caitlynsvi · 5 months
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caitlynsvi · 5 months
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Cait- “Excuse me u didn’t replace her blade correctly do you know how badly she could’ve been injured I’ll have you know-“
Vi- 🤭
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caitlynsvi · 5 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 1x09 - "The Monster You Created Read" ↳ "I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm… different. But you changed too. So… Here's to the new us."
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caitlynsvi · 5 months
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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hockey is taking over my life I really wish I had an ice rink here just to take the urge out of my body 😭
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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I see you never learned patience.
VI & SEVIKA │ ARCANE (2021-)
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
hmmm I think he only has that energy in game. definitely didn’t see any of it in arcane. I’ve been around the game for a long time and I definitely would say jayce has himbo energy there. he is NOT the most reckless in the cast of arcane, though, far from it actually. viktor has always been the one taking the risks if you think about it carefully, and he just sticks with it. I do think he’s naïve though, and you can see that a lot in the scene after he’s just slept with mel.
on that note.. y’all ever see game vi….? she’s literally like “oonga boonga punch punch” and she’s anything BUT THAT in arcane. I believe the same thing happened with jayce, his character in game has this lightness to it that his character in arcane just doesn’t get to express, whether it’s because riot decided he’s only later going to evolve that way or because he’s never going to be “not serious” due to his responsibilities
what do I know tho, these are my 2 cents
what part exactly of jayce being a groundbreaking scientist who takes rapidly to the political arena is making him read as a "himbo" to you people...................
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
Thinking about the inevitable Vi vs Jinx fight and about how maybe Vi just can’t bring herself to hit her sister again, so once she knocks Jinx’s guns away and it’s sizing up to be a melee fight, Vi suddenly drops her gauntlets, closes her eyes and just lets Jinx whale on her. And Jinx lays her out and goes to town but after a minute her punches get weaker and weaker as her screaming rage dissolves into sobbing.  
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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the telegram gifs but downloadable (:
pt 2/2
credits (x)
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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the telegram gifs but downloadable (:
pt 1/2
credits (x)
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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(happy valentine’s day, chooms!)
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
More Jinx Thoughts
(This is a big ol’ mess, but I just wanted to get it out of my head) Jinx isn’t stupid.
This might be an odd thing to say, but Jinx not being portrayed as a delusional dimbulb in spite of or because of her mental health issues and trauma is one of my favorite things about how she’s written.  Something that I think is really difficult for the audience to reconcile within the plot is Jinx’s obvious guilt over her part in what happened to her family and her decision to ally herself with Silco.  And I’m glad the writers didn’t try to play that off as some degree of ignorance or blind devotion on Jinx’s part.   Jinx isn’t stupid.  She knows Silco played a role in killing her family.  But so did Jinx.  Ultimately, in her mind, she’s the one that killed them.  She and Silco are, in a sense, complicit in that.  It’s part of what ties them together and part of what Jinx is projecting onto Silco.  It’s often talked about how Silco projects himself onto Jinx, but not as much vice versa.
Part of why he’s a “safe” option for her is not just that he projects his relationship with Vander onto Jinx and Vi, but he’s also not going to turn away from her because of what her bomb did.  Even if she could’ve gone back to the Lanes for help or stayed with Vi, virtually anyone else she knew was obviously going to have feelings about her involvement in Vander and her brothers’ deaths. Much of the violence of Jinx’s reaction to Vi’s rejection of her stemmed from deep-seated fear that she was deserving of that rejection because of the enormity of what she’d done.  Furthermore, Vi, more than anyone else in her life, was her only permanent anchor, her only constant that’d stayed with her through each of the major stages of her life.  Jinx was never permitted to grow up without each new life stage being marked by traumatic pain, loss, and upheaval.   But Vi was always still there.  When Jinx screams “I NEED you!” she is trying to stop both her sister and the only sense of permanence and stability in her life from leaving. Jinx is angry at Vi for rejecting her because she is angry at herself for doing something so terrible that even Vi would stop loving her and leave her behind.  
She found newer acceptance and encouragement in Silco, and I personally theorize that she also transferred a lot of the negative feelings she might’ve still held for him over Vander and the boys onto Sevika.  Kids are funny in how they assign blame, especially when there’s one person in the equation whose regard they’re desperate not to lose.  Silco set up and stabbed Vander, but Jinx was the one that collapsed the building, and Sevika technically betrayed him. She couldn’t let herself get too mad at Silco - he was her replacement for Vi, she needed him - but she could absolutely be as angry at Sevika as she wanted.
That’s another major part of how she’s written.  Jinx isn’t stupid and she’s VERY angry.  Angry at herself, angry at Vi, at Silco, at everything and everyone.  She leans into her anger, uses it to propel herself through life, takes solace in it.  If she can be angry then she doesn’t have to feel guilty or sad or be angry at herself instead.  She leans into the IDEA of Jinx.  
The persona of Jinx runs on anger and enjoys violence and chaos.  Jinx wouldn’t feel sorry for hurting others, wouldn’t have soft spots or vulnerable emotions, none of the painful weaknesses that Powder has.  Jinx is loyal only to Silco and doesn’t have friends so she doesn’t have to feel bad about fighting Ekko or his Firelights.  When we’re shown imagery of Powder sobbing and hitting herself and beating at the image of her older self, we’re seeing the inward turn of that anger and also fear.  
As much as Powder seeks to use the identity of Jinx as a separate shielded personality that protects her from feeling pain or guilt, she is also frightened and horrified by the idea of becoming that person.  Part of her terribly desires the safety to be soft, to be vulnerable, to have her life the way it once was.   She holds on to the things from her past that remind her of both pain and safety.  She builds sculptures in her private workshop of Mylo and Claggor, even as she’s haunted by their ghosts.  She clearly hung on to all the items she had at the table at the dinner party.  Vi’s rabbit, Vander’s pipe, the photo, Mylo and Claggor.  She leaves physical marks on things everywhere she goes, evidence of ownership, that she was there, that she existed.
Vi represents the old safety, that first, most constant and beloved anchor in Jinx’s life.  
Silco represents the acceptance of Jinx’s ugliest flaws.  He enforces the philosophy that there is no safety beyond what can be controlled, and the thing is, he’s not entirely wrong.
Jinx desparately wants acceptance and love to the point that it’s her major motivation.  She brings Vi, Caitlyn, and Silco together at the elaborate party set-up to force someone to choose her so she can feel like she’s truly been given that love - even though she’s smart enough to know that she forced the situation.  
In a terribly sad way, Jinx and Silco both actually gave each other what they felt they never got from Vi or Vander.  For Jinx, Silco’s last actions were to tell her not to cry (not to feel regret for killing him) that she was perfect (regardless of her mistake and how terrible it was).  For Silco, Jinx’s obvious horror and tears of regret for hurting him were probably the most honest proof of love he could’ve asked for after “betraying” him, as opposed to the closure he never got from Vander.
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
Arcane as Reductress headlines
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
Arcane Incorrect Quote #17
Vi: I dare you-
Caitlyn: Jinx is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Vi: Why not?
Jinx: “I have no regard for my own or others personal safety”, as some would say.
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
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Even your best friend can become your worst enemy
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caitlynsvi · 2 years
something something hammers something something jayce being used as a tool by others throughout most of season 1
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