diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Lately I've been really obsessed with Lalisa Manoban, so I'm going to leave you with some thinspo I have of her.
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Anne.
I try to be strong, I really do, but every road I take seems to lead to you. Do I still think you're pretty? Of course yes, every time I think about it you seem to be the best option..
I am in a black sea of ​​bad decisions and despair, painted with a shimmer of hope and joy. And I don't know how to get out, every time I try you stop me, you, you, you, it's always you.
I can't go on anymore, I know perfectly well that you are going to destroy me, or that you will try to, but I don't care anymore.
Yes, I will probably be in a yes and no fight with you, but I prefer that to letting myself fall without having fought with everything I have.
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Thinspo babe 😔🤙
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Ana.
Some thinspo:
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Ana.
I just came to drop off some thinspo. <3
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Anne.
Maybe it was because of the constant separation from my parents, maybe the mistreatment of my brothers, maybe the beatings, the fights, the shouting, the teasing. Did making me feel bad made them feel better?
I think so.
So, now I am here, in one more post in which I describe why I want to stop eating, because yes, I have not stopped eating. I think that is called wanarexia, I had already explained it in another blog.And I really don't want to stop eating, I just want to be thin, is that too much to ask?
Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that, here I leave the thinspo beautiful people:
Bye. <3
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Ana.
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Why are you like this? Deceitful, cowardly, lying, envious. You've shown you can be my friend, and still destroy me along the way, I guess you never were.
You have hidden yourself well, telling people that they should not tell others that they are your friends, how could they, you would lose them all. You have social networks, generations, images, all of that at your fingertips. What else do you want?
Anorexia, you can be the friend of whoever you want, of a poor teenager without self-esteem, of an adult woman tired of being physically the way she is. How far do you want to go than the people you have in your power are not enough. How many more souls do you want to possess?
Having someone else's life doesn't give you life, you know that right? You are a damn, you only think of yourself. And you've fooled me too, I've fallen for your games, but that didn't last long. Bad luck.
I stopped eating, became obsessed with counting calories, banning food, over-exercising, isolating myself from everyone. Thinking that it was alright, you made me believe that we were friends, i still think about it a little, i still want to fall for you, because it's so easy and comfortable not to try to be okay.
I guess that's why people believe in you, because you promise them colors and beauty, when you only take away everything good they had.
You're a fucking bitch, and you know what? If I fall, I drag you with me.
Bye. <3
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Ana
I came back bitches.
Anyway, I had taken the "healthy" path, I don't know how to put it in terms of anorexia. But, I regret it, it is so, HEALTHY. God, so I decided to go back, this time, I will go on a diet ... restricting certain foods and eating as little as possible, since it is not possible for me to completely stop eating.
Anyway, did you miss me?
By the way, I take the opportunity to ask, Does anyone here wait for the premiere of through my window?
Leaving that aside, I am learning to count calories, and I write down everything I eat in a notebook, I don't trust myself to write it here, not because of you but because my mother may check my cell phone. Lately she is more focused on me, which is silly because the one who needs attention the most is my brother, he really needs help.
But hey, they're not here to read about my family problems, are they?
I will tell you how I came back to this, if you are interested, keep reading, but it only happens at the end of the publication I like to leave some thinspo.
I really think this is like an addiction, I deleted and installed Tumblr about three times. At last I was able to get this account back. I love her.
I also discovered that I am wanarexic, in short they are people who are not anorexic but want to be, only that they feel satisfied with their weight loss. That I am, literally that describes me. And although if I would like to stop eating completely, I cannot:
1. Because my brother is here.
2. Because it scares me.
3. Because I'm a fucking greedy.
But hey, I love Tumblr, I love thinspo and I'm not leaving here unless I die. Or that someone force me lmao, pray that that does not happen.
Anyway, they know I'm using a translator so if I'm wrong about something, an apology.
Now I'm leaving, for today.
Bye. <3
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
I couldn't update yesterday because of Tumblr. I don't really know what happened, but I had to write the post twice, and try to upload it more than three.
Anyway, here I am today.
Diary of an Ana.
I told a friend about my condition, now I think it is a mistake,because I realized that I really need this.Yeah, it might be shit, but I need it. It's probably the only thing that makes me feel better and I don't understand why. Alone, now I won't be able to, because she knows it. And she said that she will support me. Anyway, maybe he will continue to do it secretly. Only it will be a little more hard.
My brother arrives on Saturday, tomorrow, and it will surely be much more difficult to stop eating then. Any advice? Well, continuing with the topic. He is an idiot, do you know how difficult it is to bear that your mother thinks that your brother is the perfect son and you are only you? That is, as if comparing myself with my brother would make me reconsider and think about being better. Of course not! Shit! Why can't you think a little before having children?
Is that, read, my mother had three children, my brothers and me. And God, it seems that the oldest was the luckiest, my mother many times treats us as if we were her slaves, and then she says it is because of her traumas from childhood. As if it was my fault that her parents didn't love her! My God, it's serious, think carefully before having children.But hey, after that, there's my aunt, my mother's sister. She has two children, a boy and a girl, and they seem to be the luckiest because they have both of her parents, but still They feel bad. And finally there is the youngest, my aunt E. When my mother had her first child, my aunt E was 10 years old. Shit, 10 years! Was a girl.
And my aunt E also has two children, A and K, we will call them. Poor children. Her father was an idiot. He cheated on Aunt E with more than one woman. Then of course because no woman can stay single for more than a day Aunt E found herself a boyfriend.
Do you know what happened to A and K? Poor children, the oldest is going to enter secondary school and the youngest is about 7 years old, and neither of them knows anything! I don't mean that they don't know anything about school, no, I mean they don't even know how to wash up, or clean their room. And they don't even have a condition like Asperger's or autism.
Poor children.
Anyway, back to the subject of my anorexia. I don't think I can go through with this. I do not know, I say, of course I will continue to publish, but I do not know if I will be able to stop eat.
Well, I say goodbye and I hope that this can be published now yes.
Bye. <3
PS: thanks for reading me.
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
Diary of an Ana.
Yesterday I discovered something, something terrible, she watches me. She is waiting for me to fall into her trap, although I do not intend to, but she is very cunning. You know what I want, I just want to be slimmer.
I feel like all my problems are going to go away if I'm thin, it's that GOD! Why did you make me suffer like this? Ana is smart, every morning she makes me check my cell phone, hoping to see skinny girls who make me feel inferior so I can stop eating, but you know what, that's not going to work. FUCK YOU.
I will not fall for your game, you will not be able to with me. I have lived things worse than your traps, so you will have to do everything possible to end up with me.
Oh by the way, I also have bipolar disorder. :)
Anyway, now I will tell something that I also wanted to say, I think so. I hope no one makes fun of me. Okay, well, I discovered that I do this, to avoid my mental problems, my physical problems, family and school. Is that, Ana makes me feel so good, even if I'm hungry, it's so .. ahhh
I have problems, of course, but who does not have them? A few days ago, this week, I read or heard from a social network that sometimes the people who are most prone to ammm, have anorexia and or bulimia are people with traumatic.
It's what, just look at the fucking world we live in. God, a woman can't go out without feeling bad, school sucks, everyone focuses only on himself, and believes that everyone Come and let me know. I don't care what you're doing, I just want this shit to end.
Yes, I have childhood trauma, which is normal. They already know.That your parents treat each other badly, that your mother does not care about you and makes fun of you in front of your family. Let your older brothers hit and tease you. That at six your older brother I wanted to have fucking sex and I made you do it. That your other brother threatens to hit you if you don't shut your fucking mouth. And after that, you grow up, and everything is more shit.
Then you realize that mommy is shit and that daddy is cheating on her with her clients. And you stay with him at his work, of course you have a cell phone to play with because you're already grown up.And daddy's client comes along, so he locks you up nicely in the dentist's office, He goes up with his client, and thanks to the fact that God gave you a good ear, you hear about half an hour later you hear a screech,of course it is him. So because of your damn curiosity you decide to leave the office to hear what the hell, after that because of your nerves you have to go to the bathroom. BUT WITHOUT MAKING A NOISE.
After you get out of the bathroom you go back to the office and when daddy has finished he lets you out. And you kindly say goodbye to the client. And even though dad seems to be a respected nutritionist, he's a fucking sick man. And then when you go up to his office you can see that on the stretcher he usually uses there are shoe stains equal to the ink he uses with his to make them look clean. But not only that, there are also lipstick marks, and that woman's hair.
Of course something like this can trauma to any child.
Now dad is no longer with me, he did not die, no, he left home as Mom always wanted. I think now I have better communication with her. Even if it is somewhat impatient.
Anyway, that's the reason for my eating disorder. Cute. I think that this is how far today I come, I can't think of anything to write about.
So, I'll drop some thinspo, and go.
Bye. <3
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diario-deuna-ana · 2 years
So, diary of an Ana. I guess the girls who like to watch thinspo know what I mean.
I'm not really going to fall into Anorexia because it seems serious to me, I just want to stop overeating, even though the name of the newspaper is Ana.
I hope to comply with that.
There is only one thing that I have to clarify before continuing with this, and that is that my mother tongue is not English, so I use a translator. So if I make a misspelling and it turns out to be offensive or something like that, I apologize.
Diary of an Ana.
Well I'll start with how I got into.
Although the truth is that I don't remember it very well, I only know that somewhere, platform or internet app I found images like thinspo and I liked them a lot, So I went to the comments and a person asked where is it that the author of the post got such descriptive and beautiful images.
So, I kept reading the comments, and I came to one that said: 'look for them on Tumblr, there you look for thinspo and you get a lot of images.' I obviously wanted to know what images appeared, because the ones in the post were really cute. So I went to Google, and I looked for Tumblr, then I went to their search engine, and there I looked for Thinspo. What I saw was beautiful, I really feel like I have an obsession with it. But there were girls so thin and cute. So every day I started wanting to see more, until a descriptive image appeared of everything that people with anorexia eat in order not to eat so many calories and not die.
There was a can of soda, gum, energy drink, and green tea. So, I have to admit, I got a little scared, and I thought, 'How can they eat so little?
Really at that moment after getting scared, I thought I was eating too much. Just think about it, for breakfast, either I had a sandwich for breakfast (with too many things), or it was egg and toast and a coffee and bread, or a typical meal from my country that also has a lot of calories.
Then I was scared of myself. How is it that a person can eat so much just for breakfast? Ah, because on top of that, I had to watch my two older brothers eat, and eat and eat, without putting on a single gram. But that's another story I'll tell later.
At that moment my obsession with thinspo and bonespo began. I think everything was going well, as long as they were pretty girls who seemed to be able to be models. You know, those who work out and look great, with sports clothes, long legs, a top, a bottle of water, and your cell phone. This is how life's problems are solved?
Think about it, you are doing something that you like and in which you look incredible, you take a photo of your body, upload it to ig, Tumblr, facebook, or any other app. And they all like it because they know what you're beautiful.
I really don't want you to look psychotic but I'm so envious and obsessed with them at the same time. Even when I enter I can see them there. Although in ig they are even more beautiful. OMG they don't seem to even make an effort to see each other.
I hope I'm not the only person who hates them. Oh, and I think I have already made it clear, the only clue of my identity that I plan to give, I am a woman. Why are most women always concerned about their appearance?
It is as if God, in addition to punishing us with periods and labor pain for having eaten the fucking apple, does not It would have been enough and he also wants to punish us with this. I hate it so much. Anyway, this is taking a long time, so now I say goodbye. And I'll leave you a thinspo for reading my diary. Hope someone reads it. TT
By the way, the images of the girl. If they go to you and search, douyin girls will appear many similar girls. They are thin, therefore they are pretty.
Bye. <3
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