chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Happy Halloween! May you be your favorite monster's favorite treat~
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
With this taur talk, i decided to make a request: A snailtaur doctor was just going around. He eventually finds 2 people who seems to be in a bit of need of help, a naga who had some bruses on her, and a mermaid that seemed to slowly drying up. The good doctor, after gaining their trust, swallows them both and sends them to his 2nd belly located under his shell, here the mermaid would get the moisture she needs while the naga was healed. By the time the naga is healed, had the 2 fallen asleep.
Forest strolls were one of Shio’s favorite things, thankfully there were plenty of woods to traverse while they made their way to town. They could enjoy it as leisurely as they wanted, taking in the sounds and ambiance while staying out of the bright sun. There’s nothing wrong with taking things slow, you really got to savor things and enjoy them that way.Not that they could take things any other way, though. They’re a snail.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
24. Sword [Voretober 2020]
Demon Pred x OC Vore
Contains: Soft Vore, Open Ended Vore, G/t Vore, Fearplay, Demon Pred, Nonbinary Pred, Female Prey
Word Count: 1K
Cecilia readied her sword to take on the monstrosity in front of them, standing point at the front of their party. The suit of armor that had been standing at the back of the room had risen to its feet, then began to shift and grow ominously. The party of adventurers watched as the metal bowed with a creak, becoming larger as a dark substance leaked from between its joints. By the time it had stood up straight, it looked less like a suit of armor and more like a metal golem that was warped with dark magic. Two yellow, glowing eyes sprang to life behind its visor, a large and wide grin curling beneath.
"Is- that a golem? Or a demon?" The cleric, Garrison, spoke in a trembling voice, subtly casting a protection spell on himself just in case. Cecilia rolled her eyes. Cowardly as always.
"Whatever it is," Cecilia murmured, taking up a defensive pose with her blade in front of her, "It'll go down just the same."
The ranger pulled out their bow to begin their usual assault from afar and the barbarian lifted his war club meaningfully. They were ready for whatever this thing was ready to dish out-
Or so they thought. But in a blink of an eye, the armor grinned again beneath its visor and threw its arm forward. It stretched impossibly far across the room, its metal fingers wrapping tight around the smaller form of Cecilia. She yelped in surprise, dropping her sword as the hand squeezed her arms to her sides. Suddenly she was whipped all the way across the room, stuck tight in the grip of this metal monster. She struggled as the armor lifted her in front of its face, still grinning wide.
"CECILIA!" the others shouted her name, racing towards the other end of the room after her.
The smaller fighter was far too distracted by the sight in front of her, these huge and inhuman features hovering in the blackness inside. That grin widened too far, then parted- and a huge, red tongue appeared from the darkness within. The young woman yelped as it drew close, pressing its tongue to her entire upper half. Damp, sticky liquid clung to her skin as it drew its tongue across her; there was no doubt in her mind that it was tasting her.
Cecilia's party approached and Thaurin released a set of arrows at a seam in the armor. Without a single blink, the armor's hand came up to block the arrows effortlessly. Garrison cast another charm as Razeen, their barbarian, leapt at the huge target. The armor's free hand came down again, knocking the other figure out of the air. "Razeen!" Cecilia cried out in concern as he crumpled to the side.
The armor swung across the floor with that arm, sweeping all three of the other adventurers off to the side. "Thaurin! Garrison!" Cecilia called, squirming helplessly as they fell.
But her concern was short-lived when that huge, wet tongue was back, pressing to her face again. She kicked out in retaliation, but no blows connected. Instead, the metal visor lifted away from the face- revealing a dark void that its eyes and mouth merely resided in. She froze, getting a good look at this- demon? Or whatever it was.
But she was no prepared for when the teeth parted wider, wide enough to fit her shoulders and more- And that's when it lifted her to its mouth. Cecilia shouted in horror, wriggling briefly before there was suddenly a tongue against her torso and teeth at her back. She screamed as the metallic hand pushed her in with a gentle prod, its tongue wrapping around her squirming form. It was wet, dark and cramped in this thing's mouth- she had to get out of-!
But it was too late, its mouth closed over her smaller form, plunging her into wet, loud, and sticky darkness. Before she could even think to struggle harder, the tongue nudged her forward and a hard swallow dragged her quickly down.
Cecilia tried to move and push back, but the tight pressure around her kept her from doing much more than wriggling. Slick, rippling walls gripped and tugged at her as they guided her down, a low thrumming beating at her ears. Panic was gripping her hard even as the pressure began to lessen on her form. She was- This demon had- had devoured her...!!
The tight tunnel suddenly opened up, the small fighter falling down into the pit of the demon's stomach. Surprisingly, it wasn't made of shadows; instead, it was the hollow metal chest piece that made up its torso. Cecilia tumbled against its smooth insides when it shifted, then began banging her hand on the curved metal. It made a dull, metallic ringing... but other than that, there was no telling that someone might be trapped inside.
She yelled for help even as she began beating on the metal for someone, anyone to rescue her. There wasn't much she could do against this with her bare hands...! But rather than receive an answer to her plea, she fell back when the suit of armor... began to walk away. W-Wait, her party! What about her party? Surely they'd...?
But there was no valiant battle, no rescue attempt. Why, she couldn't be sure... But desperation and fear drove her to shout for them anyways.
The demon's grin never faltered, its broad tongue licking its teeth as it stepped casually over the incapacitated warriors. It was more focused on the tinny sounds of the fighter inside shouting and banging on its chassis for help, which it found amusing. It walked over to the entrance where the party arrived, then stooped to pick up Cecilia's forgotten sword. With the smug casualness of a cat that got the cream, the demon held the sword between two fingers and began to pick its huge, pointy teeth with the tiny weapon.
It strode out of the room with a hand on its chest piece, content with its prizes.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
20. Exotic [Voretober 2020]
Unknown Pred x Multiple Prey Vore (descriptions of prey mostly)
Contains: Implied Vore, Soft Vore, Implied Digestion/Regeneration Vore (It’s only mentioned once), G/t Vore, Willing Prey, Mythical Prey, Multiple Prey, Foodplay, Reader is being told descriptions of prey
Word Count: 1K
Wait, you've never been to Fantasy Foods before? Oh, you really have to go! It's a great place to try those little prey that are so hard to find! It's exotic meals with not-so-steep pricing so-
What? Oh, don't worry. All of their meals are willing and charmed to return to the restaurant, so it's just as humane as other restaurants.
...The menu? I mean, sure, but it'd probably be better if you go there. I'll try my best to convince you though. Where do I start...?
Hm, how about mers? Mers are interesting. Their taste reminds me of sushi, which makes sense, I guess. They're pretty squirmy though, so you have to be prepared for that. They are a little bit on the slimy side, which puts some people off. But if you can get past that sensation, mers are a good choice and they come in a bunch of seafood flavors.
On the other hand, if you want the sensation of a wriggly treat but not the slime, you should try out the nagas instead. They're longer than mers so you have to be careful with slurping up their tails. But they don't have that sliminess to them if that's not something you can handle. Nagas have more of a nutty taste though, like hazelnut or something of that nature.
Speaking of slime though, slime-minis are kind of interesting. They're sweet and easy to swallow, being so flexible the way they are. Usually they come in different fruit flavors, so most people order them as dessert, really. But that hasn't stopped me and a lot of other people from just ordering a bunch of slimes as a meal.
Taurs are excellent meal choices, but I think they're a little too big for a new diner like you, I think. They're sort of hard to swallow without some experience with something slightly smaller first. But since they're larger than most prey, you only need to order a few of them. Taurs come in a lot of variety though, so you really should ask the server about what flavors are available. I found that once you get a taste for them, you end up ordering them a lot.
They have harpies on the menu too and those are supposed to be kind of hard to find. But they're also small, so you have to order more. They also come in a lot of flavors, so it's best to ask about them too. Also, you have to be aware that you will bring up at least a few feathers at some point with a burp or a hiccup. There's actually a warning about it, just in case.
If you want a harpy type of treat but without the feathers, fairies are a good choice. The magic they have has sort of a sweet taste with a hint of a spicy kick. They're really good for a cool day, they have a warming effect too. Their wings aren't too troublesome and honestly, there's a reason that people call them a good cold cure. Their magic makes you feel better, almost guaranteed. I mean, it seems to work for me.
It's almost like a subset of fairies, but there's also some tasty angels and devils on the menu. Angels are usually sweet and devils are spicy as you'd expect, sure. But a lot of them vary in size and aftertaste. And there are also swapped flavors on each of those. Ordering angels or demons are sort of a gamble- I guess that's why they're so popular? And for some reason, they never really lose their feathers, so they're also safer to eat.
Nymphs are also a good idea, since they come in different elemental flavors. The water nymph are almost too similar to mini-slimes but with more magic to their taste than fruit, I guess. Fire nymphs are pretty spicy, you have to be careful with those. Earth nymphs are more of a vegetable taste, if you're fond of that. But wind nymphs are- fluffy? I'm not sure how to describe it. Like, a solid custard flavor? I like those.
And if you're looking for something kind of strange, there are also little spirits that you can order. They're so light, it's actually a bit like cotton candy- if cotton candy was sort of cool and tasted like mint chocolate. I'm- not really sure why they taste like that, but I'm not complaining.
Dragons, though. They're the largest thing on the menu! I think there's actually a challenge meal associated with them too, but I really don't think that you'll be going after that just yet. Just one is enough and they're pretty hard to get down, I heard. But it's one of the things this place is famous for, so I guess they're good? I've heard they have a smoky flavor to them, but I'm not sure if that was true or a well-placed lie. Maybe one day we can find out?
And you don't have to order them plain, there's plenty of great food on the menu! Different pastas and soups and salads and other things- you should really try out the veggie lasagna, by the way- and after they serve it, you can pick some prey to go on top. It's actually a really popular way for people to try it out because if they don't like the idea, then they still get food after they pick the prey out.
I'll recommend that if you're not sure, maybe order a dessert with a slime-mini on top. It's the best choice if you're a first-timer. There's no big deal if you have to decline, there's some people that just can't seem to do it. Not sure why though, everything is so tasty and inexpensive.
I think that's it? Oh gosh, all that talk of food and explaining things has me starving... How about we just go to Fantasy Foods and have lunch? You can try something out, it'll be my treat.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
14. Dominance [Voretober 2020]
CEO Pred x Coworker Vore (Reader is Observer)
Contains: Soft Vore, Implied Fatal Vore, Half-size Vore, Fearplay, Male Pred, Male Prey, Reader Insert, Gender Neutral Reader, Reader is Observer
Word Count: 1.2K
Everyone knew about the CEO's tendencies. Sure, no one ever asked or mentioned it, but the rumors persisted. Whispered through the bathroom stalls, passed through secret notes at cubicles and desks that were immediately shredded... It wasn't too obvious but regardless, everyone knew.
If you watched closely, you could see the rumor in effect all around you. The lingering stares when the larger co-worker passed through, the presence and confidence he exuded kept everyone in line... Everyone was frightened of him, too nervous to stand up to him or ask questions. He didn't use his power over the company floor to push people into doing things, but they did things for him anyway with the vain hope that it might appease him somehow.
Then there were the disappearances. It wasn't too uncommon for someone to just- stop showing up for work. "Did you see Barbara go home?" "Is Finny on vacation?" It wasn't too often, but it was enough that it lingered in peoples' minds. After a designated two-week period unless otherwise stated, their desks were cleared quietly and someone was hired to fill their place.
You weren't an important person in the mix of things, an intern that had recently graduated to an office worker. You'd heard the whispers and you were smart enough to put the pieces together, but you still weren't entirely sure. After all, no one had claimed to have directly seen him in the act... But you had to admit that there was a possibility.
You knew better than to ask or to pry, being as low-ranked as you were, but you were still curious. You would stare as he passed with intrigue rather than fear. Was it true? Secretly, you hoped you could find out the answer one day. But, you were afraid that the day you found out- it would be the last secret you would know.
But then, it happened. You. You, of all the people on this floor... You were called to the CEO's office. Dread and anticipation mixed together in your chest. You were nervous. What was going to happen? But even stranger was that you weren't called to the office alone. Brady was standing next to you, the man looking pale and just about on the edge of fainting. His fingers were trembling as you took the initiative and pushed the doors open.
"You- called for us, sir?" you asked almost meekly as you both stepped in.
Sure enough, Mr. Talbot was sitting at his neatly-cleaned desk with a sly smile aimed at the two of you. "Yes, yes, so good of you to be on time!" he greeted as he gestured to a set of chairs in front of his desk, "Sit, I want to go over some things with the two of you."
You both hesitated briefly, but it was you who moved first. You stepped forward to take a seat, Brady timidly followed. Mr. Talbot smiled much wider as you both settled, leaning back softly. "You are not in trouble, Mr. Yales, you don't need to be so nervous," he regarded the man next to you gently, who flinched under his attention, "Now then, you are both newer here but you are learning how things work here, yes?" he asked, directing the question to you when Brady only nodded.
"Yes sir," you answered, "It's-" You stopped to think over your word choice. "-Been a learning experience."
Mr. Talbot seemed pleased with your answer. "Good," he replied, "Which of course means that you both probably know why you're here."
A silence raked over you and Brady, a tense and painful one as you both put the pieces together. Mr. Talbot was smiling, but it was getting more and more wicked with each passing moment. Brady blanched five shades and you were certain that your heart skipped a beat. Was- Was he going to- with both of-? A loud and hungry growl from the larger man's stomach cut through your muddled questions, spelling it out without a word.
Brady leapt from his chair first, sweating nervously. "Please, no!" he squeaked, "I don't- I-!" He glanced at you and you could see him line up the idea in his head. He jabbed a finger at you. "T-Take them, they're the newbie! They won't be m-missed-"
But before he could continue, Mr. Talbot had reached out quick as a flash and grabbed both of you by an arm. You yelped, Brady shrieked. "Oh, hush," the larger man dismissed Brady's whining, drool sliding past his grin, "This was already decided beforehand."
With strength that you hadn't expected, Mr. Talbot hefted Brady up by his shirt with one hand- and stuffed his upper body into his mouth. You stood, staring wide-eyed in dumbfounded shock as you watched your boss begin to swallow down the other man like it was nothing special. You couldn't move away, he still had your arm- but you couldn't tear your eyes away from this scene enough to run away besides. Shoving the flailing man in, Mr. Talbot slurped up his legs and swallowed the last of him smoothly.
He sighed in satisfaction, patting his filled belly with his free hand. He then turned his attention to you and you felt your heart drop. "Better," he sighed, then tugged you out of your chair.
You very nearly stumbled into his sizable frame and he chuckled. "I've seen your stares," he purred, "You're the only one that looks with curiosity rather than terror." He paused, studying your shocked face. "So I wanted to propose to you a promotion idea."
You could hear his stomach gurgling from this distance, muffled protests of what was your co-worker a moment ago beneath it. You couldn't bring yourself to react to it properly. "A-A promotion? Sir?" you stuttered with a squeak, looking up.
He kept smiling at you. "Yes," he replied, "I'm in need of a new assistant. My old one got too chatty and... quit." He left the implication in the air as he patted his tummy. "You would report directly to me. It's a simple job, really." He pulled you closer, pushing you against his warm stomach. His suit contained and concealed his belly well enough, but you could still feel the movements inside. "I just need some help from time to time."
"It would be a substantial pay raise. And you could test for the position right now- if you'd just help me with lunch." He lifted your arm to his stomach and placed it there before letting go. "Of course, I still have room if you disagree."
The threat was not lost on you. Helping- by rubbing your boss' belly after a meal? And if you didn't... You considered it briefly, your nerves buzzing in your mind. This was tense. And there was a serious chance that this might not go well. But... You weren't opposed to the idea, in both execution and prospects. You could use the money...
Carefully, you reached up with both hands and began to rub his large tummy . Mr. Talbot hummed in appreciation. "Excellent," he sighed, "Do a good job and you'll be promoted by the end of the day..."
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
11. Droplet [Voretober 2020]
Cla.ssic Fre.ddy x OC Vore (Office AU)
Contains: Soft Vore, Open Ended Vore, Half-Size Vore, Mild Fearplay, Male Pred, Furry Pred, Female Prey
Word Count: 1.1K
It was so hard to resist the temptation. His little assistant was always right there, helping him out with a smile. She had no idea what she did to him or how much he had to hold back, he was certain of it. Otherwise, he knew she wouldn't be standing next to him.
He wanted her so badly, he could taste it. Literally. Her natural scent was so good any time that she stood too close to him, his mouth started to water. It didn't help that her bath products all smelled like fruit. She smelled like a dessert at all times- and he certainly had a sweet tooth. He had to hold himself back many times in the past; she'd never know just how close he had come to gobbling her up before his lunch had arrived during the day.
The fact that she'd never noticed his hunger always perplexed him, he was fairly certain it was obvious. He couldn't hold himself back from salivating, he just had to be sure not to show it. He knew he was also terrible about staring at her behind her back. She was so small and moved in that way that made his instincts scream for him to just shove her into his mouth. He daydreamed about the possibility quite a bit, fantasizing about finally getting her in his jaws and down to his belly. And don't even get started about his stomach.
It was noisy and not subtle at all, growling and whining for what it wanted. It would always flare around his secretary, squeaking and gurgling in angry anticipation. But rather than see the danger for what it was, she would turn to him with a soft frown. "That sounds painful, Mr. Fazbear," she murmured almost every time, "You've been working too hard; perhaps you should take an early lunch."
She never noticed that it was her doing this to him. She was so sweet and concerned about his comfort that he just couldn't bring himself to take her advice right then and there. He just couldn't do it, she was too kind and helpful to him. He would sink back in his chair, forcing down his instinctual hunger for just a bit longer. "You're right, Miss Chibi," he would reply weakly, "I'll order some lunch."
Perhaps she lived in that little pocket of fantasy where she was unaware of predators and the things they might be capable of. If that's the case, he wondered how she had managed to get through life without this knowledge. Maybe she was just too trusting of him- hoping that he wouldn't gobble her up like an alleyway sneak might. Or perhaps she'd somehow, beyond all reason to the bear, decided that he just wasn't the type.
To be fair, he was careful about what he ate around her. If he swallowed prey, he made sure it was smaller prey- small enough to hide the soft bulge of his stomach beneath his desk. But he was afraid his cravings were getting to be too much for him to control for long. Now when he ordered lunches, they were getting rather large to ease his appetite. And even then, sometimes it wasn't enough. He was starting to have to order extra snacks for later in the day and make trips to the lounge vending machine. Ignoring the craving was only making it stronger... And he was worried one day it might finally break his resolve.
Chibi came into Mr. Fazbear's office with a small bundle of papers, looking up to offer him a smile- only to be greeted with a hungry growl from the bear's belly. She frowned instead, striding over to his desk to place the papers in his inbox. "Mr. Fazbear, sir..." she chided gently as the bear winced from another hunger pang, "Have you forgotten to eat again? You need to keep better track of your lunchtime, sir."
Mr. Fazbear frowned as well, his left paw clenching to the side of his desk. "That's what I have you for, Miss Chibi," he replied, a strained note made its way into his speech, "But you're right, lunch is probably best."
She sighed, pressing her glasses up on her face. "That..." she started, then shook her head, "I'll start doing so, since you seem to be forgetting lately." She rounded his desk to place a folder to the side. She didn't notice him stiffen up as she stepped closer. "And this is for this afternoon." A small pen fell from her pocket as she turned, so she stooped to retrieve it. "Clumsy me," she muttered beneath her breath.
But then she noticed something. In the shadow she stood in, there was... droplets of liquid dripping to the floor around her. A ceiling leak? Chibi straightened, blinking as she realized the shadow had gotten larger. She turned. Mr. Fazbear had stood from his chair and was standing behind her. More droplets fell around her, hitting the desk and floor and one or two landed on her arms and shoulders.
Before she could even look up, he was upon her. Grabbing her waist and lifting her in one fluid motion startled the smaller secretary enough that she couldn't even think to scream. Suddenly a hot and sticky dampness closed over her upper torso and only then did she think to struggle.
He couldn't help himself any longer. His composure finally snapped when she stepped close with her wonderful scent. Stuffing her into his maw felt so good, the bear moaning appreciatively at the burst of sweet flavor the little secretary offered. So delicious~ He'd waited too long for this. Salivating thickly, he began swallowing up the kicking figure of his assistant greedily.
He didn't pause in the slightest, guzzling her down in his starved haste. She reminded him of a dessert at a fancy restaurant- small, adorable, delectable, and leaving you wanting more. His last swallow pulled her down, her sweet taste lingering on his muzzle. He licked his lips to savor it, humming appreciatively.
Mr. Fazbear pulled his chair over and settled into it with a satisfied sigh. Finally... He placed a paw on his bulging belly, smiling dreamily as he felt her struggle and shout beneath his fingers. This was everything he'd been dreaming about. He wiped his muzzle on the back of his paw, relaxing with his full tummy. Chibi was finally his... and now he could sit back and enjoy it for a while.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
10. Mythical [Voretober 2020]
Nonbinary Naga x Male Mer Vore
Contains: Soft Vore, Safe Vore, Half-Size Vore, Protective Vore, Naga Pred, Nonbinary Pred, Mer Prey, Male Prey, Semi-Willing Prey
Word Count: 1K
The slim mer smiled up at his companion, but Rohl could tell that they weren't fooled. The naga stared back at him, their worry still unplacated. Rohl's expression fell again, glancing down at the shallow waters. He curled his black-and-white-spotted body on the rocks carefully. "You're right," he replied softly, "This lake is drying up- No." He shook his head, remembering something that Fallon had remarked before. "This POND is drying up."
Fallon nodded soundlessly, a conflicted look crossing the naga's face. They lowered themselves down closer to Rohl's level, contemplation in their gaze. It was clear that Rohl wasn't going to have water for much longer. This small body of water wasn't really meant for a mer to live in, besides. It was a storm event that pushed Rohl from the large lake and stranded the mer in this new, small pond. On one hand, it meant that they got to know Rohl... But on the other, they knew that this wouldn't last. Not with so little room and food.
There was only one solution that Fallon could think of. "I'll have to take you back to the lake," Fallon decided aloud.
"What?" Rohl looked confused, staring up at his friend, "But- it's too far. Even if you carried me, I'd dry up before we got there." A hint of sadness crossed his dappled face. "I know it's a hard truth, but I'm okay-"
Fallon shook their head. "No. There's another way," they replied. Gently, the naga turned and slid their long body down into the water. Rohl watched out of curiosity, unfurling from his grip on the rocks. The lithe naga scooted closer, their long, striped body drew over Rohl's lower half. Fallon's stripes and Rohl's spots were twined together in that pretty they both enjoyed. There was a moment of pause between them, the silence heavy with unspoken questions. Rohl leaned in against Fallon, taking their darker fingers in his webbed ones. He did appreciate all that Fallon gave him, from helpful food to his companionship.
Fallon held Rohl's hand, a soft sigh rolling out of him. "I want you to trust me," Fallon said softly, "I'll get you to the lake without letting you drying out."
Rohl paused, looking up at the conflicted expression the naga wore. He wasn't sure what Fallon was talking about- but if Fallon could get him back to the lake, then he would trust them. Rohl nodded, his inky hair sticking to his shoulder. Fallon nodded in return, another silence between them. Then the coils of Fallon's snake half tightened slightly on Rohl's fish body, just snug enough to keep the mer from wriggling loose. The mer glanced up at Fallon just as a few soft pops preceded the naga's jaw to unhinge.
Fallon didn't pause, pushing their jaws over their friend's head. Rohl made a startled noise, his tail wriggling in Fallon's restraining coils. Rohl's hands flew up to press at Fallon's chest, but the naga pushed down over his shoulders in an effort to finish this quickly. This had to be fast to keep from stressing their friend. Using their hands to steady the squirming mer, they pushed and swallowed fast while barely noticing his fishy taste. Rohl struggled only mildly, either stunned from the sudden change- or perhaps complying. Fallon hoped he was complying, they really didn't want Rohl to think they were just making him into a meal.
The naga gulped down the tapered tail of the mer, hinging their jaw back into place with another pop as Rohl slid inside. Contained in the naga's first stomach now, Rohl's soft shifting inside was plainly visible against their round tum. Fallon squinted, their coils curling as they pressed their hand against their full belly. Rohl was inside now, but Fallon was far from done. There was not enough room for the whole mer in their first stomach, it had to be very cramped...
The striped naga lowered and straightened their body just beneath the water's surface, then began working their inner muscles gently. Bit by bit, their body yielded to the pressure and Rohl's body began to slide and squeeze further inside. Fallon huffed, rubbing their shrinking belly as the mer's form inside began to stretch and unfurl. Deeper still Rohl sank, pressed down to the naga's second belly in their snake half.
There, that should provide him with enough space for the trip. Fallon steadied themselves, leaning behind and rubbing at the new and large bulge in their tail. At least he wasn't cramped up in there... But Fallon was about to make it a bit harder on themselves. They leaned down to the surface of the water to take in large swallows of water, pushing themselves to drink beyond their normal desire to. They forced themselves to drink until their tummy whined a full gurgle and Fallon finally came up for air.
As they caught their breath, they let the liquid join their mer friend in their lower stomach. Rohl squirmed inside as the water filled in around him, but his movements weren't- urgent. Perhaps he understood what Fallon was trying to do. Fallon rubbed their swollen belly gently, sighing as they lifted themselves from the water with a bit of difficulty. Fallon normally never ate a meal this big, so it was definitely going to slow them down... But it was necessary and most predators in this forest feared them anyways. They didn't fear an ambush attack; besides, they were willing to take that risk for Rohl.
"It may not be the best accommodations," Fallon murmured to their friend inside, "But you will be safe and damp in there until we reach the lake. Then I will let you out." The naga waited for an answer... And received one in the form of a soft pat on the inside of their belly. They smiled softly, then started to make their way slowly through the forest's undergrowth. This would be a longer trek, but they should make it well before sundown. Fallon just hoped that Rohl understood- and might forgive them for the abrupt swallowing after they release him.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
When it comes to usernames for making an account for NaNoWriMo, should you use your real name, or can you just use like your game name such as "Simlip123"?
I would treat it like a regular username rather than putting in your real name just in case. That’s what a lot of people do, so just use a game name for safety’s sake~
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Do you have a link for the NaNoWriMo ?
For the NaNoWrimo website? Over here~
The event is starting on November 1st so if you decide you want to do this, you only have a little bit of time left to make an account! Give it a look if you’re interested, if not for this year then for next year or Camp NaNoWriMo in April or July~
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Heres an idea - maybe you could make a non-binary pred or prey that uses Neopronouns? (ey/em, xe/xem, ne/nem, etc) (I use neopronouns too which is why I'd love to see this so much haha) Btw i love that one of your nonbinary preds uses it/its, I use it/its too!!! :D
Hey, thank you for the suggestion! I actually have a story with a xe/xir/xem pred planned out from another request from a while ago, so that should be right up your alley once I get it written~
I’m definitely willing to experiment and write with more neopronouns too, but I want to use them correctly so I have to do my research!
Fun fact: I used to use the it/its pronouns for myself and my toys when I was younger so I have a particular affinity for that set, too~
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Honey-chan, MIA for 2 weeks, has suddenly dragged herself from the deep woods!
Seriously though, I’m sorry for the disappearance. The last two weeks have been tough on me with the real life drama and to top it all off, my muse took a slow vacation on Sirena Beach so I don’t have much in the way of content to show for it. I don’t know why, my brain just- gave up for a while...
I’m definitely not going to be able to finish the Voretober event, as hard as I tried. There’s always next year, I suppose. *pained shrug* Still, I forced myself to get some stories for Voretober down, but I hope they’re up to quality? Since they’re all over the place, I think I’m just going to format them and post them all at once tomorrow, so be prepared for that! It’s like... 4-5 stories, it’s all my brain could spit out, lol.
So now that I’ve called it quits on Voretober, I think I have to prepare for NaNoWriMo. If I can do so, I’ll sneak some vore stories in as part of my word count during the next month, though~
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
9. Beast [Voretober 2020]
Unspecified Male Monster x Multiple Prey Vore (sequel to Danger)
Contains: Soft Vore, Safe Vore, G/t Vore, Fearplay, Monster Pred, Male Pred, Multiple Prey
Word Count: 1K
Silven stood at the edge of the forest, peering into its dark depths. He... He knew he had felt this uneasiness before... but it was all unclear.
He remembered making the decision to venture into the forest despite the warnings. He remembered the unsettling quiet and the eerie stillness... But after that, it all got hazy. The next thing he remembered was coming to outside of the woods next to a patch of wildflowers. How... had he even gotten there? What had he been doing? Those answers were missing from his mind. So- So he had experienced whatever was tucked away in the woods for himself, yet had no proof or any memories of it.
That thought alone was maddening to the aspiring researcher, but then a glimmer of hope came to him. His journal! Surely he had written something in his journal, something that would prove what he was doing during his uncounted time, some shred of evidence that- But as Silven reached into the inner pockets of his coat, he realized that his notebook was gone. Panic struck him like a bolt, the young man frantically turning out his pockets. But it was not there.
He had to find that notebook, it had his research in it! But where- He turned to stare into the woods, the hairs on the back of his neck raising. He must've dropped it. He had to retrieve it- but the sun was setting and his head was still blurry from... whatever had happened. But he just couldn't leave it- that notebook was his livelihood right now! Silven lifted himself to his feet, then ventured right back into the woods without a thought to whether he might be so lucky to escape the forest a second time.
A desperate need drove him, one that blinded him to the risks. He made his way to the normal path once more, determined to retrace where he thought his steps might have led him. It had to be here, he wouldn't stray off of the beaten path for no reason- But before he could find his notebook, something else found Silven. And it wasn't something mysterious, either.
A small group of robbers descended on him, cutting off his escape and brandishing knives with grins. They demanded his valuables... But he had nothing on him. Silven timidly tried to explain himself and the dangerous area they were in, but the robbers weren't having it. "Turn out your pockets!" the leader demanded, the blade in his hand glinting in the low light. Silven tripped over himself, unsure of what to do when orange eyes glowed to life behind the thieves. A sight that sent a fearful, yet... familiar pang through him.
Quick as a flash, a huge figure emerged from the darkness and pinned down two of the robbers under a large, clawed foot in one fell swoop. A third was suddenly snapped up in the jaws of the dark beast, kicking legs struggling from between its jaws as it lifted its head. In one quick motion, the beast jerked its head back and the thief fell inside its mouth. It swallowed, the struggling bulge of the man barely visible in the darkness disappearing downward.
Silven sat with stunned horror, barely hearing the thieves screaming and yelling as another was snatched up by this creature. He could only take in the beast's form. Long, large, and as inky black as the approaching night, it was clear that this thing was perfectly suited to hunt in a dense forest such as this. Shaped like a lizard or perhaps a ferret, Silven couldn't tell, its dark- coat? Scales?- lent it the ability to blend with the treeline like a shadow. It clearly wasn't something that the researcher had ever heard of being documented before.
In his note-taking inspection, Silven failed to notice the thieves being swallowed down by this huge creature... At least, not until it turned its attention onto him at last when the last robber was claimed by its maw.
The creature pushed himself to swallow the last thief, taking in a breath as he worked down the heavy, squirming morsel to his tight, overfilled belly. He turned on the silver-haired individual with a soft snarl. Just like he thought, this was the very same human that he'd just deposited outside of the forest. What was he doing back here?! Surely he wasn't seeking death? Or perhaps he was just foolish. After all, he'd had to save this dense human from these robbers.
"Why are you here?" the monster asked in a low, grating snarl, squinting in suspicion at the smaller figure.
Silven's back stiffed as it addressed him, the young man momentarily losing all sense of speech. Not only was this monster real, but it spoke english? Had this creature been hiding in these woods this whole time and no one noticed?! Silven opened his mouth, willing his voice not to tremble... But the words came out timid anyways.
"I... was r-researching..." he spoke softly, watching the beast tilt its head in scrutiny, "Trying to... understand the nature of... the strange goings-on in the forest." He swallowing nervously, gesturing softly. "And I... seemed to have dropped my journal, s-so I came looking... for it..."
The monster squinted at him briefly and Silven was worried that it was sizing him up for a meal too... When instead the creature's claws lifted to its back. It ran its claws over its back... Then produced his notebook. It was minuscule in the monster's claws. The creature tossed it at Silven, the object landing near his sitting form. "There," it snorted, still squinting, "Tell no one of what you've seen. Or I'll find you." Silven cowered as the beast growled. "Leave. Now."
But instead of chasing him away, the creature turned tail and left instead. Silven was completely stunned. All he could think to do in the next few moments was to retrieve his notebook carefully. It looked undamaged... Though a little damp. Where had this been before? In...?
Silven glanced up again where the creature had disappeared into, his thoughts churning. The beast had saved him from those robbers, for some reason... and allowed him to live rather than snuff him out. Perhaps... The mysterious creature- wasn't as much of a beast as it seemed at first glance.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Any plans with doing something with either centaurs, mermaids, nagas, slugtaurs/snailtaurs, angel or something like that for any of the vore prompts for voretober?
I would love to~ Considering the next prompt is ‘Mythical’, I was planning on doing something with some of those types of characters next, actually!
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Something that isn’t talked about enough is the coaxing of fascinated but nervous prey. Preds scooting over towards them, rolling over on their sides or placing smol friends on top of their bellies. Prey pressing in to listen to all the quirky gurgles and groans and growls which now fill the otherwise silent environment. Everything about the pred, the way they shift, the way they breathe, that heartbeat rolling in like thunder regardless of the prey size.
It’s like a whole different world, and it’ll only get more sepersted and sheltered from the outside when they’re safely tucked within those comforting confines.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Oof soooo you know well and good that I’m a sucker for soft, safe, cuddly vore fluff. But does anyone ever get weird moments where you can’t stop thinking about greedy, villainous preds who see you as nothing more than a snack? Like... I don’t wanna be digested, but DANG sometimes I kind of want to be treated like I’m going to be.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
8. Leftover [Voretober 2020]
Reader x Multiple Tinies V.ore
Contains: Soft Vore, Open Ended Vore, G/t Vore, Reader as Pred, Teasing Pred, Gender Neutral Pred, Multiple Prey, Fearplay Word Count: 1K
You may have over-indulged yourself, you realize as your jaws wrap around the waist of another tiny morsel. Your belly certainly felt full, perhaps even getting close to your capacity. But then again, there was still this last one wriggling on your tongue and you weren't really one to spit out food once you'd gotten it into your mouth...
Deciding on pushing yourself through it, you leaned back and let gravity aid you this time. The small, wriggling treat slid down towards your throat, their struggles only easing them closer to the drop. Tasting them briefly, you dipped your tongue back to guide them in. One swallow tugged them down with ease, but you followed with another to get them to slide in.
The small morsel made it down to your tummy, but it was definitely a tight squeeze. Letting a heavy sigh roll loose, you leaned back in your chair, content. Your hunger was certainly quelled with your heavy meal- several tinies had disappeared past your jaws and they were oh so filling... There were so many packed tight inside that you could no longer discern each movement. It was just a lot of squirming, satisfied gurgles drowning out any complaints.
You lifted a hand to your snug belly, rubbing gently as it strained slightly against your shirt. Rarely did you get the chance to really indulge like this, but when you did, it always felt fantastic~ But as you admire just how warm and sleepily full you feel, you spot a movement on the table out of the corner of your eye. You zero in on it immediately, squinting and reaching out.
Another tiny, one that thought that it could hide behind your drink, squawked a startled noise as your fingers wrapped around it. Drawing it out of hiding, you grinned lazily at the smaller figure. "Well, look at this!" you remarked, watching the small figure squirm with a terrified whine, "I seem to have missed some leftovers."
You peered at the tiny, noting their smaller features as they quaked in your grip. Apparently their voice had left them in their panic, just sitting and shivering against your palm. They froze up as they met your gaze, their mouth dropping open with either a noiseless gasp or a silent scream. It was enough to make you chuckle, lifting a finger to toy with their head carelessly. "I suppose you thought you were lucky, that you thought you would get away," you commented.
A loud grumbling growl rose from your belly, the tiny figure in your hand flinching heavily at the sound. You laughed once more, your free hand falling to your tummy to feel of the renewed wriggling inside. "But, you might be a bit lucky tonight," you murmured, tilting your hand back and forth slowly as you smile, "I'm feeling pretty full right now with all of the other little ones, I'm not even sure if I'll fit you." A terrible idea fluttered into your mind and your grin turned sharp. Your hand turned, lowering with the other as the tiny squeaked. You pressed them flush with your full belly. "See?"
The tiny went stock-still when you did so, freezing up like a deer in headlights. Their face went pale, their breathing turned erratic. You watched their face with idle interest, noting their panic and fear. You couldn't be sure what was going through their mind, nor what they were experiencing. Did they feel the wriggling of their similar-sized companions through the walls of your belly? Could they hear the cries inside, or were the sounds of your stomach too deafening from that distance to let anything else be heard? What type of existential crisis might they be having?
When you thought that they probably had enough, you plucked them back up from your tummy and into your fist again. They were trembling triple-fold now, staring beyond you like they'd seen a ghost. It was actually pretty amusing, really. That grin never left your face as your fingers gently prodded their chest. "I may have out-done myself," you admitted casually to your captive audience, "Normally, I'm very bad at judging how much food I want. And I always end up wanting more..."
You patted your stomach gently, feeling it rumble softly beneath your fingers. You rested your free hand there again, idly rubbing and pressing at the shifting contents. "But perhaps, I finally got it right this time," you murmured just before a low grumble issued under your hand. A rattling belch worked free suddenly, relieving a bit of pressure. "Ooofff, I guess I needed that," you spoke more to yourself.
But then, you realized slowly as you worked your fingers against your heavy middle, that burp had freed up just enough space... You turned that leering grin down to your shell-shocked captive. "Well, now I appear to have more room," you told them, lifting them closer to your face.
The movement and your words worked together to shock the tiny into reacting. Their squirming doubled from before, their eyes wide with realization and terror. "N-N- N-Nuh-No!" they finally spoke in a whisper, their voice so small that you had to strain to hear it over your active tummy, "P-Puh-Please! Please!!"
Oh, NOW they were finally begging? It took them long enough. But you weren't feeling too lenient at this moment, particularly after they failed to uphold their end of your nice little conversation with them. Besides, they were so boring, with the typical pleas. 'No!' 'Please!' 'Don't eat me!' You'd heard that all before.
"Oh, you'll just be joining your little friends," you batted your other hand, still smiling at them, "Don't you miss them? I'm sure they're waiting just for you." You shifted your fingers to hold them by the scruff, lifting the tiny above your head. They yelped and wriggled, trying as always to get loose. So boring. "I know my belly is," you quipped, then opened your mouth to accept this last little treat. Your tongue rolled out to greet them and you lowered their struggling form inside.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Love your imposter Within Us vore writings! Would be a pleasure to read more, if you ever want to or plan to post more - I'd definitely be excited to read it! It's super good! Thank you so much for writing it!
Thank you so very much! I really enjoy writing Within Us fics! Having never worked with alien preds before is a little tricky, but that means that I can take liberties with them that I normally can’t with regular folks. *shifty smile*
I definitely want to write more, but the ideas have yet to rear their heads. I’m sure they will soon- and if it fits the Voretober theme, maybe I can squeeze them in this month~
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