chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/10/where-are-the-men
Why Didn’t Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Anthony Weiner, or Bill Clinton Get Their Asses Kicked? (Where Are The MEN?!)
News broke the other day that, yet again, a high powered fella has been abusing women for decades.
Now, I’m on somewhat of a news cleanse.
Not long ago I thought being informed was a duty of each citizen. Now I see that being informed on why you believe what you believe and being open to changing those beliefs is being informed. Knowing the latest current event is useless and even destructive.
Our brains are designed to deal with what’s going in our tribe, not what’s going on all over the entire planet.
So I haven’t been paying that much attention to the news, and when yet another bigwig got busted for groping women, or worse, I didn’t look into it.
That is, until I saw a clip from an interview on therebel.media that I began thinking about this entire mess from a different angle, one that’s alarming, even horrifying.
In the interview, one of the fellas in the conversation said he lacked respect for every man involved in this mess save for, shockingly enough, Brad Pitt. Supposedly when Gweneth Paltrow, Pitt’s lady at the time, came to him and said that Weinstein groped her, Pitt sought out the deviant at a movie premier and told him to keep his hands off his girlfiend.
That’s the action I thought every man would logically take, but there’s only one instance where a man came to his lady’s defense.
Isn’t that what we’re here for?
Then I thought about it on a bigger scale.
There aren’t known cases of Weinstein getting his ass kicked for groping a woman, what about one of the myriad of other high profile cases involving a man in a power position, and women being sexually assaulted?
As a caveat…
Every guy reading this is likely scratching his head as much as I am. Imagine if some prick groped your sweetheart or assaulted them or mistreated them in any fashion…
… I don’t see how guys like Weinstein aren’t missing fingers or toes or ears.
That is, how is this prick still carrying all of his major appendages?
Back to thinking about this trend on a more broad scale…
Anthony Weiner, a fella who’s been found guilty of sending pictures to under-aged girls, hasn’t been roughed up, beaten up, or harmed in any way.
Bill Cosby – and we have to identify the fact that some of these guys have yet to be found guilty – allegedly raped and took advantage of dozens of women, and yet, no one kicked the living shit out of him.
Bill Clinton raped a woman, sexually assaulted many others, and used his position of power to take advantage of women his entire life, and yet again, no cases of him being beaten.
Now it appears as though Ben Affleck has grabbed asses and gotten away with it.
Catholic priests and other men in power positions have taken advantage of the vulnerable, and again, rarely are there cases of a priest who’s assaulted young boys ending up face down in a river, which is precisely where they belong (not all priests, but you know what I mean).
I’m getting pretty pissed off writing this.
Men are here, we’re genetically programmed, we have hormones flowing through our bodies that make us carry and produce more muscle, greater bone density, and greater aggression and propensity to take risk, we’re here to protect!
Throughout our history as humans, good men have slaughtered bad men and protected their tribe as a result.
Where are these men today?
I know they exist.
They serve their country. They create the machines and gadgets we use every day, the things that make our lives so bloody easy today. They exist. But in each of these cases they haven’t.
It boggles the mind that a rat like Weinstein can grope and molest women and not a single boyfriend or husband or brother or father of that woman kicked the living hell out of him.
It’s as if we rely on our prisoners to beat and physically harm the rapists, molesters, and deviants that the rest of us men turn a blind eye to.
There is no caveat to this point.
There is no ‘wait until you hear both sides of the story’.
There is no ‘well he just made a bunch of mistakes’.
There is no ‘well he didn’t physically hurt anyone’.
There is only your duty as a man, to protect and provide for those who you love and care about.
Is this the new man?
It’s no secret that our culture is trying to soften our men.
Is this the result of the quest to make our men more vulnerable, softer, more effeminate and sensitive?
I can’t see participation trophies having this much of an effect, but what other explanation is there?
The other day I sat down with a steak and watched Braveheart over dinner.
William Wallace went to war with an entire nation because someone killed his wife.
What is the difference between killing and defiling?
How do they not elicit some semblance of a similar result?
I doubt that anyone reading this has this issue. I’m confident that any fella finding this site will fight for his lady, his daughter, his sweetheart. It pains me to think that these things happened to these women.
What a violation of power, of honor, of how a man is supposed to act.
Then compound that violation with another, the lack of response from the men in their lives.
Maybe Hollywood types and politicians don’t stand up for the women in their lives, but I’d damn well like to think that the rest of us would, and do.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/10/stay-fit-in-the-winter
With the changing of the seasons comes the inevitable end to your outdoor workouts. This can be a daunting realization, especially if you’re trying to avoid the gym. So how do you move outdoor exercise indoors? (Read This: Becoming a Badass with Bodyweight Workouts)
Fortunately, plenty of fitness pros before you have had to face the same challenge, and they came out just as fit when spring rolled around. The same dedication you show now will be required, but your workouts will be just as rewarding, both mentally and physically.
Here are 7 of the best ways to stay in shape, even when it’s freezing, snowing or raining outside.
1. Take the Stairs
Chances are, your outdoor summer workouts incorporated lots of cardio. It’s easy to do cardio outside. You can run, cycle, skate, swim, surf, hike, play beach volleyball — the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Once it’s cold, though, these activities become much less enjoyable, and you might find yourself skimping on heart-pumping cardio, despite the benefits regular cardio workouts can have. This winter will be different, though, once you take your workouts to the stairs.
Whether you have a multi-story house or live in an apartment building, you probably have at-home access to stairs. Simply taking the stairs – especially if you live in a top-level apartment – can fire up your legs and get your heart racing. If you only have one set of stairs, running up and walking back down can be a great interval-training exercise.
If that’s too easy – it might become that way with practice, too – try sprinting up the stairs, taking every other step, or doing a set of jumping jacks once you reach the top. We promise, you will be sweating by the end.
2. Build a Home Gym
Don’t worry. Outfitting your home with its own gym won’t cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, with careful planning and purchasing, you might find this to be incredibly budget-friendly — and a resource you use year-round.
Everyone’s home gym will have to have different equipment, it’s essential to choose a corner or room where you can install a mirror. It’s the most important part of your at-home gym because it allows you to watch yourself and make sure each rep is done with the proper technique so you avoid injury or strain.
Once that’s finished, think about the way you exercise. A high-intensity interval training workout might require that you only have a mat. Weight-lifting routines will, of course, require various dumbbells and perhaps a bench or stability ball. Exercise bands are also a cheap option to provide resistance for muscle-toning moves. With just a few investments — weights, mat, bench — you probably wouldn’t even set yourself back as much as a year-long gym membership would cost.  You can even use things that you may already have, like gallon-jugs for weights.
3. Pop in a Workout DVD
Hear us out: Workout DVDs are no longer what they used to be. You won’t have to don a leotard and keep up with an 80s aerobics instructor. Instead, you can get some a great toning or high-intensity cardio workout all with a disc.
There are several tried-and-tested DVDs deemed great for men who want to work out at home, so you don’t have to go with a trial-and-error approach to your fitness routine. Instead, you can rest assured that what you buy will help you stay in shape until you’re able to exercise outside again.
4. Sign up for Indoor Sports
Like we said before, summertime is a great excuse to get outside and play team sports. Whether you took up basketball, football, soccer or the aforementioned volleyball, you found the exercise to be way more fun than a gym workout. Group sports incorporate a social element that can improve your mental health, too.
Joining an indoor sports league is just as rewarding. Just like in summer leagues, you can choose a team based on your skill level and the amount of competitiveness you want. That way, you can ensure your practices and games will be workouts, just like they were in summer.
The same goes for group fitness sessions. Chances are, there’s more offered than just aerobics, Zumba and other cardio-heavy classes you tend to associate with group fitness. Weight-lifting classes are common, as well as high-intensity cycling and CrossFit.
5. Sprint Through the Snow
Okay, so sprinting in the snow might not be possible. But winter’s most notable precipitation creates just the right amount of resistance for an intense workout.
Once snow has fallen, put on a pair of shoes that’ll withstand the flakes, like hiking shoes or water-repellent sneakers. Then, head out to your yard, sidewalk or another flat area where there’s plenty of snow on the ground. After that, it’s up to you how you take advantage of its natural resistance. Walk, run, sprint, lunge, jump — choose one or make your own combination for a killer leg workout. Just don’t be like this famous girl who brags about her snow running skills before an instant-karma fall.
6. Take Care of Your Home
Your outdoor workouts might end in the fall, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get some exercise outdoors. Grab a rake and get rid of all of those leaves that have fallen on your lawn. And, as soon as it starts snowing, you can get another great cardio workout by shoveling snow from your driveway and sidewalks, too. If you want an extra sweat session, volunteer your services to neighbors as well.
On top of that, you can break a sweat by completing chores on your honey-do list — seriously. Vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing floors — all of these housekeeping activities will burn calories and keep your significant other happy. To us, that sounds like a win-win.
7. Learn How to Do Your Outdoor Workout in Winter
If none of the above options compare to your summer workout, then you’ll just have to compromise and learn how to enjoy cold-weather workouts as much as you did the summer ones. It’s not that difficult to do, either, so long as you prepare yourself both mentally and physically.
There are plenty of tips for those looking to partake in outdoor workouts in winter. Start by layering up your clothes so that you’re warm enough at the start, but able to shed a pullover, for example, if you get too hot. You should also research how your body would react if you got too cold so that you could head indoors and prevent hypothermia, frostbite, etc.
No matter what you do, winter doesn’t have to be a time you dread as a fitness enthusiast. Instead, you can have just as intense workouts when it’s cold if you find the activity that fires you up even on the chilliest days of the year.
About the Author
Scott Huntington is a writter from Harrisburg, PA. He covers cars, sports, fitness, and everything in between. Find his work on Forbes, INC, Yahoo Autos, or his own blog, Off The Throttle. Or say hi on Twitter @SMHuntington.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/10/how-to-overcome-fear-5-lessons-from-black-belts
Fear is a natural response that we have all experienced at some point or another. Don’t get clouded by cockiness; even the toughest of us encounter some sort of anxiety or uneasiness when faced with a stressful situation. However innate it is, we can still discover ways to overcome it.
Some of the greatest lessons you can follow to get over fear come from trained martial artists. Martial artists, black belts especially, have spent years staring doubt in the face. How do so many of them seem composed enough to fight on then? Their training, their ideals, are just a few of the things that help mold these individuals into confident fighters that can take on anything.
You don’t have to be a fighter to learn from these powerful people. Take a look below at five lessons you should follow from black belts that will lead you to conquering your fear.
Lesson #1: Acknowledge the Inevitable
As stated before: fear is a natural response. One of the first steps to overcoming it is accepting two things. You have to first come to terms with what exactly it is that you are afraid of. From there, you need to recognize that you will come face-to-face with it at some point.
As black belts in martial arts are teachers in many cases, any practitioner can tell you that a good trainer will help you realize your fears. Are you afraid of getting hurt or hurting someone else? Do you have a fear of competing and the probability of losing?
These are inevitable facts martial artists face. Thinking otherwise will blindside you and will only skyrocket your fear, which more than likely will lead to you panicking. It’s only when practitioners realize these things that they can start the process of beating them. (Read This: Let fear Guide You)
Let’s say you’re gunning for that new job. Do you feel a twist in your gut going up for the interview? So, what’s the worst case scenario? You bomb the interview and you don’t get your dream job. The odds that it will happen are basically 50/50. Once you accept that beforehand, you can work on ways to better yourself that the worst doesn’t come to pass.
Lesson #2: Take it One Step at a Time
Whether you have multiple stressful situations hanging over your head or just one major fear, it will help to take everything one step at a time. Some competent martial arts instructors may direct their students to focus on one thing rather than trying to rush through.
If it helps, try to create a list that either separates your individual fears or a list for one that details everything about that fear. For example:
What is it that I fear?
Is this fear holding me back (my life, relationships, dreams, etc.)?
What’s the worst that can happen if I face it?
What’s the worst that can happen if I don’t face it?
Again, it’s just an example, but it can give you a general idea of how you can work your way through your anxieties one step at a time. Doing it this way allows you to put all of your focus on peeling the fear apart layer by layer until you overcome it.
A good martial arts trainer will have their students address one aspect before moving onto another. Are they worried about the pain they may feel hitting the mat? Good teaching doesn’t involve throwing them in the deep end. They work their way up to it all, going through some light instructions on how to fall before allowing things to intensify during sparring sessions.
Address one facet at a time, and you will be that closer to getting past that pesky fear.
Lesson #3: Prepare for the Hit
If you know anything about training in martial arts, then you know about conditioning. It is a way to better prepare your body to take a blow, to accept that it is something you’ve experienced before and you can bounce back from.
Martial arts practitioners handle this in a variety of ways. Have you seen boxers or Muay Thai fighters lying down as someone drops a medicine ball on their stomach? It’s an excellent way to prepare their stomachs for punches they will, no doubt, face in the ring. Their bodies become accustomed to getting hit, which then helps to reduce the fear of it.
Now, if you’re not gearing up to fight someone, this isn’t a technique that will exactly work out for you. However, the idea behind it still stands. If you know you’re going up against something, it doesn’t hurt to get ready for it.
Let’s say you have a fear of public speaking. How do you prepare for it? Practice. Stand up in front of your friends and family, ask for their honest opinion. The more you practice something, the more you become used to it. By the time it happens for real, you’ve already cut out a fear of the unknown and are better equipped to handle it all.
Lesson #4: Face it Head-On
Nothing quite says ‘conquer your fear’ than by just marching straight up to it. We have stressed that fear is not something you can avoid. If you try, then you will ultimately limit yourself in life and hinder your growth into becoming the best you possible. (Read This: Embrace Your Fears)
Life is not filled with comfort around every corner. Walking up to whatever it is that you fear will let you know that you can do it. You can go through whatever hell you’re afraid of and still come out on the other end whether you succeed or fail. Facing it all head-on will remind you that it all isn’t as bad as you thought; afterward, you can tackle any fear that crosses your path.
Lesson #5: Remain Calm
In the martial arts world, panic is something that will surely cost you. It’s one of the many reasons why a focus is placed on calming oneself. If a fighter enters a sparring match filled with trepidation, it’s easy enough for them to fall into a panic-like fight style. If that happens, the risk of them gravely injuring themselves or their partner only rises.
If you’re not calm under pressure, you’re ensuring that you will fail. Step back and take a few breaths. From there, you can better relax your body and mind. Martial artists who have mastered the art of staying calm preserve their energy better in order to activate it when they need it most.
There are several ways to help stay calm when faced with stress. Some of the techniques many martial artists utilize are meditation and proper breathing exercises. You can focus your mind, solve problems faster and more efficiently. When you stay calm, you remove agitation and dread, building the confidence that you can climb over whatever obstacle that’s in front of you.
Fear is a provoking beast that loves to poke and prod, trying to break you and your spirit. Follow these five lessons from martial arts black belts, and you will find yourself on an unwavering path to facing that fear and promptly defeating it.
About the Author
Jason Maine is the founder of FullContactWay, a blog dedicated to provide best martial arts advice and information. Jason helps his readers with martial arts training by sharing personal tips and thorough research. Check out fullcontactway.com to get more about Jason’s work.
Follow Jason – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fullcontactway/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FullContactWay
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/09/40-little-known-facts-about-muscles
You look at your muscles every day. You work out to boost your gains, increase your muscle size, and enhance your strength and performance. With all that hard work, it’s a wonder how little people truly know about their muscles.
Well grab your backpack because you’re about to go to school. Check out these 40 little known facts about the muscles in your body:
Because contracting biceps were once thought to resemble mice crawling under a rug, the word “muscle” stems from the Latin “musculus” which meant “little mouse.”
There are over 600 muscles in the human body. If every one of your hundreds of muscles pulled in the same direction all at once, you could lift over 25 tons.
There are no muscles “in” your hand, only tendons, ligaments, and bones. Your fingers move when your forearm muscle pulls on those other connective tissues.
Your eye muscles move over 100,000 times a day, most rapidly during deep sleep.
The one muscle that is working every second of every day from the moment you are born to the day you die? Your heart muscle . . . and it never tires.
In one day your heart muscle will pump an estimated 2,000 – 2,500 gallons of blood around a system of blood vessels in your body that is believe to be 60,000 miles long.
Muscle memory is a real thing. With the same repeated practice of the same motions and movements, your brain needs less and less processing time to cue your muscles to do what you want. Thus, practice can make perfect, but bad habits (like improper squatting form) can also be hard to break. (Read This: How to Hack the Deadlift)
Artificial muscles have been engineered in a lab at the University of Texas, Dallas and can lift 100 times what a normal human muscle can.
Shivering in the cold? This is your body’s way of warming you up – naturally contracting your muscles over and over.
Muscle contraction plays an important role in maintaining your body temperature; close to 85% of the total heat generated in your body is from muscle contraction.
The tiniest skeletal muscle can be found in the ear, the stapedius – it assists in stabilizing the stapes, a tiny bone in the inner ear which helps conduct sound vibrations.
All the muscle fibers you have are the ones you were born with – they simply grow thicker over time.
There are 3 different types of muscles in your body. Skeletal (those attached to your bones), smooth (involuntary muscles in your gut, bladder, blood vessels, etc.), and cardiac (those in your heart).
The Palmaris longus, a tendon which runs along the middle of your forearm to your wrist is missing in about 10 to 15% of the human population – to do a quick check if you have one, click here.
The largest muscle in your body is the gluteus maximus, that big muscle in your buttocks. It largely supports your posture and your ability to walk up and down stairs.
One of the strongest muscles in your body is actually in your mouth and controls your jaw, the masseter(s). They can close with a force of 200 lbs in humans, and are only found in mammals.
The old adage, “Frowning employs over 40 muscles while smiling only uses 17” isn’t scientifically proven, however, the mantra of optimism is worth its repeat.
Trying to hit your 10,000 steps goal each day? You are using close to 200 muscles in your body with each single step.
While ligaments connect one bone to another (like in your knee joint, for example), tendons, on the other hand, have the responsibility of connecting muscles to bone and other body parts (like your eyeballs!)
Most vertebrates including humans have a muscle mass that makes up roughly 35 to 40% of their total body weight.
Tissue strands, fascicles, which make up skeletal muscles are actually grouped bundles of myofibrils, which are themselves simply millions of sarcomeres laid end to end. Sarcomeres are comprised of overlapping thick and thin myofilaments, which at their biological core are strands of protein molecules (mostly actin and myosin).
The motor cortex region of your brain controls muscle movement with the right side of the motor cortex controlling the left side of your body, and the left side of the motor cortex controlling your right side.
Voluntary muscle movement is the result of a signal being sent from the brain, through the spinal cord, and out through the peripheral nervous system to the muscles.
Muscle movement typically happens in pairs, and is called reciprocal inhibition, where a reflexive contraction (stretch) in the agonist muscle is accompanied by a relaxation in the antagonist muscle.
Muscles never actually push, they can only pull. When you are “pushing” something like a door open, your arm and shoulder are actually pulling back on your elbow.
Skeletal muscles are physiologically referred to as “striated” for the light and dark muscle fibers that appear as stripes.
Smooth muscles in your digestive system continuously contract and relax to help move food through digestion. (Read This: Anabolic Eating: How to Increase Testosterone Naturally)
The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius muscle which runs from the hip down your thigh to your lower leg for about 30 cm – it helps rotate, adduct, and flex the hip.
When you sleep, your body relaxes muscles to boost blood flow to them, and releases hormones which aid tissue repair and growth – sleep is critical for building muscle after a workout.
Genetics can play a role in how fast and how much muscle you gain through training – studies have shown the activation of “satellite cells” which help repair and rebuild muscles can vary from person to person.
Muscles are more metabolically active than fat which simply means they burn more calories than fat. Even at rest, a muscle will burn calories.
Humans could hear their muscles moving if they had the ability to hear below 20 hz.
Muscle relief cream includes topical creams, gels, ointments and salves that provide an analgesic effect to muscles, boosting blood flow and actually “distracting” the brain from pain with heating and cooling sensations from ingredients like menthol or capsaicin.
As you fall asleep and your muscles relax, sometimes your brain misinterprets this as “falling” and cues the twitching and jerking sensation your experience in an effort to “rebalance” you, also known as a hypnic jerk.
The tongue is made up of 8 different muscles all intertwined to form what is known as a muscular hydrostat, and they are the only muscles to work independently of the skeleton (think about all the talking, chewing, swallowing, etc!).
Muscle tissue is roughly 15% denser than fat tissue, but that doesn’t mean it weight more. It simply takes up less space than fat.
There are 43 muscles in the face, most of which are controlled by the facial nerve which channels out the cerebral cortex to exit the skull right in front of your ears.
There are over 100 muscles in each of your feet (in addition to 26 bones and 33 joints).
3 muscles are used for blinking and adults blink anywhere from 10 to 20 times a minute, that is upwards of over 16,000 blinks a day.
Skeletal muscle fibers are categorized into two groups: fast twitch and slow twitch. Fast twitch muscles fatigue faster but support rapid sprints and high intensity movement. Slow twitch muscles enable more long-endurance activity like long distance running.
  About the Author
Joe Fleming is the President at ViveHealth.com. Interested in all things related to living a healthy lifestyle, he enjoys sharing and expressing his passion through writing. Working to motivate others and defeat aging stereotypes, Joe uses his writing to help all people overcome the obstacles of life. Covering topics that range from physical health, wellness, and aging all the way to social, news, and inspirational pieces…the goal is help others “rebel against age”.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/09/become-more-disciplined
Discipline can be a hard sell…
… Or so I thought.
A few months ago I created The Lost Art of Discipline. It’s an ebook, a program for people to develop discipline.
I thought it would be wildly unpopular because most marketers point people to an enemy, an outside factor or reason as to why they haven’t achieved their goal yet.
It’s marketing 101, tell someone that it’s ‘not their fault’, they’ll buy, and then you’ll help them achieve the result they want.
Discipline is something you control, so selling something that puts the ownership on you shouldn’t do well. It did. Hundreds bought the program, and the emails are pouring in telling me how much they’re loving it and improving as a result of it.
The truth is fewer people are cowards and pussies than we all realize.
You’re likely reading this because you know that you control your reaction to events. You control your effort, whether you quit or stick with it, whether you waste money or invest it wisely.
You know that discipline is the root to your goal.
But discipline still needs an explanation.
It isn’t confining, but liberating. It doesn’t stick you in a box, it frees you to become who you want to become, today.
9 Reasons Why You Need to Become More Disciplined
1. You want freedom.
Freedom to endure, to set high goals and achieve them, to not be burdened by financial hardship. Freedom to build a strong body, to be tough and dangerous, to not be dependent on others for sustenance or safety.
Discipline equals freedom. It is the vehicle by which you achieve it. Men need freedom. We can’t get it if discipline isn’t at our foundation.
2. You need accomplishment.
Accomplishment is a necessary aspect of life. We need it to feel as though we’re here for a reason. It’s our evidence.
Without discipline you’re not going to get the accomplishment you crave or your family needs you to achieve.
3. You don’t want stress.
Discipline removes unnecessary stress and worry because it forces you to focus on what you can control, and do what you need to do.
There is no illogical fear about the future because you’re too disciplined, too focused, getting after it in the present.
4. You don’t want to be a slave to your desires.
Desires hold a lot of weight in our modern society…
… Amongst the losers.
They’re a slave to their desire to watch TV, sleep in, cheat on their lady, cheat on their diet, take a day off work, set safe goals that they know they can accomplish without much effort.
Your immediate desires should take a back seat to your overall desire to win. Discipline allows you to draw the battle lines and avoid being a slave.
5. You don’t want to be fat.
Life isn’t as good when you’re out of shape and overweight, and discipline helps you get in shape and get lean.
You’re not going to be able to hike, to pursue adventures, to work long hours, to have great sex, to maintain high testosterone levels if you’re fat. Discipline helps you avoid this obstacle that far too many people face.
6. You have pride.
You’re better than the masses and you know it. You take pride in your work, in what you do every day. You don’t blame others for your station in life, yet you thank others when things go great.
You’re above laziness. You need to be disciplined because you understand the gift that is life and you’re working daily to make it a justified one in your case.
7. You don’t want to die with regret (the big one).
This is really why you want to become more disciplined.
You don’t want to die with regret. That’s it. You don’t want to wish you worked harder or smarter or that you didn’t cheat on your lady, ruin your family life, or die with nothing because of a gambling addiction.
We can go deep with this…
You don’t want to die wishing that porn didn’t stop you from actually dating real women. You don’t want to die wishing that your desire for watching others live their lives on TV didn’t stop you from making something of yourself.
You don’t want to wish that you let your weak voice out-do your strong voice and allow you to go your entire life as a victim.
Discipline defeats regret.
Check Out the Lost Art of Discipline HERE
8. You’re dying.
Time is dwindling.
You’re dying.
To feel as though you were here for a reason, you need to accomplish something. You need to build a stronger body so you can do do something.
Don’t ignore death, embrace it. Let it show you what to spend your time doing and what to avoid.
9. You weren’t born with a silver spoon.
The greatest gift a man can be given is poverty.
Holy hell I’ll catch some crap for saying that, but it’s true.
I know rich kids. I know kids who were born with millions and billions, and the good ones seek value, to make it on their own, to prove that they’re here for a reason other than to waste their old man’s money.
The idiots waste that money, which is why familial wealth only lasts for a few generations, at best.
Poverty, what a fucking motivator. You have to be disciplined. You have to know what matters and what doesn’t. Money, wealth, things, they’re insignificant.
They really don’t matter. What are they?
The kid driving a Bently, that ain’t his. And the Bently, it’s a lovely machine, but it’s still a damn thing. There’s no soul, no meaning, no real value in it.
But to have to scrape buy, to learn frugality, to learn how to work the shittiest jobs to put food in your families mouth, that’s glorious, that’s living, to be on the edge and to climb the mountain or fall off the cliff, fuck, that’s a blessing.
Wear your poverty, your middle class status, wherever you are, with pride.
Whatever you make of yourself will be because of the help of others, make no mistake, you’ll have help, but you’ll get help because you are who you are.
An investment in you could never be deemed a waste.
This last point is for the guys who are looking on the Facebook and on the Instagram and watching fools look foolish flaunting gaudiness. You are the man. Those things will disappear, they aren’t real, and what you earn, you damn well earned.
Get after it.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/09/lose-last-few-pounds
Losing a couple of pounds can be nerve-racking. In some cases, eating right, drinking plenty of water, and working out doesn’t seem to help. There has to be something you’re doing wrong; maybe your metabolism is not in top shape, or maybe you need to change your daily meal plan. Sometimes, even the most hardworking runners and fitness gurus can’t move the needle on the scale. (Read This: Intermittent Fasting for Dynamic Fat Loss)
Are you stuck in a rut?
We’ve laid out 5 of the best diet strategies to help you shed those extra couple of pounds.
1. Add More Fiber
In the final stages of your diet, try to focus on carbohydrates rich in fiber: fruits, brown rice, oats, and veggies. Because they’re high in essential fibers, vegetables should be added to every daily meal. This way your body will be full, and the sensation of hunger will be kept under control. Choose non-starchy foods like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower; avoid corn and potatoes because they’re high in calories.
2. Spice Up Your Workouts
Easy workout routines are great for staying in shape and toning your body. But if the aim is to lose weight, you have to push harder. Spice your routine with exercises that challenge you on a physical level. At first it will be difficult; but if you commit you will build endurance. Your body will adapt to more intense activities, shedding those extra pounds for good. Insufficient cardio might be the main reason you’re not losing weight. Apart from traditional jogging, you should also give hiking, swimming, and high-speed running a shot as well.
3. Stay Focused on Protein
During a weight loss journey, many people make the mistake of cutting back on their protein. If you do that, your body will become vulnerable; and you will no longer put muscle mass. Foods rich in proteins are highly recommended even if the aim is not to build muscle. Carbohydrates pump your body with “fuel” to boost performance levels. However you don’t need them if you’re trying to shed a few pounds.
4. Intensify Your Workout with a Fat Burner
To make the most of your workout, and lose weight at the same time, consult with a nutritionist and opt for a fat burning supplement. A specialist will recommend you a blend that best works for your body type. Common ingredients in fat burners are green tea, caffeine, and creatine.
However, even though caffeine is thought to be the best and most efficient fat burning supplement on the market, it doesn’t always work. The human body is extremely smart; it will be able to adapt eventually. To reset any sensitivity you have to caffeine, choose decaf for a few days. Regardless of your choice, supplementation is not recommended unless you adhere to a proper meal plan as well.
5. Ditch Junk Food, But Choose Healthy Fats
Dietary fat has an impact on hormone levels; including testosterone, which is a well-known performance booster. However, don’t forget that healthy fats have more calories than carbs and protein combined. Be careful, and stick to choices like nuts, seeds, avocados, fish, and nuts.
If you’re committed to dropping those extra pounds, junk food should be avoided completely. In the beginning, it will be difficult to give up sugars, soda, fried meat, alcohol, etc. But it’s not an impossible goal to attain if you stick to the rules. Replace junk food and sweet juices with sparkling water and fruit (e.g. watermelon is an excellent choice). Vegetable oil should also be avoided; and replaced with olive oil.
Bottom line is, there’s no quick fix to getting back in shape (if the goal is to keep it off long-term). Whether you want to lose fat or build muscle, the trick is have a meal plan set up. Don’t expect miracles in the first week; your body will begin transforming in about a month. However, you will see the needle moving on the scale. Drink plenty of water, give up salt and sugars; and you will see results. Aim at a healthy lifestyle since losing weight shouldn’t be seen as a painful chore.
About the Author
Maxwell Donovan is interested in writing about health and fitness related issues. He has a deep knowledge at this field. He recommends www.supplemented.co.uk/ to get high-quality vitamins and supplements at the best possible prices.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/09/weight-loss-facts
Here’s an interesting fact – there are more obese people in the United States than there are people at a healthy weight. This is quite alarming, especially when you consider the fact that obesity is linked to a reduced lifespan and is also classified as the primary cause of preventable deaths. The United States isn’t the only country finding obesity to be a damaging public health concern. Even in the United Kingdom, obesity affects over 50% of the national population, as reported by the Government Statistical Service UK.
Losing weight is often possible through a healthy, balanced diet and through participating in weight loss exercises. For some, however weight loss is not as simple as it seems to be for others. There are many people who maintain a regular physical activity routine and sticks to a healthy diet, but still find it almost impossible to reduce their body fat percentage and reach a healthier weight. We would like to discuss seven interesting facts that people need to realize about weight loss – especially those who are having a hard time losing weight effectively, even when they do exert effort from their side.
1. Sleep Contributes To Weight Loss
This is probably a fact about weight loss that will be surprising to most of our readers, but it has been proven through scientific research that sleep contributes to a person’s ability to lose weight. Firstly, it seems like sleep inhibits the control that genes may have on a person’s weight. Men’s Fitness reports that a recent study provided evidence that the genes of people who did not sleep at least seven hours a night contributed to around 70% of the individual’s weight. Amongst those who slept for longer than seven hours per night, gene control on weight was only around 32%. Sleep deficiency also causes an imbalance in the hormones that are involved in satiety and hunger, which may lead to overeating.
2. Quick-Fix Diets May Do More Harm Than Good
You’ll often read about quick-fix diets that guarantee you will lose a lot of pounds in a very short period of time. While some of these diets may help to lose some weight quickly, it is important to know that quick-fix diets are almost never the option. For example, these diets often restrict the person from eating a lot of calories and may even tell the person to avoid high protein food and some other foods that can be beneficial to their weight in the long run. In many cases, people also tend to pick up more weight than they lost when they follow these quick-fix diets.
Check Out The Man Diet
3. Your Diet Has A Major Effect On Your Weight
A lot of people think that joining up at the gym and exercising regularly will help them lose weight effectively. Unfortunately, it is wishful thinking in quite a lot of cases. A person would join the gym, exercise frequently and discover that, even with hard work and dedication at the gym, they are not losing any weight. Women’s Health reports that weight loss is not only about exercise – in fact, exercise only contributes to weight loss around 20%. The other 80% is all dependent on the person’s diet.
4. Alcohol Count As Calories
Alcoholic drinks do not contain any nutritional values on their labels, which causes a lot of people to think that they are not really required to count the calories they consume through alcoholic beverages toward their daily calorie intake. Quite the opposite is true as the calories do count towards your daily calorie intake and alcohol can cause weight loss to become much harder, especially if you drink too much alcohol. A glass of scotch, for example, can contain as much as 105 calories. A glass of brandy contains around 115 calories, a glass of coffee liqueur approximately 137 calories, a large glass of wine can contain up to 125 calories and a glass of beer contains as much as 145 calories.
5. Intensity Can Beat Time
If weight loss seems difficult or you need to up your calories burned per day, then the first thought would be that you may have to spend more time at the gym every day. This may be inconvenient if you are already on a busy schedule and hardly getting the time to exercise each day.
Instead of increasing the time you participate in training protocols, you can opt to increase the intensity. People often fail to realize that by increasing the intensity of their workouts, they are also able to increase their calories burnt and even build muscle mass faster.
6. A Gym Is Not A Definite Requirement For Weight Loss
A lot of people postpone their journey to a healthy body weight because they do not have the time or money for a gym right now. This is quite common, but people tend to forget that they do not need a gym to lose weight effectively. While a gym may certainly make things a little easier, thanks to the guidance offered by the trained personnel, it is not a definite requirement. Instead, you can follow some professional trainers that post videos on YouTube and on other platforms to get a good workout in the comfort of your own home.
7. The Easiest And Best Time To Lose Weight Is Now
People do not only postpone their weight loss journey because they do not have enough time on their schedule or not enough money to join a gym. There are many reasons why people postpone their weight loss journey, but what they do not realize is NOW is the best time for them to get started. The body’s metabolism naturally declines with age, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, which means postponing will most definitely make things much harder in the future.
Losing weight is beneficial obese individuals, as obesity causes a serious increased risk of reaching mortality at a premature age. Unfortunately, weight loss seems to be a struggle for many people who are putting in effort. What many fail to realize is that weight loss is not always as simple as exercise and healthy eating, as many factors may contribute to stubborn fat that simply won’t go away with the traditional weight loss methods.
About the Author
Ben Arnold is a freelance writer and a health adviser. He has been giving fitness advice to thousands of people all around the globe. Through his advanced studies, he has gain enormous experience in nutrition and healthy diet. His articles have a source on personal and practical experience. Apart from health, he likes reading books and listening music in free time. You can follow him on Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/08/how-to-stop-caring-what-other-people-think
Life is better when you don’t give a flying fook…
…ignorant to what others think of you (to a degree), and even better, not concerning yourself thinking about what they think of you.
Most people act as though they’re being viewed. Maybe it’s a product of reality TV, this notion that eyes are on us so we should act cool or wear certain clothes. But you see it, and you’ve probably felt it. (Read This: No One’s Watching You)
I’ve caught myself doing the same thing, thinking that I’m somehow the center of anything, something, that eyes are on me and that if the right impression is to be made, if I want people to be wowed or if I want to command respect, I’d better act a certain way.
It’s nonsense. No one’s watching. There is no audience. Impressions aren’t being made and people really don’t care. Even if they did, you shouldn’t.
Not giving a shit is something I’ve worked on over the years because it’s a necessity if you want to live a life not as a response to the opinions of others, but completely on your own terms and as your own man.
So, how’s does a fella actually accomplish the art of not giving a fuck?
1. Mindfulness.
You have to be aware of your own thoughts and where they lead you. When you find yourself acting or thinking in response to your perception of the perceptions of others, you’ve got to be able to stop.
2. Ambition.
When you’re going after something great, nothing else really matters. (Read This: The Beauty of Ambition)
When you’re truly in pursuit, with your head down, grinding, even if that pursuit is adventure, living a grand, audacious life, it’s difficult to care about the opinions of the sheep and minions who gawk and judge those who dare mightily, never actually entering the arena themselves.
3. Solitude.
Solitude, true solitude, when you’re out there in the world or in your back 40 completely alone and exposed to your own thoughts is a beautiful thing.
It’s where clarity is found.
It’s where our purpose can be defined and our fears identified. It’s where we completely understand what our comfort zone is and what we have to do to break through it. (Read This: The Beauty of Solitude)
Please, stop caring about what others think.
Our culture is set up to depend on the opinions of others.
Our value comes from likes on a photo.
Our self-worth is found in the number of followers we have.
It’s all bullshit.
There’s no reason for it, no purpose behind it. It’s a rabbit hole that’s impossible to climb out of.
Find those 3 things, and live life like the man in the arena, undeterred by the blood and sweat and dust.
Get after it.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/08/how-to-get-back-in-shape
Do not judge me by my successes. Judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again. — Nelson Mandela
When we were children, staying in shape was simple. Boundless energy was always on tap. As we age, though, the rigors of life weigh on us. Working 40-plus hours per week or pulling 18-hour semesters is draining. When you add chores or children to the mix, it is easy to fall into a rut. Before you know it, fitness takes a backseat to life.
Diet and nutrition are usually the first to go. Healthy, whole foods are considerably more expensive than junk food, and they take much more time to prepare. Frozen dinners and quick, sugary snacks are convenient and cheap, which is why they can be so tempting. Couple a poor diet with the exhaustion that comes from a go-go lifestyle, and it becomes all too easy to microwave dinner and rest on the couch watching TV. It makes sense because we all need rest. If you want to get back to your fighting weight, though, you must train yourself and your mind to overcome both dwindling free time and falling energy levels.
Look, life has a way of getting each of us down from time to time. The important thing is not that you never get knocked down; it’s that you keep getting back up. If you’ve begun looking in the mirror and wondering where that strong, youthful body went, make up your mind to get it back. It hasn’t gone anywhere. It is hiding behind the obstacles your life has put in your way. Overcoming those obstacles and achieving the body you desire and the health you deserve will not be easy. If you want it, you’re going to have to take. There are no free lunches in fitness.
Step 1 – Make the commitment
If you have a life partner, lean on them, and be there for them when they need you. A fit lifestyle is one best shared. If your partner is gorging on sugar with little care for its effects, you too are bound to fail. Talk to the people in your life and explain your desire to take control of your health. They should understand and support your decision. If not, there may be more immediate issues in your life than fitness.
If you live alone, your task is simpler, though it certainly is not easy. Getting out of shape is easy, getting back in shape never is. Your desire to achieve your goals must outweigh your desire to take the worn path because that path leads to making easy choices like poor eating habits and sloth. A commitment to fitness is uncommon because it requires an elite attitude toward pain and discomfort. View those two bedfellows as allies. Comfort is an adversary.
Step 2 – Adjust your diet
People who live busy lives often do not have the time to micro manage their diets. So, forget tracking the vitamin content of your food choices and focus on the macro nutrients: carbs, fats and protein. Tracking just the macros, along with calories, will allow you to adjust your intake of each one. The proper ratio of macro nutrients depends greatly on the goals you set, so set those goals wisely. It is a good idea to set small, incremental goals. Realistic goals are achievable. Fitness is a never-ending process, not a goal. (Read This: The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Testosterone Through Diet)
Keep a Nutrition Journal
The classic way to make smart diet adjustments is to keep a nutrition journal. This is a short-term task, so do not be intimidated. Write down the amount — in grams — of carbohydrates, fat and protein in each meal you eat. Do this for two weeks, and either adjust as you go or do so after you’re done tracking. Don’t forget to count calories as well.
Put It to Use
If you have gained a fair amount of weight, the numbers you reveal will likely be frightening. The worst thing you can do at this point is judge yourself on the decisions you’ve made that resulted in your current physical condition. Instead, begin tailoring your macro-nutrient intake to your specific goals. If you want to build muscle, for example, adequate protein is a must. Total protein requirements vary by the individual, but there is ample information available to help you optimize your intake of protein to suit your goals.
Step 3 – Develop an Exercise Program
Like nutrition, exercise regimens work best when they are tailored to a specific set of goals. At first, those goals should be small, and so should the workload. Starting light and working up to more challenging work prevents injuries, so take the slow-and-steady approach. If resistance training is part of the regimen, start with light weights. Begin any aerobic training with short stints of exercise as well, building up to longer stretches of exercise.
Resistance Training
Evidence shows that aerobic training is the best way to shed pounds. If the goal is to build muscle, however, resistance training is the only way to go. Being overweight is unhealthy, regardless of the importance we place on appearance. Looking gaunt is a poor substitute, though. The fit, athletic look is in, and hopefully it stays that way for a while.
Weight training increases lean muscle mass in most people, which can improve metabolism. Muscles use glycogen as an energy source to perform work, and the body uses fat to replenish the glycogen it consumes during a workout. As muscle builds, the system must get even more proficient at consuming fat to replace spent glycogen, and the body’s metabolism becomes permanently affected.
A common aversion to weight training is a fear of looking bulky. This fear is misplaced, though. Bodybuilders in a bulking phase can consume several times the recommended daily allowance of calories. With a finely tuned nutritional plan and training program, the body will gradually get into shape. Improving circulation can help alleviate swelling, which can appear as bulk. Try compression shirts on chest and back days, and try out compression socks on leg day. The improved blood flow may help reduce muscle soreness as well.
Aerobic Training
Studies show that aerobic training improves cardiac health better than resistance training. People whose goals center on overall fitness or improved health can focus on aerobic training and get tremendous results, especially those who need to lose weight for heart-health reasons. A simple regimen of cycling, rowing or running — whether outdoors or on a machine — can dramatically improve heart function in those who struggle with their weight.
When your goals are more aesthetic in nature, though, resistance training is still a must. It is far superior to resistance training for weight loss and waist-size reduction, but the faster metabolism that results from weight training leads to lasting results.
To build strength while reducing fat, consider implementing high-intensity interval training to your workout program. This system, known as HIIT, involves short bursts of all-out effort, followed by active cool-down periods. HIIT has been shown to increase the body’s ability to burn fat for days after a session. It is exhausting, but it gives us the chance to build muscle while cutting fat.
Almost any aerobic exercise will lend itself to HIIT. Normally, HIIT is performed in repetitive sets. So, a 100-percent effort for 30 seconds, with 60 seconds of active cool down for 60 seconds. Three rounds would be a set, and the goal would be to increase the amount of sets you can accomplish in one exercise session. As the sets become easier, increase the workload volume to stay in a constant state of adaptation.
Step 4 – Progressively Challenge Yourself
An exercise program is a means to an end. It should be focused and direct. However, it should also be progressive. Periodization is the process of regularly increasing the volume of work in a fitness regimen, with volume being a measure of the weight and repetitions of exercises. Studies show that progressively increasing either variable builds both strength and muscle mass. As we adapt to a workout, it ceases to be as effective as it once was. Periodization is the key to staying in the muscle-building zone.
Incorporating periodization in a beginning fitness regimen is simple, though it gets more complicated as the fitness goals get more specific and minute. If a regimen is effective, it will include elements of hypertrophy, where a muscle is worked until it fails. Soon, the muscle adapts and can more easily perform the volume of work that challenged it before. Set a goal of performing a certain amount of sets of a given exercise with a challenging weight, then add to it as you succeed. Periodization is all about progression. When you achieve a goal, set a new one.
Step 5 – Make it a Lifestyle
This much is certain: When we think we have achieved our goals and we call it a day, we learn we have achieved nothing. Setbacks happen often in any fitness-centered life. Progressively challenging the body can lead to injury, no matter how careful we are to avoid it. Even if no injury is involved, it can be difficult to push the body further and further, to no end. Sometimes it can seem like pain and soreness is all there is, and it becomes easy to think of quitting.
The surest way to fail is to set a large, generic and vague goal, like getting thin or losing weight. When fitness becomes a lifestyle, success is almost guaranteed. It’s no use saying you want to be thin if you are not, because that leads to frustration. If the goals are tight and achievable, working toward them every day becomes much less daunting. The habit of exercising becomes second nature as we work toward our own personal records.
Slim waists and a killer six pack are the result of tireless effort. None was built in a day, or even a year. Fit bodies are the result of smart decisions, constant sacrifices and hard work. They look the way they do because the body is adapting to progressively harder work at progressively higher volumes. People with great physiques never call it a day.
It is easy to fall out of shape. The body does not want to be pushed hard, and forcing it to adapt to our demands goes counter to instinct. But there are no shortcuts. There are no magic pills. The only way to achieve true and lasting change is to grab the initiative and put in the hard work. The key is to not look at it like work. We are privileged to have the option to live a healthy lifestyle and achieve a fit body. Obesity is mainly a first-world problem. Embrace a fit lifestyle, and a fit body is sure to follow.
About the Author
Paul is a fitness and sports enthusiast. He’s also a gadget nerd, who’s testing different fitness gadgets and writing about them online. One place you can find him is ezcompression.com, where he mostly talks about compression wear.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/08/manhood-must-be-forged
Just as a strong river current will push objects downstream unless they actively swim against it, societal currents will do the same. As a result, part of cultivating manhood in our day is understanding where society pushes against and undermines masculine virtues, and then actively swimming against those currents. Some of the push against masculinity is intentional. Certain types of feminists consider the masculine virtues “toxic”, so they condemn men who exhibit those virtues and they make a concerted effort to promote an alternate masculinity that encourages men to think and act like women. (Read This: How to Acquire the Virtues of Manliness)
Other societal currents that push against masculine virtues are unintentional, but rather are a byproduct of technological developments and the advancement of civilization. These developments allow men to survive without developing their masculinity and without having any connection to other men whatsoever. Professional police and military allow men to survive without being strong and courageous. Technology allows them to live isolated lives where their lack of strength, courage, or productivity will not result in being shamed, instructed, criticized, or kicked out of the tribe.
When you combine a culture that tells men that the traditional masculinity is toxic with technology that allows them to easily choose the easy and comfortable life, the result is that, on a large scale, men often simply stop trying to be men. Manhood is hard. It involves embracing a strenuous life. It involves taking responsibility for yourself and those around you. It requires strength. It requires courage. It requires improvement throughout life. It requires struggle. It requires fortitude. It requires tenacity. It requires sacrifice. It requires that status be earned, not given.
Many males recoil at this hard road. Their weaker selves yearn for an easier path. A path of comfort. A path of self-indulgence. A path without status. A path without testing. A path without responsibility. That path exists, and many voices in our society implore men to choose it. Those voices give aid and comfort to those who are unwilling to walk the hard path of manhood.  Men are told that they don’t need to take the hard road.
They are told that they don’t need to be strong, but rather are wonderful just as they are. Those who lack courage are told that they have “moral courage” or “intellectual courage” or that they showed their “courage” in some way that really didn’t involve any risk whatsoever. Those who lack skills and who are not productive are told that they have a different type of intelligence that everyone else just can’t see. Those who are rejected by their peers are told that it’s not their fault. The result is that you see people embrace ideas like:
“I have nothing to prove. I am me.”
“I will never apologize for being me. You should apologize for asking me to be something different.”
“I’m the only one who can determine my value.”
To be sure, these notions are true to an extent and in the proper context. It’s true that every person should be accorded a minimum amount of respect simply based on their existence. They deserve basic respect as human beings. They deserve to be shown basic courtesy. What’s more, I’m all about believing in yourself and pursuing the things that are in your heart, regardless of whether it causes people to laugh at you or look down at you. Don’t ever let haters or cowards hold you back from the things the make your heart pound.
But, taken out of their proper context, these ideas will hold you back. In fact, the part of you that is fearful or lazy will use these ideas to tempt you to reject the hard road, instead urging you to pursue a life of ease, comfort, and safety.
“You don’t need to work out, you don’t have anything to prove. Plus, you don’t have time today. Just sit down and take it easy for a bit.”
“So what if you’re overweight? Most people are. If people can’t accept you as you are, you don’t need them.”
“The boss doesn’t understand what I bring to the company. I may never get promoted, but I think I’m doing good work. Who cares if they don’t see it?”
“My wife just doesn’t get me. Oh well, it’s her loss. Other women would be thrilled to have a man like me.”
“My kids probably need to be more active. They play on their tablets or watch TV most of the time, but I want them to be comfortable with technology. Plus, there’s not much for them to do outside.”
This is not the man’s life. Men certainly do have things to prove. Men are going to be judged by other men. We’ll still extend basic respect and courtesy to you if you reject the masculine virtues, but we won’t think highly of you. You won’t have a place of honor based on your mere existence. The idea that you shouldn’t be judged on your merit is a loser’s mentality. It’s a cop-out; a way to avoid having to meet standards, improve yourself, or earn respect. Instead, you just tell yourself that you should be respected because you are alive. Beyond a very basic level, that’s just pure horseshit.
If you want to be well thought of, to be esteemed by men, you need to add value; to do something that makes us better. And that doesn’t happen merely by “being you”. It comes from developing the virtues that men have always esteemed: strength, courage, and productivity or skillfulness.
Want to be respected by other men?
Be able to pick up heavy stuff and move it around. A lot.
Be able to fix things.
Be able to build things (physical objects).
Be able to work long and hard without complaining.
Stop bitching about how hot or cold it is.
Be able create things (books, art, poetry).
Develop a strong physique
Be willing to throw down when someone needs help or protection.
Be able to throw down when someone needs help or protection.
Dress well
Chart a course for your family and lead them there.
Demand excellence from yourself in your endeavors
Not every man will excel at everything on that list. Some will be stronger, but all will develop their strength. Some will be more muscular, but all will develop their bodies. Some will be better builders, others will be better thinkers. Some will be better fighters, but all will be willing and able to protect themselves and their team. Some will look better than others, but none will be sloppy in appearance. Some will achieve higher success, but all will strive for excellence. We are not all equally gifted, but we must all equally strive.
Part of that striving is joining with other men. You should seek respect or honor from other men. Not from every man, but from men who themselves have chosen the hard road of manhood. They are the ones who can judge you accurately. They are the ones who know the standard, who know how a man should live. Seek honor from such men, both peers and those who have traveled further along the path. Their approval, criticism, encouragement, accountability, and instruction will be invaluable to your life. They will supplement your weak areas and help you to shore them up. They will sharpen your strengths. They will be mirrors for the blind spots in your life. They will be a strength for your family. They will have your six and you will have theirs.
About the Author
Stephen Marshall is a former teacher, a current attorney, a husband of nearly 20 years, and a father of four. He’s here because he wants to trade the good in exchange for the great. He wants to climb the next mountain, inspire men to be men, and help them be more than they ever thought possible.
Website: https://www.themanslife.com/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/themanslife/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/themanslife
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/08/unlocking-more-energy
Fiction is an off-shoot of fact.
This might be hard for you to believe, but it is true. For instance, let’s take superheroes. Whether you are fan of the big, green, rage-monster who can put baddies through a whole building or the sleek red, white and blue soldier who can kick an SUV into a crowd of henchmen, the inference is clear – there’s an ‘x’ factor to them that acts as enabler to their superpowers.
Now, what if I told you that humans have their own super soldier serum that can help us achieve amazing things? Yep, you guessed it right, I’m talking about testosterone.
Before you dismiss this as just another gimmick, let’s go through what testosterone can actually do for you.
Testosterone and energy levels in mortals
Things are moving along pretty rapidly when it comes to daily life these days. A lot of us sometimes feel drained mentally and physically as soon as we get up from the bed. Granted, life is a lot more complicated now and there are a lot of moving parts that make up an average individual’s day. Still, there is another surprising statistic that could explain more about the general ‘tiredness’ that most people seem to experience these days.
There has been a gradual decrease in the testosterone levels of the average person. This is alarming because the need of the hour is for people to be able to easily cope with the stresses and strains of modern life. Testosterone is a pretty important cog in the scheme of things.
Stabilizing energy levels with testosterone
If you are fatigued most of the time and are a NPA in the bedroom, chances are that you have low levels of the male hormone. This is not just snake oil marketing, its proven fact.
Adequate levels of this hormone can elevate strength and energy levels in the body. When you have good levels of testosterone in your system you’ll find yourself being able to put up with work and a harrowing boss a lot easier than before. Your mind is a lot more relaxed and less prone to outbreaks of stress or depression. This might also be the reason why there are a lot more women who are prone to depression than men.
Testosterone plays a huge part in promoting metabolism and efficient burning of fat. In fact, dropping testosterone levels can result in increasing levels of fat. When your body converts fat into energy effectively, you’ll never have a loss of drive plus you’ll remain fit as a fiddle.
Other Testosterone facts and benefits
This secret sauce is produced by the body in varying amounts throughout your lifetime. For men, it is produced in the testicles while for women, the adrenal glands take up the responsibility. When you’re young, there is a lot more testosterone that’s produced by your body – like 30 times more. Which also explains why when we were kids, we were impervious to any kind of damage!
The sad part is that once you’ve clocked 30 – 35 years, your testosterone levels tend to drop. This is where a lot of problems begin to kick in. We’ll talk about that further into the article, for now though, we’ll discuss benefits.
Increased muscle mass
Testosterone promotes muscle growth and this is an important factor especially when you’re getting old. It is estimated that you lose over 5% of muscle mass every 10 years after you hit 30. Why is this important? Because muscles literally control everything that goes on within our bodies and so you need to make sure that they don’t degenerate quickly.
Stronger bones
As your body loses its ability to process calcium, your bones get weaker. Testosterone can help a great deal here as it slows down the bones’ aging process. It goes without saying that the stronger your bones are, the lesser are your chances of getting injured. There are even studies about how increased testosterone helps bone density in individuals.
Better moods
There is a general consensus on the fact that low testosterone levels can cause ‘irritable male syndrome’. There is a lower reserve of emotion to draw from when you have low testosterone and so you end up throwing a hissy fit for every small thing that happens to you. Don’t be that guy who can’t get a girl to stick with him because he blows his top every other time.
Reasoning, memory and spatial abilities
In general, men who have higher testosterone are found to have fewer incidences of mental illnesses like dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression and anxiety disorders. There are also studies that prove a distinct connection between spatial awareness of people and levels of testosterone. Photographers and graphic designers found they could perform better post-testosterone therapy.
How do you increase testosterone levels in your body?
If you are looking to add up your testosterone levels, then there are 2 ways you can get it done.
The first method involves getting supplementation or testosterone replacement therapy. The other is through a better diet.
Anyone who has undergone therapy knows the inherent risks involved and the picture is not as rosy as it seems at first. And considering that even doctors who perform it only give it a hit-or-miss at best, you are advised to look at other methods to increase your T levels.
Here are some of the problems that occur when you have to undergo testosterone therapy:
Increased aggression
Breakouts on your skin
Decreased testicular size
High fluid retention
Development of man-boobs
So as you can see there are several problems associated with this that you need to be aware of.
Natural methods of increasing testosterone
Rather than opting for medical means, you would be better served by altering your diet to increase the amount of testosterone produced by your body. The best part about this is that you can see results pretty quickly and there are none of the side effects that are usually involved with medical routines.
If you are looking for a place to start when it comes to diet, you should take a look at the Man Diet by Chad Howse. There are a lot of tips you can use to streamline your diet and make sure that you get your body up to speed when it comes to performance at all fronts.
Talking about my own experience, I’ve found that these are the foods and vitamins that can help you gain adequate levels of testosterone in a short amount of time.
In no particular order –tuna, oysters, egg yolk, milk, beef, shell fish, fortified cereals, and beans to name a few. Also add to that cabbage, which halves oestrogen levels. Garlic, ejects cortisol and helps with muscle maintenance. Also, honey improves testosterone levels through the mineral boron and dilates the blood vessels which can result in better lap times in the bedroom.
Apart from food, a good bout of exercise should do wonders for your general T levels. I recommend getting in cardiovascular workouts and occasional weight training regimes on a regular basis. There are several cardiovascular machines like maxi climbers, airdynes, and rowing machines that can use to crack a good sweat.
This must have given you some idea about what testosterone can do for you and what you can do to cultivate more of it in your body. There are a lot more implications to low testosterone levels than the modern world actually lets up. If you’ve tried everything for your body goals and came up short you should probably give your ol’ T levels a good looksee. Chances are that you might find what you are looking for!
An important thing to note is that though you might not see immediate results, you need to stick with the program. The results will come, slowly but surely!
About the Author
Edgar James is a fitness writer/editor from Garagegymplanner, which is a great repository of home gym equipment reviews and fitness ideas for people looking to get healthier.
Website: https://garagegymplanner.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/garagegymplan/
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/08/boost-testosterone-naturally
Have you had moments when you simply were not interested in sex? Does it seem like your interest in sex is no longer as high as it used to be? If you have answered yes to either one of these two questions, you should definitely keep on reading this article.
From the start, it should be mentioned that you probably have low testosterone levels; in turn, this impacts your sex drive and your overall quality of life. Millions of men suffer from the same problem, but the good news is that there are plenty of effective ways to boost testosterone levels….naturally.
1. Maintain a healthy weight
Excess bodyfat is one of the main factors that contribute to a reduction in overall testosterone levels, with abdominal fat being the worst. The higher the BMI, the bigger the risk for testosterone deficiency is going to be. This is mainly due to the fact that fat cells contain an enzyme that actually converts testosterone into estrogen.
Obesity brings down testosterone levels, while testosterone deficiency leads to weight gain; it’s a vicious cycle!
To combat this and return to a healthier bodyfat level, uou need to engage in physical exercise on a regular basis and follow a healthy diet.
2. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours per night
You might not be aware of this but sleep deprivation can cause your testosterone levels to drop. If you sleep only a couple of hours per night, you are bound to suffer from low-t. So, you see, it is really not worth staying out all night, just because you want to feel young. It is far better to sleep the recommended amount of hours per night, in order to wake up rested and enjoy a normal sex drive.
Sleep is also one of the most natural ways to increase stamina, so you need to pay attention not only to the number of hours you sleep every night but also to the quality of the sleep in question.
looking into bright screens before going to bed
drink alcohol in large quantities or smoke excessively
drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
use a humidifier in your room, in case the air becomes too dry.
3. Watch out for harmful toxins
Many of the cosmetic products we use on a regular basis contain a wide range of harmful toxins, which can have a negative impact on testosterone levels and on our sex drive. Lotions, shaving creams, and other cosmetics often contain parabens, phthalates, and other potentially-harmful ingredients; these can actually disrupt the healthy production of hormones, triggering a spiral of problems and affecting t-levels.
Do not think that only the ingredients of cosmetic products are to blame. In fact, there are many products that contain such harmful substances, including plastic bottles (BPA). In order to protect yourself against such risks, it is recommended to avoid re-using plastic bottles and to check the label of each cosmetic product you are using.
4. Learn how to relax and do it
We already know that stress is a major risk factor for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Unfortunately, chronic stress can also put a damper on testosterone levels, leading to other problems (like weight gain, low sex drive, etc.). This is because stress leads to the production of cortisol – the stress hormone – which throws hormonal production out of balance.
In order to bring down the levels of stress, you need to find better ways to relax. Spend less time at the office and more time with your friends and family members.
Take some time each day to yourself. Discover meditation, the practice of yoga or a new sport, one you have always wanted to try out.
5. Consider taking supplements
For a lot of men, it is difficult to acknowledge that they have a low sex drive. However, given the consequences of such problems, it is for the best not to delay accepting the situation and seeking out the best solutions. If nothing seems to work, perhaps you might want to consider taking supplements, such as a male fertility booster.
These supplements are often made with natural ingredients, being able to restore the proper hormonal balance and increase your sex drive once again. Thanks to a careful selection of ingredients, they can also increase the overall sperm count and the motility of the sperm. If you have had to deal with fertility issues as well, such supplements can help you make a change for the better.
6. Pay attention to the things you eat
A low-cholesterol diet might be beneficial for your overall health, but it is bound to bring down testosterone levels. The situation is even more serious if you are taking statins, which are drugs meant to lower cholesterol levels. It is important to talk to your doctor about such side-effects and seek out alternatives; also, not all cholesterol is bad, so make sure to pay attention to the things you eat.
If you are interested in increasing overall testosterone levels, you can include more fish oil in your diet. On the one hand, this will contribute to the production of healthy cholesterol, which in turn will increase testosterone levels. Moreover, fish oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties; it can bring down any inflammatory process within the body (inflammation can lower testosterone levels and, thus, affect the sex drive).
7. Vitamin intake
You might not expect for a connection to exist between your vitamin intake and testosterone levels, but it is important to know that certain vitamins, such as vitamin A and E can actually stimulate the production of such hormones. They also support the proper functioning of the male genitalia, very much like certain minerals do (zinc, selenium etc.). So, you see, taking vitamin and mineral supplements can do a great deal for your sex drive.
Apart from taking such supplements, you can consider including foods that are rich in these vitamins and minerals in your diet. For example, when it comes to vitamin A, you should eat more carrots and kale; shellfish is rich in minerals such as selenium and zinc, while sunflower seeds and almonds are rich in vitamin E.
Zinc is one of the most important minerals connected to the production of testosterone; supplement with zinc for as little as 6 weeks and you’ll notice some big changes in your sex drive.As for the dietary sources of zinc, these include yoghurt, kefir, milk, cheese, and beans.
8. Get yourself to the beach (sun exposure)
While prolonged sun exposure is often frowned upon, do not make the mistake of skipping it altogether. Vitamin D is produced within the body when we expose ourselves to the sun; this is important to know, as vitamin D supplementation has been confirmed as a method of increasing overall testosterone levels. So, you see, when spending some time in the sun, you are actually doing something good for your sex drive. Who would have thought?
In general, it is recommended to get at least 15 minutes of sun exposure every day. You should also expose yourself to the sun in a responsible manner; wear adequate protection and spend time at the beach only in the morning and in the afternoon. If you are still not getting enough sun, you might want to talk to your doctor about vitamin D supplementation.
9. Prepare more meals that include healthy fats
For a long time, it was said that fats are bad for our health, increasing the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions. Recent studies have confirmed that not all fats are bad; in fact, monounsaturated and saturated fats are considered to be healthy and quite a good choice for those who are looking to increase testosterone levels. (Check Out The Mean Diet!)
It is recommended to avoid low-fat products, as these can actually bring down testosterone levels. Instead, you should prepare more meals that include healthy fats, such as red meat, cheese and other dairy products, egg yolks, coconut oil and dark chocolate (all of these are saturated fats of the absolute best quality). As for the best sources of monounsaturated fats, these include peanut butter, almonds, avocados and olive oil.
10. Reduce your alcohol intake
Alcohol can be a great way to engage in social interaction, allowing you to feel more relaxed and let go of inhibitions. However, when you drink too much, you are also bringing down your overall testosterone levels. The more you drink, and the more serious your alcohol is, the lower your testosterone levels are going to be.
If you want to enjoy a healthy sex drive, you need to reduce your overall alcohol intake. Avoid beverages that are too strong, as these can have a negative effect as well. It is recommended to stick with one or two glasses of beer or wine, as this quantity of alcohol will not affect your testosterone levels.
11. High-intensity exercise
High-intensity physical exercise, in association with intermittent fasting, has been known to increase testosterone levels. A routine that includes such exercises begins with a short warm-up; after that, you should engage in the high-intensity exercises for half a minute. Allow yourself a minute and a half to recover, then repeat the exercises for seven more sets.
With this routine, you can engage in any kind of physical exercise you may want. You can work out with weights, go swimming or use gym equipment, such as the elliptical machine or treadmill. It is also recommended that you drink a protein shake after the workout, as this can promote a faster recovery and boost the production of testosterone at the same time.
12. Say goodbye to sugar
Sugar is the main culprit for the obesity epidemics, being just as addictive as cocaine (same effect at the level of the brain). When you eat too much sugar, either as such or from hidden sources, you are also increasing insulin levels; in turn, these high levels of insulin will have a negative impact on the testosterone hormone levels.
The brain derives a lot of pleasure from sugar but, in reality, these are only empty calories. If you want to increase testosterone levels, you have to pay increased attention to your overall sugar intake; keep in mind that fruits are also sources of sugar, as well as pasta, grains and bread (carbs are transformed into sugar once they reach the body). Reduce your sugar intake and you will up your testosterone hormone production, without any doubt.
13. Reduce your soy intake
We all love eating soy and soy-based food products, as these are often presented under the healthy label. However, you should be aware of the fact that soy is rich in phytoestrogens, which are similar to the estrogen hormone our body produces. When men consume increased quantities of soy, their overall testosterone levels are actually brought down.
If you want to maintain a healthy sex drive, you need to reduce your soy intake. It is also worth mentioning that increased soy consumption can lower the overall sperm count, affecting fertility. Before you consume any food product, be sure to check the label and see if it contains soy or traces of soy.
Final Words
These are a couple of ways in which you can boost testosterone levels and ensure that your sex drive returns to normal. As you have seen, your diet is a big part of the problem, so make sure that you pay attention to the things you are eating. Do not shy away from exercise, as this can help you boost testosterone production and be sure to spend more time in the sun, in order to get your vitamin D levels up.
Author Bio
Dwayne Austin is a multi-faceted author, blogger & fitness instructor. His articles on Health & Fitness have been published on various sites. Through his meticulous & informative blogging, Dwayne hopes to contribute to curious readers. He promotes ConsumerHealthDigest and encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle. He is passionate about photography and enjoys swimming during his leisure time. Connect with Dwayne via Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/07/10-ways-to-reverse-bad-posture
Want to know the easiest trick in the book for looking confident and put together? It has nothing to do with what you’re wearing or what your job is . . . it’s simply in the way you stand. Good posture where your shoulders are back, your spine is tall and straight, you hold your head high and astute, well there’s simply nothing like it. Not only do your give off a stronger, more confident vibe, but you actually benefit your overall health too.
What are the consequences of bad posture?
So you slump a little when you sit for long periods of time, is it really that bad? Overtime, absolutely. Posture can deteriorate quickly when not reinforced with healthy practice – this results in lower back and neck pain, reduced blood circulation, diminished breathing, poor digestion, and even heart problems. Science has shown the effects of good and bad posture including in one 2003 study which found that intestinal motility of gas when digesting was faster in an upright and straight body position. A separate 2006 study revealed significantly decreased lung capacity and respiratory flow in participants who sat in a slumped position, and 2015 research out of Iran found office workers who suffered from neck pain had a more severe improper posture than others.
Your spine’s natural curve can become deformed with prolonged bad posture from the pressure of sitting with rounded shoulders. As you hunch forward, your neck is inclined to jut forward as well, placing your head and neck in front of your shoulders instead of aligned straight with them. This is called Forward Head Syndrome and is becoming more and more common among younger generations of people who grow up staring at computer screens and mobile devices.
The further your neck and head fall forward, out of line with your spine, the more strain they place on the connective tissues holding everything in place. As gravity is pulling you towards the earth, spending your days with your head and neck sliding forward actually adds abnormal leverage to the cervical spine, inhibiting range of motion and proper spinal function. Compression on your vertebrae discs can result in painful bulging and pinched nerves, and the strain placed on adjacent muscles, tendons, and ligaments can cause painful inflammation and achiness too.
What can I do to reverse my bad posture?
The good news about bad posture is that it’s not a medical condition but rather a bad habit – and the thing about bad habits is that they can always be reversed. Simple body awareness combined with a few exercises, lifestyle hacks, and even a dash of technology can have you sitting up straight in no time. Check out these 10 clever ways for reversing bad posture:
Lift Weights
Lifting weights is probably already on your daily digest so check this posture pointer off the list, but make sure that you’re committing to lifts which strengthen your upper back, reinforce your spine, and build up a strong core to support upright sitting. Deadlifts have been shown to sturdy the spine while dumbbell squats and planks work your leg and core muscles. External rotation exercises with free weights that strengthen the rotator cuff are great for shoulder stability, while  seated cable rows target the trapezius muscles.
Sore, tight back, neck and shoulder muscles are more likely to induce a slumping, rounded posture than limber, elastic muscles. How do you increase your muscle and joint flexibility, including in your back? It’s easy, with stretching. Static stretching after a workout can re-lengthen muscles, flush out waste by-products and lactic acid, as well as reorganize tissue fibers that became jumbled during your rigorous workout. In addition to stretching leg muscles post workout in the gym, stretching out your back, neck, and shoulder muscles (with stretches held at least 20 seconds at a time) can boost good posture outside of the gym.
Breathe Deeply
Try inhaling a long, juice breath in while slouched over on the couch. Pretty tough, right? When your spine is unnaturally curved and your whole upper shoulder and head region is moved forward, the pressure around your thoracic region can greatly limit the ability for you to completely fill your lungs with air. Practicing deep breathing techniques throughout the day then can propel your body into better posture. Sitting in a chair, spine straight and feet flat to the ground, take a long breath in and completely fill your lungs. Exhale slowly and feel your shoulders drop down and back. Repeat five to ten times. In addition to positively adjusting your posture, regular deep breathing can also help you concentrate better and relax.
Not just any exercise will reverse bad posture habits. Exercises to specifically stretch and strengthen the neck, shoulder, and chest muscles play the most effective roles in making it easier for your body to be a rest in an upright and straight position.A chest exercise can literally involve just you, standing in a doorway with arms bent, bracing yourself on either side. Lean in, leaving your arms up against the sides and feel the stretch across your chest. Pull-ups are also good for strengthening rhomboid muscles which can help keep shoulders from curving forward.
If your center of gravity is out of whack because your posture has degenerated, balancing can become a very difficult task.
Reverse the psychology then and practice balance exercises to encourage a stronger, taller posture. Exercising on a stability ball, for example, incorporates coordination, strength training, and balance – take it a step further and use a stability ball at home to sit on while working, reading, or watching TV.
Your body will be required to sit taller and straighter to remain balanced and upright. Same goes for exercising with a balance disk (wobble cushion) or walking a slackline.
Walk Better
This might sound ambiguous but the fact of the matter is that a lot of bad posture is linked to poor pronation and gait. If the way you walk, play, and workout is misaligned or mechanically unsound due to problems with your foot or leg, you’ll experience cascading issues with your knees, hips, and back. In addition to exercises and physical therapy which can correct bad body mechanics, orthotic aids or stabilizing braces may help. Pelvic tilt from overpronation and foot pain associated with plantar fasciitis, hammer toe, or metatarsalgia may be aided with arch supports, a hammer toe crest pad, or metatarsal cushions. Your entire musculoskeletal structure is dependent on coordinated movements from your head to your toe. Improving the way you walk and run can have a lasting effect on your posture.
Uncross Your Legs
Crossing your legs with bad posture is actually like a bad habit on top of your bad habit. What happens when you cross your legs is that it throws your hips out of balance, tilting them to one side and causing added strain to the spine and back muscles. A 2014 study even found that sitting crossed legged for more than 3 hours a day could cause shoulder inclination (forward hunch), pelvic tilt, and forward head posture. If your tendency when sitting, especially in a meeting or when watching TV for example, is to cross one leg over the other, be extra body aware of this effect on your posture. Sitting with both feet to the ground not only balances your pelvic bones, but it makes straightening the spine and pulling the shoulders back easier as well.
Try an App
Even when it comes to practicing good posture, there’s an app for that. Depending on what type of device(s) you have, smartphone, computer, or tablet, apps like Perfect Posture Workout (iOS) and Perfect Posture (Android) might be a nifty (albeit annoying) solution to reminding yourself throughout the day to practice good posture. Perfect Posture Workout works best when you slip your phone into a shirt pocket – it vibrates when it can tell that you are slouching. Similarly, Perfect Posture educates you on holding your phone vertically when using it and alerts you to potential neck craning.
Stress Less
Easier said than done, right? So often stress and anxiety can manifest themselves as tense shoulder and neck pain as well as headaches, causing you to pull forward and slump when sitting and standing.
By alleviating feelings of stress, you can help reverse bad posture and vice versa. A 2015 study theorizing that body posture could influence emotional response to a psychological stress task did indeed find that an upright sitting position elicited more positive feelings of self-esteem and reduced negative mood. So not only does stressing less help fight bad posture, but good posture helps fight feelings of stress.
Try Yoga
Before you say that yoga is for women or you don’t have time, hear me out. Yoga is like the grand slam of reversing bad posture, integrating three main components that promote spine lengthening and strengthening – stretching, deep breathing, and mindfulness. We’ve already talked about how the first two, stretching and breathing, can help reverse bad posture, but what about mindfulness? Forget the hippy dippy meditation stuff you’re worried about and ask yourself one question, “If I’m not aware of my bad posture all the time, will I really be able to reverse it?”. Mind-body awareness that comes with the meditative and calming practice of yoga transcends into your day to day life, driving innate reminders home again and again to sit up straight, bring the shoulders back, and hold your head high.
Bad posture typically accompanies activities like a boring desk job or spending loads of time staring at mobile device screens and avoiding real conversations with other people. If this sounds like you, prioritizing good posture may have a greater effect than you’re hoping for. A boost in your mood and confidence can bleed into your overall lifestyle, leading you to get out more, go on adventures, take more chances, and see the world from a new perspective.
About the Author
Joe Fleming is the President at ViveHealth.com. Interested in all things related to living a healthy lifestyle, he enjoys sharing and expressing his passion through writing. Working to motivate others and defeat aging stereotypes, Joe uses his writing to help all people overcome the obstacles of life. Covering topics that range from physical health, wellness, and aging all the way to social, news, and inspirational pieces…the goal is help others “rebel against age”.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/07/7-powerful-natural-t-boosters-from-your-local-supermarket
You would be pleasantly surprised to learn that the term “Natural T-Boosters” is not nearly as far-fetched or ludicrous as popular culture would lead you to believe.
In a world where boosting testosterone levels has become synonymous with the consumption of synthetic steroids, I can understand your skepticism. But naturally boosting T levels is more than possible!
The body of knowledge revolving around natural foods to increase your T levels is substantial and is far more accessible than the esoteric culture of the “correct way” to use artificial steroids.
Why should you care?
Why should you, as a man, care for T-boosters if everything seems fine?
Because it can be much better!
And, also because low T levels have implications on overall health. A study which analyzed T levels across thousands of men concluded that T levels had a direct role to play when it came to the incidence of heart disease, hypertension, and prostate cancer.
That said, a probably stronger motivator is the fact that healthy levels of testosterone are essential when it comes to male sexual arousal and performance!
While a number of drugs and steroids on the market offer help in this regard, they are never free from side effects. Going natural and consuming foods with natural steroids is always the safest route.
Our digestive system is much better at absorbing nutrients from nature than it is from synthetic chemicals – that is because of how it evolved, our ancestors did not have pills.
Here is a list of simple foods that you can find almost anywhere, and which can save you a lot of trouble on your journey towards healthy T levels!
Cheap, abundant, easy to use, and carrying a sharply characteristic taste, ginger is a staple ingredient in many diets. Apart from enjoying its distinct flavor if you happen to try ginger-based cuisine, you would also be giving your body nutrients that enhance male sexuality.
Jalil Hosseini along with his associates demonstrated the efficacy of ginger, when it came to increasing sperm quality.
If you are not much of a wizard in the kitchen, simply adding slivers of fresh ginger to salads or consuming ginger tea can nourish your reproductive system as well.
One must wonder at times, how many lists of health benefits does the avocado have to appear on before we incorporate it in our diets?
Apart from the colossal number of other benefits associated with this gem, one last honorable addition is its supreme influence on male sexual health.
Avocados are abundant in monounsaturated fats. Again, not all fats are bad, and these particular ones are very good.
Studies like this one have demonstrated that monounsaturated fats can have a direct positive effect on the hormonal profile of men. Furthermore, monounsaturated fats promote the absorption of carotenoids, which ultimately enhance testosterone production.
And avocados are also teeming with magnesium, a nutrient much of the male population is deficient in, and we already know that it plays a vital role in keeping free testosterone levels healthy.
Finally, avocados boast a remarkable list of helpful vitamins and minerals for men, including folic acid, vitamins B1, K, C, E, niacin, iron, and potassium. It is quite a no-brainer to use them as a natural way to enhance male sexual health.
Not all fats are bad. Coconut’s fatty oil is actually a tremendously healthy injection of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), which are a great source of raw energy.
Couple that with the fact that a study in Lagos concluded its efficacy in combating low T levels, you are sure to fall in love with this nutty tasting oil.
And you have less to worry when it comes to coconut oil, as compared to other oils – as it has a very high smoking point (up to 400°F)!
What that essentially means for you is the fact that you would not have to worry breaking the oil down into harmful toxins when you cook at high heat. Fry, grill, or bake. Your guilty pleasures, without the guilt.
Pumpkin Seeds:
Seeds, at a first glance, do not seem like the most exciting food choice. But if they can naturally improve your sexuality, you can get over the relatively bland and boring taste.
Zinc is the name of the game when it comes to male sexual health, and these seeds are PUMPed full of it, excuse the pun.
Studies have established a direct sensitivity of serum testosterone levels in men, to even short-term zinc deficiency.
Zinc is basically essential in regulating the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which, results in higher testosterone levels.
The simplest, most economical, and perhaps the most beneficial way to consume these seeds is raw. Just snack on them, or mix them in a salad.
Brazil Nuts:
Moving on to tastier natural supplements, the Brazil Nuts are a formidable T boosting food. While there might not be research that directly investigated this relationship, there is ample amount of research connecting selenium with improved sperm quality., and these nuts have a lot of selenium to offer.
And that is not all, Brazil Nuts are also high in antioxidants and L-Arginine – the latter being a great blood flow enhancer. No wonder the alpha males among the Capuchin monkeys love to snack on them and prove their mettle by cracking the hard shells.
When it comes to testosterone friendly greens, celery is quite the catch – and on top of it, it has a great calorie to fiber ratio, which makes it an overall extremely healthy food choice.
Most of celery’s fame comes from its nutrient-packed punch of flavonoids, vitamins, and antioxidants that protect against oxidative damage to our cells.
But research on rats has also confirmed its power in promoting testicular health and sperm production. And as the reproductive system of rats have a tremendous similarity to that of humans, this has major implications.
And finally, we cannot forget the stellar vitamin K in celery, whose deficiency directly reduces testosterone production, according to a study in Japan.
Probably already part of your diet, almonds are easy to incorporate into a multitude of cuisines.
These tasty nuts are great to snack on and affect T levels both directly and indirectly. The magnesium in almonds is a direct influencer when it comes to boosting free testosterone.
And by regulating sleep better, almonds indirectly increase T levels by lowering cortisol levels which can become elevated due to poor sleep quality. Cortisol is an infamous T killer.
In conclusion, boosting your testosterone levels does not need to be a pill popping journey, step outside to your nearest supermarket, and stock up on these easily available natural testosterone enhancers.
About the Author
By Sean Ward, Founder of Naturally Boost Testosterone, a men’s health blog dedicated to providing natural ways for men to boost hormone levels. Check out www.naturally-boost-testosterone.com to learn more about Sean and his work. You can also find him on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/07/find-clarity
In the coming few days I’m going to be giving you a TON of new info on how to naturally increase your testosterone levels.
It’s stuff you’ve never heard.
It’s going to clarify a lot of the myths out there and it’s going to help you understand what you can do TODAY that will yield the best results…
… no pills, powders, or potions necessary.
We’ll start it off with a youtube video that will clarify something I get asked about A LOT via email.
Now, that’s the physical.
Testosterone is the hormone that will help you perform more efficiently.
You’ll have an easier time burning fat.
You’ll be able to recover faster, and you’ll even have a less likelihood of experiencing depression.
You need optimal testosterone levels to be at you best physically and mentally.
With testosterone, most people try to complicate the process of achieving high, natural levels.
The reality is that producing higher T in your body is simply a matter of doing the things that will help you produce more testosterone and more free T, and avoiding the things that will bring your estrogen and cortisol levels up.
In other words, creating optimal T levels is simply a matter of ‘do this and don’t do that’.
It’s really that simple (or at least it should be).
The truth is, everything should be that simple.
Which brings me to a challenge I have for you today.
To perform your best during the run of a day, you should simplify – you NEED to simplify.
What follows is a 3-part task that is designed to bring clarity.
Clarity is simply knowing what needs to be done, and doing it.
Figuring out what we should focus on and work on is often the difficult part, and the aspect of life, work, health, that few take time to focus on. So, we work on whatever lands on our desks or in our brains without determining if it’s worth the time and effort, or if there’s something better than we could be focusing on.
Before we move to testosterone tomorrow, spend the evening or afternoon answering these questions and following these steps.
1. The end goal.
You can have this as big and broad as you like, or as specific as you like.
What is it that you want to accomplish?
Let’s choose something simple, like building a million-dollar a year business (I say simple because the measurement is very clear).
This could be saving x amount of dollars or writing a book or whatever you want. It’s the thing you most want to accomplish, not the thing you’d just like to accomplish.
2. Determine what will bring the highest returns for your time.
There’s a lot you can focus on in your quest to build a million-dollar a year business, but there’s only one thing that will get you closer to that million dollars faster.
It could be a product, a promotion, a book, a series of articles or videos. There’s something that you’re working on that has to potential to yield the highest returns.
For me, for example, it’s a program I’ve been working on for a while. It will help the most people, by far, and it will attract the most people to this business. (Read This: How to Use Your Time Like a Winner)
Thus, that deserves my best hours.
Then determine the second most important thing you should be working on, and then the third. And that’s it.
3. Block your time off and allow only 1 thing.
Determine what your best hours are.
Have two ‘best hour’ blocks that are 90-minutes each.
Dedicate these two blocks to this one thing. Then dedicate other time to your 2nd and third priorities.
A ‘block’ means the internet is shut off. Your phone’s off. There’s only one thing you can focus on and it’s the thing that will get you closest to your goal in the least amount of time.
You can apply these steps to anything.
Rather than just doing whatever comes to you, take time to think about what you should be doing and whether it’s the best thing for you to do.
Too often we become busy with things that create mediocrity. The things we work on are too often the things we should delegate or leave for the later hours in the day.
Give your best hours to your best tasks.
Get after it.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/07/clean-your-house
This might seem completely random…
But recently we talked about confidence.
You cannot be confident if your life is a mess.
If you’re all over the place, you’re not moving in a singular direction (forward).
I learned a little lesson about this last week.
I’d been letting my house slide a bit under the guise of being too busy.
Being too busy is a myth, of course, you have time for anything if you increase it in your list of priorities.
My house was getting messy.
I made the decision to get my lady over to help me clean it, in a sense pretending like I needed someone to show me how to get it done (weak).
Well, on the day she was supposed to come over to help out I got started early so she wouldn’t have to do much work, just kind of point out where I need to clean and help tidy up a bit.
Good idea.
I ended up getting it all done before she could come over.
Cool, you cleaned your house, pal. So what?
It’s not the act of cleaning, it’s the feeling of having everything in it’s place, clean, tidy, so you can do what you have to do to win at life. (Read This: 2 Things Winners Do That No One Else Does)
I can’t completely explain it, but I feel like I’m winning. Like a winner.
I have more energy than when my house is a mess. I dress better. I do better work, more work.
Emails pour in about confidence.
Well, you’re not going to have it if you don’t have your shit together.
Read that however you like, but there are times, repeatedly, where I let an area of my life slip. That’s not completely having my shit together.
Sometimes it’s the house, or the yard, or the diet or even the training (rare), but when I’m actively ensuring that every area of my life is as it should be, I’m a winner.
I really don’t mean to say that arrogantly, because there’s too much I need to know and to learn for me to even have an arrogant thought…
It’s weak to always say ‘I feel like a winner’ or ‘I think I’m a winner’.
You are or you aren’t.
No more thoughts or feelings, just be a winner and start by shoring up every damn aspect of your life. (Read This: How to Think Like a Winner)
Clean your house.
Clean your room.
Make your bed every day.
The act of accomplishing something, anything, is powerful. When you combine that with the feeling of being free from clutter, your life becomes better.
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chadhowsefitness · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bringing Back Manliness | Alpha Male | Chad Howse Fitness
New Post has been published on http://chadhowsefitness.com/2017/07/how-to-properly-do-hiit-to-get-to-10-body-fat
HIIT has recently become the go-to cardio exercise to lose fat quickly. However, the majority of people aren’t performing it in a way that maximizes its fat loss effects. If you’re unaware of what exactly HIIT is, it’s basically a method of exercising where you alternate between “work intervals” of all-out intensity and rest (ideally active rest). This type of training has become so popular due its enhanced ability to increase fat loss in a shorter amount of time compared to steady-state cardio.
But in order to reap the full benefits of HIIT (hormonal release, EPOC, increased fatty oxidation, improved insulin sensitive, etc.) you need to be performing it properly. You also need to use HIIT in a way that prevents you from reaching fat loss plateaus, so that you can reach very low levels of body fat without getting stuck. In this article I’m going to show you exactly how to do so by using the proper type, intensity, and progressive overload for HIIT.
I’ve created a video that goes in-depth regarding this topic, and provides a detailed example of how you would progress your HIIT workouts each week. You can check it out below.
1. Best Type of HIIT
There are a variety of ways you can perform HIIT. You can do HIIT with weights, swimming, boxing, jump rope, and the list goes on.
But not all forms of HIIT are equally beneficial when the goal is to get to 10% body fat while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible. This is because studies have shown that “the more a cardio exercise mimics the movements used in muscle-building movements, the less it hinders strength and muscle growth”. Thus, HIIT exercises that highly mimic weightlifting movements are the best ones to do to lose fat and preserve muscle mass.
The 3 best exercises for this reason are rowing, cycling, and sprinting since they highly mimic movements such as the squat and seated row. I suggest using an ergometer in the gym for rowing and cycling, and either sprinting on a treadmill or outside (the latter of which will allow you to go “all-out” more effectively).
2. Optimal Intensity for HIIT Work Intervals
Studies have shown that in order to reap the majority of benefits from HIIT (EPOC, hormonal response, increased fatty acid oxidation, etc), you need to reach between 85%-95% of your max heart rate during the work intervals. You can tell if you’re at this level of intensity if you’re breathing so hard that you’re unable to maintain a normal conversation with someone. This is where I think a lot of people aren’t doing HIIT properly, they simply aren’t pushing hard enough to reap the many benefits of HIIT.
A good starting point is to perform 20s of HIIT at 80% max intensity with a 40s rest interval (work:rest ratio of 1:2). If you are already performing HIIT, I would suggest bumping the intensity up to around 90-95%. I prefer performing HIIT intervals with a lower duration (e.g. 30 seconds) as it allows me to go all-out. I find it hard to believe that most people are able to perform sprints at 90-100% intensity for over a minute (let alone repeat this several more times), which is why I stick to a lower duration and push hard throughout the work intervals.
3. Progressive Overload
Although many people don’t think about applying progressive overload to HIIT (or cardio in general), it’s the key to avoiding fat loss plateaus and getting to low levels of body fat. There are 5 ways you can overload your workouts:
Increase the intensity of your work interval
Increase the duration of your work interval
Decrease the duration of your rest interval
Increase the number of cycles performed
Increase the frequency of your workouts
Basically, all you want to do is progressively overload your workouts using one (or more than one) of the variables whenever you start to feel too comfortable with your current workouts or when your fat loss has plateaued (which usually happens every 2-3 weeks). However, the leaner you get the more often you will have to overload your HIIT workouts in order to get rid of stubborn areas of fat like the lower abdominal region.
Things to Keep in Mind
You can do all the HIIT you want, but if you’re not creating a caloric deficit through your diet then you’re not going to get anywhere. In addition, you should be using HIIT in conjunction with a weightlifting routine. HIIT alone is not sufficient enough to maintain muscle mass, which is needed in order to keep your metabolism high throughout a cut.
So use HIIT as described in this article, but know that you need to be eating at a caloric deficit and regularly weightlifting in order to see the best results.
Getting down to very low levels of body fat is difficult, even seemingly impossible for many out there. But by being consistent, putting in the effort, and using the concepts outlined in this article, you’ll get there in no time.
Jeremy is a personal trainer and Kinesiologist based in Vancouver, Canada. He specializes in fat loss and HIIT, which led him to create HIIT Your Body. From quick HIIT workouts to full out HIIT plans, you can find it on his site.
Facebook – HIITyourbody
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