This is literally so sweet- Iā€™m sobbing šŸ˜­
Aww, she seems to like you~ļæ¼
Her eyes fill up with awe as she sees the kitten lay on his lap peacefully while he pet her. This was once in a blue moon event and she was savouring every bit of it
Mhm, if you donā€™t mind could you leave her at my dorm? Iā€™ll buy her some cat food so she doesnā€™t get hungry
She glances at them for the last time then turns around
Bye kitty kitty, Bye Zayne!
He frowns at her teasing, choosing to stay silent and simply enjoy petting the kitten. He keeps looking up at her to check if she's leaving.
To his relief, she gives him some instructions before walking away.
I will bring her there. ...Goodbye.
His eyes follow her out of the door, until he's sure she's gone. Then, he picks up the kitten and lifts her to his face to give her a gentle kiss on her head.
You're very cute...
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Aww, is someone scared? Blows him a kiss Bye hun, donā€™t hit the door on your way out. Iā€™ll miss you ;)
Is there anyone, you havenā€™t given a death glare to or looked at them in a way like they were the scum beneath your feet? Or is it just you being a fucking bitch? :)
(I donā€™t why, but I wanted to start beef with CS Zayne so bad)
Were you talking to me or yourself? You're clearly not mentally sound enough, I wouldn't put it past you to be randomly speaking out loud to yourself.
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I love that you immediately started beef with university Zayne šŸ¤£ I'm howling
It was my rightful duty to:))
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Hun, the last time you were humble about anything to anyone was when dinosaurs were alive. And Yā€™know what? Youā€™re right, my bad, I shouldā€™ve considered that itā€™s not easy to fit something as basic as humility in your schedule of being an insufferable and arrogant asshole :)
Is there anyone, you havenā€™t given a death glare to or looked at them in a way like they were the scum beneath your feet? Or is it just you being a fucking bitch? :)
(I donā€™t why, but I wanted to start beef with CS Zayne so bad)
Were you talking to me or yourself? You're clearly not mentally sound enough, I wouldn't put it past you to be randomly speaking out loud to yourself.
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Jealous of your confidence? Please, I'm too busy having a life to even notice your overinflated ego- There is a fine line between confidence and delusionā€¦ and honey, youā€™re tap dancing all over it. Maybe try being humble for a change, it might suit you better.
(Please tell me to stop, when itā€™s too much. I tend to be overbearing at times ;-;)
Is there anyone, you havenā€™t given a death glare to or looked at them in a way like they were the scum beneath your feet? Or is it just you being a fucking bitch? :)
(I donā€™t why, but I wanted to start beef with CS Zayne so bad)
Were you talking to me or yourself? You're clearly not mentally sound enough, I wouldn't put it past you to be randomly speaking out loud to yourself.
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Aww, was that supposed hurt me? Please,, I have butter knifes at home sharper than insults like that- secondly I can assure you the word ā€˜bitchā€™ can only be referred to only one black-haired stuck up Bigfoot between the two of us-
Is there anyone, you havenā€™t given a death glare to or looked at them in a way like they were the scum beneath your feet? Or is it just you being a fucking bitch? :)
(I donā€™t why, but I wanted to start beef with CS Zayne so bad)
Were you talking to me or yourself? You're clearly not mentally sound enough, I wouldn't put it past you to be randomly speaking out loud to yourself.
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She feigns a pout he denies any connection with the man.
Is that so?
She grabbed the gun that was discarded on the ground- a Glock 42. She fiddled with the black matte gun, spinning around her fingers, before finally stopping and placing it against the dipshitā€™s head.
What a pity~
She shoots and with a loud bang the body falls limp with blood trailing off its head. She looks back up to him with an amused smile.
Here you go, love
She hands him a handkerchief
Would want your pretty self to get dirty, now would I?
She teased
Hello sweet cheeks~
She blows him a kiss as she spots him across the corner of the otherwise solidarity garage. A small smirk on her face.
Long time no see; Miss me?~
Her smirk falls from her face only to be replaced my an unamused look as she hears a groan from the scum beneath her feet.
Ahh, that reminds me- this shit yours?
She lifts up his head by her his hair while her foot presses down on the manā€™s back.
Idiot, tried to spy on the base and gather intel-
She yanks his head only for him to let out another groan
A fucking rookie, couldnā€™t even make it past the guards
(Iā€™m so sorry this is so long, but both of them in rival? gangs make me go- šŸ—£ļø)
"hey there, sweetheart." he answers back in a low tone, toying with his knife.
rafayel emerges from the shadows and sighs when he points to the man she was torturing and arches a brow. approaching the tortured male, he crouches down and grips his chin. turning the male's head left and right before laughing, the back of his hand resting on top of the male's head before he's slamming it down against the concrete before easing back slightly.
he takes his knife and uses the tip to tilt the man's head up from under his chin, observing his fucked up face as he drifts his gaze up to her. he moves the knife to slice along the underside of the male's jaw as he pulls his knife away, flipping it along his fingers as flames surround the weapon, his blueish-pink eyes glowing.
"yeah, 'cause the fucker's a triple agent." he drawls out, bored of the entire situation as he looks down to the pathetic male, in a swift movement he slams his foot against the side of his face. he smushes the male's head against the concrete beneath his shoe as he leans over towards her. "lack of trainin', shit with guns and knives, no sense of being stealthy and the dude didn't even realize he was bein' followed. the fuck you think he would be one of mine? have fun with that, though."
he eases back and feigns a sigh when he sees some blood on his shoes. "damn, and i just bought these."
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@caleb-pilot is it me or does it feel like heā€™s cheating??
@zayne-snowman meet me at the pool hall. Saturday night, loser pays the tab-
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@zayne-snowman heā€™s stealing your girl I tell you āœ‹
Of course, of course dr. Carter
She falters for a second as he kisses the back of my hand, but regain composure just as quick with a confident smile
I hear that youā€™re the best at your job :)
And your research about protocores is really fascinating, is it true people can have a longer life expectancy due to it?
My my, that is realising amazing
She seemed genuinely amazed and keen to his line of work
he smirks, slim eyes filling with mischiefā€”
me the best? ah no no, that goes to your night time friend over there, this is merely childā€™s play in comparison.
ā€”he has a hand to his chest, fake curtsey and all as he listens to her compliments regarding his endeavors, now at full height before her
of course its true. itā€™d be counterproductive of me to dedicate my time to failures now wouldnā€™t it?
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brokenbytheircursedlove Ā· 2 months
Hun, it means to fuck someone
A new patient saw me and then turned to her friend and said "I took him to my penthouse and I freaked it". Does anyone know what that means?
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brokenbytheircursedlove Ā· 2 months
*Sighs and whispers the meaning into his ear*
A new patient saw me and then turned to her friend and said "I took him to my penthouse and I freaked it". Does anyone know what that means?
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brokenbytheircursedlove Ā· 2 months
Zayne, loveā€¦
A new patient saw me and then turned to her friend and said "I took him to my penthouse and I freaked it". Does anyone know what that means?
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brokenbytheircursedlove Ā· 4 months
Love and Deepspace: The Story So Far Part 1
A summary of everything that has happened in the main story thus far. Obviously, spoilers below the cut.
See Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
2048 Story begins with MC being initiated as a Hunter in the Hunter's Association. MC is about 21-22, and her Evol has to do with Resonance, Anhaunsen Class. Rafayel is (probably) 24, Fire Evol. Zayne is 27, Ice Evol. Xavier claims to be 23, Light Evol. Traceback II is approaching the event horizon and entering the black hole.
Day 1 (Given the blooming trees, it appears to be spring):
MC meets Xavier on her first mission as a Hunter in an abandoned protocore research facility. He is in a trap set for him, surrounded by light Wanderers. MC helps him defeat them.
MC is accepted into Captain Jenna's Alpha team. Tara is accepted into Data Analysis, whose Captain is Andrew.
MC meets Rafayel briefly at a fishing game in Azure Square near the Hunter's Association HQ. He catches a red Flammula from Lemuria corner, and she gives it to him to take home.
MC has a doctor's appointment with Zayne. He has just returned from a trip to the Arctic.
MC returns to her apartment. There is a storm outside. She has a call with Caleb and talks about how they plan to have dinner with Grandma Josephine at the end of the month. After the call, she encounters a strange glowing eye that vanishes outside her apartment window that night.
Day 2:Ā 
The next day, MC has her first day on the Alpha team at UNICORN HQ. Nero is one of her teammates and has extensive knowledge of Wanderers. He begins to look into the eye she saw. MC is assigned her first solo mission: to find out if there are Wanderers in the home of Henry Raymond.
On the way to Raymond's house, MC finds Zayne with his car broken down. He is Raymond's doctor and MC agrees to give him a ride there on her motorcycle.
At Raymond's house, MC discovers a strange painting that shows her a vision. Then she and Zayne fight a Wanderer. Raymond is sent to the hospital and the painting is taken for further investigation.
Back at HQ, MC learns the painting was done by Rafayel.
Day 3:
MC gets an appointment with Rafayel's agent Thomas and goes to meet him at Rafayel's studio the next morning.
Thomas directs her to Mo Art studio, where Rafayel lives. She questions him about the painting and they fight a Wanderer in his house. Rafayel says that as payment for the information he gives her, he'll hire her as his bodyguard.
While MC is on the way home on the subway, it is attacked by a Wanderer. Captain Jenna sends Xavier to be her backup.
Day 4:
MC is sent to investigate an abandoned protocore research facility in a No Hunt Zone where a stele has been discovered. When her partner doesn't show, she goes alone and finds Xavier apparently comforting a Wanderer. The Wanderer explodes. Xavier examines the remaining protocore and once he determines it isn't what he was looking for he crushes it. Xavier confronts MC and after realizing her ankle is injured, tells her she should leave. He says that the forest consumes people. She refuses to leave, and after he has cleared out many Wanderers, he returns and decides to help her leave. After walking for a while and dealing with some Wanderers, they find the stele, the Flux Nexus. There is an Aeonwrym, the most dangerous of Wanderers, being reconstructed by Metaflux from the stele. With Xavierā€™s guidance, MC resonates with the Flux Nexus, unlocking it and causing the Aeonwyrm to dissipate. A unique protocore is revealed. Xavier concludes that someone was trying to resurrect the Aeonwyrm. After being swarmed by Wanderers, Xavier ports them to a safe location. After examining the protocore, he says that it has been tampered with by Onychinus. Xavier leaves, saying she should be able to get out safely now. They are being watched by a mechanical raven.
Day 5:
MC remembers running to escape during the Chronorift Catastrophe. She senses a powerful force about to burst from her heart. Something that looks like a glowing red moon descends in front of her, flickering. It appears to be blinking at her.
The day after being in the No Hunt Zone with Xavier, thinking about her nightmare the night before, MC heads to HQ. She finds Xavier being interviewed on the street by aggressive journalists. He asks her to help him get away from them. They go to HQ for a post mission briefing with Captain Jenna. During the briefing, MC learns that Onychinus has been altering the protocurves of protocores to make them more powerful. However, the protocore MC just found is on a level not seen before. Jenna suggests that MC begin investigating Onychinus aND the Flux Nexus, as she has the ability to unlock them. Then she tells MC to take 2 days off work. Afterwards, MC and Xavier talk. She realizes his desk is the one next to hers. When she asks him who he thinks she should partner with, he says she should refuse the mission. He explains that getting involved with Onychinus is complicated. MC is just more interested. Xavier requests that if she does take on the mission, that she choose him as her partner.
Day 6:
MC goes home to visit Grandma. She is surprised to find Caleb there a day early. While eating dinner, the news says there have been mysterious explosions caused by Wanderers occurring. The MC's Hunter's Watch picks up on Wanderers nearby. She goes out to explore and Caleb follows. After he goes into a store, she investigates the area and finds a suspicious man. He sounds older than he looks. He attacks her with his Evol and disappears. Then Caleb reappears, asking what happened. He realizes she's been injured and they argue. Once they get back to the house, Caleb goes in ahead of her. The house explodes. MC comes back to consciousness on the ground surrounded by flames. On the ground in front of her is the necklace she gave Caleb. On it is an apple charm and the words ā€œWhen U Come Backā€.
Continue to Part 2.
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brokenbytheircursedlove Ā· 5 months
Alright, I have to know, because I've seen so many people talking about this that it CANNOT be a me thing.
I genuinely want this to reach as many people currently active in the fandom as possible, so:
Please reblog after voting!
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Helluuu! \(0-0)/ I hope I'm too late for asks, I just found your blog a few days ago. The Love Potion fic was so well written and I love your interpretations of the characters and how they interacted šŸ¤­ I knew I had to stick around for more of your work ā¤
So, I've had this scenario in my head for MONTHS after reading other blogs' takes on Sheep-MC and the difficulties they have to go through while being stuck in a sheep form.
Here we go : It's been a month and Ā½ after MC was summoned into the Devildon for the Exchange Program. They spent that month adjusting to the new environment, navigating their way around RAD while learning basic level stuff about magic and the 3 world, and just surface level bonding with the other Exchange Students, the Royals and Brothers (especially Mammon, since they formed a pact with him 1 week in, I don't know the time period with the first few brothers.)
MC has managed to get through that time period in their sheep form with the help of the Brothers, the Royals, the other Exchange Students and just... pure determination on their own. In that time period, Solomon has found the ingredients and crafted a potion for MC to change back into their human form. (Let's not get into the technicalities of this and how MC even managed become a sheep when they were summoned, I blew my brain trying to get technical šŸ„²)
And so, before RAD could kickstart the lessons of the day, all of them (except Luke) just crowd together in the Student Council Room for MC's transformation. Simeon gives sheep MC his signature white robe cape for covering up, MC stands in the middle of markings drawn out on the floor by Solomon, and the said sorcerer gives MC the potion to change them back.
MC drinks the potion and a cloud of pink/purple smoke bursts out and fills the room. Everyone is caught of guard, opening doors and windows to let out the smoke. They watch as the smoke thins as MC raises from smog like that one scene from The Little Mermaid, their bare body mostly covered up by Simeon's cape except for their exposed collarbone, shoulders and back.
I'd like each reaction from the boys finally seeing their human under the sheep's clothing (I'd prefer it if Luke saw them during one of their classes after they're dressed.) šŸ˜‚ MC isn't described to be a certain gender or have certain physical appearances, obviously, no matter what they look like, all of the boys describe them to be breath-takingly beautiful. They're also able to hear MC's ACTUAL voice for the first time when Solomon asked them if they feel alright (after snapping out of a trance of his own), it's no more small and comically squeaky.
After they get dressed into their RAD uniform (finally, after waddling around struttin' their old wooly-stuff, Diavolo is very pleased), they're just trying to find some excuse to hang out with MC at RAD and even back at HOL.
Sorry for the long read šŸ˜… I never meant to request this of an Obey Me! writer, it was meant to stay in my little mind palace, but I saw that you were asking to write something and I really liked your Love Potions fic, so I decided to give it a shot ā¤
queen, do not hesitate to give me any ask, okay? I will do every one of them not matter how weird others may think it be.ā¤ļøā¤ļø
SUMMARY: Somehow you managed through 6 months of your exchange program in RAD as a sheep. It was tough having to deal with demons all day long when you were so small and adorable, I must add. So, you were justified for being overjoyed when you were told by a certain sorcerer that you can turn back into a human. Now you're at the student council room surrounded with demons, angels and a mystery for a sorcerer and a robe given to you by Simeon. Letting the words of the spell escape Solomon's mouth you were covered by purple and blue haze. When the haze finally cleared up you were greeted by the sight of some flabbergasted expressions.
Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Pt.2
Dont click on the link.
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A sigh escaped his lips, he shouldn't even be here. It's not like there is a lot of free time, he has paperwork to do-
His pupils dilated as the fog around you cleared up. He has lived thousands of years from the celestial realm to the devildom, he has seen beauty in and out. Yet, you, a mere human gave him another definition of beauty. You looked around the room so innocently, if it wasn't for his pride, he would have had you in is arms long ago. The way your skin glows under the dull beams of the devildom and how your eyes are filled with purity and how your soul shines brighter than ever captivates him and his entire being. He finally lets a gaze fell at your exposed collarbones and bare neck. He also observes the loose robe wrapped around your body embraces your curves, almost making him envy the robe. Solomon asks you a question for which he was too distracted to hear but as soon as he hears your voice he feels back in the celestial realm. Soon enough everyone is dismissed from the coucil room and back to their classes. He doesn't know why but he catches himself staring at you alot, checking up on you between classes and what not he just wants an excuse to meet you. Dont get him wrong he loved you when you were a sheep but seeing you now just made him fall deeper. By the way MC, you're spending the night at his room. No amount of complains from his brothers can change that. He wants your beautiful eyes to be filled with love for him and only him. Is that so wrong?
"You smile is brighter than any star in the night"
Its not like he wanted to be there or anything. He was just.. ordered by Lucifer. And he could be doing better things than watching a human-
He lost track of his surroundings when he first made eye contact with you. He was amazed. You shined brigther than the royal treasure full of grimm. His greed told him to treasure you then and there but his humility stopped him. Before he knew, his face started to heat up as he hastily looked away. Yet, it didnt take long for his love filled gaze to fall back on you. He felt butterflies in his stomach as he watched you smile. His heart went racing on seeing you subtly twirling around in your robe. When you responded to solomons question your voice sounded like an angels finest harmonies. After all of you were dismissed, he clinged to you all day giving you an excuse everytime. When he finds out lucifer invited you in his room for the night- he throws the biggest fit. I mean he is your first man, isn't he?
"I, the Great Mammon, invite you to my room tonight consider this as a favour- What do ya mean you're sleeping in Lucifer's room?!"
He stands in a corner patiently waiting for the haze to clear up. When it did he was lovestruck. His eyes widened and it took up every ounce of energy he had not to faint there and then. When you smiled, he felt the urge and need to protect you at all costs but when he saw that the smile was directed to a certain white haired brother of his, he was drowned in the familiar state of envy. He scoffed and looked away, murmuring about how he was not worht your smile and all that before he heard something angelic, a voice better than all of his favourite idols combined. He turned around to find the source of the voice was no other than you. His previously envious state of mind was filled with awe. After you all were dismissed, he wanted to talk to you but couldnt. He also got super jealous seeing mammon cling to you. So when you came to his room afterwards offering to play games with him, he was over the moon. You won't be leaving for one of his brothers again, will you?
"You, want to play games, with me? WAHHHH I HAVE BEEN BLESSED"
A/N: eeeeee I started procrastinating, sorry for the delay but here it is
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Guys please give me asks, I am willing to write any fanfic smut, fluff, angst anything!
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