bunnisnewblog · 8 days
gelp im stuck with the fudge
Which one did you get?
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As for myself,-
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bunnisnewblog · 9 days
Something random i made
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bunnisnewblog · 9 days
hi bunni here’s [INSERT FAV SNACK] you can have it
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Thanks :3
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bunnisnewblog · 11 days
i drew penelope as an adult
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bunnisnewblog · 14 days
THERES FANKIDS NOW!? (also shes cute :3)
That's right now I made a Funnygummy fankid and I don't regret it
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The girl's name is Dulce, she is very playful and naughty at times (She dislikes Caine xd)
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bunnisnewblog · 16 days
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Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide. 
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bunnisnewblog · 18 days
Chat is this accurate?
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bunnisnewblog · 18 days
did this
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bunnisnewblog · 18 days
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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bunnisnewblog · 18 days
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I ship both ❗👍
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bunnisnewblog · 19 days
Db as a scene kid cus yes
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bunnisnewblog · 19 days
talking about the excuse of “fiction doesn’t affect reality” in proshipping and how the excuse itself doesnt hold up. + some other tiny points about my opinion on some proshipping things.
firstly i want to say that the excuse of “fiction doesnt affect reality” does not hold up. it is also in fact, incorrect. 
fiction does affect reality, you can see it happening through propaganda or any types of fiction at all. like for example, the jaws movie (a work of fiction) had greatly influenced peoples opinions on sharks and how people interpret them. the jaws movie in itself had shown sharks to be heartless creatures that eat humans, which is most definitely false. (How Jaws Influenced Shark Perception – Shark Stewards, Shark fear: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water... | ScienceDaily for reference.)
propagandas term is quite simple to explain. spreading misinformation to change a persons opinion, or moreso political views in some cases. misinformation is indeed fictional, as it is not real. a lot of cases of propaganda has been shown through the years, and it has obviously shown that it has had an impact on reality and real peoples perspective on things.
another way that fiction can affect reality is if people give out enough false information that it can highly change the minds of people online or in real life. if people give false ideologies of certain types of people, then people will follow that false narrative and build up an opinion based on false facts. for example, a man online gives out a lot of false information about women. an impressionable minor or teenager will come across it, then learn from that person. this has been shown through podcasts that you see online, or people that give out false dating advice and what women want. 
though sometimes fiction can affect reality in a positive way, like when fictional pieces give out positive messages and can positively influence people. messages or the “moral of the story” can let children learn what is right and wrong. this can affect how children think, and how they act when they grow up later in life. 
now onto proshipping, or proshipping media specifically. first, lets talk about how the ship frans (frisk x sans) had deeply and negatively affected the utmv/undertale fandom.
back when the undertale fandom was starting to gain popularity, the ship frans had as well. a lot of people found out about this ship from comic dubs, which further pushed more popularity to it. since this media was circulating and was nearly everywhere, children or people in general had started to think that the ship was normal since they had consumed so much media of it and saw people liking it. if you do not know, frisk is a child and sans is an adult. this is a pedophilic ship. (its also not excusable to “age up” the minor/child, as the ship itself is pedophilic. if you need an excuse to ship something that romanticises real life problems, then why ship it at all?)
this is the same with fontcest, as i have seen a fair few people state that they used to ship one or the other (even both in some cases) because they were influenced by the behaviour of others around them. you get what im saying, now?
// anyway super unrelated but not rly but i think proshippers should openly state that they are in fact proshippers on their mains instead of making people look for shit so they can get full confirmation,, (the fact that i see so much people not know that some people they follow are proshippers is so fucking alarming??) also i think adult proshippers should push minors out of their little “community” instead of letting people like themselves groom minors into thinking the same things as them,,,, think thats just me tho!!!!!!! (/sarc) and to all the minor proshippers, please stay safe and get the help you need /srs /nm /gen 🫶
+ to the adult proshippers that actively make media that are about incestuous ships, i need you 2 know that doing something like that is normalising and romanticising incest ☺️ i dont care if its fiction, its still incest. there is no excuse to make normalised and sexualised media of incest.
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bunnisnewblog · 20 days
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bunnisnewblog · 20 days
Going back into my dhmis phase
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I ship them :3
I imagine this is a dream warren had or he paid a random person 50k to make this
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bunnisnewblog · 23 days
thats what i was thinking when gummygoo dies
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Don't be self aware kids, you may explode too
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bunnisnewblog · 23 days
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bunnisnewblog · 24 days
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front faced apple doesn't exi-
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