doggobreebree · 2 months
Caregiver!MLP X Little!MC Part 2
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The prompt: They are your caregiver. (You are gender-neutral)
∘₊✧──Derpy──✧₊∘ ~ Would blow bubbles with you while eating muffins at the park. ~ Even with her crossed eyes she would try her best to read to you and have you help her read. ~ Loves to color with you and draw. She would put your drawings and coloring pages on the wall and fridge. ~ Knowing how it feels to be picked on, she is overprotective of you and doesn't let anyone pick on you. ∘₊✧──Luna──✧₊∘ ~ Has one of the night light projectors with the galaxy that she would turn on and watch with you for a while with a music box playing. ~ Is the best at singing nighttime songs and has the softest blankets. ~ She would play games with you during the day instead of doing her work on some days since she doesn't fully like doing her job. ~ Anytime you bathe with her, she makes the bubbles star-shaped. ∘₊✧──Celestia──✧₊∘ ~ Always wakes you up early and makes the best breakfast, normally pancakes or waffles with fruit on and/or in it. ~ She uses magic to entertain you, making things glow that doesn't normally, making stuffies move around, putting on different voices to talk for them, and so on. ~ Takes you on walks all the time and has picnics with you. Even taking you to dog parks ~ When it's time to sleep she cuddles you in her bed and makes sure you feel safe and sleep on time so you can see the sunrise in the morning. ∘₊✧──Cadance──✧₊∘ ~ Makes heart-shaped cookies and lets you ice them. ~ Is always able to calm you down and when people start to fight around you, if they do, she calms them down so you don't get nervous. ~ Dances with you to the music in the kingdom, if ponies look weirdly at you, she tells them to leave you alone! ~ Is always playing with and brushing your hair.
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doggobreebree · 2 months
Haha, yup? thumbs up I guess? ^^'
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doggobreebree · 2 months
Devil May Cry CGs (Middle Space 7-12)
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The Prompt: They are your caregiver
₊✧──Vergil ──✧₊∘ ~ Has asked Nero how to use a controller so he could play games with you, also lets you win until you say he sucks then he goes all out and wins everything after that. ~ Give you energy drinks but only when you go to the park and lets you break the rules of the park, then helps you run away from anyone who tries to stop you(Cops probably for vandalism) ~ He buys you the good 2000-1990s toys and plays with them with you, even if he doesn't know how to just make you happy and motivated. ~ Definitely lets you listen to music that has cuss words in it even though Lady says he shouldn't do that.
∘₊✧──Dante──✧₊∘ ~ Shares his pizza with you and shows you how to scam for pizza, but tells you it's only for pizza and you know that's a lie and a half ~ He protects you when a demon comes into the shop and even lets you shoot it with guns as something fun since it seems to happen so often. ~ He prank calls Vergil, Nero, Trish, and Lady with you. ~ Is 100% the laid-back dad who lets you do what you want but is quick to protect you for anything so he is watching over you like a hawk since he wants to keep you safe.
∘₊✧──V──✧₊∘ ~ Would read to you before bed while playing classical music in the background to help you sleep. ~ While he is sitting he would let you play with his cane but keep an eye on you to make sure you don't break it or break something else or hurt yourself. ~ Shadow would play with you and curl up to you while you sleep, more like a comfort animal for you while V isn't around and Griffon also watches over you and would talk to you about games you like. Nightmare would sing to you. All while V isn't watching you he lets his Familiars watch after you. ~ V would draw and write stuff with you.
∘₊✧──Nero──✧₊∘ ~ Makes sure you eat actual food and not just Pizza all the time as well as drink water during the day and before you go to bed. ~ If he sees someone bullying you for your middle space he pulls you away from them and then when you aren't looking beats them up for you. ~ You would show him how to skateboard and laugh at him when he falls off the skateboard.
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doggobreebree · 2 months
New Little Space Video! Enjoy!
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doggobreebree · 5 months
First YouTube video?!
I just made a video for all you Littles, Middles, and Caregivers waiting for a package or your first Paci or just wanting to see what can be in a box you might get in the future!
Please enjoy and follow them on TikTok!: https://www.tiktok.com/@mooremb85
None of the TikToks or Music is mine!
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doggobreebree · 5 months
hi! Sorry if u already have something like this but could you make hcs abt a cg!Mammon and a mostly nonverbal MC? I would appreciate it if MC was transmasc or gender-neutral! Tysm!!
Awww this is such a cute idea! I can do that! ^^ I do have some other ones to do first but I will get to this I promise!
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doggobreebree · 5 months
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doggobreebree · 6 months
What is coming up? (12/7/2023)
Hi hi, little ones and/or caregivers!!!
So I know I haven't posted much lately and I do know I got some things to do still from requests and don't worry! The requests are being worked on, I promise!
However, there is more I have planned! Like more boards like the Luke Regressor board I made as well as more Blink!Caregiver X Little!MC!
Things that will be coming up? ~ Black Butler!Caregiver X Little!MC ~ More Regressing StimBoards (Obey me) ~ MLP Regression StimBoards ~ Fully Drawn MoodBoards/Outfit things
Things in the works as of now? ~ MLP!Caregiver X Little!MC Part two ~ Obey me!Caregiver X Little!MC Part two ~ MLP Gen3!Caregiver X Little!MC
I know a lot of people are in the Little Space(2-6 maybe 7) but there are some people in Middle Space(7/8 to 13) so I would like to do some Middle Space stuff, however, I do want to know how you guys would feel about that. So, please let me know!
Don't forget my Ask box is open as well as DMs!
Thank you! Can't wait to share the stuff I am working on!!! (=^u^=)
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doggobreebree · 7 months
Can you do the other mlp alicorns? And maybe discord?
(I can’t ask for my agere side blog srry)
Of course, I can! ^^ I will do it along with Derpy, How does that sound?
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doggobreebree · 7 months
i loved your mlp caregiver post, i was wondering if u could include some of the g1 characters in your next one, like spike and gusty! or g3 kimono, sorry for being so specific
I am so happy you like the MLP Caregiver post! As someone who grew up with Gen 4 and was born in 2005, it was part of all of my childhood! However, I don't know much about Gen 1 to 3, If you could give me a list of names, I will look them up to make them as close to the character as I can. ^^
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doggobreebree · 7 months
Could you do derpy as a cg next?? :3 /nf
Of course! ^^ I have a few others in mind that will be with her so I hope you are excited to see it when I am done >.< /pos
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doggobreebree · 7 months
Caregiver!MLP X Little!MC Part 1
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The prompt: They are your caregiver. (You are gender-neutral)
∘₊✧──Twilight Sparkle──✧₊∘ ~ Prints out activity pages and gets activity books with colored pencils so you have something that will be fun and help you learn while in little space, even if it doesn't help you learn. ~ Lets you hug Smarty Pants and even lets you play with them. ~ Plays a music box to help you relax and even fall asleep to it with you. ~ Gives the best story times and reads to you often, even encouraging you to read at some parts. ∘₊✧──Rarity──✧₊∘ ~ Makes you cute outfits to wear while in little space, she would also make your paci look amazing and make you a stuffies. ~ Takes you out on a jewel hunt and lets you get a little dirty so you can have fun digging up the jewels but she gives you long baths after to make sure you are clean since she doesn't like dirty. ~ During bathtime, she lets you pick out whatever bath boom you want as well as a hand full of toys and what bubble bath soap you want in the bath. ~ Her cat really likes you and she would take pictures of you and Opalescence. ∘₊✧──Fluttershy──✧₊∘ ~ Cuddles with you and lets you cuddle with her animals from bunnies to bears, they would all be kind to you. She would make sure that Angel was nice to you! ~ When you are outside with her she gives you animal facts on every animal you see in hopes you would enjoy it. She normally gets giggles from you when she says some words in a funny way to make you laugh. ~ Sings you to sleep or if you are having a bad day she sings a song to try to make you feel more calm and relaxed. She would rub your back and hug you while rocking you back and forth during this. ~ Gives you hay sandwiches, salad, and would even take you out to Sugarcube Corner. ∘₊✧──Rainbow Dash──✧₊∘ ~ Puts you on her back and flies around Ponyvile high in the sky, when you tell her to go faster she would only speeds up just a bit so you don't fall or drop anything. ~ Falls asleep in clouds with you under her wing and keeps storm clouds over you so you aren't in sunlight fully so you can sleep better. ~ Always making jokes and playing games with you, trying to put her pride aside so you can win some of the games as well. ~ Sometimes she lets Pinkie Pie join her in taking care of you but always has her calm down a bit so you don't get overwhelmed. ∘₊✧──Pinke Pie──✧₊∘ ~ Even though she would give you tons of sweets to eat and even joins in on eating them with you, she makes sure you brush your teeth and to help you want to do it she does it with you. ~ When you are sad or upset she takes a step back and calms down, she tries to figure out what was wrong, what happened, and how the two of you can fix it. ~ Lets you play with Gummy and even if he was a baby with no teeth she makes sure he doesn't bite you. ~ She plays Kids Bop for you and dances with you while you both listen to the music. ∘₊✧──Applejack──✧₊∘ ~ Let's you help her work on the farm by making a game out of catching and counting the apples so it doesn't feel like work and you get your energy out. ~ If you got hurt she would bandage you up and kiss over the bandage to make you feel better. She would also cuddle with ya until you felt better. ~ She would make you apple juice, apple pies, apple sauce, and other apple things so you don't get hungry or thirsty while you are little. ~ Her dog and you play around sometimes when she is working, when she isn't working she plays games with you and walks you around Ponyvile. Who should I do next? Remember, my ask box and DMs are open if you need someone to talk to or if you have a question! (=^u^=)
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doggobreebree · 7 months
Luke Obey me Little Stimborad
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A small idea I got for a Luke Stimborad! I wanted to do one I don't think many people do so, I hope you like ^^ Remember, DMs and Ask box is always opened! <3
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doggobreebree · 7 months
Caregiver!Obey Me X Little!Mc
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The prompt: They are your caregiver. (You are gender-neutral)
∘₊✧──Luficer──✧₊∘ ~ He is very strict with the rules he set up for you; making you go to bed on time, making sure you eat and drink water, not letting you eat sweets before bed, etc. ~ He will take time off of his schedule to make sure you are happy and taken care of. ~ When he is working he will set up coloring books, puzzles, and toys for you to play with so he can work. ~ Doesn't let his brothers know that he will cuddle with you until you fall asleep while in and even sometimes out of little space to make you feel small.
∘₊✧──Mammon──✧₊∘ ~ He would spoil you with everything you wanted as long as it wasn't too much Grimm, even stealing small things for you. He would even buy some small things for himself without telling you or his brothers. ~ He would take you out for ice cream and a day to the park and any demon that would look at you weirdly, he would try to scare them off without you noticing. ~ He would help you annoy Luficer while he is working and get away with it for the most part since you are in little space, but sometimes he gets in trouble for it, but never in front of you. ~ He would get you head pats and hugs as often as he can without making you uncomfortable since he wants to show love but only when you two are alone. He doesn't want his brothers to know how much he cares about you. ∘₊✧──Leviathan──✧₊∘ ~ He would let you sit in his lap as you two watch kid-friendly anime shows way past your bedtime inside your pillow blanket fort the two of you. He would even let you pick the anime from the list, even if he didn't like it that much. ~ He would print out game and anime coloring sheets for the two of you to color while listening to anime music. If he got done before you he would let you watch him play Minecraft or Frogger while you finish coloring. ~ He would preorder different stuffies and onesies for you and him as well as any new good kids' books that come out. ~ He would play dress up with you all the time and didn't care if he had to wear a dress since it made you happy. He also will drink angel milk with you before bed.
∘₊✧──Satan──✧₊∘ ~ When the two of you are alone he will let you curse in little space all you want but won't curse himself. If the two of you are around his brothers he won't let you curse at all. ~ He gives you cat stuffies, coloring books, toys, and even ears to wear. He even lets you bite on his arm. He even puts on the cat ears when you ask him to. ~Just to make his brother Lucifer mad, he lets you eat ice cream before dinner unless he is the one cooling that night. ~ When he takes you out, he holds your hand and stays very close to you, getting you small things you want and taking you to cat cafes and petting zoos. ∘₊✧──Asmodeus──✧₊∘ ~ He would play dress up with you but unlike Levi, you two would put on a ridiculous amount of jewelry and he would do your make-up. You two would go out like this and even if people stared at the two of you, he would tell you it's okay, they are just jelly, making you giggle. ~ He would brush your hair and give you a bath with a pretty bath boom, candles, music, and toys while he plays kid shows from his D.D.D. ~ If you started crying he would hug you softly and start to hum lightly to try to calm you down. He would then wrap you in a blanket, give you some ice cream, and give you your favorite stuffed animal, talking to you as if he were your stuffie and moving him as if it was alive to try to cheer you up. ~ He would be the one to design your paci with glitter and charms on it. ∘₊✧──Beelzebub and Belphegor──✧₊∘ ~ Beelzebub would make you food that you wanted and would even share some of his food with you. He would make sure your bottle/sippy was full and that you ate and drank water every day. ~ Beelzebub would carry you on his back everywhere the three of you went as well as give you hours back rides around his and Belphie's room. ~ Belphie and Beelzebub cuddle you every chance they get, you have normal nap times and Belphie loves watching kid shows with you and loves watching you play games with Beelzebub. ~ Belphie is the one that normally wakes up to your nightmares and helps you calm down by singing you a song and Beel wakes up and joins him, sending you straight to sleep again. They try to make sure you sleep and eat well. Should I do Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon next?
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doggobreebree · 7 months
Hello! (=^u^=) Just got here today!
LIKE or REBLOG if you’re an ACTIVE SFW AgeRe / Little Space account that is 18+ (Big age NOT content!)✨
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doggobreebree · 7 months
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I am DoggoSage, DoggoBreeBree or just Bree Bree! I go by They/Them, He/Him, It/It's, and Rarely(Very Rarely) go by She/Her! This is my Little Space Blog! My other blog is for more mature things and I don't want to put little stuff or anything like that in the normal blog. I will be posting my little art, animations, games, and just other little stuff! If you need someone to talk to or want to ask something, my DM and Ask box is open! Hope we can all be Friends! (=^u^=)
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