cadwhatalad · 27 days
Okay but.
You've spent your entire life chasing the highs of heroism. You've whittled away for highschool years watching. Manipulating. Circling your prey like a hawk. You have died. You know your target down to the last detail, your rival, your nemesis. You have built your everything around defeating the golden boy, the rogue who's unfairly blessed.
In the middle of your climactic showdown, the culmination of all your cat-and-mouse, you watch.
As he wanders off.
And very deliberately goes and jumps into a pool of lava.
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cadwhatalad · 29 days
between the Assembly taking over Aeor and the Tishtan site and his behavior towards the Grim Verity and the fact that I bet they probably did the same to Pride's Call, I have to wonder if there's just a rag-tag group of furious historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists who are amassing to murder Ludinus Da'leth over that alone
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cadwhatalad · 1 month
what demonstrates the rat grinders vs the bad kids SO perfectly is oisin sending that guess you didn't see the storm coming message being like hehe im gonna put her on a ship in a storm and kill her just the same way the last elven oracle died and adaine is just standing on the deck like ok?? and one-punch killed an ancient dragon
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cadwhatalad · 1 month
There’s something so poetic about nepo baby Oisin getting his dragon grandma murdered by Riz “Kalvaxus killed my dad” Gukgak
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cadwhatalad · 1 month
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
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adaine's ongoing beef with kipperlily is so funny. she may be your narrative foil, but i'm gonna kill her dead
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
Currently thinking about the fact that Kipperlilly was already infected with this rage god stuff at the point of “what are you like four different dogs” and how Kristen is lucky she wasn’t just killed on sight
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
I was expecting anything but not Bard
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
guillermo del toro’s pinocchio is a beautiful film but my god no one has adapted that story like neverafter. you can never look at it the same way again after listening to lou wilson, a black man, explaining that he chose to play as pinocchio because it’s a story about a little boy who isn’t allowed to make mistakes. that in pinocchio's story, he is fundamentally barred from childhood at once upon a time. he must earn something that everyone else is granted from birth. the other boys get to tell lies and play and get into trouble, but when pinocchio does the same thing there are grave and violent consequences. his pinocchio is trying to understand why the world is so unfair, why the rules are so different for him, why everyone else gets to be a real boy.
and I think about it every day.
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
thinking about how peoples blorbos tend to be men on here (makes sense with the trends in fandom of men being prioritised etc etc) SO please reblog and tag your female blorbo(s). this is NOT the post to be like “[male character] becuz he’s a woman to me” i Will come to your house and bite you. anyway i’ll go first mine are susie and julie from dbd and carly jones from house of wax 🖤
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cadwhatalad · 2 months
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ANDOR episode 10 + tumblr/reddit comments
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cadwhatalad · 3 months
Fig is fully waging psychological war on Ruben this is so funny
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cadwhatalad · 3 months
Whoever is taking care of the Dimension 20 wiki is keeping track of all the names for Kipperlilly.
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cadwhatalad · 3 months
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ANDOR | Appreciation Week (2023) Day 4: Favourite Planet -> Aldhani
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cadwhatalad · 3 months
My Current Rat Grinders Theory In the Form of a Numbered List:
I think Cassandra and her spouse used to represent a much older, more nuanced sun/moon spiritual dichotomy before Sol and Galicaea came in with their modern western Masculine Orderly Sun and Feminine Mystical Moon shit
When Sol came in and Cassandra's spouse was killed/changed, they wound up as some sort of powerful entity in the nine hells, which famously operates like a horrifying judicial system
I think they became some kind of patron of justice, but the wrong kind of justice. The worst kind of lawful evil crap.
The childish kind that just wants to stomp its foot and yell "it's not fair!!" when things don't go your way, the instinctive reactive demand for retribution after some perceived slight with no regard for context for cost, no further examination of what the word "fair" even means
The rat grinders are uhhh this sentiment incarnate right?
Previously unknown unpopular kids with a dumb party name who flew completely under the radar while the Bad Kids were murdering the vice principle and going on pirate adventures and getting arrested for half of freshman year, maybe not the most popular kids in school but definitely the most dangerous, the most notorious, the most talked-about
These assholes roll up into town after spring break having defeated the nightmare king like it was no big deal and live streaming a shrimp party from a rock star's house while they were doing it.
The rogue is tatted up nine ways to sunday. The barbarian launched a satellite from the middle of a forest and he's swinging an axe no one else can even lift. Someone said the wizard killed her own parents. Someone said the cleric brought herself back from the dead.
It's not fair! yell the high five heroes. We want to be the smart cool powerful people who everybody talks about, we want a crazy adventure, we want the war stories and the accolades and the battle scars!! Why are they getting all the attention??
Something long dead and forgotten hears them and whispers from beyond... hey, you know kristen applebees killed a god, right? You know she awoke something else, right?
I bet you guys could do something like that if you really put your minds to it :)
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