boopysnoop · 2 months
The Larry (Pokemon) —> Nanami, Kusakabe, Higuruma pipeline is real. Is it the fact they’re all tired men? Am I missing someone else?
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boopysnoop · 2 months
Happiness Will Come To You.
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boopysnoop · 3 months
In Defense of Kusakabe - Ch 253 and Analysis
We respect Kusakabe Atsuya in this house.  I've seen a lot of back-and-forth on this chapter, and I need to defend my King. So, let's get into it!!  Author's note: I intended this as a short post, but now it's a 1600-word dissertation, and I'm not even sorry. >_>
The chapter opens with a flashback with the narrator asking jujutsu sorcerers who is the strongest Grade 1. I take everyone at their word here: Mei Mei has praised Kusakabe's skill on multiple occasions, Nanami is known for his strong situational awareness, and Gojo is always brutally honest. They say he's the strongest Grade 1; I believe them.
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Kusakabe has a reputation for downplaying his skills. We know he's confident; we've seen him hype himself up during fights, but he's not the type to brag about it. It's worth noting that he uses the masculine and assertive pronoun "ore" when referring to himself, in contrast to Gojo's softer "boku" and Nanami's ultra-polite "watashi." He has the confidence, but he keeps it subtle.
(Also, it's unclear who Usami is, but Atsuya probably knows this sorcerer well since he doesn't use an honorific when he mentions them.)
So, why defend Kusakabe?
There's a lot we don't know about Kusakabe's abilities, and what we do see isn't fully explained.  
He blocks Kenjaku's Maximum Uzumaki using a technique from New Shadow Style; however, the technique itself isn't named, and its actual execution isn't shown. Uzumaki caused massive destruction, leaving a wide zone of wreckage and a crater on par with Hollow Purple. Kenjaku wasn't holding back, so blocking his attack would have required a huge amount of strength and cursed energy.
And speaking of Kenjaku, he goes so far as to compliment Kusakabe on his technical skill, saying, "It's nice to face someone with a little know-how." This is a rare moment of praise from someone who considers all sorcerers garbage. This alone speaks volumes.
Simple Domain and the fight with Sukuna: there is a lot to unpack here. Simple Domain has different rules and applications depending on who is casting it and who or what is affected by it. The primary purpose is to neutralize the one-hit effect of Domain Expansions, but Kusakabe isn't using it as a debuff for Malevolent Shrine. Instead, he uses it because he knows Sukuna's Cleave/Dismantle can work outside his DE as a standard Cursed Technique. Kusakabe's Simple Domain is designed to cancel or at least lessen the effects of cursed techniques, making this a perfect application in a hand-to-hand fight to minimize damage or protect an ally. Kusakabe later confirms that getting hit by Cleave or Dismantle at point-blank range is a guaranteed fatality. Yet he didn't die. Even with the protection of Simple Domain, there's something else in play beyond what we're seeing. And considering the versatility of Simple Domain, it's almost guaranteed that Kusakabe can use it in several other ways we don't know about.
Kenjutsu: I've heard people describe Kusakabe as a modern-day samurai, and that's an accurate comparison. Kusakabe is highly skilled in New Shadow Style sword techniques, the style itself based on an actual kenjutsu style known as Shinkage-ryū. So far, we've seen only one of these techniques, Battō. This is an iai sword drawing technique where the katana is coated with additional cursed energy, allowing it to be unsheathed and wielded with lightning-fast speed. I say 'additional' because Kusakabe's blade is always imbued with his energy, but this technique has an extra push. We see the beginning of another iai technique called Yūzuki (Evening Moon), but he's interrupted before he can draw. He seemed excited to use the technique, whatever it was. It's worth noting that both of these techniques parallel the Shinkage-ryū school emphasis on using low stances to protect the body while simultaneously using the legs to increase speed and power. The goal is to respond to a situation as quickly and efficiently as possible, the philosophy of 'the sword cuts only once.'  Killing or cutting with one strike takes extreme precision and skill. Given that he's a master of New Shadow Style, there are definitely other iai techniques we haven't seen yet.
We know he's incredibly fast. In Chapter 246, after Higuruma's Deadly Sentencing fails, Sukuna returns to using Cleave and Dismantle. Despite being on the opposite side of the battlefield, Kusakabe managed to shield Higuruma from the attack. He was already moving in that direction before Sukuna used his cursed technique, but it's still impressive that he outran the fastest attack in JJK while simultaneously expanding the radius of his Simple Domain to include Higuruma.  
Soul Exchange CT: In Chapter 222, Yuji and Kusakabe switch bodies/souls. The switch is confirmed both in the dojo and in an aside where Kusakabe expresses his enjoyment of being in a younger body; outside of that, we don't know anything about this technique. It never reappears in the manga, and Gege doesn't explain how it works. Like with Simple Domain, each sorcerer has their own specific rules for how the body and soul interact and how their cursed technique ties into one, the other, or both. It isn't clear if Yuji inherited this technique or learned it, but there's no doubt that he mastered it under Kusakabe's guidance. It's worth considering the possibility he may have even learned it from Kusakabe himself. Gege left this scene intentionally vague and confusing, along with the many times New Shadow Style techniques are described only as "forbidden for outsiders." There are too many unknowns to rule it out.    
Other things that work in Kusakabe's favor:
The man KNOWS sorcery. He has extensive knowledge of cursed techniques, domains, and the uses and effects of cursed energy. This was made abundantly clear in the Sukuna vs Gojo fight, where he helped explain what was going on (because, let's be honest, even we weren't sure what was happening). Kusakabe's working knowledge is invaluable, which is one of the reasons he's a great teacher. Gojo is also an exceptional teacher, but he's on another level altogether and doesn't know the more practical aspects of sorcery that Kusakabe excels in.   
He's an excellent tactician. He played a crucial role in pre-planning for the Sukuna fight, creating backup plans for the backup plans. When things went sideways after Gojo's battle, he stepped up, and the other sorcerers followed his lead. He's a valuable source of guidance on and off the battlefield, identifying an opening, hitting strategic cues, and re-directing resources to support allies. He's also demonstrated an exceptional ability to adapt plans and strategies on the fly.  
So that brings us to the last panel -- where he's staring down at The King of Curses, asking himself if he's willing to fight. A lot of people say no, he won't, and brand Kusakabe as a coward, but I don't follow that train of thought. There is no doubt that he will risk his own life for those he loves, and he has proven that time and time again.  
He frees Panda from the isolation cell, and though he claims it's a way to repay Yaga for helping his sister and nephew, it's evident from other moments in the series that he holds a deep affection for Panda that extends beyond mere obligation.
A man who refused to enter platform BF5 for fear of encountering a special-grade curse later jumps in front of a special-grade technique cast by a special-grade sorcerer to protect Miwa.  
On multiple occasions, he tells Higuruma that he will do everything in his power to protect him, even if it means giving up his own life. He doesn't hesitate to jump in when he sees Higuruma struggling to keep up with Sukuna in hand-to-hand combat, shielding him with Simple Domain. He also sends Yuji to support Higuruma when he cannot do so himself.
Everyone seems to be forgetting that Kusakabe chose to be there; he's already been fighting, and he's still there. He made it clear that only those with RCT, those who wanted to die or didn't mind dying, should be the only ones going to confront Sukuna. Some sorcerers didn't go, but Kusakabe did. When he isn't supporting others on the battlefield, he's leading the teams on the sidelines, adjusting strategies and coordinating the next round of attacks. He wants to be there; otherwise, he would have left long before things reached this point.
There is no way of knowing if Kusakabe will win; I've given up trying to figure out how Gege's mind works. But I know he will fight.  
Need further proof? Let's zoom in on that last panel.  
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When drawing a katana, the sheath is positioned at an angle across the body, and the tsuba (handguard) is aligned with the center of the body. The sword is released from the sheath by pushing up on the tsuba with the non-draw hand and pulling it up and out with the draw hand. The index finger is relaxed until the sword reaches a point where it can be rotated for the cut.  
Even as Kusakabe thinks, "Is this really happening?" he's already decided to fight and is drawing his blade.
Whatever happens, we respect Kusakabe Atsuya in this house.
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boopysnoop · 4 months
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mr. sunflower 🌻
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boopysnoop · 8 months
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his one-sided love for life
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boopysnoop · 10 months
Hello everybody! I decided to start Tumblr 'cause I think Twitter has gone crazy So I decided to start with my JoJo fashion arts (probably most of the content here will be JoJo lol)
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boopysnoop · 1 year
Headcanon Bucciarati puts his wallet, keys, phone, and a framed picture of Abbacchio in his face. It’s where he keeps important things. 
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boopysnoop · 1 year
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More of my BruAbba Western AU 😊💖💖 I love practicing painting so I can make stuff like this 😭💖
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boopysnoop · 1 year
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MY FIRST REALISM ATTEMPT😭😭 Barely survived but I did it! Bruno Bucciarati but referenced/ face claimed from a photo of actress/singer Brandy Norwood 🥺 💖 ♥️ I tried to make it look like oke kf those 90s/2000s school photos LOL
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boopysnoop · 1 year
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Bruno/BruAbba art dump (with a few of my ocs thrown in there)
😊 been a whole since I've done a post about brunos hair!!
Also Brunos half sister is not named Piccolina, its just that someone told me it meant "little one" and now i can't shut up about it 🥺
I keep drawing split bangs bruno cuz he looks cool 😔
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boopysnoop · 1 year
Im rewatching JoJo and you can’t tell me Foo Fighters doesn’t smell rancid.
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boopysnoop · 1 year
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Trish Beheading Diavolo
commission for @noudenet​ , thank you!
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boopysnoop · 2 years
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Finding out Trish is a pop star in Purple Haze Feedback gave me a lot of feelings
Wasn’t originally supposed to be broken into frames, but I needed the text to be readable. Single image version below the cut anyway:
Keep reading
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boopysnoop · 2 years
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Ok I’ll start posting my art here again
This was my Secret Satan piece for @bootheghoul hosted by @dontneedadispenser! 🖤🧡 I looked up vintage horror and found these old covers were a perfect way to combine most of the prompts I received hehe
Halloween is all year if I have anything to say about it
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boopysnoop · 2 years
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not yet.
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boopysnoop · 2 years
normalize writing your self-insert into love triangle between them, your fav, and your 2nd fav/one of your lesser favs
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boopysnoop · 2 years
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“Shit, it’s Diego’s dinosaurs
they can track us by scent better than Soundman’s creations…
but wait, it looks like Soundman put something on them…
what did he write!?”
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