RWBY v6e5 thoughts: Brunswick and Neo
Okay, last one, and real quick.
I’ve seen a lot of people point out that 
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… this looks an oddly lot like a photo of a child Roman Torchwick, and that the -wick in Brunswick might therefore not be a coincidence.
BUT I think there’s something we can add to this: if this was about Torchwick alone he would be in the middle of that frame, in the centre. But he’s not. Instead a little girl is.
And who came back this episode?
The cinematography also seems to hint at this since most of the other photos focus on her as well, rather than on the boy.
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Neo seems to be returning as a primary antagonist alongside Cinder, and this might be a good way to get a better hang of her character since she doesn’t speak.
Whatever happened at the Brunswick Mannor this might also be alluding to the trauma she experienced which caused her mute-ness (and if it really is some sort of nightmare Grimm it might explain her semblance.
Assuming that’s the case, it might be a good explanation for the attachment between her and Torchwick. What we see in that portrait frame is a case of class differences. This is especially obvious between the children, but the family in the middle is more formally/Well dressed than the ones at their side. The colors are richer, and the fabrics newer.
Not just that, but I took a class in the culture of time and space this term, and we studied how space and the separation of buildings can establish social hiearchies.
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The first image above is called Brede Works and is from Denmark. It’s a work site from the beginning of the industrialization where people lived on the farms etc where they worked, and they basically lived in dorms. The design is very similar to that of Brunswick Mannor and, unsurprisingly, the big house in the middle is where the Master family lived.
Qrow hints at the fact that there are different families living in the Mannor when he says he had to go to the other houses to find the other corpses.
In other words, if this hypothesis is correct, that means that Torchwick and Neo lived in an opposing social hierarchy to what was originally the case, and it may well be that Torchwick saved Neo’s life. And being the only two children left alive after the incident they became attached to each other.
Other things seem to point to this as well; not just Neo’s character song (which was reintroduced in it’s 2nd part this episode), but also Torchwick’s panic when she goes overboard in v3 (Wasn’t it?)
He also states something that gains an interesting context if this theory is correct:
“The real world is cold! The real world doesn’t care about spirit! You want to be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history! As for me, I’ll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat and survive!”
The real world is cold. If the people at the farm didn’t die from a nightmare grimm then perhaps they froze to death somehow (that would be the natural explanation here, Grim aside). But it does seem that they were killed by a grim, which would also explain why he seems to hold a grudge against huntsmen specifically (which might also explain why he chose to side with Salem and go against the academies; there was no huntsman there to save their families.)
And last but not least, if this is all the case then the -wick in Torchwick isn’t a pun on his own family name, but on Neo’s. She wasn’t the only one who cared deeply for Torchwick; it went both ways. 
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Rwby Spoilers
Okay guys, Roman Torchwick everyone.
We’ve got a glimpse at his personality for his few screentime minutes and I’d like to show just HOW MUCH we’ve been given.
He’s SMART. He’s EXPERIENCED. We’ve seen him in two main situations: Has the upper hand ( where he acts smug and cocky ), and losing it. Most villains get angry. Want revenge. Run away in fear. Throw a tantrum. But he DOESN’T. Roman stays calm. He thinks things through. He is obviously not happy about losing, but he’s calm and collected. He does not get rash at all.
When he loses to Penny, Sun, and Ruby?
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“These kids just keep getting weirder.”
He stays calm. He knows he’s been beat. He accepts that. He doesn’t get mad, he doesn’t curse their names. At most, he gives an annoyed sigh and just moves on. He can ACCEPT THAT. He knows it is not smart to make a scene or keep this going, so he makes a tactical retreat. Yes, he was not happy. But he did not get angry. He stayed calm.
When he lost to Team RWBY?
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“Just got this thing cleaned…”
He stayed calm. He was annoyed, but he thought about what he should do. He assessed the situation and devised a plan. HECK! He had a plan PREPARED in case he failed! He had Neo and the ship as a last resort! He THOUGHT AHEAD. Most villains do NOT think: “What should I do if I fail?” No. They think and think on a plan that CAN’T fail, not a plan with a way out! That’s SMART. He knows he isn’t perfect and can accept loss, we knew this. And now we know he isn’t prideful because he thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread. He’s prideful because HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING. He’s SMART. He’s EXPERIENCED. After all, “some bets you just don’t take.”
When he is pinned by Blake?
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“We’re on the same side and you know it.”
He is not SCARED. He is not ANGRY. He is annoyed, he does not show any fear. Because he doesn’t have any. He was not scared in the slightest because he had the situation controlled. When he “bargained” with her, he knew she wouldn’t just join his side. A villain cannot mock and berate you through the fight, then all of a sudden go “Oh oh! I’m here for YOU!” when they’ve lost. Villains do this, but everyone knows it won’t work. It’s DESPERATE. Roman? He was not desperate. He “pleaded” with her- not because he wanted to convince her of his side- because he knew it would make her have one thought: “He isn’t worth it.” He’s probably experienced that treatment enough before that he knows how to take advantage of it. Roman is EXPERIENCED. He takes a bad situation and uses it. He knew how to get her to hold, not to JOIN. And that’s what he wanted.
HOWEVER! Everyone has their breaking point. Everyone has something that sets them off like a firework. And Roman, we saw that.
There is one time he does not stay calm. There is one time he acts rash, he lashes out, he does not think things through, he goes against everything he does.
When Neo goes off the plane?
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All of this careful planning, all of his composure! GONE! He loses it when she goes off. He screams for her and only after he realizes there’s absolutely nothing he can do, THEN he looks to Ruby. He no longer holds his composure. The smart thing to do here would have been to run. To leave. But he didn’t.
Roman was MAD. He scolded Ruby, he yelled at Ruby, he lashed out at her and hit her and threw her around. He was MAD. Because of losing Neo, he no longer COULD think. He no longer COULD keep calm. If he is still alive, he WILL INDEED think that in hindsight he shouldn’t have done that. But he couldn’t help himself.
From Roman’s behavior in the show, we can deduce a TON about his past and personality regardless of his screentime minutes.
Roman is smug and cocky because he knows what to do, not because he thinks he’s just the best thing ever.
Roman knows he is not the best, he can accept that. He can accept when he loses, he accepts he CAN LOSE for that matter. After all, “Some bets you just don’t take.”
He’s smart. He’s experienced. He’s seen a lot and knows how to take it to his advantage. He doesn’t just plan for what he can do. He plans for what can happen. He even plans for the worst. He doesn’t make a plan that is so “perfect” it’s “foolproof”. He knows that’s a waste of time and instead plans for what to do AND what to do if things don’t pan out. He doesn’t see shame in accepting a loss, he LEARNS FROM THEM.
We get glimpses of his past experiences. He doesn’t hold grudges or hold onto things, probably because he’s used to losing things. He only deals with the past when it becomes relevant. Cinder held an obvious grudge on Ruby. Roman didn’t give two shits about her until she was in his face, aka relevant to him again. He focuses on the present. This shows personality and possibly previous experiences, especially backed with the “Then die like every other Huntsmen in history!” And knowing how to play the “He’s not worth it.” card? I wouldn’t put it past a street rat charlatan like Roman to know just how to make someone think that about him an easy feat.
Roman keeps calm and thinks things through, he knows not to be rash and can make logical decisions to fix situations and get himself out of there unscathed.
However. There is one thing that we’ve seen that pushes Roman off of the edge. We’ve seen what pushes him past his breaking point.
He cares about Neo very much and could not handle the fact he just lost her. As soon as he lost her, he lost himself.
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Had this super last minute idea to predict the end of the Volume 5 finale and went into maximum overdrive to get it out before Saturday.
Credit goes to my dad for the dialogue. My brain turned into pudding and couldn’t word.
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Had this super last minute idea to predict the end of the Volume 5 finale and went into maximum overdrive to get it out before Saturday.
Credit goes to my dad for the dialogue. My brain turned into pudding and couldn’t word.
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Posting here because it's really good for art/writing reference, and I thought y'all could benefit. Credit goes to Medz_Miracle on Instagram :)
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Are fedoras really that bad?
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Ruby: So what are we doing tonight?
Roman: World Domination.
Ruby: Bit Ambitious of you, isn’t it?
Roman winking: You’re my world.
Ruby blushing: Aww Ro- Wait a minute…
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Life is too short to be embarrassed by what you like - inspired by @imperialbogmonster
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You use 1 minute or less to download a picture and less than five minutes to reposting in other social media meanwhile I use hours or days making that picture that you like!
Please, don't repost my works in places like Instagram or Pinterest or whatever is the place you use, even if you give me the credit.
You can use it for icon o header, giving me the credit but reposting literally my work (and WORST without credit or link of the original work) that's just no, please, don't do that, I know that I put my "user name" in the picture but It's still a no, please, I don't like to mess in problems with you so, just don't do that.
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Midheaven/Moon Aspirations
Aries: I aspire to be the best I can possibly be, a leader of humanity, and an unbeatable and formidable opponent.
Taurus: I aspire to be a creator of stability and tranquility, a loyal ally, and a constant symbol of perseverance.
Gemini: I aspire to be a conveyor of information, the prophet of the universe, and a source of infinite knowledge.
Cancer: I aspire to be the caretaker of my own definition of home, a mother to those who do not have one, and to be the familiarity and comfort found in a disarray of callousness.
Keep reading
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