bembely · 1 day
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bembely · 2 days
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bembely · 5 days
I want a story about a king whose son is prophesied to kill him so the king is like “whatever what am I supposed to do, kill my own kid wtf is wrong with you” so he just raises him as normal, doesn’t even tell him about the prophecy, and instead of some convoluted twist of events that leads to the king’s murder the son grows up and when the king is very old and dying and in excruciating pain the kid is just like alright I'mma put him out of his misery.
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bembely · 6 days
agent scully we have decided to assign you to the weird shit department to debunk some weird shit are you familiar with an agent by the name of spooky mcpooky nobody down here but the fbi's most unwnted were you sent to spy on me look at my projector slides that i definitely didn't spend all morning working on hhhhow's youur CHEMISTRY radio goes beep boop what if we made intense eye contact in the middle of exhuming a body steven spielberg sure hope this gray metallic implant doesn't come back to haunt me later BILLY MILES hmmm weird dirt and freckle tramp stamps...must be aliens WE LOST NINE MINUTES oregon mosquitos be built different would you like to hear about my childhood trauma what if we made intense eye contact while i rant about government conspiracies you gotta love this place everyday's like halloween BILLY MILES the vegetable??? please stop talking crazy at 5 am in the rain or im gonna fall in love with you hahaha summoned by some alien impulse it's definitely normal behavior to call your coworker of 1 week past 11 pm and tell her you can't sleep oops i think you accidentally became the center of my universe see you tomorrow
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bembely · 7 days
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bembely · 7 days
Magneto: Are you interested in joining my team of mutants fighting for the end of mutant oppression? :)
A mutant: sure what’s it called?
Magneto: the brotherhood of evil mutants
Mutant: w
Mutant: why’s it called that
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bembely · 7 days
On a scale of 1 to Please Shut The Fuck Up, how much do we all agree that super bulky yarn is the root of all evil?
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bembely · 7 days
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Something in the way he sits
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bembely · 7 days
do NOT get into fibre arts!!!! you try one and then all of a sudden you have 10 hobbies and wanna try 10 more
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bembely · 8 days
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Art by Leah Gardner
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bembely · 8 days
Good instructions for assembling a paper airplane that won't fall down for sure. 🤔
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bembely · 9 days
I don't know what it is but crocheting makes me so angry.
I can knit for hours and hours. I can completely fail a new skill. I can mess up a piece I've been working on for a month so badly that the only thing I can do is unwravel it and start from scratch.
But if you hand me a crochet hook I will lose my mind within ten minutes. I won't make it through a single chain with our wanting to throw the hook into the sun.
The rage I feel with every failed attempt at making a chain is beyond anything else.
All this to say that I think people who crochet are really cool and talented and also I'm v jealous of your patience.
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bembely · 9 days
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the world needs to see this tweet
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bembely · 11 days
every time i see trad gender roles people being weird about fibercraft i wanna tell them
-medieval and early modern knitting guilds were full of men learning and perfecting fancy knitting techniques to impress rich clients
-in cold, wet climates like the scottish highlands knitting was done by the whole family, in fact it was the perfect activity to do while a man was out on a fishing boat or in the pasture with his sheep and cattle
-men who were away from women for a long time had to know how to knit and sew at least well enough to mend their own clothes. soldiers knitted. sailors knitted. cowboys and frontiersmen knitted. vikings probably knitted (actually they would have been doing a kind of proto knitting called nalbinding, but that's beside the point). all those guys the far right love to treat as ultra masculine heroes were sitting around their barracks and campfires at night darning their socks and knitting themselves little hats
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bembely · 12 days
This is everything!! Wowowow inspiration is an understatement!
I'm definitely a product knitter so maybe now with these stars in my eyes it will kick me into having a drawer like yours as my "product" hehe
I normally knit sweaters and cardigans because I love wearing them and they take me a little while to work on which forces patience (which I need). Looks like adding in different sock techniques in between big projects is the way to try it!
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I'm very close to finishing this pair of socks that I cast on so I had something small to bring on a trip.
Can someone who likes knitting socks help me understand why I DISLIKE making socks so much?? I love the final result, I love the idea of it, I love the yarn, and yet, I don't like knitting socks.
I want drawers full of knitted socks. I want piles of them in bright colours like Summer Lee. WHY can't I get my brain around it!
I've tried two at a time on long circulars, 9 inch circulars, one at a time magic loop, Flexi flips, and finally came back around to dpns. HELP ME FIX THESE BRAIN WORMS PLZ
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bembely · 12 days
i dont know who needs to hear this, but if you're following a pattern it's important to actually read the pattern
just a psa
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bembely · 12 days
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I'm very close to finishing this pair of socks that I cast on so I had something small to bring on a trip.
Can someone who likes knitting socks help me understand why I DISLIKE making socks so much?? I love the final result, I love the idea of it, I love the yarn, and yet, I don't like knitting socks.
I want drawers full of knitted socks. I want piles of them in bright colours like Summer Lee. WHY can't I get my brain around it!
I've tried two at a time on long circulars, 9 inch circulars, one at a time magic loop, Flexi flips, and finally came back around to dpns. HELP ME FIX THESE BRAIN WORMS PLZ
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