coolstuffduder · 1 month
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MASKING MYTHS BUSTED: “Masking = Acting NT.”
Autistic masking does not necessarily mean “pretending to be allistic/neurotypical," although you’d definitely be forgiven for thinking it does.
Non-autistic researchers have been referring to it as “camouflaging” for years, framing it as an intentional choice to suppress autistic traits and replace them with allistic ones in order to “blend in.” Doing an internet search on the term will return several similar results.
But now, Autistic researchers are in the game, and their take is much more nuanced and comprehensive than that. (Funny how that happens, isn’t it?)
They’ve found that:
- It CAN be intentional but is often subconscious and involuntary 
- It is a protective response to trauma and feeling unsafe 
- It is often about suppressing more than just autistic traits 
- It is about identity management and being able to predict how people will treat you, not just “blending in”
Some people will lean into being “the bad kid” because they know that’s what people expect of them. Some people will even act “more autistic” because they know that’s what people expect of them. Others still will do things to attract attention in controllable, more “acceptable” ways to avoid attracting attention in unsafe, more stigmatizing ways. Not because they WANT to be that way, but because it lets them predict people’s responses better, which feels safer.
Also, there are Autistic people who can’t “pass” for non-autistic no matter how hard they try. That doesn’t mean they’re not masking. They may actually be working hard to suppress A LOT, they just can’t do everything to neuronormative standards.
None of these people will be accused of “blending in,” yet they are still masking their hearts out. When we assume they are not, we miss all the harm that masking is causing them. But they are suppressing themselves and suffering the consequences of that just as much as any Autistic person whose mask successfully says, “Hey, I’m just like you!”
(For more on this, please see the work of Dr. Amy Pearson and Kieran Rose.)
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coolstuffduder · 4 months
trending, you are looking mighty feral today
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coolstuffduder · 5 months
would love to be able to scroll through a feed without people trying to fetishize LGBT+ folks.
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coolstuffduder · 5 months
Sibling asked how ppl in star wars dance to jizz music and I had to give her an example
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coolstuffduder · 5 months
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coolstuffduder · 6 months
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I need a little help here
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coolstuffduder · 6 months
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coolstuffduder · 6 months
Matt Damon explains why they don't make movies like they used to. Pls watch.
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coolstuffduder · 6 months
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coolstuffduder · 7 months
"The trannies should be able to piss in whatever toilet they want and change their bodies however they want. Why is it my business if some chick has a dick or a guy has a pie? I'm not a trannie or a fag so I don't care, just give 'em the medicine they need."
"This is an LGBT safe space. Of COURSE I fully support individuals who identify as transgender and their right to self-determination! I just think that transitioning is a very serious choice and should be heavily regulated. And there could be a lot of harm in exposing cis children to such topics, so we should be really careful about when it is appropriate to mention trans issues or have too much trans visibility."
One of the above statements is Problematic and the other is slightly annoying. If we disagree on which is which then working together for a better future is going to get really fucking difficult.
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coolstuffduder · 7 months
The house is bloodthirsty. The housekeeper is noisy. All the girl wants is a garden.
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coolstuffduder · 7 months
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coolstuffduder · 7 months
trending is looking feral today
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coolstuffduder · 7 months
look, I get destroying art so AI can't steal images, but you're intentionally making it harder for us to access information.
alright, I'm going to be hyperbolic for fun here, but even 5% of this isn't ideal.
at its worst, this is a softcore burning of Alexandria because this doesn't stop here.
tech like this is how we search the internet - could be very cool to have to dig again to find what you're looking for, but most people won't do that.
we are growing past spiders trawling web pages and instead are looking for context, which is actually a good thing! SEO idiots are less likely to make dumb web articles that don't make sense that get a ton of clicks by being easily searchable.
but, if you ruin the source material that an ai uses, it will be nigh impossible to access info without it being poisoned. we could also call poisoned data misinformation, depending upon the context it's used in.
the split between the tech illiterate would grow even further and makes the decentralising nature of populism grow stronger. in an ideal situation, the internet is accessible for all, but not if every time someone asks Alexa for a cake recipe, she plays "sympathy for the devil" thanks to shit like this.
but hey, at least your art isn't stolen, right?
New anti-AI tool from the team developing Glaze that looks to poison prompts and ruin data sets entirely.
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The tool can go so far as to trick AI into generating things it didn't ask for. 50 "poisoned" images of dogs into a data set yield typical errors companies have been working to get rid of: weird proportions, extra limbs, etc. When they added 300 samples, it was drastic enough to make a data set that was trained to generate "dogs" into "cats" making the tool basically useless.
It's not out yet, but they're adding it to Glaze and they intend on making it open source.
Welcome to the age of the AI arms race.
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coolstuffduder · 8 months
amazing digital circus kinda stressed me out?? could not get through the episode - anyone else have that reaction?
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coolstuffduder · 8 months
I love picturing posts made by kins/therians/voidpunks (and sometimes furries) as being typed out by their actual perception of self versus my own idea of them.
Like. That post you just reblogged? A cat typed it out. With its funny little paws. A cat took the time out of its day to type out that post you reblogged
That “person” you’re dming? You’re chatting with an angel, actually. They’re typing with their graceful, beautiful hands, chatting with you
That guy who draws the comics you like? He’s a big purple crocodile. He said so himself. Look, it’s in his profile picture!
Like wow! We’re all so different and unique! That’s super cool!
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coolstuffduder · 8 months
👻 corpsecourse Follow
dni if you support relationships between vampires and the vampire they sired. i am so serious, i dont care what your justification is, that is an unforgivable power imbalance. its almost as bad as vampire human relationships (and if you support that i hope you get a splinter in the heart)
🧛‍♀️ vampbites Follow
op what the fuck is your problem? more maggots in your brain than usual? go out into the real underworld and touch some graveyard dirt. i know at least 7 vampires who are in happy healthy relationships with the vampire who sired them. me included! this may shock you but we started dating when i was human and she was a vamp!
👻 corpsecourse Follow
i hate to tell you this but you're in a toxic relationship and i sincerely hope youre able to get out.
🧛‍♀️ vampbites Follow
🦇 battybrained Follow
i keep seeing people saying this shit and honestly i think it stems from the infantalization of humans. humans are capable of making decisions for themselves. do some vampires abuse their powers over humans? of course! but you cant assume that every single human vampire relationship (or sire and sired relationship for that matter) is some unhealthy power imbalance, especially when you dont even know them!!!
⚰ fangs4fags Follow
i think op is forgetting that humans can be just as harmful to vampires as they can be to humans. dont tell me you completely just forgot about the existence of vampire slayers
🧛‍♂️ coffincreeper Follow
next thing you know op is gonna be saying that a hundred year age gap between fully fledged vampires is problematic
👻 corpsecourse Follow
it literally is. i dont care if you are a 1000 years old vampire, if your significant other is 100 years older than you they have more life experience than you. god you guys are stupid why dont you all step into a sunbeam
🩸 f33d3r Follow
hey guys i just went to ops account and their pinned post was about how they dont consider werewolves part of the monster community cuz theyre not undead. just block and move on it is NOT worth it
🐺vamplovingwolf Follow
isnt it funny how whenever theres some rancid discourse like this its always made by coffinscrews
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