bebestar-lou · 4 years
Person A: “If I have to clean up one more bloodstain from this carpet, I’m going to fucking murder somebody.”
Person B: “Sounds a little counterproductive.”
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bebestar-lou · 4 years
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bebestar-lou · 4 years
Flowershopboy!Jungwoo and his apprentice on a sweet saturday morning
i really dont know what to put in the title end me
Its just soft n fluff, nothin special. i also recommend reading with piano music in the background, just sayin
Word count: 853
It really isn´t long and basically just about jungwoo walking through a street tbh but i kind of like it
It had been a nice saturday morning so far, with the sun being barely out and the white puffy clouds covering only a third of the bright blue sky. While august may have been a pain with all the heat, september was here to make up for it. It certainly took it´s time but it was getting there. The air smelled clean after a night of barely any traffic and the light cool morning breeze that blew trough the empty streets made a perfect duo to start the day.
So thought Jungwoo, a young and rather optimistic man, who had just closed his door behind him as he slowly made his way to work. Unlike his coworkers, he actually enjoyed working on a saturday, especially on days like these.
He loved watching the streets slowly emerge from their sleepy mornings, such as the sounds of tableware being carried - presumably to prepare the breakfast table -, the quite music that one of his neighbors liked to play while taking his morning shower, yes, he even found some peace in the sounds that tended to leave the bedroom of that fresh couple who had moved into the apartment across of his own, although he wouldn´t like to openly admit to that.
He hummed, quiet and barely audible while making his way further away from his door, taking the route that led him to his workplace.
Today would be a peaceful day. With the two of his loud coworkers gone he would be left with only the newbie. A rather young boy who had just started working at the shop a few days ago. Jungwoo couldn´t help but smile at the thought of the sheepish boy, trying his best to make up for the pot he had broken by accident, offering every penny he owned.
Admittedly, it was an adorable sight to see although he couldn´t keep his face straight for long and eventually had to tell the boy that it was no big deal. He himself had gathered a decent amount of broken pots himself- he knew all too well how it felt like to stare at a sad looking conference of broken porcelain.
Jungwoo sighed, turning his way towards the sun that had slowly began to rise up from the clouds, soaking in every ounce of sunlight he could get.
He had an idea planned for today, one that hopefully would turn all the shattered pots into something creative... something that might spark a unique, unknown feeling of joy within.
With his thoughts consumed by the broken pieces he fished out his keys and in a swift motion opened the door to a flower shop. His flowershop to be precise. Something he had worked for so much that it had now become his own personal safe place.
The shop being located at the end of his own street made a perfect addition to his life and he loved every bits of it. From the flowers to his loud coworkers to the broken pots that seemed to appear from time to time- sometimes the cause of the destruction remained forever a mistery. Of course, things like that hit a nerve in him from time to time but after thinking about the situation as a whole, it just became a cutesy memory or a fantastic imaginative scenario as to how it could have happened.
Barely keeping in the tiny giggle, Jungwoo entered the store, taking a slow breath while making his way towards the counter.
Almost no emotion could reach the level of feelings he experienced while standing in the middle of his wide collection of flowers. However, he had to admit that the air was indeed a bit damp after standing still in a closed room for many hours and due to the new boy, who seemed to have a rather sensitive nose, he began to open the windows, letting the fresh air swoop trough the old heavy clouds.
Slowly the people birthed more life into the streets while Jungwoo prepared the sweet little ornament that would eventually - with more and more pots breaking - turn into a larger pretty picture.
Mayhaps it could make a Logo for his shop, as it hadn´t really had one yet.
The soft chime from the door bells reached his ears as he was immediately greeted by a young bubbly boy. His little newbie, already in his clothes with the - this time correct - nametag. It read ´Mark` if one squinted hard enough. "Oh" Jungwoo smiled "good you´re here" he stepped to the side, showing the boy what he was working on.
Said boy, certainly curious, stepped next to him and eyed the shards with mild confusion. "Huh?" head tilted to the side, he couldn´t take his eyes away from it. He thought it looked unusual. Unusual but in a good kind of way. Jungwoo grabbed a pair of gloves for Mark to take. "Creativity is key" he hummed, smiling to himself. Soon Mark had grabbed onto the idea. He liked it. And so they spent their morning fixing what had been broken into a new form of beauty.
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bebestar-lou · 4 years
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i spent 15 mins making this rather than writing
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bebestar-lou · 4 years
Nctzen: Sorry, I can’t work today. The stress isn’t good for the baby.
Shawol: What baby?
Nctzen: Me.
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bebestar-lou · 4 years
Zen: What is he talking about?
Seven: It’s not that big of deal-
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Having a Crush on Gryffindor!Jaehyun
Here we go again :)
So how do I start
Having a Crush on a Gryffindor is one thing
Having a Crush on a Gryffindor beater is another thing
Having a Crush on Jaehyun is both things and so much more
It's a hopeless mission tbh
Like honestly, he could walk into any room and at least one person would swoon over him
And if he were to walk into a teacher conference there'd still be someone who'd swoon
Maybe not McGonagall but like Dumbledore would be over the hill probably
Okay no forget that part lol what is wrong with me
So you have a crush on Hogwarts' prettiest possession. Basically.
But hey at least you get to talk to him once in a while, since the two of you have quite a few classes together
After a while of talking to him you even managed to behave normal around him
As in like 'not a half squealing, face burning mess'
It wasn't like a bad thing before, maybe not even easy to notice
But it did annoy you at some point
And after a while you learned that his best friend always comes in late to class, so catching that seat next to Jaehyun rlly ain't that hard
And I mean it's not like he'd be against it, sitting next to Johnny is all fun and games but at least you know when to shut up and pay attention to the teacher. Johnny and Jaehyun,,,, usually miss that part
So his grades did get up, even if just a tiny little bit
You knowing when to shut up doesn't mean that you always know when to shut up. Or that you always cared enough to
Like one day
You're sitting next to each other, by now you don't even have to be sneaky about it. Johnny takes his time walking to class and you just take the seat next to Jaehyun instead of the weirdest nerd you've ever seen...
Anyway so both of you had a rather long day, paying lots and lots of attention to an unnecessary, narcissistic teacher, followed by a session of screaming plants.
Both of you had neither desire, nor power to listen to whatever the heck batman was tryna teach you
Which wasn't a very good move on your sides since,,, well your teacher neither liked Gryffindors, nor did he like you two. Which isn't really a surprise, he didn't like the fact that he couldn't properly punish you becuz you did actually listen to what he said and aced every surprise question he'd ask
Except for that day. Your task was it to brew some potion. Without talking too much, of course.
You two kinda missed... Both steps.
It's not like you didn't try but both of you weren't paying much attention and when you accidentally threw in your pen instead of rattlesnake fangs, you knew... It was enough and you were very much not focused.
So you and Jaehyun left the pot to stir whatever kind of soup the addition of your pen would result in and started chatting about whatever
You didn't pay even the tiniest bit of attention to your kettle
So you two missed the part of it blubbering over and strolling all over the table
Until it dropped onto Jaehyun's pants
And he was so confused
And you were too
But your realization hit too late and after you two had a nice book slap onto the back of your heads, you were told that you have detention this afternoon
Which, oh thou behold, sucked major for Jaehyun. The very important Quidditch player who, oh so surprisingly and totally not cliche had Quidditch practice RIGHT when the time of your detention took place
So being the nice pal you are, you offered him to just go to practice and you'd do his detention work for him
He was not having it
So you two ended up cleaning some ancient trophies like you were told
Jaehyun was sulking the whole time
He didn't say anything. But his face
It just told you the long tragic story of his suffering
And you couldn't bear it anymore
So with a sigh you put your current trophy aside and whipped out your wand
Which were usually supposed to be taken away but you don't like giving your wand away like that so you gave them a piece of enhanced wood without anyone suspecting a thing or so you hoped
Jaehyun, being the dude he is, refused to let you use magic but after like 2 seconds of you just staring at him in disbelief he was like
'what am I talking about ok letsgo'
So you "cleaned" all the trophies in a sweet minute and then told him he could go to practice
You've never watched them practice btw because,,, you had like, no reason to
But, oh thee behold, he was about to change that
'you wanna watch me being the prettiest beater you've ever seen?'
Wink wink
You kind of just sighed into your non existent beard while he awkwardly tried to forget what he just did
But you nodded and ended up going with him
Before he left you on the side, he whispered about how he'd smash that practice just for you
Which made you a bit blushy
And him a bit giggly
Anyway, after his teammate shouted at him for like the 7th time, he finally went to the field to,, actually start with practice
Anyway you were up and above, watching him intensely.
You were feeling a bit of pride when he flashed you a smile while he did something cool, even tho you had about no idea what he was supposed to do in the first place
When practice was over and he'd be back by your side he'd totally ask you out
To teach you what a beater is supposed to do and how Quidditch works of course
Wink wink
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
He kept absolutely still as the footsteps got louder, slowly but steady moving into his direction. Saying that he was scared would be an understatement.
Earlier today, Yangyang wouldn't have dared to admit that the consequences of his actions had been lurking in his mind while the two of you had executed your plans, but now that you had left, leaving him all alone, he was scared. Very. Scared.
Before Yangyang could calm his racing mind, the footsteps came to a halt, not very far from the door he was leaning onto. The door to his room.
He immediately stopped breathing, clenching his fists in a strong grip. The boy didn't dare to move one inch.
Then, right before he thought the tention could ruin him, the person on the other side kept walking, passing his door, moving further into the hallway.
He dared to breathe again. He pulled out his phone, his fingers finding your chat almost immediately. With shaky hands he began to type:
'Dude, Ten's freaking me out like mad. Next time you want to prank him, ask for Henderys help. I keep getting heart attacks'
He kept his gaze on his screen, slowly calming down his breath, slowly relaxing his posture, finally breathing again.
When you received the message, all you could do was snort in amusement.
You couldn't deny it though, angry Ten was a scary Ten and you were glad that Yangyang was the one living with him, leaving you out of the danger zone.
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
But what if Jungwoo thinks that "lf" means "let's fuck"
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
tumblr makes all these ugly ass updates, but they still haven’t given me the option to create a read more break on mobile OR allow me to edit posts on mobile if i made them on my laptop.
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
I don’t know what to call this.
Vampire!you with Human friends
This is some kinda series I guess idk
Doesn’t rlly have romance, I just thought it’d be kinda cool
I’m also reading “Blood of Eden” currently so that kinda got me going.
ANYWAY have fun ~
You is a vampire
And you have friends
Human friends
You had known them even before you had been turned into a vampire
Which was when you were about 19
Now its been a few years and Johnny and Jae had grown into their lives
Jaehyun had brought a friend, Wheein, along the way
You didn't know what to think of her at first since she had a rowdy kinda style
But you eventually learned that she wasn't as bad as one might think
Like she used her brain and all
Anyway so wheein and Jae kind of start to date and you're like omg
And Johnny is a bit annoyed since they always hang at his apartment and you couldn't always join due to the daylight
So he had to suffer alone
Jaehyun and wheein do dumbass shit
So when one night, at your nightly stroll, a car comes into your direction, full speed and not very coordinated, you weren't surprised to see Jae behind the wheel
The car wasn't very fast for your type of vision, so you just kinda watched them go crazy as they tried to avoid all the potholes
You guessed that there had to be a police car behind them
And there was, wow you're so smart
Anyway you want to do something good for your friends
So you just throw your white, dead, breathless self on the street, hoping the police would see you
And they did :)
A dead body was more serious then some buglers
So that's how you ended up here
In a hospital
Which you already were the whole time but-
You were at the hospital and you could smell blood
Which wasn't very cool
You had to wait a little until that darn patalogist would finally leave you alone
So you waited
And waited
And he finally left
And you had to leave as well like holy shit if you wouldn't leave soon this could end very badly
So you search your way trough the hospital
You remember you hadn't eaten for about 13 days, since you try to eat as small as possible
But 13 days was usually your end line
So there you were
Hungry for blood in a hospital :)
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Reblog if you 100% okay with a transgender person correcting you if you accidentally misgender them or use their dead name.
please do
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Lehrer: Kann jemand einen Begriff einwerfen?
Yangyang: Ich kann meinen Radiergummi werfen
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Teacher: Come on, can someone just throw in a guess?
Yangyang: I could throw in my eraser
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Ten, sitting across from Johnny: You're so pretty...
Johnny, almost blushing: Aww-
Ten: SIKE I'm the pretty one in our relationship
Ten: [puts sunglasses on]
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Sicheng, drunkenly cuddling onto Yuta: Hyuung
Yuta: [moans ins Japanese]
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Having a crush on Gryffindor!Johnny
Quick Disclaimer: I've never written anything like this before and English is my second language so I hope it turned out alright :)
so like it all started very innocent
you just had a crush on a Gryffindor boy
nothing big right, everyone has a crush from time to time
or at least that was your opinion
But your two best friends had a different way of seeing these kind of things
Mark and Yeri couldn't stop gushing about it
They made sure to not tell anyone, yeah, they'd never do that intentionally
but everytime they'd see your crush they would whip out an entire notebook, writing down every lottle detail about the things he did
your crush being Johnny by the way
but your friends would write down E V E R Y T H I N G he did in order to evaluate whether he'd be a good match or nah
They really just wanted to do their best to make you happy
and you appreciated it. You really did
but when Mark almost ran full force into a wall, after an intense session of stalking Johnny, you had enough of it
you loved your friends but it annoyed you to no end how they couldn't stay out of your business
so when the three of you were standing in an empty hallway you scolded them about it
telling them how your crush wouldn't be a big deal and how they should start focusing on their own love interests
you obviously knew they had a thing for each other but they....just.... didn't
so you just finished scolding your friends, being obviously pissed about their behavior
when Johnny and one of his friends come walking around the corner, chatting the day away
and you hoped to God that they hadn't heard anything
and they didn't seem to, they just greeted Y'all with a nice wave and then left you there to finish your conversation
you didn't want them to hear anything about your conversation so you just took a turn and went back to your dorm, leaving Yerim and Mark behind
fast forward to the weekend
it was hogsmeade weekend
and you'd love to go
you really wanted to
but you're so forgetful you missed to ask your parents to sign the permission slip for you
so you had to stay back at the castle trying not to die of boredom
Johnny caught wind of that
and he kinda just decided to stay at hogwarts
for you
The only problem was... he didn't tell you.... so.... he spent his entire day searching do you. without success
Around evening he gives up and goes to sit down on one of the stairs, sulking
It was about dinner time so you made your way towards the great hall, eager to get some of that nice hogwarts food after spending the entire day doing your homework
On your way there you passed Johnny, silently wondering what had his energetic ass go this sulky and quiet
He spotted you out of the corner of his eyes and,,,, his face brightened up big time
Which honestly confused you but you weren't sure whether you should go talk to him or rather keep walking to go get the food you were longing for.
You took the option more important to you... and so you kept walking, shooting him just a small confused smile before redirecting your attention to the way ahead
Johnny couldn't leave it at that and nearly jumped onto his feet, hurriedly catching up to you all the while trying to keep his cool
He couldn't
Even your dense ass noticed that he was trying hard to keep up something.... That honestly wasn't even there
Anyway so he comes up to you and asks you what you've been up to all day
So you tell him that you've been studying in your room
And two realizations hit him
One: He totally forgot that 500 page essay he had to write for potions
Two: He was pretty dumb for being a flat A student
His hand found its way onto the back of his head, scratching his scalp in his attempt of trying to cover up his embarrassement
You weren't sure whether you should be embarrassed, amused or just confused
So you just went for the most logic option and went,,, awkward,,,
So now you two were walking alongside each other with an awkward aura following you into the great hall
You were about to kind of just try to slide to your table when he suddenly stops you
He really didn't want to let you go just like that
Also he didn't really feel like spending another day of hopeless searching
So his emotions kind of overreacted and he grabs your wrist, seeming a bit panicked blurting out an
'do you want to go out with me?'
And like you were kind of.... Confused...Shocked... And embarrassed.... And oh my God was that the feeling of your cheeks getting hot?
You kind of just stared at him in shock
Because truth be told he almost screamed that into your face
As he realized that as well he let go off your wrist, his hand finding the back of his head again
'I- I'm sorry'
You just shook your head in an attempt of telling him that it wasn't a big deal
It confused him honestly, he was sure he heard you talking about him the other day
Jaehyun confirmed that he had heard it too
But he didn't want to press any further and make you uncomfortable or even scared
So he kind of just nodded, whispering a small 'sorry'
And finally you snapped out of your shock, now it being your turn to almost scream at him
'Oh no no, that's not what I meant. I- I mean- of course! I just- blanked?'
Your voice became quite towards the end but Johnny understood every word
And he was happy again
But also embarrassed
And so were you
Then your senses kicked in and you couldn't hold back a little snort
Which FINALLY broke that awkward, embarrassing tension that was going on as both of you just kind of chuckle-laughed
He nodded relieved and amused
'okay, I'll think of something creative'
You grinned and let out a hum in agreement
'You better!'
After deciding on a day and time you parted ways to go and sit at your house tables
You also took note of the fact that there were only a handful of students that caught up to your conversation, which made you sigh relieved
you sat down on your usual spot, hieving enormous amounts of food onto your plate
You were so deep into your task that you didn't notice the two pairs of eyes, staring at your head like you were Fluffys sister
Until you actually lifted your head and stared right back
The innocent sounding question seemed to send your friends off to the moon
Yeri repeated your question as if it was the most ridiculous thing someone had ever asked
Mark was just sitting there, still kind of baffled by your previous interaction with the Gryffindor guy
'Your long term crush just asked you out and you're just sitting there..... Eating'
Yeri accusingly pointed her fork at you, waving it up and down as she continued talking
'you should be squealing. You should be gushing about it. Why are you just EATING?'
She wasn't wrong, your were indeed.... Eating
Cheeks filled with food, you weren't entirely able to answer her questions, though you weren't even sure if you could actually find any answers to them
You were just hungry
Anyway the point why I'm still writing about this is
You noticed how she was behaving a bit off
More off then usual
So you let your gaze slide to Mark, looking for answers
When he just kind of starts blushing
You go back to Yeri and she just starts,, blushing
And at first you're confused
But then you get it
You were being way cooler after being asked out by your crush then Yeri would probably ever be
And she just wanted to cover that embarassment up
So you grinned, all the while trying not to loose the food that was stuffed in your mouth
You weren't really able to talk so you just aggressively started to wiggle your eyebrows
Your friend almost screamed as she started to throw broccoli at you
'SHUT up!!'
You started laughing
All the food you tried to keep in started to plop down onto your plate and you almost choked on a carrot before your friends lost it and laughed along
So the three of you were sitting at your house table, laughing the whole situation away
And in the far there was Johnny, watching the situation unfold in silence, an amused smile on his face
He chose the right one and he couldn't wait for that date
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