) the 2nd house is the house of personal finances, possessions and self worth; and Lilith isn't a physical object but its a mathematical point of the moons orbit that is farthest away from earth (we can't see it but we can "feel" it) so Lilith is kinda like our hidden power. Lilith in cancer and in the 2nd house can bring hidden power with money. people or your family may have used you for money or told you how much money you have defines how worthy you are. people could use money and material things to deflate yourself esteem. your power and self confidence grows when you invest in yourself from the quality of clothes that you buy, the quality food that you eat, time you work on improving yourself mentally, even down to your talents and skills. so every time you overextend yourself for others plz give back to yourself even if its looking in the mirror and telling yourself your a good person or a pat on the back. your a natural when it comes to manifesting money in general and money spells/magick (put some cinnamon or cloves in your wallet ;) ) also manifesting self confidence, material things, food, jobs, talents + manifesting with vision boards. the power is hidden inside of you it just depends on weather you will use it or not. you can also can recognition from sexualizing money or like glamours rich old timey aesthetics, but not necessarily sugar daddy energy but untouchable woman boss energy if that makes sense.
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astrosweet · 3 years
Hi do you give free answers to chart questions for people with no money for readings? That's me at the moment sadly ha. I'm just curious about some things and it would be awesome/nice to hear some input. https://i.ibb.co/FHgPPM9/astro-2gw-darren-marquardt-24316-116785.png
I would definitely be grateful if you considered.
Which are my main dominant planets in order of strength? Is Jupiter in the 8th or 9th? Does my stellium in the 5th and fire trine make me attractive? Can you tell me which female zodiac combos that could work best with me like sun, moon and rising? Thank you.
☆ Your 3 most dominate planets (<link to the calculator) are Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto.
☆ your Jupiter is in the 8th @ the 29th degree this means that in this lifetime you are completing an important phase in regards to growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles this is something that you started in a past life and you need to finish in this one.
☆ Technically yes, your fire mars and Venus trine ascendant can make you attractive. It is essential to know that fire energy requires pure confidence and self-assurance to be attractive, not an over-dramatized weak ego that masks your insecurities. Evolved fire dominate people are really shmexy and attractive because they express their authentic selves without fear of judgment. 
☆Female zodiac combos that would work best with you are Venus in Leo (love at 1st sight energy), Aries Venus, Libra Venus. Sun in Leo, Virgo, or cancer. Someone with a sag moon or ascendant will understand you and be really romantic and creative with you. If you're evolved, I would honestly recommend someone with cancer, Gemini, Taurus big three, or someone with 12th,/11th,/10th house placements to balance your energy though you may not initially be drawn to them in a romantic way. 
☆Saturn in the fifth square Jupiter means that you have to learn about creativity, self expression,your personal journey, self worth, and self love.
 you probably  want to be famous or having a lot of recognition for what you do (especially for your creativity) is one of your personal core values. The universe is on your side and gave you all the pieces to the puzzle. All you have to do is take the initiative and put the damn thing together. If people judge you so what, that's just a reflection of their insecurities because you have something they don't. There isn't an age limit for greatness, building skills, or success. You have to stop seeking validation from others; it's you experiencing every second of your life, not other people. It may seem like you need to have a certain amount of money to try a new hobby or put yourself out there; you need to look a specific way to achieve recognition. But the main thing you have to learn is that you hold power to your success, not anybody else or anything else. In modern times you can make a living as an artist or creative career. Get out of that old mindset of "Get a degree, 9-5 jobs, get married, have kids, you're an old potato sack by 40″. That mindset isn't compatible with you or anyone in our day and age. You have the power to manifest money through creativity and a pioneering attitude. you have to get over the hump of feeling like spending money on yourself and your pleasures is like gambling away your stability and security. buy yourself the cheap candy you loved as a kid or a fun craft or do a sport/activity you've always wanted to try.
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astrosweet · 3 years
🔱✨Makeup in astrology✨🔱
                                                       Part 2
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆。⋆˚。⋆. Neptune through the houses  .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆。⋆˚。⋆
☆Neptune represents your flashy or showier side its the planet of illusions and rules over makeup, glamour, fashion, theatre, films, T.V. ( Neptune is like Venus minus relationships and romance).
☆Your Neptune placements/aspects can tell you about your makeup style and what will suit you best.
🔱 Neptune in the 6th house could be sensitive/allergic to makeup or it could break you out or you already use clean natural makeup. I would say try to take a break from it for about three days to see if it is affecting your skin but the 6th house is also the house of daily life so you wear it every day either because you like to or you have to wear a specific makeup look for work. your pet always watches you do your makeup. you probably do your makeup in a weird order like mascara first then foundation after that eyeshadow/liner or have a different approach to your makeup every day, but you do it so fast and probably without a mirror because the routine is branded in your brain. the 6th house is ruled by Virgo/ mercury so similar to the 3rd house the innocent and doe-eyed looks are gorgeous on you. also try to do something different with your makeup every day. a daily routine of artistic self-expression is important for you.
🔱 Neptune in the 7th house (this one was hard ngl. it's literally the opposite of self and individuality). People will admire your makeup. It's something you bonder with friends. your significant other can also love how you do your makeup. similar to the 1st house people can give you a lot of shit for your makeup or will use it as a quick jab to your ego but it's really because they're jealous of your beauty. the 2nd & 7th are ruled by Venus but the 7th/Libra energy is much more showy, masculine, and dramatized glamor compared to 2nd/Taurus which is more of sweet feminine glamour. this placement kinda reminds me of New Year's makeup lol but really glamorous and extravagant yet you still want some classiness compared to just a normal party look. gold looks great on you and as well as bronzy contour.
🔱 Neptune in the 8th house. I have this placement so I'm gonna try to not project myself onto this one. but tell me why we all had an fx/gore makeup phase lol. your makeup is bought by someone else or just not with your money. you could also get makeup from other people like the stuff they never used. when you go through transformations you change the way you do your makeup. your makeup is dark even if you didn't mean for it to be. mascara will always smudge and look like you used lower eyeliner so might as well just add some lower line eyeshadow anyways. darker makeup looks best on you but if you are not comfortable with the dark looks just add a little brown (I just use my bronzer) as eyeliner. just a little flick on the end and maybe some on the lower lash line. overall this placement gives me maleficent vibes. you can get Inspo from people who are sex symbols or exude dominant femme fatale energy. Neptune in the 8th house can be really secretive with their creativeness and self-expression and a lesson you have to learn this life is to claim your power and natural creative talents and learn to show them to the world. we naturally have bad bitch, femme fatale energy so embrace it bb ;). you have the power to manifest creative abilities if you want.
🔱 Neptune in the 9th house you could be into culturally different kinds of makeup like Korean makeup, or French makeup, also you could be into cosplay or specific aesthetics like dark academia, and cottage core. you might have lived in a strict household and you were not been allowed to wear makeup. or it's just something that didn't interest you till you got older. as you get older you get better at doing your makeup and if you are good at it and like a specific niche the best look for you is bronzy and sun-kissed. you could be into different makeup aesthetics from different countries and generally like to be adventurous with your makeup.
🔱 Neptune in the 10th house. you could have gotten public praise for your makeup or for being creative. Creative careers are generally best for you. you also could have been told that you need to wear makeup in public or at work. your father(or if you have a dominant mother) could have also been kinda an ass about you and makeup. if you're not into makeup now and you are young you might learn how to do it because it will be an expectation in your career when you're older. bronzy looks and heavy contour can look good on you as well as dramatic but neutrals in more of a glamour way.
🔱  Neptune in the 11th house. you probably learned to do makeup through YouTube and friends. I know you have a makeup inspo Pinterest board with a thousand pins in it. makeup can be a creative outlet for you. a common interest you have with your friends is makeup and beauty gurus.. this placement also gives me euphoria vibezz. y'all can pull off crazy wild looks. the 11th house is ruled by Aquarius which reminds me of blue/greens and glitter lol. also pale regal-like skin and soft features. post ur looks on TikTok/ YouTube/insta you have luck with publishing ur art and posting it can be a service to people by inspiring them and teaching people
🔱  Neptune in the 12th house. I love this energy Pisces rules both Neptune and the 12th house. though this placement does kinda remind me of Neptune in the 8th where you keep your talents and creative abilities a secret. you can get inspiration from your dreams. or your dream of being showier with your talents. a big lesson for you in this lifetime is understanding and showing your hidden talents as well as overcoming the fear of judgment towards your creative abilities. you're amazing at drunk makeup. if Pisces is dominant in ur chart then you won't be as shy with your skills. light blush on ur cheekbones will look amazing on you also white liner in your waterline. and reddish-pink lips but not overdramatic. similar to the 8th you have the power to manifest creative abilities if you want.
Sorry this one took a while I posted part 1 on my birthday and we all know a Leo birthday is not just one day it's a Multi-day event lol.
this one was kind of hard to write bc my birth chart is very left side dominate. part 1 was more intuitive and natural for me to write but for part 2 I had to do a lot more research which my Gemini north node loved. so let me know if you resonate :)
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astrosweet · 3 years
🔱✨Makeup in astrology✨🔱
                                                         Part 1
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆。⋆˚。⋆. Neptune through the houses  .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆。⋆˚。⋆
☆Neptune represents your flashy or showier side its the planet of illusions and rules over makeup, glamour, fashion, theatre, films, T.V. ( Neptune is like Venus minus relationships and romance). ☆Your Neptune placements/aspects can tell you about your makeup style and what will suit you best.
🔱 Neptune in the 1st house will not leave the house/be seen without makeup. they are amazing at makeup. they are also the type to enhance their features, really overline their lips, or do their eye makeup so they look like a Tim Burton character. heavy contour. you guys are like shapeshifters with makeup its amazing bc it doesn't even look bad when you guys go real heavy people won't even know ur lips are overlined or your nose is contoured. you taught urself ur makeup skills. people will always try to copy ur makeup and it's just something people are jealous so you might get told you wear too much makeup but that's just because they envy the way you can wear 10 pounds of makeup yet still looks like you aren't wearing any.
(OMG!! I just looked at Kylie Jenner's birth chart and she has Neptune 1h)
🔱 Neptune in the 2nd house can be a makeup artist or make money through makeup. you will only use expensive makeup bc it might be the only kind that looks good .you think cheap makeup just doesn't look good on ur face like when you use drugstore/inexpensive makeup it looks cakey, creasy, or doesn't blend. though you also stress about buying makeup. simple makeup would look really good on you. 2nd house is ruled by Venus/Taurus it's a feminine house so try to avoid harsh contouring especially sharp jawlines( a masculine feature). a more feminine/supple look would suit your face best so embrace full checks. you guys have money karma with makeup (especially if it's aspected to ur Saturn!)
🔱 Neptune in the 3rd house the first thing I thought of is doing ur makeup in the car and using ur camera app as a mirror LOL. if you wanted to you could be a beauty guru or that's like the only YouTubers u watch. your sister(s) might have taught about makeup and you first discovered makeup at a young age. you don't like spending a lot of time on ur makeup. you definitely get mascara all over your eyelids. the best look for you is a doe eye look that makes ur eyes look big( like get fake lashes now). or an old Hollywood look like Marlyn Monroe/ Priscilla Presley look. that Gemini/mercury teasing style looks amazing on you. smooth skin, soft yet defined features, the symmetry and innocent look. (I swear to god my intuition is at %5000 today the only thing I was picturing when i was writing this was marlin Monroe, Pamela Anderson, and Lana del Rey, and guess the fuck what? my queen Lana has Neptune 3h(whole signs))
🔱 Neptune in the 4th house your mom or mother figure taught you abt makeup(u definitely steal hers /use the same products) or she always wore makeup, like makeup is her thing you would watch her doing her makeup as a kid, its one of the main things that come to mind when u think of ur mother even if she isn't super into makeup. you like clean simple makeup and do the same look every day... for years. you like the stability. if you do ur makeup, not in the comfort of ur home u think it looks terrible. the 4th house is literally the house of foundation lol not like makeup foundation but still, you guys might always wear foundation or use like 2 primers and 50 squirts of setting spray you will do anything for it to last all day. like 2nd house natural feminine looks suit you best.
🔱 Neptune in the 5th house makeup makes someone extremely creative the house of creativity with the planet of art. it speaks for itself. you guys are naturally talented with makeup. makeup just like any other form of art for you. you might do something different every day with makeup bc it's an opportunity to practice your artistic skills. if you guys aren't into makeup I highly recommend getting into it. the 5th house is abt finding pleasure in the things you do. bronzy looks would look really good on you, also cut crease or cat-eye looks. you can also really pull off bright blue eyeshadow or crazy fun makeup. like all the euphoria makeup looks come to mind.
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astrosweet · 3 years
Astro observations
✨ Venus 1st house are considered the most beautiful but they are also the most likely to get cosmetic surgery because they think their beauty Is their main worth and purpose
✨Libras use emojis so well and I'm jealous 
✨Sag risings hate mint flavored things
✨Pisces placements lie a lot and abt the tiniest things. They aren't even good liars in the beginning of a lie but people always believe them bc they get so into the lie and convince themselves the lie is true.
✨Underdeveloped Scorpios hate getting deep and their own darkness/shadow self. this makes scorpios get into that emo/e-girl or a dark aesthetic bc they are trying to avoid their internal darkness so they distract them selfs with an external form that they can control.
✨Capricorns do give me more edgy vibes than scorpios they love the grudge aesthetic and go in-between 70s hippie, rock, and boss women professional/ classy aesthetic 
✨most chefs are Aquarius,pisces and most bakers are Virgos, Leos
✨Pisces are obsessed with them selves like they put the stigma of Leos to shame. I need to use both of my hands to count how many times I've seen a pisces that have printed their literal face on a t-shirt or blanket ect. its unreal. a Leo will look in every reflective surface they pass but pisces phew they turn every surface into them. they are fucking hot and they know it and I'm all here for it.
✨sag risings cook a lot and the food they make isn't bad ,but its like healthy with a lot of salt they love salt and wake up with the most swollen eyes bc of it.
✨Virgo placements say they hate sweets but will eat ice cream everyday. and snack on candy all day.
✨Leos, libras and capricorns have the same hair color its like the lion hair color, brassy, golden, brown-blond hair lol. but caps dye their hair that color a lot and it looks rlly good on them :) 
✨Taurus are more liked by men and their fathers and get more hate from women. Libras are more liked by women, and their mothers
✨sag moons are always very spiritual and when you first meet them you would think they would be very religious or aetheist like ethier extreme but the are veryyy spiritual but they keep it to them selfs 
✨gem moons or moon 3h are amazing writers and have a natural talent for scripting their reality (type of manifestation) and journaling can be a very helpful form of therapy
✨Sagittarius mars are fighters. they aren't like Leo or Aries mars who will just yell or argue . sag mars will go straight to physically fighting especially if they are drunk 
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astrosweet · 3 years
what do you think abt not having any planets aspected to ascendant. I don't have any and I'm not ugly(my solar return is libra rising w/ sag moon so let me be conceded lol).but i mean I know no aspects would make you ugly but I haven't really found much on traits of someone w no asc aspects.
Yes, no placement makes one ugly, correct!  Usually someone who has little to no Ascendant aspects might feel the energy of their Ascendant pretty strongly. Generally speaking, any planet that is unaspected or has little aspects can ‘act out’ once in a while, the raw and yet uninvolved energy can act like a misfit in a chart and the area of said planet can feel like a (critical) focal point.  An unaspected Ascendant would act kind of similar, but only with the difference that it could more so manifest in impulsivness/indecisivness and stern ideas about how things ‘should be’, here ideals can clash with the realities of circumstances, but since your Ascendant is here to guide you anyway, the ‘problem’ might feel more natural and easier to solve compared to an unaspected planet
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