crack-astrology · 10 years
Sun in Scorpio
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oh wow look at that sexy sign
You are a Scorpio if you were born between 21st October and 20th November but it changes slightly every year
Their element is Water
Their planets are Pluto and Mars
Their body parts are the sexy bits ;)
Intense and scary :(
Very loyal
Romantic sexual
Not very social so have fun trying to talk to them
are predatory arthropod animals of the order Scorpiones within the class Arachnida
Scorpios are the sexiest of all. They are so sexy that they are the source of energy on our planet. They are kind of popular amongst their comrades but they also scare people away sometimes :( They love their friends but might not show it but they are so loyal so be their friend because not only will you have a friend that won't betray you but also you will have a sexy friend. It is a win-win situation.
Their theme song is definitely this
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Hello fellow astrologers on crack!
I AM VERY SORRY for not being on for like 4 months. I have been super busy but now I finally have time to do stuff on this blog.
As always, send me what you want to see on this blog. I love suggestions, especially from you guys! :)) <33333
Question of the Day: What sign would you love to date?
My answer: Scorpio 8)))?
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crack-astrology · 10 years
whERES THE PISCES MAN WHERE I S IT wE neEd iT YOUVE P ROBS GUESSeD whO I AM BY NOW :)))))))) Send help Snazzy blog tho 😎
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Misfits Signs
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Nathan - Sagittarius
Alisha - Libra
Kelly - Taurus
Simon - Capricorn
Curtis - Leo
Rudy - Gemini
Finn - Cancer
Jess - Scorpio
Abby - Aquarius
Alex - Aries
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Can you please explain to me why my Cancer friend likes to "cuddle" me so much? ( I'm a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp BTW) And I'm sorry if I came off as a bit mean or formal I love your blog!
Haha, it's okay! It's funny because my best friend is a capricorn-aquarius cusp and we have a Cancer friend who loves to hug/cuddle.
That's just how Cancers are, really. They really really really REALLY like to hug and cuddle and everything. They are huge softies
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Can a libra and cancer have a long loving relationship?
A cancer-libra relationship will have a really good domestic life and atmosphere but they don't usually get along
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crack-astrology · 10 years
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Sagittarians speak their mind
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crack-astrology · 10 years
The Signs as Kollektivet Songs
Aries: I Wash My Ass Like a Man
Taurus: Too Small for Me
Gemini: Superheroes Can't Be Gay
Cancer: I Wanna Be the Little Spoon
Leo: Compliments
Virgo: Who's Gonna Clean It Up
Libra: Young Young Young Young Young Young Party
Scorpio: Passive Aggression
Sagittarius: Crazy Hangover
Capricorn: Ignorance is Bliss
Aquarius: Quality Time
Pisces: That Guy
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Sun in Libra
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yea m8 look at dat shit
You are a Libra if you were born between 21st September and 20th October but it changes slightly every year
Their element is Air
Their planet is Venus
Their body part is Kindey
super mainstream like what
Like being around people
Peaceful as heck
Creative fuckers
Best friends with Aquarius
Nice to everyone
Have excellent weighing skills
These motherfuckers are so mainstream so if you are a Libra hipster, too bad because you are still mainstream. Libras are fun to be around because they are soo nice to everyone and they are loyal so they are really good friends. They like to party and be pretty. They are all complete girls. Can be a bit critical but they are some of the nicest people you will meet.
Libra's theme song is this
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Why don't u post?are you dead?Or is school killing you?what?
i am very alive
sorry for not posting i literally had no time during the holidays but i have time now so motherfucking yay 
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crack-astrology · 10 years
What's so bad about capricorns? Wh do you keep hating on them?
I don't hate them, I love them
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crack-astrology · 10 years
are u a taurus bc im p sure ur a taurus (also how do u even say taurus idk dude)
I am indeed a Taurus and Taurus is pronounced tooroos believe me 100% m8
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crack-astrology · 10 years
At your sun in Virgo post it says you are a Leo if born between ..... Think you made a little mistake there. Love your blog its cool and it thought me some new things I am a Pisces btw hope you had a nice day
Oh yes thank you friend
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crack-astrology · 10 years
i like absolutely love your account
thank you! when i first started, i didnt think it would get that many positive reactions so this is great
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Yo bro I'm Aries and I'm not mad at everything.
but m8
by sending me this
doesnt that show that youre just a bit mad
(its okay i actually dont know anything about astrology and i stereotype everything and i love aries and i think you guys are rly cool
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crack-astrology · 10 years
Sun in Virgo
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Wow look at that sign
You are a Virgo if you were born between 21st August and 20th September but it changes slightly every year
Their element is Earth
Their planet is Mercury
Their body part is Digestive System
Neat freaks
Nervous people
Health obsessed
Overthink shit
Don’t take criticism
Picky as hell
Actual girls
Virgos are really freaking neat and stuff. They judge a lot but don’t you dare to judge them. They are farmers. They work hard and they are perfectionists. Virgos are healthy individuals who are very quirky and are fun to be around. They are commonly heart-breakers so watch out m8s because they are sort of evil. They’re best friends with Taureans and so don’t mess with Virgos because Taureans will go after you as well. 
Their theme song is this
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crack-astrology · 10 years
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Virgo thoughts
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