cerberusthenking3 · 30 days
Can I request Lucifer and my oc? She is a fallen Angel like him, but with white wings with black tips at the edges and a small demonic tail.
Alright,but ill need more info and it may not be out for a while because my data is still off
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
A Dragons Refuge In Frost
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This story is for random-vore-blog and using their OC Titanus Thiro Gengo
Warning:This story contains soft,safe,half-size vore,fearplay,unwilling pred,aftercare
Gengo POV.
I glance at the giant ape who drags me by my wing and I weakly attempt to charge my laser but he just swats my head with the back of his hand and the already weak yellow blast sputters out.He approaches a large lava waterfall and roars at a few other great apes and they throw a few boulders in front of a lava waterfall which splits and I see a cave behind it as he raises a large whip with a crystal at the end and I hear a loud roar shake the earth and the other great apes run as fast as they can away from the opening.I'm shoved towards the cave and a giant white titan with bone chains wrapped around its neck.It looks at me and says"Oh,hello"In a very pained tone but with a gentle undertone and a soft look on a very strained face when the Great ape says"Ice beast,eat this intruder”before holding his whip up at her and she looks at me in horror before jerking her head down and snarling in pain and I scramble back to my feet and open my wings to get as far from the titan as possible but the moment they are fully open I feel a sharp pain lash though my left wing and I turn to see the tip of the whip going straight through the membrane and tearing down my wing for at least twenty meters.I turn and see the giant titan walking towards me and softly saying"I'm sorry,I'm so sorry"I turn to run but realize that the great apes are blocking the path and I feel a long scaly appendage wrapping around me and turn to see her tail around my midsection.She lift me into the air as I flail and begin charging another laser but am cute off as she flicks my mouth shut with her tail and fear seeps over my body and I begin slowly shrinking down as the tail tightens to match the smaller size that I have reached and she look at me with interest when she jerks over from pain and looks at me as I feel tears welling up in my eyes"P-please don't"I say in a shakey tone.She stares at me and I see tears appearing at the corners of her eyes but another pained expression appears on her face and she opens her mouth and a strange blue glow emanates from inside of her.She gently places my head onto her tongue and I feel cold breaths flowing over my body with a shiver as I burst out struggling and hear her whimper in pain but she continues pulling more of my torso into her maw and my head reaches her throat,punctuated with a deep swallow.Tears stream down my muzzle and I try to open my wings to make myself impossible to swallow when she simply opens her mouth wider to take the wings in and only now do I realize how much smaller I've turned.She easily swallows me down and I bring my wings closer to myself to stop them from being broken.She swallows heavily one last time and I'm pushed fully into her throat.
Shimo POV.
I sadly swallow down the last of the dragon-like titan and send her down into my crop.The horrible ape points the whip back to my cave and I walk back in with a small jolt of pain.The lava closes behind me so I listen carefully for the ape to leave before looking down to my chest and saying"He's horrible isn't he?”I hear a shaky voice say"P-please,d-dont kill m-me”I rub where my crop is and say"Don't worry,I can't digest anything in my crop,it's not even a stomach but the act of swallowing was technically following his order,you're okay"I hear them sigh in huge relief before saying"Can you let me out now,please?”I give a sad growl and say"No,sorry,he'll kill you if he sees you again,I'm sorry but I'm not gonna let you out,yet”I feel them roll over and say"W-when will you let me out?”I softly say"Whenever I can little one,whenever I can"I squeeze my crop around her softly before laying back down and let myself drift off to sleep.
Two years later
I reel back in pain as the giant lizard titan slams into me and knocks me against a building when I notice a smaller ape slamming the ax into the horrible crystal and I watch in wonder as it shatters.The lizard titan says"Well,are you gonna take revenge,you have a chance now?”I turn and realization spreads over my face as the ape yells”KILL THEM!”At me.I open my mouth as blue light begins filling my mouth and I fire at him,striking him straight in the chest,freezing him solid.The bigger ape steps towards the frozen one and stares at him for a moment before lashing out and shattering him into pieces.I turn to the sky again and say"Oh,oh no,the ice age,it's starting"The lizard-like titan aims into the sky and another one of his lasers begins charging and he fires it straight up,splitting the ice storm.I feel a tired movement in my crop,turning to the water I tread out and easily stride over the rapidly freezing water and after a few minutes of running I arrive at an abandoned island.I lean forwards and open my mouth widely before tightening the crop and pushing Gengo up.They slide up my throat and I open my mouth before gently laying them at my feet and happily wait for them to wake up.
Gengo POV.
My eyes open slowly as I roll onto my back in the……warm sand.I look up and cover my my eyes from the light,what happened?I blink for a good five minutes before my eyes adjust to light again and turn back to see Shimo standing there with a happy smile and I question"Is he…….?”She nods excitedly and say"We’re free now my friend,we're free"I charge at her and wrap my wings around her as best I can in a hug.I have already returned back to my normal size long ago but it feels so nice to finally stretch my wings out again.She uses one leg to hug me to her chest and purrs happily"I forgot what you looked like,it's been so long since you've been out"She happily says.I respond with"Me too,but now we can finally see each other"She smiles at me before looking down and stopping for a moment before looking up with a slightly forced smile and I say"What's wrong Shimo,I thought you'd be happier for our freedom?”She looks at me and I see small crystals falling from her eyes before she says"A-are you going to leave now?”In a clearly upset tone.I stare at her in shock before saying"You protected me from that monsters cruelty for years,comforted me during rougher days no matter how horrible I was to you,you know me better than anyone and I think that I know you as well,I don't think I could leave if I wanted to"She holds her front legs out to me and I walk up to hug her.She lets me go before slamming her legs into the ground and says"How about we play something,hide and seek,I win and we get more cuddle time,what do you want if you win?”I think for a second and say"I don't know but I'll think about it"She look up and says"You have two minutes,go hide"I run off onto the island as I quickly shrink down and slip into a cave so small that there is no way Shimo will even see it.
Shimo POV.
One hundred and eighteen,one hundred and nineteen,one hundred and twenty.I open my eyes and yell"READY OR NOT,HERE I COME"I walk through the dense forest and notice a small golden glow under coming from a cave I never would have noticed.I walk over to the cave and lean down to see them staring at me.I smile and step back as they crawl out and I lick over the entirety of their body.I use my tongue to pull her head into my and get saliva all over her as she pulls back and shakes it off onto my face.I pull back in disgust but lay down and say"I win,now we cuddle"They roll their eyes but lay against my stomach and I curl up around my little friend.I notice how she leans into my touch despite how she finally has a choice not too and realize how touchy of a person she is.I gently snuggle up to her when I hear a confused growl and look up before seeing the ape from earlier,I snap into a protective position and rapidly pull Gengo under me before snarling down at him.He quickly says"I'm not your enemy,just came to check on you,is that your friend"I begin slowly swaying my tail back and forth before saying"Yeah,what of it?’He nods before confusedly asking"Where were they?”I point down at my crop before saying"That ape tried to make me eat them,I didn't kill them"I lower myself and wrap around Gengo again.The ape turns to walk away and I wave at him as he enters the water,leaving for wherever.I look down at Gengo and say"I'm going to find us a new home,hope you don't mind being stored until then"They shake their head and I open my maw before gently slipping their head into my mouth,swallowing them down gently and reaching halfway down their body,where they carefully pull their wings around themselves.I quickly finish swallowing before approaching the water,which freezes under me.I rub my crop and say"Let's find us a good home,somewhere we can live and play,without interruption"I hear them jokingly say”How about the arctic"I laugh but quickly stop and say"Wait,maybe that will actually work?”She rubs the wall of my crop and says"Wherever you decide,I'm just along for the ride,my friend”
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Sorry- I meant Tumblr message
Yeah thats fine
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Yes- Godzilla oc. Is it okay if I DM it to you? And give more details?
Sorry,I dont have discord,or really anything else
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Have you heard of Shimo? Well- um... I wanted to ask if you could do a vore short story with her and my Titan oc? If that is okay? If you want more info on my oc then let me know. If you don't want to do it with my oc, then I understand.
Alright,I need details for the oc,but do you mean godzilla Shimo?
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
My phone is gonna be off for a bit, but I'll try to do any requests I get today offline,so send in your requests before tomorrow.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
A Flood We Couldn't Stop
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I have reversed the roles and made a Red Lizard sized predatory Rivulet,who is a very cuddly pred
Also,this is not using cannon characters,to be clear
Warning:This will contain soft,safe,protective vore,accidental fearplay,roles reversed,fear of death/digestion
Ranto POV.
I struggle within the heavy liquid as I feel the air in my lungs running out while I try to shove the salamander off of me,but it just bites onto my leg much harder and pulls me deeper into the water and my vision begins darkening around the edges.I give a begging look to the salamander and see it grinning cruelly,restlessly wating for me to stop breathing when a spear is suddenly sent straight into it's side and it releases my leg with a shriek of pain as it look up and a blue creature shoots past me and grabs the spear out of its body before waving it threateningly at the salamander who decides that I'm not worth fighting for and shoots of into the distance to find an easier meal as I shiver from the look the blue creature gives me before it opens its mouth widely and I defeatedly release my grip on the large rock I was using to anchor myself and ready for the killing blow when I feel a slimy warmth envelop my head and oxygen suddenly fills my nostrils and I begin coughing as water flies out of my lungs and I'm quickly sent down the tight,fleshy tunnel into a much less tight pouch which,for some reason,has breathable air.My heart begins pumping much harder as my senses sharpen again from the air now in my system as I burst out struggling as best I can.I hear the slugcat break surface and feel a lot of motion and I'm thrown around while tears fall down my face and I curl in on myself tighter when I hear a click and a soft male voice say"H-hey,are you alright?"I quickly yell back."N-NO,I DON'T WANT TO DIE,S-SPIT ME OUT!"I hear a quiet whimper,and the soft voice says,"Y-your not going to,but please stop y-yelling."I kick out again and say,"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT GONNA DIE,YOU ATE ME?"The creature fliches again,and I hear it say,"I-I swear,I'm not gonna hurt you,but please,please stop yelling,I'll let you go when the rain stops,okay?"I slowly stop lashing out at the walls,as it's doing nothing,and I hear it ask."Do you want anything,food,water?"I shakily say"D-do you have enough food for me to have some?"I hear a quick swallow,and a whole batfly falls into the stomach with me,and I gladly bite into the given food while the stomach moves around me, and I hear the voice say"I'm gonna go to sleep,you'll be free tommorow,okay?"Not like I have much of a choice, but I stop eating for a moment anyway to say."Y-yeah."I finish up the batfly and curl in on myself as I hear him snoring and slowly fade to sleep,hoping that I'll actually be let out tomorrow.
Kawa POV.
My eyes slowly open as I yawn widely and stand up with a deep streach and feel a weight in my stomach.I look down and my slightly bulging belly and lean forwards to spit out the little Strawberry Lizard that I swallowed yesterday as my stomach contracts and I push the little thing back into my mouth and spit him out into my arms and sit against the wall.My eyes flick to the door,which is still tightly shut so that tells me that it's still raining outside,guess we'll have to wait a bit longer.I feel the small lizard moving a bit and I look down to see him squeezing his eyes shut and trying to pretend to still be asleep.I smile softly and say"I saw you,it's alright,I'm not gonna hurt you"He slowly opens his eyes and I reach down to stroke his head and say"I'm Kawa,what's your name?"He looks up and says,"R-Ranto,and,if it's not too personal,how are you so big?"I cock my head to the side and say"What do you mean,I thought I was average size?"He shakes his head and says"Slugcats like you are usually only a little taller than me"He says wondrously"Wow,I could easily cuddle up other slugcats,but I doubt they are gonna taste as good as you"He turns away and I smell a pulse of fear and he says"A-about that,p-please don't eat me again"I think for a moment then say"Mmmmm,No"He freezes and says"W-what do you mean n-no?"I turn my head and lick down him and say"You're too tasty to not have as a snack someother time"He looks at the door nervously and I lay back against the wall of the shelter.I hear my stomach growl and turn to grab a batfly before tossing it into my mouth and crunching my teeth down on the treat.I see Ranto flinch from the noise and I reach down to stroke his back,my palm brushes across his body.He looks up questioningly as I pick him up and lay him on my pudgy belly,he tries to push himself off as I curl in on myself and begin to fall asleep,I'll let him go when I wake up.
Ranto POV.
I wake up with a jolt and notice that the door is open now,my eyes flicking up to the sleeping slugcat's face to see if he was actually sleeping.Once I confirm that he is,I slip out of his arms and out of the shelter door,dashing out onto a platform suspended above a small lake and I let out a defeated sigh,I'm trapped.....or am I.Isee the land only a little bit away,if I'm fast enough I'll get there before any salamanders can catch me.I take a step back and ready myself before sprinting forwards and leaping off the edge.The moment I hit the water I quickly swim over and reach the land and sigh in relief when I feel a sharp pain in my left hind leg,shakily,I turn around and see a salamander with a deep wound in it's side.....from a spear.I shriek in fear and grab onto the sharp rocks as it tries to pull me into the water with its claws when it says"Not getting away thissssss time"In a sing-song voice.I yell out"KAWA,HELP PLEASE!!!!!"His eyes flick up to the shelter entrance,and I use his distraction to land a clean hit on his eye and scramble onto the land.I turn to run and ram face first into an orange lizard who pins me to the ground as the salamander says"Alright,I'm so done playing with you"In a very frustrated voice.He raises a claw to finish me off as I squeeze my eyes shut and but no pain comes.My eyes slowly open and I see Kawa standing infront of me with the salamander halfway in his mouth.He swallows and reaches behind me in one quick motion and pull the orange lizard up to his head and widely open his mouth and pulls his mouth over the lizards head.It takes him twenty seconds to get the lizard packed into his stomach and I see large bulges appear on his distended stomach while he burps loudly and says"I would eat you too but I dont think you'd be safe in there with those two,so I'll just scold you out here,Why the heck did you decide to just go rather than waking me up to take you home?"I begin shaking and say,"I-I d-d-didn't want to w-wake you a-and I th-thought I could make it."Almost at tears.
Kawa POV.
I look down at the shaking lizard as I feel the Orange lizard and salamander struggle in my stomach,and the Orange lizard yells"SPIT.US.OUT"Puntuating eat word with a kick and I pull my hands up to my ears to cover them and yell"SHUT UP"In a angry tone and look back down at Ranto just in time to see him trying to hide tears from me so I hold my hand out for him and watch him crawl into it before he say"I-i'm sorry,I just want to go home"I pull him against my chest and say"I know,and you will,just relax and I'll follow your scent back to your home"He snuggles into my chest as I walk to the water and pull him up to my mouth.I slide him under my tongue to keep him safe and give him access to oxygen while I swim.I take a deep breath to catch his scent leap into the water.It takes roughly two hours and two hundred breaks for breath to finally get back to his home and I see a cave much larger than he needs.I walk in to see a small slugcat laying on a caramel lizards stomach and gently spit out Ranto before asking"Hey Ranto,do you know these two?"He looks around tiredly before quickly saying,"AILA,FAITH!"In an excited tone,and I watch the caramel lizards eyes open and widen at the sight of me before shooting into a defensive position around the small white slugcat and saying"Ranto,who is that?"He stands up and almost faceplants,so I catch him,and he says,"This is my new friend,Kawa."The much smaller slugcat says,"W-woah,you're big."I look down and smell her before saying,"One moment,"and walking out to the water.I open my mouth and begin pushing the two lizards up,noticing something weird.When I pysh them out I see only the orange lizard with a bigger stomach that he's curled protectively around.I tap his head and his eyes snap open,he look up and says"W-were alive?"In a confused tone before his eyes widen and he cuddles his stomach saying"WE'RE ALIVE!"and running off into the nearby tunnels.I turn and walk back into the cave with salivia filling up my mouth.My eyes light up as I walk in and see that they are still there and I jump onto them,quickly swallowing down the smaller slugcat and Ranto before following up the caramel lizard,Aila I think,so the slugcat is Faith.They slide into my stomach but before they struggle I hear Ranto say"Thanks Kawa,for everything"and Faith nervously asking"I-is it safe?"I agree with."I digest anyone alive,so if it wasn't,you would already be dead,"Aila says."Thank you for bringing Ranto home,but I'm not used to being eaten,I'm a predator,"I stick my tongue out and say"Well I eat predators and you're no exception,since I'm gonna be around alot more so you better get used to it"
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
A Flower to be Seen Not Heard
No image,which is rare,but this is an OC from my own creative universe so no art
It's much darker than my usual stuff but not to a huge extent
Warning:Soft,safe vore,possessive pred,child prey,mentions of sexual and physical abuse,extreme cuddling,aftercare,darker undertones
Blossom POV.
The cart pulls to a stop as I step out of the door held open by the guards sent to watch over my arrival.I step out as one guard says,"Hello ma'am,Lord Tergu is very excited for you're arrival"I nod and say"Let us go then,mortal"I look up and notice in the crowd that there is a young female human wearing some sort of dog collar,she staring at me with wide eyes and I notice a larger male human has a sort of leash in hand and watch as he pulls it and thus the child away from the guards and into the crowd.I raise a finger as a single flower petal flies towards the child before touching her arm and fusing into her skin,what I have just seen is concerning but I need to speak to Tergu first.I turn to the guard and follow him through the streets to his palace,arriving at the large building in under five minutes and I look up with a blank expression which quickly shifts into a warm smile as I see a young man run out of the palace door and stops infront of me before saying"Blossom my friend,how are you?"I smile softly and say,"I'm good,Tergu,you?"He waves the guards at the door aside as he walks me in while saying,"I'm good,I hope the journey wasn't too stressful."I look over to him and say,"Not at all,and I'm sorry if I sound distracted,I saw something concerning during my arrival."He looks over with a worried galnce before saying,"What is it,I have noticed your distaction?"I respond by saying,"A young child with a collar,and a grown man dragging her around like a pet."I notice the look of horror on his face before he responds with"Before we took this city,I visited once and noticed that the Lord,Hamuisis I believe,dragged around the woman he took as prizes like that,his nobles followed the same standard"I look up thoughfully and say"Could that man be a noble who escaped your.....judgement?"He raises his hand up to his face,and I notice that his claws are showing and starts biting his first claw.I look up and say,"It could be nothing,but we should still go and make sure that the kid is okay,obviously I placed a petal on her,just to make sure we can find her if something is wrong"He nods and walks out of the room and after about twenty minutes he walks in with a group of soldiers who all seem to be ready hunt if the man gets away.I close my eyes and focus on the petals location and step forwards as I discard my main kimono and am left in only my light armor and a decent t-shirt and shorts.Tails flick out from my tailbone as I reveal the vulpine form of my birth before leaping out of the window with them following out through the door.
Rose POV.
I lay on the cold,tough earth as I hear my master and his friends laughing inside of the nearby building.My hand slips off the new bruses on my chest from being slammed into the table and up to the tight leather collar and try to pull it off without any success.I sigh and lay back down before hearing a soft growl behind me and turn to see a large peach and white colored fox,it's fur has a wierd patchy look to it with blotches of peach fur and a main base of white fur.I murmer slightly as I look at the beautiful fox and try to convince it to come over so I can pet it when I hear a mans voice speak softly"Are you okay kid?"My eyes flick to the side as I see a man in weird shiny armor with a sort of crown on his head with the visage of a dragon wrapping around the midsection of a fox.....no kitsune with a splattered gold and silver body.I look over at the fox again without thinking and notice that it has nine long tails fluttering back and forth behind it and nervously respond to the man"I-I'm f-fine sir,m-master will let me in after his friends leave"The fox approaches me and it's fur melts with its body and I watch as it shrinks down into the beautiful woman who had arrived in the expensive carriage earlier that master made a lewd comment about before taking me home to take his frustration out on me,luckily only hitting me.She reaches towards me and says softly"That doesn't answer the question he asked,Are you okay"I stare blankely at her and say"Yes ma'am,I'm okay,why?"She leans down and pushes my kimono to the side and lets out a horrified gasp before turning to the soldiers and saying"Go in,she's hurt and from the smell in the air,we're correct"The soldiers rush past me and the man with uer approaches masters home before banging on the door loudly and yelling"ANY PERSON WITHIN THIS BUILDING MUST EXIT IN UNDER TEN SECONDS,ELSE I WILL SEND MY SOLDIERS INSIDE AND THEY WILL TAKE NO PRISONERS!"And after a few seconds,master and his friends come rushing out of the door as a few of the soldiers burst in while he and most of the soldiers stay outside to watch them.
Blossom POV.
I hold the human carefully as I glare at the grown men who are knocked to the ground as the house is torn apart for any stragglers.The largest man,who was with the kid,is glaring daggers at the child as I summon my tails to hide her from his gaze as I smile at the look of horror on his face which morphs to disgust as he realizes what I am.Usually I wouldn't show my tails off to random humans but scaring the shit out of an asshole with the added bonus of the little kid seemingly enjoying looking at them.I look down and say"You may pet my tails if you'd like to,just be gentle"I see her eyes light up as she gently runs her hand through my fur and I watch her eyes sparkle in joy.I hear Tergu say"Go back to the palace Blossom,I don't want the child to see this"I look down at the kid and say"Don't worry,we'll take care of you,you're safe now"I morph back into my true form before grabbing the human by the scruff of her shirt.I leap up into the tree's and flick through them at high speed,making sure that the human is held tightly and doesn't slip of while I'm atleast two hundred feet off the ground.After a moment I arrive at the palace and slip through the window easily as I land in the guest room I usually stay in when I'm here.I lay her on the bed and carefully curl around her while allowing my tails to fall over her.She looks up and says"Why are you helping me?"In a very confused and worried tone before continuing with,"What will you wan't me to do if it's not a problem to tell me?"My tails tighten a little bit without trying to hurt her.I ask her."Whay do you expect to happen?"She looks up confusedly as I feel a scent hit my nose,It's horribly wonderful.I look down and realize that she is bleeding from an open injury on her leg,salivia begins to fill my mouth as I give a soft and tentative lick.I fucked up,I fucked up,I should not have done that,I look up at her and shakily mutter"O-ok kid,w-why dont you run out to a guard,tell him I'm locking the door and to send one of the prisoners,okay?"I nudge her to the door,but when she gets there, I feel myself slipping,and I watch in horror as she stops at the door and turns around to ask,"Are you okay,ma'am?"Too late,all I can do is not hurt her,leaping towards the child I knock her to the ground.My tail pads the fall and I stand over her as I watch her just freeze,she doesn't struggle or scream but she just lays there while breathing heavily.
Rose POV.
I stare up at the nice kitsune who just slammed me into the tile floor.She leans down and licks my face roughly,and I cough heavily,gasping for breath after her tongue leaves my face.She opens her maw and drops of heavy salivia fall onto me,fear flooding my mind and I feel my body tense up and I pull my legs and arms closer to my body and squeeze my eyes shut.Soft warmth envelopes my body and I feel something incredibly sharp slide over my back and I flinch,expecting her to bite down on me but I hear her swallow heavily.I feel a slightly tigher ring and warm wet liquid,likely salivia,slide down her throat with me as I go down the tunnel that fully engulfs my body.I slide down into a massive pouch which is glowly dimly pink and it has similar pattern of pink and white patches,while scared I feel curiosity overtaking the fear and I reach a shaky hand towards the wall and when I touch it the organ pulls my hands into the wall and lightly squeezes it.I hear her voice echo from all around me say"Curious little thing aren't you,don't worry,you're alright,my tummy won't hurt you"Her voice is much lighter and sounds almost playful,unlike her more serious and worried tone she had just a minute ago.She happily purrs as the stomach clenches and churns around me but as I thrown around I hear her clear her throat and the organ steadies around me and she talks in her normal tone with a bit of a purring undertone"Sorry,I let my instincts take control for a moment,I'll spit you out and get you some food"I sigh in relief when I feel my vision slowly darkening and I quietly ask"Is it really safe in here ma'am"I hear her respond confusedly"Yes and I'm Blossom but why?"I say,"I'm Rose,and if it's okay with you,may I sleep in here?"She stops and says,"Oh,of course,I just thought you would be scared,you may sleep,and I'll let you out tomorrow,but first,I'm going to morph back into a humanoid form,it will get much tighter,is that okay?"I curl into a tighter ball and say,"Yes ma'am,I'm used to sleeping in the cold,and the warmth in here is great,im not afraid of tight places so it's worth it"The stomach,as promised,goes much tighter and snaps around me,I quietly say"Thank you ma'am"before snuggling into the walls around me and fall into sleep.
Blossom POV.
I pull my armor back over my slightly bulging stomach and then carefully stand up as I hear the soft snoring.I grab my kimono off of the coatrack that the guards placed it on and slip into it before walking out of the room and to the hallway.I lick my lips and get the amazing orange-like flavor that Rose possessed,amazing,she's so much better than those bitter prisoners I usually use to sate my hunger.I hear a soft growling noise so I walk to where it its coming from and see Tergu walking through the door with blood all over his face and arms.I slip up to the ceiling as he walks under me,my muscles tense and he goes under me.I release the ceiling and fall straight onto the young lord,knocking him onto the ground and he yells out in suprise as I grow rapidly into my true from and open my mouth,pulling him in and licking all over his body,pulling the blood of and sending it down to my actual stomach before spitting him out in a puddle of salivia where he looks at me,gasping for breath and with a confused look.He asks"Not that I'm complaining but why did you spit me out,you usually swallow?"He looks at my stomach just as Rose moves around a bit, and his eyes widen, and he asks."Is that........"I nod and quickly shift back into a human before saying,"Don't worry,she's alright.Do you want to go in with her?"He thinks for a second before saying,"I don't think I have a choice in the matter,do I?"I shake my head and shoot towards him,quickly morphing back into a big enough form to hold them both and drag his entire body into my maw,easily engulfing the young lord and sending him down.He slides into my pouch as I adjust it around my charge and the young lord to let them both lay comfortably on the separate sides of the organ.I cuddle it around the two of them as his fingers brush against the sensitive flesh as it pulls his hand in like Rose earlier and and I start purring as I allow the organ to gently churn around them.I stand up from my blissful state and walk past quite a few confused guards but once I see the head of the guard he waves off the humans following me before holding Tergu's door open and letting me into his room.I leap onto his bed and wrap around myself,using my tails to pull the comforter over me.I softly purr as I slowly fall asleep,I was planning on finding the childs family but maybe I'll just keep her for now,I could use another human toy and cuddle pet to protect.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Inside A Husk
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Warning:This story contains soft,safe vore,awkward/uncomfortable pred,child prey,alcohol,accidental vore
Ushi POV.
I sigh as I sit on the stool while eating some cereal while I hear Miss Charlie arguing with Alastor again for the third time this morning.He is responding back to her in a teasing tone to everything she's getting frustrated about.I sigh and hear someone ask"Rough night?"I look up tiredly and see Mr Husk standing in the bar with a bottle of beer already in his hand.I nod and say,"Miss Charlie was singing in her room all night,not much sleep to be had here,I guess"He nods and says"I'd offer you a drink but I feel like Charlie would smack me for that"I give a small laugh and say"Maybe I'll ask Pentious to let me sleep in his stomach for a bit"Mr Husk shivers and says"How in hell do you like being eaten by that guy,it's gross"I take another bite and say"I don't like being eaten but it is very comfortable and able to block noise pretty well"He takes another swig before jumping when we hear a loud explosion and I turn to see a bolt of shadowy magic slams into me and I'm thrown into Mr Husk.Alastor and Miss Charlie run over to make sure I'm okay and I notice Miss Charlie's hand smoking and Alastors hand has a shadowy film over it.Miss Charlie says in a panicky tone"Oh my Satan,I'm so sorry that shrinking spell was meant for Alastor!"Alastor speaks with a clearer voice than usual."My apologies,I only meant to knock it away and not into anybody,or I would have aimed it a Vagatha,"Miss Vaggie yells."HEY!"Before he brushes her off and says,"Charlie,reverse it."She raises her hand as a bolt of red magic hits me, and I feel that instead of growing,my body begins shifting,and I feel something growing out of my head as I shrink more with fur growing all over my body as I yell.........squeak?In confusion I look down and realize that I've become a mouse,panic sets in as I look at Miss Charlie and tears begin welling up in my eyes.
Ushi POV.
Miss Charlie and Miss Vaggie have both been freaking out for almost an hour as she trues different spells to turn me back but just wound up turning my new fur white and changing me from a normal mouse to a creature that Alastor called a Marten,specifically something called a Sable which he felt the need to say taste good which he punctuates by licking me,then I turned back into a mouse again.Miss Charlie smacks him for this but is panicking more and more every failed spell before eventually Miss Vaggie tells her that she should rest which makes me a little more upset but I do understand that the constant magic is straining her body.Mr Husk said he would watch me while Miss Charlie takes a quick nap before trying again and if she can't turn me back before tonight she'll call her father and get him to help.Mr Husk sits me on the bar counter as I sigh and sit down,small droplets of ters fall from my eyes as I start yelling angrily"AHHHHH,I'LL NEVER GET HOME AT THIS RATE"I bang my head on the counter before hearing Mr Husk say"You good kid?"I look up at him as he reaches down and begins petting my back awkwardly and saying,"Don't worry,Charlie will get ya back to normal,and even if she can't her dad will"I sigh,he doesn't even know why I'm so frustated,its not just the being turned into a mouse,so far I've been stuck in the hotel since I got here and all I can do is watch cartoon reruns,clean my room because they won't let me clean anywhere else or help around the hotel because they don't want me to hurt myself or have anyone outside see me,or another guest named"Angel Dust"to talk to me.They said it's not that he'll try to hurt me but he's super inappropriate and I'm not old enough to be around him.Mr Husk keeps petting me and I begin making a weird noise without much of a thought.He laughs and says"I guess you could consider you a baby mouse but I wasn't expecting you to purr"I feel embarrassment shoot over me and I turn away from him while crossing my arms.
Ushi POV.
Mr Husk has me sitting on my shoulder as he serves a white furred demon with a weird black and pinkish/red eye.Mr. Husk says, "Angel,you know you're not supposed to drink this early,Charlie will be on you."The weird demon who I now know as Angel says,"Oh come now,She'll never know sourpuss."He looks up and says,"And why do you have a mouse?"Mr Husk sighs and says,"This is the human Chalie told ya about,she got hit by a rogue spell and shrunken,but when Charlie tried to fix it she accidentally turned her into a mouse"Angel says"Whoa,Charlie can shrink people and turn them into animals?"Mr Husk shrugs and says,"I guess. "Angel reaches up and pets my head.I begin purring again on accident and smack his hand away, so he says,"Ooh,feisty"Mr husk laugh and nods when suddenly something comes bursting through the door.I get knocked back and slam into something warm and soft,like the inside of Pentious's mouth.Whoever's mouth I fell into is forced to swallow and I hear Mr Husk all around me yell"WHAT THE HELL,YOU RADIO HEADED PRICK,YOU MADE ME SWALLOW USHI"I shiver as I slip into a small sack that tightens around me as Mr Husk asks"Are you okay kid?"I squeak nervously, and he says,"Oh yeah,can't talk,well you're safe so uhh,just relax,or don't I can't make you do anything"I chitter unhappily but curl up inside of the pouch.I hear liquid moving down further than where I am and smell the sharp scent of alcohol and scratch at the stomach lining and hear him yelp in pain before saying"Her,what was that for?"I squeak angrily, and he says,"Fine,I won't drink while you're in there,"I lay down satisfied and feel sleep washing over me as I begin purring again.Mr Husk says"Its alright kid,I'll let you out once Charlie wakes up to turn you back"I slowly black out and realize how tired I am.I'll have to try to get more sleep during the day if the only time I can sleep is while I'm in a demons stomach,not that I'm complaining too much because it is comfortable.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Definitely Not A Lotus
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I love this portrayal of the lotus eaters in Epic The Musical,so I made this sorry if no one likes it because it's just self-indulgence.
Warning:This story contains soft,safe,accidental vore,accidental fearplay,extreme cuddling,foodplay,aftercare
Lotós POV.
My head turns up to a nearby bush where I smell something sweet,approaching it cautiously.I look through the gaps in the leaves,noticing a pile of fruits,I approach the food and look at one before sighing disappointedly and muttering"Lotus fruit,can't eat this"I turn and am about to walk away when I hear the sound of muttering and giggling.I spring forwards and hide inside the lotus fruit pile,nothing even touches lotus fruit so as long as I don't accidentally eat any.I feel my heart stop as the fruit I'm touching is pulled off the ground and I feel warmth run over my body as I look up and see an open mouth and scream halfway before being cut off by the mouth closing over me.I burst out struggling to get out but feel the fruit blocking any kick or punch I throw,I'm about to try again when the creature begins chewing and I have to focus on avoiding the teeth and not getting any of the chewed fruit and juices into my mouth.I only am able to give a sigh of relief when it stops chewing as I feel exhaustion coming over me before my heart drops when I hear the creature swallow.I attempt to struggle but feel all the strength leave my muscles as I'm swallowed down into the boiling hot stomach.I finally gain my strength to struggle more as I scream"SPIT ME OUT,PLEASE,I'M SORRY!"Before saying much more quietly."Please don't digest me."I hear a soft whispering sound before the creature asks, "Not Food?"In a child-like tone.I slam my hands into the wall and yell."YES,I'M NOT FOOD,SPIT ME OUT!"I hear the voice quietly say,"No yelling. "I shut my mouth and try to stay silent while small whimpers escape my throat.He gently says,"No,tomorrow."In a blunt tone.I feel my heart stop before saying,"Y-your not gonna s-spit me o-out?"It repeats."Tommorow,not now,"I shiver and feel panic,slipping through more as I say, "I-I won't b-be h-h-here to-tommorow,I'll be d-d-diges.....you know"It responds in a more confused tone"No,out tommorow"As though i was questioning something that should be really simple.I just curl up into a ball while realizing that this thing doesn't understand that I'm not gonna survive until tommorow.I sob quietly before trying to fall asleep,feeling a liquid fill the stomach around me I try to beg one more time"Please,the acid is already coming in,I don't want to be food,spit me out please"I him say"You are okay,tommorow"My vision darkens as I slowly slip off to sleep.
Lotós POV.
My eyes snap open as I shoot up but feel my lower body get pulled back down,and I look around and see some creatures all around before notice one of them laying my lap,it has grey fur and shimmering purple eyes plus a pink flower on his head.I quickly try to get up as I pull my legs out from under it's stomach as I turn and run.I'm able to slip back into the forest while nervously flicking my tail,I hear a growl behind me and turn to see a wolf stalking out of the forest while staring at me,I whimper and take a step back as it steps towards me and I turn and sprint back the way I came,hearing it right behind me.I sprint into the open field as it jumps at me when one of the creatures steps infront of me before the wolf skids to a stop and starts growling at the creature.It steps forwards but jumps back as it notices the glowing seeds around its mouth before threateningly growling at the creature as it begins towards the wolf.The one who was laying on me grabs me and walks me back to the group as the wolf jumps back and runs away like the creature had the plague.It walk back over before picking up a lotus fruit and beginning to eat it.I take a couple of raggedy breaths as the lotus eater pulls me against it's fluffy stomach as it asks"Hungry?"I look up and carefully say,"Yes,but I can't eat lotus fruit, and I don't want to be a burden. "He nods and walks over to the pile before digging through it and pulling out an apple.He lays it in front of me while I carefully cut into the fruit with my nail and smelling it,no sickeningly sweet lotus smell,just an apple.I carefully bite into the huge apple and felt the delicious flavor coat my tongue,I haven't had an apple in months and it's amazing.The lotus eater asks"Good?"So I nod happily and it looks satisfied.
Lotós POV.
The lotus eater happily watches aa i finish the apple and walks towards me before saying"Sleeptime."In a quick tone before scooping me up in his mouth where I make a quick jerk, and he stops before tucking me under his tongue and asking,"Ok?"I stop and think,he didn't hurt me last time, but still,I don't want to be eaten again.He gives a confused murr, and I need to make a decision so I pat his tongue and say"I-i'm alright you c-can swallow"He licks my face before gently swallowing me down,much gentler than last time.I slide into his stomach where I don't see any digesting lotus fruits but I do see the remaining seeds from his last meal.I notice the liquid entering the organ again and nervously ask"A-am I s-still safe in here....umm,I dont know y-your name"He replies"Yes,Anthos,you?"As bluntly as ever.I respond with"Lotós,I'm Lotós and thank you Anthos,"I hear Anthos giggle and say"Lotós,Lotus eater,Lotós eater"I roll my eyes before remebering that he can't see me before saying"First time you say more than three words and it to tease me about my name,thanks"Very sarcastically.He laughs at me before saying"Sleep now"Before i hear him lay down outside.It was less of a order and more of a simple statement,like saying your going to eat something.I hear him begin snoring as I curl up into his stomach and I can't help but think that,while he has technically become a Lotus and borrower eater he has lived up to his name,I'm a Lotós and he's not wrong about being a Lotós eater,I also can't help but think that the other Lotus eaters may have me a snack now,not thats its a bad thing because they are feeding me,lets hope its never Lotus fruits.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Hello! Can you write sfw vore with Husk? Prey - human
Alright,let me finish the story I'm on right now, and I'll get on it
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Inventors Ingestion
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This story is for Scrumptioustimetravelpatrol
Warning:This story contains soft,safe,accidental fearplay,apologetic pred,same size,child prey
Ushi POV.
I grip the neck of the bottle tightly as I stand beside the door into the little room.I take a shaky breath and brace the bottle like a knife when the door handle clicks and the large bull-like demon opens the door and I hear him mutter"Where is this bitch,I'm fucking hungry" before stepping all the way in and yelling"GET OUT HERE BIT-"I jump out and drive the shattered glass straight onto his back.He yells out in pain before lashing out and slamming me against the wall before he yells out"YOU LITTLE BITCH,I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU"I grab a shard of glass while he jumps at me and i lash out at his head,driving the glass straight onto his eye as he yells out in pain and stumbles back as I whatever is in his hand,that turns out to be a knife.I brace it and run towards the demon and start stabbing at his body again,and again,and again before the knife slips from my hand and I stare at the mess of red all over the ground.I feel my stomach turn as I hurl up all the contents of my stomach onto the floor.I turn to the door and throw it open,looking out at the red sky and hellish city sprawling out,I notice a taller building and see the word"Hotel"next to some word I've never seen before,maybe they'll let me call the police.
Ushi POV.
I push the door to the hotel open while looking inside carefully before stepping in and seeing a woman at the feont counter who says, "Welcome to the Happy Hotel,have you come for.......hold on,you look very young,how did you get here?"In an excitable and joyous tone which changes to confusion as she comments on my age, so I respond with"A b-big bull-like m-m-monster kidnapped me and my mom,a-a-and he took h-her from the tiny room he was keeping us in a few days ago,she hadn't come back yet so I decided to escape"Then much quieter"I think I killed him"She covers her mouth and runs up before smelling near me and she says"Oh dear,you're a human right?"I confusedly nod, and she sighs and says,"A lot of sinners gain a taste for human flesh when they get here,i dont know how he got to you two here but I'm sorry to say i don't know how to get you out of here"I sigh and turn to the door when I feel her grab my arm and pull me back before saying"WAIT,I don't know how you got here without anyone noticing you but if you leave,something is going to get you,why dont you stay here until I can find a way to get you home?"I slowly nod, and she squeals again before leading me to the elevator,probably to somewhere to keep me.
Ushi POV.
She walks me to a giant room with a large bed,a door into another room,a TV,and multiple other things in the room.She says happily, "We didn't get a proper introduction,I'm Charlie,You are?"I stop and say,"Ushi,Miss Charlie,I'm Ushi. "She gives me a genuine smile and says,"Welcome to the Happy Hotel Ushi,now I'm gonna go tell everyone that we have a new guest,get comfortable. "Before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.I slowly walk to the bed and sit down on the end of the bed when i hear someone outside the door smelling the air loudly and watch it creak open to a demon in red standing there before saying"Wonderful,I was just thinking about how hungry I am"My eyes widen at this and i tense up as he walks in and my hand slips to the lamp while he reaches for the door handle,I flick the heavy glass off the table and his head which he doesnt notice until he turns back and gets a face full of shattering ceramic as I shove past him and sprint out of the room and down to hall as I hear a loud animalistic growl coming from the man.I turn down the hall and spot a door that partially open and slip in before turning to see a large circular bed in the middle with large gears all over the room.I slip behind some of the pillows and begin shaking as the door opens and I hear the demon walking in before an entirely different voice says"What in the world was Alastor looking around the hall for?"I shiver as I hear something sliding towards the bed.I hear a confused hiss as the pillows are pulled away, and I curl up tightly when he asks."Umm,hello,what are you doing in my room?"I look up and see a giant snakelike demon with a cobra hood,red eyes down his tail,and eeally sharp claws.I quietly say,"S-sorry,I w-was hiding f-from a demon in r-red"He nods understandingly before saying"Yes the radio demon can be quite overwhelming but he is rather berable when you get to know him"I shake my head and quietly reply with"No,he's trying to.....eat me"He looks confuesed before his eyes widen before asking"Are you the human Charlotte was talking about?"I nod but stop when someone knocks on the door, and I hear the red demons voice."Hello,Pentious. Have you seen a human around here?"I whimper and say,"H-hide me,p-please."He nods after a second before looking around the room and hissing frustratedly before i see his eyes widen as an idea clicks."Do not worry,I will not hurt you, "he states firmly before leaning down and picking me up.I look at him with confusion that quickly turns to horror as his mouth opens widely and he places my head onto his snakelike tongue.My body freezes and I can't struggle while he swifly swallows me.I get pushed into a really tight place,which I assume is his stomach but instead of stopping there I'm pushed deeper and into a much larger area.My body then my legs fill the area behind me and I'm jerked forward when he moves and i hear the click of a door"Hello,Alastor,what was that about a human?"The snake asks the red demon apparently named Alastor,not that it matters. I'm dead anyway,the first ten minutes of freedom, and i still get eaten.A small whimper leaves my throat as I curl into a ball and slowly fall asleep.
Ushi POV.
My eyes crack open as I look around and realize that I'm back in my room.I sit up with a groan and look around,seeing Miss Charlie,some grey lady with an X over her eye,and the snake demon,Pentious,I think.Pentious gives me a nervous smile smile and wave and Miss Charlie looks just as nervous as she walks over and asks"Heeeeey,Ushi,are you okay?"I shiver but nod and ask."H-how am I a-alive?"Pentious answers that with"Oh,I put you in my tail stomach,I can't digest stuff in that stomach,"I give a huge sigh of relief and flop back down onto the bed when I hear the demon from earlier,Alastor I think,say"Why hello there"I flinch and shoot up to see him at the door and notice a deep cut in his cheek,likely from the lamp.Miss Charlie glares at him and says"Alastor?"He sighs and says,"I'm sorry for scaring you,Charlie already told me you were here, and I wanted to scare you"in an annoyed tone.I still feel a bit scared around him but at least Miss Charlie can control him.After making sure I'm alright they all leave and I settle down and turn on the TV and flick through channels,cringing at the disgusting channels until I get to a Nickelodeon,somehow the channel works here so I happily watch it.Hopefully I'll get out of here sometime soon,ai dont want to be dood for any other demons.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Hello! I saw your last post with Lucifer and I really liked it👍. Therefore, I decided to ask if I could ask to do sfw vore with Sir Pentious 🥺?
Yes, for sure,he also fits my usual type of pred as a naga. Do you want a specific prey because if not, it's gonna be my hellborn borrowers.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Duel Soaring Snacks
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Sorry if the two images are annoying but I couldn't find an official picture with both of them
Warning this story contains soft,safe vore,fearplay,half-size,apologetic preds,aftercare
Baipā POV.
My spines twitch in anticipation as me and Supāku watch the two lost humans wander around our territory.My eyes flick and look over them as drool fills my mouth,I turn to look at my brother and he whispers"Not yet,they could be armed"I sigh but he knows best about this kind of thing and I'll get one of them anyways so waiting a few more minutes isn't the end of the world.He bristles his fur up before leaping to the next branch and I follow with a swift leap and grab onto the branch when I hear a loud roar and tense up.I snarl before saying"Rathalos,he's gonna try to steal our meals,should we grab them?"He nods and says,"Be cautious and leave them if they have weapons or the rathalos attacks,"I bark in agreement before we leap at them in unison and take down the humans simultaneously.I hear the rathalos getting closer so we swiftly pull them into the foliage,I place a spine to the humans neck while Supāku puts his teeth around the other ones head.The rathalos slams down outside our hiding spot and smells the ground where the humans were before taking off and dissapearing into the distance.I'm about to stand up when the human under me starts convulsing and making wierd gasping sounds.I look down confusedly when I hear Supāku grunt in pain and the other small human suddenly runs into my vision and leans down before smacking me in the leg a few times.Cautiously,I step off the human but keep a close eye on them while his.....friend?brother?Whatever,rolls the convulsing human onto his side and begins pulling off his outer layers of closing and undoing some of his comrades buttons.He takes his own jacket and places it and the other removed jacket under his head while kneeling next to him.
Supāku POV.
The other human has finally stopped twitching on the ground, and his companion is currently checking him over for injuries.I look at Baipā and he says, "I swear didn't hurt the human,he just started convulsing under me"The human looks up at me and my brother,who is nervously watching before saying flatly"You need to let him leave,he already had one seizure and who knows if he'll have another,he banged his head on the ground when that one knocked him down"I shake my head,neither of them are leaving.My brother pipes up and says"M-maybe we should let them leave,I d-dont want to hurt anyone"I stare down at the human before he says"Fine,but at least take me somewhere so I can keep a better eye on him"I walk over to pick him up as he swats my nose away and I shake my head a few times,he gives me a glare and says"Nevermind,leaving him with one of you could lead to another head injury,I can take care of him here"I snort with a bit of annoyance as the human pull his bag off his back and looks into the pouch before pulling out a strange blue block and putting it on the other humans head.While we sit there the human looks up and says"Thank goodness,took you long enough,Omo"A blast of scolding air hits me from behind and I hear a low growl before I begin shaking and look out Baipā staring with a fearful look behind me and I shakily turn around and see the rathalos from earlier glaring daggers at me before stepping past me and towards the humans,he leans down and scoops up the unconscious human in his mouth and swallowing him down smoothly and holding out his open mouth for the other one who shakes his head"You've got him and I don't want to take up the surrounding space,his clothes are loose and your crop should be soft enough that if he has another seizure he won't hurt himself,but if he does have another seizure try to get him to the doctor and out as quickly as possible,plus I still want to see if I can find the lost hunter before I go home"The rathalos named Omo nods before snarling at me he says with a venomous voice"How 'bout you help Naru,cause you caused him and Nanui so much trouble while they were doing their jobs,I think it's fair because I have graciously decided not to kill ya and all,but you can just leave,fair warning though because after you leave I think I'll start craving Kadachi and go after you two once I get Nanui to the-"I cut him off with a shaky nod and stutter out"Y-y-yes sir,w-we'll help h-him"He huffs at me with a burst of steam before licking up my muzzle and flying off.I feel my legs collapse under me as I take a burst of deep breaths and realize that I stopped breathing while he was talking.
Baipā POV.
My spines slowly lower as I watch the rathalos soft away with the injured human,and I can't help but feel a small weight off my chest, knowing that the human will be okay.The only human left,Naru I think,begins to the nearby tree's and pulling out a small device before attaching it to his wrist and stepping to the edge.My brother jerks forwards and says"We need to help him"I look at him confusedly as he say"Don't,don't ask,just,just help him find the hunter he's looking for"I nod and walk to the human who looking at the ground nervously before nudging him and watch him flinch before turning to me.I lean down and offer him a ride which he gives a sigh of relief to and climbs on gently.He places his hands around my neck and hold on tightly as I sprint towards the cliff face and leap off the trees and wall rotating between the two before I reach the ground with a flick of the membranes between my fore and hind legs,swiftly gliding down and landing with a thump.The human slides off me when I hear a yelp of pain and soft thud and I quickly snap around and see the human holding one of my spines before saying faintly"Ow"And collapsing.Panic shoots through my body,no no no,I didn't mean to,I softly whimper before my stomach growling snaps me out of it,I swiftly push my jaws over his unconscious form when Supāku says"Wait,Baipā,if that rathalos catches you,he'll kill you"I try to ignore him,my brothers right,as always,but I can't just let him die because I didn't think to retract my spines.I'll theaten humans with them but I don't want to use them unless absolutely necessity and I do have a counter incase I sting people that I didn't want to.My tongue slides over his face as I swallow him quickly,my snake-like jaw easily engulfing the human fully.I don't bother tasting him as thoroughly as I could bit I still taste the delicious,light and fluffy flavor,like a cloud made out of berry juice.It takes two quicks swallows to send him down into my pouch before I feel him get packed into the tight organ.I ready up to leap when I hear someone yelling out with a cracking voice.
Supāku POV.
I turn to where the yelling noise is coming from and jump up to one of the over hanging trees before leaping across the branches and looking down to see a human stuck under a fallen tree with his weapon lying a few feet infront of him."This is the human that the kid was looking for."I hear my brother comment behind me,so I give a dark smile and say."Alright,I'll get him out."Before jumping off the tree and landing in front of the human who looks at me with a look of panic,I shoot down and send the tree flying off the humans back and watch as he scambles up.I open my mouth widely and leap at the human before engulfing his head and swallowing at such a pace that he can't react as I feel him fill up my pouch and burp contently.I look down proudly at my bulging chest,I can easily fit a fully grown human in there without a single problem and I did.I hold my head up high and push my chest out to show off my wonderful meal before walking back to my brother and easily scaling the trees back to him.I look over at him and see him cuddling against his chest with his head,he looks up at me and I hear his purring from where I am,wait a damn minute,I start laughing out loud and says"Wait,I've never heard you actually purr from a meal,is he that good?"Baipā glares at me and sticks his tongue out before asking with a vibrating voice."Did you get the other human?"I nod and stick my chest out proudly.He rolls his eyes but stands up and says"Lets take them to our nest for the night and take them home tomorrow. "I nod, and we begin off through the canopy of trees and arrive at our nest in two minutes flat.When we get there I lay down on my chest and force a few more stuggles out of the human and slowly fall asleep.
Naru POV.
My eyes snap open as I feel my entire body ache while I look around and see that I seem to be in something's stomach, and I don't know if it's safe.I look around and try to move but it's so tight that I can't even struggle when I hear a soft clicking sound and feel the walls vibrating while they gently squeeze me.Some liquid is filling the pouch halfway but it doesn't seem to be acids because it's only bubbling and not even my clothes are damaged.I look at the hole in arm and notice that a black liquid is floating out of it.I smile tiredly and mutter"Thank you"before snuggling into the walls of the organ and going back to sleep.
Baipā POV.
My nose twitches as I smell smoke, and a large burst of heat hits me.My eyes slowly open as I adjust to the light and see a large scaled head right in front of me.My front claws shoot out as I flop off the ground grapple to a tree,bristling my spines and pushing my head down as a shield for my chest.The rathalos snarls and says in a furious voice"SPIT HIM OUT,IF HE'S HURT I'LL RIP YOU FUCKING THROAT OUT"My spines slowly lower as I slide down the tree and mutter"Chill man,he's fine,just in my pouch and no,he's asleep"I shake myself off and start preening myself as I hear Supāku begin hacking out the other human who is unconscious but otherwise uninjured as the rathalos looks at it fleetingly before turning back to me and I see an actually nervous look an his face hidden behind frustration so I give him a gentler answer"I'll let him out when he wants out,okay?"The wyvern gets a slightly more relaxed look before looking over at my brother and saying,"You two,come with me back to our village so we can check them for injuries"I shrug and stand up before I hear a soft voice behind me ask"E-excuse me,but is my brother okay?"I turn around and see the human I knocked to the ground yesterday standing there.I nod and open my mouth in front of him. He smiles and asks,"Is there enough space?"I release the muscles holding his brother so it relaxes,they'll be pushed together, but there is enough space, so I nod.He places his hands in my mouth, and I gently swallow him down,being careful with my teeth and sending the fragile little human to be with his brother.He arrives in my pouch and I position it to gently squeeze them together before turning to the rathalos"Okay,there both alright,let's go"in a tone sort of buzzing from purrs.The rathalos sighs but gives a small smile and turns to lead us to their home.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
A Meal Fit for a King
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Warning:This story contains soft,safe vore,accidental fearplay,mawplay,child prey,G/T,aftercare
I also(obviously)don't own Hazbin Hotel or any characters associated with it.Also, the borrowers in this AU aren't sinners but instead are hellborn who are commonly captured as snacks by sinners and bigger hellborn
Also, Lucifer has a crop because of shape-shifting abilities
I hope leviathanverse enjoys
May POV.
I sneakily slip by the guards at the door to the kitchen and between through the small slit under the door.I pop my head out of under the door and look around,taking a deep breath and giving a relieved sigh,no one's here.Its strange for the kitchen to be empty but I'm not one to miss an opportunity when it's offered to me so I slip in and run over towards one of the cupboards.My hand flicks into my belt and I pull my small hook and wire off the can top fashioned into a loop to hold my hook.My hand slides up the wire and I begin spinning it and take a second to calculate the angle and then I flick it up and silently celebrate as it perfectly wraps around the drawer handle and hooks to itself.My feet brace against the solid door and I quickly pull myself up the wooden pane and arrive at the handle before cautiously unfurling the wire off its anchor and pull myself up onto the counter.I dash across the pretty marble and arrive at a large platter of food and dig through it,choosing a few nice fruits like chunks of apple and pieces of grapes before smelling something more delicious than anything I've ever smelled before.I turn to were the smell is coming from and see a giant brown object covered in some sort of sweet smelling white liquid and cherries.I take a step towards is before stopping,this is definitely a trap so I need to leave,right now.I turn and begin back down the counter when another smell hits my nose.Okay,maybe one piece and then I'm gone,before anyone notices.
May POV.
I quickly scarf down a chunk of the delicious.....thing?Doesn't matter what it is,I tasted it, and now I have to leave.I turn to run off when a smell hits my nose,wait how did he get here?I should have smelled him long before"Why hello there,little borrower"I freeze as I slowly turn and see the king of hell,Lucifer,pulling himself out of a cabinet and he detransforms from a mouse into his real form,and I notice him licking the same sweet white liquid off his hand and his smell fully assaults my nose.He used the delicious snack as cover for his scent and covered his mouse dorm in it for extra measure.My heart begins banging against my chest as he steps towards me and says"You're not gonna leave withou-"I cut him off and sprint off as quickly as I can,leaping off the counter and throwing the hook out,watching it hook to the fridge handle before sliding down the wire and wrenching the hook away as I hear Lucifer finally chasing after me as I slide under the door and through the guards legs as one of them look down at me when the door is thrown open and lucifer runs out yelling"WAIT,I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU,COME BACK"I run into a small carved mousehole,which I use as a tunnel system to get around the mansion and collapse against the wall taking deep,gasping breaths before looking out the mousehole and seeing Lucifer on his knees looking in.He quickly says"I w got off on the wrong foot,I'm Lucifer,you are?"I step back and mutter."Not stupid enough to fall for this,bye"and sprint down the tunnel and back to my home.When I get back, I sigh and place my haul on the little table fashioned from a couple bottle caps and some toothpicks.Raising my hand up to my face I tightly squeeze the bridge of my nose and slam the bottom of my palm into my forehead,two years,I've gone two years here without being seen and I ruin it because of some random sweet food.I'm an idiot but I'm not stupid enough to stay here,this place was basically luxury but after tonight I'll have to find another place to stay.
My eyes snap open as I feel someone watching me, and I shoot up before feeling something, taking up most of the room.I look up, and my heart stops as I see a giant white snake wearing a tophat with a striped pink and red stomach is filling up most of my room.I scramble back and press my back against the wall as the snake.....talks?He anxiously says"Wait don't freak out,please,this probably isn't the best form for this,I now realize,but it's the first form I though of"My jaw drops and I pull the blanket closer to my mouth and softly say"P-please,don't e-eat m-m-me Me.L-Lucifer,i-im sorry for s-stealing from you,I'm g-gonna leave t-t-tommorow,I s-swear"He looks down at me and seems to start panicking before saying"Wait,I'm not mad at you,I've been trying to catc-meet you for a couple of months,that cake was actually made for you,which is why the kitchen was empty"I shiver as his head gets closer and use my free hand to push him away before saying"So,y-your not gonna e-e-eat me?"He avoids eye contact with me before saying certainly,"I swear I won't hurt or kill you in any way,"He let's me stand up as I act like I'm going towards my table before saying softly"Thats not what I asked,sir"He freezes which is enough of a hint to what he was planning for me to act.I leap over his coils as I sprint out of the room and dash down the hall but don't get very far as his tail wraps around my stomach and I just collapse as I'm pulled back into my room.I just sit there as I feel tears well up in my eyes and I hear him nervously ask"He-hey a-are you o-o-okay,oh wait,shit,you're crying,um,I swear I'm not gonna hurt you"He lifts me off the ground and I squeeze my eyes shut before I feel him begin moving.I slowly open my eyes and see that he's holding me while slithering through the tight corridor.I'm gonna die when he exits the wall,I give a dry sob before my body as close together as I can and try to imagine myself in my happy place.
May POV.
The ride gets bumpy after a couple of minutes, and then the tail dissapears off me.Instantly I try to run off before I feel a warm hand wrap around me and pull me up.My eyes flick around as I see that I'm being held at least three feet in the air,if I fall from here I'll break every bone in my body.I look around and see that I'm in a room I've never been in before with large shelves covered in..........rubber ducks?He laughs anxiously and says"sorry,I didn't have time to clean up but,Now presenting the magic-tasticle backflipping rubber duck!"He holds up a rubber duck, which promptly leaps up from his hand a flips over midair, and I just stare at him as he turns the duck before adding,"That also breaths fire!"And sure enough, the duck releases a burst of flame, and he sets it down before saying,"I know,it's kinda stupid. "I shake my head and say,"N-not really,I think it's pretty i-impressive."He smiles, and I grimace at the sharp teeth showing in his mouth. If I'm not careful, he's gonna be picking me out of them by tonight.He gently places me on the workshop table, and I notice a piece or what he called"cake."Sitting there when he pulls it over and leaves it in front of me.I sit there silently for a moment before he says."Dont worry,it's for you,"I quietly mutter. "T-thank you."It takes me thirty minutes to finish the piece of cake, but afterward, I notice that Lucifer is working on something.Slightly bored, I try to walk over to one of the ducks when he reaches out and picks me up.I whimper a little as he pulls me up and holds up a small toy,some kind of stuffed duck toy which feels very soft and huggable.I gently cuddle it to my chest and say"Thanks"He smiles and says"No problem......um,sorry I don't think you ever told me you're name?"I look him over looking for any reason not to tell him, but I guess that there's no point in not telling him,maybe it'll make him keep me as a pet over killing me"May,I'm May"He raises a finger to me and I put my hand out to shake it.
May POV.
I lay on Lucifers palm as he works on his newest invention before I hear his stomach growl,I notice his hand curling around me a bit and I give a smirk as I hear him say"Hey May-May......"I fake huff and say,"No, Luci,you can't. "He gives a groan and huffs at me before saying,"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease,May-May,I'll have another chocolate cake made for you. "I cross my arms and say,"A batch of brownies and you don't ask tomorrow. "He nods happily, and I sigh before grabbing Deuce,the stuffed duck that Luci gave me when we first met and walk up to him.He holds his hand out, and I step onto his palm of his hand where he pull me up to his mouth and opens his sharp teeth before laying his tongue over the bottom layer and I crawl into his mouth before he begins licking all over my body and gently gnawing on my arm.He gently suckles on me before pinning me to the roof of his mouth and swallowing excess saliva.He opens his mouth again before placing a small custom made pillow and blanket into his mouth with me and swallowing.It takes a minute or two to arrive in his crop where I cuddle to the wall as I hear him talking about his"Magic-tastical backflipping rubber duck"Before hearing his phone ring and he yells"DAUGHTER,DAUGHTER CALLING!"Oh, Satan,this'll go well.
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Can we get some Lucifer noms? And can be any character. SFW only because I am also a vore writer on another account, lol.
Of course,the duck king gets his day,this may take a bit though
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
What are you comfortable with for sfw vore? I am just trying to see if my request will be okay for you 😅
No digestion or death to main characters, and I won't do any explicit scenes,such as sex,but I can do flirting and such
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