conradveidttrivia · 2 years
I should point out that I have to make my new Connies members-only these days thanks to certain types of people who nick the stuff (stuff I've spent hours scanning, tidying, translating etc.) for their mere self-promotion, without credit. So if you visit PF and don't see many Connie photos, only fanart and gifs, and posts from other fandoms, do not despair: the photographic Connies *are,* indeed, there, but you have to be logged in to PF in order to see them. Joining is free if you have an invite--and I have invites aplenty. Feel free to hit me up wherever, if you want one. PF is great; you can actually friendslock posts, or make posts public but unrebloggable (handy for personal posts) and have conversations and things. Do have a peek; it's fun. ✌️
Once again, it's worth mentioning I'm not posting any new content here, guys. So it's pointless to follow. I post all my new content (mostly Veidts captured from the wild) on Pillowfort. (Copypaste the following URL into your browser if Tumblr messes up the redirect:)
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conradveidttrivia · 3 years
Reblogging this to add that in an interview he gave in the States in the late 20's--quoted by Pat Wilks Battle in Films in Review--he was asked if he hoped to become as famous in the US as he was in Europe. And he replied that in Europe, fans called him "Connie." And that if fans in the US started to call him "Connie," too, then he'd know he had truly "arrived."
So, now you know. He was not only happy to be called Connie (he spelled it with the -ie outside the German-speaking world, and sometimes within it, too), but he legitimately hoped that fans would call him that because it denoted such familiarity and friendliness. It says something about him that unlike many other big-name stars, who hated reporters and treated studio staff like slaves, he *insisted* people just call him "Connie" and not "Mr. Veidt." You always hear about how everyone at the studios (whatever the studio) loved him. (I'm sure he had his bad days and behaved like a cranky diva at times, but in comparison to other stars, his reputation as a nice--crazy and incorrigibly flirty, but nice--guy really does stand out.)
Question: I’ve seen various different spellings of his name. Konrad or Conrad or Veidt or Weidt. Which one is correct? And what’s this “Connie” business all about? Isn’t that a girl’s name?
Answer: His birth certificate (which you can see in Lebensbilder; scan here) shows his full name as Hans Walter Conrad Veidt, with “Conrad” underlined as his name of address.
As for “Connie:” his friends called him “Conny” (the German diminuitive of “Conrad,” which can be unisex, BTW) or “Connie,” and we have surviving letters and telegrams from him where he’s signed them as “Connie.” You *bet* he was told by Anglophones it was a girl’s name, endless times–and it says something about his attitude that he never saw this as a bad thing. He disliked sexism and never looked down on feminine things, to put it mildly. But that’s another trivia post entirely…
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conradveidttrivia · 3 years
Conrad Veidt in context
For what it’s worth, here ‘tis: a new FB comm for Veidt fans who prefer to stay on topic and also prefer content that’s actually new and relevant:
Posts are moderated for quality control, but anything that’s of high quality and/or hasn’t been seen a million times before is welcome. This goes for not only photos but links, articles, discussion, fanworks et cetera. No low-relevance spamming, crummy quality photos or off-topics, and there’s a zero tolerance policy towards any kind of sexuality/gender/slut-shaming.
So if you’re sick of seeing that same old photo of Gwynplaine over and over and prefer quality to quantity, come on in.
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
So, guys, I've found out the owner of the hands in the photograph. Although, of course, that doesn't prove anything either way. Anger talks a lot of shit.
P.S. Again, all my new content is on PF. Nothing to see here. I have invites in case anyone would like one.
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So Hollywood Babylon II insists the owner of these hands had a gay affair with Connie. Any movie buffs out there who might recognise the hands, as they aren’t identified?
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
^As mentioned before, I only ever update my Pillowfort blog these days, guys. So if you want the Connies, that’s where they’re panther-stalking and seducing the furniture, not here.
There’s new fic, you guys.
And there’s also a new Veidt fanvid, over here.
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
It appears that once again, that woman on Twitter who runs the popular Conrad Veidt account is copying me, reposting my images and parroting my captions. So I have to point out that THAT ACCOUNT IS NOT ME. IT IS COPYING ME, BUT I AM NOT ACTIVE ON TWITTER.
This woman is older, and it seems, an undiagnosed autistic (like many Connie fans are) and thus, she has trouble understanding social rules (like that maybe it isn’t cool to take other people’s pictures without credit and to copy content word-for-word from others’ blogs) and she also seems to be suffering from echolalia (which makes you repeat what other people said, without realising you are doing it). Of course, none of us can help the neurology we’re born with (I’m hardly neurotypical myself), but when someone is unaware of the problems this causes, and/or keeps ignoring it when people point out that maybe what they’re doing is not ok, then, yes, it is a problem.
I told her, politely, that it wasn’t a good idea for her to do this, but she just freaked out and blocked me. Yet she keeps on doing this copying thing and celebrates thousands of followers–which she’s gained through just copypasting content from other people’s blogs, gifs people have spent hours upon, scans othes have spent days cleaning up. But I can’t do anything more about it. So if you ever bump into her and go WTF, I’d appreciate it if some of you actually asked her if she’s me, and/or outright asked her why she’s copying me and just let her know that not only is this kind of content stealing not cool, it just causes a hell of a lot of confusion for everyone. It’s borderline identity theft. Maybe once she realises just how often she’s mistaken for me, she’ll try to at least change her captions a bit. But she’s going to need more than just me to understand that message.
So, again,
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
Just posted a long and thorough Connie biography on my blog over on Pillowfort. I also translated it into Finnish, here. Go forth and read up on this amazing human being therein:)
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
addition by moirafinnie on the linked film forum:
Recently I read a transcript of an unpublished interview from the period when Veidt was working in America in the ’40s. In it “Connie” describes his propensity for excess in the teens and twenties, which he shrugged off as youthful foolishness, but philosophically hoped he had learned to curb these tendencies in himself, hinting that his tastes were more conservative by then. He was, of course, charming to the interviewer, who I am not sure fully understood his references.
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excerpt of Françoise Rosay’s memoirs (translated by me) where she reminisces about meeting Conrad Veidt in Hollywood in the late 20s. At Emil Janning’s, I met very often Conrad Veidt. I still remember him very clearly as he was a great artist. As a human being, he was strange, odd. He gave me a terrible fright, the first day. We were in Jannings’ double living-room as I was looking at the room, I suddenly saw a door surrounded by curtains with a terrifying head that made abominable faces at me. It was the way Conrad Veidt had found to present himself. He drank quite a lot, he rather liked drugs, he mostly loved women, beautiful girls. He was odd, odd, the best of men certainly. He was very much in love with a beautiful girl whom I trained. She was very beautiful but untalented. I’ll say frankly that Conrad also loved men, once in a while. He was extremely kind, but when he had relied too heavily on some substance, he became odd again… Curiously, Gussy Holl, Emil Janning’s wife, had been previously Conrad Veidt’s wife and she loved him a lot. She said he was a bit eccentric, but she admired him and loved him sincerely. Gussy Holl was an intelligent, decided and elegant woman who had been very successful in German cabarets. She sang wonderful songs apparently, but unfortunately I never heard her perform. She also had a daughter from a close relative of the Kaiser. It gave her some kind of aristocratic veneer. Her daughter, who was around 18 at that time, was called ‘Boubie’. Anyway, everybody called her that way. It was a tall girl, pretty large; she looked like a police constable. It was a mistake to call her ‘boubie’, baby… One day, as I was alone with Gussy Holl, I asked her directly -But why did you divorce from Conrad Veidt? -I’ll tell you. I excused a lot of his failings and whims because I loved him. But one day he did something to me that I couldn’t forgive. I was singing that evening at the cabaret. I left him home and he told me: “I invited a few friends; we’ll dine while we wait for you.” And it just so happened I had received a new dress from Paris. That evening, after work, I arrived home and what do I see? All these gentlemen dressed as women. And Conrad had put on my Paris dress. At this point, I divorced! Françoise Rosay: La Traversée d’une vie (ed. Robert Laffont, 1974)
translated by http://annhardingstreasures.blogspot.com/
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
Please, for the love of Veidt. I've had yet more followers on here when there's zero point. All the Connies are on Pillowfort. I repeat: all the Connies are on Pillowfort. And I have free invites if you want them. 👍
Once again, it's worth mentioning I'm not posting any new content here, guys. So it's pointless to follow. I post all my new content (mostly Veidts captured from the wild) on Pillowfort. (Copypaste the following URL into your browser if Tumblr messes up the redirect:)
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conradveidttrivia · 4 years
Might as well reblog this here, too, as PF is where all the new Connie content is at. So if you want to be able to see it more easily, and also filter out the stuff you *don't* wish to see, and like a site where you can have actual real conversations (and also make your posts unrebloggable and uncommentable and mutuals/followers only if needs be), come join us over there!
Guys, I’ve got one (1) spare Pillowfort invite. As I’ve had vague conversations with various people who have expressed interest, but I simply can‘t remember/know who was the keenest or the first, I’m throwing it out there–contact me if you want it. Also note that this shouldn’t be the last batch of invitations I’ll ever get: there will be more later on (at a rate of us existing users getting three invitations per week), or at least they’ve told us so, if the site can handle the influx of new users. So even if you don’t get lucky this time (I doubt I’ll get a flood of messages anyway), I can hopefully help you get there soon enough anyway by either forwarding you to someone else who has invitations or giving you one later on :)
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
This applies also to my other blogs, including this one. I repeat: I won't be updating anything here so it's pointless to follow. If you want the Connies, they're on PF.
Once again, it's worth mentioning I'm not posting any new content here, guys. So it's pointless to follow. I post all my new content (mostly Veidts captured from the wild) on Pillowfort. (Copypaste the following URL into your browser if Tumblr messes up the redirect:)
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
Guys, there's no point in following this blog as I'm not updating it anymore due to Tumblr being so user-unfriendly. Fandom's choice of social media is still in a flux, but hopefully in some months' time I can announce the new home for this blog (and veidtveidtveidt). I'm only posting my new Connie finds (including the interviews/articles you can see here) on my Pillowfort for now (I'm Snowgrouse on there).
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
And crossposting this here, too--this blog has been getting several new followers, but just so you know, it’s PF that I’ll be moving all this stuff onto soon, once various circumstances make it more feasible.
All-new Connie treasures
I’ve upped some Veidt goodies onto my Pillowfort–head over there for a rare promo photo from Casablanca featuring both Connie and Rains as themselves(!) and even more importantly, I’ve scanned and OCRed the entire Ickes book on Connie from 1927! The OCRed text, which I proofread, means you can copy the text from the PDF into Google Translate if your German is wobbly or nonexistent. So now, even non-German-speaking fans will have a chance of reading it. Took me a sprained shoulder and a couple of weeks of hammering to scan and process it all, but it’s there!
Here’s the Veidt tag of my PF blog:
I chose to link to my Connie tag because some of the material on my blog is not worksafe, and some of you may want to dodge that (I do wish they’d make it easier to have sideblogs, so I could have a Connie downloads-only blog and aesthetic and fannish blogs separately. Maybe they’ll do that soon). But even the Connie tag gets s*e/xy sometimes, so bear that in mind.
I’m posting all of my new Connie scans, gifs, downloads, interviews etc. on PF these days, just so you know–but I’ll keep crossposting these notifications here on Tumblr until they open signups again.
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
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Conrad Veidt and Harry Liedtke being filmed for Kreuzzug des Weibes (the Women’s Crusade), a 1926 pro-choice film.
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
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you GUYS i found a poem about conrad veidt and it’s hilarious i’ll try to translate it but it’s not as funny when it doesn’t rhyme:
Those who see him for the first time Tremble before this strange being Drowned in bitterness, with a mocking spirit, Demon’s laugh, maybe an angel’s soul… Frightening or amazing in an instant, Sweet or terrible, and always stunning.
Towards which hell do his automaton steps take him? Surrounded by shadows,bewildering, cynical, Impractical—then his fury explodes In a thunder : he foams, ironically… Head of a mad man, but holding himself like an aristocrat.
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
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Hedda Hopper waxing lyrical over both Connie and Bunny on the same page of The Washington Post, July 1940. I had *no* idea the slap in These Three was Bunny’s own idea :O Girl was *good.*
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conradveidttrivia · 5 years
As I said before, I will be posting all future Connies over on PF, so go take a look over there for a big pile of rarer photos and interviews of His Pantherness.
The Demon and Me
Ok, so I’ve put the whole Connie interview, with the florid description of his being possessed by a demon, up here on Pillowfort. Do feel free to come and discuss it and suggest better ways of translating some of the trickier bits. I do feel that at least parts of this interview were mangled by the reporter or just ghostwritten into his/her own interpretation of Connie, or then Connie was just high as fuck (I accidentally just typed that as “high on fuck,” which might also be appropriate, given that he had just found his OTP, Lily). It is a bit weird and inconsistent, but at least the start sounds very much like him indeed.
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