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occasional posts from users
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AO3 is down so I’m reorganizing my Spotify playlists
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When a chronically ill or disabled person gets their lab tests back as “normal” or all clear, we aren’t sad because we WANT to be sick.
We’re sad because we *know* there’s something wrong with us, yet the scans still stay clear.
Before you kill the monster you gotta know its name.
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Why do i have no recollection of Taylor swift being in Hannah Montana The Movie?? She’s just… there… but only for a minute???
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All I’m saying is that if they made a streaming platform that only has Barbie content… I’d subscribe
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Ok I’m finally watching “Barbie Big City Dreams”
Mattel making a character named Barbie Roberts and having her be a black girl is very healing to my inner child but besides the current point.
Brooklyn Barbie and Malibu Barbie are so girlfriend coded. We love to see it
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I have been thrust into the Chronicles of Narnia fandom with only the info I have retained after watching the movies years and years and years ago
Meaning I know next to nothing but what I DO know is that Susan Pevensie deserved better
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People who feel the need to publicly hate on something or trash something that was clearly not meant for them are weird to me
Like you don’t have to like it but why are you going out of your way to let people know you hated it?? Or maybe give some actual criticism rather than just saying it sucks and spewing unnecessary hate
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Y’all i dont know what happened but my Twitter TL today has just been people saying how they didn’t like how the Barbie/Ken relationship was written in the live action. Like?? How did we get here?? I thought we all agreed that the movie was a masterpiece??
Don’t get me wrong. I love the goofy relationship Barbie and Ken have in other media. I think people also forget that in Life in the Dream House Ken and Barbie aren’t just friends. They are boyfriend and girlfriend. There is a whole episode where Ken realizes that his only purpose in life is to be Barbie’s boyfriend. And Barbie and Ken have a different relationship depending on the show/movie
Like I don’t think these people misunderstood the point of the movie I just think they wanted something the movie wasn’t necessarily trying to portray. But personally I thought the whole movie was well done and I wouldn’t change anything about it
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I think people forget that trauma isn’t a competition. I’m guilty of this as well. I always feel like my issues don’t matter bc other people have it worse than me. But that doesn’t make my issues go away. It just makes me feel worse.
People are always going to have it worse or better than others. That’s just how our world works. I don’t think it’s fair to tell someone they aren’t allowed to complain about an actual issue they are facing that is causing them major distress that they aren’t allowed to speak on it because “other people have it way worse and they need perspective”
Like is it douchey to go to someone struggling and complain that your maid didn’t clean your mansion well enough? Yea it is. But to tell someone who is depressed and going through a difficult time that there are people starving so they need to “gain perspective” just bc they are better off is so incredibly insensitive
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I saw another post about the Zepotha thing on tiktok and I wanted to throw in my two cents.
At first I was confused why everyone was just saying the same thing and then I was mad when I found out that it was supposed to be a joke about a fake movie or tv show or whatever the fuck.
It reminded me of Goncharov and how differently tumblr users handled that trend.
I think the thing that makes me so mad about the tiktok trend is that it’s so unoriginal and so unfunny it’s actually infuriating. Especially when the creator of the tiktok thats receiving comments like this also doesn’t understand what’s going on. Every other week there’s a new trend on tiktok of a bunch of people spam commenting some random “inside joke” phrase and they think it makes them cool. And when someone kindly explains that zepotha isn’t a real thing they get all defensive and nasty.
What would be cool and funny is if the fandom or the creator has an inside joke or a phrase that the fans say or comment because then everyone is in on it and it’s like a community thing. Like commenting some random comment on some random tiktok isn’t funny.
The thing about goncharov that made it so great was that EVERYONE was in on the joke (on tumblr anyway). Everyone could participate. Everyone was adding their ideas. It was collaborative and it was fun and everyone was right.
Commenting “you look like _____ from zepotha” on every tiktok you see and then refusing to include people in on the joke isn’t funny and it’s not cool.
Like I don’t want this to seem like I hate it when people have fun or I hate trends or whatever. Because I don’t. I literally don’t care what you do for fun and I love trends. But you don’t have to be mean about it when someone is trying to understand/learn more. If your version of fun is telling this inside joke and then actively excluding other people and getting upset when someone explains the joke I think you need to reevaluate.
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“It’s literally impossible to be a woman.
You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow, we're always doing it wrong?
You have to be thin, but not too thin, and you can never say you wanna be thin. You have to say you wanna be healthy, but also, you have to BE THIN.
You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass.
You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean.
You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas.
You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time.
You have to be a career woman, but also, always be looking out for other people.
You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is INSANE, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining!
You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood, but ALWAYS STAND OUT and ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL. But never forget that the system is rigged, so find a way to acknowledge that but ALSO, always be grateful!
You have to never get old. Never be rude. Never show off. Never be selfish. Never fall down. Never fail. Never show fear. Never get OUT OF LINE. It's too hard! It's too contradictory, and nobody gives you a medal or says 'thank you!' And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault.
I'm just so tired of watching myself, and every single other woman tie herself into knots, so that people will like us.
And if all of that, is also true for a doll just representing a woman, then I don't even know." -Gloria the barbie movie
this is it. this is exactly it oh my god.
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the thing that gets me about about barbie is that barbie land wasn’t even purposefully a matriarchy, barbie land came about because of the way little girls were playing with their barbies, it wasn’t created by mattel it was created by the people using the toys, so the fact that the barbies ignored the ken’s and had girls night every night wasn’t because they had some bias against him, it was just an accurate depiction of how kids play with barbies. I had some ken dolls as a child and they were essential to the plot in the sense that of course my barbie has a boyfriend because that represented the world i saw around me, but also he didn’t have any purpose in my dream world because i was only interested in what the girls were doing because they represented me and how i wanted to be, I wanted girls night every night I wanted the girls to be president and austronauts and not because of some inherent feminist idea but because I was a girl and I wasn’t thinking about boys, ken was an accessory. this movie wasn’t made to change the world but it showed a different perspective than what we usually see which I thought was fun. Men don’t have to be the centre of all our stories and its not even because we hate them, sometimes we’re just not thinking about them
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I’m constantly reminded of the necessity to keep things to myself and some things are better left unsaid
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The Bob Ross documentary on Netflix is actually so sad. Greed really is such an ugly thing
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