cxttynoir · 2 months
@muralmxse { Catastrophe P1 12 } ft @wickedlyxcreepy
Frankie was the one who spoke from behind the curtain, in her reattached hand was Toralei's phone! Ghoulia appeared with Lagoona and Draculaura. Cleo appeared behind the striped cat looking refreshed with praise before smirking at the busted feline with Clawdeen right behind her in a sneer.
❝ We know you've been blackmauwling Gigi because of her relationship with Catty and we're not going to let you hurt our friends anymore. ❞ Frankie challenged, giving the phone to Ghoulia who began hacking away.
❝ You should know better by now than to mess with your superiors. Ghoulia's installing a program right now that'll wipe everything on your phone. One click and everything on will be erased unless you agree to back off. ❞ Cleo threatened with a wink to Catty.
❝ eeehehhggggg (One press and it's done). ❞ Ghoulia assured as the group stared down Toralei.
Toralei's entire body was cringing, make her look like she was coiling in on herself, preparing to strike
 but she had nowhere to go. Her mouth was opening and closing, but not a single word made it out. Her eyes darted wildly from one ghoul to the next, jerking back to her phone at intermittent intervals.
All in all, she seemed genuinely caught off-guard. Like a cornered animal that didn't know how to fight back.
Fighting the grin that was trying to grow across her face, Catty squeezed Gigi's hand in her own. She didn't think they were quite in the clear yet --Toralei was a sneaky kitty, after all-- but right now it felt like a win.
She could feel her heart hammering in her chest like a drum. Inhaling deeply, Catty boldly met Gigi's eyes. There were still tears in them, and she softly brushed a few of them away with her finger pads.
"Gigi, listen to me."
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"It's true, my privacy is important to me. I hate how nosy the media is, and I don't like that you and I have to hide from the paparazzi every time we go out together. As much as I love performing and being who I am, the media can be a nightmare to work around, and I don't like the idea of you being drawn into the nightmare because of me.
"But even more than that, I hate the thought of you sacrificing your own happiness and security like this. That's not fair to you -- or us."
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 please, Gigi. If anything like this happens again, please don't shut me out."
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cxttynoir · 7 months
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catty noir piece from yesterday
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cxttynoir · 8 months
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charles jeffrey loverboy - spring rtw 2024
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cxttynoir · 9 months
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cxttynoir · 9 months
Catty Noir 💘
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cxttynoir · 9 months
@muralmxse [ Catastrophe Pt7 ] Needless to say, the ghouls were only... partially shocked. Shocked of was was being planned, but not shocked of who was behind it. Cleo figured the conniving cat was up to no good some how. Frankie felt... disappointed in Toralei more so than before. She knew the werecat took advantage of Gigi before but not while risking her relationship. To violate their privacy was just a new low.
Now... they had to break the news to Catty.
They played back the video Spectra sent to them to the popstar in the private Muse-ick room. ❝ Toralei's been blackmawling Gigi the whole time!❞ Frankie spoke. ❝ And she's planning something soon for the next tournament! ❞ (@wickedlyxcreepy / @sorcerymuses)
Catty frowned and shivered at the word "blackmaul." What an ugly phrase, and an even uglier action.
No wonder Gigi was being so distant! Toralei had the genie wrapped around her little finger!
Worry for her girlfriend gnawed at the werecat's gut. Seeing how far Gigi would go to protect her -- to protect them -- made her feel more nauseas than anything else.
Swallowing, Catty pulled her eyes away from the video on the phone and looked up at the other ghouls.
"So, what's the plan? There is a plan, right?"
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"Because whatever it is, I want to help. Toralei scratched on the wrong tree this time."
đŸŽ¶ @13xwishes | @sorcerymuses
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cxttynoir · 10 months
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"Anything is possible!"
Mutuals only massive (50+ canon, AU, and OC) Multimuse blog. Loved by Nakira with 7+ years of experience in Tumblr RP!
Please read the rules before interacting! The Muse List
Image made by @13xwishes
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cxttynoir · 1 year
What comes INCLUDED with you?
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Tagged by: @13xwishes
Tagging: anyone who happens to see this
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cxttynoir · 1 year
@muralmxse: {Catastrophe Pt3} Frankie, Cleo and Ghoulia were walking to class as Cleo was perfectly bragging about the latest date she had with Deuce along with the next ideas for the fearleading competition. Frankie then noticed Catty nearby and smiled. She remembered the werecat telling how she was meeting up with Gigi later. She motioned to the other ghouls to go say hi to the popstar... but Frankie's smile diminished when she sees Catty... upset?
❝ Hey, Catty. How is... hey... is everything okay? ❞
Catty turned at the sound of Frankie's voice. She tried to summon a smile and a greeting for the friendly ghoul, but it felt hollow and fake.
"Hi, Frankie. I'm..." She faltered. "... not doing so great, actually."
She puzzled over what she should say for a moment, turning words over in her head as she thought. After spending years in the limelight, Catty knew the value of privacy, and she didn't want to simply air things out for the world to see. Especially if there was a misunderstanding. Or if she had done something wrong already.
But... she needed to talk to someone.
"Frankie, do you know if... is something going on with Gigi?"
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"... She's been avoiding me lately. And she's not answering my calls."
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cxttynoir · 1 year
{ Catastrophe Pt 2 } It would be about a week with Gigi continuing to avoid Catty for as long as she could. But she knew it couldn't last that way forever. One of the rare places where they could be together was with the Disappearing Club. Finally at the end of the club, Gigi spoke before Catty could to answer. Gigi was crying as she spoke...
❝ I'm so sorry... this... this is all my fault. I never should've tried anything. This was wrong. I can't explain it, but please just... we can't be around each other right now. Not until I fix this! ❞
She would only give Catty enough time to acknowledge what she said before she disappeared in a poof of smoke.
"Wait, Gigi--!"
Catty tried to call after her, but it was too late. The genie had vanished before her very eyes.
Catty frowned, running a paw through her hair in agitation. She didn't understand what was happening... things had been going so well with Gigi! That is, until a week ago, when Gigi had suddenly stopped interacting with her.
At school, the genie avoided her in the halls, acting like she didn't see or hear when Catty tried to talk to her, often vanishing when Catty approached her. At home, she wouldn't answer her iCoffin when Catty tried to call her, and any texts from the werecat went unanswered.
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Catty had never felt so completely ghosted before. It made her sad, and angry, and above all... it made her wonder what she'd done wrong.
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cxttynoir · 1 year
What Does Your Heart Look Like? 💖
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a guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
Tagged by: @13xwishes
Tagging: anybody who sees this and wants to try it
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cxttynoir · 1 year
“You know, Wishes, I’m a great valentine to have.. because I’m đŸŽ¶ never gonna give you up, I’m never gonna let you down, I’m never gonna run around and hurt you.” đŸŽ¶ [ cxttynoir, to Gigi ] (the muse couldn't resist!)
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Valentine's Day Wishes || Unlucky Wishes || @cxttynoir
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Now with being around the school and the modern world for a while, Gigi was more adapted to things such as jokes and social cues. So, when Catty made the singing meme joke, the genie could help do a spit take and laugh.
She covered her mouth but couldn't stop giggling to the catchy song.
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       ❝ Oh kitten. ❞
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cxttynoir · 1 year
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Lashana Lynch | Cannes Film Festival portraits | May 2022
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cxttynoir · 1 year
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Monster High: Boo York, Boo York (2015)
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cxttynoir · 1 year
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Catty Noir “Boo York, Boo York” concept art by Byron Leboe
[ID: four black and white sketches of catty noir in different poses. /end ID]
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cxttynoir · 2 years
What Color Is Your Aura?
taken from this quiz
tagged by: @13xwishes
tagging: I don’t know that many people, so anyone who sees this is free to use it
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shooting stars, grapevines, velvet curtains, evening skies, mirrors, tarot cards, bookmarks. your essence is mauve: you are enigmatic, a professional surface riddled with deep emotion. you indulge in teamwork only when you surface for air; you project a fractured image, just a glimpse of what others consider admirable. you are well-spoken and a cultivator of hobbies and projects. you are the aristocrat. you are the virtuoso. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of periwinkle, indigo, purple, and blue, who share your need for a guided purpose. you are also drawn to the determined wine and terracotta, who will help you grow and see there are others worth opening up to. however, you may struggle to get along with the aimless personalities of fire and chiffon who struggle with social savviness.
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cxttynoir · 2 years
Idly, Catty thought she could stay in this moment kissing Gigi forever. She didn’t think it was a sensation that she would ever tire of, especially not now that she had voiced her own feelings, and now that she knew how the other ghoul felt. If anything, that made moving away from that second even harder.
The light around them ebbed away, the portal closing in on itself, the machine holding it open whining and dying.
She smiled as the genie helped her stand, smooth fingers gliding against her own. She couldn’t help it - she felt like her mouth might be permanently stuck in a smile now!
“Yeah,” she said, not really knowing what else to say. ‘Wow’ seemed to cover all the bases.
There was a strange stillness in the air, the quieting machines and the content feelings of the two ghouls plunging the space into a comfortable silence for a moment. Energy thrummed under every surface, but there was no urgency to it this time - no machines waiting to spark to life, and no bad thoughts or secrets threatening to rise to the surface.
Wrapping her fingers more firmly around the genie’s hand, Catty gave it a light tug, pulling her ghoulfriend toward the door.
“C’mon, you. Let’s get out of here.”
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“We can probably find somewhere better to talk that an old defunct lab.”
Catty felt her eyes widen as Gigi spoke, the touch of the genie’s hands firm and grounding. The werecat had never intended to become so caught up in the past – she was usually a monster who focused on the present and the future, but the past was what had shaped her. It had made her who she was, and it was impossible to ever truly let go.
The pink glow around them began to ebb and flare, brightening with each passing word. Like a shining crescendo of light that surrounded the pair.
Gigi’s words echoed around in Catty’s head for a moment, replaying themselves even after she’d finished speaking. 
bootiful, talented, and caring
 you chose to share it with me, just as I will share mine with you
 I love you
Catty felt like something in her chest broke loose, as though her very heart had been clenched with fear, like a bird trapped under a predator’s paw. Now it broke open, soaring through the air on wings that spread out and glittered in the sunlight.
A smile spread across her face. She couldn’t help herself.
Nearly pouncing on the genie, Catty threw her arms around the other ghoul and kissed her on the mouth. The kiss was quick and short, but full of emotion.
“I love you, too, Gigi Grant,” she said, pulling back. 
“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and getting to be with you is the luckiest I’ve ever felt.” She nuzzled against the genie, almost teasing. “And I’ll be with you as long as you let me stay.”
It was the first time they had confessed the true nature of their feelings for each other. To Catty, it was like hearing a song for the first time, and knowing within the first few notes that it was the best song you’d ever heard.
Her face still split into a Cheshire cat smile, Catty pulled Gigi in for another kiss, this one longer and deeper.
The glowing light around them continued to get brighter and brighter, like a star about to go supernova. It grew and grew, until, finally, it began to ebb away, and objects began to come back into view.
The strange laboratory faded back into their surroundings, as though the two ghouls had never gone anywhere.
It was another few seconds of smooching before either one noticed, though.
Gigi caressed Catty’s cheek, hoping she would get through her ghoulfriend now that she FINALLY said those three words. 
I love you.
The words had been lingering on Gigi’s tongue to say for the longest time. From the moment they met through that near carpet crash at the Casbah, Gigi knew there was something magical about Catty. And not just her voice. Her body, mind and spirit all in once was pulled into such a magnificent being.
The time they spent together felt endless and enchanting. And now here they were seeing each other’s past, finding out something new.
It only made Gigi love her more of how Catty grew.
Eyelids fluttered into the sudden kiss they shared and her heart pounded as she heard those words back. The genie’s face was glowing in awe before she gently met Catty’s lips once again in a longer yet loving kiss. As they embraced, the two ghouls were unaware of the glow surrounding them becoming brighter and brighter, breaking through the darkness surrounding them.
It grew and grew until there was a familiar flash of WHITE

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 when Gigi pulled away, she saw that not only were they separated again, but in the laboratory right where they started. Aquamarine eyes blinked around as looking at the lab with papers flying around and the light of the portal behind them fading as the machine shut down.
After a moment, she helped Catty up off the ground while checking to make sure she was alright and could only mutter one word

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wow. ❞
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