coki15 · 4 months
fluff, enemies to lovers but rin's in love w u he's just an idiot, swearing, maybe ooc!rin?
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out of all things to happen on a saturday evening, you weren't expecting itoshi rin to crash your date.
that’s exactly what happened when you arrived at the restaurant your supposed date had booked a reservation at. you were preempting to meet isagi’s friend from high school, not japan’s number one striker and the man who couldn’t resist giving you a migraine every day you saw him. he was dressed in a crisp suit with the inside shirt having a few buttons undone, (deliciously) paired with a very expensive-looking watch. you didn’t know whether to scream at him or run away.
well, not that you had the option for the latter anyways, because just when you were about to turn around, his gaze rose from his phone to lock directly with yours. a stare so icy that it froze you to the cement, cutting off your circulation, leaving you to feel a little lightheaded. 
the feeling worsens when he stalks over to you with unmatched confidence, unabashedly grabbing your hand to intertwine it with his as he all but pulls you towards the restaurant. not a word is able to leave your mouth. you don’t utter one syllable as rin confirms his booking and a waiter leads you to the reserved spot in the restaurant.
it’s a private room.
he booked a damn private room.
it’s awfully romantic too. there are lit candles, a beautiful flower arrangement on the table, and the intimacy of it all sharpened your nerves, filling your stomach with premonition. as rin guides you by the small of your back to sit down, you let out a small yelp of alarm, one that he dismisses whilst pulling out your chair for you. already one second in and you were embarrassing yourself.
the strangest part was how quiet rin was. he always preferred to keep to himself but when it came to ridiculing you, the striker just couldn’t resist spilling out a few insulting quips; just one or two thousand here and there. you almost believed that agitating you was his second favourite activity, after soccer of course. 
so the rin that sat in front of you felt like a complete stranger. despite having seen him daily for majority of the past year, fixing any injuries he got whilst out in the field, and suffering many back-and-forths whilst doing so, it was odd to see him so… complacent? not hostile? nervous?
no. itoshi rin never got nervous. 
“hi,” he begins awkwardly. the fire on the candle wavers a little. 
finally, after minutes of speechlessness, you find it in you to speak. 
“what the fuck?” the dark-haired’s expression scrunches a little, his eyes dodging yours. “what’s the meaning of this? why are you here? i’m so confused!”
“i uh-” he coughs, raising his hand to rub the back of his neck, the action folding his shirt ever so slightly to reveal more of the skin that laid under. you try not to ogle. “we’re on a date.”
“no we’re not?” you counter, absolutely astounded at his audacity. “i’m not supposed to be on a date with you! i’m supposed to be on a date with isagi’s friend!”
his eyes widen a little at your outburst. your intense confusion merges to become fury that seeps out of you so effortlessly, painting the room with suffocating tension and pressure. something tells you that this anger has been waiting to make itself known for a while now, pent up from months of frustration.
“i came here because i wanted a nice night out, not for more of your taunts and mockery! don’t you get enough of it during the day? are you trying to make fun of my love life or something? i was really looking forward to this night, y’know, especially with everything isagi was telling me about the guy i was supposed to go out with,” you cover your face with your hands, admitting defeat. itoshi rin got you, once again. 
rin suppresses the jealousy bubbling in his chest, his insides twisting into an ugly shape of bitterness at the image of you with another man, washing over him like fresh lava from a volcanic eruption. 
“can you say something?” you demand, inwardly cursing yourself for the way your voice wavers; an indication of how frazzled and distraught you were feeling.
“you look beautiful.”
that was not what you were expecting.
suddenly the rage you felt mere seconds ago dissipated into a small cloud of flattered bliss, causing you to sink in your chair and cower from his intense gaze. was it always this hot in here or was it just you?
in the midst of your mini-tantrum, you did not notice how rin’s eyes were glossed with fascination, marvelling at you as if you were the most wonderful thing in the world. it reminded you of a kid in a candy store. he was… adorable, to say the least.
“th-thanks,” you stutter, murmuring out the only phrase you could instinctively think of in the haze of your clouded mind. “look- how, or, why are you here?”
the dark-haired shuffles in his seat, readjusting himself to fit the ‘cool guy’ persona he’s worked so hard to maintain. “i’m here because i’m a better date than isagi’s lukewarm friend.” 
“rin, that doesn’t make any sense,” you huff. “you hate my guts-”
“-no i don’t,” he says hurriedly and in a tone that takes you off guard. there is a sense of urgency behind it, so unlike anything you’ve believed to be characteristic for rin’s stoic and unbreaking personality. he looks away to the side, clearing his throat. “i don’t hate you. it’s kind of the opposite.”
you feel like itoshi rin just slapped you across the face. was this some kind of sick prank? where were the cameras? maybe there was one behind the painting- fuck, there could’ve been one in your drink for all you know. then you realise, out of all things you could describe itoshi rin with, a prankster was not one of them, meaning, that this life-changing detail that he just provided you was authentic and real. 
what a cruel twist of fate this saturday has bestowed upon you. 
“what?” you sputter, “but- but you, what?” 
“is that so hard to believe?”
“yes! i thought you absolutely despised me! you look at me with so much disgust and indifference!”
“that’s just my face,” he deadpans. you sigh, unceremoniously placing your face in your hands. rin leans forward in his seat, hands reaching to rest in the middle of the table, just a few centimetres away from yours. the itch to grab your hands in his is overwhelming but he holds himself back. “i’m not indifferent towards you. i actually… really like your company and getting to know you.”
“is it rude to say that i find that hard to believe?” you cower slightly from the seriousness of his ‘really?’ look. “this entire time i thought the last thing you wanted to do was be around me!”
"i do want you- i've never not wanted you.”
a swarm of butterflies erupt in your core, fluttering all the way up to your heart, threatening to carry it out of your chest and elevate it to fall into the hands of itoshi rin. the effect this man has on you is sickening. 
“i see,” you pathetically mutter. 
rin looks akin to a kicked dog at your simple answer to his confession, his shoulders sagging a little as his hands retract from yours. his expression dampens, ever so slightly. 
“should we have a do over, then?” 
a smile that you’ve never seen rin wear before appears on his expression, brightening up his demeanour as he stammers out a quietly enthusiastic ‘yes’. 
the night ends with you walking out of the restaurant with rin’s jacket draped over your shoulders and the promise of a second date.
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coki15 · 5 months
"Didn't you finish your finals yesterday?, you should be able to get to work at your first now"
Why the FUCK are you minding my business?
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coki15 · 5 months
13 notes · View notes
coki15 · 5 months
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Someone, anyone PLS
I'm begging, I NEED ideas for bleach posts,its painful to think as an exam class student 😔🥀
I can do crackfics cuz I'm on crack most of the time
(No smut pls I'm a minor🐤)
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coki15 · 5 months
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"Im gonna kms,there's no point in living"
My honest reaction:
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