big-chaengus · 2 months
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Birth - ARTMS
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big-chaengus · 2 months
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big-chaengus · 2 years
loona concert was amazing 😩😩 somehow i ended up behind a lot of rly tall people so i could only see for like 50% of the time but they sounded amazing!!!! (also someone in front of me had a rly good phone camera so i watched through their screen lol)
somehow these women are even more beautiful in person i was honestly awestruck like fr. also yves waved at me. like i know she did i was doing a unique wave on purpose and she matched it back 😵‍💫
everyone was so well behaved like you could hear a pin drop when the girls were talking (most of the time)
yves and lip were sick and yeojin hurt her ankle a bit before the end, i hope they all feel better 🤕❤️
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big-chaengus · 2 years
Hello once again!! I’m not sure if you heard the news but Gyuri has indeed left Fromis 9 (im not handling it well 😀), if you could can you possibly give some headcanons for Gyulwon? As always I appreciate it and you!!
i did hear ☹️☹️ it’s so bittersweet like i’m happy for her but its going to be so sad moving forward without her in the group :/ thank you for your appreciation, right back at you!
if they were one of those relationship archetype things they would be something along the lines of tall and calm + short and loud
we know jiwon never stops talking and telling jokes, so a good 60% of the time gyuri is the only one laughing at them, even if they’re really not funny at all
neither of them are especially big on skinship, but there’s definitely a lot of casual touch between them. even if it isn’t always hugging and kissing, they like to be near each other
they’re both the type to lock arms while they stand next to each other or grab on to each other while they’re talking
especially if jiwon is getting rowdy like she tends to do, gyuri might grab her hand or throw an arm over her shoulders / around her waist to get her to chill out a bit
this still doesn’t keep jiwon from embarrassing herself and complaining to gyuri as soon as they get home and she remembers how she acted
that’s something gyuri thinks is so funny about jiwon, the way she can be so shamelessly embarrassing one minute, but then literally end up screaming into her pillow because she’s so embarrassed after the fact
it’s at this point that gyuri will tuck jiwon into bed with her so they can watch a drama or movie or something to calm down and just get some quality time together
b/c no matter how loud and wacky jiwon gets during the day at shootings and events, she’s always willing to give gyuri the quiet quality time she deserves <3
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big-chaengus · 2 years
just saw you're going to see loona!! ahhh so excited!! have fun (if the concert didnt happen already 🥴)
yes!! i’m so excited i’m going to the nyc show so i have a little under 2 weeks! idk how I’m going to survive i’m so pumped
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big-chaengus · 2 years
Hey can you maybe write something about Dahyun?
i can! if you want to give me some more to work with (like a ship, platonic or not, or just a situation to write about) i can give you some more, but off the top of my head i can give you a little drabble about dahyun in the dorm. (pretending they still live together)
dahyun is for sure the little miss sunshine of the dorm. and i mean that in reference to the movie little miss sunshine if you’ve seen it. if not, i just mean she’s this awkward kind of cute that’s not quite sunshine and rainbows like someone like sana, but more funny dances and silly faces. i definitely see her coming up with ridiculous things to keep herself (and whoever will join her) entertained. picture this: dahyun chaeng and momo putting on a performance in the living room for whoever will sit and watch. i’m thinking like cousins doing a play so their parents will let them have a sleepover. and i just know dahyun is the ringleader
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big-chaengus · 2 years
i personally think hyeju is such a softie
like ik she was saying on weekly idol (i think?) that she likes living alone and having her own space and stuff and i totally believe that but i’m just imagining her getting a little lonely one night so she goes to visit one of the unnies. i’m thinking sooyoung or vivi because i feel like even though she has her little fake rivalry with sooyoung she really cares about her and finds comfort with her. sooyoung mentioned that she cooks a lot and the other girls will come over and eat her leftovers and i can totally see hyeju letting herself into sooyoung’s unit and eating whatever food she made for dinner. then she goes and curls up with her unnie to watch a movie or show. i also think she would rarely actually talk to sooyoung during all this and sooyoung just understands she wants to be around her. idk i feel like quality time would just be one of her love languages.
with vivi i think shes a lot more obvious about how much she loves her. like you can see how much she appreciates vivi as an unnie and i love that sometimes we can see hye trying to take care of vivi in return. i think on one of these lonely nights she would show up at vivi’s unit to hang out and kind of hint that she’d like to stick around for the night, and vivi will just give her that smile that she gives all the younger girls and ask her to stay over. she knows that hyeju isn’t going to ask directly but she knows that if given the option she’ll absolutely take the opportunity to spend some quality time with her.
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big-chaengus · 2 years
i got loona tickets 😶
i’m literally beside myself this is going to be amazing
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big-chaengus · 2 years
i got a new job this summer and i have a ton of downtime, pls help keep me busy!! you can send requests or headcanons whenever you want, and i’d also love some fanfic recommendations:)) i’m looking for something long so it’ll get me through the day, lmk if you have any must-reads for any of the groups i have listed on my rules. (or other ggs, if you think it’s that good!)
I’ve also been getting into wjsn through queendom, so if any of you folks like them, what’s the best way to get to know them?
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big-chaengus · 2 years
What habits do you think l!ttle Loona would have? ♡
i’m gonna just list a few since i cant think of all 12 rn 😅
hyeju- hiding behind her caregivers.
🐺 when there’s new people around, a lot of people around, etc. she would definitely stand behind sooyoung, haseul, and kahei and put her face on their shoulders to try and hide herself.
yeojin- befriending everyone.
🐸 haseul and kahei love taking yeojin out places because she’s always itching to do something, and doesn’t like to stay in all day. whenever the women take their little girl out though, she literally says hi to everyone that she can. haseul thinks it’s cute but kahei isn’t exactly fond of the habit- oftentimes mumbling something like “god why are you so friendly 🥲” *yes this is based off of that one tiktok*
jinsoul- biting.
🐟 let me eXPLAIN MYSELF HERE OKAY 😭🤚🏽 i feel like jinsoul would just run/crawl up to sooyoung and just *CHOMP* on her arm or legs. there’s no malicious intent behind it, she will mostly do it when she’s bored/understimulated
heejin- giving hugs.
🐰 she’s a clingy little girl okay? the thing is though, she wants hugs at like the worst times. like when someone is in the bathroom she’ll sit outside the door yelling that she wants hugs while trying to slip her little fingers between the bottom of the door and the floor. oh and if you’re not too careful she will end up sitting on your leg as you’re trying to walk and you just gotta sit there and deal with it or try to lift 100 pounds on one leg 😭
sooyoung- imitating her members.
🦢 it’s no secret that she does this when she’s big. but she also does it when she’s small. sometimes it is as a method of teasing another little or her caregivers but other times she will just…do it. like chaewon will say something and across the room sooyoung will repeat chaewon, mimicking her tone, inflection, etc. and yes, it’s is just as accurate when she’s big or small.
chuu- grabbing things, more specifically hair.
🐧 she will literally just SNATCH a clump of someone’s hair if they’re not too careful. she thinks it’s funny to tug on it, she’s usually to small to understand that she’s causing the person pain. other times she will just snatch something up before they can even stop her, and yes getting whatever it is out of her hands is ✨impossible✨
runner up:
jungeun- being nosey.
🦉 we know that this girl is always all up in everyone else’s business when she’s big and that 100% carries over for when she’s small. she will sit and pretend she’s minding her own business with her toys when in reality she’s listening to a conversation she probably shouldn’t be listening to. she’s gotten too good to the point where she doesn’t laugh if she hears something she finds funny. this ends with her members staring her way when they’re mentioning something that’s relatively private. they think she’s not listening but she definitely is 💀
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big-chaengus · 2 years
politely letting everyone know that my tummy is upset. thoughts, prayers, and headcanons welcome.
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big-chaengus · 3 years
my spotify wrapped y’all…
my movie soundtrack has zimzalabim playing while i defeat the final boss 💀
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big-chaengus · 3 years
omg youre back!! :D
what do you think of wenseulrene as babysitters? 🥴
i am!!
so in this case i’m taking creative liberty and saying the child is like 2 but only irene was listening for that part. so wenseul spend the days leading up to it all excited planning a million games and stuff they can do with their little friend only for the child to show up and sleep the whole time. irene is like “idk what you expected i told you it’s a baby, babies sleep” but wenseul are heartbroken they didn’t get to play with a kid all day so they just play board games by themselves while irene watches the baby. they do get over it eventually and sit there and coo over the baby even though it’s just sleeping because there’s no way those two don’t adore babies
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big-chaengus · 3 years
aespa do be performing at the macy’s thanksgiving day parade
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big-chaengus · 3 years
Love the idea of wenseul being absolute idiots trying to impress their goddess of peace girlfriend irene… like seulgi gives such himbo energy sometimes and Wendy is just so cute and dorky… are they just completely whipped for irene or is irene also tryna impress them
they are ABSOLUTELY whipped for irene and she knows they are. she’ll just flip her hair or something and they react like in inside out if you’ve seen it, when the guy’s emotions go on girl alert and freak out
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picture for context
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big-chaengus · 3 years
take lots of care of yourself!! school can be tiring, specially midterms 😣 and thank you for answering my asks ♡ i love wenseulrene!
– ☀️
Thanks! i finally finished all my tests and got grades back and i’m a lot less stressed 🤠 thanks for sending asks!
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big-chaengus · 3 years
ello!! how are ya? :>
just read the last wenseulrene you posted!! do you think each of the girls would have petnames for each other? or would they all use the same ones/their birthnames? :>
I'd think irene would baby wenseul often, and wannie would use cub/bunny or something like that? they just give me those vibes, idk uwu
- ☀️
hi! i just finished midterms and i’m actually miserable!! thanks for asking ❤️❤️🥰
anyways this is the perfect thing to get my mind off the fact that i didn’t have a working calculator for my stats exam
i think yes irene would baby them in most worlds, but for some reason in this au i get more the vibe that she just watches them do stupid shit to impress her and then lets them deal with the aftermath themselves while she laughs. idk if that makes sense my brain is fried. i think she would use nicknames sparingly because she likes surprising her pet idiot girlfriends, but favorites would be fairly simple cutesy stuff like seungwannie or seulbear. the other way around is a different story tho. seulgi and wendy are constantly trying to find new names that make irene blush like the classic baby/jagiya stuff but also sweet stuff like joohyunie or bunny etc.
thanks for reading and i hope you like what my fried brain can put together rn
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