bruiscdmouth · 31 seconds
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link's already laughing before she can say anything else. he loves when she looks at him like that. like she's so annoyed at herself for wanting him. he loves the fact she has some boyfriend who probably would fucking take a bullet for her. link would too. "you love it so bad." link makes sure to rub it in. she's so close he can feel the heat radiating off of her. then she's kissing him and he can hardly remember anything else. his hands tighten. his body reacts to hers like it always does. pressing her back. nudging his leg between hers. "gotta get inside you baby."
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glares at him slightly. knows he's enjoying that she clearly still wants him despite the fact that there's someone who cares about her waiting around for her. and she's here with him instead. "god. . ." bambi scoffs as he speaks, shaking her head quickly. he's right, she won't let a word slip about this. she hates that he seemingly knows her so well. the light touch finally makes her give in. "just shut up." she mumbles before her lips have crashed onto his.
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bruiscdmouth · 5 minutes
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It's always everything to him. Has been since he was so emotional that first time. Like he wanted to throttle Trent and mark every inch of him too. He was so angry at Trent and needed him so badly. It was a lot. Every single time they fuck feels like a lot but it feels so right. Like he's slotted right back into the place he belongs. Never feels more whole then when he's pressed so deep inside Trent. Face to face so he can see every inch slide into his baby. Trent's so cute when his brains emptied itself out and all he can do is utter one liners. Sounds. Fred wants to torture him in all the sweetest ways. Loves when he's crying because he needs it so bad. Fred's dick comes to life when Trent questions him. Yeah, he does. He can't help the grin on his mouth. Amused. Horny as fuck. "Baby, I did that to you. Everyone knows." Freddie laughs. That breathless kind. "I think we both know what you want honey." Freddie's hands are already slipping down Trent's swim trunks. His fingers find Trent's hole. Just pulling his cheeks apart. Being annoying. "Why don't you be honest baby. I like you honest. You can tell me you want me to fuck you right now."
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He hadn't really known how different Fred would be, the first time they fucked. Trent always feels like he's in free-fall when he gets with someone, tipped off the edge of something he won't be able to come back from — suspended in dead air until one day, the hard, fatal slam of concrete grounds him back to earth. He doesn't feel like that now, apart from the times that he's away from Fred. He's unmoored when Freddie's not touching him; he does stuff, but doesn't know what to do with himself. Everything's better when Freddie's got an arm around his waist, when they're sitting close enough on the sofa that he can feel his body heat. And Freddie's bared the weight of him like he doesn't weigh a thing. 'Cos Trent relies on him a lot. "Uh-huh." He hums and his chest flares with warmth. Trent takes his hand and slips it between the small space between where their bodies are flush against one another. Places Freddie's palm over his stomach, pressing it firmly as though there's something to feel other than the hard line of muscle. His dick twitches with the fantasy, or maybe the proximity of Freddie's hand, laden with false-hope of his hand snaking further down. He thinks it would be too much, if Fred were to touch him there. "You feel that?" His voice is a little strained, as if he's begging for something he can't quite verbalize, abdomen tensed so it makes his stomach push out, just slightly. Fred hard against his hip is a gaping, almost painful reminder of how empty he is. "Or maybe just here is okay." He says, impatient, even though the water's two steps and a jump away. "Whatever you want." He adds belatedly, but then feels indecisive. He had wanted to swim, really.
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bruiscdmouth · 19 minutes
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Theo preens beneath the sun, spreads out his limbs, stares at the sky. He wonders a life where it isn't all about hockey. It there was a version of them in the future with kids running around. Theo doesn't know if that'd be true. If anyone would trust them to keep children alive. Theo can barely keep himself alive. He's so lucky he has Joey.
Theo nervously turns to meet Joey's gaze. He doesn't know why he's so jittery. Shoves his toes in the sand. It has to be the Whiteclaw. "You're a lot of work too and look what I do everyday. Break my back." Theo snorts. He shakes his head because he's not. "Just like the idea of knocking you up. Why can't you ever just go along with my horny fantasy? Ruining my fun."
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Joey doesn't comment any further on the subject. It's clear that his husband has no fight left in him, which was the whole point of the teasing. The silence between the two is nice. Rare. They were both yappers, so there was never really any quiet time, with the exception of when they were sleeping.
"What? I already do." He points out, rolling his eyes. "Pretty sure you did last night. And the night before." A small chuckle leaves his lips as he looks over at Theo, offering him a smile. "A baby is a lot of work. Different from a dog. Can't ever leave them by themselves, and you have to teach them right from wrong. Feed them, take them to doctor appointments, and - well, maybe it sort of is like taking care of an animal, but I know there's more responsibilities than that. You really ready for it?"
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bruiscdmouth · 27 minutes
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fen's grinning because he can't help himself. he can be an obnoxious fuck when he wants to be and she brings it out of him so easily. "me do anything stupid? since when?" fen raises his brows but there's no way to hide that grin. all teeth. he loves to fuck with her, get her jealous, but he thinks that ink is proof enough. "you look good. branded. like you wanted me to own you." fen murmurs because he can never help himself around her.
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kylie didn't care right now if it was potentially an incredibly stupid thing to let fen tattoo his name on her. she'd heard so many horror stories of how having a matching tattoo with someone alone was a bad enough omen for your relationship and she still was satisfied with her decision as his thumb grazed the skin of her hip. a stupid smile is on her face as she raises up a little and looks at him as she says, "you're right about that, so you better not do anything stupid to make me regret getting this." the brunette was mostly just teasing him with her words.
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bruiscdmouth · 36 minutes
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"you are a weirdo, wouldn't want you any other way." it's not that he doesn't like her the way she is. he just hopes she'd trust him more. he knows it's not about him but it's hard to separate the feelings. a narcissist mother doesn't usually teach you that shit. elias is trying though and he'll keep trying for her. he hasn't said it yet but he knows he loves her. she's touching him and he's reminded how bad. how he'd do anything for her. anything to keep her by his side and interested in him. "all for you baby." he shoots her a cheesy grin, eyes crinkling. "now, before you blew up our shit i was going to ask if you wanted to come to vegas with me this weekend."
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"i know you will, baby. i'll do that next time instead of. . . being such a weirdo." she pokes fun at herself, shrugging. cindy nuzzles into his touch, one of her hands moving to rest atop of his. elias has his own way of putting her at ease, even if he didn't think he was helping. her nose scrunches as he peers down, her arms throwing themselves around him. "good thing you've got all those muscles, cause it's a lot." she teases, looking up at him fondly. "thank you."
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bruiscdmouth · 2 days
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"Shut my mouth? In what universe?" Ben scowls because he can't ever help himself. He doesn't really understand what's going on with the other man. It wasn't like Ben had to coerce him into anything. He feels a pit in his stomach as he watches the other man. Then Cash is touching him and in his face and he's grown even more confused. "Why is that a problem for you?" He raises a brow. Ben wonders if he regrets it. If it's something Ben did, or how he touched him, or how he looks. "I liked it. Obviously." He presses their stomachs together to let the other feel the tackiness of his skin. Proof that he had enjoyed himself. "I don't know what's going on with you."
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"Shhh, shut your mouth." It's mean but it's not intentional. Cash just needs a moment to think and it's very hard to do that looking at Ben with his stupid pouty bottom lip that for some reason he wants to suck into his mouth. That thought hasn't ever crossed his mind before. Has it? Something like it must have or he wouldn't have just done what he did with Ben. It was like his brain switched off while it was happening and now that it was switched back on he didn't know what to do with himself. A hand finds Ben's shoulder, shoves it down onto the bed so Cash can roll over in one bold move and pin the other beneath him. He's very aware of how naked he is and how Ben's body feels slotted beneath his. Part of him wants Ben to touch him, to grab him by the hips and make it happen again but that sends a bolt of panic right to the pit of his stomach. "Of course I liked it, that's the problem. Did you... did you like it?"
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bruiscdmouth · 2 days
"Am I really?" Levi snaps back because he can't ever help himself. Backed into a corner is where he does his best work. Where he can be his true self. Mean. Only he's never been mean to Trent before. Even when they didn't know each other. Had only seen each other under the purple and blue strobe lights. Even then, when Levi would spit venom at anybody, he saw Trent and he couldn't. Too sweet and too kind and he can't seem to remember any of that right now. Looking at Trent he just wants to rip him to shreds. "And you always find her despite it being so fucking broken don't you? Old fucking reliable, the two of you." He feels wounded like he'd been hit over and over in the face. Woozy. "Tell me I'm wrong." The other's implying it clearly but Levi's boneheaded. Needs it spelled out. "You always running right to her. Leave me hanging." The blonde swallows as he shakes his head. "You never try for me. Not once."
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"Stop." Trent pleads, 'cos if Levi calls him some variation of dumb one more time, he's gonna start thinking Levi means it. Trent doesn't wanna think about himself that way, but he'll have no choice but to if Levi doesn't relent. "And that ain't even true anyways. You're lyin' Levi. You're such a fucking liar." He's getting worked up again, in that pathetic, punctured way where his breath is all cut up and hoarse. 'Cos he thinks, he thinks that Levi would fuck him raw. Trent looks at him a little wildly. "I slept with her. I don't get how you think I picked her when it never works out between me and her. You know that Levi, you've seen it." But Trent's nothing if not persistent, trying at something that's already halfway in the ground. Expecting a different result, divine intervention. Instead, it always ends the same way, hanging off Levi drunk in the club, head on his shoulder, mopey, at home, legs tangled together in bed, Sunday mornings. 
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bruiscdmouth · 2 days
Theo's a little light headed as he watches Trent. As he anticipates that pretty mouth on his dick. He can't help himself. Theo's always easy whenever someone's attention is on him. And who better then Trent? Who everyone's always looking at. Theo notices that shit too for as much as he appears to be an airhead. He's always got his head on a swivel for a reason. Even when he's relishing in all the limelight that comes along with his game he's still always caught on Trent. They're so close and he can't help the way he's panting. Soft little puffs of air right in Trent's face. He doesn't care how he looks because he knows the other man doesn't care either. His hazy green gaze is transfixed on the saliva that drips from Trent's mouth. "That's crazy." Theo breathes out because he can't help himself. He can't even help the pathetic little whine that escapes him. "Trent." He breathes out as he bucks his hips up. Knocks the head of his dick right into Trent's cheek. "What's wrong with you? Weren't raised right." But it's helpless and pathetic and whiney.
"Uh-huh." He hums in agreement. It feels like it's too much too quickly, being given the permission to touch Theo how he wants. He keeps trying to lean against him just so he can feel how his nose presses against the slope of his, or pushed up against his cheekbone. It's absent and aimless and everything he wants right now. "I do." He defends, looks at him for a second and his gaze is dancing with delight. Trent eases off Theo's underwear, and all of it in combination, the strip of skin where his shirt rucks up, the hair that dusts the inside of his thighs, his cock, sprung against his stomach, makes his breath stall, and his teeth find the pillow of his lower lip to stifle another embarrassing sound. "I don't." He frowns, like Theo's being mean and he cares that Theo's being mean even though all he can think about is relieving the ache in his mouth, or rather, adding to it. Trent ducks down, lets spit pool in his mouth until there's enough for it drip from his mouth, let it dribble down his dick. He doesn't realize how slow he's being about it, the lag of the high, when he licks a stripe up the shaft of his dick, nudging the head against the corners of his mouth but not putting it in. "You got a nick dick, Theo."
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bruiscdmouth · 2 days
❛  i can't stop thinking about you even when i try.  ❜ ❛  every time i see you, it's like my heart skips a beat.  ❜ ❛  i never realized how much i needed you until you weren't there.  ❜ ❛  do you ever feel like there's something missing ... like a piece of your heart is somewhere else?  ❜ ❛  i wish i had the courage to tell you how i feel.  ❜ ❛  if only you knew how much you truly mean to me.  ❜ ❛  do you ever wonder what it would be like if things were different between us?  ❜ ❛  sometimes i wonder if you ever think about me the way i think about you.  ❜ ❛  i had a lot of dreams about you recently.  ❜ ❛  somehow, you're always on my mind.  ❜ ❛  i think i've been in love with you since the day we met - scratch that, i know i've been in love with you since the day we met.  ❜ ❛  my biggest wish is to hold you close and never let you go.  ❜ ❛  all my life i've felt like a part of me was missing, but with you i've finally found it.  ❜ ❛  you deserve better than who i am right now, but i'm gonna keep trying to become someone you do deserve.  ❜ ❛  every time you smile at me, i get this flutter in my chest.  ❜ ❛  do you think i'll ever be worthy of your love?  ❜ ❛  i want to be the person to make you happy. the one person you can always come to with whatever you need.  ❜ ❛  will we ever get another chance together?  ❜ ❛  you were the best thing that's ever happened to me.  ❜ ❛  my biggest regret is ever letting you go.  ❜ ❛  i'm still in love with you ... and i honestly never stopped.  ❜ ❛  when i wake up in the morning, you're the first person i want to see.  ❜ ❛  every time i wake up, i check if you wrote me another message.  ❜ ❛  i wish i could be as important to you as you are to me.  ❜ ❛  it hurts when you don't talk to me like you used to.  ❜ ❛  i miss everything about you, your touch, your laugh, your smile. i wish i could have that back.  ❜ ❛  i want to fall asleep wrapped in your arms.  ❜ ❛  hold me closer; i always feel safer when you're with me.  ❜ ❛  there's so much i wish i was able to tell you.  ❜ ❛  i know things aren't easy right now, but i want to remain a fixture in your life. after all, you're one in mine.  ❜ ❛  i miss the way you always made me smile.  ❜ ❛  you're the reason i keep holding on.  ❜ ❛  maybe we're supposed so to remain a case of 'right person, wrong time' forever.  ❜ ❛  if only you knew how i feel about you.  ❜ ❛  i'm yearning to hold your hand in mine.  ❜ ❛  i think you are the one for me, and i hope one day i'll be the one for you, too.  ❜ ❛  do you think i'll ever become more than a friend to you?  ❜ ❛  my heart belongs to you, always and forever.  ❜ ❛  my first instinct is to protect you, no matter the cost.  ❜ ❛  i've been thinking about us a lot lately.  ❜
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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"C'mon." Gus tries again. He feels pathetic standing here trying to convince Caden to come down. He wants him there though. All he can think about is how fun is used to be. How easy everything used to be. "You're not tired." Gus shakes his head. He doesn't want to leave without Caden right now. Gus doesn't even attempt to catch the pillow and lets it fall. "Everyone realized you were missing Caden." Gus shakes his head. "Why'd you come if you didn't wanna hang?"
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"It's a comfortable bed." Caden pouts. He knows the other is right. How was he supposed to enjoy vacation from the confines of his bedroom? He wouldn't. Sighing, he grabs one of the pillows, throwing it at Gus. "Why? Maybe I'm tired." Okay, so maybe he wasn't, but the other wouldn't be able to tell. "Go on, go have fun. You guys don't need me. Boys probably haven't even realized that I'm missing."
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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logan can hardly believe they're standing here like this. he didn't think he'd ever get to touch ethan again. which may be dramatic but logan hardly even said goodbye to him. getting off the ice during practice before getting the news. looking to ethan and having nothing to say. logan "yeah. your baby missed you." logan doesn't even care about the others teasing tone. "it's alright. like you said i'm impatient." logan murmurs. he can't help but kiss him. they're hidden in the parking garage. no one will see them. logan reaches his hands up and laces them together behind ethan's neck. his fingers slip into the hair at the base of his neck. "no one else?"
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he lets out a breathy chuckle when logan repeats him. he half feels like he should protest, but what would be the point? even if he hadn't already said it, it was true. it had been spoken into existence and he couldn't, or didn't want to, take it back now. logan seems to enjoy it just as much, his back pressing against the seat as he speeds up and ethan laughs again, "impatient, much?" they park and ethan is so grateful when logan says they're home, he thinks he might combust if they tried to go anywhere else, "awwww, my baby missed me." its only a little mocking, mostly said fondly with a smile as logan gets out to get his door, mouth tugged into a smile, "i feel like all our roles are reversed tonight. i'm used to opening your door." he steps out and logan is staring up at him like he's the world again and the familiar feeling is back in his chest, tugging at his heart, "i still only want you, logan."
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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"like there was ever any other choice." freddie can't help the laughter at her expression. not only was she beautiful but she was so easy to be around. he didn't feel like he needed to posture or perform for her. it was so relieving to lay next to somebody and just be comfortable. he kisses her soft and slow, nips at her bottom lip. testing the waters to see what more she wants. "ride me? you got legs to ride me?" freddie reaches a hand to press to her thigh. squeezes. "c'mon baby, you're so good to me and you expect me not to fall in love?"
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his words caused leighton to raise an eyebrow at him. "oh, so you're into me, huh?" she asked, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. it was unexpected, to say the least. maybe she was starting to feel something for him as well. "well, that's great news. i wasn't planning on putting a halt to this," she said, her lips curving into a playful grin as she leaned in for another passionate kiss. "i'm open to either option, or hey, maybe i can ride you. who knows?"
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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gus stays quiet because he doesn't know what to believe. his friends had made a valid point. gus had seen justin be open with other men before with his own two eyes. it's frustrating to be in the dark. to not know why it has to be this way. gus doesn't want it to be anymore. "i don't believe you." gus tries to be firm. remembers when they were just friends, when justin brought dylan around, how justin had no problem bringing him to the lake house. he'd come to the bar after a game a few times too. gus doesn't ever show up to the bar even if he knows they're going. "and i'm not okay with hiding anymore. so you have to decide what you want."
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"i am being honest with you." for the most part, that was. he still hasn't told him what his friends thought about gus. it was one of the reasons why he was so afraid to admit that he had feelings for the other, because he knew they wouldn't let it go. it wouldn't impress them, and that's all justin ever wanted to do. "i'm not ashamed of us, either." he says with a whine. why can't gus just be happy with what they had?
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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"i wouldn't keep doing it to you." gus shakes his head. he reaches a hand across to pull taylor's seatbelt over him. "you keep doing this. it's not good for you." and it's easier to say that then tell him that gus feels used. unappreciated. he swallows thickly as he starts the car and heads towards taylor's place. is there really anything else to say? obviously the other thinks it's cool. maybe gus is overreaction. "you're overreacting. you should drink less next time." he doesn't care if he sounds mean.
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taylor has himself shoved against the back of the seat, legs pulled towards his chest, except he doesn't really fit. he's just trying to make himself less noticeable by gus. it made sense in his drunk head, thinking that it was working when they drove a bit without anyone saying anything. "sorry, next time i just won't call you!" arms hook around his legs, trying not to look as absolutely pitiful as he felt under gus' heavy gaze, "no! cause i thought we were friends and this is what friends do! i'd pick you up, man."
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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Warren almost laughs. She's easy despite the fight. It always leaves her. He always get what she wants. Always gives her what he knows she wants too. Her forehead pressed to him is enough to tell him everything. It's pleading as it is gentle. Warren kisses her mouth. Lingers there before pulling away only not very far. His hands still grip her hips tightly before he sinks to his knees.
"You wore this for me? You knew I'd be down here?" Warren raises a brow as his finger catches on the hem of her skirt. "Tell me that you did. We both knew you'd try to fight it but you never can. Know this pussy missed me."
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It was a cat and mouse game that should have ended long ago. But every time the older woman went to do so, Warren did something that made her reconsider. Last time, it had happened while she had been on her back with his hand wrapped around her throat as he whispered the dirtiest things he could come up with into her ear.
She doesn't shy away from his touch. Instead, she leans into it, forehead now pressed against his. If she talks, her lips would no doubt brush his own. So she doesn't. Instead, she simply nods, giving him silent permission to do whatever he wanted to her.
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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The waters gone cold. Levi doesn't hesitate to get up as he reaches for a towel. He wants to touch Eli. "You should care." He doesn't care if he's entirely dry or naked. Levi crowds against the counter. His wet hair drips right onto Eli. "You love me." Levi murmurs as he searches for the lie. No one ever means it. "Say it again." The blonde can't even help himself. How frantic he sounds. Like he's pleading with the other man. Like it'll be enough.
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"But you can, Levi. You can because I...because I don't care!" Eli doesn't mean to raise his voice, but it happens anyway. Sniffling, he uses the back of his sleeve to wipe at his nose as he avoids eye contact with the blond. "I came because I care for you. I always answer your calls because...because you know that I love you." It comes out as a whine more than anything, as if that would change the other's mind. "I don't know what I'd do without you. It was supposed to be me and you to the end and now you're just...leaving."
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bruiscdmouth · 3 days
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"A fight in a parking lot and I'm expected not to get involved? C'mon man." Ben snorts as he chatters away with Ryker about using his markers when they get home. He settles the little boy in his seat and buckles him in being mindful of his cast. Ben's feeling a little bit exhausted but he's gotten that second wind and he meets Hunter after he's shut the door and takes the keys from his hands. Ben lets their hands linger together for longer then he needs to. He needs it. Ben's been mad at Hunter for so long he missed it. His eyes stray away from the ring on Hunter's finger. He stops lingering and gets in the drivers side before starting the car. Ben pulls his phone out and plugs it into the aux before he's chattering with Ryker about what they should order. "It'll be ready by the time we get there and I'll run in." Ben explains as he glances at Hunter's sleepy face.
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"One, I didn't suggest the Waffle House and two, who says you'd get into a fight there? We could just be the audience. Get some real entertainment after being stuck at this place for lord knows how long." He doesn't even remember when he had arrived with Ryker. It seemed like so long ago. Felt like so long ago. The exhaustion was present in his eyes and at Ben's suggestion of getting take out at iHop, he nods. "Yeah. Yeah. We'll do that. Then home, okay? I don't know how much longer I can last." A small chuckle leaves his lips. It's like he's forgotten that he's married to Nana and not the man standing in front of him, holding on to his son. Ryker happily chats with Ben as they make their way to the car, asking him when he's going to sign his cast, and if he can draw something on it, too. It brings a smile to Hunter's face.
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