dragonheart-swtor · 1 month
every personal conversation my agent has with vector just feels like
vector, with gentle genuine concern: ...bitch you live like this??
and it's cracking me up so much. yes. caringly drag him bug boy he deserves it
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dragonheart-swtor · 2 months
I really wish friendship was acknowledged in SWTOR. I mean, to an extent it is, but Bioware seems more interested in the player character being a hero or villain and in romantic relationships. I watched a video of a male trooper reuniting with Jorgan in KOTFE, and I can kinda understand them not hugging, because Jorgan is a rather stoic guy unless you’re a female trooper who romanced him. But Timothy Omundson did a good job of making Jorgan seem, you know, happy to see his CO return. But I’m really nervous about the female Sith Warrior reuniting with Vette(as well as male Warriors who didn’t romance her but treated her well). I just have this sinking feeling that it’s just going to be a “hey, how you doing, it’s been 5 years”. GDI, Bioware, she adores the Warrior that treats her well. Promise to help her find Twi'lek artifacts? “You. Are. The best.” Convince her not to get even with a Hutt? “You saved my life. You know that, right?” A hug is a hug. I want to see Bralova hug Vette. When (light side) Jaesa returns, I want Bralova to hug her too. I want D'leah to hug Kira, shit, even Scourge, when they return. Gault isn’t a romance, but fuck that, let him hug or at least fist bump a Bounty Hunter Outlander. Just because you’re not married(in the game at least) to someone doesn’t mean you don’t care about them. Let’s see some friendship action here, Bioware.
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dragonheart-swtor · 3 months
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Showing off this one in the next Dark Council meeting for sure
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dragonheart-swtor · 3 months
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SWTOR + text posts - part 2
part 1
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dragonheart-swtor · 3 months
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
Qoritwaiyut = immortality (metaphorical), the period someone’s deeds are remembered in legend, the state of being a ghost, lit. “the act of not ending”; may be written as a common noun when religious connotations are not present
Qoritwaai = ghosts (euphemistic), lit. “those who do not end”; roughly equivalent to calling faeries “the Good Neighbors” or “the Gentry”
we’re having a good time in the Sith linguistics department tonight
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
So if anybody's wondering what I've been writing lately. this is what ate my brain. we're not talking about how many hours steam says I've sunk into the video game this snippet is about or how many words I've written about the various ocs I created because of it. we are NOT. Spoilers of the mildest variety for the Sith Inquisitor storyline of SWTOR, and there is a thing in here that just says "cool name" in brackets because it's not at all important and right now i just need to share something of what i've been doing without worrying about making up ancient sith names or whatever. anyway enjoy the archaeological besties vibes
She must have come from a Dark Council meeting; Darth Imperius swept in in a flurry of deep purple robes, her overlarge epaulets threatening to clip a shelf of fragile artifacts before she saw Talos wincing and veered away.
“What is the point of having me in charge of research and history and ancient Sith artifacts if they are going to drag me away every five minutes because some idiot Republic soldier thinks they’ve found a new superweapon? Honestly. Marr can handle this on his own. Or even get that new Sith, Arkous, on it considering it’s his job and the bastard hasn’t even been to one Council meeting. I have work to do.”
She paused, looking at Talos with an expression a little more like a lost child than he’d ever admit.
“I do have work to do, don’t I?”
“I have been studying several possible sites for the lost tomb of [cool name], and have narrowed it down to these three locations – my Lord, are you all right?”
“Fine! Why wouldn’t I be?”
Talos weighed his options. Should he tell her she was swaying slightly? She looked exhausted, but to say that in front of their subordinates would potentially undermine her.
“Perhaps this would be best to discuss in the conference room,” he said. “We can make the projections much bigger in there.”
“Of course,” Darth Imperius said. She narrowed her eyes at him, as though she knew it was a ploy to get her to sit, but they both knew this way she saved face. Talos took another risk.
“May I offer you anything as we go over the project? A drink, perhaps?”
“You’re bordering on obsequious,” she warned him with a petulant roll of her eyes. “But do. You know what I like.”
Talos wasted no time in preparing a mug of what was more sugar than caf, an indulgence his dark lord never admitted to out loud but which was clear enough to all those who’d spent time in close quarters with her. She took the cup from him and cradled it to her chest for a moment, her stiff outer layer of clothing lying discarded on the floor behind her as she slumped in her chair.
“The Dark Council gets progressively more tedious every time I attend,” she grumbled. “Effecting change, my ass.”
Talos coughed to hide a laugh. “My Lord.”
She smiled as she sipped her caf.
“Show me what you’re working on,” she requested, leaning forward to get a better view.
They discussed the prospective dig for a while, weighing the pros and cons of sending teams to all locations versus simply scouting them out. In war, even archaeological digs could be shows of power, and sending Reclamation teams to each site would be one – but did they have the manpower to protect such efforts? And would digs at the two non-tomb sites provide enough to justify it? They were all historically important locations, likely to have much to offer, but that was an academic’s view. Sith Lords had to seek out Sith power, specifically.
“What do you think?” Darth Imperius asked finally.
“The wisest use of our resources –“
“No, Talos,” she cut him off. “What would be best, or most fun, from a historian’s perspective?”
“My Lord,” Talos said. He glanced at the projections again. Three ancient structures, where hundreds of people at some point had likely lived and worked. Yes, a Sith Lord had once taken over one of them and built their tomb underneath it – but all three sites could reveal so much of the past.
“All three?” she said when he looked back at her. She was smirking, but gently.
“It would be an opportunity on a massive scale,” Talos admitted. “Especially given the chance to compare findings across three such similar sites.”
“Well, there you are, then,” Darth Imperius said. She stretched her arms above her head. A few assistant archaeologists passing by the conference room window paused, staring obviously at her frame. Talos sighed as Darth Imperius winked at them, rolling her shoulders back to push her breasts forward.
“My Lord,” he said reproachfully.
“What? They can look,” she said. “Anyone stupid enough to try and get involved with me, it’s better to find out now while they’re still junior.”
“It takes a great deal of time to train them,” Talos said. “Especially to your standards.”
“I’ll play nicely,” she said fondly, relaxing once more and taking another drink of her caf. “I always do. Has Ashara been in today?”
“She and Xalek are working with the new holocron,” Talos said.
“Together? Alone?”
“After the Incident, I took the liberty of installing surveillance and alarms in the holocron room,” he said. That had been unpleasant. Ghostly possession wasn’t anything new, of course, and it was hardly her fault, but Ashara had still felt terribly guilty about the damage to the building. “Should something go wrong, we will be alerted immediately.”
“Lovely,” Darth Imperius said. “I’d say that maybe they’ll come out as friends, but that’s too much to hope for.”
Talos again coughed to hide his laugh. He had one more thing to tell her, but he didn’t want to bring it up. He never did.
“There is one other matter, my Lord,” he said. “The newest shipment of slaves.”
Darth Imperius sat up, her face cold.
“I told them not to send us any more,” she said.
“Unfortunately, it seems there is a legal provision for it,” he said. “It requires a change in the charter. As it stands, I took the liberty of freeing them already, claiming it was on your orders.”
It was an egregious overstep of his power. Anyone would be well within their rights to shock or even kill Talos for it. He knew what Darth Imperius’s reaction would be, yet he tensed anyway.
“I am… most grateful,” she said softly. “Have you arranged anything for them?”
“Those who wished to leave are being given a credit stipend from the stores you set aside for such purposes,” Talos said. He wondered now if Darth Imperius had given him the power to withdraw money from there for just such an occasion. He’d been flummoxed at the time, but then of course it would all be part of her long-term plan. “Many have asked to stay on with your division.”
“Talos –“
“I made no such suggestions,” he said hastily. “But you command loyalty, as always, my Lord. Why should they not choose to follow you of their own free will?”
She laughed softly, shaking her head.
“They will be undereducated in our affairs,” she said. “See to it that they’re given a proper grounding in history and archaeological techniques.”
“I have already drawn up a lesson plan which awaits your approval,” he said.
“Thank you, Talos,” she said softly.
“You are quite welcome, Exchei,” he told her.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
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Panorama of the Dromund Kaas monument.
This took far too much time to compile, but it was worth it.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
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SWTOR + text posts
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
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The 2024 SWTOR Ultimate Guide of Guides is out, with more than 3,300 guides made by players in the community. It's a thorough compilation of valuable resources contributed from all corners of the galaxy., found over on @swtorista 's site.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
I can and shall rewrite the official fiction that offends me.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 months
anti jedi this, pro jedi that. gain some nuance and understand that the jedi are not without flaws, they never have been and never will be, but that does not make them condemnable. they are not perfect but they’re not some sinister and evil order. they’re people. they’re literally composed of people who are bursting with a power that is incomprehensible to the rest of the galaxy. there are layers to the order that some of you cannot possibly begin to fathom
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dragonheart-swtor · 7 months
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SWTOR as text posts, part 2/?
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dragonheart-swtor · 7 months
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“Now you have a taste of blood”
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dragonheart-swtor · 9 months
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the force ghosts compelled me to post this
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dragonheart-swtor · 11 months
The ending to the Sith Inquisitor storyline where the Inquisitor keeps the spirits bound to themselves is objectively the best ending if they're going to continue being Dark Lord of the Sith.
It just makes sense in every conceivable way.
You're now Darth [Nox, Imperius, Occulus], Dark Lord of the Sith, and Most Honourable Councillor Sphere of Ancient Knowledge of the Council of Dark Lords. It's known that membership to the Dark Council can sometimes last months if not days. Regardless of your wants, you are now in a very dangerous position, because you've got any ambitious Sith Lord within your own sphere (who undoubtedly has had more experience than you) looking to bring you down: more if your policies are distinctly unpopular.
Meanwhile, as a Sith Lord, you've only had three years, minimum, worth of experience. We can fudge the numbers a bit for the sake of headcanon. I personally think time at the Sith Academy lasts up to three years, so my 'Quisitor would have six years worth of Sith-ly training under their belt.
I don't know about you, but having just bound several spirits of Sith Lords long since passed, granting me a possible form of immortality, on top of whatever enhancements the Mother Machine and the Forbidden Gormak Ritual entailed, sounds like a good idea to just... keep them.
Also, also, you now have several Sith Lords bound to you: you know, experienced Sith who could logically give you advice about how to act as a Dark Lord and Councillor of the Dark Council? Sure, they might not have any direct experience, and depending on your relationship with them, it might prove difficult to get the advice in the first place, but it's still invaluable knowledge to covet. Also, you might just be able to force the spirits to comply?
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dragonheart-swtor · 11 months
I know that the “and what do you think your agent does in the name of the republic” line on yavin iv was supposed to be a cool gotcha about, like, torture and interrogation and ~republic hypocrisy from marr to satele
but in the context of an agent romancing theron? pure comedy
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