crevulois · 1 month
Taking Away Tipping?
....what even is the benefit?....Tipping isn't "Tumblr Tumblr".....NIGGA I'M BROKE!!!!
(I'm middle class, but just to put forth the sentiment)
.....its not like I use the feature, but holy shit is that going to be annoying and bad for SOME users that was just living their life getting their dip and aid.
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crevulois · 1 month
Addendum to my Last Post (For Clarity)
I'm going to attempt to reframe the principles being missed by the influencers and content creators I was trying to address in my previous post.
Note: This is my like....Art/Journal/Vent account so I don't usually Get super active on matters like this, but something sparked that really made me want to break this down.
To put it simply, what this "beef" means "beyond rap" has been a rather elusive idea considering how rudimentary some people's perceptions are when utilizing these terms.
"This beyond Rap"
Can Mean a lot of things for different people. It could suggest in a given context "This will be bad for Drake as an Artist" or "This will be bad for Kendrick as an Artist". It can also imply someone is using a scaling of respectability to define the principles they want to enforce through the standards being set by this beef.
There's also the angle
"This is Below Rap"
Where the worth of this beef is being scaled on its pungent cornyness relative to its blockading of other artist releases and the disingenuousness found in the substance shown in each artist's responses and retorts.
While these don't inherently have to be atomized ideas; when talking about this cultural event, they begin to become atomized when they aren't handled in a framing that attempts to be expansive to the issues and allegations this situation is bringing emphasis to.
Addressing Drake and Kendrick as just Artists and only focusing on how their situation aligns with other individual artists is reductive in a conversation about "The Culture". The interpolation of these concerns into a subject that is "Bigger than Rap" or "Below Rap" creates a barrier that Ignores and trivializes the responsibility of creators to hold their words to a higher, and more holistic degree.
If there is going to be a conversation of how this beef is corny, then there is a point to pull regarding the consumerism, and sensationalism inherent to these events that gain traction like this and what THAT means for the culture.
"They Just Lying" "He already won" "They are Messing shit up for other Artist" "The Track was Trash"
Is too dry a level to develop anything other than an echo chamber or a redundant line of dialogue. It is wasteful to forbode like this in times such as these. The framework hasn't left the simplicity of a beef with this sentiment. What we could be talking about is how Kendrick allegedly had information on Drake's other pedophilic acts and a Supposed sex trafficking operation in the music industry and had to have a BEEF to stand on that info further. That wasn't for the culture. That was for the Beef. That's beyond any catchy stim or bar Kendrick could put into a song. That's beyond Kendrick. It's corny that the conversation in the community sometimes just stops at the smaller false statements Kendrick has put out and doesn't push into the entire picture we have been given by all of the other accounted actions of Kendrick. Kendrick has been complicit around the Rape Culture that surrounds the industry in such a way that a rap beef "had" to be the catalyst to bring these things to surface. Its not just about Kendrick though as I said.
How did an entire community of people not do anything or say anything? The powers that be can be strong, but there are too many millionaires with voices and journalists with pens for the rest of the Culture to be caught in a sort of complacency and stagnance on these matters up until now. Its even worse when we look at Drake who we've known to have at least 10 entire diss albums worth of evidence already out about him. It took a Rap Beef for all the people in this community to be thinking about a raid on Aubrey Grahams estate suddenly?
There is the capitalist and consumerist understanding we live in a Cultural, Political, and Societal environment that grooms this sort of flippantness and dehumanization across our world, but with as many of the hopeful, ambitious, and Strong Hearted people around us this Industrial system somehow kept winning all the way up until this point? We had leakers who do what they can to put these dangerous people on blast. We have these actors and figures who bring eyes to these sores in our community and comfort place as shown in Pusha and Kendrick's bouts of opening up some of Drakes Skeletons. We have Frenzies such as these (The K V D Beef) where everyone is so eager to pay attention to everything happening in a moment, Yet Drake has still been thriving for 10 + Years abusing, exploiting, and manipulating not only the innocent people unfortunate enough to come across him, but the niggas who he lives in community with as a rapper?
Its enough to almost make me feel pessimistic about this whole thing, But the standards people have now with creating content and whatnot doesn't have to be so blind to these things in the way it is right now. That is what bothers me even more about the elementary aspects that bubble up to the top of people's youtube, twitter, reddit, discord, insta, or twitch. This discourse can evolve if we keep pushing the fact this isn't really just about Drake or Kendrick anymore. This is about an entire industry that needs to be dissected for what it is and means to us. We need to focus on the next nigga with allegations and then the next nigga while we simultaneously find ways to rebuild what is this broken system and dynamic between Industry, artists, and consumer. This Globally Destructive Dichotomy of Interest needs to be pinched Now. All these memes and art is Cute, but this is a moment for actual praxis and if we let this beef just wash over us so we can have more giggles about sexual abuse cases......who knows when we will get an opportunity as big as this to confide in one another again on these matters.
To Restate my Major Stances:
The goal we should be aiming for is one where we do not need a Kendrick for this cultural mechanism we are seeing develop around Drake and the Rap Industry Right now. This Martyrdom and Savoir Mentality needs to Die. It is flimsy support for any social movement to depend on. The infantilization of this moment is the Death of what could be strides toward systematic change and The Influencers, and Content creators who flock to such a path NEED to know that.
Also REMEMBER Shit still Goin on in the Congo, and Palestine Nigga. Them College Campuses too. Keep Donating and Keep Speaking. These Project 2025 niggas gon keep up on the Agenda, So keep your eyes Trained. We together in community building REALLY can develop the power to change shit. NEVER GIVE UP!!!!
These are Just Starters for You Tho. You on Tumblr. There are niggas wit Links everywhere up for you to support. Make sure you know where your money going to though. Fuck a Zionist and Neo-Colonizer.
Keep On Pushin!!!
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crevulois · 1 month
I am going to exert my energy into one of the highest levels of self-indulgence which is just RANTING about these IDIOTS online
I'm SOOOOO tired of these damn streamers and content creators addressing this Drake shit with a "My Hands are Tied. I can only analyze the music. I can't say nothin Besides the Beat is Nice. This what Drake Need to Do!" ASS Mentality. Nigga there is ONE video
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these niggas need to see to call drake a PEDO with they CHEST and either they not doing it, because they are Cowards or They Aren't The Niggas That Should even BE in This Fuckin discussion. What Discussion? THE ONE ABOUT THE TRAFFICKING RING AND THE PROPENSITY THE MUSIC INDUSTRY AND JUST INDUSTRY IN GENERAL HAS TOWARDS IN HOUSE PROCESSES THAT PROTECT AND POLICE THE SAFETY OF PEDOPHILES AND ABUSERS!!!!!!!!!!
"Oh I'm Gonna do a Rap Analysis for Some Content"
Nigga You're USELESS. Good Job Perpetuating the Same SILLY ASS cycle that Trivializes Condeming These Fuckin FREAKAZOIDS!!! For your Oh so Enlightened And Professional Image of Fairness. You Niggas are Fraudulent in How Ya'll Move. Either Talk About Some REAL shit Or Shut the Fuck UP! You'll have time to get off your TWO-BIT Music Critique When We Done Dragging This nigga Drake off a Cliff for being a PREDATOR.
....Niggas are Gonna Detract from the Real Life Important shit going on, on College Campuses, IN Gaza, AND the Congo to be Fuckin Clowns and Goobers With no Ambitions For Change. AT LEAST SPEAK FOR SOMETHING NIGGA!!!!!
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crevulois · 2 months
Gender Flag Rambling
I as a Genderfluid Person Don't like the Color Scheme of The Gender Fluid Flag all that Much
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So to compensate I just use the Transgender Flag whenever I get a sticker or pin or Other
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, Because This color scheme Rocks so much and I just like the Brighter Colors. On the topic of Flags, The Sapphic Flag reminds me of like......Japanese Clan Emblems. Forgive me for being possibly out of line, but I can really just see it on one of those Samurai Banner Things.
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Sapphic Samurai??........Fun outside of all of the militaristic imperialist aspects inherently attached to samurai.
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crevulois · 3 months
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Doo Doo Do Doo Doodles
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crevulois · 3 months
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Idk why, but I find Asa's like........2 eye modes very funny next to each other for some reason.
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crevulois · 5 months
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This is how I feel with like....the 10 Seconds Where Youtube Catches up With UOrigin for a moment and I get like grammarly ads.
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crevulois · 6 months
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Made a thing it seems.
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crevulois · 6 months
I installed some more plugins trying to search for good violin one and just fucked around a bit.
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crevulois · 9 months
Watching a Vice Video on Masculinity.
Its like an open Group Discussion thing.
(Nuanced and Good Faith Discourse About the Layers of Masculinity)
The One Mandatory Debate Nigga that Does not Play About God:
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crevulois · 9 months
Hi I'm bored and Procrastinating so I'm going to go through some of my old drawings and just ramble about them.
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hm............She smokes some kind of alien or whatever she is weed. Its strange how the eye lids clip through the helmet on the right side, but maybe thats just the affects of some deeply Glorpin Dargolian Star Kush.
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Hm...I hate to say this about something from my own hand, but She Reminds me of The Guitar Chick From "Silly Bands on the Run"
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The Shadowing here is very silly. Idk what I was trying to do with all these strange curves.
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hm......Wtf is this thing?
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Old dude............He probably a nice soul. Like he has expired candies he's willing to give out if you just talk to him or end up having a conversation with him. Don't know why hes so surprised, but its most likely for some old people reason.
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oh ya. I had this concept in my head and drew it. Zilkumgoopum is probably like magic man from adventure time. Nigga is just a cosmic being that can ruin your day at any random interval of time.
More on this Ability though:
Once you're boxed you can feel both parts of yourself, but both parts of yourself are for ever Apart. Its the worse case of phantom limb ever.....well technically you still have your body its just not with you.
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I just really like this face.....I'm not sure if I can still draw eyes like this, but when I did it was literally just scribbling a blop into something you could vaguely associate with an eye. Not actual intent to keep shit symmetrical.
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hm.....This looks like something that'd be in madoka maybe. The way the witches look in madoka is so Cool.
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This is a very specific sort of tired mood. I KNOW I was barely alive in whatever class I drew this in.
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This one looks like a yokai thing.......5 eyes I count......
Once there was an Old Lady who lived with her Son.
Her son soon began to neglect her as he had found a wife and a house outside of the Town he once stayed. As her Son began to visit her less and less her heart began to strain more and more. Finally after 2 months of having been completely forgotten by her once loving son she fell Cold dying of a broken heart. Upon her death the son took the usual measures of properly burying her. After she had been put to rest in her soil tomb the son Heard Screams from all the graves. He ran quickly and managed to escape the howls. He had told his wife of the event and she had not believed him. In anger of her disbelief he urged her to come with him to the grave of his mother. Reluctantly she followed. There again the graves Roared a Painful agonizing Yell. The Wife had turned Pale. The Man found joy in this moment. He knew he was sane as she heard them to. The joy lasted, but only a moment however. He quickly grabbed his wife's arm to run from the Graves Once Again. She Could not Move. Her face seemed as if it were looking into the mouth of hell. He Tugged and Tugged. Her feet still laid Flat as if she were a statue. The Soil below her began to rumble. The Man Pulled even Harder anxious as ever. From the Soil Sprouted a Tail. After The Tail 2 Talons. After the Talons a flesh like fabric. After the Fabric an Eye of Pure Rage. It Tightened its Tail Around the Wife like a serpent. With tears in his eyes the man pleaded for his wife to hurry. She stood still like a doll. Her Pale Expression unchanging. Through the Air horrid Words had Rustled into the Sons Ears. "60 dawns of isolation shall be repaid with 2 lives. The Life of your Son soon to come and the Mother who would soon Birth him." In a blink the women had been plunged into the earth below along with his heir. The ground became still again. The winds had no further song to give. The man on his knees went numb. On that very spot he had Died of a Broken Heart.
hm......That was fun to write off of a single drawing....I shall continue my actual work now and stop procrastinating.......I have a lot more drawings so expect maybe a few more post like these in the future.
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crevulois · 9 months
I'm tired of Good Animation.
They Need to Stop It.
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crevulois · 9 months
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Little min
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crevulois · 11 months
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Deleted My Account Today..............................I guess This my Main Site Now.
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crevulois · 11 months
Rap ik
I Fuckin Hate when a Nigga Going into Some Passoniate Like Poetic as Fuck Lyrics about like Love or a Relationship and then theres some random feature nigga thats like 
Like Nigga Shut the Hell Up and Let Tyler Sing Nigga DAMN. 
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crevulois · 11 months
Watching Nimona: Spoilers (+Weird Thing I do Alone or With Family)
Sometimes when a gay scene comes on during like a movie (note I’m Bi Saying this) I actively try to emulate a homophobic recoil despite the fact most of my family knows I’m Bi already. Sometimes When I’m alone I simulate/play act my take on a theortical bigotted reaction too just to see how that’d go down..............Its a very weird brain thing Which I’m not sure is conditioning or just a strange cope trying to process this bizarre world covered in nonsensical bigotry.....Maybe its both......I just started watching Nimona btw. 
Note: Netflix Times
WHAT THE HELLLLLL!!!!!!!!!~~~~ Ain’t NO WAYYYY~~y~~y~y~y!
10:39 That....I hate How the Pupils Don’t Move so Much 
11:43 Yaassss We Love Our Terrorist Queens!!!!!!
12:55 Thats a good ass cut away gag. 
14:09 The Profiling is actually extraordinary. Also I hate when stuff like this happens. Unless shes the villain or some shit it ain’t make no sense to not investigate that at all. 
16:20 Reminds me of that time shrek and donkey beat the shit outta all them knights in the ring. 
18:30 I like this track. If the rest of this movie is going to be like rock in the ost that’d be something I might have to go back to. 
22:17.....Thats.....So On the Nose.......
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26:03 Nah She The Main Villain Bro. I ain’t Like the Way These Lines Being Delievered Rn. 
29:40  George Michael? also that sax segment in the song is the magic of steve gregory apparently. No Idea who that was before googling, but theres a fun little fact for you via my curiousity. 
33:20 WOW THAT IS SO ON THE NOSE!...........See I normally don’t care and being honest right now don’t even really care all that much as I’m still largely enjoying the movie overall. It just feels like.........There is a more provoking way I feel in which this theming can be carried out that’d feel less like being bashed in the head repeatedly by someone yelling “THEME! THEME!”. Like.......It takes me out of it somewhat, because I know there has to be a more graceful way to deliver the same point. 
Nimona “leading me to a Wishing well”
Ballister “ A Wishing Well?! How did You Know it Was Just a Regular Well?”
Nimona “do you want to tell my story for me?” 
That transaction I like. I do appreciate the lining and framing of ignorance here.....Actually Maybe this is the right amount of non subtly and I just need to give it time. I get that the story is trying to set up the narrative that even within the realm of outcast there is ignorance and a lack of understanding of one another its just......It feels forced somewhat. Like Ballister needs to be ignorant over very dumb things so the story can draw out its theme and while it in itself speaks to reality it just....Bothers me how much the writing is really trying to gun it without like....any extra sauce to it. Feels too easy a Road. 
“When them Vamps Outside lil Bitch You Better Be Ready.” 
“When them Guns Outside lil Bitch You Better Be Ready.”
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41:28 “who would protect Todd!??!” I love that line reading. 
42:13 I want to say I knew it like I’m smart, but that was so obvious. also DAMN this nigga Down Bad as Hell. 
43:12 Nigga Got the Dick All in his Mouth “Shaboing Boing” type beat......Also tell me if I’m out of bounds, but it feels weird the lack of dichotomy there is with race. It feels like its aligning towards like....the lgbt and racial things mixing in a blind way I don’t like seeing in real life as a thought process other people have, because it doesn’t hold any sort of intersectionality in regards to the split in these concepts. Like trans people equating their struggle and identity as exact equivalents to black struggles and black identity. It feels.....eh put simply....but idk what I am suppose to expect. Theres the
1. discomfort of like having to address that as white writers. 
2. A slightly higher degree of space management trying to wedge that between everything else thematically.
3. Seemingly Utopian-esque Environment in which such issues can be thrown into the hole of nonexistent/unexplored world building and ambiguousness.
.....Part of me wants to call it a tall order and off target, but another part of me just wants to say like “Get Better at Writing” kinda......But I’m not a writer and I don’t know if the white to minority ratio in that writing room would make any sort of execution of such Good or valuable to any degree So I’ll just shut up on it for now as I am clearly talking out of my boundaries a little without enough knowledge to make a truly proper deduction...........
44:47 This is a Really Good Scene/Moment no Funny Shit. 
49:38...You know....I just don’t like how obvious the framing is; taking in what i’ve watched so far. Its like less a matter of it being a bad thing inherently as much as it is an annoying thing to just kinda deal with throughout the film for me. 
Like....In the scene at 44:47 it felt more to the point with observable layers of depth just paying attention throughout the movie you can pick up on along the way all aligning to the topic/issue of “the model Minority”. Its a more neatly put together trodden piece of text/commentary. With Nimona She has good set up just within the world around her, but it feels so....unserious when they’re trying to push the trans allegory, because it feels so just....summoned for the theme rather than comfortably integrated within more of the dialogue or actual events. The same with like......The confusion Ambrosius has when he sees ballister with some random girl (Nimona). “You’re Evil AND BI!?!??!?!” It just.....Doesn’t Feel smooth in a way that is continuously noticeable throughout the movie in certain areas...at least for me.....
Though of course there are like Cool Moments like 44:47 and 34:18
Theres just what I feel to be an inconsistency in the quality of the deliverance of certain points per-say. Like “Is that it” is a common sentiment, but I might just be greedy with what I want from this 1 and a half hour animated film so Once again I’ll shut up on it, because I’m not sure if I’m being just reasonably opinionated and critical or Picky and ignorant. Its blurred to a point I need it to just sit a little so my actual problems can become a tad more clear.........Plus I haven’t even finished the movie lol.
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“We’re Going to Kill The Director of the Institution Ballister.”
oh nah, Here She Go Going into Her evil Back Story and Shit. 
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58:35 This going too well.....Also Conservative Director Apologist have to be going off in this universe if that video got that wide spread. Gnome Rogan and Mage Milo of yianiaus have to be Going Off in the mythical underworld of twattorium. 
1:00:40 DRAKEN!?!?!?!?!?
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1:02:50 ??????????????????????????????
1:04:56 ........I’m actually annoyed. Just TALK nigga damn......I hate movies making things more aggro than they need to be to progress the story. 
“You’re a Ni-” 
That woulda been a very different movie. 
1:05:25  “Your Doors Broken” 
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1:09:05 What the fuck???? Yo??? These Villagers aren’t shit (Takes a minute) ah I get it now. 
1:10:02 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! HA, She Really Said “Die Monster!” She a Whole Belmont fr. 
1:19:20 ................She a Whole Shooter.
wow..........They almost had me. I woulda been actually upset as fuck if thats how they ended it..........7/10. Pretty Good Movie. All the iks I have are like....Minor mostly and overall I had a fun time. Good Watch. 
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