ddaroll · 3 days
ES S2 ep8
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ddaroll · 1 month
The MegOp charm is so cute!! Will you also sell this at the next Tfcon in Canada? :)
no, I don't have any plans for that, but thanks for asking :)
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ddaroll · 1 month
Hello! it's kinda late, but I've received a few messages asking if I could sell this online.
After the event, there are 5 charms and 7 stickers left.
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So! I'm thinking of selling this online. It's 5 dollars for a sticker and 10 dollars for a charm.
All sold out, thank you!
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ddaroll · 3 months
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Surprise! I’m at TFcon LA
If you missed my charms or stickers, come by the table and pick some up
Also Featuring
@ddaroll ‘s stickers and cutie charms
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@comicalcarnival ‘s plushies
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And @ju5t777 ‘s fun prints!
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Not only did I restock, but I also have new merch. Plenty of regular Lord Starscreams and bery limited pocket tees
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ddaroll · 3 months
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hi guys, i made some stickers and charms to fill the @cubeee11 's table on TFcon, you can find these lil fleas and Cube's amazing merchs at TFcon LA this weekend! thank you!
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ddaroll · 4 months
Looking for another mod(s) for the MegOP blog!
What we're looking for:
-Although some help on the tumblr side of things is good, we mainly need someone who's active on Twitter/X to share MegOP posts and to extend awareness of events like MegOP Week to that site
-Duties are basically just going on the MegOP tags on tumblr/Twitter to maintain a steady queue of MOP content. This generally only takes a few minutes a day to find and add new posts to the queue. There may be more posts to queue during yearly events like MegOP Week, but on a daily/weekly basis, this is a relatively small time commitment overall
-Currently in the Transformers/MegOP fandom and planning to be in it for the foreseeable future (we'd like to avoid rapid joining/leaving of mods)
-Making announcements re: MegOP Week and other events that are well-written: good spelling/grammar, friendly/polite tone, accurately represents the timeline/guidelines/etc.
-Communication with other mod(s) via Discord DMs to make sure we're all on the same page and dividing our tasks together, as well as asking each other clarifying questions on how to run events, maintain tagging systems, how to answer fans' questions about event guidelines, etc
-Willing to interact with online users to the extent of answering questions in inboxes, replies, reblogs, etc in a way that's polite and friendly to all users regardless of personal tastes
-Having an AO3 account and at least some familiarity with AO3's layout and functions (for sake of maintaining event collections)
-Bonus: If you have knowledge of graphic design to make banners and announcements for events, that would be really nice!
If you can do all of these things (particularly if you could run the Twitter side of the blog/events), please put your name forward in the reblogs/replies of this post or in the ask box! There's not really a formal reviewing process or period, it's pretty much just going to be me @lord-squiggletits looking at the users who volunteer, reading what they say their experience is, and checking pages to see if the new mod(s) seem like a good fit to work together as a team.
This post will be updated when the application period is closed and a new mod(s) are selected!
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ddaroll · 5 months
And they say they've seen too many unwoke manga/anime so they assume it's a coincidence when non-western authors have visualized something.
But hey, are all Western animations/comics awake? No, most of them are still discriminatory and dumb but that doesn't make you to call it a coincidence when you see something well-made western animations/comics.
then why do you call it a coincidence only for Anime and Manga?
What made you think you are more aware of neurodevelopmental conditions than world-famous/talented non-western authors?
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"—it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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ddaroll · 6 months
hello!! i was wondering if you're okay with people using your art for short videos set to music with credit (obviously alright if you don't want that). have a nice day!!
um, I mean some ppl already used my arts for their video, and I was just too busy to say anything to them but yeah I hope they didn't.
thank you for asking!
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ddaroll · 7 months
on your priv twitter, is it just a NSFW account for 18/21+ or totally private for friends? just wondering because I don’t wanna accidentally step over a boundary by following if it’s for friends only!
oh it's an NSFW account but I'm no longer accepting follower requests. thanks for asking tho!
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ddaroll · 7 months
mostly Megop [7]
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He visited another planet that Megatron fucked up.
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I don't think I should put the Starscream tag in just bc of this one lol
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ddaroll · 7 months
hi guys!
Thank you for the messages you sent. I can't answer them all, but I've read them gratefully. :)
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ddaroll · 7 months
I think one of the worst Optimus takes I see is when people try to make him evil in ways that don't make sense. Like idk someone claiming that IDW Optimus justifies war crimes because of The Greater Good when he literally doesn't and is in fact quite aware of when he does morally dubious things or is responsible/complicit in bad things happening.
It just annoys me because there are interesting ways to make Optimus problematic or to see him as problematic but no one can do it without making Optimus OOC or they do it in a really boring way.
Mostly it feels like it stems from an inability (or refusal?) to believe that morally good individuals can be responsible for bad things happening on a wider scale. Or even that a good intentioned person can cause harm on an individual level. It feels as if people have to make Optimus OOC "evil" (as in dumb, ignorant, committing crimes, not caring about others' well being) because they can't grasp the idea that he can be simultaneously good and bad at the same time. Or they have this idea that only bad people do bad things and if someone ever does bad things it must make them a bad person.
I don't know. No one ever seems to have this problem with other characters in Transformers so I think it's just a byproduct of people projecting their personal/political issues onto Optimus lmao
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ddaroll · 10 months
HELLOO Hope you having a good day! I just want to ask which pen do you use? (If it is annoying question sorry-)
no it's not!! but I'm afraid I'm not of much help, I just use a basic G pen brush(in Clip studio) with adjusted pen pressure.
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ddaroll · 10 months
Hello there...Have you seen the latest episode of Transformers Earthspark? What do you think? and how do you think that madman controls MegOp? and also tragically kill Karen? Oh god.. I've been going crazy lately!
Yes, I saw it! It was good, it feels like they've finished everything as much as possible, with season 2 production uncertain.
but for now, I only can make silly jokes about them so... I'm sorry that I can't give you a proper review alskdfjaskld It was good that their relationship seemed much more stable than I thought tho!
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ddaroll · 10 months
Holy moly megaop haves wonderful artist shippers and it's amazing!!!! I question, what do you use to draw?
aww thank you!! I usually use Clip studio paint, and Photoshop sometimes
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ddaroll · 11 months
How do you draw bomber Megatron? 😭 I cried every time I saw you draw it, and I tried but it looks like 💩
actually, it's harder for me to draw other megatrons.
His chest is too square, too broad-shouldered, and the shape of his waist is… kinda unique to draw.(don't get me wrong, i do love his shapes!!)
but Bomber megs? oh, all i need to draw is just a hourglass dfjkljk
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ddaroll · 1 year
Mostly Megop [6]
I've been too busy lately, so I'm gonna post a little earlier those fanarts cuz I don't think I'll be able to draw fanarts for a while.
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a doodle for my headcanon!
IDW Optimus has relatively thick square thighs because he often jumps from high places so I think he needs thick legs to bear his weight.
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fanart for Squiggle's fanfic . peak sex comedy
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somehow Megatron's Holoform in MTMTE feels like All Might in MHA to me.
I mean, he thought of himself as old and thought Fool's Energon was really an effective drug. I think that those sentiments were probably reflected in his holoform.
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they are doing typical asian parenting (this is that kind of joke) so i won't translate it lol
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"You've won a war and you think that elevates you."
The most underrated line of cyclonus
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