cardcaptorcoconut · 5 years
My apologies for the lack of translations recently and the long delay posting about it. Due to sudden personal matters this summer, I'm changing jobs (again) and moving back to Nagoya. I will sadly be taking a break from translations at the moment.
I hope I can get back to a good place to provide more translations soon, but unfortunately I can't promise when at the moment. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience.
However, there are some wonderful people in this fandom who can help you get caught up! @meimi-haneoka and @horitsuba regularly post monthly content. If you poke around their lovely blogs you'll be sure to find your way to more awesome CCS loving people as well.
I'm so sorry again for the situation, but thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. I do hope this is only temporary.
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cardcaptorcoconut · 5 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 34 Translation
Hi guys.  Sorry for the slight delay with the translation this week.  I didn’t think I was gunna be off work for the Reiwa/GW festivities this year, but I ended up home after all – with the flu! 😅 The fever is gone now and I’m slowly (keyword is slowly) getting over it.
Here is the translation for Chapter 34, so please enjoy.  Thank you to @meimi-haneoka​ for proofreading.
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 34
Cover Page: “The regular and custom editions of Volume 6 – a huge, huge, huge hit – on sale now!”
P1 Tomoyo: Oh my!! Tomoyo: Li-kun (turned into a child)!?
[Alt: Li-kun shrank!?]
Syaoran: J-just my body.  My (mind) was the same as (it is) now.  I turned back to normal soon (after) too. Tomoyo: That’s good! Tomoyo: But… Tomoyo: (It’s also) a little unfortunate…
[Alt: I feel it was a little unfortunate… ]
Syaoran: Huh?
P2 Tomoyo:  If your mind had also returned to a (childlike state), I wonder what kind of reaction Sakura-chan would have had.
[Lit:  …returned to when you were small…]
Tomoyo:  And I wonder how Sakura-chan would have handled dealing with (you in that state). Tomoyo:  (That would have been something to see)!!  It really would have!! Tomoyo:  Ahhhh… but if I’d missed an opportunity to film that sort of scene, I could never regret it enough-!! Syaoran:  No, (something) that troublesome…
[Lit:  …an inconvenience like that…]
P3 Sakura:  It wouldn’t be troublesome at all. Sakura:  I would have liked to (see that side of you as well).
[Lit:  I wanted to try and spend time with the Syaoran-kun who’s little on the inside as well.]
<Both blush at each other> Tomoyo:  Of course, I won’t pass up recording something like this (too).
P4 Sakura:  Hoeeee!! Tomoyo:  However, it’s good that neither of you were hurt and that you (caught) the card too.
[Lit:  …neither of you were hurt. And the card too.]
Sakura:  Yeah.  I’ve been creating them.  That’s why… <Sakura pulls out some of the cards that look like her friends>
P5 Tomoyo:  Oh my. Tomoyo:  Is this Rika-chan? Tomoyo:  Oh my, oh my!  This is adorable. Tomoyo:  I really, truly regret having missed this chance to record after all…
P6 Tomoyo:  (Now that I think about it), where is Kero-chan? Sakura:  At home.  This morning a visitor came by. <Scene changes to Kero at home> Kero:  I see.  So then you came to Tomoeda, huh? Suppie:  Ruby Moon is at Yue… Tsukishiro Yukito’s home. Kero:  And so… (you’re here) with me.
[Lit:  And so… you are where I am.]
P7 Kero: ��So, regarding what happens from here on out… Suppie:  …Yes. Kero:  You’re gunna keep me company to the very end! Kero:  (Walk me through the game!)
[Lit:  Kero says ゲーム攻略! which means “game walk-through”]
P8 Kero:  There’s a dungeon I finished (while waiting on you to respond).
[Lit: There’s a dungeon I finished while you weren’t replying.]
Kero: <to himself> Ahh! I really wanted the (treasure) from that castle…!
[Lit: gold coin]
Kero:  Next Stage!! Suppie:  You’re really the same as ever, aren’t you! Kero:  Sakura (is the one) making the cards, and now that we know that clearly, Sakura will do something (about it).
P9 Kero:  Even so, if anything bad happens, (it’ll be up to us).
[Lit:  …happens, at that time it will be our turn.]
Suppie:  …You trust (her), don’t you?  Your current master… Kero:  Yup!  Because (she’s) Sakura. Kero:  Now then…
P10 Kero:  Let’s go!! Go forth!!  Into the world of games!! Suppie:  You really, (truly) haven’t changed at all! (Have you!) Kero:  (Hiiiyaa!!) Suppie:  (Take that!!)
[Note:  They’re just making battle sounds here.]
<Scene changes to Yukito’s house> Nakuru:  ‘Morning!
P11 Yukito:  Morning Akizuki-san. Nakuru:  Where is Touya-kun? Yukito:  (At) an early morning part time job. Nakuru:  Hasn’t changed a bit.  And you? Yukito:  I have a lecture first period. Nakuru:  Oh.  I’m going to that too. Yukito:  Huh?
P12 Nakuru:  Eriol said (I) should stay by your side as much as possible, so he (filed) admissions (paperwork) to the university for me too. Yukito:  In addition to (everything with) the house too… Eriol-kun is really amazing.
[Lit:  In addition to the house too… / Note:  Yukito is referring to how Eriol got the house set up for him to live in.]
Yukito:  <thinking to himself on how to address Eriol> Eriol-kun? Or -san? Nakuru:  Well then, (first thing’s first).
[Lit:  …before that.]
Nakuru:  I’m gunna have you make that oden from last night into udon for me! Yukito:  Okay!  Oden broth is really delicious the next day!
[Note:  Here’s a link again for anyone who missed what oden was a few chapters ago.  You can often reuse the dashi broth if you have it left over like they’re doing here. In this case, for breakfast udon!]
P13 Yukito:  As soon as I’ve watered the plants, I’ll get it heated up. Yukito: <to himself> How many eggs should I have?? Nakuru:  For real, you really are just as carefree as always. Nakuru:  …If you could always stay that way, that would be the best. <Scene changes to Sakura’s school>
P14 Sakura:  I’m so glad it’s sunny out! Chiharu:  Yeah, (especially since) we’re at the pool for gym class today. Tomoyo:  And you’re really good at swimming, Sakura-chan. Sakura:  I dunno about good at it, but I do love swimming. Akiho:  Good morning! Everyone:  Morning! Sakura:  Morning, Akiho-chan! (Did you bring-)
[Note:  Sakura actually says “Swimsuit” here, since the Japanese sentence would start with that.]
P15 Sakura:  <thinking>  …What…? Akiho:  Sakura-san? <Sakura looks unnerved>
P16 Sakura:  Ah, sorry.  Did you bring your swimsuit? Akiho:  Yes! Akiho:  It’s amazing that you can swim at school! Tomoyo:  Do they not have swim classes overseas? Akiho:  Not at (the schools) I attended…
[Lit:  Not at the place I attended…]
Sakura:  <thinking> …I wonder why… Looking at Akiho-chan (made me) somehow very… uneasy…
P17 <Sakura continues to look uneasy> Syaoran:  What’s wrong?
[Alt:  What happened?]
P18 Sakura:  When you look at Akiho-chan, do you sense anything? Syaoran:  At Shinomoto? Syaoran:  Not at all… Sakura:  …I wonder if it’s my imagination. Syaoran:  <thinking> Even if she doesn’t have any magic, Yuna D. Kaito is Shinomoto’s butler.
P19 Syaoran:  <thinking> …(He) might have performed some kind of spell… Syaoran:  <tries to speak> …… Syaoran:  <thinking>  …Just as I thought, I can’t say anything… Naoko:  Are you good at swimming, Akiho-chan? Akiho:  I haven’t had too many chances, but I enjoy it. Chiharu:  Well, you do have good reflexes.
P20 Naoko:  You’re like Sakura-chan in that way too. Akiho:  !! <Sakura smiles and Akiho is happy for the compliment> Yamazaki:  Speaking of swimming! Chiharu:  Yeah, yeah, we (don’t need) any lies.
P21 Yamazaki:  That hairstyle is cute too. Yamazaki:  That’s no lie. <Chiharu blushes> Chiharu:  You idiot!  Yamazaki-kun, you’re an idiot! Naoko:  They get along so well, don’t they? Tomoyo:  (They) really (do).
P22 <Meanwhile, Kaito is sitting in a tree outside…> Momo:  What are you doing, Yuna D. Kaito? Kaito:  I was out shopping. Kaito:  And… Sakura-san has realized why the cards are (appearing)…
P23 Momo:  So you came to cause trouble. Kaito:  That’s exactly right. Kaito:  That and…
P24 <Sakura senses something happening> Syaoran:  What’s wrong? Sakura:  …Just now… <The lights go out and everyone freezes>
P25 Syaoran:  Everyone… has stopped… Sakura:  Is this also… (because of) me?
[Alt:  Am I also doing this?]
Syaoran:  No, (this is) different.  There’s another magical presence. Syaoran:  (It has to be…)
[Lit:  It’s surely…]
Syaoran:  <once again can’t speak> ……
P26 Syaoran:  Dammit…! Sakura:  <thinking> I know this… This isn’t me…  This is someone (else’s) magic… Sakura:  Release! Syaoran:  Sakura!
P27 Sakura:  “Reflect!” Akiho:  <Voice #1> New magic.
[Note:  Due to the fonts used in Akiho’s speech bubbles, it seems that multiple people are speaking through her.]
<Sakura turns to look at her>
P28 Akiho:  <Voice #2> Strong power. Akiho:  <Voice #3> So strong. Akiho:  <Voice #4> It’s not what was written in the book. Akiho:  <Voice #5> However… we must bind it inside…
P29 Akiho:  <Voice #5> Inside this book. Syaoran:  Sakura!! Narration:  What (is happening) with Akiho…!?  The shocking development you can’t miss! 
<To be continued>
…Seriously though, the book she’s getting sucked into had better be Winds of Winter, because I am not ready for these last 3 eps of Game of Thrones… 
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cardcaptorcoconut · 5 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 33 Translation
Happy April, everyone! Hope you’re having a good month so far. :) I went for a walk on Tuesday and got to see some nice cherry blossoms (thankfully before the wind started knocking them all off the trees!)
Here is the translation for this month’s chapter. Thank you to @meimi-haneoka as always for proofreading for me and for her help with a few tricky lines this time.
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release. 
Chapter 33
Cover Page:  “Come on! Take the hand of someone important to you.”
P1 Akiho: (They’re) delicious! Kaito: Thank you very much. Akiho: These are Dacquoise, right?
[Note: Information on the Dacquoise dessert can be found here.]
Kaito: Yes. I made them with buttercream this time. Akiho:  Strawberry with coffee flavor! Kaito:  And also…
P2 Akiho:  Chocolate (ones).
[Lit:  Chocolate flavoring.]
Akiho:  (These) are delicious too! Momo: <thinking> Chocolate… Momo:  <menacing thoughts and aura> You’ve left some (for me), haven’t you, Yuna D. Kaito? Akiho:  Are (these called) Dacquoise because they resemble duck’s bill?
[Note: I think because Akiho speaks English, she’s comparing the sound of Dacquoise to “duck”…?]
P3 Kaito:  Oh. Akiho: Oh. Momo:  <to herself> Oh? Kaito:  (If I recall, I believe) the word originates from the French hot spring (resort area), “Dax”…
[Note: It looks like there was a spelling error in Nakayoshi this month – they spelled ダクス (Dax) as ダスク (Dusk). Google-fu confirms that Dax is spelled as ダクス in Japanese.]
Akiho:  I-I-I-I-I’m sorry!  I guessed wrong! Kaito:  Not at all. They certainly do look like duck bills.
P4 Akiho:  <blushing> I really… don’t know… anything… Akiho:  I’ll (keep) reading a lot more books! Akiho:  And I’ll remember a lot more things for sure…! Akiho:  …Kaito-san? Kaito:  Akiho-san, you’ve already committed (more than) enough to memory.
[Lit:  Akiho-san, you already remember enough things.]
P5 Akiho:  …… <Kaito abruptly gets up to exit the room> Kaito:  I also made plum jam.  I’ll go bring (some). <Akiho looks on with concern> Momo:  ……
P6 Kaito:  Tina, Rie, Atropos. Reveal in broad light what was hidden.
[Note:  It’s interesting to note here that Kaito’s chant has changed to include “Atropos” – one of the Three Fates in Greek Mythology. On second look at the word Tina, it’s possible that this too refers to Greek Mythology, specifically "Tinia” (Zeus).]
P7 <A portal of some kind appears to open>
P8 Kaito:  …They really never learn, do they? Kaito:  Even if the Sorcerer’s Society elites all gather together and (cast their spells), they’re weak and afraid of destroying (their) bodies… The (results) will be the same so long as (you refuse) to make use of time magic.
[Alt: …so long as time magic isn’t made use of.] 
P9 Kaito:  (I command that time stop.)
[Lit:  Time, be stopped.]
P10 & P11 Kaito:  As time stops, so does (the) spell. Kaito:  And… if it’s stopped, then it’s easily broken.
P12 Kaito:  (As) I’ve already explained many times. Kaito:  Well, (they) know the “magic tool” (they) worked so hard to create is almost complete, so (it figures they) won’t just wait around (doing nothing).
P13 <Kaito’s hand and/or existence(?) flickers> Kaito: …… Kaito:  “This” can’t be stopped. Kaito:  Hopefully this time, (you’ll) make the card (we’re) aiming for, Sakura-san…
[Note:  I put “we’re” here because Kaito’s sentence is a bit ambiguous.]
P14 <Scene changes to Sakura and toddler Syaoran> Sakura:  Hoeeeeeeeee!! Sakura:  I-I’m (so) sorry! Sakura:  Uh… Um! Syaoran-kun… now (you’re)… little!! You’ve turned so small!!
P15 Syaoran:  …It seems that way, huh. Sakura:  Wha!? Wha!? Syaoran:  (Physically, I’ve turned into a child, but I’m still me).
[Lit: My body/appearance has become a child, but my consciousness is the same as present day.]
Sakura:  I-is that so? Syaoran:  Yeah.  (I can tell), Sakura.
[Alt:  Yeah.  I still know you, Sakura.]
<Sakura breathes a sigh of relief> Sakura:  ……
P16 Sakura:  <to herself> He’s adorable! Sakura:  <to herself> So this is what Syaoran-kun was like when he was (young).
[Lit:  …little.]
Sakura:  <to herself> I wonder roughly how old this is?  His voice is a little higher too. Sakura:  <to herself> He’s. So. Cute!!
P17 Syaoran:  …This is probably because you’d just wished that “we’d met when we were even younger.” Sakura:  So that’s why you turned small…? Syaoran:  I think so. Sakura:  I’m sorry! Syaoran:  (You) can’t control the magic, so it can’t be helped. Syaoran:  But, at this rate…
P18 <Syaoran trips and falls> Sakura:  Syaoran-kun!? Sakura:  Ha… ha… Sakura:  HANY~AN! <3
P19 Syaoran:  Wha? Sakura: <embarrassed> AH! Sakura:  D-Did that hurt!?
[Lit:  Didn’t that hurt?]
Syaoran:  <cuffs his pant legs> I-I’m… I’m okay. Syaoran:  If this is also (caused by) your power… Sakura:  …then if I (capture) the card, you’ll return to normal.
P20 Sakura:  Release! Sakura: … Syaoran:  I want to be the me who’s the same age as you, so I can be of some help.
[Lit: おれはさくらと同じ時間を生きているおれで力になりたい…the “me” who is living the same time as you.]
P21 Syaoran:  Besides, we can make memories from this point on together. Sakura:  …Yeah. Sakura:  You who is without a master, by (the power of) this staff of dreams, I command you to become my strength. Sakura:  Secure!
P22 <Sakura seals the card>
P23 <Syaoran returns to normal> Sakura:  …(What a relief.)
[Lit: I’m so glad.]
P24 <The Rewind card looks just like baby Syaoran> Sakura:  Hany~an!! <Scene changes to Kaito> Kaito:  It’s a cute card, but that’s too bad. While it’s close, it’s not -that- “magic”. Kaito:  (At this point), it can’t be helped that Sakura-san’s realized she’s been making the cards by herself.
[Alt:  Having come this far, there’s nothing to be done about Sakura realizing…]
Kaito:  However, it would still be somewhat troublesome if (I was to be mentioned.)
P25 <Kaito uses a spell> Syaoran:  There’s something else I want to tell you. Syaoran:  What happened today (was) Shi… Syaoran:  …… Sakura:  Syaoran-kun?
P26 Syaoran:  …Sa…kura. Sakura:  Y-yes? Syaoran:  Yu…… Syaoran: <thinking to himself> When I try to bring up Shinomoto or that butler, my voice won’t come out…
Syaoran: …… <Syaoran tries to write down what he’s thinking instead> Syaoran: <thinking> I can’t move. <Syaoran tries to write, but ends up writing “Sakura”> Sakura: …Y-yes. Syaoran:  So (I’m) being (restrained) by a spell.
[Lit:  …stopped…]
P28 Syaoran: <thinking> Considering (how powerful that guy is), even (the others) won’t be able to tell Sakura anything.
[Lit:  Considering the strength of that magician… / Note: The actual Japanese for the second part of the sentence here is おれ以外からでもさくらに伝えることは出来ないだろう – meaning help can’t be given “even from someone other than me.”]
<Syaoran hugs Sakura>
P29 Syaoran:  No matter what happens, I will protect you. Narration:  Ordeals come at Sakura & Syaoran…!  Don’t miss the next issue either!!
[Alt:  ...You (won’t be able to look away from) the next issue either!!]
<To be continued in the June issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in May>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 5 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 32 Translation
Hi guys!  Long time, no see.  I’d first like to apologize for the long absence on here and for missing several chapters.  But I also want to offer my sincere thanks to those of you who have supported me and been there for me through the past few difficult months.  I’m not quite back to 100%, but I’m trying little by little everyday. :)  And I’ve really missed being part of the community.
So with that, here’s my translation for chapter 32!  If I can get up to it, I would like to try and catch up on the chapters I missed as well, but I also don’t want to be overly ambitious again.  However, I’m going to try to pick up from here and stick to translating the new chapters monthly as best I can.  I hope I can stick to it!
Special thanks to @meimi-haneoka​ as always for proofreading!
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 32
Cover Page: “The most wonderful of dreams for you.” [Alt: (Sending) the most wonderful dreams to you.]
P1 Nakuru:  And so, that means… Nakuru:  I’ll be staying here while I’m in Japan.
[Note:  Possibly “We’ll be here while we’re in Japan” because Suppie is there too, but since they’re still pretending that Touya doesn’t know anything about magic – including Suppie – “I’ll” and “I’m” would fit better.]
Yukito:  Wha? Nakuru:  You have a lot of (spare) rooms right? Yukito:  <nods> Yeah. Nakuru:  And so (I’ll) be staying here. Yukito:  Okay??
P2 Touya:  Nah, it’s not “okay.” Suppie: … Nakuru:  I wanna eat oden tonight!
[Note:  This link describes what Oden is. It’s found a lot more often in winter, particularly in convenience stores.]
Yukito:  Oh yeah, oden’s delicious in the summer too! Touya:  What?
[Note: Touya’s already saying this with a “wtf” sort of annoyance.]
Nakuru:  Tsukishiro-kun, do you cook? Yukito:  Yeah, but Touya’s better at it. Touya:  (The hell)!?
[Lit:  What!?]
P3 Nakuru:  Well then, Touya-kun, (thanks in advance for) the oden tonight.
[Alt:  Well then, Touya-kun, (we’d like you to make) oden tonight!]
Yukito: <quietly and starry-eyed> Oden… Touya:  WHAT THE HELL!? Nakuru:  Go buy the ingredients! Oh and make sure you add those!  Fish cake and (mochi tofu pockets……)
[Note:  I translated 餅巾着 (mochikinchaku) as “mochi tofu pockets”, but to see a clearer explanation of what they are and how to make them, check this link for a recipe.]
Touya:  Why (are you being) that specific!! Nakuru:  I saw it in a recipe online!  I’m so excited! Nakuru:  Hurry up ♬ Hurry up♪ Yukito:  I’ll (go) with (you). <Nakuru grabs Yukito’s arm>
P4 Yukito:  <quietly> Whoa! Nakuru:  Tsukishiro-kun, could I please get a refill on the tea? Yukito:  Sure. Touya:  I’ll be making it from scratch when I get back, so it’ll be (ready pretty late).
[Lit:  …so it’ll be late when you can eat.]
Nakuru:  (You’d better get a move on then).
[Note:  The text is そこはまきまきでー which is a short, casual version of 巻きでお願いします – a phrase used to urge someone to hurry up when they’re pressed for time.]
Touya:  And you’re gunna help out. Nakuru:  Whaaa!?
P5 Suppie:  What’s with this (weird) sequence of events.
[Alt:  Unnatural flow of events]
Nakuru:  Wasn’t this as natural as could be?
Suppie:  <casually looking at the sweets>  It seems Touya Kinomoto has taken notice of (a lot of things). Yue:   So?  (Why) have you come here?
[Lit:  What’s the reason you’ve come here?]
P6 Nakuru:  Eriol said it was okay to come to Tomoeda. Eriol:  If our methods of communication have been cut off, then (you) should (head there) firsthand. Eriol:  Yuna D. Kaito doesn’t have it in him to crash a plane bearing someone he doesn’t want to come. Kaho:  (He) doesn’t have the power…? Eriol:  No. He does.
P7 Eriol:  However, there would be too many people (caught in the crossfire) and an investigation would be carried out to find a realistic cause of the accident.
[Lit:  ...too many people wrapped up in it…]
Eriol:  He wouldn’t risk a hazard like that.
[Alt:  He wouldn’t risk something dangerous like that.]
Eriol:  Not me, but… Nakuru: …if Suppie and I (were to come), {*he’d be even less likely to do it.*}
P8 Suppie:  It’s Spinel. Nakuru:  So what?  It’s cute! And Kaho is calling you that too recently. Suppie:  It’s (disappointing)!
[Note:  不本意 (fuhoni) literally means “involuntarily” or against one’s will.  I think the nuance is that it’s against Suppie’s will, rather than Kaho doing it against her will.]
Yue:  What did he tell you to do? Nakuru:  He said “Stay close by.” Yue:  To (our) mistresses’?
P9 Nakuru:  By yours’… Suppie:  …and Kerobero’s (sides). Yue:  …… Nakuru:  Tsukishiro-kun has (been falling) asleep a lot recently, right? Suppie:  As has Keroberos, hasn’t he?
P10 Nakuru:  Sakura-chan is certainly Yue and Keroberos’ master and the contract is being (upheld), but the cards you protect are currently in the hands of Li Syaoran.
[Alt:  …but Li Syaoran currently holds the cards that you protect.]
P11 Nakuru:  It’s reckless to take and use cards originally belonging to someone else without (first) passing them over through a formal magic ritual. Nakuru:  {*And to actually be able to do it is even more reckless.*} Nakuru:  But as expected, even the successor of the Li Clan has his hands full with the cards. Suppie:  In other words…
P12 Suppie:  The reason you’ve (been) drowsy, is because (your) magic isn’t enough.
[Note:  The implication being there isn’t enough magic to support them, so it could alternately be “…because her magic isn’t enough”.]
Nakuru:  Just like when Touya-kun was so sleepy-weepy in high school. Suppie:  In that state, when the time comes that your mistress needs you… Nakuru:  …you won’t be able to (do anything) because you’ll be sleepy-weepy too.
[Alt:  …won’t be able to move because…]
P13 Yue:  Even though her magic is strengthening to the point that she’s unconsciously creating new cards? Suppie:  She can’t control her magic to the point that she’s unconsciously creating new cards. Suppie:  You could say that as well, couldn’t you?
[Alt:  We could also say that, right?]
Yue:  ……
P14 Nakuru:  And that’s why… Nakuru:  I’ll (stick with) Yue and Suppie will (stick with) Keroberos. Suppie:  So we can split the magic (we have) from Eriol (to share) with you. Suppie:  The Sakura Cards are formerly Clow Cards.  Clow Reed is the one who made the Clow Cards.  And Eriol is half of Clow. Suppie:  (As he put it), the root of the magic is the same, so it (will be) alright. Suppie:  Of course, those (would be considered) emergency measures.
[Lit:  Of course, these would be emergency measures.]
P15 Yue:  …… Yue:  Understood.  In other words, Ruby Moon and Spinel Sun, (you) are… Yue:  …“Batteries.” Nakuru:  Ahahaha! Suppie:  What the hell!?
P16 Nakuru:  <cracking up to herself> Ahahaha!! Yue said batteries!! Suppie:  That’s so incredibly rude!! Nakuru:  <shoves sweets in Suppie’s mouth> Suppie, if you get too angry, you’ll (make yourself) hungry.
[Alt:  …you’ll get hungry.]
P17 Suppie:  <bounces everywhere> DE-LI-CIOUS!!! ❤ Nakuru:  <recording it on her phone> When I get back, I’ve gotta show this to Eriol and Kaho. Yue:  Keroberos.  Get over here now and (get control of) your battery.
[Lit:  Get over here now and stop your battery.]
P18 <Scene changes to Akiho’s> Kaito:  I see.  So they’ve come. Momo:  Quite the schemer, that Hiiragizawa Eriol. Kaito:  It’s for Sakura-san’s sake that they’ve gone this far, right?
P19 Kaito:  She is dearly loved by (all of) those around her. Momo:  …Akiho loves (her) too.
[Alt:  …Akiho loves that girl too.]
Kaito:  …… <Doorbell rings>
P20 Akiho:  I’m home! Kaito:  Welcome home! <Text around Momo reads “Pretending to be a stuffed animal”> Akiho:  I’m home, Momo. Kaito:  I’ve just put on some milk tea.  Would you like to have some with a snack? Akiho:  (I’d love some!)  I’ll go wash my hands.
P21 Akiho:  Whenever I come home, you always have tea and snacks prepared for me. How do you know?
[Note:  The nuances is “How do you know when I’ll be home?”]
Kaito:  Because (I know you).
[Alt:  Because (I know) about you. / Note: Nuance is he knows everything where she’s concerned.]
Akiho:  <blushing> I-I-I-I-I’ll go wash my hands!!!
P22 <Momo falls over> Momo:  …… Momo:  Ahh… Momo:  Yuna D. Kaito, I want to jump kick (you) when I return to my original form. <Scene changes to Syaoran’s apartment> Syaoran:  Are you alright?
P23 Sakura:  Yeah.  Thanks for the cool towel.
[Lit:  Thanks for cooling the towel for me.]
Syaoran:  …… Sakura:  (We’ve) made all of the cards worry too. Syaoran:  (It’s because) my power still isn’t enough to support all of the cards materializing for so long...
P24 Sakura:  So even though your letters said it would take time, the reason you came back from Hong Kong was for this… Syaoran:  That’s not the only reason! Syaoran:  I…
P25 Syaoran:  …wanted to see you (as soon as I possibly could).
[Lit:  I wanted to see you even a day sooner (if possible).]
Sakura:  …Thank you.
P26 Sakura:  I’m really happy we’ve been together like we’ve been since you came to Tomoeda in the 4th grade. Sakura:  But if we’d met when we were even younger, I would’ve been able to see (even) more sides of you.  And we (would have made) more and more memories with each other… <Suddenly Syaoran is engulfed in light>
P27 Sakura:  Syaoran-kun!? Narration:  Syaoran has somehow (become) a child…!? The new development (you) can’t peel (your) eyes from!!
<To be continued in the May issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in April>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
A quick update - It's unfortunately taking longer than I thought to make time for translating this week. I hope to have the content up as soon as I can. However I got some really positive news today and will be able to let go of a huge burden pretty soon, so I'm hopeful there won't be a delay with the next translation (for Chapter 30 later this month).
Thanks again in the meantime! >_<
Announcement - Re: Chapters 28 & 29 Translations
Hi guys. First, I’d like to apologize for not having the chapter 28 translation up last month. A few people are aware, but I’ve been going through something really difficult and November in particular was super hard to get through. I feel bad for the last chapter translation being so late, but I would a still like to make one for chapter 28. As for 29, I will be working on that at the same time. I’ll try and have both up by Monday Japan time, or Tuesday at the latest. I’m sorry again for the delay, but thank you for your patience and support. :)
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Announcement - Re: Chapters 28 & 29 Translations
Hi guys. First, I'd like to apologize for not having the chapter 28 translation up last month. A few people are aware, but I've been going through something really difficult and November in particular was super hard to get through. I feel bad for the last chapter translation being so late, but I would a still like to make one for chapter 28. As for 29, I will be working on that at the same time. I'll try and have both up by Monday Japan time, or Tuesday at the latest. I'm sorry again for the delay, but thank you for your patience and support. :)
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 27 Translation
Happy (almost) Halloween!  Here is the new chapter. :)
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 27
Cover Page: “Thanks for your support, everyone! ♡ (This is the) 2nd consecutive issue with a color splash page!♪”
P1 Yue: …(Brace yourself).
[Lit: Grit your teeth. / Note: 歯をくいしばる is kind of like saying to grit your teeth in preparation for pain]
<Yue raises his fist>
P2 <Syaoran braces himself, but Yue simply touches his face> Yue:  …So that’s why you were always “smiling.”
P3 Syaoran: …What? Yue:  Our mistress was saying you’ve been smiling (ever) since you came back here.
[Lit:  …smiling all the time since…]
Yue:  She said you’re always laughing so that she’ll feel more at ease. Yue:  There was a slight sadness in her eyes as she said that…
[Lit/Alt: As she said that, Mistress’ eyes seemed slightly sad.]
Yue:  I thought that you’ve become more mature. And I knew your powers had also gotten exceptionally stronger.  (I’m sure) a lot happened while you were away. Yue:  But the you from before…
P4 Yue:  …had more freedom to (experience) frustration or joy.
[Note:  悔しい(くやしい / kuyashii) means frustrating or annoying, so I wonder if this isn’t a typo for 苦しい(くるしい / kurushii)or “suffering” – I think “suffering or joy” would make more sense here, but I left it as “frustration” as per the original text]
Yue:  (Being genuine) is your true nature. Yue:  You were (smiling) to “cover things up.”
P5 Yue:  …But we (did the same thing) too.
[Alt: But we were the same too.]
The Dark:  That’s right. The Light:  (Our mistress) is slightly (reckless) and can be hasty…
[Lit:  …is a little dangerous and can be…]
The Dark:  But she is able to treasure people’s hearts more than anyone else can. The Cards:  We love (her)!
P6 Yue:  That’s why (we) understand wanting to protect (her).
[Note:  Yue may mean “I” instead of “we” but the subject isn’t specified.]
Yue:  But don’t forget that you’re also one of the things that (she) cherishes.
[Lit: …things that our mistress cherishes.]
Yue:  (How do you think she would feel) if she found out that you were sacrificing yourself to protect her?
[Lit/Alt:  What do you think would happen to her if she found out…]
Yue:  You should think about that first.
[Alt:  You should think about that before anything else.]
P7 Yue:  If you don’t want to make her cry, then protect yourself in addition to protecting her. Yue:  You must. Syaoran:  …Okay.
P8 <Scene changes to Sakura & Akiho> Sakura:  Who are you?!  Are you the one always appearing in my dreams? Voice:  You know whose voice this is, don’t you? Sakura:  Huh!? <Akiho pushes Sakura away>
P9 Sakura:  Akiho-chan…?
P10 The Dark:  We’re glad you talked with Yue, but… The Light:  But, that’s right.  Why (did you say) “(Brace yourself)?”
[Lit:  Grit your teeth]
Yue:  Because touching him out of the blue might’ve startled him and he could’ve bitten his tongue (in surprise). The Light & The Dark:  What?? The Light:  So overprotective! The Dark:  But Yue is even more so towards our mistress. Yue:  Shut up.
P11 <Syaoran gives a genuine laugh> Yue:  You should show that (kind of) smile to our mistress more.  Don’t isolate yourself. <Syaoran nods as a message come up on the computer>
P12 Kero:  Brat and Yue are both there, right?! Yue:  Keep it down.  [Alt: You’re so noisy.] Kero:  (It sounded like Sakura was panicking) a minute ago, so I (tried to go to them).
[Lit:  I heard Sakura’s voice and she sounded panicked somehow, so I thought I’d go near to them.]
Kero:  But I can’t get out of the room!
P13 Yue:  It’s faster if (we fly).  [Lit:  From the sky is faster.] Syaoran:  But I can’t use flight magic… Yue:  You have something that can do that.
[Lit:  Something that can do that is here, right?]
Syaoran:  …Will you come with me?  For Sakura?
P14 The Light & The Dark:  And for you too. Right? Syaoran:  “FLY!”
P15 <Just a really awesome page of Syaoran>
P16 <Syaoran and Yue fly to Sakura’s home> Syaoran:  <thinking>  Sakura…! Sakura:  Akiho-chan!
P17 Sakura:  <thinking>  I can’t move!? Akiho?? (Voice 1):  This is certainly strong magic. Akiho?? (Voice 2):  Isn’t it a bit too strong? Akiho?? (Voice 3):  It’s only natural of a blood relative of Clow Reed.
[Note:  Each of Akiho’s speech bubbles here are in different fonts. This seems to indicate that multiple people are perhaps speaking through her.]
Sakura:  <thinking>  Akiho…chan?
P18 Akiho?? (Voice 3):  Let’s (put) this child’s power into this vessel too.
[Note:  The verb is left off, so it could be “Let’s put/absorb/take/etc…]
<Something tries to absorb Sakura’s power into Akiho>
P19 Sakura:  “Release!!” Sakura:  “Gale!” <Gale breaks the force around Akiho>
P20 Sakura:  “Fly!” Sakura:  “Mirror!”
P21 <Sakura rescues Akiho>
P22 <The door opens and Sakura & Akiho come crashing through> Kero:  Sakura!
P23 Kero:  Kero-chan, you get outside too! Kero:  Right! <Syaoran and Yue arrive> Syaoran:  Sakura!! Sakura:  Akiho-chan is-!!
P24 & P25 <The atmosphere around them shifts drastically>
P26 Kaito:  So, everyone is here.
P27 Kaito:  You’ve done well. Narration:  The strongest magician – Kaito – (descends).
[Alt:  …appears.]
<To be continued in the December issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in November>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 26 Translation
Hey everyone! I’m so sorry for the delay this month and thanks for your patience. :) I’m all moved in to my new (still messy!) place now, but I was able to finish up the new chapter.
If there are any typos I missed, please DM me and let me know.
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 26
Cover Page: “Are we similar?”
[Alt: “Do we look alike?”]
P1 Narration:  This story took place a little while ago. Narration:  In a certain (land), there was a boy who realized that he was all by himself.
[Alt: … there was a boy who came to and realized that he was all by himself. / Note: The Japanese here is ある所に気がついたらひとりきりの男の子がいました]
Narration:  For as long as he could remember, the boy had been alone. Narration:  It seems he had been separated from his parents somehow right (from the time) he was born. Narration:  By the time he was old enough to think for himself, (he realized he had) no blood relatives around him.
[Lit:  When he had become conscious of it, he realized there wasn’t anyone at all he could call a blood relative in the people surrounding him.]
Narration:  The boy thinks (to himself).
P2 Narration:  While it would be okay to withdraw from the society around him, he was sensible and knew that he was still young. And so, it would be a good idea to live within this society first. Narration:  And above all else, the boy possessed magic ability. Narration:  The power to fly through the sky, the power to search for things, the power to teleport, the power to speak with animals, the power to instantly erase (things).
P3 Narration:  All of those powers came easily to this boy. Narration:  (Many tried), but there were no adults who could match the strength of this boy’s power.
[Note: The Japanese was あまりの男の子の力に大人もそれよりもっと大人も適いません – The nuance is some adults tried, and then more, stronger adults tried.]
Narration:  The boy grew up within that (society) and met people who wanted to use his power to (their benefit).
[Alt: …met people who wanted to use his power to help them.]
P4 Narration:  The boy thought (to himself). Narration: “I don’t really care about helping and doing things for others is a pain, but (I don’t feel strongly enough about it not to), so… I guess I will. Narration:  From the time he was born and on, the boy’s power grew stronger and stronger.  And in his strength, he was able to (learn) even more complicated spells. Narration:  (Soon) not only just those around him, but other magicians far and wide were unable to match his strength.
P5 Narration:  Yes, due to that overwhelming power, the boy’s personality… <Scene melts into present time with Momo and Kaito> Momo:  …became quite warped.
[Alt: …became quite twisted. / Note: “Twisted” usually has a negative connotation, but it’s not yet clear in what way his personality changed.]
Kaito:  Whom exactly are you talking about? Momo:  Do you mean (there’s) someone other than yourself?
P6 Kaito:  There are plenty of magicians who have warped personalities due to the strength of their magic. Momo:  And I’m saying that you are one of them. Momo:  I’m out of tea. Kaito:  (I will prepare some for you).
[Lit:  I’m terribly sorry. /  Note: 失礼致しました implies he’s sorry for troubling her, because it’s his job to make the tea]
Momo:  Pralines and truffles too! Kaito:  (Of course. I will bring those too).
[Lit:  I humbly acknowledge. / Note:  承知致しました is a very polite way to say “Of course, I understand and will do something about it”]
<Kaito leaves the room>
P7 Momo:  Any magic ability comes easily to that boy. Momo:  And right now that boy is trying to obtain a very dangerous magic ability… Momo:  …by sacrificing something (precious).
[Note: 大切 can mean precious, important, dear, cherished, etc.]
P8 <Scene changes to Sakura & Akiho after the meal they cooked together> Sakura & Akiho: Thanks for the meal! Sakura:  Oh also, about our other promise.  I told you before we could explore my dad’s library. Sakura:   I have a book I’m looking for too, so I wonder if you’d like to come with me? Akiho:  Of course!
P9 <Scene changes to Syaoran’s place as he tries to contact Eriol online> Syaoran:  So it won’t connect after all... Syaoran:  …… <The doorbell rings>
P10 Syaoran:  Yes? Yukito:  Hello. Syaoran:  Wha!? <Scene briefly changes back to Kero> Kero:  That Yue… Kero:  <panicked> I hope he changed into Yukito and walked there!  He didn’t soar over there and make a bunch of noise with his wings, right!?  <to himself> If someone saw that sort of thing or took a photo of it…!!
P11 <Scene changes back to Syaoran’s> Yukito:  Sorry to drop in on you so suddenly. Syaoran:  N…not at all. But why (are you here)? Yukito:  It seems my other self has (something to discuss) with you.
[Lit: …has business/a reason… (e.g. for the visit)]
<Yukito changes into Yue> Syaoran:  Huh!?
P12 Syaoran:  Yue…! Kero:  <shaking> He’s out for blood.  I can tell even when we’re apart.  Well, that’s because we were made as a pair, (but)… Yue is absolutely furious.
P13 Kero:  Brat!!  Please (escape unscathed)!!
[Note: 逆鱗回避 would be like saying “I hope you can avoid the wrath of your superiors”]
<Kero suddenly senses Sakura moving> Kero:  Oh… looks like Sakura’s left the living room. <sfx text: “Listening”> She said she was gunna show Akiho the library. Kero:  A lot happened and the Book of Clow (wound up) in this house. [Lit: …came to this house.]  Everything began when Sakura opened the book.  But come to think of it, even me coming here is thanks to Sakura’s father bringing (the Clow) to his library.
P14 Kero:  Because “Papa Fujitaka” is half of Clow, everything happened the way it did … <Scene changes back to Syaoran and Yue> Syaoran:  (Can I get you some) tea? Yue:  No need. Yue:  <glaring> So the Sakura Cards were here…
P15 Syaoran:  You heard (it) from Hiiragizawa? Yue:  We talked, but we didn’t hear about that.  And we got cut off in the middle (of the conversation).  That’s all. And you? Syaoran:  Same here. Yue:  I heard the reason why you didn’t explain what is happening to our mistress, and why you didn’t tell us about it. Yue:  Nevertheless, why did you take away the cards from our mistress?  
P16 Syaoran:  If Sakura kept making new cards on top of (already) having the Sakura Cards in her possession, it would only serve to accelerate her increase in power. Yue:  Even so, why doesn’t the mistress realize this… Light (and/or Dark?):  Isn’t is obvious?  It’s because we (acted with him).
[Lit: …because we cooperated.]
P17 Yue:  “Light”… (and) “Dark”…
P18 <Scene changes to Fujitaka’s library> Akiho:  Waaahh!! Sakura:  My dad said “Sorry it’s so messy.” <Akiho furiously shakes her head>
P19 Akiho:  Books on historic ruins!  Ah!! This is the book I’ve been looking for so long!  And books on ancient (text)!  [Lit: ancient characters] Akiho:  Um! Um!  Do you mind if I (look through them)??  [Lit: pick them up] Sakura:  Dad said “Of course, help yourself.” Akiho:  Thank you so much!! <Akiho looks through a book>
P20 <Scene changes back to Syaoran’s house> Light:  We took notice that this (boy) was trying to extract us with magic, and we resisted it (at first) too.  But (in the end) we all decided to come to him.
[Note: The “at first” and “in the end” are in nuance only and not direct translation]
Light:  It’s because we could see in his heart that he’s vowed to always protect our mistress no matter what happens. Syaoran:  ……
P21 Syaoran:  Even so, that doesn’t change the fact that I stole the cards from Sakura. Syaoran:  It doesn’t change the fact that I’m making her worry (by keeping the truth from her).
[Lit: …without even telling her the truth.]
P22 <Scene changes back to Sakura & Akiho> Akiho:  There (sure) are a lot of books on history and ancient times! Sakura:  That’s because my dad specializes in archaeologist. Akiho:  They’re all such valuable texts… ah!  Oh no! Sakura:  This one’s torn a bit. Akiho:  It’d be nice if we could fix it. Akiho:  At the moment, I’m learning how to mend books. Sakura:  That’s amazing! Akiho:  No matter how much time passes, there’s really nothing I can do.  So I thought maybe at least I can do something for my beloved books. Sakura:  You really do love books, don’t you?
P23 Akiho:  That’s because books were the only friends I ever had. Sakura:  …Akiho-chan… Akiho:  But now!  I have you! And everyone from Tomoeda Junior High is there for me!
P24 Akiho:  It’s not a bother, is it? <Sakura hugs Akiho> Sakura:  We’re friends.  You’re a very precious friend to me.
[Lit: …a precious, precious friend…]
P25 <Akiho cries> Akiho:  It’s not what you think!  These are happy tears… Sakura:  I don’t want you to cry, but as long as it means you’re happy then I’m happy too.
P26 Akiho:  The same goes for me. Akiho:  I don’t want anything to happen that would make you cry. <Sakura remembers seeing Syaoran as the Mysterious Cloaked Figure>
P27 Sakura:  …… Akiho:  Sakura-san? <Suddenly their surroundings shift>
P28 & 29 Voice:  You can’t go back anymore.
[Note: As mentioned previously, the “you” in the sentence is おまえ (omae).]
Narration:  The fated time awaiting the two is almost upon (them)…!!
<To be continued in the December issue of Nakayoshi>
[Note: CLAMP has clarified via Twitter that this is a typo and that the next chapter will be included in the November issue, on sale in early October. So no worries - there will be no 2 month wait this time for the continuation!]
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Announcement for Chapter 26 Translation
Hey everyone. :) I hope you've had a good July & August! My summer's been eventful - as some of you know, I've been looking for a new less chaotic job since the beginning of the year, and I finally found something that'll hopefully be a good fit in mid-July. It was a stressful few weeks finishing at my old job, but now it's all done and I'm moving to from Nagoya to Tokyo.
Unfortunately, the move-in date is September 3rd - the day the new chapter comes out. Once the movers finish I should have a chance to translate. However, I may not have internet right away at the new place so I might be a tiny bit late this month. I know everyone's been waiting a long time through the hiatus though, so I promise I'll get the translation posted as soon as I can! :D
Just a short wait more! And please remember not to spread spoilers in the meantime, as CLAMP requested. Thanks for your patience. :)
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Since I’ve seen some confused fans, for those who don’t remember / don’t know:
Don’t expect a new chapter of CCS Clear Card at the beginning of August! CLAMP are taking a vacation and will be back on the beginning of September with chapter 26! ❤️
Spread the word!
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 25 Translation
Happy July!  I hope everyone’s getting geared up for the second half of the year.
In that spirit, this is just a gentle reminder to anyone following this blog, but be nice to the people around you - both on and offline, in and out of fandom.  There’s no reason not to be and moreover, it’s a waste of your time and energy to dwell on negative things.  Daily life can be hard and that extends to the internet sometimes, but putting your energy into something constructive and positive instead of the opposite will make a huge difference and will make both you and those whose lives you touch much happier in the long run.  In short: What Would Sakura Do?
This month’s chapter is back to being low-key compared to last month’s cliffhanger, but without giving too much more away, I will say that you should grab a tissue box beforehand.
Also, some sad news, but unfortunately there will be no new chapter next month.  Chapter 26 will be out in the October issue of Nakayoshi (available in September).
Special thanks to @meimi-haneoka for proofreading!
And to everyone from the discord group - thank you guys so much for everything up to now. I will still be around, so don’t be a stranger!  Message me anytime and if we haven’t already friended each other, just poke me and we’ll fix that! ;)
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆ 
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 25
Cover Page: “I will protect Sakura and the cards.”
[EDIT: Also possibly “I will protect Sakura with the cards.”]
P1 Narration: This story took place not that long ago.
[Lit: This story didn’t take place all that long ago.]
Narration:  In a certain (land), there was a clan known as the “Most Ancient Sorcerers in Europe” whose bloodline (endowed all of its members with magic). Narration:  Everyone born into this family (possessed magical ability).
[Lit: …this family could use magic.]
Narration:  The power to fly through the sky, the power to search for things, the power to teleport, the power to speak with animals, the power to instantly erase (things). Narration:  Each and every member of the family had a special ability, and they were all masters of their crafts.
P2 Narration:  It was into that family that a young girl was born. Narration:  Everyone in the family eagerly anticipated what kind of magic the girl would be able to use. Narration:  When she’s old enough to (walk), what (shapes will her techniques take)? When she’s old enough to speak, what incantations will she recite? Narration:  But… even as she grew into a lovely child and began to walk, she couldn’t use any magic at all. Magician 1:  What is the meaning of this? Magician 1:  Every one (of us) has shown some sort of magical talent before learning to walk at the latest...
[Note: From this page on, it’s hard to tell which magicians are saying which lines, so I added the numbers as I saw fit, but there’s no real way to tell who’s who.]
P3 Magician 2:  She must be able to use incredibly powerful magic.  (It must be that) she can’t command it while she’s still so young. Narration:  The family waited. Narration:  However more time passed, and even when she had reached the age where she could read… Magician 1:  I can’t sense any magical ability. Magician 1:  There isn’t a single trace of magic inside of this child. Magician 2:  There’s no way! Magician 3:  That’s not possible. Magician 4:  So, she’s not able to use any magic… Narration:  Everyone in the family was in disbelief.  How could someone with the same blood running through them possess no magic?
P4 Magician 2:  How can this be? Magician 3: Her father and mother have some of the most outstanding abilities in our clan. Magician 4: For their only child to… Magician 4:  …not to be able to use magic.
P5 Magician 1:  The elder sisters of the Li Clan in Hong Kong don’t have magical talents, but I’ve heard that the youngest son possesses fantastic ability. Magician 2:  How is that? Magician 3:  What does it mean? Magician 1:  It seems the current Head of the Li Clan intends to have that youngest son as their successor. Magician 4:  (Such is) Clow Reed’s family lineage… Magician 5:  To fall behind to the Li Clan is… Magician 5: …(unthinkable).
[Lit:  …unforgivable.]
Magician 2:  Our clan’s pride is on the line.
P6 Narration:  Already without her parents and with no one of a younger generation in the clan, there wasn’t anyone close in age to her around. Narration:  The girl longed for someone to play with, she longed for someone to talk to. Magician 2:  (She’s) the only child (we have) who is the same age of the Li Clan’s next leader, yet she’s incapable of using magic. Magician 3:  And for her not to be able to use even the (simplest of spells)…
[Lit: …even simple magic.]
Narration:  No one in the clan would (acknowledge) this girl who had no magic.
[Lit: No one in the clan would speak with the girl who had no magic.]
P7 Magician:  (It’s absurd that) she can’t become a sorcerer.
[Alt: I can’t believe that she can’t become a sorcerer.]
Narration:  As she grew, they would check to see if she had developed even a little magical power or not. Narration:  However, those were but “questions” and not “conversations.” Narration:  And as expected, the girl could not use magic.
P8 Narration:  Upon seeing her family’s disappointed faces and demeanor, the girl felt very guilty and remorseful. Narration:  And (from then on) she was always alone. Narration:  However, the girl loved books. Narration:  She was very good at remembering the languages and scripts of various countries.  Reading books made the girl feel happy. Narration:  Even if no one would listen to her, even if no one would pat her on the head…
P9 Narration:  The stories in the books and the characters in the stories are always by her side. Narration:  They smile with her.  They cheer her up. Narration:  Books are the girl’s beloved, cherished friends. Narration:  But… in truth…
P10 Akiho:  …(I’m) lonely. <Akiho wakes up> Akiho:  It (was) a dream. Of the past. <Akiho picks up Momo>
P11 Akiho:  Now I have Momo with me. Akiho:  And Kaito-san. <Akiho looks at her book and smiles>
P12 Akiho:  And… everyone I’ve met (since) coming here too. Momo:  That’s right, Akiho. Momo:  Don’t forget that there are people who will (stay) by your side now.
[Note: The Japanese here is 「今のあなたには 一緒にいてくれる人たちがいることを忘れないで」- the first part could also possibly be interpreted as “…will stay by your side as you are now”]
Momo:  And at “that time” too…
P13 <Sakura wakes up crying> Kero: What’s wrong? Are you in pain?
[Lit: Do you hurt somewhere?]
Sakura:  Alice… was crying.
P14 <Sakura goes downstairs> Fujitaka: Good morning, Sakura-san. Sakura: Morning, dad. Fujitaka: <alarmed> Your eyes are red. <Sakura rubs her eyes> Sakura:  I’m fine!
P15 <Fujitaka looks at her worriedly> Sakura:  …… Sakura:  I had a dream. Fujitaka:  A scary dream? Sakura:  No, it was a sad dream. Sakura:  (In the) dream, even though (she was) lonely and crying, I couldn’t do anything.
P16 Fujitaka:  (Have you heard of) lucid dreams?
[Lit: Do you know lucid dreams?]
Sakura:  Lucid? Fujitaka:  It’s when you (realize) that you’re dreaming while you’re (asleep).
[Lit: It’s when you know that you’re dreaming while inside of the dream.]
Fujitaka:  (It’s said that) when you know you’re dreaming, you can change the dream to make it go how you want it to. Sakura:  That’s amazing! Can you do that too, dad? Fujitaka:  (Well) no, it’s fairly difficult, but...
P17 Fujitaka:  If you happen to have another sad dream… Fujitaka:  (See if you can’t) change the dream by making the person who’s sad smile. [Alt:  I hope you can change the dream by…]
P18 Sakura:  …Okay. Sakura:  Um, dad… About what I asked (permission) for before… <Scene changes to later; the doorbell rings> Sakura:  Coming! Sakura:  <to Akiho> Welcome!
P19 Akiho:  Hello! Sakura:  I’m sorry to have called you over so suddenly on our day off. Akiho:  I’m happy (that you did)!  What did you need? Akiho:  I hope that I’ll be able to help. Sakura:  I just really wanted to see you. Akiho:  Sakura-san… Sakura:  And also, two promises.
P20 Akiho:  Is it okay like this? Sakura:  Yeah, that’s fine. Sakura:  Peel the potatoes and heat them in the microwave.  Then, mash (them up). Sakura:  Finely chop the onions, add the ground meat, and when it’s mostly cooked add in the potatoes. Akiho:  And mix them (together), right? Sakura:  Yeah!  Can you do that for me, Akiho-chan? Akiho:  Yes!
P21 Sakura:  Season it. Sakura:  I’ll make the breading. Sakura:  Put in the breadcrumbs and olive oil, or rice-bran oil is tasty too. Sakura:  Toast them on a low flame until they’re a nice color. Sakura:  And then, let them cool down and spread the toasted breading in plastic wrap. Akiho:  These are a good color too. Sakura:  On the potato, ground meat, and onion you mixed for me… Sakura:  …we coat it with some beaten egg… Sakura:  And then into the breadcrumbs in the plastic wrap.
P22 <Sakura shapes the croquette> Akiho:  It’s cute! Sakura:  Let’s (make) them together. Akiho:  Okay! Sakura:  Bake them in the oven.
P23 Sakura:  And (we’ve got) no-fry croquettes!
[Lit:  And the no-fry croquettes are complete!]
Sakura:  I thought that making something fried all of the sudden would be a little scary, and this way we’re only using a little oil. Akiho:  Is it okay if I dig in? Sakura:  Of course! Sakura & Akiho: Let’s eat. <Both take a bite>
P24 Sakura & Akiho:  It’s delicious! Sakura:  (You can) make these for Kaito-san too, okay? Akiho:  Kaito-san seems like he’s kind of tired recently…
P25 Akiho:  He’s always smiling like usual, but I can tell somehow… Sakura:  I hope that eating (your food) perks him up.
[Note:  Sakura doesn’t say “your food” here, but that’s the implication.]
Akiho:  …Yeah. <Scene changes to Kero and Yue talking online> Yue:  How is it going? Kero:  They’re (having a good time) cooking together and are taste testing right now. Yue:  (Do you feel anything?)
[Lit: Is there any presence?]
P26 Kero:  Nothing at all. Kero:  As we thought, Akiho doesn’t have any magic. Yue:  …Our mistress had a dream this morning and was crying, right? Kero:  Yeah… Yue:  I will go. Kero:  Where to?
P27 Yue:  I’m going to speak with Li Syaoran. Narration:  At last, Yue makes a move…!!
<To be continued in the October issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in September>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 24 Translation
Lots of things happening in this month’s chapter, but “everything will definitely be okay” guys, so just Keep Calm & Clear Card On! :)
Also, I heard that more than a few fans were accidentally spoiled when most of the chapter leaked early this week, so I just wanted to re-link to my previous post about CLAMP’s stance regarding this. Please think twice when posting spoilers, and if you do decide to post or read them, at the very least please tag appropriately.
Thank you to the ever wonderful @meimi-haneoka for being the world’s best proofreader. <3
[EDIT]  I added a footnote on pages 3, 12, & 13 about one line and corrected the name of a card I had mistaken on page 18 (Thank you to @aurora010100 for the heads up!! ^^)
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆ 
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 24
Cover Page: “The title ‘D’ is proof (that one ranks among) the most powerful of magicians.”
[Alt: “The title ‘D’ is proof of (being) the strongest magician.”]
P1 Kaito:  Is everything alright? [Lit: Did something happen?] Akiho:  I had… a nightmare. Akiho:  Until about halfway through, it was like the world in (my) book and was nice. [Lit: …was enjoyable.] Kaito: Alice’s world?
P2 Akiho:  In “Clockland”, Alice met all kinds of strange beings and inhabitants and had curious experiences… Akiho:  Yes, and a mirror appeared.  A mirror that could copy magic. Akiho:  But after that… these clock sounds grew very loud, and (you could hear) the sound of something breaking somewhere…
P3 Akiho:  I heard… a voice. Akiho:  (It said) “You can’t go back anymore.”
[Alt:  Could also be “You can’t turn back anymore.”]
[Note:  The original text was 「おまえはもう戻れない」with おまえ (”Omae”) as the subject. The gruff nature indicates it’s unlikely to be Nadeshiko saying this...]
P4 Akiho:  And I’d always thought that the Alice in my dream (looked like me), but today… <Akiho recalls that the Alice in her dream looks like Sakura> Kaito:  Have you ever heard of dreams that contradict reality? Kaito:  It's when the opposite of what you dreamt occurs (in real life).
[Alt:  It's the kind of dream where the opposite of what happens in it occurs in real life.]
Akiho:  The opposite… Kaito:  So if you had a nightmare, what’s the opposite of that?
P5 Akiho:  Something fun will happen? <Kaito smiles at her and she smiles back> Kaito:  <looks at his pocket watch> It looks like it’s almost dinner time. Akiho:  I’ll help out!  Ah! I’ll go get my apron, okay?
P6 Momo:  …There are also such things as dreams that come true. Kaito:  I will never allow that to happen. <Scene changes to Sakura going to school with Kero> Kero:  Wouldn’t it have been better to stay home from school today?  You had a nightmare right? Sakura:  It’s okay.  I can’t just tell my teachers I’m staying home because I had a weird dream.
P7 Sakura:  Besides, until halfway through, it was like Alice in Wonderland and was fun. Kero:  Sakura's situation right now is not one (where you could say) that it’s just a dream. Kero:  It’s likely a dream she had because of her magic... <Kero thinks back to his discussion with Yue> Kero:  I think it’s better we don’t tell Sakura about this yet… Kero:  Eriol has to have a reason for wanting to tell Sakura she’s producing cards of her own.  But we can’t confirm why that is right now. Kero:  (To help) Sakura, Eriol wouldn’t do something that… Yue:  …wasn’t necessary.
[Lit:  He wouldn’t do something he shouldn’t do.]
P8 Yue:  …What about the magician? Kero:  He hasn’t done anything to challenge Sakura directly yet… Kero:  Besides, Sakura and Akiho are really close.  Would warning her (of that) be a good thing? Yue:  You don’t want to cause her any unnecessary worry or sadness if you can help it. Kero:  Right. Yue:  Let’s keep the (news) about the magician (quiet) for now.
[Lit: Let’s keep the thing about the magician hidden for now.]
P9 Yue:  In exchange for that, don’t leave our mistress’ side. Kero:  I won’t leave (her side), but… Kero:  There’s nothing I can do about (her having a) nightmare… But the likelihood that it’s a premonitory dream for sure too… <Scene changes to Akiho watching the cheerleading practice> Cheerleaders:  One, two, three, four!
P10 Tomoyo:  The cheerleading club is really hard at work practicing too. Akiho:  I think this may be a little impolite for me to say, but Sakura-san and I… Tomoyo:  You’re very much alike. Tomoyo:  And it’s not impolite at all.  Sakura-chan would be so happy. Akiho:  Do you really think so?  [Lit:  Is that really so?]
P11 Tomoyo:  How about you, Akiho-chan? <Akiho blushes> Akiho:  (It makes me) really, really, really happy! <At the practice below> Coach:  Okay, now spin around-- <Sakura spins>  
P12 & 13 <Suddenly everything disappears> Sakura:  !? Voice:  “You can’t go back anymore.”
[Alt: “You can’t turn back anymore.” - Same as above, with “omae” as the subject.]
<Sakura looks up and locks eyes with Akiho in the window above as the scene returns to normal>
P14 <Scene changes to later that night at the Kinomoto residence> Sakura:  I’m out of the bath! <Fujitaka and Touya are cooking> Sakura:  (Are we having) hamburgers tomorrow? Fujitaka:  I thought I’d put some in (our) lunches and freeze (the rest). Sakura:  I can’t wait! [Lit: I’m looking forward to it!]
P15 <Sakura notices Touya staring at her> Sakura:  What is it? <Touya pats her head> Sakura:  Waah! Touya:  Get to bed quickly tonight. Don’t (get up to anything).
[Lit: Without doing anything.]
Fujitaka:  It looks like it’s going to be a little cooler at night, so keep warm, okay? Sakura:  …Okay.
P16 <Scene changes to Syaoran’s residence> Syaoran:  I can’t get through to Hiiragizawa after all. Syaoran:  …(His) magic can go even that far, huh. Syaoran:  That shows just how powerful (of a magician he) is. Syaoran:  Even if that’s the case… <Syaoran’s bear and rashinban start glowing>
P17 <Syaoran struggles to summon nine of the Sakura Cards>
P18 <Syaoran catches his breath as Windy, Shadow, Watery, Mirror, Fiery, Glow, Fly, Jump, and Flowery gather around him> Syaoran:  <to the cards> I’m sorry to make you worry.
P19 Syaoran:  The bear I gave to Sakura was imbued with my magic.  Through that bear, (I was able to draw) the “magic” of the Sakura Cards to me. Syaoran:  And now I can use (that power), but… Syaoran:  Not only is it taking more time that I thought, it (completely) drains out my energy.  Hiiragizawa was also worried that this is excessive…
[Lit: It’s an extreme drain on my power/energy.]
Syaoran:  But even so.
P20 Syaoran:  The cards and I will not fail to protect Sakura.
[Lit: I will definitely protect Sakura together with the cards.]
[Note: It’s interesting to note here that Syaoran says 「...絶対にさくらを守る、カード達と」.The と particle is usually used to mean “and” or “together with” as opposed to で which would be more like “by means of”.  Since it said カード達と and not カード達で I took this to indicate that Syaoran views the cards as his allies to save Sakura rather than tools to do so.]
<Scene changes to Akiho’s house> Akiho: That robe in the dreams… It’s definitely mine.
P21 <Akiho puts on the robe and she seems to go into a trance of some kind; the scene then changes to Sakura’s room>
P22 <Outside her window, Sakura sees the cloaked figure> Sakura:  Ah…!! Sakura:  “Flight!” <Sakura flies towards the figure who gestures at her>
P23 <The staff back into a key and the figure pulls it towards them> Sakura:  No!! Flight:  <begins to shatter> -----!! Sakura:  “Flight”…!!
P24 <The figure pulls Sakura in as Flight shatters completely; Sakura grabs for the robe>
P25 <Sakura pulls the hood off the figure> Sakura:  !!
P26 & P27 Sakura:  …Syaoran… kun?
P28 <Sakura wakes up back in her room> Kero:  Are you okay!? Kero(?):  Was it another dream? Sakura:  A dream… Sakura:  It’s a dream, right? Narration:  Is the dream Sakura and Akiho saw one that contradicts reality? Or is it…!?
<To be continued in the August issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in July>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 23 Translation
I’m sorry for the delay with this chapter’s translation.  My bookshop surprisingly didn’t carry the new issue yesterday and I fell asleep before I could translate the online one last night.  It’s possible the bookshop may no longer be putting out Nakayoshi one day before it’s official release, but only time will tell.
The formatting this time around should be just fine on desktop view, but mobile view is still messed up for me, so I apologize if it appears strange. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.
Special thanks to @meimi-haneoka for her input on some tricky lines!
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 23
Cover Page: “The door (to the) truth will now be opened…”
[Lit: The door of truth…]
P1 Eriol:  Without (drawing) off of someone else’s creation and without even realizing it herself, (she has) materialized “cards” from magic… Eriol:  In other words, she’s (been) creating her very own magical tools.
P2 Yue:  …Why didn’t you tell us? Eriol:  Sakura-san’s power is strong, but it is still (in a chaotic state).  You could say that she hasn’t been able to master it at all.
[Lit: …but it is still chaotic.]
Eriol:  (We) also don’t know Yuna D. Kaito’s motives. However, I dare say it’s connected to the new cards.
[Lit:  This Yuna D. Kaito who has appeared… we don’t know his motives either.]
Kero:  I can sort of understand why you wouldn’t tell Sakura, but why not myself and Yue…?
P3 Eriol:  Because it would show on your faces and in your demeanor right away. Kero:  What!? I can (pull off) a good poker face!! Eriol:  You may, but it’s impossible for Yue. Yue:  What? Kero:  Well yeah… When it comes to Sakura, this guy’s a little… Yue:  What?? <Suddenly the room shakes>
P4 Yue:  This is…! <A clock circle appears> Eriol:  It’s appeared here too.  Just as we speak of the devil…
P5 Kero:  It’s Kaito’s magic circle! Eriol:  I will do whatever I can from this side too. Eriol:  Please help Sakura-san and Li Syaoran for me.
P6 & P7 <Eriol shatters the clock with his staff>
P8 <The clock shatters and the room returns to normal>
P9 Eriol:  …That was a very close call.
[Lit:  That was very dangerous.]
Eriol:  This is a formidable opponent, Sakura-san.
P10 <Kero changes back to normal and tries calling Eriol back on the smartphone> Kero:  Let’s try contacting (him) on this!! Kero:  It’s no good!  It won’t even make the ringing sound! <Yue tries the computer> Yue:  It’s the same here.  It’s not just magic… It looks like our means of communication in (the real world) have been cut off too… Kero:  (He) can do something like that…!?
P11 <Scene changes to Kaito’s POV when Eriol breaks the spell>
P12 Yuna:  As expected of Hiiragizawa Eriol. Yuna:  (This is) precisely why he has been called the most powerful sorcerer in his lifetime. Yuna:  Until now, (this) watch hasn’t (suffered) a single scratch, but now it is broken.
[Lit: …hasn’t gotten a single scratch…]
Yuna:  Even so, I will not fail to get my hands on those new cards.
[Lit:  …I will definitely get…]
P13 Yuna:  I will use the tool I obtained from the Magician’s Society to invoke that “magic”…
P14 Akiho:  <mumbling in her sleep> Kaito…san… Momo:  It’s fine to use any means necessary to achieve your goal… Momo:  But you can’t lose sight of what’s most important, Yuna D. Kaito.
P15 Syaoran:  How are you feeling? Sakura:  Totally fine! Syaoran:  It would’ve been better to have them (take you home) by car. Sakura:  I wanted to (walk) home with you.
[Lit: I wanted to go home with you.]
Syaoran:  <smiling> …… <Sakura stares at Syaoran> Syaoran:  What is it?
P16 Sakura:  I was just thinking that the Syaoran-kun that I see (when looking at you) and the Syaoran-kun you yourself see are different. Syaoran:  Huh? Sakura:  I can look directly at you, but if you try to look at yourself, you can’t without a mirror or something, right? Syaoran:  …Yeah, that’s right. Sakura:  Me too.  I need a mirror if I want to see myself.
P17 Sakura:  The truth is, I am the one who knows the least about myself, and that might be causing everyone to worry. Syaoran:  Sakura… Sakura:  …It would be nice if (I had) a mirror.
[Lit:  It would be nice if there was a mirror.]
P18 Sakura:  A mirror that would reflect my true self. Sakura:  If so, I might understand (myself) well.  And I might (know) how to (avoid) making everyone worry. Syaoran:  …Sakura… <Sakura looks up> Syaoran:  What’s (wrong)?
[Lit: What is it?]
Sakura:  <looking at the house> …Something’s… bugging me…
P19 Sakura:  It’s reversed! Sakura:  The house is (completely flipped around)!
[Note: Sakura says お家が左右逆になっている which literally means “the left and right are reversed”]
Syaoran:  This is also… Sakura:  I think it’s… a card.
P20 & 21 Sakura:  <looking around>  Does it look like anyone’s coming? Syaoran:  No. Sakura:  Then, “Release!” Sakura:  You who is without a master, by (the power of) this staff of dreams, I command you to become my strength.  “Secure!”
P22 Sakura:  …“Mirror.”
[Note: The kanji on the card reads 鏡像 and directly translates to “reflected image.”  This is different from the Clow and Sakura card versions that simply read 鑑 or “Mirror.”]
Sakura:  There was a “Mirror” card within the Sakura cards too. Sakura:  Even the picture looks similar. Syaoran:  <thinking>  That’s because you’re creating them yourself.  For a card that closely resembles another, it’s natural that a similar image would come to mind. Syaoran:  <thinking> And also, a moment ago when you brought up mirrors, a related card just (appeared…)
P23 Sakura:  “Flight!!” Syaoran:  ??? Sakura:  Stay there. Sakura:  Like a mirror, copy this card’s magic!  “Mirror!”
P24 Sakura:  I did it! Sakura:  So, this one’s for me.  And that one’s for… Syaoran:  Huh!? <Sakura and Syaoran fly home together>
P25 Sakura:  I thought “Since this is a mirror, I wonder if I can copy the magic too.” Sakura:  I’m glad that it worked! Syaoran:  <thinking> It worked because your magic is that strong. Syaoran:  <still thinking>  My clan taught me that excessive strength leads (one down a sorrowful path).  Hiiragizawa said the same thing.
[Lit:  ...leads oneself towards sorrow.]
[Note:  The original Japanese here and on page 26 is 不幸 which can be translated very broadly. In addition to “Sorrow”, some of the alternate translations are “Unhappiness”, “Misfortune”, “Grief”, etc.  Both “Sorrow” above and on the next page might be changeable with one of these definitions, but it is too early to tell.]
P26 & 27 <Syaoran hugs Sakura to him> Syaoran:  <thinking>  I will never let you experience sorrow.  Never. Sakura:  …Syaoran-kun… Narration:  Kaito has finally started to make (his) move.  His motive is…!? 
<To be continued in the July issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in June>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Sakura Fest 2018
Sorry it took so long to write this up!  I’m finally on a proper “weekend” break for the first time in nearly 2 months (thank god for comp days!) so this is my first chance to really sit down and write up the rundown of Sakura Fes 2018.  It’s been a few weeks since the event happened, but I typed up a bunch of notes that night to make sure I remembered as much as possible. :)
This post is really long and text heavy, so apologies in advance!  Also, please keep in mind for those of you who have not caught up to the halfway point in the anime that there are heavy spoilers for the first half of the season.
For the Japanese rundown of with some additional photos during the event, there is a link here with some.
[EDIT]  There were mispellings for Saori Hayami’s name. I’ve fixed it now.
This year’s Sakura Fes was held at Maihama Amphitheater, right next door to Tokyo Disneyland.  It’s so close by you can hear and see the park rides.  This was a much larger venue than last year’s event at Rune Kodaira Hall (total capacity in the large hall there is 1,229 people vs Maihama Amphitheater’s 2,170) and much more centralized in Tokyo.  As with last year, there were two performances - the afternoon one and the evening one.
Tickets for the event really blew me away this time around.  I didn’t win the lottery tickets early on, but waited for the general ones to go on sale.  The morning they did, tickets for BOTH events FULLY sold out within only 10 minutes!  I tried to get tickets for the afternoon event, but they disappeared just as I was buying them.  Luckily, I snatched up ones for the evening event this time (and am SUPER glad that I did!).
#1)  Before the Event
Even though I was going to the later one, a good friend of mine in Tokyo had lucked out and gotten herself a lottery ticket for the early show, so I met up with her before it started.  I loitered around outside with her until it was time for her session to start.
There were TONS of people waiting around for the goods for the evening show to go on sale, and apparently a lot of stuff had sold out quickly for the early show.
I waited where I thought we were supposed to line up for a bit, but then someone with a megaphone instructed that everyone for the evening session’s goods line needed to form a different line elsewhere - it was almost like a stampede getting to where we needed to go!  I managed to get sort of close to the front of the line somehow, but even so by the time I got into to buy goods, some stuff was already sold out!
Here are a few photos of the venue, goods, lobby, & how everything looked on the day:
List of goods on sale:
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The line for entry wrapped around the building:
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Kero-chan flower arrangement from Good Smile Company!:
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Easter Display:
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Fanmail boxes for Aya Hisakawa, Junko Iwao, and Sakura Tange:
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After wandering around and taking as many pics as I could, I made my way inside (my seat was in the very, very back of G Block in the theater).
#2)  Event Intro & Cast Introductions
The stage itself looked like this from where I was sitting.  Take note of the location of the magic circle on stage:
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Once everyone had settled in for the event itself, the lights dimmed and the stadium made an announcement about the rules (no photography, filming, etc, so unfortunately I don’t have any photos or videos for this reason aside from the ones above).
Then suddenly, from where Sakura’s Clear Card magic circle was shining on the stage, the floor sunk down and opened up leaving a huge hole where it was.  It rose back up seconds later with the life-sized Kero and Suppie mascots dressed up on it.  Suppie had on a pair of bunny rabbit ears on his head (Kero did not).  Behind them, they had a whiteboard about Easter (much like they do in the Kero-chan Explains It All segments at the end of every episode).
As always, Kero (voiced live by Aya Hisakawa) greeted everyone with "Konanachiwa!!”  After getting the audience to do it back, they dove into an explanation about Easter.  Unlike Halloween, Easter is not a commonly celebrated holiday in Japan even in the secular sense (Easter Bunny, egg hunts, etc), and the majority of Japanese people don’t know what it’s about.  Kero started by explaining that Easter is a Christian holiday and is about resurrection and coming back to life.  He started going deep into the religious origins of the holiday, but Suppie held up a sign saying “Don’t give such complicated explanations!!”
Kero gave up and said that if the religious meaning of the holiday is too complicated for everyone to understand, then there is a secular meaning too.  He said that the Clear Card Arc is the resurrection of the Cardcaptor Sakura anime, which is why they chose to hold the event as “Sakura and her Friends’ Happy Easter” this year.  He also explained that bunnies and eggs are a motif of the holiday and that’s why Suppie was wearing rabbit ears.  Kero said that it was time for the event to begin and they both waved as the big monitor above cued up.
The platform they were on descended below again as Maaya Sakamoto’s “Clear” and the opening visuals for Clear Card Arc started playing.  As the opening credits progressed, the platform rose back up and all of the CCS cast members participating in the event were on it this time:
Sakura Tange (Sakura Kinomoto)
Junko Iwao (Tomoyo Daidouji)
Aya Hisakawa (Kero)
Motoko Kumai (Syaoran Li)
Megumi Ogata (Yukito Tsukishiro / Yue)
Minori Suzuki (Akiho Shinomoto)
Natsuki Hanae (Yuna D. Kaito)
Everyone waved at the audience and as the theme ended and the platform stabilized, they walked back to the main stage area, but didn’t take their seats just yet. The emcee came out at this point and went through a brief introduction of each cast member.  They were in this order from left to right on the stage: Ogata-san, Kumai-san, Hisakawa-san, Tange-san, Iwao-san, Suzuki-san, Hanae-san. [Note: I can’t remember if Kumai-san and Hisakawa-san were sitting in this format, but if not they were switched seats - everyone else was for sure sitting like this.]
The emcee brought up that this year’s theme is Easter again and did another explanation of it for the audience.  She said again that it’s originally a Christian holiday, but that in Japanese it’s known as 復活祭 (”Resurrection Festival”) and they wanted to use it because CCS came back too.
At that point, everyone went to sit down in the chairs provided and the emcee gave each staff a chance to introduce themselves.  During Tange-san’s turn, she said when they were downstairs before the platform rose up earlier, the Kero-chan mascot was dancing to Clear and was a pro at it.  Apparently it was really cute and she really wished she could’ve recorded it (which reminded me of the Cherryblossom viewing chapter with The Record).  Hanae-san’s intro was the funniest to me - he said he had a yakiniku bento for lunch and was super energized for the evening show, lol!
This was where it became apparent that the evening show was the “fun one” of the two:  After the yakiniku bento comment, Hanae-san said よろしく (”I’m in your care”) to the audience in Kaito’s voice and made a point to sound “sexy.”  Everyone laughed but around the same time Suzuki-san was readjusting herself on her seat cushion and sort of absentmindedly said 気持ちいい (”That feels nice”).  As soon as she said that everyone in the audience started laughing super hard because it was so unexpected.  She immediately got flustered and apologized and said “No, no no! I meant the chair is really comfortable and soft!! That’s all...!!” and laughed with everyone.
#3)  Question Time
“How did you feel about Sakura and Syaoran’s reunion?”
As everyone was seated, the emcee opened up for question time.  It started off with the question asking how Tange-san and Kumai-san felt acting out the very first SyaoSaku scene of the new series - the cherryblossom reunion.  The question showed up on the monitor and then they played a clip of the scene (and said that the clip was only played at the evening show - slightly different from earlier).
Tange-san said she was shy about it from the very beginning when she had to record it.  Kumai-san mentioned that during the recording session, she was nothing but happy with how it was written and how they performed it.  However, having the scene itself played in front of SO MANY people that day was embarrassing.
The cast on a whole then examined Sakura and Syaoran’s dialogue in that scene.  The main part they looked at was when Sakura said she had so many things to tell Syaoran, and he reciprocated that he did too. They the looked at the following exchange in particular:
Sakura: 教えてね!全部!(”Tell me everything!” - The word 教える can be translated as either “Tell” or “Teach” meaning-wise) Syaoran:  ああ。(”Yeah.”)
Ogata-san out of NO WHERE, turns to Kumai-san and goes “So I’ve gotta ask, but... What do you mean by 'Yeah' in response to 'I will teach you everything'?  What is this 'EVERYTHING' you’re gunna teach her?”  The cast and audience lost it again laughing.
Kumai-san got shy and couldn’t answer fully, but goes "Well uh... yeah... you'll have to ask that to CLAMP..." and the cast reminded us again that because we we’re at the evening event they were being goofy and making suggestive jokes like this that they couldn’t at the more “family oriented” afternoon event.
“Tomoyo records lots of personal moments.”
The next scene they examined was where Tomoyo appeared in the SxS scene above recording their reunion, and then in their date episode just before they entered the aquarium (the “This is my best shot!” scene).
The question this time was directed at Iwao-san, asking if she thought that Tomoyo’s recording sessions were growing in scale and becoming more extensive.  She replied that “Yes, they are. It’s because (she sees) the love growing (between Sakura and Syaoran) and wants to capture it along with their happiest moments.”
I think it was Ogata-san who jumped back in saying something along the lines of “I wonder just HOW MUCH (of their love) you’ll get to record, heh heh heh...” and everyone lost it again.  I was kind of surprised at how much they were implying, haha!
“Have Kero and Touya finally acknowledged Syaoran?”
The next question was whether or not Kero and Touya finally recognize Syaoran as someone who is an ally and cares about Sakura.  They played clips of the scene where Kero and Tomoyo were skyping during the date episode, and during the “ruined date” scene where Syaoran retrieved the soggy bento and Touya looked at him and sighed.
Hisakawa-san said that before, Kero would always say things like “You wanna go, brat!?” and try to pick fights with him, but now whenever he says “brat” there’s some love and affection in it.  They went on to say that Touya has also started to recognize him a bit and that neither he nor Kero do as much as they used to in protecting Sakura anymore.  I read this as meaning it’s not that they don’t want to, but they realize that they have extra help in Syaoran now.
They said that Yukito, Yue, and Touya don’t do as much anymore, but Tange-san said that no matter what everyone helps "Sakura” and that makes her happy.  But the reason they don’t do as much now is because “Sakura” has grown up and is more adult.
Something interesting got brought up here with regards to the voice recording sessions - the scenes are recorded in A and B parts separately.  Meaning that some of the cast who are in scenes together will record their lines, but don’t know what happened with the other casts’ parts in previous or simultaneously occurring scenes.
Ogata-san said that sometimes when recording their B part, they say to each other “Jeez, what on earth did they do in the A part!?”.  It then got brought up that they are close to the end of recording for the anime and they sort of gave the impression they know how things will be finishing up.  It was not clear and they avoided mentioning if this “wrap up” was just for the “season” or if there would be any more series to follow.
“Have Syaoran’s techniques stopped working?”
The next clip was from Episode 12 where they caught the Hail card.  It was when Syaoran’s fire technique didn’t work and he had to use his other “secret” power to stop the card.
They asked Kumai-san what exactly it was that happened there, but she replied that it’s too much of a spoiler and that they’re not really sure themselves.  It seemed like maybe the cast DOES know and just can’t say it because of non-disclosure.
When she was asked, she simply said “I’m not sure if it’s okay for me to say... but I think we have like 3-4 episodes left to record?”  Tange-san jumped in signaling "Nooo!” with her arms and corrected Kumai-san saying that they had “several” episodes more to go at that point.
“Is Yue an “Agokui” Type?”
[顎クイ “Agokui”:  Suddenly lifting someone’s face by their chin in an aggressive, yet sometimes romantic fashion]
Ogata-san talked about how she has played many "cool type / handsome guy” characters in the past.  They then played the scene where Yue says to Sakura “Tell me anything that happens, even if it’s something small” and touches her chin.
She said that during this scene and others, she was just acting it out naturally and how she thought would be a normal back-and-forth between them.  However, some of the lines that would just come out without thinking were deemed as not appropriate by the directors.  She said that the way she acted the lines came out naturally because as a woman acting out a male role, she was just saying what seemed appropriate and not thinking of what “male feelings” might be like in this situation.
For example, at the end of one of the Facetime/Skype sessions with Sakura, she would say おやすみ (”Goodnight”) as Yue.  After about 2 or so times of this, the directors pulled her aside and commented that “It’s a little suggestive saying ‘goodnight’ like that to a middle schooler...”
As such, she had to tweak how she replied in that scene.  She went on to say that she talked about it with Tomokazu Seki (Touya) as well on how they needed to act in certain scenes.
Apparently even at the Sakura Fes event, the staff was instructed not to ad-lib dialog anymore.  Hisakawa-san had done it at last year’s event and they were warned not to do it as much this year, but overall ad-libbing was too much fun and it’s something the audience audience enjoyed, so it couldn’t be helped.
“Who are the new characters?”
The next topic up was the new characters: Akiho and Kaito.  The scenes they played were Akiho’s self-introduction at the school and her competing against Syaoran in badminton.  They also showed the scene where Sakura and Tomoyo come over to her house and meet Kaito for the first time.
Suzuki-san and Hanae-san talked about how it felt to record their lines.  Suzuki-san in particular said that during the badminton scene, Kumai-san helped her match up the timing by playing air badminton with her in the recording booth.
They also talked about how Hanae-san constantly keeps reassuring everyone Kaito’s not a suspicious guy.  He said everyone suspects him and that the cast had asked everyone at the afternoon event what their opinions were.  Everyone reacted that they think he’s definitely shady.
Suzuki-san said that even SHE thought that and when she was acting out Akiho’s lines, the directors told her she had too much doubt in her voice.  The instructed her to reassess and act her lines out in a more Akiho-like way - that she loves him and thinks he’s a really good person, even if Suzuki-san herself doesn’t think that.
Hanae-san chimed back in and emphatically goes “But I am a good person!!!” and tried to convince everyone again.
“The new Key, new Magic Spell, and new Wand...!?”
The last scene they put up on the monitors was Sakura releasing the new key into the sealing staff and using her new spell.  Cue a shameless plug for the new Takara Tomy Clear Card wand toy that has voice recordings from Tange-san.
The cast collectively was like “YES, TAKARA TOMY EVERYONE. OF COURSE” and I got the impression they were a bit sarcastic like they had to advertise it as part of their job, but were a little like “Yeah, we know this isn’t what you’re here for, lol.”
They brought out the wand and had Tange-san use it.  She asked the audience to say the “Release!” chant along with her and said if we did that maybe some magic would happen.  When we all said “Release!” together, the stage platform opened up again.  She asked us to help her seal the stage back up and everyone repeated the sealing chant together.  Upon shouting “Secure!”, the stage went back to normal.
After this, the emcee made the annoucement for the “Sakura Hoeeee” Mori Arts Center Gallery Exhibition in Roppongi Hills later this year in October.  They asked everyone to please look forward to the event.
Apparently, this is where the live stream ended for the afternoon event, though there was no live stream for the evening event.
#4)  Live Cast Voice Acting Performance
Now it was time for a live voice performance from the cast.  The emcee explained that the story would be how Sakura and her friends spend Easter Sunday (that very day).  What surprised me the most for this was that for the sake of the performance, all of the characters seemed to know each other and of each other’s existence.  This meant that Kero was interacting in scenes with Akiho and Kaito.
Sakura spoke first and was humming along while doing something in the kitchen.  Tomoyo chimed in asking what she was up to.  Sakura replied that she and Akiho were making eggs/omelettes because that’s what’s done on Easter. 
Akiho said she wasn’t good at cooking, but wanted to try her best.  On hearing this, Tomoyo said that she wanted to record them cooking and Sakura gave a loud “Hoeee..."
Sakura asked Akiho to go and get the eggs out of the fridge, but when Akiho opened it they were no where to be found.  Everyone panicked a little bit, but then Kero appeared.  He said “Well did you know that on Easter people like to hide eggs!  So all we need to do is go find them.”
Kaito said “Let’s go look" and Yukito agreed with him.  The whole group then traveled all over the world looking for the eggs!  They ended up in a strange place... EASTER ISLAND!
Syaoran remarked saying “What is this place?” when they saw the monoliths on the island, so Kaito jumped in explaining that these were the Moai of Easter Island.  Kero then explained that the Moai were mysterious carved figures shrouded in mystery.
But the group couldn’t find any eggs on the island, so they moved on.  The next place they appeared was somewhere they initially thought must be “far away” from Japan. They thought that it must be overseas, but then found it out it was the “Land of Dreams” - AKA Disneyland right next door!  They decided to split up and look for the eggs.  
Sakura and Syaoran were paired off and while looking around and each found a matching egg.  Their eggs’ image was shown on the monitor and were green with pink designs.  Together they made a pair.
Syaoran once again saw some helpless foreign tourists and whipped out his English skills again.  (Kumai-san has really mastered the “Do you need any help?” line lmao). He also said “The cat is in Disney Sea” in English.  Sakura went CRAZY about the English and was like “Syaoran-kun, what did you say!?” so Syaoran ad-libbed and said “Ahh… well if I do a direct translation… I said 'There’s a cat in the Land of Dreams” (which was a reference to Geratoni - a plush stuffed cat of Tokyo Disney’s Duffy & Friends collection.)
Sakura was impressed and begged him to teach her English again.  They had basically the same exchange as the date episode and he said “I'll try, but I don’t know if I can teach you anything useful...” to which she responded that she already remembered the word for “cat” so it was okay.  As always, Tomoyo suddenly popped out of nowhere recording them and they got embarrassed.
The scene switched to Kero and... Yue!  Yue was in full form and searching for eggs too!  He said he could search better in this form and was doing it to assist his mistress.  Kero remarked that “Well it's true that in Disneyland, people will just think you’re cosplaying someone, so I guess it’s fine.  But wait!  I should be in my true form too!  I will change now into my--”
Yue cuts him off saying “Don’t you dare! If you do, you'll draw too much attention and you'll get petted and hugged and kicked by all of the children here!!”  Kero was like “Ahh... oh man... you’re right... Maaan, but I would look so cool if I did!!”
The scene changed again, this time to Akiho and Kaito.  They were searching for eggs on their own and she thanked him for helping her.  Kaito said that he was “just happy that you seem to be having a good time with everyone.”  All of the sudden they both stopped and said “What on earth is that??”
Akiho and Kaito had discovered the BIG GIANT EGG...
While the cast had been performing, a larger than life egg shaped... thing(!!) had risen up out of the rising platform floor again.
Everyone approached the egg and were like “Whoa! You could make a HUGE omelette with this!”  However, the egg was so big that they couldn’t take it back home.  So Kero said "Well one thing that is done on Easter is egg decorating!  We should all decorate it...”
Then they temporarily stopped the voice acting session and the whole cast moved up to the egg.  It turns out that it was a giant egg shaped whiteboard.  Right next to it on the platform was a cart with lots of markers, cherryblossom petal shaped stickers, and decorative balled up tissue paper.  The emcee explained the cast were going to be given 3 minutes to decorate the egg and the started playing a little tune while we watched them bustle about.  But in the end they had so much fun that they went a bit over time!
One of them dropped their mic during the decorating session, but I couldn’t see who it was.  Everyone jumped though, haha.
Hisakawa-san and Tange-san drew two Suppie faces: One was regular Suppie, and one was “evil Suppie.”  They said that without knowing it, they had both drawn Kero at the afternoon session, so during the break between the two they decided to do Suppie for the evening session.
The cast drew a Momo, a random crab using cherryblossom petals for claws, happy faces, a cherryblossom tree, and a panda.  But the best part was that they also wrote a few inappropriate things!
Hanae-san wrote 真実の愛 (“True love”) and Suzuki-san wrote right beneath it 夜だから (“Because it’s night time”).  And - echoing what she’d said earlier about how saying “goodnight” was inappropriate - Ogata-san wrote おやすみ (“Goodnight”) in really big letters.
Regarding the panda, Hanae-san said he drew it because he was wearing a panda pin.  Everyone had asked him at lunch why he was wearing that and the reason was really cute.  He said he was confused about what Easter was and thought that it was a holiday where any animals would be appropriate, so he wore a panda instead of a rabbit.
After that, they all returned to the main stage to resume the voice acting performance.  A staff member wheeled the egg off and put it on the side of the stage.
Sakura and her friends were all happy as they finished decorating the egg.  I think Syaoran said “Where do you even display an egg this big?” but no one knew the answer.
Then Kero said part of the Easter tradition was that God would choose whichever designed egg was the best and grant the person who designed it a wish.  That wish would come true.  Everyone reacted saying “Oh wow, really???” (I was sitting there thinking thinking “wtf that doesn’t sound right...”), but then Yukito spoke up saying “I’ve never heard that.”  Kaito joined in saying the same thing.
Kero laughed nervously and said “Ahaha... I’ve been found out...” indicating he had made it all up.  Tomoyo said he was just like Yamazaki lying to them like that.  But in the end, they all had a nice time decorating the egg and doing the Easter egg hunt.
(I don’t fully remember how this came about, but) there was a part where Yukito said to Sakura that she was very adorable and she reacted by saying “Hanya--n!!” (I was hoping Syaoran would react somehow, but he didn’t so I guess he is very secure with their relationship now ♡).  They then said they should take a photo with the egg to commemorate the day.
There was a pause again in the session and the emcee announced that the cast would be taking a photo with the audience from the stage.  Since it was a huge amphitheater, they were taking 3 or so shots - left, center, and right side of the seating area.  They said that anyone who was shy and didn’t want to be in the photo could cover up their face.
Center stage was first, then the left side, then the right side.  After that, they finished up the voice acting portion of the night:
The scene changed back to the Kinomoto residence.  Everyone had gone home for the evening and it was just Sakura and Kero.
Sakura said there had been a lot of tough things that happened earlier, but that it had been a fun day.  She said “Oh, I even forgot we were supposed to make eggs today!”
Kero replied saying “What? You couldn’t find the eggs? But, I’d taken them out of the fridge earlier and I put them back...”
Sakura raised her voice and said “WHAT!?” and Kero replied “Yeah, they’re right here...” revealing that they’d been hidden in the fridge the whole time.
Sakura then ad-libbed in Kansai-ben and said ケロちゃん!!!なんでやねん!?!(“Kero-chan, what the hell!?”)
The cast finished up at that point and thanked everyone for watching.  Then they said “You gave us an Easter photo together with you, so we will give you a present also!”
Suddenly, tons of paper stickers/notes from the cast began falling from the ceiling!  I think they were egg shaped, but it was hard to tell because I was in the very back.  They fell into the audience and a few lucky people got them.  Some people rushed out of their seats to get the ones that had fallen into the aisles.
Some of the “gifts” fell onto the stage too, so Ogata-san and Tange-san helped pick them up and give them out to people in the audience.  Ogata-san was really awesome and shouted out “Are there any little Sakura-chans in here!?” and called for any kids present to come up and get the stickers.  One very happy little girl came running up and received one directly from Ogata-san.  After that, she asked if there was anyone present who had been at both the afternoon and evening performances (I think there might have been a couple people).
After handing the remaining gifts out, all of the seiyuu thanked the audience again and left the stage together.
#5)  Live Musical Performances
Maaya Sakamoto
Next, they introduced a special video message from Maaya Sakamoto on screen, who unfortunately couldn’t be at the event because it overlapped with her own international tour dates.  In the message, she said she was so happy to sing “Clear” as the theme song.
The show runners gave her the theme of “clear things” for her to use for direction when writing her song.  She explained that the word “clear” has multiple meanings: “transparent” or "definite and precise” or "to succeed with a goal”, so she wanted to write a song with all of these meanings rolled into one.
She let us know that she was so happy to be part of CCS again and although she wasn’t there, her colleague Saori Hayami was and would be joining us as the representative today.
Saori Hayami
The emcee came out with Hayami-san and said that as the second half of the season would be starting the next week, it was time to pass the baton over to the new OP and ED singers.
Hayami-san explained that everyone has little things that shine in their hearts and are like “Jewelry of the Heart.”  After her explanation, she gave a live performance of the “Jewelry” ED.
To be honest (and I hate to say this), but I didn’t think that Hayami-san was very energetic in her performance.  She seemed a little lacking in enthusiasm and just walked one circle around the stage, but as always the song itself was very nice.
While she performed, they played clips of the anime on the screen and showed the Jewelry ED clips as well.  At the very, very end, they FINALLY revealed what Sakura had seen on her smartphone at the end of the ED (where she’s showing Tomoyo and Kero and they all smile):  It was the “photo” they just took earlier that day on April 1st -- the official artwork for Sakura Fes this year.
The text message she had gotten read “Thank you for taking a photo with us!”
When the performance ended, the emcee came back out and thanked her.  She reiterated that they were “passing the baton from next week.”
Kiyono Yasuno
Kiyono Yasuno and Minori Suzuki came out on stage.  Suzuki-san had changed her clothes from earlier to red outfit and yellow shoes.  The emcee introduced each of them and they talked about CCS and what they liked about it.
Yasuno-san said she’s watched CCS for a really long time.  The very first time was when she was really young and her grandpa watched it with her.  To her, it was like a dream being chosen to sing the new OP and that this was her first single.
The emcee asked who they thought was “cool / good-looking” from the series.  Hayami-san said that she thought Yukito and Eriol were attractive.  Yasuno-san had watched the CCS syndication in elementary school too and was the same age as Sakura through it. Because of that, she thought Syaoran was the coolest guy.  Suzuki-san also thought the same.
Hayami-san then “passed the baton” and they left the stage to let Yasuno-san perform Rocket Beat.
It was my first time (and all of the audience’s too) to hear Rocket Beat and right away I thought it was an awesome song.  It really seemed fitting for CCS.  In addition, Yasuno-san was super energetic and gave a very spirited performance.  She was actively all over the stage.  As before, her performance was also synced up with scenes from recent anime episodes.
When she finished, Suzuki-san came back on stage and the figuratively “passed the baton” again.
Minori Suzuki
Suzuki-san is in charge of the new ED “Rewind” and also gave a really awesome performance.  The song was super cute and (as everyone knows by now) clock themed.
She did motions of the clock while performing, syncing up with the “Tick Tock, Tick Tock” lyrics.  More clips from the series played, but nothing new to that point.
#6)  Closing Out the Event
When Suzuki-san finished her song, the whole cast came back out on stage.  The staff then wheeled out a birthday cake again in front of Tange-san - just like last year.  Once again, the audience sang Happy Birthday to Sakura and Tange-san blew out the candles.
They talked about what birthday this would be for Sakura, and Tange-san confirmed that this would be Sakura’s 13th birthday.  She then said “These past 20 years – Ahhh!  I mean... it’s been 20 years but Sakura’s not 20!  She’s definitely 13!” and laughed.
They showed an image of the cake on screen and it was the one that was currently being sold by Animate.  They then said it was time to close out the event and the audience started groaning, so the emcee had to apologize for how “short” the event was.
Everyone said their goodbyes, starting with Yasuno-san.  She said it was a dream come true to sing the theme song for an anime she had loved so much as a child and that exactly one year ago on April 1st she had started her singing career.  She promoted her first single (a mini album came out just before this). 
Hayami-san said her Thank You’s next for everyone enjoying Jewelry.
Hanae-san was third, saying “I will do my best, and from here on it’s going to be Akiho Akiho Akiho taking center stage!”
In response, Suzuki-san said “I will do my best and so will Kaito-san! I’ve loved this anime so much!  Last year at this time, I was wondering ‘who is going to play Akiho’ and never thought that it would be me!!”  She said she feels so lucky to be both a seiyuu and the singer of the second ED for the series.
Ogata-san was next, but was caught off guard and sort of spaced out.  But she said thank you to everyone for all their support.  She said that at last year’s Sakura Fes, they found out really soon after it ended there would be another one this year.  So she shouted out to all of us “that means THERE SHOULD BE ANOTHER ONE NEXT YEAR RIGHT (EVENT SPONSORS)??”.  She said that even in this industry, it’s super rare for the whole cast to come back for a show’s reboot and that really demonstrates how beloved CCS is.
She passed the mic to Kumai-san - who was also spaced out and wasn’t paying attention again.  But she also said thank you to everyone.
Next was Iwao-san who said thank you and did a mini-voice over of Tomoyo saying 超絶によかったですわ!(“It was absolutely fantastic!”).
Hisakawa-san was next, and like Ogata-san, she said that last year she got a call about a week or so after Sakura Fes ended asking her to save the date for this one.  She said “I mean, after today, I’m sure that just a few days will pass and then I'm sure I'll get another call… Hahaha!  You guys want another one right!?” and everyone cheered.
Finally, it was Tange-san’s turn and she said they almost made it through the whole thing without a "Kero-chan Check.”  At last year’s event, they always seemed to come out of nowhere and no one ever knew when to expect it.  She begged Hisakawa-san to do one and Hisakawa-san laughed.  She got a bit shy and was like “For real???” but in the end shouted “KERO-CHAN CHEEECK!” as Kero. Tange-san then thanked everyone for their support and for loving Cardcaptor Sakura.  She hopes everyone will continue to love it in the future and bowed. 
The cast came out into the circle stage to say one final goodbye and then they waved and departed the stage from both sides of the main stage.  The emcee left last after deep bow.  The Jewelry ED came on the big screen and played through to the end.
After the song finished, the Kero and Suppie mascots once again rose out of the platform floor.  BOTH of them were wearing rabbit ears this time.  Kero-chan started to talk about how awesome it was that he grew another pair of ears too.
Suppie had a new card this time that read “Just say what you have to say!” so Kero started talking at super-sonic speed thanking the cast and staff in batches:
The singers
The companies that made it possible
The seiyuu
And said thanks to all of us for watching him be awesome every week
He said to tune in next week for the start of the second half of the season, and also to keep watching him be so awesome in the Kero-chan’s Corner segments.  Suppie violently shook the sign!! lol!
Then gave one last “thank you” to the audience and brought the event to a close, saying “We definitely kicked up even more of a fuss than ‘some place’ that’s right next door” (again, Tokyo Disney lol).
The platform lowered, bringing them back down underneath the stage, and just as they disappeared there was another final “Kero-chan cheeeeck!” shouted.  The lights went off and then came back on with the ending announcements.
As I was leaving, I made a friend who was a big fan of Suzuki-san from when she was in Macross and had only just recently started watching CCS because of her.  This fan had only seen Clear Card Arc so far, so I said to definitely watch the rest of the series!
I hope if there’s another Sakura Fes next year, I’ll have the chance to go again. :)
以上、さくらフェス2018の報告でした!(That’s all folks!)
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Update on Formatting Issue
Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience on the Sakura Fes and CCS cafe posts. I've had to return home for a family loss and unfortunately became sick as well, so I haven't yet had a chance to write them up. I'm hoping to do so this week.
About the problem with formatting, I've contacted tumblr and they seem to think it's a bug. The staff let me know they are working on it, so hopefully that will be resolved soon as well. I will let you know how things go. :)
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 22 Translation [Update & Corrections]
Thanks again for your patience while I cleaned up the translation this time around.  There were 3 minor typos and then one line I accidentally wrote as being said be Kero, when it was really Eriol who said it (on P26 for the “Sakura is...” line).  I tweaked a couple of lines slightly as well, but nothing too huge. A very special thank you to the one and only @meimi-haneoka for proofreading it for me while I was on the go so I could make these corrections.
The formatting might still be messed up on the original post, but also it’s possible this post might look strange as well.  I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with it since the only thing I did differently was post through the airport wifi, so if anyone has any experience with tumblr formatting going strange all of the sudden and might know what’s wrong, drop me a line. :)
For clarity’s sake, I’m reposing the whole chapter with the corrections and clearer formatting this time below. :) As always, if you have any questions or comments, let me know.
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 22
Cover Page: “Let’s always, always and forever be close with one another.”
P1 Touya:  I’m home. Fujitaka:  <on phone> What!? She collapsed!? Fujitaka:  Oh, she came to soon after.  I see.  That’s a relief. Fujitaka:  Okay, I understand. Fujitaka:  Yes, please take care of her.  (I will talk to you later.)
[Lit: 「失礼します」or “Excuse me/Goodbye.”]
Touya: You said… Sakura collapsed?
P2 Fujitaka: Yes.  But it seems they had a doctor look at her right away and said she’s alright. Touya:  She was mixed-up in something again… Fujitaka:  Hm? Touya:  She went to mom’s grandfather’s place, right? Fujitaka:  That’s right. Fujitaka:  Because he has something to give to Sakura-san. Fujitaka:  One of the two (things) is really huge, so I asked him (not to give it to her) for now. Touya:  <quietly> Large?
P3 Fujitaka:  It’s the house she’s visiting right now. Fujitaka:  It seems it was one of Nadeshiko-san’s favorite (summer homes), and (he) wanted to leave it to Sakura-san.
[Note: 別宅 means “other residence” so I went with “summer homes” here.]
Touya:  To a middle schooler? Fujitaka:  Yes, but he gave up on that for (me). Touya:  Does great-grandpa look like mom?
P4 Fujitaka:  I wonder… I think that (they have the same) eyes though.
[Lit: I think that their eyes are similar though.]
Fujitaka:  According to Sonomi-san, Nadeshiko-san looked exactly like her grandmother. Fujitaka:  Touya-kun, he wanted to meet you too… (that) Masaki-san. Touya:  If the timing works out… Fujitaka:  You’re being shy? <Text reads: “Bull’s eye”>
P5 Fujitaka: You might look alike. Touya:  Hm? Fujitaka: Masaki-san and you. Touya: <pointing to himself> Me? Fujitaka:  We should line the two of you up next to each other and compare. Fujitaka:  You’re related by blood so it makes sense that you would look alike. Touya:  I’ve recently been thinking that Mom and Sakura look similar too. Fujitaka:  I think so too. Fujitaka:  Their smiles are growing more and more similar.  And also…
P6 Fujitaka:  (Their mysterious abilities too.)
[Lit: That mysteriousness about them too.]
Touya:  Huh? Fujitaka:  Nadeshiko-san was a (strange) person who could talk to (things that weren’t) there and understand the feelings of things that can’t speak.
[Lit: “Nadeshiko was a mysterious person who could talk to something that wasn’t…”]
Fujitaka:  But that’s the same as you, Touya-kun.
P7 Touya: Didn’t you ever think it wasn’t believable? Fujitaka:  Not at all. But I’m not the kind of person who senses or hear things, so it was a little lonely. Fujitaka:  I can’t (see or hear them) for Sakura-san either.
[Lit: I can’t give Sakura-san my understanding either.]
P8 Touya:  …You knew? Fujitaka:  Nothing specific. Fujitaka:  But I knew that it wasn’t something I could resolve and I realized to some degree there were many difficult things happening since she was (about) in the 4th grade. Touya:  Dad, (as expected) you’re amazing. Fujitaka:  What is? Touya:  The fact that you realized something was going on, but let her act freely without asking her about it.
P9 Fujitaka: Because it’s Sakura-san after all. Fujitaka: She’s someone who cherishes herself and those around her. Fujitaka: Plus, whatever happens, she has a wonderful older brother too. Touya: (That goes for you too, dad.)
[Lit: “And you too, dad.” – The nuance here is that Fujitaka is here for Sakura too.]
Fujitaka: Well, I’m not (very helpful) right now…
[Lit: I’m a bit helpless right now.]
P10 Fujitaka: <looking at Nadeshiko’s photo> There’s surely a reason why Nadeshiko-san hasn’t (appeared) lately as well. Touya:  What? Fujitaka:  (It’s nothing.) Fujitaka:  I was just thinking how happy I am to have such a great wife and kids. <Scene changes to Masaki’s house>
P11 Sakura:  I’m alright now.  The doctor just now said nothing was wrong too. Masaki:  But… Sakura:  There was something you wanted to give me, right? Masaki:  Oh, that’s right. Can you wait for me for a moment? Sakura:  Okay! Syaoran:  You’re not pushing yourself, are you? Sakura:  Not at all.  I’m sorry for making you worry too, Syaoran-kun. Syaoran:  I’m fine.  But, really… If you’re in pain or are hurting even just a little bit, please tell me. Don’t hide it.
P12 Sakura: You too, Syaoran-kun. Syaoran: Huh? Sakura: I want you to not keep things hidden and tell me. <Masaki re-enters the room>
P13 Sakura:  A box? Masaki:  Please open it up. <Sakura finds a pendant-like clock inside>
P14 Sakura:  A clock? Masaki:  It’s something that Nadeshiko always treasured ever since she was a young girl. Masaki:  My wife and I - Nadeshiko’s grandmother - brought it back from overseas. Sakura: From where? Masaki:  From England. Syaoran:  <thinking> England… the place Hiiragizawa is now.
P15 Syaoran:  And that person too…
[Note: Syaoran isn’t saying Kaito is in England, but is just making the connection that both he and Eriol have roots there.]
<Scene changes to Yue’s house; Eriol suddenly appears like a hologram above the photo of Clow’s magic symbol on Kero’s smartphone>
P16 Eriol:  It’s been a while, Cerberus. Kero:  Indeed it has.  Because you haven’t been replying to us. Kero:  We’re pretty ticked off about it. Eriol:  I can understand that very well.  Especially from (the look) on Yue’s face…
P17 Kero:  Sending an image of your magic circle and appearing in this form must mean… Yue:  You’re ready to tell us (what’s going on). Eriol:  Yes. Yue:  Explain everything.  What is happening to our mistress?
P18 Eriol:  The thing I’ve been fearing the most is (occurring).
[Lit: …most is becoming reality.]
<Scene changes to the Amamiya residence again>
P19 Sakura:  I’m sorry for making you worry. Masaki:  I’m sorry too, for (calling you out here) so suddenly. Thank you both. Syaoran: <bowing> Thank you for having us. Masaki:  Please come visit again. Sakura:  Okay! Sakura: I will treasure mom’s clock.
P20 Masaki: <to Syaoran> Please take care of Sakura-chan. Syaoran: <surprised, but then determined> …I will.
P21 Kero:  You mean that magician who’s with Akiho? Yue:  Did you ask the Magician’s Society? Eriol:  More or less. Eriol:  Well for the most part there were no responses, but one answer did come back clear. Eriol:  It was that “Yuna D. Kaito was excommunicated one year ago.”
P22 Kero:  From that society? Kero:  It’s that kind of crazy place where as long as you have strong magic and carry out the society’s requests, for the most part you’ll go unquestioned… Kero: What did he do to be excommunicated from there!? Eriol:  I don’t know. Eriol:  But (my search took a different route).
[Lit: But I tried searching a different route.]
Eriol: The Li Clan assisted me. Eriol: It seems he was excommunicated for losing a (magical tool enshrined by) the Magician’s Society.
[Note: 門外不出 means “to treasure something by never removing it from the premises”. I decided to go with “enshrined” as it sounds simpler, but the literal translation would be: “It seems he was excommunicated for losing a magical tool that was not to be removed from the Magician Society’s premises.”]
P23 Kero:  What!? Lost?? How incompetent of him!! Eriol:  It’s what they’re saying (to cover it up). Eriol: He absconded with it. So it’s a complete lie. Yue: Can something like that be forgiven? Eriol: There’s no way it can be forgiven.
P24 Eriol:  The society can’t get him to give it back.
[Note: After chatting with @meimi-haneoka, I’ve updated the line above.]
Eriol:  Because no one can win against a Magician who has (earned) the Title of “D”. Eriol:  It was a magic tool kept hidden by that society.  It’s likely that it was taboo to come into contact with it.
[Lit: 「おそらく『禁忌』に触れるものだろう」 so it could also be “it was taboo to touch”]
Eriol:  The society fears his power and that he might use that tool, so they’re unable to take action.
P25 Yue:  So, he’s (that) strong? Eriol: If you mean stronger than I am now, that’s a yes. <Both Kero and Yue react with concern>
P26 Yue:  And (our) mistress… Yue:  What about… our mistress… Eriol:  Sakura is…
P27 Eriol:  She was able to collect the scattered Clow Cards and return them to their card forms, as well as change all of them into cards that draw from her own magic.
P28 Eriol:  However, it seems (even) that wasn’t enough to finish things. Narration:  The truth about the past that Eriol knows is…!?
<To be continued in the June issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in May>
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 22 Translation
Hi everyone! Thanks for your patience with the chapter translation this time, especially when it’s such a big one.  Some of you know, but I’ve been having a very difficult few weeks and have been running around a lot these past 3 days and will be for the next week as well. I really appreciate your patience! :) The CCS events have really been helping keep me busy in a positive way though, so that’s been great.
I translated this really quickly when I got access to the chapter and haven’t proofread as carefully as I normally try to, so if I find out later that there were any typos, I’ll repost with those. Thanks again for understanding in advance!
[EDIT] Sorry it looks like the airport wifi messed up the formatting and the wifi on the plane will be broken... :( I will correct it when I land.
[EDIT #2] I’m finally back on solid ground and have updated the post.  Sorry for the delay and weird formatting!  Also, due to a couple typos and one mistitled line, I’ll be posting a quick update shortly.
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 22
Cover Page: “Let’s always, always and forever be close with one another.”
P1 Touya:  I’m home. Fujitaka:  <on phone> What!? She collapsed!? Fujitaka:  Oh, she came to soon after.  I see.  That’s a relief. Fujitaka:  Okay, I understand. Fujitaka:  Please take care of her.  (I will talk to you later.) 
[Lit: 「失礼します」or “Excuse me/Goodbye.”] 
Touya: You said… Sakura collapsed?
P2 Fujitaka: Yes.  But it seems they had a doctor look at her right away and she’s alright. Touya:  She was mixed-up in something again… Fujitaka:  Hm? Touya:  She went to mom’s grandfather’s place, right? Fujitaka:  That’s right. Fujitaka:  Because he has something to give to Sakura-san. Fujitaka:  One of the two (things) is really huge, so I asked him (not to give it to her) for now. Touya:  <quietly> Large?
P3 Fujitaka:  It’s the house she’s visiting right now. Fujitaka:  It seems it was one of Nadeshiko-san’s favorite (summer homes), and (he) wanted to leave it to Sakura-san. Touya:  To a middle schooler? Fujitaka:  Yes, but he gave up on that for (me). Touya:  Does great-grandpa look like mom?
P4 Fujitaka:  I wonder… I think that (they have the same) eyes though.
[Lit: I think that their eyes are similar though.]
Fujitaka:  According to Sonomi-san, Nadeshiko-san looked exactly like her grandmother. Fujitaka:  Touya-kun, he wanted to meet you too… (that) Masaki-san. Touya:  If the timing works out… Fujitaka:  You’re being shy? <Text reads: “Bull’s eye”>
P5 Fujitaka: You might look alike. Touya:  Hm? Fujitaka: Masaki-san and you. Touya: <pointing to himself> Me? Fujitaka:  We should line the two of you up next to each other and compare. Fujitaka:  You’re related by blood so it makes sense that you would look alike. Touya:  I’ve recently been thinking that Mom and Sakura look similar too. Fujitaka:  I think so too. Fujitaka:  Their smiles are growing more and more similar.  And also…
P6 Fujitaka:  (Their mysterious abilities too.)
[Lit: That mysteriousness about them too.]
Touya:  Huh? Fujitaka:  Nadeshiko-san was a (strange) person who could talk to (things that weren’t) there and understand the feelings of things that can’t speak.
[Lit: “Nadeshiko was a myterious person who could talk to something that wasn’t…”]
Fujitaka:  But that’s the same as you, Touya-kun.
P7 Touya: Didn’t you ever think it wasn’t believable? Fujitaka:  Not at all. But I’m not the kind of person who senses or hear things, so it was a little lonely. Fujitaka:  I can’t (see or hear them) for Sakura-san either.
[Lit: I can’t give Sakura-san my understanding either.]
P8 Touya:  …You knew? Fujitaka:  Nothing specific. Fujitaka:  But I knew that it wasn’t something I could resolve and I realized to some degree there were many difficult things happening since she was (about) in the 4th grade. Touya:  Dad, (as expected) you’re amazing. Fujitaka:  What is? Touya:  The fact that you realized something was going on, but let her act freely without asking her about it.
P9 Fujitaka: Because it’s Sakura-san after all. Fujitaka: She’s someone who cherishes herself and those around her. Fujitaka: Plus, whatever happens, she has a wonderful older brother too. Touya: (That goes for you too, dad.)
[Lit: “And you too, dad.” – The nuance here is that Fujitaka is here for Sakura too.]
Fujitaka: Well, I’m not (very helpful) right now…
[Lit: I’m a bit helpless right now.]
P10 Fujitaka: <looking at Nadeshiko’s photo> There’s surely a reason why Nadeshiko-san hasn’t (appeared) lately as well. Touya:  What? Fujitaka:  (It’s nothing.) Fujitaka:  I was just thinking how happy I am to have such a great wife and kids. <Scene changes to Masaki’s house>
P11 Sakura:  I’m alright now.  The doctor just now said nothing was wrong too. Masaki:  But… Sakura:  There was something you wanted to give me, right? Masaki:  Oh, that’s right. Can you wait for me for a moment? Sakura:  Okay! Syaoran:  You’re not pushing yourself, are you? Sakura:  Not at all.  I’m sorry for making you worry too, Syaoran-kun. Syaoran:  I’m fine.  But, really… If you’re in pain or are hurting even just a little bit, please tell me. Don’t hide it.
P12 Sakura: You too, Syaoran-kun. Syaoran: Huh? Sakura: I want you to not keep things hidden and tell me. <Masaki re-enters the room>
P13 Sakura:  A box? Masaki:  Please open it up. <Sakura finds a pendant-like clock inside>
P14 Sakura:  A clock? Masaki:  It’s something that Nadeshiko always treasured ever since she was a young girl. Masaki:  My wife and I - Nadeshiko’s grandmother - brought it back from overseas. Sakura: From where? Masaki:  From England. Syaoran:  <thinking> England… the place Hiiragizawa is now.
P15 Syaoran:  And that person too…
[Note: Syaoran isn’t saying Kaito is in England, but is just making the connection that both he and Eriol have roots there.]
<Scene changes to Yue’s house; Eriol suddenly appears like a hologram above the photo of Clow’s magic symbol on Kero’s smartphone>
P16 Eriol:  It’s been a while, Cerberus. Kero:  Indeed it has.  Because you haven’t been replying to us. Kero:  We’re pretty ticked off about it. Eriol:  I can understand that very well.  Especially from (the expression) on Yue’s face…
P17 Kero:  Sending an image of your magic circle and appearing in this form must mean… Yue:  You’re ready to tell us (what’s going on). Eriol:  Yes. Yue:  Explain everything.  What is happening to our mistress?
P18 Eriol:  The thing I’ve been fearing the most is (occurring).
[Lit: …most is becoming reality.]
<Scene changes to the Amamiya residence again>
P19 Sakura:  I’m sorry for making you worry. Masaki:  I’m sorry too, for (calling you out here) so suddenly. Thank you both. Syaoran: <bowing> Thank you for having us. Masaki:  Please come visit again. Sakura:  Okay! Sakura: I will treasure mom’s clock.
P20 Masaki: <to Syaoran> Please take care of Sakura-chan. Syaoran: <surprised, but then determined> …I will.
P21 Kero:  You mean that magician who’s with Akiho? Yue:  Did you ask the Magician’s Society? Eriol:  More or less. Eriol:  Well for the most part there were no responses, but one answer did come back clear. Eriol:  It was that “Yuna D. Kaito was excommunicated one year ago.”
P22 Kero:  From that society? Kero:  It’s that kind of crazy place where as long as you have strong magic and carry out the society’s requests, for the most part you’ll go unquestioned… Kero: What did he do to be excommunicated from there!? Eriol:  I don’t know. Eriol:  But (my search took a different route).
[Lit: But I tried searching a different route.]
Eriol: The Li Clan assisted me. Eriol: It seems he was excommunicated for losing a (magical tool enshrined by) the Magician’s Society.
[Note: 門外不出 means “to treasure something by never removing it from the premises”. I decided to go with “enshrined” as it sounds simpler, but the literal translation would be: “It seems he was excommunicated for losing a magical tool that was not to be removed from the Magician Society’s premises.”]
P23 Kero:  What!? Lost?? How incompetent of him!! Eriol:  It’s what they’re saying (to cover it up). Eriol: He absconded with it. So it’s a complete lie. Yue: Can something like that be forgiven? Eriol: There’s no way it can be forgiven.
P24 Eriol:  It can’t be returned. Eriol:  Because no one can win against a Magician who has (earned) the Title of “D”. Eriol:  It was a magic tool kept hidden by that society.  It’s likely that it was taboo to come into contact with it.
[Lit: 「おそらく『禁忌』に触れるものだろう」 so it could also be “it was taboo to touch”]
Eriol:  The society fears his power and that he might use that tool, so they’re unable to take action.
P25 Yue:  So, he’s (that) strong? Eriol: If you mean stronger than I am now, that’s a yes. <Both Kero and Yue react with concern>
P26 Yue:  And (our) mistress… Yue:  What about… our mistress… Eriol:  Sakura is…
P27 Eriol:  She was able to collect the scattered Clow Cards and return them to their card forms, as well as change all of them into cards that draw from her own magic.
P28 Eriol:  However, it seems (even) that wasn’t enough to finish things. Narration:  The truth about the past that Eriol knows is…!?
<To be continued in the June issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in May>
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