bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
He deserve the world 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
Nobody know how long have we been waiting him to open up to love
And now
no word can discribe how happy i am for him 🥺💔💔
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
Just thinking about the future That Mo would trust Tian enough to go with him To visit his father in prison
makes me cry
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
He cheng slap him on his face becouse he told him that he won't leave momo alone
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
not mo coughing again
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
I have seen this translation
right Now
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But I don't understand why he tian thought
Mo want him to possess him instead of shi Li by piercing his ear.
I didn't think for a moment that Mo's desire was that
I thought he asked him because he wanted a fresh start with him
with the person who completely different from Shi Li
Who asked him, of his complete and absolute will, to pierce his ear in order to erase the harmful trace left by shi li with his actions.
He want the new piercing to be evidence of their relationship based on equality, not coercion
Mo has always been interested in tangible things
And far from direct actions , so it's no wonder that he is asked to do so
To be a symbol of their entry into a new phase in this relationship, no more
I was really surprised by Tian's sudden anger
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
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Why he have to be soo cute 😂❤️❤️❤️
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
Recently, I have been imagining some scenarios that could happen between Tian and Mo that could push their relationship forward, increase its strength, and restore trust to Mo who had lost it due to the tragic events that he was exposed to.
Tian after taking revenge on that vicious snake
will Preparing a little party for Mo before he goes away
And to take place on the beach, for example, at sunset
And to call all his friends
His gang, his mother, Jian Yi and xixi all people who really care about Mo
Although I'm sure Mo doesn't like that kind of thing, he doesn't like to be under the spotlight at all
But a gentle move like this will have a positive affect on mo , especially if they all thanked him and assured him
They are grateful to have him in thier life
For buz cut to tell him, for example, that he owes him and he is grateful for the sacrifice that he made for him, not because mo is waiting for thanks
I'm sure he would have done it anyway even if he hadn't received any thanks
Mo that kind of person who don't expect anything in return for what they do for the people they love (just imagining Tian becoming one of them makes me cry)
But just to remind him that his presence was very valuable to many, he must have begun to question the importance of his existence after what happened.
Likewise the rest of his gang, although old Xian never focused on their relationship with Mo, I'm almost sure that each one of them has a good reason to follow Mo as the boss. I really want to see a scene where all of them encourages Mo in their own way.
And by planting his passion for life again
Of course, Jian Yi assures him that he will stick to him
Forever and now they are best friends and of course to tell him directly that he finally learned from his lesson Jian Yi has always been a very smart character in understanding the people around him despite his idiocy I really like him so much 😂❤️
And xixi, who will be his friend when both Jian Yi and Tian leave, I imagine he will tell him that he is happy seeing him fine.
I will be glad if mo apologie for what he did before
I really want these scenes..
And certainly the dearest person to mo heart his mother
I think her support for him would be more important than anyone else out there
Mo was willing to work all that time without even complaining about a life like this, all for her sake and because he wanted to be a competent person like his father able to take responsibility for his mother and protect her
And she was making all that effort just for Mo too
What a wonderful relationship between a mother and her son
I can't imagine that there could be a better relationship than this
But the sad thing is that both of them were too busy working
Without assure each other the ardent love they had for each other.
His mother could not make him feel the real security that he needed, that he was perfect in her eyes, and she did not need a reason to love him as he was, even if he was not diligent in his school, and if he disappointed her from time to time, even if he was a delinquent.
She is his mother and she will never need a reason to see him an angel descending from heaven
This would be the perfect opportunity to show him all this and that there is no reason for him to feel less than anyone else when he has his mother who will stand by him and be his back from everything that's going on.
Finally, He Tian who has already done a lot of things that will remain engraved in Mo's heart
The last of which is such a beautiful party. I'm sure something like this will give Mo strength enough to bear Tian's separation in the future.
Realizing that there are so many people who care about him with all their heart and love him is an impetus to move on
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
It’s either
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
After I looked back at the last panel where Momo asked He Tian to help him pierce his ear, I think it’s cool how Old Xian used this as a medium to show how Momo came back stronger. You know like Old Xian could easily use it as a trauma for Momo but no! Momo’s like bruh I need more piercing so I can show that mf snake I’m not scared of him! 😤
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
Did you know before
That the mbti of cats isfp
And mo hove the same mbti?
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
In fact, I am fascinated by Moe's psychic strength I expected him to go into a state of shock after he woke up, or at least not be able to get over it quickly and completely stagnate.
Or lose his passion to move forward But it exceeded my expectations when he asked tian to help him pierces his ears again
Wich Refers to his willingness to start over
That was si quick
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
I am so scared and i don't know even why
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
In fact
I will be very disappointed
If old xian cuts out the scenes of He Tian and Mo After the kiss on the cheek
I didn't fantasize about it to the point where tian would take little mo home and spend the night courting each other and these things I've seen spread between the fans .
No, I did not expect anything like this, even by a small percentage
But I expected even stronger scenes of collapse for Mo and Tian alike (whether the scene was at home, or in the hospital i don't really care )
I expected to see Mo collapsed to the extreme, asking Tian
Not to leave him alone tonight, or to be delirious in his sleep because of the dark nightmares he was having about his painful past.
Or his imprisoned father, his sad, exhausted mother
About Shi Li and his recent actions that almost caused his death alone
Or his loneliness all this time
Dark things like this
I don't know if my desire is too much
But I can't lie, yes I really love drama and tragic stories and that's what made me
Choose Mo as my favorite character
And for Tian to be compelled to witness this painful scene of mo collapsed like this
And to start with a long series of self-flagellation that he had never experienced before and start confronting himself
collapse and regret the mistakes he made in the past (No, i didnt get enough of seeing him cry 😂😂💔)
And about being selfish and oblivious to what was happening with mo emotionaly
I know that this is not Mo's character and I do not want old Xian to deviate from the logic of the story and the development of the characters
But what really happened was horrible
No wonder such a dark night follows, and I won't be surprised if mo return to his old self
, or maybe tougher
He hate being weak or revealing his weaknesses
But I really need a drama like this 😂
Without forgeting
This kind of situation ofcorse will reflect positively on Mo and Tian's relationship
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
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Tianshan Card #02 - Canon
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
After what happend
What if
Mo won't be angry anymore،
We won't be able to laugh at his successive curses to Tian
Or He no longer showed any reaction to Tian's teasing
What hurt me the most is that he hasn't smiled yet and Doesnot seem like he will soon
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bigtrashkidstudent · 3 years
mo guanshan went from being a nameless delinquent character to the face of a 19 Days themed restaurant. his power. unprecedented.
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