#child prey
alienorchids · 26 days
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Dir en grey - Child prey
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
A Meal Fit for a King
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Warning:This story contains soft,safe vore,accidental fearplay,mawplay,child prey,G/T,aftercare
I also(obviously)don't own Hazbin Hotel or any characters associated with it.Also, the borrowers in this AU aren't sinners but instead are hellborn who are commonly captured as snacks by sinners and bigger hellborn
Also, Lucifer has a crop because of shape-shifting abilities
I hope leviathanverse enjoys
May POV.
I sneakily slip by the guards at the door to the kitchen and between through the small slit under the door.I pop my head out of under the door and look around,taking a deep breath and giving a relieved sigh,no one's here.Its strange for the kitchen to be empty but I'm not one to miss an opportunity when it's offered to me so I slip in and run over towards one of the cupboards.My hand flicks into my belt and I pull my small hook and wire off the can top fashioned into a loop to hold my hook.My hand slides up the wire and I begin spinning it and take a second to calculate the angle and then I flick it up and silently celebrate as it perfectly wraps around the drawer handle and hooks to itself.My feet brace against the solid door and I quickly pull myself up the wooden pane and arrive at the handle before cautiously unfurling the wire off its anchor and pull myself up onto the counter.I dash across the pretty marble and arrive at a large platter of food and dig through it,choosing a few nice fruits like chunks of apple and pieces of grapes before smelling something more delicious than anything I've ever smelled before.I turn to were the smell is coming from and see a giant brown object covered in some sort of sweet smelling white liquid and cherries.I take a step towards is before stopping,this is definitely a trap so I need to leave,right now.I turn and begin back down the counter when another smell hits my nose.Okay,maybe one piece and then I'm gone,before anyone notices.
May POV.
I quickly scarf down a chunk of the delicious.....thing?Doesn't matter what it is,I tasted it, and now I have to leave.I turn to run off when a smell hits my nose,wait how did he get here?I should have smelled him long before"Why hello there,little borrower"I freeze as I slowly turn and see the king of hell,Lucifer,pulling himself out of a cabinet and he detransforms from a mouse into his real form,and I notice him licking the same sweet white liquid off his hand and his smell fully assaults my nose.He used the delicious snack as cover for his scent and covered his mouse dorm in it for extra measure.My heart begins banging against my chest as he steps towards me and says"You're not gonna leave withou-"I cut him off and sprint off as quickly as I can,leaping off the counter and throwing the hook out,watching it hook to the fridge handle before sliding down the wire and wrenching the hook away as I hear Lucifer finally chasing after me as I slide under the door and through the guards legs as one of them look down at me when the door is thrown open and lucifer runs out yelling"WAIT,I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU,COME BACK"I run into a small carved mousehole,which I use as a tunnel system to get around the mansion and collapse against the wall taking deep,gasping breaths before looking out the mousehole and seeing Lucifer on his knees looking in.He quickly says"I w got off on the wrong foot,I'm Lucifer,you are?"I step back and mutter."Not stupid enough to fall for this,bye"and sprint down the tunnel and back to my home.When I get back, I sigh and place my haul on the little table fashioned from a couple bottle caps and some toothpicks.Raising my hand up to my face I tightly squeeze the bridge of my nose and slam the bottom of my palm into my forehead,two years,I've gone two years here without being seen and I ruin it because of some random sweet food.I'm an idiot but I'm not stupid enough to stay here,this place was basically luxury but after tonight I'll have to find another place to stay.
My eyes snap open as I feel someone watching me, and I shoot up before feeling something, taking up most of the room.I look up, and my heart stops as I see a giant white snake wearing a tophat with a striped pink and red stomach is filling up most of my room.I scramble back and press my back against the wall as the snake.....talks?He anxiously says"Wait don't freak out,please,this probably isn't the best form for this,I now realize,but it's the first form I though of"My jaw drops and I pull the blanket closer to my mouth and softly say"P-please,don't e-eat m-m-me Me.L-Lucifer,i-im sorry for s-stealing from you,I'm g-gonna leave t-t-tommorow,I s-swear"He looks down at me and seems to start panicking before saying"Wait,I'm not mad at you,I've been trying to catc-meet you for a couple of months,that cake was actually made for you,which is why the kitchen was empty"I shiver as his head gets closer and use my free hand to push him away before saying"So,y-your not gonna e-e-eat me?"He avoids eye contact with me before saying certainly,"I swear I won't hurt or kill you in any way,"He let's me stand up as I act like I'm going towards my table before saying softly"Thats not what I asked,sir"He freezes which is enough of a hint to what he was planning for me to act.I leap over his coils as I sprint out of the room and dash down the hall but don't get very far as his tail wraps around my stomach and I just collapse as I'm pulled back into my room.I just sit there as I feel tears well up in my eyes and I hear him nervously ask"He-hey a-are you o-o-okay,oh wait,shit,you're crying,um,I swear I'm not gonna hurt you"He lifts me off the ground and I squeeze my eyes shut before I feel him begin moving.I slowly open my eyes and see that he's holding me while slithering through the tight corridor.I'm gonna die when he exits the wall,I give a dry sob before my body as close together as I can and try to imagine myself in my happy place.
May POV.
The ride gets bumpy after a couple of minutes, and then the tail dissapears off me.Instantly I try to run off before I feel a warm hand wrap around me and pull me up.My eyes flick around as I see that I'm being held at least three feet in the air,if I fall from here I'll break every bone in my body.I look around and see that I'm in a room I've never been in before with large shelves covered in..........rubber ducks?He laughs anxiously and says"sorry,I didn't have time to clean up but,Now presenting the magic-tasticle backflipping rubber duck!"He holds up a rubber duck, which promptly leaps up from his hand a flips over midair, and I just stare at him as he turns the duck before adding,"That also breaths fire!"And sure enough, the duck releases a burst of flame, and he sets it down before saying,"I know,it's kinda stupid. "I shake my head and say,"N-not really,I think it's pretty i-impressive."He smiles, and I grimace at the sharp teeth showing in his mouth. If I'm not careful, he's gonna be picking me out of them by tonight.He gently places me on the workshop table, and I notice a piece or what he called"cake."Sitting there when he pulls it over and leaves it in front of me.I sit there silently for a moment before he says."Dont worry,it's for you,"I quietly mutter. "T-thank you."It takes me thirty minutes to finish the piece of cake, but afterward, I notice that Lucifer is working on something.Slightly bored, I try to walk over to one of the ducks when he reaches out and picks me up.I whimper a little as he pulls me up and holds up a small toy,some kind of stuffed duck toy which feels very soft and huggable.I gently cuddle it to my chest and say"Thanks"He smiles and says"No problem......um,sorry I don't think you ever told me you're name?"I look him over looking for any reason not to tell him, but I guess that there's no point in not telling him,maybe it'll make him keep me as a pet over killing me"May,I'm May"He raises a finger to me and I put my hand out to shake it.
May POV.
I lay on Lucifers palm as he works on his newest invention before I hear his stomach growl,I notice his hand curling around me a bit and I give a smirk as I hear him say"Hey May-May......"I fake huff and say,"No, Luci,you can't. "He gives a groan and huffs at me before saying,"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease,May-May,I'll have another chocolate cake made for you. "I cross my arms and say,"A batch of brownies and you don't ask tomorrow. "He nods happily, and I sigh before grabbing Deuce,the stuffed duck that Luci gave me when we first met and walk up to him.He holds his hand out, and I step onto his palm of his hand where he pull me up to his mouth and opens his sharp teeth before laying his tongue over the bottom layer and I crawl into his mouth before he begins licking all over my body and gently gnawing on my arm.He gently suckles on me before pinning me to the roof of his mouth and swallowing excess saliva.He opens his mouth again before placing a small custom made pillow and blanket into his mouth with me and swallowing.It takes a minute or two to arrive in his crop where I cuddle to the wall as I hear him talking about his"Magic-tastical backflipping rubber duck"Before hearing his phone ring and he yells"DAUGHTER,DAUGHTER CALLING!"Oh, Satan,this'll go well.
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
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midnightnikkisxxxxxk · 11 months
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happyk44 · 7 months
Annabeth calling Percy and Grover from some lair she got stuck in because she got curious about something she was told so many times to stop being curious about, so now they gotta go get her, and afterwards Grover sits her down for a lesson on prey animal common sense. Annabeth trying to explain that she is not a goat. Grover pressing his finger to his mouth, gently shushing her before continuing on
Also Percy explaining that this is why he has to follow her on things because she is the cat and curiosity is always ready to kill her. Him gesturing erratically while Grover is setting up his presentation because "Sometimes I wanna follow Grover, Annabeth! But I can't because you keep arguing your way into danger! So I have to follow you down the dark spooky tunnel instead of hanging out with my best friend in the land of rainbows and sunshine"
"what if the land of rainbows and sunshine is a trap"
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3-aem · 6 months
Idk if anyone's said this but if your kitty had tiny black sunglasses they'd totally be gojo cat lolll
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;-; yea i know—
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vigilskeep · 11 months
i need to wynnepost. somebody has to
#its crazy how people will assume she is all the tropes she subverts and then ignore her#also how sympathy for circle mages’ indoctrination only lasts until they get old i guess and then fuck them#because its not as if they were ever a terrified child who’d never had anything better than a single templar’s mildest kindness and any kind#of home even if it was the tower#so an orphan kid who had no memory of anything but scurrying between farmsteads and hiding in barns#didnt want to leave. what a shock. you guys dont get the place comfort has in keeping circle mages complicit#so it’s violent and terrible and you never have privacy and your children get murdered and you’re always watched and hated#its also a warm bed and community and a chance to succeed#do you honestly think every kid from fucking THEDAS knows theres anything better out there#that doesnt make the circle good. it makes it horrific that they prey on vulnerable kids to teach them the world hates them#and only the circle is ‘safe’#i just think there should be some sympathy for those kids and what they grow up into#its easy for the player to walk in and say their character would hate the circle and never have listened to the templars#its easy for say an amell or even a surana with a family back home to not fear what they left behind#wynne genuinely thinks without the circle mages would all be murdered and she’ll fight and die protecting her fellow mages#from the right of annulment#yes its a flaw that she goes on to teach others the circle must be tolerated and that is precisely how the circle is perpetuated ove#over generations#but its amazing to me to just act like its her fault#well. this is more tags than i expected it to be
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★彡 on the hunt!
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synopsis: the fox was always born to hunt the lamb. to consume it beyond the bone; picked clean. you had thought this was only true in the wild but now? below the fangs above you and dripping with need? perhaps this was true for hybrids as well.
contains: fem/afab reader, chubby reader, foxboy childe, lambgirl reader, fearplay, predator-prey dynamic, slight dubcon?
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Morepesok was deceiving. the seaside town always felt small to you despite the vastness it truly held. the sea was long and wide, the forests were deeper than you could ever reach on your own, and the people were lower than those anywhere else. as a child being presented storybooks, you were always spoonfed the food chain. the biggest fish eats the most; you are far from that large. while young you were often frightened at the prospect that perhaps the wolf hybrids native to Snezhnaya would eat you up but your parents always settled those fears between giggles. you'd never be eaten alive like that, silly! while vicious, the wolves and foxes and bears roaming the nation wouldn't eat you up as they were still half human after all. cannibalism was still frowned upon.
you grew up to redden upon any mention of such childish worries you used to hold. for you that particular childhood fear was the most embarrassing. all children were afraid of the dark but you were also afraid of being eaten! how mortifying. nonetheless, such things were of the past.
the winters were the worst in Morepesok. combining such naturally low temperatures with the ocean air had people freezing to death often around the city; especially overnight. your parents had always taught you to never stay out past dusk in the winters lest you become a lamb flavoured popsicle. the thought never appealed to you. staying inside wasn't hard at all, it was desirable, with the wood fireplace located in your small cabin. to be warm was considered a gift from the Tsaritsa in Snezhnaya. it was her kindness that allowed you to live another day, not your own hard work. small prayers were often shared around fires but you never partook. it had always felt insulting to thank another for what you did. regardless, warmth was what you treasured the most, so how did you find yourself out in the cold darkness?
trees stood taller than any building you had ever seen. with branches slender and long like talons on the arms of a beast, you felt unsettled. foraging was always your strong suit and as such you spent much of your time collecting the edible plants and shrubbery that many could not find on their own. it fulfilled your diet and you were able to share and sell what you couldn't use yourself; you could eat and make money this way. despite the extensive maps you made to farm and gather such things you found yourself lost for the first time ever. the landscape was the same everywhere you looked and none of the landmarks you typically used to find your way home were visible. anxiety climbed and clawed at your throat as you ran as quietly as you could. getting somewhere, no matter where it is, thats safe and warm was a must. you would die out here otherwise. panicking would not help you and yet the silent tears kept forming. you can't die here. small and distant yips and barks from the roaming wildlife were all your ears could focus on. to run into actual wolves would be a death sentence; especially rifthounds. there were countless things that could take your life and you didn't want to succumb to any of them. but the forest never got clearer. no paths stuck out no matter how hard or far you looked; you felt hopeless.
perhaps your fluffy ears were your downfall, you thought. the weight that slammed into your side and had you hitting the ground felt as though it knocked the lungs out of your body. you hadn't been listening close enough, apparently, and now the mass on top of you would eat you. what a cruel death for the small child still crying in a sliver of your mind. your eyes squeezed shut and your limbs fell limp.
"oh? little lamb, i know you're alive," a voice teased. "perhaps you'd fool an animal but not me. c'mon now. stand up with me." you peeked up just barely. above you was a fanged boy. one with tall ginger ears and the widest grin you'd ever seen. a fox hybrid, presumably. "there 'ya go! see, i'm no monster. well..." he paused pretending to think, "not one that'll hurt you at least!" such a morbid statement said so gleefully didn't seem like a good sign. he wiggled the fingers on his outstretched hand to urge you to grab it and let him pull you up. so you did. "what a good girl you are... see, you're alright at running so how about we play a game?"
"a game? we'll die out here." your introjection seemed to surprise him if his facial expressions told you anything.
"oh no, i'll make sure we don't," he nodded with a bright smile that wasn't comforting in any capacity. "besides, you don't have much of a choice. so let me explain how this will work." he swiveled your body to face the way he wanted you to before pointing straight. "that way, is my home. once there, you'll be warm and safe just like anyone out here would want," that seemed good, "but in order to get there you'll have to run! from me, that is. sound fun?" you wanted to yell at him about how much that didn't sound fun but before you could his grip tightened on your shoulders. "sounds fun, right?" he reiterated.
"sure. sounds fun." you confirmed through gritted teeth and the tears welling up once more.
"good! i'll give you a headstart of say... forty-five seconds? alright. one. two." after the first seconds passed your brain kicked into gear at the realization that you should be running now, not listening.
the snow crunched under your feet with every long stride. it was now that distance was more important than silence. you couldn't hear even a mouse of wildlife with that fox around. it was like he acted as some sort of repellant; he probably does. the terrain you were pointed to had a slight slope upwards and was riddled with rocks, branches, and brush. you were far from graceful as you desperately pushed yourself through the dense forest to whatever 'home' he has. whatever this game was, you didn't want to be caught. he seemed dangerous and perhaps, in some regards, unfeeling through the brief interaction. he wasn't nearly as kind as he seemed to think he portrayed himself as. the fox was much like this wilderness; unhinged. that frightened you enough to focus more on running and less on internally monologuing.
distantly, you heard, "twenty-nine. thirty. thirty-one." it almost sounded like he was singing the numbers. despite the scarf covering most of your face the thin branches from tall bushes whipped painfully at your face and ears. gritting your teeth you could only keep running. you'd have to soothe the pain and bandage the scratches and scrapes later. the time you had here was very limited.
"forty-five! keep running, little lamb!" the fox cheered in the distance. your heart was beating a million miles and hour knowing he was coming for you now. you knew he was faster and quieter than you based on how he initially 'approached' you. any amount of space between the two of you mattered now.
to make up for what you lacked in speed and silence, you maneuvered through and under spaces that made you hunch and would leave the fox nearly bent in half. he'd have to go around such spots instead of under the way you could. it gave you mild peace of mind to know you had at least something over him. though the thick trees, any sort of light beamed through as if it came from the heavens so the sight of glowing lanterns around a cabin had you nearly crying out of joy. the house was in a small clearing with fire wood piled up along the side and smoke gently dancing from the top of the chimney. with half a mind, you burst into the clearing and almost collapsed with all of your weight onto the front stairs of the home. you panted and heaved with a strength that nearly had you throwing up from the intensity of everything that just happened. the tears you released had frozen onto your face and your whole form trembled viciously. for something that was framed so happily, you were terrified of that fox. as you caught your breathe, your mind wandered back to the words of your parents as a child. these scary hybrids wouldn't eat you. this probably was his form of fun and you misconstrued this situation as something terrible and malicious. you nearly felt guilty for how you perceived the situation and perhaps you would've apologized if a rough hand didn't yank you up from the porch and spin you around till you felt dizzy.
"good job, little one! but," he paused with faux pity decorating his annoyingly pretty features, "you got off track. no wonder you got lost with such poor directional skills! this," he pointed to the cozy house, "isn't my home." the fox pointed slightly to the left and through another bunch of trees where you could just barely see another soft glow. "mines that way, sweetpea. good try, though!" his cheering and praise seemed genuine but the hungry look behind his eyes betrayed the innocent gestures. "come now, i'll take you over to my actual house. you can get warmed up and give me my prize, yeah?" he threw you over his shoulder like a sack of rice without waiting for a response and turned to walk away. you could do nothing but let him hold you and watch what you thought to be his house grow further away. perhaps you were exhausted but it seemed as though the houses owner, a tall... thing made of metal armour, peeked through a curtain to watch you go. you pressed your face into the slightly warmer back of the fox carrying you in effort to return feeling to your nose and lips. he huffed out a chuckle. soon enough, you felt him rising with the sound of his heavy boots hitting wood. a small series of jingles and rattles signified him opening the five locks adorning his door before he brought you in with him. continuing further into the house, after relocking the five locks plus the additional two one-way locks on the inside, he placed you down surprisingly gently onto the bathroom countertop.
"i'd clean you up but," his eyes scanned your deshevilved form up and down, "i think i'm only going to make it worse." where his eyes once grazed his hands now followed. long fingers pushed and pulled at the thick clothing you wore to combat the cold. as he unzipped and unbuttoned everything that covered you he leaned in to lick the shell of your ear and whisper, "i don't believe i said it but my names Ajax, lovely. use it." your mouth felt dry.
gradually you were stripped nearly bare with only your bra and panties protecting your form. the fox, Ajax, leaned back to admire his work. an appreciative hum left his throat. he had always had an affinity for the soft and plush female form. thick thighs, a tummy, soft breasts, and a plush ass... he loved every inch of such a holdable body. something he can seek comfort in, something he finds desirable. there were primal urges that labeled you as 'breedable' and 'a wife' in his mind that he couldn't find himself able to restrain. you were to be filled and wed; by and to him, of course. large and calloused hands explored every inch of your body as his hot and wet mouth trailed a path from soft kisses placed on your twitchy ears to your exposed neck. the act of submission had him throbbing. you were already barring your neck to him? well, he just had to have you now. his hands grabbed your own and tugged them to start undressing his coat and pants. you whimpered yet obediently followed his wordless request. his clothes were quickly shed while he began rubbing his fingers along your already slick cunt. the fingers on his left hand curled just slightly so the backs of his second knuckle could pinch and rub at your clit slowly. he reveled in the small whimpers and whines you let out at the touches. Ajax could only find it within himself to pull his boxers down just enough to release his cock before he started desperately pumping it in his fist with sharp grunts. he brought his face down to your pussy before lathering it with long licks and sucks as his ring finger finally slipped into you. massaging your insides softly and sucking your clit harshly, he certainly could have gotten you off this way if he wanted but it seemed as though he wasn't interested in that. he rose to his full height once again, panting and continuing to fist his cock as he leaned over you. for a fox, he certainly had a wolfish smile.
"gonna let me fuck it into 'ya now? promise it'll fill 'ya s'good... you'll be s'full, little lamb," he panted in desperation, "promise i'll get ya pumped full of my seed, kay? gonna breed 'ya full..." his drunken slurs had you keening for more. somehow you went from terrified and reluctant to a willing vessel for his kits in less than an hour. Ajax purred at your nods and whines to be filled. slowly, he began to inch himself into you.
when his cockhead pressed into your pussy you realized how big he truly was. his cock seemed massive in comparison to your sweet little hole. the sight only had you spreading your legs further in desperation. you needed to be stuffed and bred full. with a soft 'pop' the swollen tip slid into your cunt fully. the sensation had you whining desperately only for the fox to coo softly and console you with soft promises of putting the rest in. Ajax gently pushed until his hips met your own and he was fully sheathed inside of you. you could already feel the knot forming at his base and squishing against the entrance to your cunt. his arms shook and tensed with the constraint he displayed while slowly testing out a couple thrusts before settling into a steady but firm pace. loud slaps echoed around the tiled room as he fucked you. he wasn't going super fast by any means but his cock connected to all the most sensitive parts inside you so hard it had you gasping and mewling at the touches. his right hand shifted to hold your left leg up while the left resumed its place over your clit. Ajax had you crying with how good he truly and earnestly fucked you. your mind couldn't focus on more than the fat cock bullying your gooey cunt so good.
"'jax... s'good please don' stop... g'na cream on it please keep goin," you sobbed softly. he cooed and kissed along your collarbones and soft breasts gently. to stop would only be punishing the both of you. and so, the pace of the hand dancing against your clit sped up while his hips began to stutter just slightly before you felt a distinct warmth flood your insides and a firm pressure following. you yelped slightly at the large and unbefore felt intrusion before the pleasure washed over and your eyes rolled back.
"breedin' ya', pretty. fillin' my lamb up. gonna get you full of m'kits, kay? take it, dolly." drool dripped down your chin as the fox ground his hips where they were locked to yours by his knot. the vibration of his purrs seeped into you as he lapped and kissed at your neck. "such a good girl f'me..." and other absent minded hums left him in the afterglow.
well, he surely didn't eat you this time but perhaps he'd get between your legs properly next time.
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bestjeanistmonster · 3 months
about ur dc au, who is alfred? or is there an alfred
Alfred is Vanilla! She’s been serving the Wayne family since she was 15, taking over her mother’s position
She wasn’t particularly close with the family at first on an emotional level, her job to mostly being to take care if matters and essentially be a part of the furniture but she did manage to bond a bit with lil knuckles.
She was actually planning on quitting to find a less tiring job but then his parents died in crime alley when he was 6.
She had to pick the little guy up from the station and she hugged him as he cried in her arms
For the next 2 years she took care of him, cheered him up, took him to school, fed him, and tried her best to give him a childhood he would enjoy, to be that comforting presence in his life to help him heal from his loss and incredible trauma (his late father hadn’t rlly approved of letting his son goof off and had him focus on his studies and physical training). They both grew terribly close to each other in that time.
But then when Knuckles turned 8, Vanilla informed that Knuckles was to be moved someplace else as the request of his father in his will.
Knuckles didn’t want to leave and Vanilla didn’t want to let him go but she knew she didn’t have a say, so she assured him that she’ll still be here, attending to the manor until he returned. She was not allowed to know where he would be taken so she had to hope that he’d be alright, any letters she sent had to sent through a third party for Knuckles to receive them.
During those 7 years Vanilla ended up having a daughter but due to a city wide accident they were separated and the police couldn’t find her, Vanilla was devastated
When Knuckles returned at age 15 after receiving a letter from his dad’s lawyers that he can now return and receive his inheritance, Vanilla was 24 years old. She could hardly believe the young master had grown so much but she was very horrified to learn that his father had asked for his son to be dropped in the middle of the woods a few cities away so he can have ‘experience in the real world and put what he’d learnt to good use’
Vanilla thinks Knuckles’s father is a piece of shit. (This lady is the best and i love her sm)
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suguwu · 11 months
gn!reader x childe, identity issues, predator/prey.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
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You have always loved crocuses.
Snezhnaya is a brutal winterscape at the best of times, but the crocuses never fail you. They pierce through sheaves of snow, bearing spring in their hardy stems. They bloom into dark purple bruises, their golden stamen hidden away between the petals, something precious and protected. 
It’s a promise imbued into a flower, small and hardy, the beginning of the Snezhnayan winter’s long goodbye. 
They are coming later and later, these days. 
The village whispers that there may be a day they never come. That winter will stake its claim on your land forever, leaving naught but desolation in its path. 
You will not let that happen.
“That rite is ancient,” the elder says, her brow furrowed. “And that god—”
“Still lives,” you say.
“—is dangerous.”
You fall silent. 
The elder’s eyes gleam in the firelight. You think of the dark stones of the river under moonlight, how they shine. “Yes,” she says. “He lives. But it is too perilous to invoke him.”
“He protected us once—”
“That does not mean he will protect us again.”
“What choice do we have?” you ask. “What more can we lose before it is too late for us to recover? The winter begins to have no end.”
“And who will be sacrificed, then, to fulfill this rite of yours?”
You take a deep breath. “I will.” 
The elder watches you for a moment, her expression giving away nothing, as impassive as the glacier that rises beyond the village. You meet her gaze. She sighs.
“You are certain?” she asks.
No, you think, a chill fluttering down your spine, a spiral of winter. 
“Yes,” you say, and if your voice trembles a bit, she is kind enough to say nothing.
“Very well.” The elder leans back in her chair, her dark eyes keen. “We will help you with the preparations.” 
You dip your head. “Thank you, elder.”
“Go,” she says. “Make ready.”
You turn to leave and pause as she murmurs your name, as soft and warm as the spring sun. When you glance over your shoulder, her eyes have a glassy sheen to them.
“May you come back to us.”
You give her a small smile.
You go to meet your fate.
Snow is falling as you leave the village, the fat, fluffy flakes spinning in the breeze. They catch on your eyelashes and melt away, beading there like crystalline diamonds, sending the sun refracting through them, nature’s favorite prism. 
It’s a half a day’s walk to the ritual grounds. The path is almost gone, lost to the passing years. The snow hides it, too, thick drifts of it piled high among the sapling ribs of the forest. You follow it as best you can.
You see the first crocus around midday.
It blooms through the snow, a bruise against the pristine white, and you stumble towards it. From there, you spy the next, the bloom unfolding towards the sun, an acolyte at an altar. 
They only grow thicker from there, sprouting up in bunches as the snow thins, little markers of purple as deep as the night sky, dotted with blooms the color of the sun. 
Soon you have to step around them carefully, leaving a path of swaying flowers in your wake, rippling like a river. They come to an abrupt halt at the edge of a snowless clearing, where thick tufts of grass are verdant against deep, dark soil. There are tiny flowers dotted in the grass like stars. 
In the center of the clearing, a riot of flowers spills over, from massive peonies almost buckling under their own weight to tall, proud irises rising high. There’s something to the shape of them. It prods at you, but you can’t make sense of it.
You take a deep breath and step into the clearing. 
Something sweeps through you, a frisson of power long dormant, fizzing across your nerves. Gooseflesh rises on your skin. 
Nothing happens.
You step forward again. The sun shines boldly here, the rays soft against your skin. It is nothing like the bleak winter sun that has accompanied you on your journey. You close your eyes and turn your face up towards it. It plays over your skin like a lover and you bask in it. There is a sweet scent lingering in the air; it mixes with the fresh smell of the grass crushed beneath your heavy boots. 
For a moment, you simply stand there, nestled in this little pocket of spring. 
Ice trickles down your spine. 
Your eyes pop open as your breath catches in your throat. You glance around wildly but nothing has changed. 
“Hello?” you call out.
“Hi,” comes echoing back to you, obscenely cheerful, and you stumble back. A shiver rolls down your spine. “Over here,” the voice says, full of laughter.
You follow the sound of it up to a tree on the very edge of the clearing. It’s half in bloom, one side thick with lush leaves, while the other is barren and dusted with snow. 
The god is sitting on a branch, tucked up against the thick trunk. His long legs are crossed and resting on the branch; he’s the picture of relaxation. 
You suck in a sharp breath as he peers down at you, his head cocked to the side. It lets you see the very edge of a crimson mask jauntily perched on the side of his head. It gleams in the sunlight, wine-dark. You frown for a moment, wondering if there’s a mask you should be wearing—you don’t remember reading about one. 
“Whatcha doing here?” the god asks.
You pause, thrown by how flippant he is, by the wide grin on his lips. Something cold settles behind your ribs, digging sharp teeth into the softness of you, a warning bite. You shudder.
You shake off the oppressive feeling that’s layered over your skin, coating you like oil. “I’ve come to invoke the spring rite,” you say. “The winter—it’s gone on too long. The growing season should have already begun.”
The god hums.
“Please,” you say, “the village won’t survive.” 
“There’s usually a sacrifice for these types of things, isn’t there?”
Your hands tremble. “I’m here,” you say. “I offer myself in the spring rite.”
The god’s eyes gleam. “You give in easy, don’t you?”
You pause. “I don’t understand.”
“Tell you what,” the god says, hopping down from the tree gracefully. He lands on his feet without a wince despite the long drop. He prowls closer to you and the air thickens with something you can’t name. You choke on your next breath.
“You know the lake?” he asks.
Bewildered, you nod.
“You run to it. I’ll follow. If I catch you, you’re mine. If I don’t, I’ll help the village. Sound good?”
“I—I don’t understand—”
He prowls closer still. His orange hair catches in the sunlight and you think of a crackling fire, of the snapping bite of the flames. Your stomach turns.
“Do we have a deal?”
You square your shoulders. “Yes.”
He smiles; ice spirals down your spine. 
“Run, little mouse,” the god says, sounding far too cheerful. His eyes—blue, blue, blue like the ocean’s depths, and just as cold—are sharp. “And c’mon, make it a good chase, won’t you?”
You turn and run.
Behind you, the god laughs, the sound young, almost boyish. 
The flowers of the clearing smash beneath your heavy boots; you all but throw yourself back into the snowy grip of the woods, dancing between the massive oaks. 
Your pulse is already singing in your ears, a thundering crash of waves. A branch catches your cheek, a sharp bite of pain, but you don’t even slow. You know you don’t have a second to lose, not with the snow slippery beneath you, not with the sound of laughter echoing behind you. 
The air is humming, shot through with something you can’t name, something that settles deep in your bones, an old and terrible thing. You shudder with it as it shrouds you, weighing you down. The hairs on the back of your neck rise.
You dart right just as a hand skims the flaring end of your furs; you feel the slight tug of it and throw yourself forward, pushing harder despite your already-screaming legs. 
“Good,” the god says, sounding deeply pleased. 
You veer away from the sound of his voice, almost slipping on a patch of ice hidden beneath the snow. You can practically feel him behind you, keeping pace with you as if it’s child’s play. He dogs your steps, his very presence oppressive and heavy. 
You lose precious time ducking around trees and weaving your way through the forest, but you know he’ll catch you if you simply run. The winter wind nips at your cheeks and nose; it burns your throat as you take in huge, gasping breaths. 
Behind you, the god is humming.
The tears burn at the corners of your eyes. It feels like they freeze on your cheeks as they trickle down. But the trees are starting to thin, the lake not far off beyond them. 
You push yourself, thighs and feet screaming as you leap over a tangle of roots, and then the lake is in your view, glimmering under the bleak winter sun, the water shifting like a mirage. 
You’re almost there.
You put on another burst of speed, your heart in your throat, lengthening your stride as your pulse hammers.
“Game over,” the god says in your ear.
You go down before you know what’s happening.
The god takes you to the ground in one fell swoop. He’s warm against you. You barely catch yourself; pain sears through you as you hit the ground. Still, you take advantage of his loosening grip to wiggle out from underneath him, dragging yourself free by digging your hands into the soil and scrambling forward.
You’re almost on your feet again when he catches you by the ankle with one big hand. 
You kick on instinct, something carved into your bones coming to life inside you, a desperation passed down in your blood. You catch him just below the ribs, in the softest part of his stomach. Air leaves him in a billowing gust. His teeth clack together, bone against bone, a graveyard sound. 
But he doesn’t let go.
He laughs.
It’s a crow of delight, bright and merry, echoing off the barren trees. His blue, blue eyes crinkle at the edges. 
He drags you to him with an ease that makes something in you go cold, like the darkest part of winter, when the night swallows up even the smallest hints of the sun. He flips you over onto your back. 
“Not a timid mouse after all,” he says, baring his teeth in a wide, thrilled grin. There’s blood shining on them. “You kick too hard for that, right, little hare?”
You try to kick him again; he pins you in place under his body weight, his eyes darkening. 
“You can do better than that,” he says. “C’mon. Hit me harder. I know you can.” 
“What kind of god are you?” you whisper.
He blinks. “God?” he says. He stares at you for a moment with those eyes, dull and deep, and then he throws back his head with a laugh. “Do you mean the god of that little clearing? You think I’m him?”
“I don’t understand,” you say, dread welling up inside of you, spreading through you like poison. 
“I’m no god,” he says cheerfully. “I did kill that one, though. Tsaritsa’s orders. He was weaker than I thought he’d be.”
You think of the mass of flowers in the center of the clearing. Of the odd shape of them.
“I thought you were him,” you breathe. 
“You—” you start, before your tongue fails you. “You’re not a god?”
“Afraid not.”
You buck beneath him, trying to throw him off, wiggling around in the snow and trying to get leverage.
He tightens his grip until you go still. 
“Still, a deal’s a deal,” the god—the man—says cheerfully. He leans down and brushes his lips over yours, a whisper of a kiss. 
“You’re mine.” 
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
Inside A Husk
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Warning:This story contains soft,safe vore,awkward/uncomfortable pred,child prey,alcohol,accidental vore
Ushi POV.
I sigh as I sit on the stool while eating some cereal while I hear Miss Charlie arguing with Alastor again for the third time this morning.He is responding back to her in a teasing tone to everything she's getting frustrated about.I sigh and hear someone ask"Rough night?"I look up tiredly and see Mr Husk standing in the bar with a bottle of beer already in his hand.I nod and say,"Miss Charlie was singing in her room all night,not much sleep to be had here,I guess"He nods and says"I'd offer you a drink but I feel like Charlie would smack me for that"I give a small laugh and say"Maybe I'll ask Pentious to let me sleep in his stomach for a bit"Mr Husk shivers and says"How in hell do you like being eaten by that guy,it's gross"I take another bite and say"I don't like being eaten but it is very comfortable and able to block noise pretty well"He takes another swig before jumping when we hear a loud explosion and I turn to see a bolt of shadowy magic slams into me and I'm thrown into Mr Husk.Alastor and Miss Charlie run over to make sure I'm okay and I notice Miss Charlie's hand smoking and Alastors hand has a shadowy film over it.Miss Charlie says in a panicky tone"Oh my Satan,I'm so sorry that shrinking spell was meant for Alastor!"Alastor speaks with a clearer voice than usual."My apologies,I only meant to knock it away and not into anybody,or I would have aimed it a Vagatha,"Miss Vaggie yells."HEY!"Before he brushes her off and says,"Charlie,reverse it."She raises her hand as a bolt of red magic hits me, and I feel that instead of growing,my body begins shifting,and I feel something growing out of my head as I shrink more with fur growing all over my body as I yell.........squeak?In confusion I look down and realize that I've become a mouse,panic sets in as I look at Miss Charlie and tears begin welling up in my eyes.
Ushi POV.
Miss Charlie and Miss Vaggie have both been freaking out for almost an hour as she trues different spells to turn me back but just wound up turning my new fur white and changing me from a normal mouse to a creature that Alastor called a Marten,specifically something called a Sable which he felt the need to say taste good which he punctuates by licking me,then I turned back into a mouse again.Miss Charlie smacks him for this but is panicking more and more every failed spell before eventually Miss Vaggie tells her that she should rest which makes me a little more upset but I do understand that the constant magic is straining her body.Mr Husk said he would watch me while Miss Charlie takes a quick nap before trying again and if she can't turn me back before tonight she'll call her father and get him to help.Mr Husk sits me on the bar counter as I sigh and sit down,small droplets of ters fall from my eyes as I start yelling angrily"AHHHHH,I'LL NEVER GET HOME AT THIS RATE"I bang my head on the counter before hearing Mr Husk say"You good kid?"I look up at him as he reaches down and begins petting my back awkwardly and saying,"Don't worry,Charlie will get ya back to normal,and even if she can't her dad will"I sigh,he doesn't even know why I'm so frustated,its not just the being turned into a mouse,so far I've been stuck in the hotel since I got here and all I can do is watch cartoon reruns,clean my room because they won't let me clean anywhere else or help around the hotel because they don't want me to hurt myself or have anyone outside see me,or another guest named"Angel Dust"to talk to me.They said it's not that he'll try to hurt me but he's super inappropriate and I'm not old enough to be around him.Mr Husk keeps petting me and I begin making a weird noise without much of a thought.He laughs and says"I guess you could consider you a baby mouse but I wasn't expecting you to purr"I feel embarrassment shoot over me and I turn away from him while crossing my arms.
Ushi POV.
Mr Husk has me sitting on my shoulder as he serves a white furred demon with a weird black and pinkish/red eye.Mr. Husk says, "Angel,you know you're not supposed to drink this early,Charlie will be on you."The weird demon who I now know as Angel says,"Oh come now,She'll never know sourpuss."He looks up and says,"And why do you have a mouse?"Mr Husk sighs and says,"This is the human Chalie told ya about,she got hit by a rogue spell and shrunken,but when Charlie tried to fix it she accidentally turned her into a mouse"Angel says"Whoa,Charlie can shrink people and turn them into animals?"Mr Husk shrugs and says,"I guess. "Angel reaches up and pets my head.I begin purring again on accident and smack his hand away, so he says,"Ooh,feisty"Mr husk laugh and nods when suddenly something comes bursting through the door.I get knocked back and slam into something warm and soft,like the inside of Pentious's mouth.Whoever's mouth I fell into is forced to swallow and I hear Mr Husk all around me yell"WHAT THE HELL,YOU RADIO HEADED PRICK,YOU MADE ME SWALLOW USHI"I shiver as I slip into a small sack that tightens around me as Mr Husk asks"Are you okay kid?"I squeak nervously, and he says,"Oh yeah,can't talk,well you're safe so uhh,just relax,or don't I can't make you do anything"I chitter unhappily but curl up inside of the pouch.I hear liquid moving down further than where I am and smell the sharp scent of alcohol and scratch at the stomach lining and hear him yelp in pain before saying"Her,what was that for?"I squeak angrily, and he says,"Fine,I won't drink while you're in there,"I lay down satisfied and feel sleep washing over me as I begin purring again.Mr Husk says"Its alright kid,I'll let you out once Charlie wakes up to turn you back"I slowly black out and realize how tired I am.I'll have to try to get more sleep during the day if the only time I can sleep is while I'm in a demons stomach,not that I'm complaining too much because it is comfortable.
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
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furiousgoldfish · 11 months
abusers will tell you that you're too weak, pathetic and incapable to survive without them and then at the same time demand you to be resilient enough to withstand abuse, threats and violence
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silverskye13 · 1 month
Silver I know next to nothing about the alien franchise and movie, I am giving you full permission to use this ask as an opportunity to spread propaganda to get me (and anyone else) to finally watch it
So it's, so like, the thing is, right. I'm not a movie tech kinda person [though it is technically impressive, the funny little tricks they did, like not having the budget for a Big Space Ship Derelict so they are a scaled down model that the director's kids in space suits walked up to so it would look bigger, and it was shown to the audience on a shitty CCTV because they didn't do a big matte painting of the set they filmed the tiny one, projected it onto a wall, and then filmed that.] So my rant isn't going to be about how technologically cool the movie was for 1979 on a less than optimal budget. But what I do like, what I excel at, is breaking down themes and tropes. And my god. My god. Just. Ugh. [Flails my arms.]
So a basic rundown for the movie, spoilers ahead, and my analysis of how fucking cool it is:
Basic gist of the movie: The crew of the commercial mining vessel Nostromo are awoken halfway through their trip back to earth by a mysterious signal, calling for help on a far away planet. Upon going down to investigate, one of their crew members is attacked by a strange alien parasite which attaches to his face. This kicks off a tale of increasing horror as the new alien kills off the crew one by one, culminating in Ripley [the main character] blowing up the ship and fleeing in an escape pod, not sure if she'll ever be picked up in the vastness of space -- with the ships cat, who miraculously also survives. [We all know Jonesy is the real main character 💜.] Along the way a plot by the Weyland-Utani corporation is revealed, one of the crew is discovered to be an android, and there is a lot of alien screeching.
Now! The themes that I go absolutely feral over can commence.
The horror of the movie, the reason why the alien is scary, and lethal to humans specifically, is it is a creature built for efficient survival, and this is a trait that Ash, the ship's science officer [and resident hiding android] highly praises in the critter. He describes it as beautiful, elegant, pure in its efficiency. The perfect organism. Efficient.
Humans, by comparison, aren't efficient. We are social. And efficiency preys on social needs. For example:
The xenomorph eggs can survive for ages [in the derelict they're found on, the dead alien who drove the ship is described as fossilized. These eggs have been here for thousands of years. But they activate immediately when a curious human pokes around them. It isn't a fast process. Kane is poking around for a few minutes, looking at the movements of the creatures in their eggs, making observations. Curious. Curiosity is an inefficient trait -- he would have survived if he had climbed out of the hole the eggs were in and left, or even waited for the rest of his team to enact quarantine and investigation procedures.
Speaking of quarantine! When Dallas and Lambert bring Kane, newly infected by an alien parasite, back to the ship, Ripley locks them in the airlock. There are quarantine procedures. We can't risk the whole crew. But they are scared for Kane's safety. He might die without help. They break quarantine. If they hadn't broken quarantine, the baby alien would've been born in the airlock, where it would get spaced the moment it was born.
When the face hugger parasite dies and Kane seems to return to normal, what they should have done to attempt to reinstate quarantine was put him in hyper sleep. His body would have been frozen in a stasis which might have frozen the parasite or, if it hadn't, would have left the new baby alien trapped in a stasis pod. But Kane, haggard and scared from his ordeal, asks can we please have one more meal together before I go to sleep? And that one meal is long enough for the new xenomorph to be born, and release terror on the ship.
There is more. Parker would have lived if he hadn't gone to find the cat by himself, leaving the safety of his group. Dallas would have lived if he let Ripley go through the vents, but he was the captain and he didn't want to risk someone else's life so he went instead. Brett would have lived if he'd left Lambert behind when she was being attacked, or if he'd hit the xenomorph with the flamethrower instead of insisting Lambert get out of the way first. And Lambert would have lived if she'd run instead of being paralyzed in fear by the creature killing her friends. And the xenomorph? Wasn't even eating it's kills. No gore. Little blood. It was killing them because it knew they would kill it, and it was neutralizing threats. Efficient.
The xenomorph is very clearly engineered for survival, and it's survival depends on killing the inefficient organisms around it. Even it's acid blood is described as a survival mechanism, not an offensive mechanism.
Okay Skye, we hear you talking about how scary the critter is because it's not a social creature. That's an interesting observation, but it's still just a monster story, right?
Well, let me tell you an alternative story. Just a little to the left of the original, but one I would argue is still very very canon.
You are an android built by Weyland-Utani, a company which is jealously hunting alien tech to use for its many space programs. You are placed on the Nostromo because there is a known anomaly in the area, and they want to find it. Your job is to get a specimen back to the company, all other protocols expended.
You are programmed to be efficient, so you get to work.
You wake the crew when you find the signal. You give them only the information they need to investigate: it is a signal that repeats every 12 seconds. You let them make the conclusion it is an SOS. Humans are social creatures. They want to help other social creatures in need. There is some arguing about whether they should go, but in the end an extra push from you sends them. Ripley, one of the more efficient members of the crew, keeps asking you why you haven't decoded the message.
"Mother [the super computer running the ship] is still working on it." This is true. She has only translated part of the signal. By the time Ripley realizes it's a warning, the crew is already on the way to the derelict. You tell her if she walks out there, they will have already figured out if it's a warning or not by the time she makes it to them. She agrees.
When they return with a specimen, Ripley [efficient, following protocol] doesn't want to let them on. But Ripley doesn't know you're an android, so when you break quarantine, and you tell her you just wanted Kane to be safe, she begrudgingly believes you.
When the alien is loose, it is easy for you to keep them from killing it. Humans are social, inefficient creatures, and you feel no empathy for their deaths. You do pity them though. Between you and the alien, their chances of survival are slim.
If only they were more efficient.
The horror in Alien is not the xenomorph. The horror in Alien is when anything, primal creatures, androids, a particularly greedy corporation, preys on human social needs in order to get what it wants. There is significance in that Ripley, despite everything, chose to save the cat. She needed companionship. All humans do. She needed to save that cat. A cat that was cantankerous and mean, and hissed whenever it was held, was better than the cold efficiency of empty space.
Any system that prioritizes absolute efficiency will be inhospitable to human life.
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quecksilvereyes · 11 months
helen, there is a wolf in your sheep's pen. its fangs are dripping red, and its claws are tangled with wool. the jumper your father knit for it doesn't fit anymore, look, it's tearing at the seams. your dog cries bloody murder. the sheep are sleeping, still.
the wolf looks at you with its big, bright eyes. its pupil echoes the night's sky, and its tongue hangs, foamed, from its mouth. do you grab the shotgun?
do you strengthen the fence? do you change the lock? the wolf breathes heavy, see.
when it speaks, it comes out a mess. when it looks at you, it comes out a threat. when it grows, in bursts and bouts, it is a fairytale warning. the wolf bends its spine to look at you. a ring of teeth around its ankle, a sharp break in the line of its snout, it pulls back its flews.
on a human boy, it might be a smile. on the wolf, it is a rumbling thunder that lives somewhere in its chest, drooling for its chains to break.
helen, mother of three. helena, herald of tragedy, how long until the wolf starts hunting? it must be hungry. you've not fed it in years.
inspired by this piece by @bloodybigwardrobe and also us screaming at each other
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bonebabbles · 4 months
so how was quiet rain disowning clear sky. is it what you hoped it would be
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I wish it could last. I want to stay in the moment where she gets pissed off at Gray Wing sucking his brother's toes and tosses him out of the den for an eternity, and then spend the next one in the moment where she rejects Clear Sky's shitty "apology" where he says she HAS to forgive him as his mother and she disowns his murderous ass on the spot
If I stay in these moments forever I'll never have to get to the part where she forgives both of these clowns
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