daisyrella · 11 hours
i’ve been watching this 5 hour long gameplay movie of the last of us 1 bc i tried to play the ps4 game but i’m the worst fucking shooter and i couldn’t get used to the different like button commands or wtv.. anyway all that to say i totally get the joel thing. like i completely understand why the world wants this raggedy old white man with arms of steel and a heart of gold covered in a thick layer of trauma and survivor’s guilt.
i personally don’t find pedro pascal hot & the actress who plays ellie seems obnoxious to ME pewsonawy so i won’t be watching the show lmao but i am sitting all the way down for these gameplay videos. wish i could hit a target in these games but alas i’m only good at rdr
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daisyrella · 1 day
“let’s run away together” trope fucks me up bc it’s almost always doomed. but what if it’s not this time.
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daisyrella · 2 days
insanely dystopian to muster up every nerve in my body to sit through tiktoks showing the horrors ppl are living in palestine, congo & sudan only for the next video to be a white woman’s undisclosed skincare ad and the one after that is mcdonalds sponsored sell outs shouting “limited time offers” with all 4+ holes gaping and then i click on fewer posts like this so the algorithm concluded what i wanna see is a fucking BeAuTy GuRu going on brand deals to korea and buying birkin bags and the video after that is a congolese woman yelling in anguish after watching her daughters get raped and murdered in front of her as rebels set their refugee camp on fire and it has 300 likes 8 comments half of which are bots.
how are we not collectively sobbing uncontrollably in the fetal position out on the streets all day long. how is this the world we live in. 2.4 million sudanese ppl are estimated to die of starvation by september which is mere fucking days away and there’s rich american fucks posting mukbangs of them eating more than a village consumes in a week with 10 midroll ads. 2 million gazans are stuck in a strip of land the size of an average american suburb and being bombed in their tents with no food, no water and no medicine and the death toll hasn’t even been updated for months bc the occupation destroyed every single hospital in gaza and turned the last one into a concentration camp with a massive hole filled with executed patients and doctors.
all this happening right in front of our eyes and the only thing motherfuckers wanna talk abt is the piece of shit album of a piece of shit singer who’s a goddamn environmental terrorist with so much influence congress passed a bill to hide private jets’ trips so she wouldn’t get called out for destroying the fucking ozone layer. i’m gonna start biting ppl through their phone screens i can’t take this anymore
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daisyrella · 3 days
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“How were your meetings ?” “Not nearly as good as our bed.”
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daisyrella · 4 days
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Hani is less than half-way to his goal, and urgently needs to evacuate his family. Hani's house was destroyed on October 13th, and since then, his family has been displaced, living in tents.
On September 15th, his father lost his life due to the attack on Al-Shifa Hospital. Because of this terrible injustice, Hani is now the only hope for saving his family - which consists of 10 members: his sisters (which includes two toddlers: a 2 and 3 year old), 3 minors, and his 18-year-old brother.
Hani currently lives in Belgium. He left Gaza for Italy to represent Palestine in a skate competition - but his life has been completely transformed since then. He lost his father, his home, and now he is in constant fear that he will lose the rest of his family. At 23 years old, this is one of the most stressful positions a person could ever be in.
Help Hani's family survive by donating to their evacuation fund. The smallest donation will make the biggest difference. We can all pitch in. If you cannot donate, you should absolutely spread the word.
(Click to donate)
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daisyrella · 4 days
*preparing to go outside* i'm normal. i know how to cross the street. i avoid eye contact in an organic non weird way, as if i simply do not notice fellow pedestrians.
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daisyrella · 4 days
black hijabis are the most beautiful women in the world like it’s not even a competition i fear. every single black hijabi i’ve seen in person or online has been the most stunning person i’ve ever laid eyes on.
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daisyrella · 4 days
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I'm sorry I keep posting my tiktok comments but please. What does this mean. What do people THINK shipping is for anymore???
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daisyrella · 5 days
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daisyrella · 5 days
no clue what causes pcos. no clue what causes endometriosis. 2 year waiting lists to see a gynecologist. you'd think female bodies only started existing 50 years ago
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daisyrella · 6 days
My name is Issam Aziz, and I am 26 years old, living in the Netherlands. I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a plea for help for my sick and elderly mother, Haifa Aziz, who is 59 years old and suffering from diabetes. Our lives have been turned upside down since the devastating events that began in Gaza.
We tragically lost my father on September 17th, before the October 7th escalation. He was a double amputee and struggled immensely. With our home destroyed in northern Gaza, my mother was left with no choice but to move to a refugee camp in Rafah. However, Rafah is no longer the safe haven it once was; we have witnessed the targeting of refugees in their tents.
My mother, Haifa, is enduring unimaginable hardships. With the collapse of the healthcare system in Gaza, she cannot access her necessary medications, exacerbating her already severe condition. The thought of her suffering without the essential care she needs is unbearable.
We urgently need to evacuate her to Egypt through the Rafah border crossing. However, this comes at a steep cost of $6,000, a sum that is beyond my means. I am reaching out to you, hoping for your compassion and generosity to help us raise the funds needed to save my mother’s life.
Please consider donating to our cause. Your support can provide my mother with the chance to escape the horrors of war and live her remaining years in safety and dignity. No one should have to endure such suffering, especially someone as vulnerable as my mother.
Your kindness and generosity can make a life-saving difference. Please, help us bring hope and relief to my beloved mother.
Thank you for your compassion and support.
Issam Aziz
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daisyrella · 6 days
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Issam Aziz, and I am reaching out in a moment of profound desperation. The relentless conflict in Gaza has brought my family to the brink. My mother is gravely ill, and our only hope is to evacuate her to a safer place where she can receive the medical care she so urgently needs.
I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's evacuation and treatment. Her condition worsens with each passing day, and time is running out. The thought of losing her is unbearable, and I am pleading for your support.
Please, share our campaign on your social media platforms. Your kindness and generosity could be the miracle that saves my mother's life. Every share, every donation, brings us one step closer to safety and hope.
From the depths of my heart, I thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Issam Aziz
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you .❤️🙏🏼
i have little to no audience but i hope i can help. praying for you and your mother, inshAllah she will have a healthy recovery and your family will be reunited soon.
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daisyrella · 8 days
me and my massive throbbing enormous dripping guilt complex
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daisyrella · 9 days
pretty iconic when you think abt it that like 15 years ago a group of girls read harry potter and were like “nah fuck this i only care abt these 3 dead dilfs and their fuckass rat judas friend from the 70s and i’m gonna imagine they’re played by some of the hottest british men to ever exist and they were also probably all fucking each other” and that’s just its own fandom now separate from the actual franchise. and i have to say… fics and fanart abt the marauders are so much better than actual harry potter god bless 🙏🏽
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daisyrella · 9 days
🔴I recently lost my older brother Muhammad in a previous war that the world knows nothing about
I don't want to lose anyone, I want to get my family out sooner
Please help
Urgent Appeal: Help Yusuf and his Family Evacuate Gaza!🆘🆘🆘🚨🚨
Youssef birth was marked by deep feelings of compassion and sadness. He realized that something was very painful on the first day of his life, so he took the responsibility of taking the mother out on foot, who was very pregnant, to give birth to him in battle in the shadow of war.
In addition, Youssef suffers from a lack of nutrition and healthy eating, which increases his fatigue and negatively affects his color and growth. Such circumstances pose challenges that the child faces in living a normal and dignified life
🔴🔴Any donation could save the life of Youssef and his family.
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daisyrella · 9 days
i hope he kills himself 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 and maybe joe biden too god if youre listening
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daisyrella · 9 days
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