bootybest · 6 months
Gym Gas
You just finished your workout and headed to the lockers, getting ready to shower and head home. You walk over to your locker and open it, digging for your phone to make sure you didn’t miss anything. You put it back and grab a towel, getting ready to get in the shower. As you close your locker and look around, you only see one other guy in the locker room. He’s taking off his underwear slowly
He casually releases a baddy five second fart. It doesn’t take long for the smell to reach your nose, and you retch. You put a hand over your nose and try to escape the room before it gets any worse. The man noticed you and had a malicious smirk on his face. “Where do you think you’re going?” He walks over to the exit and blocks it, butt naked. His muscular body blocks the entire doorway and there’s no way out. He closes the locker room door and turns around, his butt facing the room. He strains for a second, then-
“Ahhhh” He sighs as another terrible fart enters the room. You start to cough at the smell and feel your legs start to get weak. You walk over to the man and try to push him out of the way. “I wouldn’t be so close to the blast zone” He chuckles.
He chuckles manically as your eyes start to water. You feel your body getting weak and fall down onto your knees, then fall backwards on the floor. The man turns around and smiles. He walks away from the door and stands above you. “Oh buddy, you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time” He smirks then turns around, and drops his full weight onto your body, sitting on your face. He twists his hips so you fall deeper into his crack and the smell is terrible. It’s musky as he obviously just finished a workout.
You hear the man chuckle as he grinds on your face. You’re only able to sit there and take it, as any efforts to leave would only make things worse.
Another huge fart leaves his ass and heads straight for your nose. You cough into his cheeks as he starts to ignore you, only attempting to fart more on your face.
A 10 second fart vibrate your face. “Oh that one had to me nasty” He starts laughing as he sits on your face
“Oh man, how much more can you take? Usually y’all are out by now”
He released a 30 second, humid fart that starts to choke the life out of you. He then starts to release small but powerful farts onto your face until he notices your body go limp. He gets up, leaving a streak and hairs across your face. He smiles at his work and takes a picture. He then grabs his used underwear, rubs it between his cheeks and released a couple farts on it, then lays it right under your nose.
This isn’t the last time you see him at the gym.
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bootybest · 6 months
I’m not good at coming up with ideas, but i’d be happy to write something if y’all have ideas. Also if you want a personal story hmu and we can talk 😉
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bootybest · 6 months
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Cole’s Cavern
You were walking down the hall, on your way out of school when Cole stops you in the hallway. He was a popular dude in the wrestling team who won almost every match.
“I’ll give you $20 if you beat me in a match” He says cockily. “What if I lose?” You reply. “Then you lose. You don’t owe me a dime.” He winks at you and it’s hard not to accept his offer. You needed some money and worst case scenario you lose a wrestling match.
You follow Cole into the school’s gym and set down your backpack. You walk over to the wrestling mat setup in the middle and start to stretch
Cole is on the other side, already in position to start. You finish your stretches and also get into position. It’s a little awkward since Cole’s wearing his singlet while you’re just in some casual clothes
“Ready?” He asks you. You nod your head and he starts to count down.
Cole runs at you and immediately pushes you to the ground. He smiles as he holds you down for a couple seconds, then declares his victory. You couldn’t even put up a fight, he’s much stronger and faster than you.
“Alright, time for your side of the bet.” He starts to chuckle as he rearranges so that he’s stomach down kn the mat, and grabs your head with his thighs. You’re confused and try to escape, but he has you tight
“And for the fun part.” He laugh as he starts to unzip his singlet, revealing his nasty, sweaty butt. You try even harder to escape, but it’s useless.
Cole starts to lower your head into his crack slowly. The smell starts to hit you and you gag slightly. Cole just chuckles as your face gets closer and closer. Soon, the tip of your nose is touching his cheeks
Suddenly, he slams your face deep into his ass and laughs as he twists his hips left to right, sinking your nose even deeper. “How’s it smell? But it’s great since I haven’t showered since the last tournament.” You start to cough at his raw smell alone
“Just wait little dude, it’s gonna get a whole lot worse.” He chuckles and you can heart his stomach start to rumble. He twists your head as deep as it can go into his ass, and then-
He sighs in relief as he crushes your head with his legs. The smell is absolutely horrible and you immediately start to gag. You push back against him, but his legs hold you in place. It starts to get hotter in his crack “Oh no buddy, you’re not leaving here for a while.”
Another fart hits you straight in the face. You feel your eyes start to water and you don’t know how much longer you can last. You start to claw at his chest, but he uses his hands to hold your arms down. “Double trouble for trying to escape bro.”
You start to get light headed from the fumes, and your mind starts racing. You try to figure a way out, but get distracted when a smell starts to hit your nose. It’s worse than anything from today and you realize he’s releasing a long SBD up your nose. You struggle to keep your eyes open until- “Lick my hole or it’s gonna get a lot worse” You’re shocked by his words and refuse. “You asked for it bro.”
A powerful fart vibrates the tip of your nose, and you think it lasts 20 seconds. You refuse to stick your tongue out and he starts to countdown. “Come on bro, you’re not gonna like what’s next if you don’t. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1… Alright man, your funeral.”
A minute long fart comes from his ass and straight into your nose. You start to pass out halfway through but he continues. He keeps you in his cavern for a couple minutes, letting go of his gas. He groans and uses his hands to shake your head in his ass. He sighs as he stands up and takes off his singlet, stuffing it in your mouth. He chuckles as he takes a picture on your phone. He leaves you a text
“Meet me here every Friday until you win a match. Or else..”
You dread going to school for the rest of the year
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bootybest · 1 year
Your Gassy Neighbor
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You just moved in to your new neighborhood so you could live closer to your job. You never really talked to the people who lived near you, as you liked to keep to yourself. After a couple weeks of moving all your stuff in and unpacking, you’re finally all settled in.
You’d always seen a man working in his yard, mowing his lawn or working on his car, but never talked to him. One day, you heard a knock on you door.
“Hey buddy, I saw you just moved in and wanted to give you a warm welcome to the neighborhood.” The man smiled at you. “The names Chuck by the way.” He stuck his hand out towards you for a handshake. You grabbed his hand and felt his strong grip.
“Well, I won’t be in your hair. Just wanted to see the man who just moved in.” He let go of your hand. “Although, I wanted you to meet a friend of mine.” His innocent smile turned more into a grin. He turns around to show you his two meaty globes constrained in his jeans. “His name is Mr. Buttsworth, and I think he wants to say hi.” Chuck smiles down at his butt as he releases a thundering fart.
He grunts as he pushes it all out. The smell is intoxicating, and you feel yourself start to cry. “I see his words touched your litter heart.” Chuck chuckles as he closes the door behind himself.
You go to bed that night, only thinking about Chuck’s juicy ass and the power it holds over you. Thinking about whatever you would do to shove your nose up his hole and let him fart for hours. You fall asleep thinking about the heaven inside his ass.
You wake up the next day and go outside to get the mail. As you're walking down your yard, you see Chuck mowing the lawn in nothing but some tight American flag underwear. He waves high and starts walking up to you. You can’t help but stare at the bulge he has.
“Hey buddy, the mail don't usually come until the afternoon.” He tells you while he walks closer. “But I know something that’s always coming to you.” He smiles and you think you know what he means. He comes over, grabs the back of your head, and shoves it up his sweaty crack. “Working hard really helps these come out, you know.”
A silent fart turned into a powerful one, making your nose vibrate while your face is stuck inside his ass. You pretend to push away, but his grip is strong. “Oh buddy, I ain’t letting you out for a hot minute. I gotta put these farts somewhere.”
He moans as a third fart slips out his ass. He lets go of your head and you fall onto the ground, staring up at his huge ass as he stands over you. He smiles down at you and sees your boner. “I see your little friend likes the company of Mr. Buttsworth, so why don’t we set up a play date! I’ll take him home, don’t worry.” Chuck then squats down onto your head and lets out a huge, disgusting fart.
You black out under his hot ass.
Later, you wake up in a strangers room, and try to get up. But your arms are tied to the bed. Your legs are too, and you're trapped here. You see a pair of soaked boxers on the floor, the same ones that Chuck was wearing earlier.
“Morning sunshine.” You look over at Chuck drinking a beer in a chair next to the bed. “There’s only two things that make me get a lot of gas.” He pats his stomach. “Beer, and like I said earlier, working hard.” He lets out a burp after taking a sip from the beer bottle in his hand. “And you’re here to smell all of it.” He chuckles and grins as he gets up from his chair. “But I think you want the full effect of what I can give you, so we’re gonna remove some barriers.” He smiles as he unbuckles his belt, and pulls down his jeans. He isn’t wearing any underwear. Then he pulls off his shirt. “This is gonna be fun”.
He jumps onto the bed and walks up to the bed frame. He looks down over you, and lets out a smelly, gross burp right in your face
He sighs and finishes off his beer. “Let’s get this party started. First, we’ll let you talk to Mr. Buttsworth.” He lays down next to you, although his head is next to your feet now. He turns to his side so your face is right next to his toned ass. He then groans a little as he pushes out an ungodly fart.
“Ahh fuck yeah.”
“Mr. Buttsworth seems to have a lot to talk about today.”
“What’s that Mr. Buttsworth? You want to give him a big hug? Of course!” Chuck gets up and walks over to your head. He lowers his fat ass onto your face and puts his full weight down. “Wow Mr. Buttsworth, you really love him don’t you?”
Just then, you see Chuck’s hole open and-
The loudest, smelliest fart of the day went straight up your nose, making it burn and you start to cry again. Chuck just chuckles as he lets out another fart onto your face. The boner that had been growing in your pants the entire day finally ended as you came inside your paints, soaking them.
“Damn baby, you really do love my gas.” Chuck says as his sweaty ass peels off your face. “In that case, why don’t you come over some time and hear what Mr. Buttsworth has to say.” He smacks his ass and it jiggles.
You knew this wasn’t the last time you’d me talking to Mr. Buttsworth
(Thanks for reading, this is my first ever story and if you could comment and like that would be great!)
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