danielewen ยท 17 days
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danielewen ยท 22 days
I know nothing.
I'm starting an experiment because I'm curious to see where the best place to cultivate ideas is. On the legacy world platforms like this (no offense, but centralised systems have a major design flaw in them, they're centralised and therefore subject to #censorship), or on the new world decentralised systems like #nostr and #keet? I think I know the answer, but why not join me on the journey and we'll find out together ๐Ÿ˜Š
I'm going to be publishing my work in several different locations (#Substack, #Highlighter, #WordPress, #Medium, #LinkedIn, and any others that come to my attention), to see which platforms gains the most traction. This creates a lot of additional work for me, but I believe the results will be worth it.
My first article entitled: "I know nothing." can be found at the following locations. Which platform would you choose to read it on, and which social media platform(s) would you choose to share it on? Let me know in the comments section ๐Ÿ™
https://danielewen.substack.com/p/i-know-nothing (Substack)
https://highlighter.com/npub15z0mnjepscd9hk3ywkcvuupap7tt0qle64f0uvvygpl3mqerz4tq4dl33y/I-know-nothing-j39xkc (Highlighter | nostr)
https://danielewen.wordpress.com/2024/05/19/i-know-nothing/ (WordPress)
https://medium.com/@danielewen/i-know-nothing-7c202760b295 (Medium)
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-know-nothing-danielewen-1h8ze/ (LinkedIn)
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