centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Welcome Roy Mustang
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Welcome Roy Mustang to Central HQ!
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
We've decided to make this group OPEN
It's only because many members are busy with school and aren't able to be as active as others. It's your decision if you want to follow other FMA rpers or not.
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Alphonse is now free.
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Welcome Wrath!
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Welcome Wrath to Central HQ!
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Character: Wrath (Season 1/Izumi's son)
URL: patched-uphomunculus.tumblr.com
Sample: (FFFF this kinda sucks just a little bit. I had no inspiration >.>)
It was dark... So, so dark... Cries were heard all around the boy. "Why is it so dark...?" a boy who appeared to be 10 wondered out loud. He shuddered as multiple replied whispers filled his mind. Awful... Its awful here... He shuddered again, his eyes becoming wide as the shrill cries of an infant pierced through the whispers. He clamped his hands to the sides of his head, trying to drown out the noise. But it didn't work... The wails still echoed through his head, making he himself cry out in fear. Why is it so dark here?! Why is everything... Dead? 
The cries faded away, but he knew they'd be back... They always came back. He yet again waited in darkness, in hissing discord. He would go mad soon if he didn't die... But... Wait! What was that...? It was... It was so bright... Is it an... Exit? An escape? Can I... Be free...? The boy reached for the light, yearning for comfort, and then... Nothing. His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself in something green. It was also warm... Wh-where am I? he wondered. He sat up and looked around, finding himself surrounded by trees. It's quiet... It was true. All he heard was the leaves and the birds, all around him. This was new... This was... Wonderful.
Application is accepted.
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Poll time
Because of certain reasons, I'm thinking of making this an open RP group. Would you guys like this or not?
Open rp group meaning you can rp with anyone an everyone. Or we could keep it closed, and we only rp with other fandoms.
It's up to you guys. Let me know ok?
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Wrath (Season 1 / Izumi's son)
Are you asking to reserve him?
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Hey guys
To promote more group interaction, I think everyone [if they can] should post an open rp this week. It doesn't have to be long, just something someone could respond to.
Also, don't forget you ARE allowed to interact with other fandom rpers, just not other FMA rpers~
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
This is a closed group, meaning please don't interact with FMA characters who aren't part of this group.
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Central HQ: Closed FMA rp group
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Central HQ is a closed FMA rp group. We are all quite friendly, and would love for you to join us. If you’re interested, please read over the rules and masterlist. The more the merrier. 
-Central HQ
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Envy App! : D
Characters name: Envy. Sample of writing: From one of my favorite role plays. Envy’s smirk merely grew as it watched Edward’s new ‘friends’ slip away, the scared and confused look on their faces gave the homunculus a feeling it couldn’t really explain other than that they excited it in an unsettling way; its malicious excitement could probably be felt by Ed and the others around, as an eerie and ominous air resonating from the homunculus. Its eyes strayed from Ed for a moment, as it noticed one of the humans peering out of the window of their home; this quickly changed however when she noticed that the monsters purple catlike eyes were on her- she shut her blinds suddenly causing Envy to snort in amusement as it turned its attention back to Edward. The boy was clearly becoming angered by Envy’s need to bully the people around him with its presence; the homunculus might of been after Ed initially, but to kick around his friends was just a cruel bonus for the sin, it liked to watch them squirm. In a sick and twisted way Envy felt they desvered this; it was unable to build friendships so why should they, beings inforior to itself, be able to have them? Watching people slip away from the runts side was also just another way Envy got its sick jollies. “I could ask you the same question, Ed.” it said, taking note of his harsh tone, its wicked smirk barely fading, however morphing into a pained and tanting expression at the boy “I mean, haven’t you done enough damage to these poor people?” it added, shugging in a flippant manner. Another low blow on the sin’s side; that was what it was good at after all.
There it is xD
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Welcome Envy!
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Welcome Envy to Central HQ!
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Ooc: Seems I remembered my log in info! 8 )
YES! I'll add you now!
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Envy has reopened
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Central HQ: Closed FMA rp group
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Central HQ is a closed FMA rp group. We are all quite friendly, and would love for you to join us. If you’re interested, please read over the rules and masterlist. The more the merrier. 
-Central HQ
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
Welcome Scar!
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Welcome Scar to Central HQ!
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centralxhq-blog · 12 years
An Ishvalan's Proclomation
Tumblr URL:http://ishvalanscar.tumblr.com/
Sample Writing:
-Wondering in desert plains heading to central, the sun beats on the top of his head. The dust in the air hits the glass on his glasses, he treks through the hot sand with a determination, a goal that he must achieve.-  In thoughts: My family, my friends, my brother, all of you will be avenged. With this arm, I will show those State Alchemists a taste of their own sin.  I promise that every soldier will die, and for ever soldier dead is another Ishvalan avenged. -He reaches cliff, and in the distance is Amestris- This marks the day of retribution. The day where all their sins will be cleansed by Ishvala.
Your application was accepted.
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