blackkiwi · 2 months
im not rlly back but how would yall feel about me writing for delicious in dungeon....skool is almost over so i feel pretty confident i'll start writing again.
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blackkiwi · 2 months
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blackkiwi · 5 months
HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! let's all pray this year will be better omfg.
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blackkiwi · 8 months
Dis mf ded 😔✊️
plss im not ded i swear, i think i just lost my motivation to write on this blog... for a while. 😭
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blackkiwi · 10 months
i may be 4 days late but- PINK ANON REPOSTED ME POST!! GASP
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idk bout yall but i feel honored (pls i've been reading pinks fics for so long-)
..more marking? talk?? lmao but i highly like the idea of plant's being able to 'mark' their partners . idk i can just see Vash and Nai prob accidentally doing that in the heat of the moment LOL
but who knows maybe it feels kinda like a cold chill down your body as the patterns start to spread in a certain spot. (On the back, or on your chest, maybe the collar bone up to the neck, wherever really). But now in some case you too gain the ability to somewhat communicate with dependent plants as well. Trust that Vash/Nai are def gonna drag you around the wasteland to teach you more about there species to the best of their limit, hooray!
I just also find it silly how you could be cuddling and boom glowstick mode activated. i can also see it as a chain reaction lol. you go off or he does and it just ends up being a flash bang if it's nighttime LMAOO - nonetheless both brothers would be ecstatic and over the moon to know this new discovery and prob a big ego boost that there's now a visual indication you are their partner for good.
my mind also wavers onto how your new markings can act like a succubus mark too during intimate moments teehee,,
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blackkiwi · 11 months
HeLp are you alive babs 😭😭
i am very alive, just hibernating lmao tho i haven't felt like writing for 3 weeks like dam that's crazy-
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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blackkiwi · 1 year
hey girlie, do you have any upcoming fics or blurbs in the making?i just rlly love ur writings 😩😩
awww ur so sweet anon,, but yeah i actually do have a few fics in the making unfortunately i have been working more often so im srry i haven't been rlly active in writing,, i am glad u enjoy my writings tho that means alot to me < 33
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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Knives for mermay
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blackkiwi · 1 year
I hc reader beating nai's ass. Bros ego is way to big. Wan him to be put in his place- 🤨🤨
honestly yeah. He deserves it.
Nai's face as he's about to get his shit rocked:
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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thank you for your service dsfkjdsnskmv
Keep yourself safe, and take an extra one with Knives for free.
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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me and the girls on our way to make extremely rational decisions
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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i know he calls himself knives but he is a little spoon actually
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blackkiwi · 1 year
So i just started watching hell's paradise and im trying to understand how the HELL there is hardly any fanfics made on the anime/manga like this show is so fucking good omg,,,
maybe i'll start writing hehe
Ju Fa i am in love u btw
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blackkiwi · 1 year
why is vash so girlypop?? like i can't get him out of my mind, i think about him night and day.
pls sit on my face just give me one chance baby
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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domestic nai will forever be real
okay you told us about Vash's kids now tell us about Nai's kids please I beg 🥺
Well I suppose you guys have earned it... Some reprieve.
Warnings: sfw, reader is implied to be AFAB, this is basically Nai as a father HCs mixed in with me talking about the kids, enjoy.
Knives' Big Family
He wasn't joking about having a nice big family, by the way. By the time a year passes, you've both got three cute children together! Two plant-like, one human-like. (Which is how you're able to get so many kids out of one year, by the way) the next year, two more are added to the family, one being plant-like and the last being human-like.
His first child is a boy, he names him something pretentious so you shake your head and decide yourself that he shall be named Quincy. Your second child is another boy, and this time Knives is more appropriate with the name, Wyatt. You're both shocked when your third is actually a girl, (you'd thought for the longest that perhaps hybrid children can only be male?) and she's named by her father, who sweetly holds her and proclaims, "Hope". (You let him get away with it this time.)
Why is there so much time (like a good half year) between the third and the fourth? It's because Nai is too busy hunting Vash to come home and... Ahem, anyways, once he returns he gets straight to work and you end up with another girl, affectionately named Valentine. Your last child together ("For now-" you shoot him a death glare at that) is a boy named Nero.
You're lucky hybrid children age so fast... Imagine dealing with five babies... Quincy and Wyatt are both rambunctious and curious, they're older then everyone else so they stick to each other's sides like glue, though Wyatt is vety noticably more of a follower. Though their younger sister is biologically close in age with them, due to her being more human-like, she takes longer to reach the same milestones as her brothers (Quincy teases her about being a runt- and is quickly scolded by his father).
Hope herself is a very calm child, she stays by your side so often that Knives worries she may be a dependent Plant after all... You give him the dumbest look until he shakes his head and agrees that that's kinda impossible all things considering... Her younger sister Valentine quickly grows to nearly her same size, which she is happy about, and it gives her someone to play with since Quincy is still in his teasing phase.
And Nero... You'd bet that if you opened up a dictionary to the words "Daddy's boy", there would be a picture of him holding onto his father's arm and sleeping. Both of you don't know how it happened but somehow your youngest is always being carried around by Knives, who acts begrudged but eventually gives in.
In terms of appearance... Quincy and Hope have dark brown hair, Wyatt and Valentine have blonde hair, and Nero has platinum blonde hair. Quincy, Hope, and Valentine have hazel eyes, Wyatt has blue eyes, and Nero has green eyes. Only two have moles on their face, Wyatt with two just along his jaw, and Nero with one above his eyebrow, but Valentine has a healthy face of freckles!
In terms of physical age, Quincy is 11, Wyatt is 10, Hope is 6, Valentine is 8, and Nero is 4. They were all born within the time span of two years, however due to their differing growth rates... It can get a bit confusing at times but Knives did promise you that he would always be there for you to consult should things be too much.
In terms of parenting, Knives is... almost shy? With Quincy's birth, he refused to do anything with the child for weeks, keeping his arms crossed and ignoring his cries— but he did give in, and that was all it took... He wants to be there for his spawn- er, kids. They will usher in a new dawn for both humanity and Plant kind, they will— no no, he shouldn't think like that right now.
Wyatt is more bashful and introverted compared to his older brother, which Knives praises, helping him get any book he could ever desire to satisfy that curiousity of his! And Hope is definitely given a lot of love by her father, he holds her like the most delicate of artifacts, promising her that he will make sure no one ever hurts her... Considering the things he's seen happen to female plants, he has a right to be worried.
Valentine is just as coddled, perhaps even moreso considering that she is more plant-like then her sister (and he'd been missing having a baby around to fawn over). While Nero inevitably ends up as the most needy kid of them all, constantly being held by his father to insure none of his siblings play with him too hard or cause him to cry, he's really such a handful... One that Knives is more than happy to offer.
Which does remind him... Nai is his name you know, his real name, perhaps it's better the children do not know of Knives, and just know of him as Nai. You agree to that, but also remind him that they just call him "Dad" and "Papa" so much that you're sure they don't even know he has another name. He supposed that you're right, but he won't admit that!
Sure, it's a handful having such a large family, but Knives was determined to make it happen (especially with such low rates of successful pregnancies so how in the world did he manage to have so many kids so quickly?!) and you roll your eyes at him, but you enjoy it too. He's happy, and furthermore he is distracted, after that unsuccessful trip to look for Vash two years ago, maybe he will spend a decade or two playing house... with you.
It's all you can hope for, and seeing him smile with his children... you know it was all worth it.
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blackkiwi · 1 year
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✦ PAIRING: Yamada Asaemon Shion x Reader
✦ SYNOPSIS: You get to share one last night with your husband, before his work will steal him from the warmth of your embrace with the first rays of the sun in the morning.
✦ CONTENT: Female reader, established relationship, domestic fluff, softness, a few jokes about blindness, a dash of humor, smut, kissing, praise, fingering, hand job, penetration, leglock, creampie, not proofread 
✦ WORD COUNT: 3.3k
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You don’t make any noise to announce your presence. Shion doesn’t need you to. 
Keep reading
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