br4influids 2 years
Solomon offered you some food he made. You ate it and POOF you were a 10 year old child again.
- He ended up being the one to take care of you scine he raised the others.
- You seemed to be a rather quiet 10 year old.
- "MC, would you like some food?" He asks while he gets up to make lunch.
- "I can have food?" You said and looked back at your D.D.D waiting for a response.
- He's pissed off but tries to not show it.
- "What do you mean? Of course you can have food." He says gently
- "It's just dad wouldn't let me eat." You said still looking at the D.D.D
- "You can eat as much as you want, and if you want something specific to eat I'll get it for you."
- He is using you for a brand new scheme.
- "Alright I want you to go into Lucifer's office and grab the paper on the left side of his desk." Mammon says and snickers a little.
- You look at him with fear in your eyes. "Won't he be mad? When dad gets mad he hits us."
- Now Mammon looks at you horrified.
-When you turn back he dosen't even know how to bring it up to you. But when he does you explain what life in the human world has been like for you, and he's not letting you go back.
- You're playing games with him and he starts screaming "STUPID FUCKING GAME!"
- You flinch and tears start streaming down your face but you continue playing trying to ignore it.
- "MC! Are you okay?" He looks at your small body shaking but you're still playing the game.
- "Yeah! When dad starts screming he hurts mommy." You say trying to make your voice sound all happy, but there's still tears streaming down your face.
- Poor boy is frozen in fear and anger.
- "But it's okay, mommy is somewhere better now!"
- He dosen't bring this up after that, he's keeping your secret.
- You're watching a show with him and something happened making him reach out to you abruptly for a hug.
- You flinched back and started hyperventilating cowering on the other side of the couch from him.
- Who the fuck did this to you? You're a child.
- He calms you down and questions you when you're back to normal.
- He was touching your little body because you were so small, it wasn't inappropriate touches at all either.
- "Are you going to just get it over with or what?" You say sounding annoyed but looking afraid.
- "Get what over with darling?" He looks at you and tilts his head like a puppy.
- "Oh don't play dumb, the thing that hurts." You said pointing at his pants.
- He's so confused until you begin to start undressing infront of him.
- "Sweetie quit that." He says gently, finally understanding what happened to you as a child.
- "Who did this thing with you?" He lowers himself to your level and looks you in the eyes while holding your small face.
- "Dad."
- He hugs you so tightly and probably starts crying.
- He won't confront you about this incident when you're back to normal, he'll wait for you to address it.
- He knows your a kid right now but he asks you if you can cook.
- "Yeah, I cook for myself all the time. Dad yells at me when I ask him for food."
- He gave you a hug and asked when your dad was like
- "He's scary, he hits us. I'm the oldest so I need to care for the younger ones."
- He's horrified "What about your mom?" He asks
- "She works all the time."
- when you're back to normal he asks you about it and will not let you go back there and will invite your siblings to the devildom to stay as well.
- You go to wake him up for dinner but when you tap him arm you start crying.
- "MC? Why are you so tiny?" He begins.
- "Hey why are you crying?"
- "Are going to hit me? I'm sorry for waking you up but dinner is ready." You say quickly and run out of the room.
- He just woke up and takes a moment to process what just happened.
- He finds you when you're back to normal again and asks what that was all about.
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br4influids 2 years
I'm writing this as someone who was sexually abused by my dad, and I'm purely writing this for comfort, and I'm hoping if you relate in any way shape or form you're able to find some comfort in this as well. BUT THIS MAY BE A BIT GRAPHIC SO BE WARNED.
Summary: Asmo throws you into a panic attack
You were lying in bed with your boyfriend he was cuddling you while you just kinda layed there letting it happen. He had been wondering why you wouldn't let him see your body, why you flinched when he tried touching you. He thinks he knows why, but he can't confirm it.
Asmo had put his hand under your shirt which is what started it all. You flinch away and move to the other side of the bed. Eyes going blurry, breathing speeding up. Shit. Not here you think to yourself. Asmodeus is lost in thought wondering if he did anything wrong, until he heard the sobs comming from your shaking form.
"Oh, honey.. look at me." He turns you to face him and he sees the fear in your eyes. His worries were confirmed when he looked at you.
He gently takes your hands and looks you in the eyes.
"Darling, I don't know who did this to you. But I would NEVER do anything to you without your consent." He looks deeply into your eyes and realizes how quickly you're breathing.
"Here breathe with me." He starts taking deep breaths in and out, until you're ready to talk.
"Would you like to tell me who did this?" He asks gently.
"I don't want him to go to prison.." you admit to the demon.
"I won't tell anyone I promise." He says and holds out his pinky for a pinky promise. You shake pinkies and begin.
"It was my dad, I was 10. He never actually did anything. But I've had to slap his hand away from me far too many times." You say to him.
"My darling, you should've told me sooner. I wouldn't have even tried making those advancements if I knew that!" He says gently but reassuringly.
"Do... do you still live with him, back in the human realm I mean?" He sounds even more worried. Tears are forming again while you nod a yes to answer his question.
"You're not going back there."
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br4influids 2 years
Obey me with a MC sexually abused by their father PART 2
Part 1
I'm pretty sure Barbatos has told him about your past.
So he knows you've been through hell and back
(yes I just said that)
One night he had a couple sips of Demonius and it wasn't much but you could smell it.
You excused yourself and locked yourself in the bathroom to wait the party out.
About 10 minutes after you went in there a worried Barbatos began knocking on the door. Asking if you were alright and Dia was worried about you.
You didn't answer, so he just teleported Diavolo into the bathroom to comfort you.
'MC, darling are you okay?' He sees you on the bathroom floor face in the palms of your hands. And you nod.
'Is this because of me?' He asks gently knowing he shouldn't have underestimated the noses of humans and knowing he shouldn't have drank that Demonius.
He keeps his distance so you wont have to smell it and trigger you again.
'MC, talk to me sweetheart. What's bothering you?'
You're looking into his eyes now tears still dripping down your face but your breathing is normal now.
You tell him what had happened to you and you smiled at him the entire time. A weak, sad, smile.
He's still keeping his distance but tells you 'Darling, I'll never have another sip of alcohol again. I'd never intentionally hurt you the way he did.'
He'd ask you to stay and rule the Devildom with him.
He's seen it all with his own eyes.
He's seen the life you were living and he's glad that you're here in the Devildom where you're safe..er?
It was the first night you stayed at the castle and you got placed in a room with Asmo and Simeon.
Asmo kept cuddling with you and you had to leave the room. You were walking around the castle when Barbatos noticed you.
'Is everything alright MC?' He asks
'Yeah, sorry just thinking.' You say to him with a small smile on your face.
'What were you thinking about?' He knows, but he assumes you'd like an ear to talk to.
You decide to tell this random demon everything, and how Asmo wouldn't stop touching you.
'I'm so sorry you had to experience such a traumatic childhood. And if you'd like I'll sleep on the sofa and you can take my bed.' He says with a gentle reassuring smile on his face.
You accept his offer and he watches you very closely from that day forward.
You got into a fight with Lucifer and left to go to Purgatory hall.
You arrive and Luke answers the door seeing you crying.
'MC, did those horrible demons hurt you?' He asks you protectively and lets you in. He gives you a blanket and gets you to sit on the sofa.
Luke goes to grab Simeon.
Simeon walks in
'Oh, MC..' He walks up to you and kneels down in-front of you to cup your face in his gloved hand.
'What happened my little lamb?' He asks you gently
You let it all slide past your lips. All the things you've been bottling up.
'I'm glad you told me this, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.' He wraps his arms around you and squeezes you tightly.
His hug was warm and amazing.
Man didn't notice anything until he fed you a cookie with some weird truth potion in it.
'What was life in the 21st century like?' He's old and hasn't been to the human realm in quite some time so he's curious to know what it was like.
That was a mistake.
You began crying
And told him every little detail about everything that happened to you. The bullying the abuse reliving all the memories.
He looked at you in horror. Well that's not what he expected.
'God, I'm so so sorry for making you relive that MC.'
He wraps you up in his arms for a hug.
He may not care much but he's not that horrible.
He's now there to protect you always.
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br4influids 2 years
Obey Me with a MC who was sexually abused by their dad. PART 1
Just thinking about it makes me sick. Thinking about sex makes me sick. Thinking about it happening again makes me sick.
Part 2
You're always flinching when he gets too close. It makes him sad, and angry at the same time. He can just tell something had happened in the human realm.
You two were already in a relationship and he went to finally kiss you when you flinched away and tears were rolling down your cheeks.
Internally he's panicking. Externally he remains calm.
'I'm sorry Lucifer I'm really sorry.' You sound like a broken record on repeat apologizing over and over again.
His heart is breaking into pieces seeing you like this, he can't even imagine what had happened to you.
He takes your hands in his. 'Look at me MC. I will NEVER hurt you. I don't know what you've been through but I wouldn't dare lay a hand on you without consent. And if you want to talk, I'll always lend you an ear.'
If you don't want to open up about it, he's alright with that.
If you open up to him and let it all slip telling him about all the touches, all the gross talk, the things you've seen. You start crying, ignoring the tears you continue.
He notices you crying again and sits you down on his bed still listening. He's furious that a father could do that to his own child.
'I mean he's still my dad, I still love him. But he's hurt me many times.' You conclude your story and you're in his arms.
'I'm not letting you go back there MC. Would you do me the honor and stay here in the Devildom MC?'
If you agree he'll take his time to show you how much he loves you platonically or romantically.
If you disagree, he's watching your father very closely.
He's oblivious to everyone else's problems but his own. So he doesn't notice the flinching when he gets to loud. He doesn't notice the pain in your eyes when he steals your stuff or how you wont stand up for yourself.
But a few months into the exchange program SPOILERS when Belphie killed you he finally realized how you blindly trusted people. That's when he started watching you closer.
He noticed your poor eating habits, he noticed the way you'd accept insults from lower demons, he noticed the way you'd go to the bathroom when someone would say something you didn't like and how you came back with red puffy eyes.
'Hey, Huma-- MC. Are you alright? Just know you can't lie to the great Mammon!'
'I'm alright Mammon, thank you for asking.' You say with the weakest smile and you begin walking back to your room, but he grabs your arm.
'I said you couldn't lie to the great Mammon. Talk to me, it's my job to make sure the exchange student is taken care of.' He cares a lot and you can see the worry in his eyes.
You basically have no choice but to tell him.
You decide to tell him about the things you've seen and heard from your own drunk dad. And how he blamed you for the source of all your problems. And how he blamed you for drinking so much.
He was speechless. How could he not have noticed something so horrible had happened to HIS human.
He wraps his arms around you and squeezes you VERY tightly as you cried into his shoulder.
You both stood there like that for a good 10 minutes.
He wasn't crying (yes he was)
'MC, I love you so much. how could a guy so something like that to his own child? I'm here to protect you now.'
He's noticed how you avoided him. He just thinks its because he's a 'yucky otaku' but in reality he just reminds you of your dad after the TSL incident
When you finally warm up to him you hang out in his room a lot to play games with him.
When one day he rages and throws his controller against the wall.
You flinch and run off to his bathroom to hide while he calmed down.
He wasn't that angry but from your experiences it was best to just get out of the way.
He opens the bathroom to see your form balled up in the corner of the room, hands over your ears head in between your knees shaking.
He freezes, he doesn't know what to do.
You look up and meet his gaze and he sees the panic in your eyes. He knows this all too well, but he doesn't know how to handle it so he gets Satan or Lucifer to help instead.
When you're calmed down he'll sit in his bathtub with you and talk to you for a bit.
You tell him what happened and he looks shocked.
'MC, if you told me sooner I'd be calmer around you. I'm sorry.' He looks at you but can't meet your gaze.
'You didn't know though, its alright.' You punch him in the arm playfully and you laugh a little bit as if not to worry him. But that just worried him more.
'MC are you alright? I mean thats a lot for a normie to go through.'
You nod 'It was a long time ago, those wounds just have to heal.'
He nods and you both watch TSL all night.
Like Lucifer, he notices it all. But unlike Lucifer he straight up brings you to his room to ask you about it.
You decide to downplay the entire thing to him the first time saying you had just had bad experiences in the human realm. While he knows that wasn't all he lets you go and doesn't push you any farther.
But one night you're reading in the library and have a flashback reliving the moment. Not here of all places why here? Satan is there and notices the difference in your body language.
'MC are you okay? Something seems a little off?' He asks
You don't respond and he starts to worry. You're too busy fighting off these horrible flashbacks.
He's starting to worry a lot more when he sees you starting to tremble.
He gets up and walks up to you slowly and crouching down in front of you to see tears falling from your face. He sees the fear in your eyes.
'Oh MC.' He says sadly. He knows exactly what's happening to you.
He gently takes your hands in his.
'MC, look at me. Its all okay. You're here now. You're safe.' He says quietly as to not scare you more.
Once you've snapped out of it he asks what really happened to you.
You tell him everything.
He's fighting the urge to go up to the human realm and torture your father until his demise.
'He's still my dad though.' Saying that you start crying again.
'No he's not MC. If you want a dad you can take Lucifer. That man you're talking about is NOT your dad.'
With that you chuckled a little and hugged him.
He is also one to know.
You're genuinely afraid of Asmo and he knows it. Just being around him makes you feel sick.
You wish it wasn't that way but it just is.
And it hurts both of you.
You eventually get closer with him still feeling sick when he touches you too much.
And one night he came back from partying with the smell of alcohol on him. He went to kiss your cheek and you backed away.
'MC why wont you just accept my affection?' He says sounding hurt but there's a tone of anger that scares you.
Voice wobbling and tears prickling with tears 'Because you're drunk Asmo.' And you ran to your room crying passing Satan who saw you crying and running out of Asmo's room.
He's attacking Asmo and asking what he did but Asmo doesn't know, he didn't know what he did and it was killing him all night.
In the morning he was hungover but still went to your room to apologize for whatever he did and ask what happened.
When he asks you spill it all to him.
He's crying with you.
'MC, honey I would never do anything to you without your consent.'
He'd be much more clingy watching to make sure nothing bad would happen to you.
He doesn't notice until you are watching a movie with him one night and he screams at a scary part. Which doesn't normally happen so he was shocked to see you flinch and you excused yourself to the bathroom.
When you had been in there for 20 minutes he went to check on you. He knocks on the door 3 times with no response and he starts to worry.
'MC, I'm coming in.' The door was locked. Beel breaks the hinges off the door and sees you in the corner of the bathroom curled up in a ball shaking.
'MC?' He looks at you in confusion and you look at him with fear in your eyes.
'MC what's wrong?' He asks while walking up to you slowly as if you were a scared cat.
'It's nothing Beel. Just thinking about something that happened back in the human realm.'
he reaches out a hand to help you off the ground.
'Lets go to bed MC, you seem sleepy.' And he walks with you back to your room.
If you talk to him when you get there he feels horrible for scaring you.
But now that he knows, he's your personal body guard and he won't let Lucifer send you back there.
Don't think he didn't notice the ways you reacted when he was killing you. Those weren't normal reactions if he's being honest.
So when he's getting to know you afterwards he's watching you closely.
Noting every time you flinch, every comment that makes you stop eating, and every time your eyes fill with tears when someone gets too close.
He avoids all of those things but when he and Lucifer were arguing he noticed you leave the room and he followed you.
Followed you to your room where he saw you on the ground rocking back and forth while covering your ears and your eyes squeezed shut.
The sight broke his heart, shattered it to pieces like a piece of glass.
He was on the ground with you in an instant.
He knows what horrible flashbacks are like, he's experienced it before.
'Hey, hey look at me!' He says panicking slightly but trying to keep his cool to not freak you out more.
'Here, put your hand on my chest and breathe with me.' he guides your hand to his chest to let you feel his breathing but you pull your hand away not wanting to touch him.
'You... you can talk to me you know.' he says in a soothing quiet voice.
You decide to tell him about life in the human realm and he feels like shit for everything he put you through.
He won't let anything bad happen to you ever again. He'll never leave your side.
I'll make a part 2 of side characters later!
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br4influids 2 years
How the Obey Me brothers would react to me.
So I'm going to go ahead and put y'all in my shoes. I'm a chronically ill 16 year old, I've been diagnosed with Autism ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder. I tend to trust the wrong people like with my life. I struggle with bone marrow failure resulting in a lot of fainting but like while i'm still conscious I just can't see... or stand. Alright.
You arrived in the Devildom and you're absolutely terrified, like scared shitless. You're shaking and they can 1000% smell your fear. But you power through it and speak to these odd demons.
Man thinks he got the wrong human.
This human is going to get killed. They just asked no questions and followed a demon home.
After a while he gets to know your personality and loves your dark humor.
He WILL let you follow him around like a lost puppy, you follow directions way better than any of his brothers.
He loves that he only has to scold you once and you'll never do it again. (He doesn't realize thats only because you're terrified)
This man is always watching you. These awful demons would love to take advantage of your blind trust.
Lucifer learns what situations you're okay in and when he needs to step in and help.
He would make sure you got all your meds on time.
He's probably laughing at this stupid, weak human at first.
He starts talking to you and realizes you're kinda cool... I mean no you're not. (Little tsunedere boy)
He would not leave you alone
Yes, you can follow me again. BUT it's only because I was trusted to watch you.
He'd randomly burst into your room only to find the countless pill bottles on your bedframe. He'd freak out and ask you about them so you explained your "wonderful" disease to him.
Man is watching you even closer now.
Bitch if you pass out in front of him and say your normal "I'm alright" line to him he'd be like WTF YOU'RE NOT "ALRIGHT"
The man loves you.
Hey, you're not a normie? You watch anime and stream on Twitch.tv???????
Y'all are binging anime 24/7 and playing fucking Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion while streaming together.
His room is an actual sensory heaven
(I cant think of much more for Levi)
he loves the fact that you do absolutely nothing to stop him when he hugs you, you just kinda stand there and accept it.
He'll pamper you
He'll brush your curly short hair and style it.
Days you're in pain or too fatuiged to move you're getting special treatment. Hes giving you a warm melatonin bath, hes taking care of your hair and skin. he's giving you his most comfortable silk pyjamas.
Throwing pill bottles at you when you need them, he keeps them in his purse for you.
Hes dragging you around everywhere with him because he knows you have separation anxiety. And when you're out with him hes not letting go of your hand.
He's done research on all your diagnosis' and medications.
He's ready to be the one to remind you about your meds.
Satan is the one to get called when you fucking fall over and basically pass out.
Oh, you like reading? Whats your favorite book?
He'll read you to sleep on the nights you can't sleep.
You're struggling to write an essay because its all about emotions which you can't explain? He's got your back.
He's ready to have a debate with the teacher to get you out of a presentation.
If you like cats just as much as he does you're going to get an emotional support cat for the house.
Oh, someone tried to take advantage of you? I'll be right back :)
Why does this human keep forgetting to eat?
You're tired? I can carry you the rest of the way.
Excercise raises Dopamine levels, come work out with me!
You pass out he'll probably offer you food.
You're scared of the other demons? He'll keep them away from you :)
He's going to protect you from any anxiety triggers
Humans don't normally sleep this much right?
You explain your illness and he's helping you sleep on nights that you can't.
Belphie will set reminders on your D.D.D. to remind you to take your meds.
He'll hold your hand when out in public and try to shield you from any unwanted attention.
He is a little worried about how quickly your trust built with him even after he killed you. So he's sticking by your side at all times.
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br4influids 2 years
So I should probably introduce myself.
Hello, my name is Rain. I'm a Junior in high school. I am genderfluid. I'm a pretty big Obey me, and Mystic Messenger fan. I'm autistic I've also been diagnosed with General anxiety disorder and ADHD. I like writing but I don't really like sharing it with anyone. Uh that's all about me! :)
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br4influids 2 years
Alright so I'm going to do a second one but only with Zen and Saeyoung MC with ADHD.
Zen thinks it's so cute how unorganized you are. (Zen you're not helping) He will clean up every mess you make. He also thinks it's adorable how you stare into space, how you're hyper one moment and Exausted the next. But the thing he dosent like is how you forget to eat. He dosen't mind when you eat too much. But when you forget to eat He prepares a big meal for you and forces you to stop what you're doing to eat. If you get frustrated while trying to do your work because you keep zoning out he'll be sitting right next to you ready to help. Zen will also try to get you into a good phycologist to get you medication. (Only if you want it) Zen is amazing at pampering you and making sure you're taking care of yourself. If you're having a really bad day this man will run you a bubble bath and put you in there himself. He tells you how much he loves you daily.
You can't convince me that he dosen't have ADHD. You both get so fixated on random tasks and it's getting out of hand. Vanderwood noticed how you guys were fixated on studying space. He had to do something. (Obviously I mean its Ms Vanderwood.) Vanderwood would snap you both out of your little world. Vanderwood would probably be the one to force you both on medication tbh.
0 notes
br4influids 2 years
Alright I want to start writing rfa reactions so I'm going to start it off with anemic MC
You were hanging out with Yoosung on a park bench talking and watching birds. It was getting dark and you both decided to head home. You stood up and as normal your vision goes black. Your knees feel week and you topple over like a Jenga tower. You were still conscious, you could hear everything. Yoosung got down on the ground with you and moved your head onto his lap. He was freaking out but because he's a vet he knows what to do. Your vision comes back to you and you thank him. You explained that you're anemic, he asked many questions and watched you very closely. If you take iron supplements he'll give you your meds. He'll cook you iron rich foods and he'll watch you closely.
Ok, you are terrified to tell Zen that you're anemic even though it's not a big deal. Zen will make it a big deal. You had managed to make it this long without him noticing. But one day you went to one of his musicals and once it was over you stood up to go tell him how good he did and your vision went black. Your knees started shaking and you fell over. When you came back to Zen was over you holding your head in his hands crying. The audience was being held back by security. When you realized what had happened you apologized to Zen for causing so much commotion. Of course, Zen was like why the fuck are you apologizing? And you explain that you're anemic. Zen will put you on iron supplements and force you to eat healthier. He will also be watching you at all times. No like he becomes your personal stalker. If it happens again he carries you bridal style to bed tucks you in and dosent let you leave bed for the rest of the day.
Seven already knew from your medical files. He reminds you to take your meds and will call you if he sees you fall over on the cctv. But one time you were doing some chores and you fell and hit your head on the bedside table and Seven rushed over in one of his babies. He found you unconscious on the floor. He picked you up and layed you down on the bed. He didn't want to call an ambulance and for you to freak out so he waited for you to wake up. When you woke up Seven was right by your side on his laptop hacking. He noticed you woke up and handed you a bottle of water telling you that you needed to stay hydrated. He asked if you'd like to go see a doctor if you did he'd drive you there. If not he'd stay by your side until you were feeling better.
You do not want to tell him. He will be so dramatic, for a good reason though. You were in his penthouse one night you were lying in bed watching TV with Jumin and Elly and you decided that you were going to get up for a glass of water. You sit up and slide off the bed when.. shit.. your legs collapse out from under you. "I'm alright." Jumin jumps out of bed and helps you up He sits you down and asks what happened. You reluctantly tell him and he is calling his personal doctor immediately. Pays for all the best meds and has the chef make food rich in Iron. He won't let you out of bed for the next day and decides to take the day off to pamper you. He will never let that happen again and is super observant. If you start leaning on him while standing he will take you somewhere to sit.
Oh she knows. Trust me, she knows. She noticed all the symptoms so when you begin to fall over she catches you and sits you down. She's ready with supplements and lots of food rich in Iron. She makes you limit how much coffee you drink (in my experience coffee makes me pass out. A lot.) And she takes note of all your symptoms so she knows when you're about to go down. She sets reminders on her phone to give you meds and when you have doctors appointments. She will pamper you whenever you're having a bad day.
Sorry this wasn't great this was my first time actually trying to write something like this
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