#blog asks
thegiftedau · 1 year
So dose the coon have to hide his muzzle or can he just get rid of it when ever he wants?
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Some heroes can hide, others cannot. Some create a secret identity, some show themselves out to the world with pride.
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ango-spotted · 12 days
mister government twink man
or ‘doc glasses’
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HIYAAAA!!! This is a blog to just collect posts about Ango (and his friends!! And boyfriend (s) god who knows)
just quick intro from mod! Hello, my name is Cupid, I am an avid Ango enjoyer and I want to crush him in a hydraulic press.
My main is @duckduckgoose-exe
And uhmmm this was very much inspired by @akutagawa-spotted other blogs like that!! (Sorry for tag btw..) Please send in links to the guy and for like. Asks this is also an aggressive fan page. YIPPEE!
for ship stuff please only mushiango or Odango stuff, I’m pretty uncomfortable with most other Ango ships </3
be normal please
no gross stuff mod is a minorrrr
anyways YAY
normal blog rules n stuff
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Hi I have a request for an sagou Au
This will be a imposter Au but ok ok here's the twist the Devine that the find first is Your twin and now they think your pretend to them so the reader is trying to go to their twin with out being executed
Divine Twin
Note: I didn’t follow your prompt perfectly, just because the train of thought I had diverted very quickly. Heh, sorry (>_<;)
CW: Swearing, reader gets hurt
Nothing makes sense right now.
There’s no ”creator” in the game.
The only other person that looks like you is your twin.
Who you haven’t seen in weeks!
That’s why you were digging through their stuff in the first place. You usually wouldn’t go looking through their stuff but this was an emergency situation.
Where did they go?!
And then suddenly you’re on the ground in the grass and not their bedroom. Your senses overwhelmed by your new surroundings.
The way you’re so enraptured and in awe of the water and cliffs and statue of Morax is quickly interrupted by what sounds like a whoosh and then burning. Someone has teleported behind you.
You’re yanked off the ground and hauled to your feet, the voice of your closest adeptus friend– (at least that’s what you liked to imagine)– speaking darkly.
“How dare you. You think you can deceive me? Your attempt to copy my creator’s face has only earned you my hatred.” He summons his mask and spear, “you will have no mercy from me.” He thrusts forward, and you flinch back.
The tip barely pokes through your shirt.
“Who dares protect this disgusting imposter?”
“Great adepti,” the tengu general runs up to you two, “I am not trying to protect them. I simply have a suggestion that may please our creator more than a lifeless corpse.”
You’re tense in Xiao’s grasp. You consider struggling, but your limbs betray you. You don’t even dare to breathe.
“We are both making our way to Stormterror’s Lair to see our great creator, right? Why not take this imposter prisoner and see that they feel the full gravitus of their crimes? We should see that they suffer under their own guilt and disgust for copying our creator’s face.”
You’re mortified by her words. You don’t want to hear any more. You don’t think beyond that as you start running, yanking yourself out of Xiao’s grip and running down the small slope. You should have known that it would be futile. Against an adeptus or tengu alone, winning would be impossible. Your odds are only made worse when a thin blue string suddenly wraps around you and Yelan suddenly appears before your eyes.
“Oh no you don’t.”
“Hmph.” Xiao looks at you in scorn. If looks could kill you’d be dead three times over under the gaze of these beloved characters.
You’re not sure you want to meet this “creator.” If they’ve ordered all the main characters to execute people based on looks alone, you’d hate to see what they do themselves. Then again… if they look like you, they could be your twin. But your twin isn’t that cruel. They can be a massive idiot and way too resentful at times but not murderous.
Then again… it only makes sense that you get the shitty side of this fate and your sibling gets the wonderful role of playing god. You swear that’s how it always happens. You always get the short end of the stick.
You squirm in your bindings and wince when they automatically tighten around you, digging into your skin.
“Stop resisting,” Sara is stern as always, “we should take them to the creator. It only makes sense for them to give divine punishment to such deceitful beings.”
“No. We shouldn’t bother them with such lowly scum.”
“...what if the creator gives them mercy?”
The two generals turn towards the spy.
“We should take this one to the creator. That way they can let everyone know what their decision is. If we execute this person now, when the creator would have spared them, then we’ll be the monsters.”
“Xiao. I know. I don’t want this bastard to get away with this either. It’s revolting that anyone would have the audacity to try and mimic our supreme god, but this is the best decision. If we are punished for wasting the creator’s time, I will take full responsibility. Now come on. I don’t want to wait to see them any longer.”
Yelan tugs on the line, and you start walking behind her, fearing what might happen if you don’t comply.
Xiao holds his tongue and follows. He could easily teleport and make his way to Stormterror’s Lair, the creator’s chosen home, easily. But he wants to keep an eye on you, even if looking at you makes him angry.
Sara walks alongside Yelan, they briefly exchange greetings and introductions before going silent. All three of you travel in silence until you make it to the intersection where you can see Dawn Winery down the way, where you run into some of the Knights of Favonius.
Amber looks shocked to you, and Lisa’s vision starts to glow. Kaeya doesn’t even pass a witty quip. He and Diluc share the same serious, angry expressions.
You really have attracted everyone’s ire.
You look away from them. You wish you could disappear. You just wanted to find your twin. Now you’re walking towards your own execution at the hands of those you imagined to be your friends.
You try to speak to them, try to say something in your defense, but Kaeya shuts you up with a simple threat.
“Open your mouth again, and I’ll freeze your tongue all the way down to your stomach.”
You look down at your feet. You want to cry.
The journey to Stormterror’s Lair is long. You’re not used to walking for so many hours. You trip and stumble a lot more as time goes on. Diluc scoffs at your lack of coordination. He probably believes you’re doing this on purpose, trying to slow them down to prevent your ultimate demise.
Things aren’t perfectly silent anymore thanks to Lisa, who casually talks to the others. You can’t help but feel at ease by their voices. You loved listening to their voice lines, sometimes their battle lines got tiring but hearing them talk as real people is oddly thrilling and makes you happy. It’s especially comforting to feel the tension ease after being put under the heat of their stares.
You trip and fully fall over as you reach the entrance to the ruins of the city. You struggle to get back up with your arms pinned behind. Diluc seems to have had enough with you as he hulas you up, but instead of setting you on your feet, he throws you over his shoulder.
“C’mon. We’ve been delayed long enough. We should cover ground faster this way.”
You assume the others nod, because you hear nothing before you feel a sudden lurch and then wind blowing past you as your carrier starts running.
They make their way into the city quickly. You feel dizzy as you’re jostled around.
They make their way into the central tower, and you’re dropped on the cobblestone.
You look up to see that the tower has changed greatly. It’s no longer in ruins. It looks like a real palace. Banners hang against the columns, a hanging chandelier, and a large circular rug at the center. Most important of all are the archons standing next to the giant dragon who is laying on the rug. D’valin almost looks like a house pet, curled up on the rug.
You marvel at the sight. Zhongli, Ei, Venti, Nahida, even the Tsaritsa. She’s even more beautiful than you imagined.
As you follow along the dragon’s body you realize that there’s someone tucked under his wing, reading a book. That someone… They look just like you.
So the acolytes weren’t lying. Their great and marvelous creator is practically an exact replica of you. Except they have slightly different cheekbones, and their nose isn’t the same shape. This is definitely your twin.
You cry out their name and are instantly hit with a blast of ice.
“Who dares speak the creator’s name?” Zhongli’s rich, deep voice echoes through the tower.
You can feel the hairs on your neck stand up as electricity crackles in the air, which becomes restless as the winds pick up.
“We bring an imposter before you—,” Sara begins.
“Why do you waste the time of our great creator with such scum?” Even though she’s insulting you, you can’t help but be enchanted by the Tsaritsa’s voice.
“That’s what I said,” Xiao mutters.
“I deeply apologize if I have made a mistake, but I felt the need to bring them before the creator to ensure that the correct decision was made. I have heard the many stories of the creator being merciful to their enemies. I have also heard the many recallings of their strength and power. I did not think it appropriate of me to make such a decision on their behalf. Once I know their decree, I will never bother them with such a trivial matter again.”
You can’t help but feel amused and annoyed by all of this formality and praisal towards your twin. They certainly don’t deserve to be treated like a god when the last interaction you had with them was them bullying you about how you built your team and characters. You want to tell these poor people about all the times your sibling was a massive asshole to you. Tell them that they might as well be buying snake oil from them if they truly believe them to be their creator. Neither of you had anything to do with the creation of Genshin. They’ve got the wrong people.
Then again… if you mentioned that, you both might be executed.
You sigh, forgetting you’re being heavily scrutinized and thus are kicked in the stomach.
“How dare you act disappointed in the midst of our highest god.” It seems Xiao is finally getting his chance to take his anger out on you.
Why? Why aren’t they doing anything? Why aren’t they saying anything? Don’t they care that you’re being beaten up by these people?
You’re hauled by your biceps only to be dropped once again, but this time only a few feet from the archons.
The bindings dissipate.
You force yourself onto your hands and knees. You look up and see them all looking down on you. A deep, soul shaking shudder goes through you. Your twin looks distressed, but they say nothing.
I’m sorry
They mouth.
The Raider Shogun’s cold voice reaches your ears, “Let it be known that all imposters will be executed on sight.”
Vines climb up through the cobble and wrap around your arms and legs. You’re stuck in the position on your hands and knees. The stone quakes beneath you, and the temperature in the room drops. You feel the air start being sucked out of your lungs, the water in your body is painfully forced out of your pores, and your insides heat up. You aren’t even conscious by the time the Musou No Hitotachi comes down on you, ensuring that you don’t awaken from the darkness.
A tear rolls down your twin’s cheek. They can’t bear to watch you be executed.
But it’s the greatest mercy they can grant you.
At least you get to wake up.
At least you get to go back home.
Unlike them.
They’re trapped in this game.
Chained to a throne.
You always come back.
But they’re determined to make sure you don’t get trapped like them.
They hope one day they’ll be able to make it back out to you.
They at least want to share one more birthday with you.
One happy memory to help them endure every time they have to watch you be murdered by their…
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tales-of-snaktooth · 6 months
GOODNESS IM LOVING UR STYLE!! LOVEING yu ARGHHH!!! Will be here to watch this storyline for SURE
Thank you so much!! Hope to get this blog running soonish!
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himbo-in-limbo · 8 months
I saw the Freddy drawing and I am COOKING!!!
(A bunch of HCs for Glamrock Freddy, and another surprise character! Well.. technically two!)
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Im excited to see em bro (don’t worry your anon emoji was on em 🤘🏾)
Atm Ive been very eepy thanks to insomnia lately so I will be slow to answer asks on here 🥱 but I have been cooking good stuff on my alt Twitter acc that’s where some of my raunchy headcanons get drawn 😏 with the little energy that I have….
There is a feint sent of French fry’s in my room n it’s making me hungry….
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modeus-vibing-archive · 3 months
Had a headcanon I wanted to share. Technically this is for a "Modeus and Baul both live and are friends (Modeus) or rivals (Baul) with Dante" AU, but anyway.
-Modeus and Baul both let Patty style their hair. Modeus does it first, because Patty asks (Patty: "You just have so much hair! It's so long and pretty!"), and Baul follows his brother's example. They're both fond of Patty (Baul, grinning: "She's all frills and vinegar."), Baul is just more awkward about it because he's not used to being around kids. Its like having a tiny kitten follow him around, to him. Patty's something small and fragile and also a person and he doesn't really know how to act around human children. He tries to be nice to her, tho, in his own hesitant, fumbling way. Modeus is better with kids.
Anyway, Patty does their hair. Maybe Patty even manages to rope Dante into it, too. There's a lot of frilly ribbons and braids and probably at least one pair of pigtails. I think Modeus could probably teach Patty some other ways to braid long hair, too, since he has so much practice with his own hair.
I- I...
I absolutely have no words. I just... I LOVE YOUR HEADCANON!
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burntheedges · 20 days
I admired you from afar for a good while, and then I jumped into your ask box with my spring prompt game and am now a Maintenance Request girlie!
🥹 I was admiring you from afar right back 😂 I think I read headshots and saw you interacting with people and was like El seems cool 👀 so when you sent me the ask I was like !!!
tell me what fic brought you to my blog
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I have no desire debating to no end or dedicating quite a number of asks to what is happening on twitter (particularly that fandom). Those are usually people who like to begin their day with a confrontation which usually results in a lot of nonsense. I am not one of those people. I also find it quite redundant to spend too much time on what are nothing but fights taking place in the name of some men who are currently absent due to military enlistment.
I can also recognize a setup ask when I see it. I'm used to it and if there's one thing I know, in those cases there is no right answer that can satisfy. In fact, it's nothing but an excuse to send more asks that will put me under fire. I experience that weekly, but I've chosen to ignore it lately.
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moidloverxoxo · 4 months
So obviously I think your blog is awesome but… why moid in the name? Isn’t it kind of an insult? Like if someone made a woman’s positivity blog called “Bitch positive”?
I'm using it ironically. Like a "yeah whatchu gonna do 'bout it" to radfems. Honestly, moid sounds like a pathetic excuse of an insult. And I don't know how to explain this but bitch has like a different background (?) to it.
Also saying "manloverxoxo" or "boyloverxoxo" just sounds creepy.
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nebulousfishgills · 10 months
i mean at this point you're basically just a JCB blog with brief forays into writing memes and delightful ask-game rambles
You know what that's entirely fair, at least my url is asenine enough so I'm Not Perceived in the case of the former... but I'm glad you like my rambles lol
(Send me a shitty summary of my blog)
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thegiftedau · 1 year
Hey Jimmy, how to do you handle fighting crime when the roads are icy? Do you strap on a pair of skates and slide your way to the enemy or just carry a shit ton of salt wherever you go?
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He's equipped, don't you worry!
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ok-i-draw · 8 months
Literally died laughing at this bot message I got a couple of days ago.
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Reblog and share your funny bot messages!
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They cannot sympathize with humans.
But then they show they can and the creator is a hypocrite that is on the same level as what they think the archons (and non-human) are like and just as scummy as humans who give up on something or someone too easily and are so biased and prejudiced and focused on the past when the archons are slowly showing they don’t let the past control them unlike the creator who is hypocritically letting the past control them to the point they refuse to see that the archons are changing.
this is correct.
little creator is an unreliable narrator.
as you said, they're a hypocrite. they refuse to believe the archons can change, because they're too used to seeing humans change in a matter of days, weeks, or max, a few years. So when it takes more than that to see change, they ignore it. They refuse to feel empathy towards the archons. They discriminate against them.
There is a valid argument to be made that those of different experiences will have different perspectives. That's to be expected if anything.
For example,
Yae probably pushes her writers to come up with new ideas. And to the writers they are new ideas. But she might've seen the exact same or something very similar presented 100 years ago. And to her that means that it's not good enough, it isn't actually new. She may unintentionally be ignoring the part that generations of humans have passed and that novel is likely gone from the world. So it arguably is a new idea, to the new generations at least. But to Yae its the exact same and therefore not enough
Note: this is a characterization that may not be true, but it's an example to kind of highlight the point that immortals can be blindsided by their own experiences, and forget that the humans around them probably weren't there for when it originally happened.
In the same respect, as you noticed, creator does the same and only relies on their past experiences with the archons to define their idea of them. Probably making the situation worse by being a bad example.
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madhare0512 · 9 months
My header? Fuck, which one? So, the main blog (I'm assuming) header is literally just me. There was an anime filter on snapshot that a friend was trying out. They took a picture of me and I loved it a lot, so I made it my Tumblr header.
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himbo-in-limbo · 8 months
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modeus-vibing-archive · 2 months
Demons being able to talk to animals made me think of Modeus getting the local murders of crows and colonies of stray/outdoor cats to bring him strawberries. (I know he probably wouldn't because that's stealing, but its still a cute idea.) Also love the idea of Modeus befriending the local pigeons, just because pigeons are cute and also pretty symbols of peace and I love them 💜
After mentioning to his animal frens that he likes strawberries, the next day, he finds that his animal frens have brought him strawberries.
Modi: "Everyone, you did not need to steal strawberries for me. I could have bought them."
A crow Modeus dubbed Ser Crowington: "With what money?"
Modeus: ...
A cat named Lady Purrs-a-lot: "Well you did not tell us this before we stole them."
Modeus: *sighs as he takes the strawberries from them.* "Well... let's not waste them, then."
Post Ep 10 (Good ending dw!) At the park:
Baul: Brother, these birds refuse to leave me alone. *a flock of pigeons are following him with the leader of the flock seemingly wanting Baul’s attention.*
Modeus: "Oh! Lord Flockington wants to know if you got any seeds."
Baul: "You named them? And tell them no."
Modeus: *is now holding an armful of pigeons* "Yes, yes I did." To Lord Flockington: "I'm sorry, my brother does not have seeds."
Lord Flockington: *sad pigeon noises.*
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