blossomslovely ¡ 10 months
Isekai Yandere Strawhats
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Synopsis: You can read them together or separately, I f*cked up the last part but I tried connecting some dots without fully disclosing everything bc I am not yet sure if I want to continue expanding on this story. If you’d like this to possibly become a series let me know !
You had been startled awake gasping for air and completely drenched in a cold sweat. It was the middle of the night, the ship was dark but the light of the moon shone through the porthole allowing your sight to adjust. You sighed to yourself, memories of your family. What a cruel thing the mind can be, you thought.
You were restless and couldn’t sleep any longer, dreaming of distant voices like you weren’t here on purpose was hilarious in a sinister way. You wanted to believe the person you had become was just a simple state of mind so that you wouldn’t go crazy. But you knew better, you knew to everyone else you’d be considered a lunatic.
You’d argue with yourself constantly, in every crevice of your brain, while also being the mediator wanting everything to stop. This was a good life you were living, free of idiotic way of life you lived previously. When you woke from dreams like this, for a minute or two everything was clear.
You could remember how you got here, remember why you left in the first place. And best of all, you remembered why you were so scared of these people in the first place.
You chuckled to yourself as you got out of bed, your stomach now empty and gurgling for a snack. Making your way to the kitchen you saw the light in the crows nest and a shadow passing through the fish tank. Of course he would be up, you knew his schedule.
You wanted to go up and ask if he’d join your for a drink and a snack but, just as you reach the second flight of stairs you stopped yourself. Alone time when you were awake was needed.
Of course there would be times where you were alone during the day but never completely alone. The constant fake concern or the random outburst to grasp your attention when your eyes went blank always reminded you, you weren’t alone.
You opened the locks on the fridge, rummaging around for alcohol, one of the greatest things about this world was how strong it was in both flavor and effect. Back home you were too young to drink but here you could have anything you desired.
That’s what you liked to tell yourself now. Whenever the itch got too overwhelming and started becoming a visible panic attack you knew just how to calm yourself. Deep breaths, look at just one thing, and clear your mind of negativity. It worked but sake worked even better.
You drank too glasses in the darkness, the affect making itself known when you stood up to bring the rest of the bottle up the stairs. Giggling when you almost fell face first only to be caught in the strong arms of the swordsman.
He looked pretty tonight, the moon was a friend who liked to light up the features of his face you wouldn’t notice during the day. Making him out to be a knight in shining celestial armor. You smiled at him and he gave you a small smile back guiding you to the crows nest.
You told him about your dream. He listened quietly sipping directly from the bottle only stopping to pour you some.
“ Zoro.. is anyone listening?” You asked eyes scouting the perimeter of the room. He shook his head and urged you to continue.
“ My dreams remind me that I’m not insane— well that I’m not completely insane. I want to say they ground me as much as they hurt me.”
The tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall in giant droplets of sorrow. He stopped drinking to give you his full attention as you went more in detail about the things you’ve bottle up.
You were like a scroll unraveling before him, if he were bold he make a joke saying that you were the one piece they’d been searching the sea for.
He understood completely why the crew was enamored with you. The little fighting fish trapped in a tank, who could only give without take, the colors of your scales vibrant and full of life while your tail flashes trying to ward off the parasitic infection dwelling all around and within.
He finally spoke up, startling your rambling about every little topic on your mind, “ I didn’t want to interrupt but I have something interesting to tell you.”
You nod eager to listen.
“ I know we’ve been waiting a while and this since is a golden opportunity now that we’re alone. On the last island I spoke to an old man, there isn’t a name for it yet but there are other like you. Travelers.”
You threw yourself into him and held him tight. This was the break through you’ve gone through hell waiting for.
“ There have been quiet a few others, over the last few years he’s said. Some trying to be discrete and others making grand entrances, they speak how you speak, using the same slang and everything I knew they were linked to your situation.”
“ This is incredible ! I knew there were others like be but… I always thought they’d be- Zoro?”
He suddenly yanked you off of him, picking up the bottle of sake and walking to the door. Just as you were opening your mouth to speak the floor started creaking, someone else was awake.
Panic set through you.
Do they hear anything? Did they hear your excitement? Who was coming closer?
Zoro opened the door revealing Robin. How could you possibly forget the other equally dangerous night owl on the ship. She smiled at you and waltzed in sitting on a stool.
“ I didn’t know you woke up Y/N, I would’ve joined the two of you earlier.”
“ Oh yeah I didn’t really want to check for anyone but I just— I seen his shadow and I couldn’t sleep so I figured… why not.” Your nervous laugh creeped in towards the end of your sentence.
You silently damned yourself and looked over to Zoro who sat right back in his spot drinking the almost empty bottle like nothing happened.
The three of you talked about little things, souvenirs from islands, Zoro about swords he looked at, and Robin went on about a foreign scripture she has yet to completely figure out.
Zoro’s presence kept you at ease and before you knew it you fell asleep again. The rest was short and you woke in your bed by the booming voices of your crew mates. Making your way to the kitchen you were greeted continuously upon entry, the captain patting a seat between him and Zoro.
The handsome Prince handing your orange juice in a wine glass to accompany your eggs and bacon. You ate silently till Luffy started stealing off Ussop’s plate causing a ruckus on the table.
The morning came and went and you were playing card games with the boys till lunch. The excitement creeped in when you were handing your cleared plate and heading off the the crows nest once again.
Watching from the upper deck was Nami accompanied by Ussop and Chopper holding baskets of tangerines and pop green. A keen eye was needed in order to be a navigator and that eye noticed your 180 when you were around Zoro.
“ They’re close those two..”
The others agreed watching you leap up the stairs into the crows nest. It was hard to not notice when no one else really bothered the grumpy swordsman in his little sanctuary.
The woman hummed then directed her little helpers to continue picking fruit while she went to investigate. She heard your cheers and giggles as she got closer to the door, daring her to press her ear on the door.
Intently listening to you laugh about a story from your childhood she failed to notice the blonde creeping up behind her with a tray of drinks. With a hand to her chest to keep her from punching him she pulled him close to listen along with her, much to his delight of course.
Although when the cook heard the joy a familiarity being shared with the swordsman he almost barged into the room. Nami having to physically hold him back so that their cover wouldn’t be blown.
It’s almost like they forgot the swordsman can dodge knives in his sleep. Zoro alerted you the moment Nami was walking up the steps. Yes, she was as stealthy and as sly as a cat but there was more in fooling a man like him. The topic of conversation changed and you had suggested writing notes while you spoke the next time around.
The itch was back but you didn’t want to alert Zoro. He was doing his best in keeping your endeavors discreet and telling him would out more on his plate. That night you were reading and the navigator invited you to sit with her while she drew up new maps.
“ Y/N, you’re pretty close with Zoro huh.” She spoke up.
Your eyes left the pages to look at the woman gracefully creating lines and squiggles on the large lithograph. “ Yeah, I enjoy telling him stories and he just listens or laughs.” You shrugged.
She hummed and continued, “ I was heading over to you to ask if you wanted to help peal some tangerines for Sanji to make marmalade.”
“ Oh crap you should’ve asked me during lunch. I can help tomorrow if you’d like.”
She looked over to you from the corner of her eye and smiled agreeing.
“ I didn’t mean to listen in but… you seem very relaxed around him, more relaxed than with the crew.”
“ He.. he just seems to put me at ease I guess.”
“ Why aren’t you at ease with the rest of us?” She inquired tilting her head and placing the ink pen in the corner of her desk.
You quickly rebutted hoping to ease the sudden tension beginning to bubble up. She was full of questions today and you felt like you were in an interrogation room without a door. She chuckled at your stuttering, it was so cute when you were nervous. She continued her work and changed the topic to not cause you anymore visible worry.
Laying in bed that night you finally felt at peace, before your interruption earlier Zoro had told you he knew a way for you to get back home. It would take some time and you would have to get the others off your radar.
Your thoughts quickly shifted to Nami and how she approached you earlier. To a non trained eye your conversation just seemed like small talk or curiosity among friends though the threat of something more was obvious to you. You were sure she did that purposely, looking into your eye, raising and eyebrow, and giving you that sly smirk.
Just to see what type of reaction she could coerce out of you without making things too transparent. You knew eventually they would look into your newfound closeness with the swordsman. You turned to the other side of the bed where the pillow was cold and the light didn’t hit your closed eyes. Shaking the thoughts away to sleep and deal with another day tomorrow.
The ship was still lively while you were resting, everyone doing their own little tasks and routines. In the room next to the crows nest Robin was bathing, she was enjoying her peace till a small knock came from the door.
“ Robin could I come in?”
Nami opened the door and waved sitting on the edge of the tub. “ I think we should tell Luffy about Zoro and Y/N.” She said letting her fingers graze the steaming water. Robin hummed and leaned over to her, “ We should eventually of course. However, don’t you think we should also go to Zoro separately first as well? To completely assess the situation.”
Nami agreed and decided now would be the perfect time since you were asleep and he was completely alone.
She knocked twice and opened the door peaking in, “ Zoro are you busy?”. He looked up at her with a weight lifting over his shoulder and shook his head. She waltzed in sitting in the booth seat hitting her lip, the nerves of trying to get a straight answer out of him settling in.
“ I wanted to talk to you about Y/N, you’ve been pretty close yeah?”
“ I guess? They just come in and ramble while I work out.”
“ Well I hope you aren’t forgetting that the crew also wants to get close to them.”
“ What’s that supposed to mean exactly?”
He was as standoffish as always but if this wasn’t done who knew what the two of you could do. It’s not that she even wanted to question the first mate but no one else has been able to break the barrier with little Y/N… and of all people to it was the grumpy swordsman?
“ It means that whatever you’ve been promising them… isn’t going to make them..”
“ Rebel? I’m loyal to my captain, whatever ideas you’re having are wrong. They came to me because the rest of your are idiotic and overbearing.”
Nami huffed angrily at the assumption that she was overbearing and idiotic. She knew that at certain moments the entire crew would make you uncomfortable but her? She walked out slamming the door and the swordsman’s eyes hardened.
If Nami decided to personally ask him then someone more dangerous was involved.
Back in the bathroom the archeologist was humming quietly to herself as she drained the tub and let the steam dwell around her. The slam of a door from down the hall brought a smirk to her lips, Zoro had ticked Nami off and now she was going to play her part.
Robin knew from the moment you joined their journey you would be valuable. From the way the crew took a liking to you immediately and especially the way the captain would light up in your presence. Robin was extremely loyal to Luffy, she was going to do anything to ensure his happiness was preserved.
She knew you were scheming something with the swordsman. Just as she knew that the swordsman was aware of her presence whenever she’d try to lurk into the room. It’s not that she was doubting Zoro’s loyalty, but he obviously cared about you enough to even consider helping you get back home.
There were times where she questioned herself, she knew that keeping you here basically hostage was wrong. She lived her life running in fear and to keep you here against your will went against everything she stood for but… her captain was her number one priority now, and if making you cry yourself to sleep every night was the sacrifice then so be it.
The ship had finally settled and the moon was now at its peak, the boys room was filled with voices but surprisingly Luffy was quiet. Sanji took notice and eyes the swordsman from the corner of his eye. Without even looking towards him Zoro shrugged and turned the other way. He rolled his eyes and held his tongue not in the mood to argue, he was more concerned about his quiet captain who stared blankly at the wall.
Luffy wasn’t usually one to think too much about one thing for too long, so it was right to be concerned. Sanji stood tall peaking over into his cot and the boy met his gaze.
“ Something on your mind?”
A crack of a smile spring onto the captain’s face, he liked that his crew knew him so well. “ I’m just thinking of Y/N.” He sighed.
As of late you’d been running rampant through his mind. Every time he gets close you get farther and he doesn’t know how to fix it. You keep reminiscing about your old home and life, when you first got here you were ecstatic to be with him, he doesn’t know what changed.
You’d been more than happy when he welcomed you into his crew, you got along with everyone, and you fit so perfectly like his last puzzle piece. Then one day he woke up and started spewing things about wanting to leave. To leave him.
That thought angered him and he shot up from his cot startling Sanji. “ Why have the changed? We’ve been so kind. I don’t understand-”
“ They’re just homesick… we all get homesick.”
“ Yeah but it’s all the time with Y/N. She’ll laugh and play with us then started getting all sappy. It’s annoying me.”
“ Maybe it has something to do with this green moss ball sleeping underneath you— you seen how damn close they got. WAKE UP MOSS BALL!” Sanji hissed.
He kicked the swordsman’s cot waking him up and bringing the attention of the others in the room.
“ I have to watch in an hour what are you talking about in the middle of the night?”
“ How about you tell our very annoyed captain how you and Y/N have become so chummy.”
“ I don’t know why you’re all acting like this, isn’t it good that we’re friends? You guys need to evaluate your approach— and leave me alone.”
With that he fell right back to sleep the entire room thinking to themselves.
After that night the entire crew morphed into these disgustingly saccharine creatures. Catering to your every need like you were an infant who couldn’t be let out of sight for a moment.
In their minds you were their sweet Y/N and they were just helping you settle into your new home. Luffy’s annoyance spread to all the crew members, accept for you and they had a newfound determination.
Zoro decided it was better for the both of you to stop meeting too often, the outburst of Sanji let him know his efforts weren’t working. They were still hot on your tails and it was a matter of time before Luffy himself came to the two of you.
You were distraught, sitting in the kitchen eating a piece of cheesecake Sanji set out for you. You were finally so close and you had to be put on hold because for reasons Zoro wouldn’t share with you.
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Enjoy ! 🍨 if you’d like a post specifically about Y/N and how she got here I’d be willing to do so, thank you for all the support.
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blossomslovely ¡ 11 months
For everyone confused, I am also confused 💀!
When I wrote that first part I didn’t go back and read the rest as I was taking breaks and just spit balling ideas so I’m sorry for the confusion. Part 2 will be coming tomorrow hopefully it will clear confusion, thank you for the support be well.
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blossomslovely ¡ 11 months
Hi! :D
I just wanted to say I love your Isekai Yandere Strawhats very much! The amout of details , the atmosphere with characters is amazing!
So, I also wondered - Will you make a Part 2 of it?.
Thank you so much, part 2 is on the way ! :]
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blossomslovely ¡ 11 months
Isekai Yandere Strawhats
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Synopsis: Y/N has an itch, and itch that can’t be reached because of an unspoken threat opposed to them.
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The sun beamed brightly on your skin as you looked about the vast blue ocean. You don’t remember exactly how long it’s been since you’d first met them, you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore. This world was so different in every way, even the air it was more, pure. You felt like you’d been dreaming or maybe you died and finally went to heaven. You’d gotten to escape the hell that is ‘ mundane life ’. No school, tests, homework, parents creeping over your shoulder. No worries anymore… right?
You hated when you thought about things like that. You wanted to just be free and grateful but every now and then you missed it, got homesick, and your new friends always noticed the shift. You’d go from laughing and playing to sitting on the edge of the deck staring blankly at the sky or the sea letting your mind race, thinking of the life you once had.
“ Y/N come, we’re having lunch !”
You looked over your shoulder and smiled, that was your captain, you wanted to be more like him. He was the epitome of freedom and he was always filled with joy, you couldn’t remember a single moment where he wasn’t like that. Of course, there were times where he was different, when his energy shifted, it made the rest of the crew different as well. That’s why you didn’t like to get in your head, those were the times where Luffy and the crew reminded you of predators.
You laughed at the thought, how silly and imaginative you were. That’s what Robin would say whenever you came to her about your feelings. The rest of the crew also shared a laugh when you’d talk about feeling home sick.
“ Y/N how are you homesick? You’re right at home with us, silly!”
You’d laugh along and continue whatever you were doing but there was always, always an itch in the back of your mind. The itch that wanted you to question things more, the itch that wanted you to go home, not your home with the crew but the home where you were studying to become an artist at FIT, the itch that the face you look at in the mirror wasn’t really the face you’d been staring at for eighteen years, the itch of danger when you asked too many questions.
That itch that could only be soothed by full on distraction. That itch made you want to scratch your skin raw, the feeling of your throat being clogged like you were sick because you couldn’t reach it.
The crew was good at keeping you sedated, the captain held you close on the head of the ship, the navigator ran you baths filled with rose petals to help you sleep, the cook made you desserts and fun drinks with little umbrellas, the doctor didn’t need to put any effort besides smiling and crawling into your arms, they all did their part. They all did whatever they had to in order to keep that itch from invading your veins and disrupting the life they worked so hard to build.
You were eating comfortably now, lunch was great as always and your thanks always went to the cook. He was sweet and handsome, he was a prince but you can’t remember exactly why you knew that. Why did you know so much about these people that you met not so long ago? Why did you so eagerly leave your island, your home to be with them? There it goes again, it was only gone for a short time before it came back, that itch.
You didn’t know what face you were making but with the way the swordsman was glaring at you it wasn’t a good one. “ Y/N let’s spar in the crows nest, you’ve finished your lunch right?” You looked across the table and finally met eye contact with him, he was trying to communicate with you, this wasn’t new. You nodded and stood up bringing your plate to the sink and following him out.
Zoro was a little different from the rest of the crew, your itch never bothered him but he never responded to your questions the way you wanted him to. It was like he was speaking in code, at times you wished you were as smart as Robin because you couldn’t tell if your were misinterpreting what he was saying.
“ Patiences is a virtue ”
“ You keep letting them see you this way,”
“ I can’t help you if you don’t at least try ”
Or when he would tap your shoulders to silence you, because someone was listening just outside the door.
You were so disoriented and it took you a while to realize the emotion that ran rampant through your body was fear. Fear of what? Why were you so afraid? Why does nothing make sense? You were so happy to be here. To be traveling on such a vast ship with your friends, discovering islands and uncovering history itself.
“ Y/N today I want to teach you something new.”
You looked up at the swordsman again as you walked up the stairs to the crows nest, you felt eyes drilled onto the back of your head so you answered him, in code of course.
“ That’s great, I always like something new.”
He gave you a smile. It took you a while but it seems you finally understood him, he was thankful. Anymore time and you would’ve been caught. Hours went by and the sun began to fade into a bright red hall in the sky, the fish tank had become more illuminated as day turned to night. When you took your break you stared at them, the way they swam aimlessly back forth.
“ Do they remind you of yourself?” He inquired.
You looked to him— oh right his name is Zoro, Roronoa Zoro. You smiled and nodded, “ Yeah, a little. What about you?” He nodded and you both continued to stare at them.
Zoro was known to have a hard exterior, never speaking too much, never laughing or smiling.. but that was t true at all? Why did people think that? Who thinks that?
Strange. But, what’s new.
When you were alone with him that exterior cracked, his features softened and he wasn’t on guard like he usually was in front of everyone else. The crows nest was his safe haven, he was protected from wandering eyes. Not just from his crew mates but the eyes of anyone who could spot him when he was on the deck of the ship.
You felt lucky to be able to see this side of him, the side where he wasn’t Luffy’s right wing, the side where he wasn’t worried about his friends livelihood. Of course he showed this side to the doctor on board, it was like he was an older brother to him.
That night you went to sleep comfortably, Zoro had brought you serenity and calmed your nerves. Tomorrow was going to be the same, but as the days goes by you were comfortable enough to say that if you truly had anyone it was him.
Your mind was settled but in your dreams you were someone else. They were familiar, you knew the places in your mind like the back of your hand.
“ Y/N if you can hear, please, come back to us.”
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Authors Note: Enjoy
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blossomslovely ¡ 11 months
`·..♡⃗ MasterList ˎˊ˗ 🍮
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Requests: OPEN 🧋
Tag lists: Click Here
Anime: Jjk, JJBA, One Piece, Bleach, Spy x Family, Naruto, More to Come
Marvel: ATSV
Other: Send to Requests 🥮
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Headcannons :
One shots : Isekai Yandere Strawhats
PT2 Isekai
Josuke 4
Miguel O’Hara
Series: coming 🔜
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