curodole · 4 hours
>video says 'deep dive' into subject matter >barely scratches the surface
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curodole · 11 hours
Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.
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curodole · 15 hours
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curodole · 15 hours
zero respect when people get all "oh nooooo i sure hope this post doesn't get a zillion noootes teehee, stop reblogging I can't have this be what people remember me for 🥺🤭" all coy and shit when the option to disable reblogs is right there. strangle that post in its crib to prove you're not a poser.
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curodole · 16 hours
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curodole · 16 hours
Saw someone mention the new Boston Dynamics' robot was introduced like a Souls boss. Was not expecting it to come out so creepy.
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curodole · 1 day
one famous concept that's going places nowadays is the "don’t call yourself ugly, you come from ancestors who all loved your face" and it makes my skin itch
I'm sure a small few of your ancestors actually loved each other- but marrying for love is relatively new. Marriages mostly happened out of duty or politics. And the woman didn't have a say in the matter. This, of course, when a marriage actually happened.
Statistically, you're more likely to come from marital rape. Generations and generations of women who got knocked up straight away and couldn't even think of saying no. It wasn't allowed to say no. They had children in the dozens because the husband took it when he wanted to.
Some women just got raped, without the marriage. And while there were aborting techniques, most of them didn't work out. Some of those women were left on the street, some of them were forcefully married off after the rape. Perhaps to the rapist.
So no, it's not a long lineage of love that got you here. It's women's pain, endured over the centuries. It's a man looking at women with your face and deciding they must do what he says. Branding them as a possession, a servant and a sex machine.
I'm truly sorry it's not as romantic as you'd have wanted. But life has hardly ever been for women.
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curodole · 4 days
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how it feels finding a cool base location in minecraft
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curodole · 4 days
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Grasshopper's Dream Cafe Located: Jeongseon, South Korea
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curodole · 6 days
i will never not be mad that x6-88 consistently gets so blatantly mischaracterized. if you’ve ever fallen from high up inside the institute on accident, you know he’s one sarcastic bitch when it suits him, and i love him for that. he’s genuinely so funny at times, he just has such a flat tone and expression that it goes right over people’s heads. but he delivers such scathing roasts in such a calm manner that i end up wheezing laughing any time i have him as a companion. but there’s a lot more to him than just being another “patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter”-NCR-trooper-level-repetitive no-name courser.
he’s afraid of heights, and certainly doesn’t like flying, which given how extremely he exercises caution, is perfectly in character. he gets jumpy and worries almost constantly, even if he’s outwardly very calm and collected. he’s ignorant with regards to the old world, but he does express his imagination at times, even if it’s 99.9% practically-focused and only really extends to his own experience and the knowledge of the institute. but he has so many traits that aren’t in line with the stiff representation the fandom gives him. he actually has a lot of traits that would get most synths wiped if they were caught displaying them in the institute. i do still think they did him extremely, viciously, disrespectfully dirty in his writing (which is a whole rant of its own), but he still has more characterization than a lot of the fandom gives him credit for.
he’s smooth-talking, calm, and collected upon initial impression, but he’s also awkward and sheepish and embarrassed to admit anything personal to you (even just that he admires you) most of the time once you start getting close to him. he’s also a worry wart, anxious about your approval, ashamed and almost mortified if you choose to scold him for doubting you, and it’s clear that he’s seeking validation specifically from you even if he seems so self assured all the rest of the time, to the point of claiming boredom during combat. he’s this blade-lookalike, terminator type who kicks ass and takes names, but who’s afraid of heights and is prissy about the surface world. he seems to enjoy when you’re a mean vindictive bastard, but not within the institute even when scientists have literally just undermined father and threatened the proper functioning of the institute. he’s so reserved in his praise in front of you during/after libertalia, but as you walk around the institute on your own, you find out from other coursers that he’s been talking about you to them, telling them about you and praising your fighting abilities. and given how many of these coursers say it, it almost seems like he’s been gushing about working with you (at least, in his own way) while you’ve been apart. he’s talked about as the best of the best basically, and since he’s bragging about you, the other coursers think you’re cool. which, obviously you can infer a few things about him from this whole thing: he’s a little bit of a gossip (just a little, plus it’s positive); he’s not only respected, but provides his own opinions to the others and that matters to them, his opinion of you matters to the other resident badasses; once you impress him, he likes you, enough to tell the others about you and your performance in the field.
the bigger shock is that he openly praised you when reporting to justin ayo of all people, which ayo will tell you while also claiming that x6-88 “does not give praise lightly. well done.”
all of these things build a character. he deserved better characterization, better development, better treatment of his character, all of that and more, but the bare bones are there if you’re willing to look.
it just makes me irritable when he gets so poorly characterized by people who claim to like him. i don’t even know x6-88 that well compared to some other characters but i know that much.
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curodole · 8 days
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curodole · 11 days
stop glamorizing being a go-getter and start glamorize a bed nook !
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curodole · 12 days
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straight women get on this
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curodole · 15 days
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curodole · 16 days
realizing that sticking to the "do it bad" "do it scared" mentality implies theres also a "do it bored"
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curodole · 19 days
Once you start noticing the passive voice being used for men's actions, you can't unsee it. In history class it was always "women weren't seen as equal human beings" or "women weren't able to own property or have jobs or get education" rather than men legally considered women their property and banned them from work, school, and property rights.
In the news it's always "girl raped in park" or "woman killed in home" which would make some sense if the perpetrator was unknown, but they often have already caught the culprit by the time the article comes out and it's always a man.
The amount of times I've seen a headline about a man murdering his entire family before killing himself being titled "man commits suicide after family is killed" with a nice little family photo of them is absolutely absurd.
Hell, just last night I saw an article titled, "3 kids killed after mom let ex-partner take them to get food." Her male ex took the kids to get food and murdered them before killing himself. Not only is the headline passive, but it also phrases it in a way that makes the mother somehow look guilty like she knew what he had planned or knew he was insane.
To top it off, people get really uncomfortable if you stop using the passive voice for this stuff. They start squirming if you straight up say "men wrote laws banning women from voting" even when that is literally what happened. BOTH men and women act this way. It's like we're all just supposed to pretend that rape, enslavement, murder, and other human rights violations against women just fell from the sky.
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curodole · 19 days
"It is not the answer-" and we're not asking.
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