kaz + jesper brotp
can’t find enough content and i cannot beleAF i, a content creator, have to make my oWN 
none of this is serious we have Enough Angst!! for now :)))
jesper is 2-3 inches taller than kaz and, in typical friend fashion, acts like he’s got several metres on kaz
jesper: oh hey kaz! didn’t see you there wow the top of your head is looking great today
kaz: jes i swear to fuck you’ll see me coming when i break your kneecaps-
ridiculous and overly competetive
j: bet you can’t run up that wall do a triple backflip and then crawl over that roof
k: watcH ME
everyone else: kaz no
they have those really complex and vague inside jokes that are incomprehensible to anyone else like kaz can tilt his head at an angle of 29.3 degrees and widen his eyes and jesper will collapse laughing
kaz: jes we need to talk
jesper, sweating: kaz i swear i didn’t mean to eat that strawberry swirl cupcake i didn’t know it was yours
kaz: i really appreciate you as a frien-wait get back here jesper. gET BACK HERE-
jesper writes kaz florid love letters/insults for a month 
kaz burns them all (whilst looking broodingly into the fire) so jes gets creative a la hagrid trying to send harry his hogwarts letter
kaz can’t go anywhere without being hit by 
‘sorry but i can’t hold on…..ive already fallen 4 u ;)))))' 
'wow baby you make my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy-' 
'your eyes are the brown of the river water in ketterdam because this city is so polluted save the environment' 
'i think of you every time i see the stars on a cloudy day. never :)’
'your hair is like brussel sprouts. no one likes it’
kaz puts 37 drop tail lizards in jesper’s bed as revenge and there are still rumours in ketterdam that a terrible wailing ghost haunts the slat
kaz wingmans for jesper once and once only
kaz: hey. date my friend. 
person: ???? no
kaz: ok 
jesper once ‘liberated’ an outfit from kaz’s closet so next morning we see jesper in a dark suit doing his best kaz impression and kaz walk down in a lime green shit, red trousers and spotted violet suspenders 
whenever they get caught on a mission they build up a really elaborate backstory for example:
jesper: officer, see i found him cheating with one of the 29 lovers in my harem behind my back and ive known francis since kindergarten and then he told me he had always hated my sense of fashion and shot me in the arm and i simply could not believe the betrayal and he became offended when i called him a piece of [redacted] that should go and [redacted] because [redacted] so he tried to rob me…… (cut for length) …..so that’s how we ended up covered in diamonds and blood and swimming in the canal
some poor stadwatch officer: so mister…Von Fuckthepolice…you’re offended because francis stole your lover, shot you and robbed your house, took your favourite wine, mocked you publically in seventeen different countries and-
jesper: no, because he said i had a terrible sense of fashion. do keep up
then they go to the ketterdam equivalent of mcdonalds and kaz whacks jesper with his cane for saying his hair sucks
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“Barrel boys don’t have parents. We’re born in the harbour and crawl out of the canals.”
-Leigh Bardugo; Six of Crows
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All three of my Six of Crows couples portraits. I felt so much from this series, felt so much for these characters and the very different relationships that progressed throughout the books. Thank you, Leigh, for making something beautiful and fun and heartbreaking all in the space of a few hundred pages. One of the highlight reads of my life.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me kind messages - I unfortunately can’t respond to them all, but it’s been so much fun working these characters into visual life and having you all raving and gushing along the way. I really really love you guys
check out my instagram | redbubble | twitter
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he’d started to believe the six of them were somehow charmed, that his guns, kaz’s brains, nina’s wit, inej’s talent, wylan’s ingenuity, and matthias’ strength had made them somehow untouchable. they might suffer. they might take their knocks, but wylan was right, in the end they were all supposed to stay standing.
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@sixofcrowsnet heist: fjerda
the fjerdans believe all the world is connected through its waters – the seas, the ice, the rivers and streams, the rain and storms.
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inej ghafa
She was not a lynx or a spider or even the Wraith. She was Inej Ghafa, and her future was waiting above.
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-will you come near can’t you come here
-it’s not that easy don’t you know
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YA lit meme: [1/6] Locations ↪ Ketterdam “That’s the problem with Ketterdam. (…) Trusting the wrong person can get you killed.”
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All three of my Six of Crows couples portraits. I felt so much from this series, felt so much for these characters and the very different relationships that progressed throughout the books. Thank you, Leigh, for making something beautiful and fun and heartbreaking all in the space of a few hundred pages. One of the highlight reads of my life.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me kind messages - I unfortunately can’t respond to them all, but it’s been so much fun working these characters into visual life and having you all raving and gushing along the way. I really really love you guys
check out my instagram | redbubble | twitter
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The Minyard-Josten Pros’ Coming Out
Or, That Time Andrew Got Pissed And Posted The Video That Broke The Internet
Years down the line, our boys are both pros and Neil is getting annoyed at all the press conferences that get derailed by either the Josten-Minyard rivalry or whether he is or isn’t in a committed relationship as some gossip magazines have been implying
he’s not allowed to deal with it, though
he’s actually not allowed to say anything to the press that his coach and PR team haven’t approved of
he calls it bullshit
he only ever antagonized a dangerous yakuza criminal once
people really can’t let anything go, in this sport
Lees verder
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mythology moodboard: artemis
artemis was the olympian goddess of hunting, chastity, the wilderness and wild animals. she was also a goddess of childbirth, and the protectress of the girl child up to the age of marriage.
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kaz: and this is wylan, our demolitions expert
wylan, mixing coke and mentos: fuck yeah
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bittersweet ending
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the grishaverse novellas  ⤷ the tailor
Do not let them humble you.
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“I do not think that she wanted to be a witch any longer. Of course, it is also possible that her unrequited love and the attendant despair sapped her of her powers; that can happen. In any case… Merope refused to raise her wand even to save her own life.”
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all for the game edit│the perfect court (inspo, click for better resolution)
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One (2010)
“This is completely mental.”
“The world’s mental.”
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