dawnarowdite · 2 months
eating for breakfast lunch and dinner
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hai lol hashtag krii7y smile
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
see below for prompts! (constantly being updated)
in order from youngest to oldest prompts
(dates written in UK format)
♡ seven word dialogue prompts (25/02/24)
♡ responses to "i love you." PART 2 (22/02/24)
♡ fluffy romance prompts + dialogue [valentine’s] (14/02/24)
♡ fluffy romance dialogue prompts
♡ broken trust prompts (28/01/24)
♡ six word dialogue prompts (28/01/24)
♡ five word dialogue prompts (25/01/24)
♡ family/found family dialogue prompts (21/01/24)
♡ stabbing/being stabbed prompts + dialogue (19/01/24)
♡ four word dialogue prompts (19/01/24)
♡ introverts falling in love (9/11/23)
♡ enemies to lovers + one bed trope PT. 2 (05/11/23)
♡ saying 'i love you' without actually saying it (02/11/23)
♡ first kiss dialogue prompts (14/10/23)
♡ responses to will you marry me? (02/10/23)
♡ fake lovers to enemies to lovers prompts (01/10/23)
♡ fluffy romance dialogue prompts (26/09/23)
♡ fluffy small gesture/things for couples (24/09/23)
♡ dying in each others arms prompts (17/09/23)
♡ fluffy comforting/sick dialogue prompts (11/09/23)
♡ responses to what changed? (06/09/23)
♡ comforting dialogue prompts (30/08/23)
♡ one bed dialogue prompts & reactions (25/08/23)
♡ fight and flight dialogue prompts (21/08/23)
♡ enemies except one has a crush prompts (15/08/23)
♡ exes to lovers prompts (13/08/23)
♡ blind lover prompts (11/08/23)
♡ comforting & helping their s/o after an injury prompts + dialogue (05/08/23)
♡ character facing being turned into what their magic is made of (30/07/23)
♡ sweet little romantic gestures for your characters (30/07/23)
♡ responses to “nice to meet you!” (25/07/23)
♡ responses to “you’re cute.” (24/07/23)
♡ two best friends seeing each other for the first time in years (21/07/23)
♡ summer holiday with friends prompts (20/07/23)
♡ you don’t love me the way that i love you prompts (20/07/23)
♡ new couple bonding over a kitten (16/07/23)
♡ marriage of convenience prompts (15/07/23)
♡ lighthearted first kiss scenarios (14/07/23)
♡ a gang of friends finding a ruined portal in the woods (14/07/23)
♡ clearly in love with their best friend, prompts (13/07/23)
♡ responses to “i hate you.” (09/07/23)
♡ responses to "i love you." (07/07/23)
♡ realizing their s/o is dead, prompts + dialogue. (02/07/23)
♡ the comedic friend realizing the two idiots are in love (24/06/23)
♡ comforting your s/o after a panic attack (19/06/23)
♡ workaholic character, prompts + dialogue (18/06/23)
♡ angst argument (11/06/23)
♡ comforting lover when they have a nightmare (07/06/23)
♡ finding out that your partner and/or friend is a demigod (05/06/23)
♡ going to sleep with your lover, prompts (04/06/23)
♡ grumpy x sunshine prompts (30/05/23)
♡ your s/o forgot who you are prompts (28/05/23)
♡ enemies/rivals to lovers in a marital arts academy prompts (27/05/23)
♡ responses to “i love you.” angst + fluff (25/05/23)
♡ academic rivals to lovers dialogue prompts (24/05/23)
♡ secret dating, writing prompts + some dialogue! (24/05/23)
♡ just some little romantic things i love, prompts (21/05/23)
♡ domestic afternoons with your s/o prompts (19/05/23)
♡ asking them out on a date fluffy dialogue prompt list (19/05/23)
♡ “what were we?” angst dialogue answer prompts (17/05/23)
♡ laying in bed with your lover, fluffy prompt list (17/05/23)
♡ enemies to lovers dialogue prompts (15/05/23)
♡ fluffy best friends to lovers dialogue prompts (13/05/23)
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
How to get into the mind of a character? Honestly this can be for your OWN character or a fictional character. I'm wanting to write for characters- headcanons and fanfictions- and I'm so afraid I'll write them so uncanny to how they actually are.
How to get into the mind of a character?
To get into the mind of a character, you have to understand that character, believe in that character, and even "live" the character's life. But we all know each individual is different, and we cannot live different lives. A normal person who grew up in peacetime cannot fully understand the hardships of a warrior, and a doctor cannot know the thoughts of a mafia boss.
So, how can writers create believable characters? How can they possibly offer a believable soldier, cop, detective, alcoholic, or any given character type if they themselves haven't lived as them? How can they possibly offer a believable character in a situation that they've never been in?
Here are some tips you can use to get into the minds of characters:
Tip 1: Observe real-life people
To create well-rounded characters, observe real people around you. Pay attention to their behaviors, mannerisms, speech patterns, and thought processes. Take note of how they express emotions, handle conflicts, and make decisions. Drawing from real-life observations can add depth and authenticity to your characters. You can also search for novels and movies with different themes, study how characters with different pasts, biographies, occupations, and personalities act, behave, gesture, and speak. The best way is to prepare a small notebook and a pen so you can carry it with you wherever you go.
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Tip 2: Create a detailed character profile
Develop a detailed character profile that includes information such as their age, background, beliefs, values, goals, and fears. Consider their relationships with other characters and how these dynamics influence their thoughts and actions. Delve into the character's past and explore significant events that have shaped them. Consider their upbringing, traumas, successes, and failures. These can provide you with a roadmap for understanding the character's mindset.
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Tip 3: Use internal monologues and journaling
Imagine the character's internal thoughts and dialogues with themselves. Consider what they might be thinking in different situations, their hopes, dreams, and fears. (And why do they dream of that? Why are they afraid of that thing? What in the past made them afraid? Always asking questions.) Writing internal monologues or journal entries from the character's perspective can help you delve into their mindset and gain insight into their unique voice.
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Tip 4: Consider their external influences
Characters are influenced by their environment, culture, and society. Reflect on how external factors such as family, friends, societal norms, or even the story's setting impact their thoughts and behaviors. This will help you portray their worldview more accurately.
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Tip 5: Study the source material
If you're writing about an existing character from a book, TV show, or movie, immerse yourself in the source material. Pay attention to their dialogue, actions, and interactions with other characters. Take note of their personality traits, motivations, and backstory. This will help you develop a strong foundation for understanding the character. For example, recently I suddenly became interested in Nightwing (do you know him? Nightwing from the Batman series!), and I wanted to write a few short stories about him. So I found all the comics and movies that featured Nightwing and watched them one by one. I don't take notes because I have a pretty good memory (especially for characters I like), but I still recommend taking notes on special things to note.
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Tip 6: Practice free writing
Set aside time for free writing exercises where you write from the character's point of view. Allow your thoughts to flow without judgment or editing. Just write, write, and write. You can reread and make corrections after you're done. Remember to gather your posts in one place; otherwise, you'll lose or forget them (like me!).
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Getting into the mind of a character is an ongoing process that requires continuous exploration and refinement. The more you invest in understanding your character's thoughts, feelings, and motivations, the more compelling and authentic your writing will become.
Additionally, you can read my articles on how to write an effective character here:
How to create a superbad villain
How to make a villain's appearance memorable
Basic questions for your character
Describing a villain's appearance in a natural way
Create an effectively past for character
Common character motivations
How to create a good main character
How to avoid the instance where a secondary character stands out more/ is more lovable?
Character flaws
Writing a good Anti-Hero
Character positive traits
How to write an elderly main character?
Protagonist who is a ballerina
How to write a believeable egotistical character
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
:-Soft moments that are just so precious-:
By @me-writes-prompts
Those nights when they come home late and see you asleep on the couch and they come, pick you up and tuck you into bed with a kiss on your forehead(WHEN WILL THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEE)
Them kissing you repeatedly when you do something cute and they can't hold in their aww
Those tight hugs they give you after coming home, and you just squeeze back and melt in them because they are your home>>>>>>
"I missed you so much, love. I wish I could teleport to see you." (yesssss)
Putting their foreheads together and just being content with each other's presence
Those slow dances in the kitchen while they cook together
^^"I could do this forever." "What, cook?" "No, you silly! I meant dancing with you." and then they laugh and pull you into one of the most passionate kiss ever.
Friendly debates that quickly end with them laughing at how ridiculous it was
Long walks, hand in hand, your head leaning on their shoulder(AHHH-)
Them repeatedly telling you they'll never leave you when you start to doubt everything
Kissing you, and then putting their hands around your neck to stay like that for the next seconds, minutes as you two get lost in each other.
Those little teasing moments when they're all goofy and you just skfsjhfksklj melttttt
Lying their head on your lap while they read a book, and once in a while peek from it and you give them a kiss on their forehead every time, because they are just so adorable
Giving you a head message
Them poking your cheeks when you smile because they think your smile is the best thing in the world
Hugging you from behind, and then taking that opportunity to tickle you
Those little head pats as a way of saying that they are proud of you
Bread cheeks that you can't help but pull on them
Them giving you puppy eyes that you can't resist and give them a kiss
When they pout because you don't give them enough attention, and they just come to you and cling to you like a koala
Making hearts with their hands when they catch your eyes and grinning widely(hehehehe)
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
@promptsh20 brings you:
“Can we just stay like this?” A deep cuddling prompt list.
Digging at each others clothing in search of skin to feel even closer.
Tracing scars and pressing into beauty/birth marks.
Quietly waiting for their breathing to sync.
The silent agreement to only speak in whispers and murmurs.
“I’m sorry, I’m probably suffocating you.” “No, I don’t mind. If I do happen to suffocate, just know I died happy.”
Pecks and nose grazes over all areas of exposed skin.
“Do you want to cuddle?” “Yes, a million times yes.”
The small inkling of panic that the other may leave when they shift positions and then the relief when that’s all it was.
Falling in and out of sleep holding each other and admiring the other while they sleep.
“I needed this.”
Shared excitement over the prospect of a cuddle session after a long day.
One throwing their limbs over the other and the other holding them in place.
“I don’t really want to get up. I’m so comfortable right now.”
Rubbing gentle circles over the other’s back/lower back.
“Is this okay?”
Resting their head on the other’s chest and feeling completely relaxed by their heartbeat.
“I look forward to this everyday.”
Holding and cradling their face to study it, perhaps noticing something new. Something else to love.
“It’s that time already?”
Neither moving for hours, unless it’s to give the other a kiss or to move closer.
“Do you want me to hold you closer?” “No that’s not it, ugh—I just want to curl up inside you. Is that weird?”
Setting up or prepping a place together for cuddling purposes .
“Cuddling has never felt like this. I honestly feel like I’m melting into a puddle and my brain is mush. Or is it just this way with you?”
Heavily doting on each other, feeling lucky seeing the other vulnerable like this, even just knowing them like this.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do anything that’s going to take away from the cuddling.”
Helping each other find a comfortable cuddling position, it doesn’t take very long.
If by any means the other has to get up, a series releasing and detangling ensues.
“Oh my god, your such a cuddle bug.”
Being so wrap up in one another they forget about important bodily functions for example, hunger.
“Ah, there you go. Safe and sound, hm?”
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
"You're blushing." Prompts
“You’re blushing.” “Yeah, so? Never seen anyone fall for your charm before?”
“Are you okay? You look a little…” “I’m fine!”
A tries to hide their blush from B by turning their head away, but the latter doesn’t let them.
“I can’t help it (when you look at me like that).”
“Are you actually blushing?” “No! Shut up.”
“You, uhh… You… Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you… I mean…”
A smiles fondly when B starts to blush and draws them closer, allowing them to hide in their embrace.
“Awww. Did I fluster you?”
“This never happened, do you understand?! If I find out you mentioned this to anyone, I’ll…”
It appears A made B blush, and in response their own cheeks heat up.
“Stoooop. Stop making me all…” “All… what?”
“Just admit that…” (e.g. you like when I look at you like that.)
A has never blushed when they asked that question/made such a comment before. (Before what?/Has something changed?)
“… You’ll never let me live this down, will you?”
A touches their own heated cheeks (, maybe to confirm that they really are blushing. Not that they didn’t already know.)
“Why am I blushing?!”
A and B try to figure out who can make the other person blush first/the hardest.
“I call bullshit. There’s no way you never blush. No way.”
“Months/Years later, and you still make me blush.”
“I’m not blushing. It’s from the cold.” “Yeah. Sure.”
“Sorry. I just... like seeing that I have an effect on you, I guess.”
“God. You look adorable/etc. (when you’re blushing).”
A is curious/confused/etc. Once, they easily were able to make B blush. Nowadays, it seems almost impossible.
“You’re blushing.” “So are you.”
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
How to write angst ?
@urfriendlywriter | req by @everynowandthenihaveacrisis @aidyaiden :)
know your character. from their deepest fears to what they cherish the most. know your deepest fear, ask yourself how you will react and feel at that moment. "oh shit, if this happened to me I'll lose my mind" what's that type of scenario for you? write it. :)
decide on the type of angst you are going for!
major, minor, physical, emotional, paranormal, spiritual, verbal, abusive, quarrel, misunderstanding, etc.
and then, decide on--what reaction you can take out of your character by doing what to them.
are they gonna be, held at a gunpoint to give something up? or have their soul wrecked by whom they thought were close to them? or is it going be horror, or etctec, decide on it.
moving on to actually writing it-
Tip 1 - Use sensory details.
her eyes brimmed with tears
his chest heaved
pain clawed at his heart, as his face twisted with hurt
his scream pierced my heart
her lips quivered
she dug her nails into her palms (to distract herself, to stop it from shaking, etc)
show what is happening to ur MC, instead of telling it.
Tip 2 - how to actually write it.
If they're panicking, make them notice too many things at once, show every detail that they're seeing, feeling, from touch, to that burning sensation on their eyes, the blood on the ground, that dryness of their throat, the buzzing in their head and their parted lips unable to trust their own sight, and--and, boom! have them register that they're really really in trouble. and that they've to act fast.
use short, very minimal type of writing for this. make it long, but not long enough that it feels like it's being dragged.
the readers should hold themselves back from skimming the page out of curiousity, they should be in their toes to find out what happens next.
what does your MC do in times of panic? do they chant calm down to themselves, do they get angry, or start crying.. or?? what makes your character genuinely feel an emotion so hard that they'll burst?
there's always something, someone that'll always give them love and easily can be that something or someone to take it away. yk.
Tip 3 - crying.
what is close to your character that u can deprive them of? will it make them cry? beg for it?
what will make ur character cry so hard, that their scream fills everyone's ear, stays in their minds like ghosts and always haunts them?
make a character who never cries, burst out with tears.
while writing crying, focus on the 5 senses, one after the other.
focus it on their breath, make them run out of breath, gasp for air, feel like they're being choked, cry so scrutinizingly. it shud punch the reader's gut.
have them replay what had just happened over and over again in their head
best books and writing styles (for angst) to analyse and learn from (in my opinion);
3rd book in the AGGTM series (yk it hit hard like a truck. it got me depressed in bed the entire time lmao)
Five Survive by Holly Jackson. The moments of red outside of the truck, and moments leading to it.
there's this book called " Warm by @untalentedwriter127 " in wattpad. the author served angst for breakfast, lunch anddd dinner.
and if there's more angsty ones, drop em in the comments! :)
Hope this helps, tag me when yall write a masterpiece! ;)
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
Different Ways to Describe Eye Colors
↳ a masterpost for writing prompts that describe eye colors
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Brown Eyes
Blue Eyes
Green Eyes
Hazel Eyes
Unusual Eyes
Gray Eyes
Heterochromia Eyes
Black Eyes
White Eyes
White/Silver Eyes pt 2
Hazel Green Eyes
Gold/Yellow Eyes
Reddish-Brown Eyes
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
Poison list
While it's important to approach writing with creativity and imagination, it's crucial to prioritize responsible and ethical storytelling. That being said, if you're looking for information on poisons for the purpose of writing fiction, it's essential to handle the subject matter with care and accuracy. Here is a list of some common poisons that you can use in your stories:
Hemlock: Hemlock is a highly poisonous plant that has been used as a poison in various works of literature. It can cause paralysis and respiratory failure.
Arsenic: Arsenic is a toxic element that has been historically used as a poison. It can be lethal in high doses and can cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and organ failure.
Cyanide: Cyanide is a fast-acting poison that affects the body's ability to use oxygen. It can cause rapid loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest.
Nightshade: Nightshade plants, such as Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade, contain toxic compounds that can cause hallucinations, respiratory distress, blurred vision, dizziness, an increased heart rate, and even death when ingested.
Ricin: Ricin is a potent poison derived from the castor bean plant. It can cause organ failure and has been used as a plot device in various fictional works.
Strychnine: Strychnine is a highly toxic alkaloid that affects the nervous system, leading to muscle spasms, convulsions, and respiratory failure.
Snake Venom: Various snake venoms can be used in fiction as deadly poisons. Different snake species have different types of venom, each with its own effects on the body.
Digitalis: Digitalis, derived from the foxglove plant, contains cardiac glycosides. It has been historically used to treat heart conditions, but in high doses, it can be toxic. Overdosing on digitalis can cause irregular heart rhythms, nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances.
Lead: Lead poisoning, often resulting from the ingestion or inhalation of lead-based substances, has been a concern throughout history. Lead is a heavy metal that can affect the nervous system, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain, cognitive impairment, anemia, and developmental issues, particularly in children.
Mercury: Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that has been used in various forms throughout history. Ingesting or inhaling mercury vapors can lead to mercury poisoning, causing symptoms like neurological impairment, kidney damage, respiratory issues, and gastrointestinal problems.
Aconite: Also known as Wolfsbane or Monkshood, aconite is a highly toxic plant. Its roots and leaves contain aconitine alkaloids, which can affect the heart and nervous system. Ingesting aconite can lead to symptoms like numbness, tingling, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, and respiratory failure.
Thallium: Thallium is a toxic heavy metal that can cause severe poisoning. It has been used as a poison due to its tastelessness and ability to mimic other substances. Thallium poisoning can lead to symptoms like hair loss, neurological issues, gastrointestinal disturbances, and damage to the kidneys and liver.
When incorporating poisons into your writing, it is essential to research and accurately portray the effects and symptoms associated with them. Additionally, be mindful of the potential impact your writing may have on readers and the importance of providing appropriate context and warnings if necessary.
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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dawnarowdite · 3 months
How to show emotions
Part IV
How to show bitterness
tightness around their eyes
pinched mouth
sour expression on their face
crossed arms
snorting angrily
turning their eyes upward
shaking their head
How to show hysteria
fast breathing
chest heaving
trembling of their hands
weak knees, giving in
tears flowing down their face uncontrollably
laughing while crying
not being able to stand still
How to show awe
tension leaving their body
shoulders dropping
standing still
opening mouth
slack jaw
not being able to speak correctly
slowed down breathing
wide eyes open
softening their gaze
staring unabashingly
How to show shame
vacant stare
looking down
turning their head away
cannot look at another person
putting their head into their hands
shaking their head
How to show being flustered
looking down
nervous smile
sharp intake of breath
quickening of breath
blinking rapidly
breaking eye contact
trying to busy their hands
playing with their hair
fidgeting with their fingers
opening mouth without speaking
Part I + Part II + Part III
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dawnarowdite · 4 months
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Puffer is cool guys idk
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dawnarowdite · 4 months
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Sorry for spam I forgot to upload these
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dawnarowdite · 4 months
cam i’m gonna bite your head off /affec
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posted this on twt too but krii7y as raven n beastboy 😝😝😝
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dawnarowdite · 5 months
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hi heres bfduo krii7y whatevs
just as clarification, i dont ship real people, when i draw these fellas i mainly imagine their personas / characters , never the real ppl!! i just wanted to mention this in case theres any mixups w the shit i post here , these r not the real ppl
cheers 😙
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dawnarowdite · 5 months
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part of the ship part of the crew
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dawnarowdite · 7 months
Damn haven’t posted anything in a while so here’s my sona!!
w/ and w/o background + color pallet
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