Falling Scaramouche, Zhongli, and Childe
if you want them for memes
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(sorry about childe being much lower quality)
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Please enjoy :)
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Comrade the moment Alhaitham dropped
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Cupid~ hmmm? Who do you plan on pairing up here? Hehe 👀
Me and haitham 🫶🏻 /hj hehe
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Happy Lantern Rite!
Vigilance at sea is basically really shitty Mario kart
Remember to wish everyone you play with happy lantern rite
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Ah great. Endless Suffering. Just what I wanted
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Is the contract fulfilled?
CW: Blood
Zhongli knows when a contract is fulfilled. It is true bliss. As he runs his pole arm through Dainsleif he expects to feel the weight lifted from his shoulders and relief wash over him. Instead it almost seems as though his pole arm is even heavier in his palm. 
Another lives. 
And one glance at your bleary red eyes tells him everything he needs to know. His hunch was correct. In truth, he's known from the very beginning. He just... he turned a blind eye. For you. 
Only you. 
But now... now he stands at a crossroads.
Just as fulfilling a contract fills the archon with relief, leaving one unfulfilled... knowing that he could finish it. It will eat at him, like tiny termites at a solid oak.
Why did it have to be you?
Of all people...
A crossroad.
A choice.
His duty?
Or his love?
Both aspects of his life...
that will kill him
to live without.
Zhongli raises his bloodstained spear.
The guardian's blood glistens as it rolls down the blade.
The end is nigh. The cool steel whispers to him.
You can’t look at him. 
Perhaps you hold just as much blame. 
You chose to ignore the feelings of guilt, betrayal, rot and sin. 
This man–
This god, the one who stands before you, he killed your people. He condemned your entire race, not to die
But to live. 
To suffer.
To be slaughtered.
As thought the curse alone hadn’t been enough. 
And in this moment, you can’t seem to remember how you came to fall in love with this… this god. Between your choked sobs, and your locked arm as the only support holding you up against the over bearing pressure of the ground, 
The walls,
The ceiling.
Oh gods…
They’re closing in on you. 
You can hear Dainsleif’s voice scratch your conscience like a serrated knife on your skull. 
How could you betray us like this?
You squeeze your eyes shut even tighter and dig your nails into the ground until they bleed. 
Or maybe you’re not actually digging that hard. 
Maybe the ground is the killer. 
Maybe you’re about to be its next victim. 
His next victim. 
Neither of you can bring yourselves to look at each other. 
What force is so powerful as to blindside an archon and a demon? 
And how can that same force practically disappear like a single droplet hiding inside a body of water?
Just get it over with. You both think to yourselves at the same time.
The end is nigh. The nightmares whisper to you both. 
I’m sorry
You both finally say. 
A loud clang rings out across the cavern. It is not followed by any other noises. 
The walls. They’ve stopped closing in. 
The spear. It feels lighter– no. It does not rest in its wielder's hands. 
The spirits go quiet. But they do not sleep. 
There is no rest for the wicked.
The cavern feels full and empty at the same time. 
Filled to the brim with feelings of all sorts. Anguish, betrayal, death, and love. 
Empty of life. Of joy. Of hope. Of pain. 
Or perhaps…
The cavern does not feel anything. 
Absolutely nothing at all. 
“Fascinating,” whispers the onlooker from afar.
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as someone who lives in a polluted area I hope they do a similar thing with Fontaine where they make it one color during the day and another color at night because pollution actually causes very red/orange sunsets. they're pretty but it's because the air is polluted that they occur. So like Grey, smoggy air during the day turned bright, burning red at night
Why does nobody tak about how the sky in the desert is completely different from the rest of teyvat? And when you change time, the camera angle doesn't change 🤔🤔
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Does anybody actually read the rules for the genshin events? or do we all just start going and figure things out as we go?
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The fact that they just shoved yanfei in all by her self LMAOOOO
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You know those SAGAU fics/headcanons about how difference characters react to each other when they're on the same team? We need to start thinking about the implications of putting Ei and Scaramouche on the same team. 👀
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How about doing a cult au where reader is easily flusters and shy, and when their really embarrassed they turn into a small cute animal, I wonder how they react to that! Or reader can heal any wound, but it makes them really tired or have headaches that can last depending how bad the wound is. Or imposter au the reader is really laidback and cool even after all they went through and easily forgives them. Or soft cult au where reader doesn't see the others as servants, but as friends.
Miscellaneous SAGAU Concepts pt. 1
CW: Possessive behavior, cult AU, Violence/monster killing
Shy reader:
How is it that the gods of entire nations can’t catch a single bunny rabbit?
You couldn’t help but blush and curl in on yourself as Ei unabashedly praised your kindness. Venti insisted on writing poems and songs all about your greatness. Zhongi refused to leave your side
“It was nothing,” you mumbled but the archons wouldn’t allow such slander to be said about their creator, not even if it was coming from yourself.
You shrank until the world reflected how you felt, big and intimidating. You craved the comfort of warmth, your friends’ arms would be a nice comfort, but of all the people towering above you, they made you feel the most shy.
It didn’t take long for them to notice that their great leader had vanished.
You had started to notice they had gotten a bit more… aggressive– to say the least– in their methods of trying to capture you. Zhongli summoned his pillars of stone, that pulsed and shook the ground, to the point that you might as well have been floating in the air with how violently the ground pulsed and pushed you around. Venti summoned a full tornado that you feared would have ripped you apart and thrown you into Celestia if you had been a normal human. Ei mobilized her entire army as well as somehow managed to convince the members of the resistance from Watatsumi to take part in their search and hunt for you.
Nahida was the most successful out of them all, but you knew her tricks. You wouldn’t let her keep you trapped in a dream. She may have been the most gentle and understanding, but you could see she shared the same insane look as the rest of the archons.
The Tsaritsa was the most difficult to evade of them all, truly the most terrifying. As the goddess of love, she can feel every beating heart, whisper to them, and enlighten them. You sprinted on four legs, then flew on two wings, then swam as fast as you could. It was no use. She’s too powerful. Getting trapped in a blizzard in her domain was just barely worse than being on land being chased by Morax.
You can only run for so long, little rabbit. Your followers will catch you soon. They only see this as a test of faith, test of determination and devolution. They’ve all agreed that whoever catches you first will end up your most favored. They’re more and more motivated by their competitiveness and need to be loved by you.
Healer Reader:
Strike to kill. Do not let the creator know of the slaughter.
The archons insist that you reserve your healing powers. That no one, not even them are worthy of being healed by you, especially considering that it would mean you sacrificing your own well-being for that person.
Imagine their alarm when they find you gasping, bleeding, as you heal a lowly slime. They drag you away. Barely able to hide their jealousy of the puny monster for taking your attention and taking advantage of your powers.
Perhaps if they can’t stop you from using them, then instead they can redirect them to purposes truly worthy of your prowess.
Venti come to you, a few scratches and cuts sheepishly saying he tripping into some bushes in wolvendom picking some wolfehook berries for you. You smile softly and gently cup his cheek, swiping your thumb over skin that’s already smoothed over.
There. All better.
“Thank you so much, your diviness!”
You laugh and shake your head at the name. When will they just use your regular name?
Zhongli comes to you one night, poorly hiding his limp. He jokes that he must be getting old as he tripped on his way up the stairs to your room.
“Please, don’t waste your powers on me. I’d hate to burden you with unnecessary pain, great one.”
Zhongli, please…
You don’t have to say anything more as he relents, allowing you to heal his throbbing ankle.
He only feels a shred of regret when he sees you wince.
He dotes and fusses over you as soon as he’s healed. Insisting that you lay in bed and let him take care of anything and everything for you, as now you’re the one injured.
He’s excessive and overbearing.
It’s amusing to watch him buzz about like a bee.
You almost don’t recognize Ei when you find her out in the forest, covered in blood and monster dust. She’s completely unhurt. What monster could really contest her? But she isn’t immune to fatigue. She hasn’t slept much since you left to visit the other archons, eagerly awaiting your return to Inazuma.
You take her hand and almost collapse.
Ei… how long have you been awake? How long have you been fighting?
“Hm… not long. About a week now, I think?”
You don’t even have it in you to make your eyes go wide. Just leaning on her and frowning.
You need to take care of yourself Ei.
“Ah… you didn’t need to use your healing powers on me, Divinity. Let’s go back to the palace. I’ll carry you.”
You don’t protest. You neither have the strength nor mental will power to do so. You simple let her wrap her strong arms around your body and take off running through the trees and up and down the hills. She slows when you tug at her dress and tell her that the speed is making you dizzy.
You blush bright red, and tell Ei she can put you down now. You’re not sure you want people seeing you be carried by the goddess. You may be exhausted, but you humiliation will win out.
Of course this is the one time she doesn’t listen to your commands. Simply shaking her head and telling you that she doesn’t want to risk making your condition worse.
You hide your face in her dress and groan.
“Do you feel worse? Perhaps I will stop to buy you some herbs”
You shake your head. How much worse can this get?
Nahida suffers from an aching heart. Why can’t she remember what she misses so dearly? Why can she find nothing that can explain this void in her heart, like a window with a hole in it, sharp shards scraping at anyone who dares try reaching in to search beyond it.
You have to keep her in your arms, continuously using your powers to ease the pain. It hurts so much. It must be so hard for her to deal with it everyday. You want to do everything you can to help her.
Surprisingly it’s her that has to convince you to let her go, promising that she’ll be okay. Saying that if you can’t keep hurting yourself for her sake. And giving you her best smile when you insist that you can.
“I’ll be okay, I promise. I’m just happy I get to be with my creator. That’s enough to heal me, without any powers needed.”
Laidback/Soft reader (decided to combine them because i felt they fit well together)
Your casualness honestly doubles the archons’ stress levels.
They can’t seem to convince you that it’s beneath you to associate yourself with the humans and monsters. But you won’t listen.
You go climbing and gliding with Amber. Drinking with Kaeya and Rosaria (supervised by Diluc), and Beidou when you’re in Liyue. You insist that Jean takes you out, dragging her to the great tree and having her tell you Vanessa’s tale again and again. Helping Lisa carry her many heavy books, and insisting Eula teach you how to dance, even after you twisted your ankle.
You forgive them all so easily. You don’t take offense to Keqing’s standoff-ish attitude and skepticism, which ends up working in your favor as she comes around to believing you to be the ideal form of god. One that doesn’t not try to reach beyond their means, though perhaps a bit lazy in her mind.
You nearly give Zhongli a heart attack when you tell him you’re going with Yelan down into the Chasm. He tries to insist on going with you, ending up secretly trailing behind as you and Alatus and Yelan descend into the depths purely because you insisted on it.
(You take advantage of your title quite a bit, using it to get more than you probably deserve. You can’t help it, you always wanted to travel around Tevyat and now you can! But only if you tell your followers that you’re going to do it. If you ask, they’ll always tell you no. “It’s for your safety” they insist. But you don’t want to cower away. You’re going to see every corner of this world, if it’s the last thing you do).
Ei travels with you. Follows you, true to her name, like a shadow. She protects you from the lighting on the other isles. Technically she doesn’t need to fight the Nobushi, even they praise and honor your name, but she does. She will cut them down faster than you can blink, even at 100 yards away. Only if you tell her not to, will she stop her spree. But you won’t be able to convince her to not attack the monsters like the hilichurls and abyss hounds. They don’t deserve to be in your presence.
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Vessel Pt.1
You asked each of them to make you a body. A vessel you could harness. You were so happy to use your friends’ creations, to be able to be with them again. You were so happy to hold their hands and kiss their faces. You missed being able to embrace them. You only wish things hadn’t been so… 
Venti gifts you the ability to fly. To soar above the land and be free to go where you choose. It’s a sensational feeling. A thrill unlike any other. If you had a mouth, you’d be smiling. You’d kiss his cheeks and thank him profusely. You wish he had remembered to give you a body. You love being the wind, but you can't hold anything. Can't be seen. Can't be heard. Only Barbatos– only Venti, can hear your words. 
He seems overly pleased as you bend to his will. 
He has you join him on his many escapades, giggling when you complain about being knocked around by D’valin’s wings. Excitedly calling your name as he channels his anemo powers. And pushing you to move through a flute as he strums his Lyre. He tells you that you sounded beautiful. You reply that it was him moving you. 
He laughs the accusation off. 
Only twice does he apologize for not giving you a body. 
The first is at the top of Star Snatcher cliff. He’s somehow managed to procure a seemingly unending supply of wine. You’re not quite sure where it’s coming from, but Venti’s glass is never not full. He’s pretty tipsy when he laments to you that he wishes he had given you a body so that you could share the drink. You wait till he’s more than drunk to ask him why he didn’t give you a physical form. 
“Why– hic– Why would I share you?” He sways on his feet. “I’ve missed you so much, my divine love. Hic! As the wind– HIC– you have to stay with me.
I won’t let you leave me again.”
You feel a wave of regret wash over you. You had never meant to leave Barbatos for so long, and you never want to abandon him again. But to promise that you’d never leave him would be a lie. A promise broken all too soon, as you still intend to go and see the other archons, your other friends. 
His voice tragically dips and breaks, “Don’t leave me again, creator. Don’t leave me alone like everyone else does.” 
You know crocodile tears when you see them. Venti tips off his feet and lands on the grass.
“I gave you the best thing I have to offer! The feeling of freedom.”
Only the feeling
“I know you want to see the others, but I need you more.”
Stratus clouds start to press down on you, creating a ceiling in the sky. 
He’s pulling grass out of the ground like a bored child in the summertime. 
Venti. What happens if I try to leave Mondstat?
Venti please. 
You don’t know if the wind can be desperate, but you feel a rush become you. 
“You can’t.” 
And if I do anyway?
He doesn’t look up.
“Don’t do it over the ocean,” he murmurs. 
Your anxiety is rising, but the clouds won’t let you escape any higher. You barely manage to orient yourself, aiming for the south west border, before you’re suddenly whipping past trees and monsters. 
You can still feel pieces of you left behind next to Barbatos. 
You briefly wonder if you should be worried about his delayed reaction. 
Maybe you should be grateful. 
But you’re quickly snapped back to reality when you find yourself forced to bend around a tree. As the wind, your surroundings make you. You’re shaped by other lifeforms. 
You feel a tugging. You’re struggling to make it past the giant tree in Windrise. 
“I can’t let you any further.”
He sounds closer than he should.
You do your best not to listen to whatever else he’s saying, gathering the air that is still willing to obey you and using it to become a sort of faux tornado. 
You barely make it to Dragonspine when you start to regret making that decision. You aren’t used to harnessing the wind. The way it slips through you, becomes you, and refuses to obey only makes you dizzy or whatever is closest for a being that is just a conscious. It’s so difficult to resist Venti. You understand why he made you like this, if his goal was to keep you with him at all times. 
You feel like a hand is closing in on you. A bottle trying to capture a tornado should be impossible, but a god is a god and you are not in your own domain. 
The subsequent visits with your other friends don’t go much smoother. 
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And fucking dori over hear being the capitalist that she is
SPOILERS!! This poor woman is about to collapse from a nervous break down
Keep reading
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Hi I have a request for an sagou Au
This will be a imposter Au but ok ok here's the twist the Devine that the find first is Your twin and now they think your pretend to them so the reader is trying to go to their twin with out being executed
Divine Twin
Note: I didn’t follow your prompt perfectly, just because the train of thought I had diverted very quickly. Heh, sorry (>_<;)
CW: Swearing, reader gets hurt
Nothing makes sense right now.
There’s no ”creator” in the game.
The only other person that looks like you is your twin.
Who you haven’t seen in weeks!
That’s why you were digging through their stuff in the first place. You usually wouldn’t go looking through their stuff but this was an emergency situation.
Where did they go?!
And then suddenly you’re on the ground in the grass and not their bedroom. Your senses overwhelmed by your new surroundings.
The way you’re so enraptured and in awe of the water and cliffs and statue of Morax is quickly interrupted by what sounds like a whoosh and then burning. Someone has teleported behind you.
You’re yanked off the ground and hauled to your feet, the voice of your closest adeptus friend– (at least that’s what you liked to imagine)– speaking darkly.
“How dare you. You think you can deceive me? Your attempt to copy my creator’s face has only earned you my hatred.” He summons his mask and spear, “you will have no mercy from me.” He thrusts forward, and you flinch back.
The tip barely pokes through your shirt.
“Who dares protect this disgusting imposter?”
“Great adepti,” the tengu general runs up to you two, “I am not trying to protect them. I simply have a suggestion that may please our creator more than a lifeless corpse.”
You’re tense in Xiao’s grasp. You consider struggling, but your limbs betray you. You don’t even dare to breathe.
“We are both making our way to Stormterror’s Lair to see our great creator, right? Why not take this imposter prisoner and see that they feel the full gravitus of their crimes? We should see that they suffer under their own guilt and disgust for copying our creator’s face.”
You’re mortified by her words. You don’t want to hear any more. You don’t think beyond that as you start running, yanking yourself out of Xiao’s grip and running down the small slope. You should have known that it would be futile. Against an adeptus or tengu alone, winning would be impossible. Your odds are only made worse when a thin blue string suddenly wraps around you and Yelan suddenly appears before your eyes.
“Oh no you don’t.”
“Hmph.” Xiao looks at you in scorn. If looks could kill you’d be dead three times over under the gaze of these beloved characters.
You’re not sure you want to meet this “creator.” If they’ve ordered all the main characters to execute people based on looks alone, you’d hate to see what they do themselves. Then again… if they look like you, they could be your twin. But your twin isn’t that cruel. They can be a massive idiot and way too resentful at times but not murderous.
Then again… it only makes sense that you get the shitty side of this fate and your sibling gets the wonderful role of playing god. You swear that’s how it always happens. You always get the short end of the stick.
You squirm in your bindings and wince when they automatically tighten around you, digging into your skin.
“Stop resisting,” Sara is stern as always, “we should take them to the creator. It only makes sense for them to give divine punishment to such deceitful beings.”
“No. We shouldn’t bother them with such lowly scum.”
“...what if the creator gives them mercy?”
The two generals turn towards the spy.
“We should take this one to the creator. That way they can let everyone know what their decision is. If we execute this person now, when the creator would have spared them, then we’ll be the monsters.”
“Xiao. I know. I don’t want this bastard to get away with this either. It’s revolting that anyone would have the audacity to try and mimic our supreme god, but this is the best decision. If we are punished for wasting the creator’s time, I will take full responsibility. Now come on. I don’t want to wait to see them any longer.”
Yelan tugs on the line, and you start walking behind her, fearing what might happen if you don’t comply.
Xiao holds his tongue and follows. He could easily teleport and make his way to Stormterror’s Lair, the creator’s chosen home, easily. But he wants to keep an eye on you, even if looking at you makes him angry.
Sara walks alongside Yelan, they briefly exchange greetings and introductions before going silent. All three of you travel in silence until you make it to the intersection where you can see Dawn Winery down the way, where you run into some of the Knights of Favonius.
Amber looks shocked to you, and Lisa’s vision starts to glow. Kaeya doesn’t even pass a witty quip. He and Diluc share the same serious, angry expressions.
You really have attracted everyone’s ire.
You look away from them. You wish you could disappear. You just wanted to find your twin. Now you’re walking towards your own execution at the hands of those you imagined to be your friends.
You try to speak to them, try to say something in your defense, but Kaeya shuts you up with a simple threat.
“Open your mouth again, and I’ll freeze your tongue all the way down to your stomach.”
You look down at your feet. You want to cry.
The journey to Stormterror’s Lair is long. You’re not used to walking for so many hours. You trip and stumble a lot more as time goes on. Diluc scoffs at your lack of coordination. He probably believes you’re doing this on purpose, trying to slow them down to prevent your ultimate demise.
Things aren’t perfectly silent anymore thanks to Lisa, who casually talks to the others. You can’t help but feel at ease by their voices. You loved listening to their voice lines, sometimes their battle lines got tiring but hearing them talk as real people is oddly thrilling and makes you happy. It’s especially comforting to feel the tension ease after being put under the heat of their stares.
You trip and fully fall over as you reach the entrance to the ruins of the city. You struggle to get back up with your arms pinned behind. Diluc seems to have had enough with you as he hulas you up, but instead of setting you on your feet, he throws you over his shoulder.
“C’mon. We’ve been delayed long enough. We should cover ground faster this way.”
You assume the others nod, because you hear nothing before you feel a sudden lurch and then wind blowing past you as your carrier starts running.
They make their way into the city quickly. You feel dizzy as you’re jostled around.
They make their way into the central tower, and you’re dropped on the cobblestone.
You look up to see that the tower has changed greatly. It’s no longer in ruins. It looks like a real palace. Banners hang against the columns, a hanging chandelier, and a large circular rug at the center. Most important of all are the archons standing next to the giant dragon who is laying on the rug. D’valin almost looks like a house pet, curled up on the rug.
You marvel at the sight. Zhongli, Ei, Venti, Nahida, even the Tsaritsa. She’s even more beautiful than you imagined.
As you follow along the dragon’s body you realize that there’s someone tucked under his wing, reading a book. That someone… They look just like you.
So the acolytes weren’t lying. Their great and marvelous creator is practically an exact replica of you. Except they have slightly different cheekbones, and their nose isn’t the same shape. This is definitely your twin.
You cry out their name and are instantly hit with a blast of ice.
“Who dares speak the creator’s name?” Zhongli’s rich, deep voice echoes through the tower.
You can feel the hairs on your neck stand up as electricity crackles in the air, which becomes restless as the winds pick up.
“We bring an imposter before you—,” Sara begins.
“Why do you waste the time of our great creator with such scum?” Even though she’s insulting you, you can’t help but be enchanted by the Tsaritsa’s voice.
“That’s what I said,” Xiao mutters.
“I deeply apologize if I have made a mistake, but I felt the need to bring them before the creator to ensure that the correct decision was made. I have heard the many stories of the creator being merciful to their enemies. I have also heard the many recallings of their strength and power. I did not think it appropriate of me to make such a decision on their behalf. Once I know their decree, I will never bother them with such a trivial matter again.”
You can’t help but feel amused and annoyed by all of this formality and praisal towards your twin. They certainly don’t deserve to be treated like a god when the last interaction you had with them was them bullying you about how you built your team and characters. You want to tell these poor people about all the times your sibling was a massive asshole to you. Tell them that they might as well be buying snake oil from them if they truly believe them to be their creator. Neither of you had anything to do with the creation of Genshin. They’ve got the wrong people.
Then again… if you mentioned that, you both might be executed.
You sigh, forgetting you’re being heavily scrutinized and thus are kicked in the stomach.
“How dare you act disappointed in the midst of our highest god.” It seems Xiao is finally getting his chance to take his anger out on you.
Why? Why aren’t they doing anything? Why aren’t they saying anything? Don’t they care that you’re being beaten up by these people?
You’re hauled by your biceps only to be dropped once again, but this time only a few feet from the archons.
The bindings dissipate.
You force yourself onto your hands and knees. You look up and see them all looking down on you. A deep, soul shaking shudder goes through you. Your twin looks distressed, but they say nothing.
I’m sorry
They mouth.
The Raider Shogun’s cold voice reaches your ears, “Let it be known that all imposters will be executed on sight.”
Vines climb up through the cobble and wrap around your arms and legs. You’re stuck in the position on your hands and knees. The stone quakes beneath you, and the temperature in the room drops. You feel the air start being sucked out of your lungs, the water in your body is painfully forced out of your pores, and your insides heat up. You aren’t even conscious by the time the Musou No Hitotachi comes down on you, ensuring that you don’t awaken from the darkness.
A tear rolls down your twin’s cheek. They can’t bear to watch you be executed.
But it’s the greatest mercy they can grant you.
At least you get to wake up.
At least you get to go back home.
Unlike them.
They’re trapped in this game.
Chained to a throne.
You always come back.
But they’re determined to make sure you don’t get trapped like them.
They hope one day they’ll be able to make it back out to you.
They at least want to share one more birthday with you.
One happy memory to help them endure every time they have to watch you be murdered by their…
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Deleting Precious Captive
The fic got marked as mature and I don’t want tumblr to potentially strike down my blog so I’ve deleted it and put it on a google doc. I’ll also be putting it on AO3 in the future.
Here is the link to the fic:
You slam your fist into his stomach over and over. This is the second time this has happened this week. The pure rage and hate for him has won over your fear of confrontation. You're hardly a professional fighter. The reality that you're barely even affecting him is pushed to the far corner of your mind. You just want to fight him.
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Let Me Help You
CW: murder, self harm (reader breaks their finger)
You are barely more than nothing.
Next to her, you are a speck of dust on the floor.
She insists you are her little snowflake. That it’s you that makes her whole. You that rules her kingdom. You that is most important and above all.
You wonder if she avoids holding your hand because she’s afraid you’ll melt.
Instead you hold onto the fabric of her dress as she glides down the halls of her winter palace. She must feel like she’s going at a snail's pace, with you by her side. Your mind sinks lower and lower with every step.
She pets your hair with the back of her hand as though she’s stroking a cat. You crane your head up and see her expressionless face.
“Would you like to play with someone?” Her deep, satin voice vibrates your whole body.
You nod and the corners of her lips tilt up for a moment. You muster up your best smile. The corners tip downward.
You stare at the floor for the rest of the trip down the hall, vaguely distracted by the feeling of fabric between your fingers.
Columbina traces the palm of your hand while humming softly. You can feel her drawing your powers out. It looks like your hands are covered in flour. She always seems so oddly happy to be in your presence. The only other time you see her smile is when she sees the Tsaritsa. 
She intertwines her fingers with yours and leans her head on your shoulder. You don't move. You just stare at the one sided hand hold.  
A soft gasp leaves her lips as she watches ice start climbing up the sides of her palm and snaking over to the back. Her hand is stuck to yours. You hear a giggle and she clings to you tighter. 
How can she enjoy this? 
Her free hand comes up and holds your bicep as she nuzzles your shoulder. Your heart starts to beat fast. 
This feels nice. 
The ice shatters as you rip your hand out of her grasp. You abruptly stand up and Columbina has to catch herself as your support disappears. 
You run out of the room. 
This isn't right. 
You shouldn't do this.
“I don’t understand what you mean comrade.” 
You aren’t sure if you expected him to. 
You ask him to pass you the wooden mallet.
You hammer your finger on purpose. 
The chisel breaks the skin and bone. 
You feel a dull throb. 
Childe rushes over and takes the tools from you and cradles your hand. 
You consider healing yourself. 
You decide against it. 
It’s too late. A layer of ice has already encased the fragments and secured them back into place. Your finger will heal perfectly. 
You look up at Childe and tug at his sleeve. 
He helps you roll it up, revealing bloody bandages. You peel them off and place your lifeless hand on the giant gash. Your comrade hisses as your power bites at his wound. When he looks down, there's only a thin, white line remaining. 
You take away your hand. 
"It'll fade," you mumble before turning back toward your art project. 
You push the half done sculpture off the pedestal. 
You smile at the shattered pieces. 
You briskly walk out of the room and don't look back. You hope you were fast enough to make sure it didn't get repaired. 
"Amazing," Childe breathes out. He crouches down next to the broken figure and tries to pry a piece up from the ground. It doesn't budge. As though it's been welded, the ice has frozen to the crystal floor. 
Why would you ever think something is wrong with you?
You ask Dottore why you don’t feel cold or get frostbite. There’s always caveats to having powers. Something given and something taken. Why aren’t you punished for the things you do? 
He looks at you with his insane eyes, they never stop twitching or shaking. 
“It’s because there’s nothing wrong with you. When someone receives newfound power, they must lose a piece of themselves to make room. But you are already perfect,” he reaches his hands towards you, letting them hover by your cheeks as though he wants to cup your face. 
“You have had these abilities from the very beginning. It’s only been recently that you’re seeing the effects of them.”
You share none of his joy about your condition. 
So you’ve always been like this? 
You want to puke. 
You want to die. 
You feel your eyes grow heavy, and Dottore finally places his hands on your cheeks. 
“Don’t worry, snowflake. One day you will be able to see everything you are and everything you’re capable of doing.”
You feel a wet line on your face. 
The three surround you with such hopeful and happy gazes. Arlecchino says she’s proud of you, and Pantalone gives you his signature laugh and smile of approval. Even Capitano seems to radiate a new aura of positivity that permeates beyond the mask that hides his expressions.
You feel awful that all you can do in return is look at them despondently. So you look away from their faces, and instead you look at the body on the floor. As you stare, a thin layer of frost starts to bloom on it. Slowly taking it over like a pack of starving rats climbing all over their only source of food.
Why are you doing this to him? What did he do to deserve it?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
You don’t know who this man is. This was the first time you had ever encountered him. At least, you think it is. And...
And you killed him. Stared him down and let– no... made the ice climb all over him. Cooled the blood inside of him till it turned to slush, and then even more until it had frozen in place.
Why did you do it?
Is this really you?
You froze his head first to immortalize his expression. You hate the idea that his last thoughts were probably about you. You prefer to think that he was afraid, and was questioning why he was blinded by white, only for everything to go dark. 
The heart can live on without the head. It will keep beating. You put your hand flat over his chest, right where his heart would be, hidden inside his ribcage. You let yourself stop feeling the ice inside of him and only focused on the beating. 
You smiled when you felt it finally stop. 
By then the others had caught up to you. You stepped away from the frozen corpse. The three did the opposite and stepped towards it, circling and inspecting it like critics at an art show. Arlecchino and Pantalone spoke at the same time, praising you, then glaring at each other for stealing each other’s thunder. Capitano gave a strong and firm nod. 
Their feelings never reach you. 
You think your heart is more frozen than the man you just murdered. You have to focus to feel it beating in your chest. 
The heart can keep beating even without the head. It’s an entity all its own.
“How about we go celebrate your accomplishment? We could go out and find something you want.”
“Tch. What a waste. I thought your only goal was to hoard all that mora? Come now, we should go find you a new person to hunt.”
You’re already walking away. Capitano makes sure to follow close behind. Your gloomy demeanor pulsing like waves around you, pushing them all away. 
Luckily, they stopped feeling fear a long time ago. 
They all fall into step beside you. 
You want to go back to sleep.
You stand on the arm rest and look down at the people who are normally taller than you. She slowly turns her head towards you, utterly uninterested in the new reports. 
“I heard what you did the other day.”
You turn your head slightly to show that you’re listening, but you continue to stare down at the agent that looks like he’s going to collapse any second now. You want to make sure you see that. 
“Would you be willing to do it again? I’d love to see you use your powers.” 
You look at her. Concern written on your face. She’s giving you the rare, full smile. She hides her sharp teeth behind painted lips, but she still looks beautiful. She turns back to the speaking agent. “You’re dismissed. Guards, bring the prisoner.”
Lucky bastard. You wanted to watch him fall over. Instead you watch him quickly turn heel and walk out on quivering legs as a new stranger is brought to the center of the room. Hauled with both arms around each guards’ neck, unable to stand on his own. 
He’s dropped onto the floor and he sobs, clearly in agonizing pain. 
“Go on then,” she whispers. 
You stare down at him without any emotion. You can hear his blood rushing in your ears, but you don’t think about stopping it. Instead you let it wash over you, like a rolling wave. Letting it take you wherever it needs to go in the body. You follow veins and arteries up and down his body. From his heart to his toes, and from his lungs to his head. Most of the pain is going to his legs. He’s going to die. 
“Come now. I’ll help you.” You watch as her gloved hand comes up and she gently holds your arm between her fingers. You start to feel jittery as a fraction of her power stimulates your own. You position your hand into a pointer finger as she aims you at the crippled prisoner. You stare at him and watch as his sobs become quieter. Relief has finally come for him. You froze his legs. His nerve endings. 
You can barely hear the garbled thank you come from him, you’re too far away and already too occupied with crushing his heart. 
He cries out again and sounds like he’s choking. He gasps for breath and punches against his chest, trying to make it keep beating. 
He screams. The icicle that’s forming inside of him, presses against his insides and pushes out. And it keeps pushing. Slowly piercing through his cells one by one in a line, until the tip finally protrudes out of his chest and back. It’s diagonal, so when he looks, he can see the expanding icicle on both sides. He screams again and passes out. 
“Well done,” she says as she claps. 
“I knew you could do it, my snowflake.” She looks at you with sparkling eyes. 
Hope sprinkles over you and lands on your eyelashes. You close your eyes and more tears fall. Soft, gentle lips come up and kiss them away.
It's not a matter of whether or not you're a bad person. You've always been a monster. It's only a matter of whether or not you can accept who you are. 
You hesitate.
Then nod to yourself. 
You can. 
You can keep going. 
Continue to project your suffering onto others. 
Realize how strong you are and watch as others collapse, fall over in a line like dominoes. 
Is this what healing looks like? 
Is this really who you are?
The harbingers will all say yes. 
You can’t say you share the same happiness about that. 
But you no longer feel uncomfortable with the path you’re walking. 
After all,
You’re the rule maker now. 
There is no more right and wrong. 
Not for you, anyway.  
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Dottore x Reader
CW: Reader throws up once.
Imagine knowing Dottore back when he was a scholar and being one of the few that was kind to him. (Most were just curt. They had few emotions and were all about function and work, not being nice or mean.) However, that doesn't mean you approved of some of his less moral experiments. Regardless, you try to be nice to him. You never actively try to stop him from doing his experiments, only proposing new ways of approach. So when he's being exiled from academia, the first thing he does is come looking for you. You're the only one who was kind to him. The only one who understands. 
You give him your condolences, but when he tells you to come with him, you refuse. Sumeru is your home. academia is… well, it's not the best but what would happen if you left? Dottore insists he's got a plan. Sort of. That only makes you more skeptical. Plus... you aren't sure you like the crazed look in his eyes. 
The last time you saw that kind of expression he had burst into the lab you were working in, covered in blood and wouldn't stop talking about the extremely gruesome experiment he just did. You can't tell if you did the right thing by just swallowing the rising bile in your throat and nodding along. If you voiced your fear and disagreement now, he might make you into one of his test subjects, but because you didn't turn him away, Dottore started to think that you thought it was okay. That you were just like him. Why else would you be nice? Why else would you offer to clean the blood off him? 
You're scared. 
Unlike him, you feel trapped by the academia. It is your home after all. Where else would you go?
Dottore promises that he'll find a way to free you. Free you from their so-called "morales" and their restrictions and expectations. instead, you'll be his partner. You two will unlock the secrets of the gods' power without those damn academia rats. He insists you come with him. 
You realized that he likes you more than any of your peers. That's why he's here. That's why he's insisting you come with him. And the thing is, if it was for any other reason, you might've said yes. But you don't want to experiment on people. You don't want to evoke the gods' wrath. You know academia is corrupt, but you also know that it does have some morals and that's a good thing. You use the excuse that you're afraid to leave. You say you (sort-of) have a family here, you can't go. You make plenty of excuses and watch in slight fear as Dottore's face falls and  morphs into an angry expression. 
Were you deceiving him? Are you just like all those other rats? That cower and bow to the archons? Were you lying to him about being his friend? He storms out of the lab, and you breathe a shaky sigh. Dottore is angry at the thoughts but can't help the other half of his mind that insists you're to come with him. Then it dawns on him. You're afraid. You've grown up in the academia. Your home is in sumeru. And you've grown up indoctrinated to the archons. You're afraid because you're used to being punished for pushing the boundaries. 
He remembers all the times you would hide in his lab with him when there were massive ceremonies worshiping the greater lord going on. You're just like him. You don't actually care. (It’s actually that you don't like how intense the people's reverence is, it isn't that you hate the gods like he does). Still. Dottore only thought of it as you needing to be set free. Freed from this cage. But of course being a little bird, you are fearful of leaving the home they've made for you. 
Don't worry. Dottore will show you the light. He will help you. 
You're afraid of leaving, which is all the more reason for him to take you with him. That's what he thinks. 
So he does what he does to his test subjects sometimes, though he's far more gentle with you. He makes you sleep with a powder on a cloth against your nose and mouth at night in your room. He grabs a number of your things and shoves them
into a bag. 
He has to admit that you two may not have anywhere to go for a while. but he's determined. determined for you. He carries you and sets everything up, doing his best to comfortably lay you over the second horse which he holds the reins to as he, on a horse of his own, guides out of the city. 
He decides to head for liyue. Perhaps he can get them to give him funding. Though... They only care about mora. Like those idiot mercenaries. Constantly inventing new things for any sponsors would just be a drag and interrupt his true research. Hm... 
You wake up halfway to Gandharva Ville and nearly fall off the horse with how panicked you become. Luckily Dottore helps you. 
You two rest on the ground as he explains what he did. You almost scream in horror. You're now far away from home, the academia, with a man you know likes to kill people. 
Oh nononono. Not good! 
Dottore sees the panicked look on your face and thinks it's because you two don't have funding right now. 
This man has a one track mindset. 
He reassures you that he's got a plan. He's headed for Liyue port. You two will travel to another country. Probably Fontaine as they'll understand you two pursuing human enhancements and innovation. 
You do your best to calm yourself down. Maybe in the village you can get help. For now... oh archons... what should you do? Keep going along with him? Resist? You probably can't go back to the academia. They probably all think you've sided with him. But being so agreeable is what put you in this mess in the first place. 
You tell dottore that you'd like to rest at the village. Your ribs hurt from you being on the horse in such a position and he nods. Of course of course. He said he'd take care of you. Your health is important to him. 
You'd find that sweet if the situation wasn't so scary. 
It's in the village that dottore us approached by Pierro. The offer of funding and lack of restrictions has Dottore instantly shaking his hand and promising to do his– and yours– best work. All three of you will set off for Snezhnaya in the morning. 
Dottore is so excited to break the news to you.
That's how you ended up here. In the land of love and snow.
You're more chilled by Dottore's growing obsession and cruelness. But you go along with what he tells you to do. Do your best to not think about these people as... Well, people. No. Instead they’re test subjects. Rats in a cage. But even back then... you cared about the rats.
You ask if you can do some of your own experiments. Go with your own research. Dottore is sad you don't want to be his partner and see the progress first hand, but he understands the need to pursue one's own curiosity so he says yes.
You lock yourself in the second lab and throw up in the sink. All the fear and pain and horror come up and out of your mouth. 
You shriek when a hand soothingly rubs your back. How did he get in? Dottore smiles at you. Well, of course he has a key to both labs. He has to be able to check on you once in a while. The same way you do him. 
What a caring thing you are. 
He pinches your cheek. 
Don't worry. It'll be okay. You've got everything you need. And he's by your side, so you know for certain that he will help make things right for you. 
You shakily nod and thank him. There's not coming back from all of this. Perhaps you should just throw yourself into your research and try and focus on the... love Dottore is giving you. 
You look into his eyes and see them calm. For once. He's crazy, for sure, but... the only thing he cares about just as much as his research, is you.
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Hey hate to bother you but would you consider doing an aether x male reader where the reader is setting a boundary (preferably that there not comfortable with kissing) and aether telling him that its fine if he’s not comfortable with that and comforting him? If not that’s fine thank you for your time!!^^ i love your writing have a good rest of your day/night <3
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Aether
Pairings: Aether x male!Reader
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 370
Synopsis: Your name and request are making me think you might like Aether. But that's just a hunch. /j
Also it’s no bother at all! This is such a cute ask! Hehe thank you so much! I hope you have a good day/night too ^-^
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You were over the moon when Aether and you got together. You were so ecstatic that you forgot all about telling him anything else. So when he leaned in to give you a kiss you yelped and jumped away. Your blood pressure instantly went up, and you anxiously looked at him. He looked so confused and hurt making the guilt inside of you worse. 
“I– I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He looked at you with concerned eyes. His hand instinctively raises, wanting to reach out, but keeping its distance. 
Your heart pounds as you try to think of a way to explain your actions. You’re overwhelmed by the situation. You ruined the moment. Aether must think you’re a mess. He probably doesn’t even want you as his boyfriend now. Not if you’re going to be pathetically freaked out by a simple kiss! 
You feel like curling up in a ball and hiding. 
“Hey,” his calm voice reaches your ears, “it’s okay. I should have asked first. It’s okay if we don’t kiss right now. Let’s just take things slow.” He gives you a gentle smile, and your heart clenches. You don’t deserve this man. He’s so caring and sweet. Even from the beginning when you two met and you were so anxious and wary of him. He gave you room to breathe, to think, to grow and trust him. 
You nod slowly. 
“Thank you. I… I’m sorry. I’m not ready for some things just yet. B-but! I promise, I want to be with you!” You’re quick to somehow prove you’re not trying to back out of this relationship. You want– no. You need him in your life. Your heart would break if you two couldn’t be together. 
“Of course. I don’t want you to be stressed or uncomfortable. I love you,” the way he says that has you swooning. You smile instantly. 
“I love you too,” you say happily. Aether always seems to know what to say to help you feel better. 
“Do you want to hold hands and go for a walk? Just the two of us?”
He looks hopeful again. You love the way he smiles. You nod quickly and grasp his hand. 
“Of course. I’d love to.”
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