bigtitygothgf · 4 months
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bigtitygothgf · 4 months
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“c’mon, megumi. tell me what’s botherin’ ya.” satoru pouts at megumi, his arm thrown around the boy’s shoulders. you watch the scene unfold with a tense smile.
megumi was exhausted from school, training and so much more. the teenager’s patience was wearing thin. especially with satoru almost pressuring him into telling you both what’s weighing on his mind. when all he wants is to be left alone at the moment.
the tone satoru’s using to talk to megumi only pisses the high schooler off more and more. it’s fatherly. like he’s still the little child satoru took in and cared for. it pissed megumi off, along with everything else;
“you’re not my dad, so stop fucking acting like you are!”
you freeze. satoru freezes. megumi freezes. time freezes. the silence was deafening. no one was moving. your eyes flicker over to satoru’s and your heart shatters in a million pieces.
satoru’s hurt. so hurt. it’s visible and he’s not hiding it — not hiding it like he usually would behind a wide grin. his blindfold and glasses aren’t there to hide the way his face falls either.
“i know.” satoru whispers. his voice lost its cheery tone, his eyes have lost their spark. the sorcerer slowly distances himself from megumi. a bitter chuckle leaves his lips. a futile attempt to hide his shaky voice, “i know.”
all you could do is stand there in shock. megumi doesn’t know what to do after his little outburst either. and satoru. . . well, satoru is the first one out of the room. you hear his breath hitch as he walks past you. you see his eyes twitch. the strongest, in tears.
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bigtitygothgf · 5 months
Hello can I request about husband Viktor x wife reader, a fluffy one what if her wife found a cure to Viktor and he didn't become a cyborg
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Omg yess I love that >:))
I promised that everything would be okay,didn't i?
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Warnings: very fluffy<3
Fem reader
Being from the undercity meant their was toxic chemicals in air. Air that caused major illness down the line. Your husband was one of the unfortunate folk who got I'll from it. Not to mention he was born weak and had to use a walking stick to get around. You always found your self worried about what the future might hold for him.
You would spend hours, days, weeks even trying to figure out a cure not just for your husband but for anyone else in need of such treatment, but mainly for him. Vicktor would be constantly worried about your health. You would reasure him that you were taking breaks in between those many draining hours of research. Wich wasn't really that far off from the truth.
One cold early morning, your lovely husband was taking in some much needed rest in your shared bed upstsirs, but you on the other hand were downstairs in your lab. When It clicked. Everything made sense, and you figured it out. Jumping of your seat and hastily taking off you lab coat and golves your rushed up the stairs and into your guys room basically kicking downstairs the door down.
"VIKTOR WAKE UP!" you shouted. A very panicked viktor sat up(very quickly might I add) looking at you with a worried expression "WhAt happEnd are you okay?!" He quickly yelled. Still very tired himself he would groggely look back at you and noticed the excitement in your face. Effectively calming him down. You couldn't possibly contain all the excitement you had about your newly found discovery. "You cannot believe what I just figured out dear!" You exclaimed joyfully.
"What n/n? What did figure out?" He questioned, still a bit worried. You were basically jumping in place. "I was able to find a cure!" You shouted excitedly. Your husband look a bit confused, "a cure? A cure for wha–" he couldn't even finish his sentence before you interrupted him. "I, YOUR AMAZING WIFE FOUND A CURE TO YOUR STARNGE ILLNESS!!" You shouted, tightly hugging him. Viktor was in disbelief, after 10 year of you researching his illness, you finally manged to find a cure.
Tears brimmed his eyes. Viktor wrapped his frail arms around you, hugging you as tight as he could. Small sobs escaped him, he always worried about you. He was afraid of falling in love with you because he knew he only had so much time, and all of the weight on his shoulders suddenly vanished at your words.
His treatment started shortly after, the treatment was supposed to last a month at best. This was to ensure the best results. The month passed, and you finally were able to bring Viktor back home. Viktor was seated in your spacious living room, you on the other hand were returning from the kitchen, holding two cups of coffee. One for your husband and yourself. You carefully handed the cup to your husband, him receiving it.
"I can't thank you enough, my love. You have showed me so much through our relationship and you have yet to surprise me..so thank you for saving me" he smiled greatfully. You chuckled lovingly, taking a seat next to him and leaned into his warmth "Well, I promised that everything would be okay, didn't I?"
☆ I am so sorry that this took so long, it literally took me years, but I loved writing this<3
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
Dude, what is with all the new Julieta storys being fucking angst. I can't keep crying like this bro
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
Arcane women x pianists gn reader
Waring: none
Genre: fluff
Mainly sfw :))
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Vi didn't know you played piano until you were invited to a friend's birthday and they asked if you could play for them
When I tell you vi was so shocked by how good you are.
it's hard to find many pianist in the undercity let alone professionals in the field
And the fact that she was dating one of them made her feel so special
She did ask why you didn't tell her
You told her It wasn't anything personal it just never came up in conversations
She's really proud of you though
Vi is definitely the type of person to brag about you to literally anyone, and I mean it
It's really cute though the way she acts about it.
If you were to make and preform a song just for her she'll get really flustered
She isn't use to big gestures like that.
She never had interest in learning but when you offered to teach her she accepted right away
Granted she may not be as good as you but she didn't care
She was happy to be able to spend more time with you :D
she also constantly teases by saying stuff like "Wonder what does fingers can do"
She enjoys making you flustered <33
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She already knew that you played piano
It's actually how you guys met
You were preforming at the last drop, when she was coincidently there getting a drink.
She wasn't really paying attention until she got a glimpse of you.
She thought you were really graceful, with how you pressed each key so carefully.
Low-key found it rlly hot
At the end of your show she walked up to you and asked if would like to drink with her.
If you ever have any performances she will gladly go to support you.
Literally your number one fan
If you ever write her a song she'll literally start sobbing
Djdjjdjdjdsj I feel like she could sing really good and you guys could do a cute little duet.
She'll also force silco to go with her to your performance
He was low-key impressed 10/10
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She didn't know you played piano
It was something kept on the down low for no reason
You just like playing for yourself.
Anyway she found out when it was her birthday and you played happy birthday on her grad piano she was in her house
Because she rich asf
She loved it
And now she won't stop bothering you about it
One time she asked if you could play a lullaby
And you did, she knocked TF out
Woke up the next day to see you setting up breakfast for her
Very sweet
And if your comfortable enough she'll get you into anyplace you would want to preformed at
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile I had rlly bad writers block and finals
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
With every day that pases I am one day closer to writing for encanto characters more especially Luisa💪💪
Tell me if I should cuz I want too but idk
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
I agree with this
Gays, I think we should work harder
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say its great to find another person who identifies as a non Binary lesbian, it makes me feel vaild. Thank you for existing!
Thanks love, it's always nice knowing your not the only one<3
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
Kjsjdjdids I'll draw it😎😎
Me knows me need sleep but i have a tiny request to any artist out there…hear me out like frfr look listen look
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
That's tempting
Me knows me need sleep but i have a tiny request to any artist out there…hear me out like frfr look listen look
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bigtitygothgf · 2 years
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Caitlyn x gn reader
Dating headcanons<33
Warnings :none
Genre: fluff
Tall gf jdjdjdiridir
No matter how tall you are chances are she is still taller than you
It does require amazing problem solving
For example when you kiss Caitlyn you'll pull her by the shirt to give a her a kiss :>
Love language is quality time :3
She is rich asf, especially when her mom is apart of the council
She's basically your sugar mommy
If you remotely mention that you want/need she will impulsively buy it for you
No questions asked
You feel guilty despite the fact that she's loaded
So In return you give her head some sweets
very much appreciated 👍👍
Also picnic dates
Zjsjjdjdjs cute
She'll take to to a park with a really pretty view of the sun setting
And she'll give a kith on you forehead
Also the food you guys brought she made (besides the pastries)
Definitely and amazing cook👍
She's definitely an avid reader so when she's reading and not paying any attention to you. You'll crawl up on her lap and snatch her book from her hands
Obviously you bookmark where she left off, your not an asshole
And you take nice long naps
Especially if it's raining outside.
Many warm cuddles
Also you have your very own personal boob pillows for maximum comfort
She gets flustered everytime you stuff you face between her chest
I think Cait isn't a big fan of pda but would still hold your hand for comfort and give little kisses<3
In private she's a lot more affectionate
And by that I mean she'll sneak up on you and hug your waist from behind
Feel free to request anything<33
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bigtitygothgf · 3 years
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Jinx x gn reader
Dating headcanons<3
Warnings: none
genre: fluff & angst
Look me dead in the face and tell me her love language isn't gift giving and quality time
She will make you new gift's like every week
She'll decorate mugs a lot, especially if you like coffee
Jinx just loves to spoil you with anything and everything
Lots of stargazing dates
And by that I mean you bought those cheap glow in the dark stars that you tape on you cealing
Jinx enjoy the sentiment behind it
She talked a lot about stars and how beautiful they are, but she still surprised you remembered
It made her happy that you actually take the time to listen to her rambles
She'll go on huge tangus on how her new upgraded weapons, she thinks she's annoying you and stops talking midway
Until you give her that very needed reassurance to keep talking
She felt very warm knowing you don't mind her big mouth
Many hugs<33
Cuddles anywhere, I mean it
Loves pda, she'll always be seen holding your hand and just generally always have some sort of touch with you.
I know for a fact she can not cook if her life depended on it
She grew as the youngest sister so either Vi or Vander would make her food
Even when vi left and Vander died she had Silco cook for her
that though in the back of her head that you'll eventually leave
Just like everyone did
You always notice when shes upset, but she won't really talk about her worries or struggles
And you talked to her about it saying that you want her to confide more in you
She is so use to internalizing her emotions, so she has a really hard time with opening up
But the fact she's making you worried was enough to start trying to get better
And even when you confide in her and tell her your regrets and worries
She was a hard time dealing with it
Because she wants to help, and just take that away from you, so you could be happy.
But she doesn't know how
But as time passes and relationship still stands she gets better and you praise her very often for her for improving so much
Ughh I love jinx<333
Feel free to request any other headcanons you wanna see<3
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bigtitygothgf · 3 years
It's not my fault I can't dance
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Vi x topsider gn reader
Low-key the reader gives Dom energy 😤😤
Warnings: you might get a cavity
Being someone from Piltover meant that you were surround by many rich people. People who wouldn't bat an eye at someone wearing lots of gold accessories. And you coming from a wealthy and well known family meant that you had to learn how to dance properly, and do so gracefully. As if you were dancing on water. It's to be expected. Thankfully it was something you enjoyed doing, it's a passion, a way of self expression. People can express themselves in many different ways like art, music, clothing, but you. You would dance your heart out. The people would watch you dance solos, duets, anything just to keep their eyes on you.
Vi on the other hand was the complete opposite of you. Herself being from the undercity didn't help either. There was never a need for her to learn how to dance. So she didn't. She never would've though she'd be dating someone from the city of progress. The root of many of her own insecurities. But then you showed up. As cheesy as it is, it truly was love at first sight.
You were rushing through the bridge to get to the undercity, as not get caught by one of the enforcers patroling the area. You were walking so fast it almost seems as you were sprinting. Like a rabbit running away from a fox. It was so dark outside, you didn't see Vi in front of you, and naturally you guys crashed into each other. You both fell to the ground. You quickly try to collect you belongings. Until you see hand offering to help. You take it and look up to see this stunning women. Her gorgeous grey eyes glowed in the moon light. Staring into them until you snapped out of it.
"Oh my, I am so deeply sorry I swear I didn't mean to bump into you, it's just so dark I didn't see you." You blurred out.
"Don't worry your pretty little head suger, it was an accident, you'd have be an idiot not to have notice that." She said. Smirking a bit. You blushed, you weren't use to being called names much less by such a hottie like her.
"As an apology, drinks are on me," and from there you guys really hit it off. After a while you guys started dating which lead to Vi meeting your parents. They were supportive of course but it took a while to do so. You were their only child and they wanted to make sure this girl Vi was good to have around their precious baby. Vi stays over very often. But because she spent so much time over, it meant she would eventually have to attend parties and fancy dinner stuff.
She didn't know that she would have to dance and when it came time to dance at one of the parties, she would refuse to go with you. But with your excellent charm you were able to convince your girlfriend. She was so tense it was funny. Hell the girl didn't even know we're to place her hands. You got worried for a second thinking you was uncomfortable with it. Which she was but she didn't want to make you sad. Leaning closer to her ear you ask. "Hey love, are you okay?"
"Suger I'm fine, it's just umm.. I don't know how to dance.." she bashfully said.
You lightly chuckled as you leaned down and kissed her forehead and said "Don't worry dear, just follow my lead, mkay?"
She nodded her head slightly. Your reach down to grab both her hands. Placing one on your hip and holding the other in your hand. Gently you would sway side to side. Vi would constantly look down as to make sure she's doing the right foot placement and so she doesn't accidentally step of your foot. She doesn't want to admit it but she actually enjoyed it. It was a peaceful moment that you guys were able to share. "How did you like the dance love." You asked
She mumbled "I liked it." She blushed. You chuckled softly.
"See I told you would like it."
I'm sorry but request are gonna take awhile but I'll get them done, promise<3
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bigtitygothgf · 3 years
Request are open!
You guys may request anything you would like for aot, jjk, arcane, dorohedoro, and saiki k
But here's a small list of stuff I refuse to write
Nsfw(full on smut)
Rape/sexual assault
Besides that it's free real estate<33
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bigtitygothgf · 3 years
Arcane Masterlist
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Vi x fem reader sfw headcanons
Vi x fem reader slight Nsfw
It's not my fault I can't dance
Vi x pianists gn reader
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Jinx x gn reader dating headcanons
Jinx x pianists gn reader
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Caitlyn x gn reader dating hc
Caitlyn x pianists gn reader
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I promised everything would be okay, didn't I?
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bigtitygothgf · 3 years
Honestly I never realized how nice body worshipping is until I read lots of vi x reader smut. It's so weird describing it cuz it's fluffy smut essentially.
Also we can all agree vi is a switch and has a praise kink?
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bigtitygothgf · 3 years
$20 say that Sevika can crush a watermelon with her thighs 
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