bessonschev · 3 years
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Hanging out with Scott Reed includes
not always being alone (probably Monty, Bryce, and maybe Zach around)
doing something dumb like drinking or smoking
making out (Monty and Bryce definitely hype up the pda)
him telling you he loves you
talking about sports (aka baseball and football)
watching something of your choice on the tv
if ur alone there maybe some sexy time
forcing him to break up with you (he doesn’t want to) so you can listen to Red (Taylor’s Version) so you can feel the pain
laughing at him because you made him learn a tiktok dance and he didn’t get it like 20 times
him giving you his varsity jacket
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bessonschev · 3 years
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First Date with Corbyn consists of
him picking you at 9 in his bmw *iykyk*
going to a carnival
Corbyn trying to win you prizes
He fails but then you win a bear and give it to him to make him feel better
You share a churro
He holds your hand on all the rides
He has his arms wrapped around you the whole time
He gets whiny when he doesn’t want to go on a ride
You force him to anyway
He gives you a lot of kisses
You give him plenty too
He gives you his sweatshirt when it gets really late because you didn’t bring a jacket
Looking up at the stars until you decide to leave
Blasting your favorite songs with the windows down
Corbyn speeding back to your place because you said he could spend the night
So many cuddles
Then you and him fall asleep soundly in each other’s arms
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bessonschev · 3 years
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What Dating Corbyn Besson would include
Corbyn sending you selfies constantly
Drives in his car
Going on hikes together
Going to the gym with him and Jonah
Cuddles *lots of them*
Forehead kisses *he prefers you to give them to him*
You wearing his clothes
Hanging with the boys basically 24/7
Loads of sleepovers
Sex *at least 3 times a week*
Helping Corbyn calm down after a stressful day in the studio
Playing COD together
Cooking for him
More cuddles *this boy loves cuddles*
Posting him all over your story and having him in your YouTube videos *he loves being with you at all times*
Being besties with Ashley and Jordan
Going out with his mom without him
Swimming in the pool together
Hugs from behind
Loads of kisses *very passionate ones*
Lmk who you want to see next
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