azariah-z-fell · 10 days
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and with that, we reach the end of this crazy 26-Day-experiment, I hope you are well and truly boiled and feel like the center of the sun. Thanks for reading, everyone!
link to the full series on ao3 below, and special thanks to all my patreons whose support made this series possible <3
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azariah-z-fell · 16 days
So the James Webb telescope took a picture of a infant star!!
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The small glowing blob is protostar L1527! Caught in the glow of its sunrise-like creation the baby is only 100,00 years old! It can take up to 50 million years for a star to reach the size of our sun. This infant has a long time to go.
Located 460 light years away this is one hell of a childhood photo!
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azariah-z-fell · 16 days
I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.
There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.
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azariah-z-fell · 16 days
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Cranking up the heat - Part 21
Bonus stuff and full version below! vv
“Is that so? In that case…” And Crowley knows, okay, he knows the angel is strong. He knows the angel is powerful.  And he knows the angel, when he sets his mind to something, will often just go right ahead and do it.  None of which prepares him for the dashing little twinkle in Aziraphale’s eyes before he—easy as anything—flips Crowley over. ~written by the awesome Calico! keep reading on Ao3
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azariah-z-fell · 16 days
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azariah-z-fell · 16 days
It's something about the way he hesitates after he escorts Crowley out of the shop.
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His body almost turns to get to the next task, but his head refuses to follow, keeping his eyes on Crowley for that last little moment.
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He just can't make himself take his eyes off of Crowley. 6000 years later and he still needs to soak in that extra second.
And it's little details like this that absolutely destroy me.
Credit to @mimisempai for creating the original gif that caught my attention.
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azariah-z-fell · 17 days
The angels don't have to ask to enter the bookshop.
We've been operating under the assumption that BOTH the angels and demons have to ask to enter the bookshop, but I don't think that's true. I'm pretty sure it's one of our red herrings for season 2.
Continued under the cut.
When Gabriel shows up to the bookshop nude and oblivious, the doors are closed and (i believe) locked, Gabriel doesn't even know who or where he is, so he does what the default is... he knocks, and asks "Can I come in?" Aziraphale is frightened at first and tells him he can't come in but eventually our angels empathy wins and he says "Alright! Just... just get in!"
>> We're never told Gabriel wouldn't have been able to come in otherwise.
When the Archangels show up Aziraphale literally cuts them off before they reach the door of the bookshop. Saraqael suggests, "Shall we discuss this inside?", and Aziraphale continues, "By all means. Would you like to come in?"
>> If Aziraphale hadn't rushed out to meet the angels, why wouldn't they have just walked into the bookshop like they did numerous times in season 1?
When Muriel arrives to surveil Aziraphale they ask, "Great! Well, could I come in and do it inside please? Only cause it's really noisy out here and I can't hear anything." Aziraphale replies, "By all means."
>> Muriel is a plucky angel who doesn't know much about life on earth but had the shop been open and unlocked they might've just wandered in as well.
We're never told the angels *can't* enter the bookshop explicitly like we are for the demons. We've always just assumed the same rules apply to all of the ethereal and occult beings.
But then, might I ask, why does Aziraphale tell us "Technically, this bookshop still counts as an Embassy"?
If the bookshop is still an embassy, the angels wouldn't need permission to enter, they would still have jurisdiction, and would still be able to monitor what's going on there... yes?
Let's compare this to the demons attempts to enter the bookshop, because Shax states clearly that she can't enter without permission. We see this again when she tries to get into the Bentley after it's canonically 'our car', and therefore at least partially owned by an angel.
I'm pretty sure John and Neil make a point of having the angels all ask in some way to enter, and Aziraphale seem to grant them permission as a red herring. They don't need to, but they want us to assume a false sense of security, to think that the bookshop is a safe space for our duo, outside of the reaches of both Heaven and Hell.
Technicalities are big in season 2 and I definitely think they're a huge underlying string running through all of Good Omens. In season 1, Crowley and Aziraphale stop Heaven and Hell from trying to restart Armageddon on a technicality. Gabriel and Beelzebub don't technically know if the great plan *is* the ineffable plan! It's definitely a favorite trope of Terry and Neil's to mock unfair, broken, bureaucratic systems, and Heaven and Hell are a PERFECT example of this.
**Somebody has written a meta on technicalities, I know I've seen it but I cannot for the life of me find it so if anyone could tag me so I could link it that would be brills! (Yeah that's right I'm adopting that from Charles from Dead Boy Detectives, 80's british slang ftw, I'm obsessed; please watch it please I need a second season.)
Neil has mentioned that the plot for season 3 might've had to be changed from he and Terry's original vision a bit, based on the political climate of the current day, and I'm sure that means we'll see some technicalities being the downfall of Heaven and Hells systems in Season 3 as well. I don't think the metatron is a villain, nor any of the other angels or demons. They're just fulfilling their function, following a set of rules, very much to a fault. This is all just God's big experiment after all, freewill, choice, eating the apple, and the angels and demons aren't exempt.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of technicality about the angels and demons themselves in season 3. We've seen that they're of the same stock, and we know Crowley at least is technically still the same person he was when he was an angel... more or less. Could the book of life end up revealing something like that the demons still exist perpetually as their angelsonas? A technicality, if you will?
Given the bookshop is still technically an embassy, is everything that happens inside observable by Heaven? Can they access the bookshop in their Earth Observation Files? There is some questionable blocking surrounding the bust in Aziraphale's bookshop, coupled with a curious record cover from Maggie's bookshop pointed out by @noneorother
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One more thing to add, when Crowley and Aziraphale do the Gabriel hiding miracle, and the first large time discontinuity happens, something that still draws my attention in that moment is Aziraphale's expression after Jim emerges upstairs.
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Just after Crowley has suggested the miracle, and just before Jim emerges from upstairs, Aziraphale is looking off toward the bookshop entrance, and after we cut away to Gabriel and then back...
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Aziraphale looks momentarily terrified, he knows Gabriel is upstairs, and he's the one who wanted to hide him in the first place why would he be so scared? And he clearly isn't looking at Gabriel. Crowley is looking up at the archangel but Aziraphales eyeline is lower, possibly looking toward a certain... statue???
Anyway... Let me know your thoughts. I haven't been posting as much, I have been mega busy and I'm trying to be thankful for it. Love you all, hope you have something nice happen for you today! <3
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azariah-z-fell · 17 days
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"Dancing is not a sin" part 5
Let's get closer 😏🕺
Part 4 here
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azariah-z-fell · 17 days
I am at like at emotion, mental and physical zero. This year has been trash. I still like reading everyone’s spots even if I cannot supper process them. lol
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azariah-z-fell · 17 days
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They saved a seat for Michael 🥹
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azariah-z-fell · 17 days
I think I've found the answer to this important question: why is the feather duster yellow?
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Because it makes it look like a torch of hellfire? Makes one think of this scene:
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The last time Crowley saw Gabriel.
And it makes this reaction even more understandable:
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PS .. and, of course 'it's pretty!'
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azariah-z-fell · 17 days
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Cranking up the heat - Part 19!
Full version and bonus content under the cut!
“ With pleasure. ” 
Aziraphale moves all at once, shifting out from under Crowley and letting him thump back against the pillows like an over-stimulated sack of potatoes. Crowley barely has time to wonder if he’s misplayed this, before Aziraphale is settling on his stomach between Crowley’s legs instead and looking up at him with a frankly licentious grin.  
“Now where was I…?” 
 In one swift action, Aziraphale hooks both of Crowley’s thighs over his shoulders and hauls him bodily closer, and oh, fuck. This is not exactly what Crowley meant, and yet no force in the universe right now could make him push Aziraphale away.... keep reading ~ written by he wonderful @ukcalico to go with the art (as well as the previous chapters!)
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azariah-z-fell · 18 days
I keep seeing a post that's like "it's so sweet that Crowley cleaned up the bookshop while Aziraphale was in Edinburgh" and I'm like listen, I get what you mean but that is not what's happening here, Aziraphale keeps his shop a mess on purpose to ward off customers and Crowley tries to alphabetize his CD collection to take his mind off the impending apocalypse but is thwarted by them already being alphabetized. That was stress cleaning and it was for Crowley's benefit.
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azariah-z-fell · 18 days
I found out yesterday that before the invention of printing a codex-shaped book was the thing which monks were engaged in. What if this is the reason of Azi's bookaholism? He could hang out often in monasteries on his angelic business.
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azariah-z-fell · 18 days
Weird Coffee Shop Guy
I first noticed the coffee shop employee guy in E1. He looks fairly normal most of the time, like when we see him while Azi and Crowley first meet at the coffee shop. I assume, but can't know for certain, that he is the one Nina mouths and gestures Crowley's 6-shots of espresso order to. He appears to be dressed with pale yellow and orange.
But then, things go weird. And again, later, in E3.
First in E1, ~25:00 time stamp, Maggie arrives as Nina is closing up the shop. Nina walks behind the counter talking with Maggie and off to the side, you see this guy put on what looks A LOT like Azi's grey sweater, turn, and walk behind a completely oblivious Nina. It looks like he is disappearing just as the scene cuts back to Maggie.
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Next, jump to the beginning of E3 with Mrs Sandwich in the coffee shop, just prior to Muriel's arrival, ~00:30 time stamp. Again, this guy is there, this time in the red shirt and with a yellow apron.
tl;dr Don't watch Nina, just keep your eye on the employee.
play-by-play in the snippet:
To begin, out of view but off to the right, he has handed off an order to the lady that we only see the top of her head above the coffee mugs as she is leaving. Employee-guy has turned around away from the customer and is heading around towards Nina. We see him there all dark and smudgy off to the right of Nina right at the edge of the screen.
The scene immediately cuts to the opposite view and there we see him making the hand-off to the customer. Note that he is using a cell phone. At almost this same time, Nina gets her notification. I suspect this is just a coincidence to throw us off. I think.
While Nina reads her message, employee-guy walks around and behind her -- who is still basically ignoring him, not seeing him? He still has his phone in hand, looking like he's using it.
I've snipped out a couple of seconds of dialog between Mrs Sandwich and Nina where we don't see employee guy.
Now, here's the really weird stuff: when we return to viewing Nina, this guy basically just walks right out from the shelves behind Nina! All small and out of proportion, and I don't think he has his phone.
This is the weirdest thing I've come across so far and I have no explanation at this time. I only know that there is something very strange on Whickber St.
[Sorry for the poor-quality gifs and video. I'm brand new at this stuff and don't really have the hang of it.]
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azariah-z-fell · 18 days
Be honest, is your dog really a wolf pretending to be a dog? Because he absolutely looks like a wolf pretending to be a dog.
(Please do tell him he’s the best wolf ever!)
He has no wolf in him, but right now I've got him wearing a fluorescent orange jacket because there are people out here who might shoot him if they thought he was a wolf and this way they can be pretty sure he's not.
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azariah-z-fell · 18 days
[Mabli on Michael Sheen's lap and in front of them dolls of Aziraphale and Crowley]
Mabli: Daddy.
[Michael points at Aziraphale] Daddy. [and then he points at Crowley] Who's that?
Mabli: Mmmmmm. Uncle David.
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