bennidraws · 17 days
Ummm...Richard? ...Ollie?? 😀
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bennidraws · 17 days
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Surprise kiss
Prague, Czech Republic (11/05/24) || 📷: me
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bennidraws · 17 days
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Prague, 11.05.24 💖 video: naraism
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bennidraws · 3 months
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bleeding heart
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bennidraws · 3 months
Will you look at that - a petition to spread far and wide through the BG3 fandom and beyond so Larian Studios might actually, finally, be pressured into fixing the content for Wyll.
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bennidraws · 3 months
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the childhood comment was so unprompted 😭😭
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bennidraws · 3 months
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soul fucking
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bennidraws · 3 months
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I'm many things, but coy's not one of them.
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bennidraws · 3 months
Starting immediately. Like an unhinged barbarian, my rage fuels me. There’ll be lots of kissing in the near future until I get this bitterness outta my system.
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Only Astarion and Karlach because I’m nothing if not consistent - or sick in the head, your pick.
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bennidraws · 3 months
really wanna reblog this bc its genuinely funny, but also the notes are scary and i dont wanna cause a mass hysteria, so let me explain the point real quick
not calling someone by their preferred pronoun or name is usually the fault of unawareness. even if it happens as an unmalicious mistake, some woke americans go completely aggro.
same americans who probably still believe czechoslovakia is a thing (it's not, that country got split into czechia and slovakia some 30 years ago).. which is usually the fault of unawareness.
the post is a dab at the double standards of an american mindset.
(and for my next trick, i'll encourage you to google the split of yugoslavia as well)
americans be like "it's not that hard to call someone their preferred pronouns/name!" and then say czechoslovakia
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bennidraws · 4 months
To my fellow Galemancers/Gale-fuckers I present
Sweaty Wizard Hours
💜 enjoy 💜
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The mens nightsong outfit is necessary for optimal sweaty Gale results.
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bennidraws · 4 months
Whoa, Mystical asking about OCs? What a surprising turn of events!
I want to know....
48. Where does your Tav feel most at home?
69. (nice) What are your Tav's other hobbies? (outside of fucking everyone in Faerun. I'm looking at you Rosio.)
For both Lucis and Rosio.
WHOA MYSTICAL!!! you know how insanely grateful i am to you c: thank you so much, darling!!! ❤️
48. Where does your Tav feel most at home?
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That was a huge issue for Rosio, for the most part he didn't feel like he had a home. He kept traveling and kept himself busy to not think about it, but especially during the adventures of bg3 and getting to be around so many people (while he was used to being a lone wolf for so long) really made him decide that if he survives the tadpole, he's getting his own place in the city. Not "settle down" in the sense of a family, but really to finally have a place he can return to. (And it so happens to be a brothel owned with his lover in the end 🙏)
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Lucis' situation was very similar to Rosio's. He left his hometown, knowing he never wants to return, and went as far as possible from it. He tried his luck in Athkatla, but the city sucked him up so bad, at times it was almost a nightmare, definitely not a home. But if Lucis had to think about what was ever a home to him, it would be wherever was his twin sister. She was a sister, a mother and a best friend to him and wherever she was was Safe.
(But I think he ends up thinking Waterdeep is the real home for him hehe)
69. What are your Tav's other hobbies? (outside of fucking everyone in Faerun. I'm looking at you Rosio.)
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Severe burn for this horndog 😭 Truth be told, Rosio is a great cook 🙏 And he absolutely considers cooking his huge hobby. It kinda goes with his hunter job; he respects nature a lot, so he always made sure that any game he hunted was either sold to kitchens or processed by him, never killed just for the sake of it. So he learned to cook meat really well 😌
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Hmmmm... Singing is way too obvious, since he's a bard. Writing too, because he's ultimately a lyricist. But out of all creative activities involving music he loves dancing the most (that's why Wyll is such a great friend ahah). He also enjoys theater (would totally be a great actor). Art really is his life, so finding a hobby outside that is kinda hard... Does "petting animals" count as a hobby? 😭😭
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bennidraws · 4 months
47 & 55 !
aww, hi!! thank you so much for sending these c: ❤️❤️
47. What is the most important item your Tav has?
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HMMM I don't think Rosio is too sentimental over things. He loves his bow, but that's more like a "dad owning an expensive car" kind of relationship 😭 And he loves money and loves spending money, but usually on alcohol and in brothels, not really on materialistic things hjaksdkjs
Not an item (and he would murder anyone who would call him "his thing" 💀) but the most important part of Rosio is his wolfhound. He loves the dog to death, soul bond kind of deal.
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All the jewellery he wears is somehow important to Lucis (pretty accessories boost his confidence), but the blue earring is super special. It's a matching one he has with his twin sister who he loves above all else tbhh. So that's extra sentimentally valuable to him.
I also think bards have really specific relationships to their instruments lol. Lucis definitely calls his lyre "beautiful girl" 😭
55. How does your Tav feel about keeping secrets, both their own and others?
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Rosio is really secretive about his past. One must pass like 10 tests of trust to get him to open up and he would still not tell everything (he's way too ashamed and rotten with guilt).
He would take the secrets of his loved ones and friends to the grave tbh. But he also knows secrets are a good currency and this kind of mindset proves really useful when he ultimately opens up a brothel and starts selling rich clientele's secrets to the kingpins lmaoo
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Lucis is really similar to Rosio when it comes to being secretive about childhood. He learns to trust easier and would share certain struggles quicker, but there will always be parts that would be too painful to tell, even to those he loves 😔
That being said, he would never share anyone's secret (well as long as it's not some rando whose secret would save the world or something hajksdkjads). He's a great friend and cherishes everyone's trust <3
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bennidraws · 4 months
11, 14, 17 for tav asks!! for whichever character (perhaps both 👀) you wanna do!
hello, love, thank you so much!!! <33
11. What is your Tav’s most used weapon or spell? 
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Both my men are archers, tho Rosio prefers stronger longbows (sturdy and equipped with blades, so he can use it as a melee weapon when the situation is really dire... dude is out there hunting monsters, he gotta be extra about it 😭) and aside from this he uses hunting knives!
Rosio really doesn't like magic and the only kind of spells he's using on regular basis are Speak with animals and summoning spells for his dog pack ahaha
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Lucis is a shortbow user (contrary to Rosio he likes his weapon very light.. and ornate. Because he likes pretty things 💀). I don't think he would normally bother with another weapon to carry, but in game I really love Phalar Aluve.. it sings!!!!!! So bardcore !!!!!!!
Aside from turning magic into music and sounds, he prefers lightning and thunder magic, because of his family heritage (his father is a really powerful storm sorcerer). And it sounds really dope combined with his lyre!! (go, boy, give us fantasy rock)
14. Does your Tav know any other languages besides Common? 
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Rosio was never much for studying, but after leaving his hometown and gaining his own freedom (and not being Forced to learn), he would probably dip his toes into learning Infernal, purely because of his tiefling heritage. He's not crazy obsessed but he knows some basics.
He also most likely understands Elvish, because he was growing up in an elven town. He never bothered speaking it tho.
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Living in a pretty strict and prideful elven society Lucis' Elvish is probably more perfect and natural than his Common language 🤔 But he's really smart and flexible, he could definitely learn other languages really well too, just doesn't feel the need for it.
17. Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
Answered in a prev ask, but abridged version:
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Funnily enough it took him the longest to trust Astarion 💀 Rosio was convinced he was the object of his manipulation basically till the "I love you" moment (and even more funnily enough, Rosio was willingly subjecting himself to that manipulation, being the self sabotaging, masochistic idiot that he is).
If Rosio knew Wyll, he wouldn't buy into his whole good boy hero shtick. He doesn't believe there are this kind-hearted people out there 😔 (But he's absolutely self projecting lol, the whole "how could you turn so kind when people wronged you so... and why I wasn't capable of it")
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Lucis trusts Gale, but considering he's his lover, it's a tad more complicated 💀 It means the absolute world for Lucis that Gale would basically move mountains for him, but there's also.. Mystra 💀 That would be the source of his insecurities and a bit of trust issues (which, tbh, is pretty selfish, boy!!!! It's not like you're completely over your ex lmfaooo 😭)
(And if Lucis traveled with Astarion, it wouldn't even be a case of distrust, that would be a wholeass circus-level hatred... They're two peacocks, and in certain ways dangerously similar... Kill bill sirens blasting in the distance... And that's without the current-lover/ex-lover of Rosio dynamic 💀)
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bennidraws · 4 months
16+17, 28, 44, 64 for both of them <3 ✨
aaah thank you so much, bb!!! ❤️ this got way longer than anticipated IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
16. Which of the companions does your Tav trust most?  17. Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
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The way I'm thinking about the bg3 story, both Rosio and Lucis were simultaneously completing parts of the quests, adventuring with only half of the companions, never running into each other (maybe at the end.. big avengers assemble moment.. except it's your ex that kinda ruined your life.. a classic), so from the pool of companions Rosio knows very well - Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Jaheira and Halsin - he basically trusts Jaheira the most and almost instantly lol. She reminds him too much of his mother 🥲 Halsin is probably right there with her, he's the main voice of reason, Rosio trusts him to not let him and Astarion die during their gremlin shenanigans 😭 He kinda trusts Lae'zel and Shadowheart too, but only after their "fuck our goddesses" phase, he doesn't generally trust people too attached to their gods.
Funnily enough it took him the longest to trust Astarion 💀 Rosio was convinced he was the object of his manipulation basically till the "I love you" moment (and even more funnily enough, Rosio was willingly subjecting himself to that manipulation, being the self sabotaging, masochistic idiot that he is).
If Rosio knew Wyll, he wouldn't buy into his whole good boy hero shtick. He doesn't believe there are this kind-hearted people out there 😔 (But he's absolutely self projecting lol, the whole "how could you turn so kind when people wronged you so... and why I wasn't capable of it")
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Lucis, on the other hand, fucking loves Karlach and Wyll. He trusts them with his life, considers them his best friends. Maybe he's a bit naive, but he actually finds their strong moral compasses admirable.
He trusts Gale too, but considering he's his lover, it's a tad more complicated 💀 It means the absolute world for Lucis that Gale would basically move mountains for him, but there's also.. Mystra 💀 That would be the source of his insecurities and a bit of trust issues (which, tbh, is pretty selfish, boy!!!! It's not like you're completely over your ex lmfaooo 😭)
(And if Lucis traveled with Astarion, it wouldn't even be a case of distrust, that would be a wholeass circus-level hatred... They're two peacocks, and in certain ways dangerously similar... Kill bill sirens blasting in the distance... And that's without the current-lover/ex-lover of Rosio dynamic 💀)
28. What is your Tav’s guilty pleasure?
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Oh HMMM. The most typical one being food, I'd say. This man would run out of shape so fast if he wasn't leading an active life lmao. But if we're talking more Deep guilty pleasures, then it's being cared for, not having control, getting attention and feeling small (and yes, this is mostly about sex ahjkdajkds). He doesn't get to feel this way often nor does he even usually allow himself all this.. bc Issues and Trauma :)
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For Lucis it's probably getting spoiled lol. He hates it about himself tho (being a spoiled kid, getting harshly criticized for it, wanting to be different, really cutting ties with the way he used to be).
But from more serious point of view, you can apply literal Guilty Pleasures to him. Lucis has such bad body autonomy and sex issues that he hasn't been able to have sex sober for like 20 years, he freaks out so bad and it got so mentally draining that it led to an addiction. Which leads to a constant guilt and pretty damaged confidence. (Turns out being a sweetheart of Athkatlan high society for like a decade really corrupts!!)
44. What song best represents your Tav?
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WELL THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR BIG BRAIN MUSIC TASTE, ZEAL, Take This Lonely Heart will always be THE Rosio song. Can't believe Nothing but thieves created a song about my oc, so thankful to them, they really didn't have to 🙏
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Now cue to Maneskin brainrot, you can apply so much of their songs to Lucis, bc. Medicated, horny, party animal lifestyle. But honorary mention to After Dark bc sad synthwave/retrowave would be so much his style (and it's what imbued thunder/lightning magic into a bardic instrument is for, right ??)
64. What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
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My only knowledge about tarot cards comes from jojo's bizarre adventure (😭) so literally anyone could correct me on this and my 5 minutes long research aaaa.
Tbh probably Death for Rosio (end of a cycle, change, beginning ??) and I think there would be something very poetic about The Lovers
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Aaaa The Devil literally fits so well for Lucis' worse past (addiction???) but I think deep down he's The Fool (innocence, but mainly new beginnings, aww)
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bennidraws · 4 months
ahh could be fun!
Baldur's Gate 3 Tav Ask Game
Reblog this to have your followers send in a number corresponding to the questions they have about your Tav! Has a total of 70 questions
Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Why did you pick the class you did for your Tav?
What is your character’s moral alignment?
 How did you choose your Tav’s name, if you gave them a unique one?
What are your character’s strongest and weakest stats (strength, charisma, etc)? 
 What is your Tav’s origin story? 
 What was the most significant moment in your Tav’s origin story? 
 What deity, if any, does your character worship? 
 What is your Tav’s biggest priority or goal?
If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
What is your Tav’s most used weapon or spell? 
 What is your Tav’s favorite school of magic/weapon type?
How does your Tav fight in a combat situation?
 Does your Tav know any other languages besides Common? 
 If your Tav could/does multiclass, what other class would they choose?
Which of the companions does your Tav trust most? 
Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
 Who is your Tav’s biggest rival?
 Who is your Tav romancing, if anyone?
If you’re romancing anyone, why did your Tav fall for them? And why did that character fall for your Tav?
 If you’re romancing anyone, who fell first and who fell harder?
 How does your Tav act around their crush?
 What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
 What is your Tav attracted to? What are their turn-ons and turn-offs? 
 Does your Tav have any biases against other classes or races? 
 What is the most prominent color in your Tav’s color scheme?
 What is their sense of humor like?
 What is your Tav’s guilty pleasure?
 How easily offended are they? How do they act when offended?
 How does your Tav react when someone insults their friend/partner?
 How does your Tav dress for different occasions, like very fancy situations?
 How did your Tav get their scars, if they have any?
 What is your Tav’s relationship with their family?
 What is your Tav’s opinion on nobility and authority?
 How does your Tav react to wearing the Wavemother’s robe? How do they react to their partner wearing it?
 What is your Tav’s favorite type of environment? Like in a tavern, a library, out in the wilderness, underground, etc.
 What would your Tav’s Zodiac sign be?
 What is their favorite season?
 Where in the world does your Tav want to visit the most?
 What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
 What animal best represents your Tav?
 What flower/tree/plant best represents your Tav?
 What does your Tav smell like? 
 What song best represents your Tav?
 What would be your Tav’s favorite music genre?
 What role would your Tav play in a highschool AU? (nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc)
 What is the most important item your Tav has?
 Where does your Tav feel most at home?
 What is your Tav’s philosophy on life?
 Does your Tav think more with their heart or their brain?
 What does your Tav want in their future? (domestic bliss, more adventure, a family, etc)
 What is your Tav’s worst fear?
 Is your Tav easily tricked or deceived?
 If your Tav was granted a single wish, what would it be?
 How does your Tav feel about keeping secrets, both their own and others?
 How would your Tav react to a love confession?
 What are your Tav’s biggest insecurities?
 What decision would your party have to make in order for Tav to consider splitting off from the group?
 What is your Tav’s favorite food?
 How generous is your Tav, especially to those they don’t know?
 If an evil character told your Tav that they wanted to change and help them, would they believe it?
 What meme describes your Tav the best?
  What does your Tav want to be remembered by?
 What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
 What would be your Tav’s major in college?
 Does your Tav consider themselves a hero, villain, victim or something else?
 How good is your Tav at giving advice? How good are they at following it themselves?
 How does your Tav get along with each party member?
 What are your Tav’s other hobbies?
 (Free Spot: Ask any question you’d like!)
Happy Infodumping!!!
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@lord-westley Here's the post! I can't wait to hear about your Tav and see what you ask about mine ^-^
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bennidraws · 4 months
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something about astarion picking up tailoring as a hobby
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