aveyondfanfiction · 4 years
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Anyone else remember when I said I was going to start posting again two years ago and then didn’t? 
I was randomly inspired an hour ago to write a new Aveyond fan-fiction, and so I did! Recently posted. Title is Freedom. Hope you enjoy!
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aveyondfanfiction · 4 years
As a sword singer, Rhen has earned her rightful freedom from Mistress Rona & Lars.
Disclaimer: I do not own Aveyond, nor any of the Aveyond characters. The original story belongs to Amanda Fitch.
Rhen stood stolid, back leaned against the side wall of the tailor’s, abstractedly palming the token she had only just received from Lorad. She had not been receptive enough to ask him any questions about Shadwood Academy, so he left her with her thoughts and made his way to the Tenobor estate. In the entire hour she’d be alone, she had not made any move to leave. She couldn’t yet fully accept that the recently transpired events were reality and not a dream. She did not quite believe that she was…free.
That word. That one word. Free. It lit a fire in Rhen. She had not felt such determination ever. Not back in Clearwater where her life was idle, but she was happy, and certainly not under the rule Mistress Rona where she found herself barely able to awaken each morning, always full of dread. No, this was a new. Since her abduction and subsequent enslavement, something had drastically changed within Rhen. She could never again be a blissfully innocent child, not when she was wholly aware of just how much injustice and evil poisoned the world. Therefore, she could not return to Clearwater. She would go to Shadwood Academy, she would become the best “sword singer” (whatever that was) in the realm, and she would use her newly found power and voice to abolish slavery throughout the empire. She was a woman with a mission. Beware whatever was to try and get in her way.
Rhen pushed herself off the store’s outer wall and made her way to Ghalarah’s gates. A city guard did attempt to disrupt her course, but one look at her token and he backed away, leaving Rhen an open path. Her token was a carte blanche, and Rhen had no intention to waste it.
She ran with abandon.
She did not look back.
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aveyondfanfiction · 6 years
On Lars’ Aveyond Wiki page under “Interests” it says: Rhen (later), learning more and more strong magic skills
They definitely get hitched at the end of the game. Fight me. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 6 years
Four Years Later...
Hi everyone! I know it’s been a solid four years since I last made an appearance. There are probably some of you who don’t even use your Tumblr accounts anymore. Oh well. 
I apologize for my inactivity. I honestly don’t remember why I stopped keeping up this blog. Sorry I can’t give you an explanation or justify my actions. *shrugs*
I very recently (as in yesterday) started playing through Aveyond 1 again, and that made me want to start writing fanfics for Aveyond again. Expect some activity! Yay! I won’t be picking up with the 100 Themes Challenge for now, so enjoy all the other random things I throw your way :) 
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aveyondfanfiction · 6 years
Appreciation & Understanding
Lars is outraged by the sleeping arrangements at the tavern in the Wildwoods Forest. Rhen just thinks he’s full of it. 
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Aveyond characters.
To say Lars was furious would have been an understatement.
“This is an outrage!” he bellowed, “And abusive of my spinal cord! No person should have to experience this level of discomfort!”
Rhen stood in the doorway to the room, leaning against the frame, while she watched Lars pace in a rage over their sleeping arrangements. She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. The man was being ridiculous.
“Lars,” she began, and he turned to look at her with wild eyes. “We are sleeping at an inn, attached to a tavern, frequented by hunters and rambunctious adventurers. What were you expecting? Satin?”
Lars huffed. “No…just something a little more upscale than burlap. Is that too much to ask?”
Rhen gave him an incredulous look. “Would you get over yourself? Your dearmother believed burlap to be too high quality for slaves. Want to know what I slept on for two years? Hay!”
Lars blinked, slight shock flickering in his gaze.
Lars turned, eyes falling on the pitiful lump the innkeeper had designated as a bed. He regarded it with scrutiny for a moment, dark eyes burning. Then abruptly, and without any prompt, he stalked over to the side of the “bed” and lowered himself to the ground. He placed his travelling sack on the dirt covered floor and positioned himself so that his head rested upon it. Lars lay on his back with his hands neatly folded over his abdomen and closed his eyes.
“You can sleep on that tragedy, Peta,” Lars said, stifling a yawn. “It’s more suited for a dog than me.”
He blew out their lantern, leaving Rhen to stare at his darkened outline with somewhat owlish eyes and a look of confusion overtaking her features. She really despised being called Peta, but Lars had just surrendered her the one free bed in the entire establishment. From the looks of the place, and her knowledge of the clientele, Rhen knew the bed had to be slightly cleaner than the ground. After mulling it over for several seconds, Rhen came to the conclusion that it was a matter of pride as to why Lars had chosen to sleep on floor.  After all, he had said that no person should have to sleep on something so rough and uncomfortable. She did not want to be seen as a dog, but if being a dog won her a bed for one night, Rhen decided she could live with it.
She moved from her perch, allowing the oaken door to swing shut behind her. She shuffled around in the darkness briefly before lying down on her bed and passing out the second she closed her eyes.
Lars waited for Rhen to fall asleep before shifting so he was propped up on one of his elbows and facing her. Eyes already adjusted to the lightlessness, he watched her for just a moment, her gentle breathing causing her chest to subtly rise and fall. He then rolled back to his former position, crossing his hands once again. Just before he himself entered into the land of dreams, he let out the faintest breathe, which carried with it the first of many apologies that would go unheard for moons.
“…I’m sorry we forced you to sleep on hay.”
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aveyondfanfiction · 9 years
Tumblr media
“ Because you’ve all been waiting patiently. This is our first screenshot from Aveyond 4″
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Prompt #006, Break Away, will be about Tungsten and how he tries to break away from the Darkthrop curse. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Next prompt: Break Away
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Seeking Solace: Prompt #005
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Aveyond characters.
Apologizes about not posting this till now, or anything for that matter.
Seeking Solace is about how Iya feels depressed after failing her magic test and feels like no one, not even her family, will accept her anymore. She does not know who to turn to for comfort, and that is when the Snow Queen appears, to comfort her and help solve all of her problems. 
The house was quiet with everyone curled up and asleep on their beds. Everyone, except for Iya. She stood in front of her dresser, hands rested on the top, as she looked out the window. Stars were twinkling like diamonds in the clear sky. Iya hoped that a shooting star would appear that night, so she could make a wish, asking it to grant her the powers of a singer. No shooting stars appeared though. The only stars she saw that evening sat still in the sky, mocking her depressed feelings with their happiness. After she could not stand to look at them any longer, Iya pulled herself from the window and lay down on her bed.
On her back, she stared up at the ceiling. She did not understand why she lacked the powers her ancestors had. Why did she not have the powers of a singer? Why did she have no magic at all? Her grandmother always said that she would one day become the most powerful singer the Vale had ever seen. She believed her at one point, but after failing her magic tests over and over, she began to disregard what her grandmother said. If she did not have magic, it was impossible for her to become a singer, let alone the most powerful one in her village. Her grandmother must have been dreaming.
Tears ran down her cheeks and she could not help letting out a few sobs as she slipped underneath her blankets and tried to fall asleep. Because she would never be able to become a singer, she felt as though her family looked down on her. They seemed to be pushing her away and how could she seek comfort from them if they no longer accepted her? All Iya wanted was for someone to be there for her, grant her wish, love her, and accept her. Even as she drifted out of consciousness, she was still crying.
In her sleep, Iya began to shiver. The sheets she had covering her body were no longer providing her with sufficient warmth. Unconsciously, she pulled them tighter around herself, trying so very hard to keep the cold air from reaching her, yet, she failed. She began to squirm and kept doing so until a soft and mysterious light enveloped her body and she slowly disappeared.
When she opened her eyes, Iya could not discern where she was. She stood at the edge of a dark, snow-covered forest with no clues as to how she got there. Snow fell from the heavy clouds above her, a spectacle which Iya had never seen before. The Vale was always clear, whether it was day or night. Beginning to recover from the shock of finding herself in an unfamiliar place, Iya hugged herself and rubbed her hands up and down her arms, finally realizing how cold she felt. She stared into the ominous forest before her, suddenly afraid of her loneliness.
Out of nowhere, a woman dressed in a long-flowing, blue dress appeared before Iya. Her hair was up in a stylish bun and she walked the manner of someone who ought to be respected and given attention. Iya was frightened by the sudden appearance of the woman and stumbled backwards, tripping on her nightgown and falling onto the snow. The woman smiled endearingly down at Iya and reached out her hand to help her to her feet.
“Hello, Iya,” the woman almost sang. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Who are you? Where am I?” Iya questioned fearfully.
“I am the Snow Queen, ruler of the Kingdom of Shanleir. We are in the Dreamland. I brought you here to answer your prayers.”
“My prayers? You mean…you can give me magic?”
“I can give you everything you have ever dreamed of: magic, love, solace, riches, and whatever else you may desire. I only ask one thing of you in return.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I am quite lonely living in a palace all by myself. I want you to come with me to Shanleir and become the princess.”
Iya was so stunned by this she had trouble forming words to respond. She stood with wide eyes and her mouth slightly open for several moments before she could bring herself to say anything.
“P-princess? But…then I would…then I would have to leave my home. What would my family say? I do not think they would let me go.”
“No one can learn of this!” the Snow Queen said in a raised voice. “If you are to come with me, your family and friends must forget you. You will become my daughter.”
“I care about them! You cannot just erase their memories. That is wrong.”
The Snow Queen huffed and folded her arms across her chest. “You care about them even when they look down on you for not being able to use magic? They see you as someone who is worthless! Come with me, Iya. I will give you a loving home.”
They see you as someone who is worthless.
Those words kept repeating themselves inside of Iya’s mind as she lowered her head and looked down at her feet. She clenched her fists by her side as she tried to convince herself that her family still loved her no matter what, but what the Snow Queen said got to her. Those words combined with her own doubts and Iya began to seriously consider the Snow Queen’s offer. If her family and everyone else in the Vale no longer cared for her, it would be better for them to forget her. They would be happier forgetting they ever spent time stressing over her.
She put her eyes back on the Snow Queen, who was staring at her thoughtfully, waiting for an answer.
“I will go,” Iya said. “Take me with you to Shanleir.”
“Very well. Please, take my hand.”
Iya reached her hand out to the Snow Queen, but quickly pulled back before the Snow Queen could grab it. She began to feel uneasy and nervous about the ordeal.
“Wait,” she said hesitantly. “I do not think I can actually go through with this. I am sorry.”
Upon hearing Iya’s change of mind, the Snow Queen’s pleasant expression was replaced by one of rage. She would not let the Iya back out now. She wanted Iya’s raw magic and nothing would stop her from getting it. 
She smiled wickedly. “Too late!”
The Snow Queen grabbed Iya’s wrist and fought against the struggling girl as she opened a portal to Shanleir. Once both of them were inside, it closed and the duo disappeared into the night. Tears began streaming from Iya’s eyes as she realized the mistake she made. She managed to cry out Ean’s name just before her memories were erased, and her new life began. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Prompt #005, seeking solace, is going to be about Iya. There is no better character to fit this prompt. She is seeking comfort from someone after failing to her magic test. She does not believe what Ean or her Grandmother do about her becoming the strongest singer in the vale. When the Snow Queen brings Iya to the Dreamworld and offers to give her magic and make her more powerful than all of her ancestors, she accepts. She sees the Snow Queen's offer as the only way to achieve her dreams. She is seeking solace and believes the Snow Queen can provide her with it, even though though it is all a trick for the Snow Queen to steal her powers. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Next prompt: Seeking Solace
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Dark: Prompt #004
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Aveyond characters.
This is a poem about Gyendal and his desires to take over the human world with the Orb of Darkness and how he sees himself as the Lord of Twilight. He wants power to rule. Written in first person. A little spooky because it is Gyendal after all. 
Shadows begin to creep in the evening
Filling up all the spaces once doused in light
Coming up from the cracks in the ground
They scurry like rats across the land
  Fallen souls of evil crowd the darkest corners
Creatures of the night they swarm under the moon
All into graveyards to relish in the gloom
They fly like flocks of birds in the wind
  Reapers and vampires and demons slither about
Wreaking havoc among the living and the dead
They feel the call of the night and darkness
They gather round me in anticipation
  I am the Lord of Twilight
I am the King of Darkness
The ruler of the underworld
  The Orb of Darkness is what I seek
It is what I need to conquer all of those who oppose me
All of my minions and followers will sprint in search of the child
The last person in the Darkthrop family line
  The young heir to the Darkthrop power will sit beside me in a throne
Together we will watch the humans become enslaved by darkness
Our rule will last for all of eternity
We will be the last creatures seen by the human eyes before everything fades to black
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Decided to write the poem from Gyendal's perspective about being the Lord of Twilight. It is something different from the prose and Aveyond 1. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Three ideas have formed for prompt #004. They are as follows:
1) A poem from Gyendal's point of view about how he is the Lord of Twilight and how he will take over the world by destroying all the light and bringing on an era of darkness.
2) Dameon joins Ahriman's dark and evil forces so he can get revenge on his mother. Blinded with his revenge and the darkness in side of him, he does not see what Ahriman really is and follows his orders to get Rhen to join the deavas as well.
3) Gyendal discusses his plan to kidnap Mel and take her to Underfall where she will fulfill her destiny and take over the world. 
Leaning towards either idea one or three. I am pretty interested in my poetry idea however. It would be very different from a long story, but include Gyendal's desires and thoughts and how he plans to accomplish taking over the world. 
Although I like idea two, it is another Aveyond 1 based story. I have already written three Aveyond 1 based fics, so I would like to switch it up a bit. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
This is a boring technical blogging post, but for your information, I will now be putting the fics under “readmores”. The disclaimer and summary will be seen, but to read the fic you must visit aveyondfanfiction.tumblr.com. The blog layout is set up for reading, not picture posts or audio.
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
When I think about the next prompt, dark, I immediately think about Gyendal. He is the villain who tries to bring darkness and despair to the human world. I also think about Dameon and how he forsakes his duties as the Druid of Light and succumbs to darkness to get revenge on his mother.
My current ideas for this prompt are the same as two of my ideas from the last prompt, light. They are very closely related. I am hoping that I come up with some more ideas though and they are about Gyendal. The last three fics that I have written were about Aveyond 1 and it would be nice to switch things up a bit. 
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aveyondfanfiction · 10 years
Next prompt: Dark
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