condemnthem · 4 years
@ “anon” for someone who was so scared of being called out you sure are bad at showing it.
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condemnthem · 4 years
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condemnthem · 4 years
i want to remind all submitters that i do need proof of specific claims and accusations. if you can’t provide proof or i can’t collaborate with my members about the contents of your testimony then i, unfortunately, can’t post it. i like to remain as a credible source for calling out abusers and those that are a danger to the safety and peace of mind in the roleplay community. the integrity of this blog is very important to me, as are the cases we take on. if we’re to call out abusers then we need to confirm truths and lies. so if you do have a specific claim please come to me in dms and i will gladly speak with you.
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condemnthem · 4 years
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this is disgusting and i’m so sorry you had to deal with this. i’m sorry for your loss as well and i hope you’ve healed as much as you need to. threats of suicide aren’t a joke. they aren’t being dramatic. it’s not a subject you play around with. being someone who has told others i was going to kill myself and almost did but was stopped by crisis officers i can tell you how hurtful it is for others to make it out to be “just dramatic”. a person i’d known for years who was my best friend didn’t believe me, and i wouldn’t be here if everyone just took it as “just drama”. 
he’s done this multiple times and i’m sure he’ll do it again. fuck you ludo. get help.
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condemnthem · 4 years
this is another testimony of ludo. this he mixes ic with ooc again and displays his control complex.
My issues with him started when I joined [group] in 2018. I believe it was around November or December.
I joined as a male character, and I had been off of roleplay for 3-4 years, so I came back hoping for a clean slate. Which I was given by [owner] and [group]. When I joined my name was [my male character]. The character was meant to me an insufferable cocky “fuck boy” or sorts and that’s exactly what he was. At that time, Ludo was named Cyril and he was among the first few chopping at the bit to be my friend. I didn’t know any better, I really didn’t know anyone’s writers or anything and that’s how I wanted it. We were fast friends.
Right away things were super weird because he’d get possessive over friendship and be angry if I'd be friends with others, and I didn’t understand the dynamics at the time either. He became obsessive with [my male character] and would go in and out of character with it. Would yell at me for [my male character] doing [my male character] things and then would go back into character. I just let it go for a bit but then it escalated when I became friends with someone Cyril was romantically interested in.
He got hard to manage at that point but I still didn’t want any drama because I had just come back. So I tried to be friends with both of them. Cyril constantly got jealous of the other friendship and made me feel bad a lot for it. Things shifted when Cyril told [my male character] he had feelings for him. [my male character] was a homophobic prick and made a post about his best guy friend liking him. (Maybe not my bad choice for my character at the time considering who the other person was, but I didn’t understand at that time that he would make an ic thing ooc)
At this point he began to blur the line more and speak about me ic and ooc to anyone who would listen, making it unclear if it was ic or ooc. Then [member a] came into the picture. He liked her, A LOT. She was the first person (allegedly) that he had feelings for since the aforementioned friend, so I encouraged Cyril and [member a] to get together. [member a], instead, initially expressed interest in my then character and she told Cyril the same. Cyril came to me out of character and begged me to let him have her. It was super uncomfortable for me. But, my character had zero intentions of ever settling down, and I didn’t want any ooc drama or negativity so again, I obliged.
After that, he began writing about my character in events. It’s like his character's commentary about my character but the commentary never made sense for my character or what was happening, it read like personal attacks. Although he was still pretending to be my “best friend.” Things escalated when I switched to [my female character] and my character got involved with the friend from before.
His negative feelings about me ooc only seemed to become more negative. My character cheated. Cyril immediately changed to a female character and tried to get with him. He promised he wasn’t switching for the LI but later confessed he had. I specifically remember being given permission to bring up OOC things he was saying about me to his female character at the time, Nadia I believe her name was, so I did. She admitted to saying everything. That she didn’t care for me, my characters, and she had feelings for him. I didn’t deserve him. That sort of thing. At this time, she began to obsessively shit talk to me to several members/mutual friends, again blurring lines between ooc and ic.
He hated me from the get go because he felt like everyone always liked me and I got everyone he always wanted. That’s what he told me.
That ^^ becomes important because [my female character] slept with [member b] (his later LI.)
I then, for reasons irrelevant to this, became [my other female oc]. My new character had a short lived affair with [member b]. (both were single) It was wrong of [my other female oc] and wrong of [member b]. I’m not proud of what my character did but, again, I am not my character. I would never personally do anything like that. I eventually told Damien because I felt bad for him and didn’t think [member b] would. To be clear, I didn’t tell him so [member b] would end up with me, I wanted [member b] out of that relationship. It wasn’t healthy. Several times, and multiple people can attest to this, [member b] expressed negative things to me about how he was feeling. Damien was draining for him.
I became a moderator around this same time. I don’t know dates.
So I could read and see all of the things being sent to the confessions tumblr.
The tumblr became flooded with negative things about my character but other things felt ooc. They were incredibly mean. My character became involved, mildly, with a friend of Damien’s. [member c].
Everything was fine, to my knowledge, I was apprehensive because they were close. He assured me that it wouldn’t be an issue but abruptly ended the fling because I didn’t want to apologize to damien.
After this point it’s all a blur, there was a lot of ooc things being said about me and ic things and it was all taxing and confusing. The day Damien got cut, he told me point blank that [member c] never liked me and it was a plan to hurt me but.. the way he worded insinuated it was all [member c] and a third party who doesn’t matter.
I just wanted it to be clear that he has had an ooc problem with me for about two years. And all of my characters.
Not because of my characters choices but because my characters always seemed to be wanted by other characters he wants.
I’ve personally seen him attack every single person I love in [group].
He tried to tell people that I had a second page to get points, which I would never do. I’m a moderator and I don’t have the energy for multiple pages unlike him.
And he used to message me random selfies like in the ic chat. And then say it was an accident. He would post mean status’ and @ me. And after I saw he’d delete it before I could go to the moderators for help. I had to actually go to the mods at the time of him sending me random selfies, and he tried to tell them it was my fault he was sending random real life selfies???
It baffles me that he thinks he has been bullied and all his actions are justified. I have never once received an apology for any of this from him.
For this entire like two years. He has trashed me and my characters and started all kinds of drama and for what? He has personally victimized me on multiple occasions and somehow I still ended the bad guy. Surprise, he did this to [owner], to [member b], to anyone else who he couldn’t get what he wanted from. Who he COULDN'T emotionally manipulate.
What he did to me isn’t nearly as awful as what he did to others but those screenshots? The ones of him wanting to break down my personal mental health? That’s not okay. I am a human being and I am sincerely a good person. I would do anything for every single member in [group]. And I have time and time again. I love people. I see the good in people even when I shouldn’t. I didn’t deserve him plotting to damage my mental health because of things my characters did. He can’t separate anything and it scares me for others.
I don’t know what damage he is capable of doing to another human being.
i am so so sorry you had to deal with all of this, and i’m honestly tired of seeing how much damage he’s done. i’m just glad we’re doing this, so him and people like him will think twice when putting people through this. thank you so much for coming forward. everything you can say helps expose this vile person.
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condemnthem · 4 years
ludo: i want you to know that i am NEVER letting up until you take accountability for your actions and CHANGE. GET FUCKING HELP. this isn’t “drama” this isn’t “grey” this is REAL LIVES YOU’VE IMPACTED AND HURT. you don’t get to play victim. you don’t get to say that “all people were hurt” because YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HURT PEOPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE. so, just so you know, we don’t let up. we don’t let people like you just go on to abuse other people. you are toxic. you are a monster to everyone you have damaged, and you don’t get to pretend that your pain matters AT ALL. you brought this pain upon yourself the moment you decided to manipulate and abuse others for your own selfish gain. again. GET HELP. therapy isn’t a “con”. that’s just your excuse to remain the same fucking way you’ve been from the start, because you’re comfortable with yourself. you’re COMFORTABLE being who you are, a sad, lonely, pathetic human being who can’t find any joy out of life unless taking it from others. you have made people feel unsafe, stalked people, PSYCHOLOGICALLY DAMAGED PEOPLE. so know we will never let up. we will never stop. and if you think for a second that any of this is because of personal beef or bitterness? think again. the abused deserve to be heard. get help or leave this space so people can feel safe again from your fucking abuse. 
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condemnthem · 4 years
here’s more testimony that was sent in. thank you so much.
This is hard for me to write. Ludo as a whole triggers me. The entire situation that I’m about to write about triggers me and I’m kicking myself in the ass for not saving these screen shots. I’m kicking myself in the ass for not stepping up further, but because of Ludo and the power he has over people I knew that would of been a fight I wouldn’t be able to battle, at all. 
There are so many people who are terrified of Ludo. Then there are people that are so over Ludo’s shit, it’s not even funny. I met Ludo in **** almost three years ago. He grew this sick, obsession over my character and it was so troublesome. His character and my character were never together, at all, but he kept assuming or bringing up that they were. I had to tell him countless of times that they weren’t together, but because of my niceness I always got stepped on. Well, lets fast forward almost three months of me being in ****; my male character got with someone and this pissed Ludo off to the EXTREME, but I saw how toxic Ludo actually was prior of the three months, and mentally, that’s not someone I want to be around. That’s not someone that I can be around for the mere fact that I have severe anxiety issues and trust issues to begin with. Well, in the span of two weeks, Ludo, had convinced my LI at the time, who was also my best friend of two years IRL, that I was a terrible person and that I cheated on them. Which wasn’t true, Ludo altered screen shots and lied his way through it. I tried proving my screen shots, but it never worked out. So, at this point, I was hated throughout **** for hurting this said girl. I was given shit the entire time, and I just up and left. Now, this all spilled into RL by this point; My best-friend of Two Years and Ludo both had my number. I remember I was in the middle of a grocery store, with my friend that read and I remember it clear as day. “You are worthless and shouldn’t even be living. I don’t understand how your own mother could love a psychotic bitch like you, so why don’t you do the entire world a favor and kill yourself?" Yikes. I’m still not over that, because how can you be? I’m stronger now as a person, but I’m telling you, I’ve contemplated it before. To this day, if I’m feeling at my worst I think about this text message; and even though there was an apology given? It doesn’t feel right. It’s because he got caught, and I had to express how it made me feel. Ludo claims he’s a changed man, but he isn’t. He will never change. I still hear people tell me how they’ve been told the same thing. How long will it take for someone to actually listen to what he says? I’m just glad I have such a strong support system now, and I’m in a mental capacity where I know roleplay is a hobby, and I can’t take things literal.
i’m so so sorry you had to deal with this, and the trauma you experienced is valid. you’re strong for having gotten through this without having let ludo make you cold. i’m so happy you are in a safer place. while i know such harsh words can stick with you, i hope a reminder that ludo is being held accountable for his actions will help you.
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condemnthem · 4 years
i was approached with more ludo testimony, as well as screenshots. as such, it will be under a read more. but before that i want to say how deeply sorry i am for what ludo put you through, and how painful everything must have been. i hope that sharing your testimony will help you, and i hope it will inspire others to come forward -- or spot the manipulation displayed in their own life and protect themselves from it.
there is also more testimony just as important that i’ll link here
in this imgur album you will find screenshots between the individual and ludo. i wrote quite a bit in the captions and kept deleting them because of how carried away i’d gotten from the anger at ludo. here is their testimony (damien = ludo):
I joined the RPG that Damien and I were in together after giving a lot of consideration. This RPG to me has always been very intimidating because the skill level of writers and i’d never heard many good things about the owners. regardless of how nervous i was, a friend of mine had a wanted role and I joined anyways and Damien was my first friend. it was my understanding that this friend i joined for and Damien had a falling out not long before and didn’t like each other. 
everything started great. he was really nice to me, always offered help if i needed it and even read all of my terrible narratives that i may have done. i thought i had made a friend for once that i could trust. 
eventually, it is revealed to me that Damien’s ex cheated on him with a girl in the group who i was also previously warned about before joining. admittedly i was intimidated by her as well. the screenshots i have show the start of a plan that Damien formulated to get back at this girl for sleeping with his LI. the plan was to make her fall in love with my character and then to break her heart and embarrass her. simply because he still believed she was trying to take his LI from him/wanted to get revenge on her. i knew that this was wrong and even though this person had not done me wrong, i went through with the plan. i do understand that it was a terrible thing to do, and i have owned up to that and regret it immensely. 
as things progressed, the girl kept being slightly rude to Damien in the blast, at events, etc. and he would take it personally. i was tired of the drama because it made me tired, so i ended things with the girl and used the excuse that i did not like the way she treated my friend (Damien). she was not happy, of course, and i understand that. 
my character was a cartel guy, so during a group wide i decided to progress his storyline that would cause him to lose sleep, panic, and all around just be not mentally there and somewhat having a mental break. 
in writing that the girl and i were doing (i was intending to use the writing for an activity check) after the group wide, my character showed up to her place and told her that he missed her because in some ways, she knew how to make him feel better. 
i don’t remember exactly how many days later or if it was the same day (sorry).. the friend i joined the group for logged into my page (because i used his pre-made page, which i know is my fault) to help me do something.. it was never specified what he was doing.. and read through my messages with the member’s page. saw the girl’s name for my writing activity check and read the paras, including the part where my character told her he missed her. 
between this time and when the plan was originally formed, i was approached multiple times by Damien, accusing me of actually falling for her, and liking her which i repeatedly denied.
i was at a super bowl party when i received a message in our group chat.. (damien, friend and i) and damien begins to address the fact they are demanding the truth about a situation i was being questioned for and that he was going to take the conversation to snapchat because he didn’t trust me to not screenshot. 
Damien begins to question and accuse me about the writing with said girl, saying that the friend was very upset by it and didn’t want to tell me. (friend later addressed this with me privately) and accused me of keeping stuff (i’m assuming my feelings?) from them. 
Damien then tries to deflect the issue of privacy by saying that friend went on to help me with something. 
I responded with the fact that the girl did not like it when people do not respond to her and the assumption of being kicked came from her friendship with the owner. 
Then he refers to the para where my character DID say those things, keep in mind, i had progressed the storyline to have him have some kind of a mental break (something that i was genuinely excited for but in this moment i was regretting) 
Damien then questions me (already ooc but even more so at this point) as to why it was necessary to tell this character that mine missed her. he then says he knows my character was messed up but was I.. me, the writer, messed up.  
he was angry because he thought i’d played them. at this point in the conversation Damien begins to screen record me, claiming that he was going to show friend. i was already angry because i was being addressed ooc while i am at a party so i told him i’d tell friend myself since he wanted to screen record. 
Damien then accuses me of doing a lot of things to hurt him. i am not saying that i did not do things to hurt him, but if i did hurt them it was not intentional by any means. friend and i didn’t have very good communication. he claims to care about both of us and reiterates that he’s speaking for both of them and not just him and then admits that he decided to confront me, it was not friend’s idea. 
Damien then goes on to try to get me to admit to lying, which i wasn’t, and making a very sad effort at leading me into a confession that wasn’t factual. i was so frustrated at this point that i told him if they didn’t trust me, then they should do just that… not trust me. i was angry, and extremely annoyed that he came at me ooc and was accusing me of things that were not true. over writing. because it was with someone he didn’t like. and tells me i shouldn’t be mad at him. 
i tell him that he’s backing me into a corner and i thought we were friends. at this point irl everyone around is concerned because i am acting funny and i’m turning red because my party has been ruined. 
Damien continued to tell me that there was no reason or excuse for me to write what i did because he didn’t deem it necessary. 
“i won’t let you make us think any less.” 
(side note: the next day i found out that friend DID NOT ask Damien to do this and he took it upon himself. therefore the “us” and “we” that he speaks of does not include the third party.) 
he claims to be trying to fix things between us but if friend had an issue with it, then as far as i’m concerned it was not Damien’s business to tell me so. he also tries to tell me i am offended and for the second time in the conversation tells me that he is “blunt” when he is really just an insufferable bully. 
“and i adore you. otherwise i wouldn’t care this much to be real with you.” 
i’m sorry but backing me into a corner does not mean that you adore me nor that you care for me. it means that you need to have your hands in everything, even if it doesn’t concern you. 
in the final part of the conversation before Damien and i parted ways for good, he tells me that friend does not want to lose me and that Damien was just trying fix it. then says AGAIN, that he thinks it was weird what i wrote in the para to that girl. Damien then asks how friend was supposed to confront me and i quickly told him that friend confronted me the night before and we talked it out. Falsifying all of Damien’s original claims. Damien had no right to reach out to me to question me about a situation that does not directly involve him. 
after that Damien got defensive because i began screen recording him. he accused me of planning to get him kicked, when in reality i was screen recording to show my girlfriend, who was out of the room at the moment, because the conversation was absurd. 
the last thing he said before we both blocked was simply an accusation that i was going to use the video to get him kicked from the group. 
i was speaking with an admin of the group (as a friend, not a mod) the entire time this was happening and it was her that went to the owner, not me. the owner asked politely to see everything to resolve the issue and i obliged. role play has always been my escape and Damien is not the first person that i have encountered like this. 
the owner refused to let me leave over the situation was because i was milliseconds away from pulling my role. i was willing to leave so that Damien could stay because he had his LI, his friends, and everything else. ultimately he did get kicked and i was afraid to speak to anyone in the group for a couple days.  
i had a very brief LI-ship with the girl who was once his long lost sister who is now his LI in his group. i knew she’d had a few issues with Damien as well but told me that she was not angry with me because she knew how he could be. 
friend, if you’re reading this, i am sorry for not trusting your words about him and entering a friendship with him anyways. i strongly feel that our friendship would still be intact had this situation never happened and put us both on edge with each other, causing further lack of communication and eventually a huge falling out that i never wanted to happen. i was afraid to hurt you again since i had done so so many times already. stick to your gut about people because you were right about him. 
friend and i are no longer friends because of a situation with Damien’s LI but i have something else to say: 
Damien, if you’re reading this, i considered you a best friend. i really thought that we had a rock solid friendship and i am just sorry that i was wrong. i am sorry that i even allowed myself to be the “scapegoat” in your plan to hurt her. but i did it… because you were my friend. i do not want your apology for attacking me out of character: i do not want an apology for ruining my night and making me question whether or not i am the bad guy in all of this because the truth is, we both are…. only i own up to it. i originally wasn’t going to speak on this experience because it almost bothers me to dig it up, but i’ve seen multiple people acknowledge what happened to me so i figured i would just air it out and give the creator of this a chance to share the “snapchat” story. 
i do not want an apology. i want you to stop sticking your nose in situations it doesn’t belong. i want you to genuinely try to self-evaluate and figure what’s really up. at some point i thought we may be friends in the future until i was made aware of words still spewing from your mouth about a group you were no longer in and an owner who didn’t give you your way. i just hope that you get better and do your best to be the best you possible. do not apologize to me because you were forgiven. but i do not wish to be a part of your world, your life, and i wish we didn’t even walk on the same earth. 
i have owned up to all of the things Damien tried to throw me and friend under the bus for. i have acknowledged my wrong doings and have apologized to all parties who i hurt in this “plan” or in things that i said (about people) so that I wouldn’t cause any conflict with him. i could never apologize enough, however, because i actually feel guilty for the things that i’ve done. 
i hope everyone who has been hurt by him finds healing, and finds a way to keep telling their story. don’t stop now. 
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here ludo is seen collaborating to "ruin" someone out of character. mentally. wanting actual harm. reminder the person he was collaborating with to ruin this girl in question has since apologized and taken accountability. knowing what we know now about ludo, we know how manipulative he can be.
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here you see the pure vitriol and lack of care ludo has of someone else's mental health. this behavior has not changed. recently when he accused me of "doxxing" (which, btw, showing a public instagram you connected to your band name is not doxxing. you make manipulative songs used to guilt trip people. funny, also, how you said "emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. get help" when you think therapy is a farce) he tried to intimidate me, say he was going to ruin me, etc etc. he hasn't changed.
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here ludo is bringing in character situations out of character. he claims telling an in character ex girlfriend "i miss you" is the same as saying it out of character. you also see him using another person to make his target feel outnumbered by using "we" and "it bothered him" - speaking for this other person as if to show them that they are on his "side".
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here ludo is seen trying to control the narrative because he's been called on his threat. i feel like you can tell how shitty ludo is being right here. i typed and deleted multiple times because his games pissed me off. but the screenshots speak for themselves.
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ludo straight up says "i don't really care" in response to "i thought we were friends" which shows he doesn't give a single shit about his friends if he has something he wants. which right now in these screenshots is to be right.
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here he gets upset that his target screen records what happened when he threatened to screen record the chat himself. it's hypocritical. there was no need for ludo to put his fucking nose in anything but he did because he's a narcissist with a problem with control. he HAS to be in control. always. and when he's not he throws a fit. 
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condemnthem · 4 years
here is more testimony about ludo. again, this is all credible. this shows how long it’s been going on.
I’d say that I want to stay anonymous, but if this is seen by Ludo or anyone still associated with One Of Us, anyone will know who I am. Can’t say that I particularly care.
Ludo, inadvertently, introduced me to my husband. It’s about the only good thing he has ever done for either one of us, considering that THEIR relationship was built on Ludo using and abusing him. Husband and Ludo came into my RPG (this was about ten years ago) at the same time, and Husband’s character was essentially perverted, by Ludo, to be hopelessly obsessed with him to the point of stagnation. Husband was made to feel worthless, like a piss poor writer, and when he asked to allow his character to grow outside of Ludo’s, it was met with OOC bullying. When Ludo inevitably left that group, he told me I should ‘just kill myself’. Ten years ago, and I was in such a bad state (which he knew, hence why he used that card), that I remember exactly where I was and exactly what I was doing.
Flash forward to now. I joined One Of Us and discovered who Ludo was - I still remembered him. I almost left a second time (at that point, I had left previously due to some bad mental health flare ups), but wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t that person anymore. After all, he claimed to be better, to have grown - I wanted to trust that. I was made a moderator for the group and, so I could be caught up on any potential issues, scrolled up in the Discord server. I saw him shit talking not only me, but my husband, claiming that my mental health wasn’t an excuse for me to have left in the first place. He also accused my husband of having ‘brainwashing’ me into leaving, essentially insinuating that I was being abused (and anyone who actually knows the two of us will find that absolutely hysterical).
I’ve seen Ludo spout such horrible, disgusting slander at supposed friends behind their backs that it’s appalling. If anyone dares to leave any of his groups, he’ll feign kindness and understanding in a DM with them, then shit talk their reasoning with the other moderators, especially if mental illness is to blame for their need to step back.
Thank you for making this blog. This is never normally something that I would condone, but this sort of thing has gone on, interrupted and unaccounted for, for way too long, and seeing other people come forward has made me feel way less isolated.
i am sorry you had to go through all of this, and i’m glad you and your husband haven’t had your relationship suffer the way he clearly wanted it to. i’m glad you’re out of this situation.
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condemnthem · 4 years
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testimony about ludo.
this is so disgusting and i’m sorry you experienced that. thank you for your testimony. thank you for speaking up. to see the racism on top of everything else just shows how much he doesn’t care and continues to not care. as a mixed indigenous person it disgusts me to see others use their 1/1000th of their native american heritage to invalidate the pain of others. the rage you feel i too can relate to. one of the things i’m most passionate about is my heritage, and something that enrages me to no end is racism, especially of this kind. the “i’m part [insert race here]” being, as you said, the same as “i have a [insert race here] friend” as if that makes anything they do okay. i know, as i am mixed, i will never experience the pain my fellow indigenous people go through every day, and i know my privilege. it is my duty being mixed to lift up my peoples’ voices using the privilege i have. that’s what you’re supposed to do, not say “i’m part black” as a way to get away with your racist behavior. you DO NOT care about your heritage, you care about your privilege.
if you, or anyone else, would like to add anything, my dms are open always and i will keep your identity as anonymous as it needs to be.
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condemnthem · 4 years
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testimony about ludo.
i’m sorry you and your friend experienced that, and as a poc myself i understand the frustration. though this implies it was in character, he should have checked with everyone, and i know he has a habit of making his characters self inserts. i understand asshole characters, but you cross a line if you don’t check with someone beforehand or let them know. and be respectful. 
because ludo blurs the lines between ooc and ic so much this feels more like him trying to get away with being offensive. also saying he’s mixed is so problematic as well, because he’s using his ethnicity as a weapon and escape route the same way he does his personality disorder. it’s a pattern.
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condemnthem · 4 years
i was sent testimony from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. speaking with others involved i can confirm this testimony is credible. this backs up claims others have made about ludo, and shows further his use of “mental illness” as a weapon.
My Testimonial
I’ve been off rp for a little while, but when I heard about this, my first thought was that I have to add additional validity to the things being said about Damien/Ludo. Luckily, I did not receive the worst of it because I shut that shit down almost immediately and Damien has proven to be a scared little chihuahua who acts big but recoils as soon as he’s given a piece of his own bullshit. I’m sure he’ll know exactly who I am, and the only reason I won’t post this publicly is because I honestly do not wish to deal with him harassing any of my socials.
I was in that former RPG with Damien, and if anything, I wanted to shut all assumptions and lies down. Prior to joining, I’d heard plenty of shit regarding said RPG, and after Damien’s departure, I’d come to learn that the people who talk shit about it are just whiny children who are angry they weren’t exceptions to the rules clearly posted.
When I signed the waitlist, Damien approached me with a secret sister role via messages. He came off as very nice, and I was still figuring my character out, so I thought it would be even nicer to come in with an established connection. He connected me to all the right people to talk to, and I was pretty impressed with the welcoming atmosphere right off the bat. He stated the only thing that was set in stone was 1) her place of birth and 2) her profession, and 3) that she was his long lost sister, and that anything else (storyline, additional relationships, playby) were all completely up to me. I don’t like filling roles because I hate being told what to do creative-wise, but he seemed to be pretty open-minded minus trying to sway me away from my playby choices with ugly tattooed chicks.
The first couple of weeks were okay. I realized there were a few people in the RPG that I’d known for a while, and when they realized what my role entailed, they warned me not to let Damien control me, because it was what he did with other people as well as LI’s and that was why certain people hated him within the group. I’d also been informed that he had been banned and snuck back into the group, and it had taken O (I’ll say O for Owner and L for the LI Damien later gaslighted who is now with O) some time before realizing it was him, but let him stay because despite outside opinion by pissy former members, O is actually pretty reasonable.
I tend to be a very bendy person, and don’t like upsetting people around me, so when Damien first started getting pissy if I didn’t answer within two minutes, I tried to be nice and apologize with whatever excuse I had. But I also have a limit when I am being hounded constantly for attention when I had enough to deal with in my real life. I was also aware that one of his LI’s (also a taken role) had left because of his annoying neediness, and that the LI he was with (who I’d become best friends with) was dealing with the same annoying hounding for attention. She tried to be nice about it to not hurt his feelings, and didn’t show me receipts, but the story had become pretty commonplace at that point. I’d also been warned about his need for attention and lack of boundaries. I made it very clear on many occasions that I hate talking about rl, and frankly do not care about what anyone else is dealing with irl because I’m constantly dealing with my own shit. I ALSO suffer from the same disorder as Damien and it has never occurred to me to use that excuse for shitty behavior. If I felt the need to dissociate, I simply disappeared rather than taking it out on others around me.
I really tried to make that role work for me because the character was all mine and I loved her, and mused her pretty hard. Damien started attempting to control my attempts at changing playbys by stating they didn’t look like him (fyi, Hayley Williams, Hannah Pixie, and Dua Lipa don’t look like Yungblud either). He’d get annoyed if I wasn’t around to do blast activities with him. My last straw was when I took a one week hiatus for some stuff I was dealing with irl and was only really speaking to someone I had an almost-LI ship with. Damien CAME at me, asking why I was ignoring him for this person and I lost it, stating that I was on hiatus and didn’t owe him any of my fucking time, and that I hate being hounded for attention. He immediately backed down like the pussy he really is when he realized he couldn’t control me, and apologized saying he has that disorder and abandonment issues. And I very nicely said I didn’t care about that, because it’s none of my business, and that I suffered from the same mental disorder and didn’t take it out on people as a result because I’m an adult.
I decided to leave the group and come back as another character. That was when he was dating L, the person who came forward a few times in the posts below. L and I have some basic stuff in common (musicals, whatever), and we’d fan girl over them in statuses, and Damien would clearly be very pissy about it. When I left the group again, he blocked me everywhere, and then when he saw I was returning yet again, he messaged me saying he was excited and that he was sorry for deleting me because he was “being petty and immature.” I acted like it wasn’t a big deal because I try to be civil with group members to foster a healthy atmosphere, but I wanted to avoid him at all costs because he’s a toxic person. When I approached him with a storyline idea, he said he was capped (he’s never capped because he wants to rope everyone in on his bullshit, but I assumed it was because he secretly hated me, which I was totally cool with because it meant I didn’t have to talk to him) and a few weeks later, he was kicked from the group.
I was still with RPG when he was booted, and everyone of the things the Owner said below is valid. I’d been told by more than one person that Damien would give them shit for something as simple as liking statuses and would try to polarize people from other members of the group. His obsession with staying in that group despite hating it is honestly the dumbest shit ever, and the fact that he allegedly stated for an LI shows how pathetic he really is. But truly, he’d snuck back in despite being banned, so what does that say about him?
He started getting pissy because he wasn’t allowed to do shit that were clearly stated as being against the rules. He kept adding nonsensical, impossible storylines to Damien to focus all the drama on himself. When I joined the first time, Damien was just a baker who’d been abandoned by his mother, and had a serial killer father. By the time he left, he had like, 3 long-lost siblings, was apparently involved in sex trafficking, spent some years in a psych ward, and was also a semi-popular musician despite being confined to the RPG’s town. O is honestly a very understanding owner, but refuses to be taken advantage of, and Damien didn’t like that.
But the catalyst was his harassment of someone via Snapchat for simply liking O’s status or something of that nature. She approached him with this information, and gave him a chance to explain his side, but he avoided her for quite some time (because, as I stated, he’s a little bitch) and when she finally gave him an ultimatum, he came at her stating that she was a shitty owner and everyone hated her, etc. etc. and trying his darned best to make it his mic-drop moment when really he was being an irrational idiot. He was really just mad that O didn’t let him do whatever the hell he wanted, and made it seem like that made her a tyrant. Imagine being in a group and signing rules that have made it work for several years at this point, only to think you are above them.
His current LI in his RPG was a former member of this RPG as his sister role after I left and I’d confided in her the things I’d dealt with, and she seemed to agree that he WAS controlling. Funny that despite this, she chose to follow suit (likely being manipulated by him) and join Ludo’s group anyway. When he made his current group, it was also no secret that he’d give people shit for not leaving RPG for his, despite all the bullshit he spews about being drama-free and not talking poorly about other groups.
I’m happy I never gave Damien my rl information, but I’d seen receipts of him harassing people on rl social media on more than one occasion. The most he did was try to give me a sample of his sub-par music that I didn’t listen to because, as I stated, real life conversation makes me cringe. Every one of the things said below share a common narrative, and I don’t know how anyone can fall for Damien’s bullshit to this day, but whatever.
Damien, do better and stop blaming your issues on your trauma. I’ve tried to become a better person IN SPITE of mine. The way you gaslight and use people is disgusting, and I think it displays issues beyond what life as dealt you.
p.s. I’m sorry if this is kind of all over the place, I sent it via mobile and didn’t look back to fix any typos and such.
xoxo, Someone who didn’t fall for his bullshit. Cheers.
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condemnthem · 4 years
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more testimony about ludo. are we surprised he tries to trap people into relationships and mixes ic with ooc? 
i appreciate anyone who comes forward, anonymous or not. remember i will keep your identity safe if you want me to. i will do my best to keep you safe from any and all harassment ludo may want to sling your way. i want you to feel safe coming forward. this is your story to tell, and you shouldn’t feel afraid of ludo just to speak out.
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condemnthem · 4 years
i don’t want ANYONE’S voice to be unheard nor do i want them to feel silenced. i want to remind you though that i am only one person right now. other members are either unavailable because of technical reasons or real life interferences. ludo has a history of abuse dating back 10 years, and one group or one person did not enable his entire track record of this behavior. right now ludo is the focus, and his maliciousness continues to this day, so i feel he is far more of a danger to the comfort of the roleplayer.me community right now. and if anything i hope my work on ludo will inspire others to not act the way he has. i don’t want to seem at all like i am enabling one person while condemning another. that’s not at all what my intention is. i will always stand against abuse of any kind, but i need to keep my priorities in order so i don’t burn out too fast. i’m not adverse to connecting with others who have separate concerns, but be aware that i won’t be able to get to them until the case is fully closed or my other members are available to help.
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condemnthem · 4 years
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fuck you, ludo! (:
god. just think about how narcissistic and insecure you have to be to think a ROLEPLAY love interest cheating on your ROLEPLAY character in ROLEPLAY is cause for any actual out of character drama. CAN’T FUCKING RELATE. 
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condemnthem · 4 years
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good luck deflecting! still can’t scare me. i know my rights lmfao
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condemnthem · 4 years
god. just think about how narcissistic and insecure you have to be to think a ROLEPLAY love interest cheating on your ROLEPLAY character in ROLEPLAY is cause for any actual out of character drama. CAN’T FUCKING RELATE. 
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