csssavis15 · 9 years
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I did my painting to bring to csssa today lol because I was too sick to go to pride
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Hello incoming Visual Arts kids! In the spirit of csssa15′s animation department challenge, we’ve decided to create our own activities in anticipation of the 2015 class. Please tag all work as #csssavischallenge and number the work in correspondence to the specific prompt. Use ANY materials you’d like. You’re welcome to participate if you aren’t in CSSSA15 Visual Arts, but please do not use the tag to avoid confusions. Challenges and Dates (the dates are suggestions, please work at your preferred pace): 1. 6/8 Draw yourself! 2. 6/10 Favorite school subject? 3. 6/12 Draw your workspace. 4. 6/15 What’s your favorite animal? 5. 6/17 Emulate a famous artist’s style. 6. 6/19 Favorite song? 7. 6/22 Most interesting thing in your room? 8. 6/24 Where are you? 9. 6/26 Use a medium you’ve never tried before! 10. 6/29 The city of your dreams. 11. 7/1 Childhood (or current) fear. 12. 7/3 Something you never draw. 13. 7/6 You’ve made headlines. What did you do? 14. 7/8 A fantasy landscape. 15. 7/10 The Journey to CSSSA.
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Here’s my (accepted) csssa app for 2015! I applied for printmaking, and I haven’t seen a lot of applications online that aren’t animation, so here’s one.
works A, C, then B. 
my explanation for work A was:
Young girls are influenced with stereotypical beliefs that maliciously shape how they conduct their lives. Society’s crippling standards of beauty are slowly but forcefully piercing into vulnerable minds like shards of glass.
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Pre-CSSSA Visual Arts Challenge Prompt #4 - What’s your favorite animal? (Quick sketch of two friends.)
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Precsssa challenge 6/22 Besides my desk I think the space between my bed and my closet is pretty interesting, since it’s where I keep a lot of theater memorabilia, gifts, my swords and loot from the office of a teacher of mine’s. Examples of what you could find here include flower crowns, masks, wigs, origami boxes shaped like candy, wooden swords, fencing foils, a violin bow, and if we include the first cabinet, art supplies and old sketchbooks.
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Pre-CSSSA Visual Arts Challenge #4 (What’s your favorite animal?)
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csssavis15 · 9 years
Day #3- Draw your workspace. I’m so behind with these, I planned on doubling up work from earlier in the week to fit prompts for later! So lazy (AdminF)
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30 Day Challenge Backgrounds #1 Your Own Room. This is my desk, window, and chair (complete with fleece blanket.) I have a juniper bush right outside. Colored pencil on grey-tone paper 9x12″
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Pre-CSSSA Visual Arts Challenge #2! (Favorite School Subject [besides art, i’m assuming]: History)
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Pre-CSSSA Visual Arts Challenge #3! (Draw your workspace)
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csssavis15 · 9 years
Just wondering but do you have a Facebook? We can add you to our Vis Arts FB group!
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I’m a couple days late for the CSSSA Visual Arts ‘15 Challenge #1 (draw yourself) but here it is! 
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Accepted CSSSA Application 2015–Visual Arts I thought it’d be cool to have these together in a set, since CSSSA is just around the corner and I’ve received requests in the past to make a full post. I learned about CSSSA in late January, began the app, and then got sick for three-ish weeks, completely stopping my working abilities until 3 days before the deadline! It’s not my greatest work, but I’m proud of all of it. Asssignment A- ballpoint pen on found paper. Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. This piece conveys the growing issue of antibiotic resistance in common bacterial infections. My favorite part is the composition’s parallel structure. My least favorite part is the lackluster, not-as-dramatic-as-I’d-like lighting. 2 days. Assignment B- acrylic on canvas board. Study! Fox. This was the last piece I made for the app. I’m a fox that has big issues devoting myself to academics and my art, and I’m upset with my lack of ability to focus on either one, lol. My favorite part is the background, and my least favorite part is the flatness of the middle/foreground due to the overexposed lighting. 2 days. Assignment C- watercolor. Tanuki Raiding a Tokyo Bar. I chose this piece from a mock-concentration I made in AP this year to showcase my technical skill in watercolor as well as illustrative story telling. My favorite part is the lighting composition. My least favorite part is the disjointedness of the various objects due to my tight method of watercoloring. 3 days.
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csssavis15 · 9 years
Hey guys! Some of you may know that the Tony Awards were this past Sunday, but what you may not know is that Michael Fields, the CSSSA director, was nominated for an award! Michael was nominated for the Excellence in Theatre Education Award! The video above was aired during the Tony awards to celebrate the nominees, and features two CSSSA alumni mentioning Michael’s name! 
Let’s give a big CONGRATS to Michael! 
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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my CSSSA (a summer art program) application pieces - I’m going for visual arts and hopefully end up in painting! :)
first piece represents a social issue, and while I didn’t work as long on it as the others, I think the message is still important
second piece is something that kind of summarizes or represents me, so of course I went for a painting study feat music
third is just to show off technical skill so I drew paul mccartney what else is new
I doubt anyone will really see this but I’m just very glad to be done with this oh boy ok thanks for your time
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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My (accepted) CSSSA 2015 Visual Arts app.
I’m a little embarrassed when comparing it to other Visual apps I’ve seen because they display some incredible drawing skills. I think I need to beef up before the summer lol 
Assignment A was a demonstration of the interconnectedness of humans an animals by giving an animal human clothing. It was done with watercolor.
B was my self portrait, featuring a sculpture inspired by ruby-throated hummingbird feathers. It was the converse of assignment A, demonstrating the interconnectedness of animals and myself by putting myself in animal “clothing.” It was done with laser-cut MDF and iridescent acrylics
C is my technical skill piece, so it sorta speaks for itself lmao. Uergh there’s a lot of things I would want to change but it did the trick lol! It was done with charcoal 
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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Pre-CSSSA Visual Arts Challenge Day #1 - Draw yourself! I will ONLY draw myself in markers and pens (since markers and pens only take around 15 minutes!)
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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1. 6/8 Draw yourself!
My first prompt for the CSSSA Vis Arts Challenge!
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csssavis15 · 9 years
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This is my accepted application for the visual arts department at CSSSA! I’m so excited to meet all of you wonderful and talented artists and I can’t wait for summer! I’m so grateful to have been accepted and to have the chance to experience such an amazing community. My Instagram is @ velvita if you want to connect more!
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