azadehkhajavi · 3 years
he Benefits of Zirconia Dental Implants
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As the most experienced dental implantologist in the world of ceramic metal-free dental implants, Dr. Azadeh Amy Khajavi has earned the title “Queen of ceramic dentistry.” The multiple award-winning Dr. Amy Khajavi is a holistic and biological dentist who specializes in complex dental procedures. Among these procedures, she does full mouth construction using biocompatible zirconia metal-free dental implants. Also known as ceramic metal-free dental implants, zirconia dental implants are inserted at the margin of the gum line in a manner identical to that of titanium implants. They are considered an ideal replacement for lost teeth due to many reasons. When compared, the osseointegration observed with zirconia implants is similar, if not better than with titanium implants. They are an alternative option for patients who have had past allergic reactions to titanium implants. The more aesthetically pleasing choice for patients, zirconia dental implants are suitable for patients with semi-transparent gums or who are predisposed to gum recession. That is because zirconia implants bear a close resemblance to the appearance of natural teeth, a luxury not afforded by titanium implants. A bio-inert material like zirconia will not succumb to any chemical reaction in a patient’s mouth. Also, it promotes the health of gums as bacterial growth is made difficult by the chemical composition.
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azadehkhajavi · 4 years
Ozonation as Dental Disinfectant Agent
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The founder of the Center for Ceramic Dental Implants, Dr. Azadeh “Amy” Khajavi focuses on biological and holistic dental procedures that tend to the overall health of the patient. Designated as a Master Dentist in Full Mouth Reconstruction, Dr. Azadeh Khajavi utilizes holistic tools such as ozonation as a disinfectant agent in dental procedures. Within the field of dentistry, ozone can be used as a form of ozonated water and oil that can quickly oxidize organic materials and destroy pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. Ozonated water as sanitary irrigation during tooth extractions and oral surgery can help maintain a clean, hygienic environment, thereby reducing the risk of infection. In fact, ozonated water has oxidizing properties that are several hundred times stronger than those of hydrogen peroxide. After surgery, ozonated water or oil can be used as a topical disinfectant that promotes healing. Additionally, the substance can be useful within a dental practice to sterilize dental instruments and to disinfect acrylic dentures.
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azadehkhajavi · 4 years
Metal free mouth, corrosion of metals in the mouth, battery effect in the oral environment causes slower rate of processing information by the brain. 
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azadehkhajavi · 4 years
What to Expect in a Full-Mouth Reconstruction Process
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Certified and award-winning dentist Dr. Azadeh “Amy” Khajavi specializes in full-mouth reconstruction, including the use of metal-free implants. Dr. Azadeh Khajavi assesses patients to determine whether they are good candidates for the reconstruction and to personalize the treatment plan. When a dentist sees that a patient may benefit from a full-mouth reconstruction, the first step is to perform a thorough examination to check the condition of the patient's teeth, gums, temporomandibular joints (TMJs), and jaw muscles. Depending on the conditions found, two or more procedures may be combined. Worn and decayed teeth may be remedied through implants. Patients with diseased gums will likely undergo scaling (the removal of plaque and tartar) and root planing (the method of smoothing out roots to allow the gums to reattach to teeth). Some patients may need tissue- and bone-grafting to bolster the gums and underlying jawbone. Patients with occlusion issues may also require orthodontic work before the dentist can perform these procedures.
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azadehkhajavi · 4 years
Zirconium Dental Implants Provide Several Benefits
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Dr. Azadeh “Amy” Khajavi offers reconstructive treatments in her California offices for patients who wish to improve their smile. Honored as a master clinician in aesthetic dentistry, Dr. Azadeh Khajavi has performed many metal-free ceramic implant procedures. In traditional dentistry, bridges are used to disguise the gaps between teeth, but they can disfigure the teeth that support them. Dr. Amy Khajavi’s implants avoid this side effect. Implants are long-lasting and easily brushed. Implants often include titanium. While this metal has a good success rate in some medical applications, when used in the mouth, it presents several problems. For one thing, it can lead to galvanism, the occurrence of electrical currents inside the mouth. Patients with titanium implants are sometimes displeased by their grayish color, especially if they replace front teeth. Titanium has also been reported to cause allergies and may even be carcinogenic. Metal-free zirconium ceramic implants, on the other hand, are stronger than titanium, whiter, and are generally non-allergenic. Zirconium implants use a simple design that resists infection and can be installed immediately after the natural tooth has been removed. Finally, they are more comfortable than titanium implants.
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azadehkhajavi · 5 years
How to Become an Academy of General Dentistry Fellow
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Experienced dentist Azadeh (Amy) Khajavi provides full mouth reconstruction on dental implants through her San Diego, California, office. Among her career accomplishments, Azadeh Khajavi has served as a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. Since 1952, the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) has supported the interests of general dental professionals, from students to experienced dentists and fellows. The AGD's mission is to provide excellent educational opportunities and advocacy to advance oral health and general dentistry. Dental professionals may earn the AGD Fellowship Award by applying through the AGD website and meeting the following requirements: 1. Passing the AGD Fellowship Exam 2. Possessing a dental license that has been in good standing for at least five years 3, Maintaining a current AGD membership for three continuous years up to the date the fellowship application is received 4. Completing at least 500 hours of qualifying continued education 5. Attending the AGD Convocation Ceremony Find more details related to requirements, as well as the fellowship application, visit agd.org.
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azadehkhajavi · 5 years
Zirconia vs. Titanium Dental Implants
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Dr. Azadeh Khajavi is a dentist with significant experience in full-mouth reconstruction and implant dentistry. She completed four years of specialized implantology training after earning her doctor of dental medicine degree and has been named a “master surgeon” by the American Academy of Oral Implantologists for six consecutive years. Dr. Azadeh “Amy” Khajavi practices holistic implant dentistry, where she focuses on placing biocompatible metal-free dental implants made from ceramic. Dental implants became available to the public in the 1980s and were constructed from titanium. While titanium is durable, it does present limitations. For example, titanium can corrode once embedded into the oral cavity. Corrosion of titanium can affect the structural integrity of dental implants. This material can also contribute to aesthetic concerns among patients with implants. In areas where the gingiva is thin, titanium might be visible. Zirconia is a newer option for patients who desire dental implants to replace lost teeth. It comes from the ceramic family of materials. Due to its tooth-colored appearance, zirconia closely mimics the appearance of dental structure above and below the gums. Its white color means that the gingiva will not appear discolored in areas when gum tissue is thin. Zirconia implants do not have sub-gingival connecting pieces like those in titanium implants; instead, they are embedded into the jaw in one piece. Dental implants with sub-gingival connections can contribute to corrosion and bad breath when bacteria and liquids penetrate their connecting parts. Research shows that patients with zirconia implants are less likely to suffer with inflamed and receding gums than those with titanium implants. You can learn more about the type of dental implants that Dr. Khajavi uses by visiting www.ceraroot.com.
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azadehkhajavi · 6 years
Oregon Health & Science University's New Rural Health Project
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A holistic dentist with years of experience placing metal-free implants, Azadeh (Amy) Khajavi holds designation as a Master Surgeon for metal-free dental implants and treats patients at her San Diego-based practice. Azadeh Khajavi holds a DDS from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), which is collaborating with Sky Lakes Medical Center to build the Sky Lakes Collaborative Health Center in Klamath Falls. OHSU has begun a $50-million project with Sky Lakes Medical Center to improve the health of rural Oregonians. The new facility’s ground floor will feature the OHSU Campus for Rural Health, a program that engages medical, dentistry, pharmacy, physician assistant, and nursing students in the provision of rural health care. So far, 190 OHSU students have visited Klamath Falls to learn about community-based care. A 100,000-square-foot building, the Sky Lakes Medical Center will consist of four floors. The top two floors will house Sky Lakes medical clinics, while the bottom two floors will be dedicated to training for OHSU students and staff.
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azadehkhajavi · 6 years
Am I a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction?
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An award-winning oral implantologist, Dr. Azadeh Khajavi practices full-mouth dental reconstruction in California. Dr. Azadeh “Amy” Khajavi has received extensive training in this treatment. Full-mouth reconstruction improves a person’s smile and overall appearance while returning mouth functionality back to normal. This dental procedure is performed as a series of reconstructive treatments that restore the teeth, gums, and lower and upper jaws. The specific number of treatments needed for full-mouth reconstruction varies depending on the degree of oral damage. Since full-mouth reconstruction is so extensive, most people are candidates for the treatment. However, most candidates suffer from at least one oral health issue such as missing teeth, jaw problems, gum disease, or receding gums. To ensure that all oral health issues are corrected, full-mouth reconstruction may be performed in conjunction with other oral treatments. These include everything from traditional dental crowns and implants to periodontal procedures and ceramic inlays. Individuals considering full-mouth reconstruction must be aware of the scope of the treatment. Before the treatment is complete, people may have to visit their dentist several times over the course of numerous months. This may be both time-consuming and expensive. Further, individuals must be in good general health before certain procedures can be done as part of this treatment plan.
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