dailynoodlezz24 · 20 days
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Senpai says you’re welcome
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dailynoodlezz24 · 22 days
A little warning for cartoonish violence and spoilers
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I've been dwelling on which one to scrap and which to dedicate to for something I'm writing, and so far the deer chimera of Marcille has been tossed. I'm real keen on the Goat one since I think Marcille's dungeon lord fit looks like a lamb and I like how a goat plays into it. But for story purposes, I'm going with the pheonix chimera, but I'd like to grow upon these ideas respectively anyway
Anyway, I really like the idea of how goats paw on the ground with their hoofs in irritation as a sort of flint spark for Marcille. Spark a flame at the wrong time and kaboom, though it probably won't be due to her own intention likely(though her breath may be flammable, MAYBE, it would hardly be enough anyhow(Unless in specific circumstances). I've also been thinking about how she can use the horns on her head. So, besides headbutting against Kabru behind her when she gets wambam backstabbed, she can just grab people or use the other parts of her body to inflict major damage. I hadn't illustrated it, but I definitely think she can be devastating with a back leg kick, though I've never actually seen a goat do that.
Onto the terrible sketch here lol
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Kabru would get toasted, just saying. Got a whole intricate thing whipped up in a doc, it's going somewhere, somewhere solid I hope
Very much based off of the Phoenix in the manga I also haven't illustrated just yet which hairstyle I'll go with when hers inevitably burns short, but I've seen some fitting ones like an undercut thing
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dailynoodlezz24 · 24 days
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Skemptches. The blue one right here was in my Supernaturals Hiker AU in mind. I'm making a fic of it hopefully soon (:
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dailynoodlezz24 · 24 days
In honour of Mermay, 3D for the art meme, with characters of your choice? (supposedly there was an error sending this the first time so sorry if this shows up in your inbox thrice)
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I TOOK VERY LONG TO ANSWER THIS CAUSE I NEEDED TO COOK SOME STUFF Okay Mermaid au but it’s Marcille chimera au where the last level was the water level and instead of a dragon it’s a big leviathan that they turn into delicious smoked fish AND THEN MARCILLE BECOMES BIG FISH GOD FARCILLE HAS MY BRAIN DOING BACKFLIPS-
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dailynoodlezz24 · 27 days
I've drawn Marcille with the idea of her being a deer/elk as a chimera, that's also based off of her dungeon lord outfit, but then a goat appealed to me and it makes a LOT more sense. An animal often sacrificed, but could also be the one who is sacrificed to. In a way Marcille used herself as a goat reviving Falin, and yada yada-- I think this is going somewhere. Mithrun would go apeshit, no doubt. But I love doomed yuri, love it a bunch, so a pheonix is such an interesting choice because I already have a sad little intricate plot in my head with it in mind
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A really old and really silly sketch, but I found bells on the types of animals who are known to be quiet are a fitting design
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The goat one is quite literally the deer draft but with meaner horns and coined pupils. Both were based off of her dungeon lord outfit since: fluffy. But bruh?? I don't have creativity stores-- all depleted. Gone. Ate it all the night I came home with wrapping paper and a sword gilded sword(with sword prints ON the prints)
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Now I got a WHOLE doc just for this one; see that flying serpent right in the corner? Took the multi wings and tail frizzle(it doesn't have that, but I didn't want to add a pair of pings on a tail) right from it. I had THOUGHTS and IDEAS
basic idea: she's got a LOT of new stuff only to be hindered by it because her body is NOT built to do the things it does. Her human half is still as flammable as it can get, which would be "compensated" by Phoenixes defining trait: resurrection Plays WELL with how destructive Marcille is, both to herself and foes And here are weeks OLD doodles that have marinated in my brain juice
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dailynoodlezz24 · 29 days
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random doodles :))
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dailynoodlezz24 · 30 days
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Ok, i had the thought (since i love werewolves and vampire stuff, liches, all that-- I blame Skyrim and its unhealthy amount of beautiful mods-- and Dungeon Meshi just seems so perfect about it with its races and stuff) what if Marcille's a dhampir, basically a human vampire crossbreed, who seeks to become fully vampiric in order to be able to sire in lieu of the dungeon lord/universal longevity plot. (Spoilers: she still doesn't get it in the end lmao) Falin is a longtime friend of hers through a backstory I still haven't made up yet, and Marcille's introduced as a new addition to the main cast, who are a party of hikers (or for some sort of venturing activity). Month in, Falin's gone and had herself eaten by some weird dog described in only folklore, which Laios would later excitedly incite as a "lycanthrope". (They tried to call emergencies for a missing person, but they came up with nothing. Everyone thinks Laios is going insane when he concludes that the sight they saw after Falin became officially missing, blood trails and offly wolfish tracks fading off to somewhere, was the work of a wolfman, or a werewolf, and suggested going to search for Falin themselves. Namari and Toshiro leave promptly) Chillchuck and Marcille stay with him, one determined with his navigational skills and the other fully believing in this supernatural theory. They decide it's best they start camping in the forest, deeper and closer to the wilderness, prompting them the idea: hunt for their share. Which may or may not be illegal :shrug They meet Senshi, one hell of a wildchef man. (Marcille's total disgust with the idea of eating out in the wild stems from the fact she doesn't want to survive off of squirrels again. But this food is pretty good, and she's eating other animals than small rodents this time. Chillchuck just doesn't want to hear about the weird ass facts about how skinwalkers might be related to humans and their horrific hunting tendencies while eating.) The deeper they go, the more strange and bizarre this forest becomes. First normal, unassuming, then the ravens start speaking and the rabbits have horns. And if you peer into it close enough, your eyes might just find company in where the campfire doesn't reach. So on and so on, they find Falin's bones in the corpse of the creature, and suddenly there's a little guy with white hair and crazed, purple eyes(thistle), who beats them all off with a stick(not actually lmao). Last they see is Falin's remains being reanimated with the dripping blood of the stranger. (Marcille had tried in desperate attempt to revive Falin with her own blood/bite, but to no avail, revealing herself in the process. The only thing she can note is the awful taste of something doglike, aka the lycanthrope disease circulating in Falin's bones-- since they were chomped before she died RIP.) Now they're against a highly aggressive abomination under the servitude of someone out to get them. And the opps are on them(canaries) Now I'm just thinking abt whether or not to make Marcille also a werepyre? Considering it would make sense for her to also get her human-half infected into something "full-fledged" in the way she hadn't intended, and still come up without the ability to sire(she wants to make a cauldron for company, a cauldron being like a vampire made family, due to the same motives of keeping her loved ones). Thank you for reading my ramblings, I am brimming with ideas for this AU.
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dailynoodlezz24 · 1 month
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This is what is produced on purely vibes and three minutes of sleep. WAHOO
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dailynoodlezz24 · 1 month
Forgot abt these sketches no lie. I also have some Marcille Chimera thingies that are embarrassing to look at rn lmaoo, so I'll post them when I make something actually cool out of it
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dailynoodlezz24 · 1 month
Warning: spoilers for dungeon meshi
Surprised awakening!
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Without the shading:
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Still very obsessed over these two, like GRAHHHHHHHH
And in case you can't read Laios's text: "It doesn't look like it's going to eat her...."
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dailynoodlezz24 · 1 month
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uuuurghhh color
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dailynoodlezz24 · 2 months
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dailynoodlezz24 · 2 months
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dailynoodlezz24 · 2 months
Saw the video and decided it was them. It's them.
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dailynoodlezz24 · 2 months
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Based off of:
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full context credits to BlacknedSoul on Discord
I am not proud of the fact I rushed this, and it blatantly shows ;-;
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dailynoodlezz24 · 2 months
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Based off of:
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full context credits to BlacknedSoul on Discord
I am not proud of the fact I rushed this, and it blatantly shows ;-;
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dailynoodlezz24 · 2 months
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